THE WOODPECKER. Art llnenuui, oiwrKior. mtwwncor In rota. Kince climhins In no Hotflpar, Ami, boyltk. tlioiwaiiHt play the imtmurf ftmB.ll minion k.u.t.l.. .11 ..... -,.A. . Iboti il(UHtil. wiuoy. wily wmripM-ket-l Rkp-iap-lap-UkpI In tiie Utp of the old oU My bean, utaort Mill- matnaffs then for OH. . Oh.curlona, wild wood telfttrrapberT Kaivtapl n bat, hive Lbo muitf in length and Doei lint mwui orrow, Uwn, the world orrow Uivoa liclitnln epeerb tbai trllteU. ilAl-ikpl rat-taiv-ui-ra-rftp.tap-tapl iluldl are ilu chargm all preimtd. Kwlrapl -An. . MUcliell in Oliluatfu Newa. THE RING OF GOLD Martin Daly had become disocranured. Like many another miner in the far west, be bad made money and loet it, bad prospected (or mines, found ore and been cheated ont of hia right, had grown poor and ill, and hud thrown him self under a tree, careless whether he lived or died. The great anowy monntain peaks and the rich verdure bad lost their attraction for hiin. He had hoped and been disan- porated bo many time that he had come to believe himself unlucky; that be uonld never possess a dollar; that there waa neither happiness nor borne (or him. He had seen better days. His large dark eyes, hla broad brow, bis well baped mouth and chin bespoke refine ment in the years that were gone. He baa been well educated, bad tried many thing and (ailed in them, not from lack of energy, not from lack of iudmnent but hia (ate seemed to be an adverse one. He had done many good acts, bad al ways helped bis brother miners, had tried to look on the bright aide of life. bad fought manfully and been defeated in the battle. He bad imagined some times that tbe clonds had a silver lining. but the storms always came sooner or later. He meditated thus as be lay un der the tree, and finally, more dead than alive from want and exhaustion, (ell asleep. : Two men passed along nnder tbe brow of the mountain, by the tree. They were tall and straight and from their dark hair and skin it was easy to perceive their Indian blood. "The white man is dead," said one of the men aa be bent on his knee beside the sleeper. "No, there is a twitching of the eye lids," said the other. "He is pale and -sick. 1 will take bitu home and Mimosa will care for him." , Tbe conversation, carried on in a low tone, awakened tbe miner. 'Come with us and yon shall have tood and shelter, said the friendly In dian. Scarcely able to bear his weight Mar tin leaned upon the arms of the two men, and soon found himself in the humble Indian cabin. "Mimosa, here is a stranger. Take care of him. Red Cloud never left a hu man being to die. He will get well, and then we will send bun back to bis peo ple." A shy, pale Indian girl came forward and did as ah was bidden. She did not speak, but looked very pityingly out of ber fawnlike dark eyes. When Martin bad been placed in the simple bed she prepared food for him and fed him as though he were a child. Day by day 1 came and went, speaking little, but doing gently the things which only a woman's bauds can do. After a time tbe miner, still a young man, gained in strength and began once more to hope for a successful future. "Mimosa," be said one day, "I owe my life to yon, and if I am ever rich I will come back and reward you." "I shall miss you," said the girl shyly. "But 1 want no money. I shall be happy because you are well again and happy." "1 shall yet find gold. Mimosa. 1 used to think I should be rich, and then I be .. -came poor and sick and lost heart Von wear a ring on your finger and some times a chain about your neck, both of beaten gold. Did the metal come from mines near here?" "My father gave them to me," she re plied, and nothing more could be learned from her on the subject "Would yon care, Mimosa, if I wore the riug until I went away? Perhaps I can find the place where the gold came from." - " You may wear it till yon come back mch," she said smiling. Days grew into weeks, and tbe time drew near (or the miner to say goodby to the girl who had become bis comrade as well as deliverer. Tears filled her eyes as they parted. "Von will (orget Mimosa," she said. "Mo, I will bring back the rtng, and yon shall give It to the man who makes you bis bride. I shall never (orget Rod Cloud nor bis daughter." . Btrong and hopeful again, Martin took tip lite, obtained work and believed onoe more that he should find gold. 8o sweet and blessed a thing Is bops, giving luster to the eyes and quickening tbe flow of ' blood along the veins. But he missed the Indian girL The pines on the snowy mountain peaks whispered of ber. The evenings seemed longer than formerly; the conversation -of the miners leas interesting. He was lonely He was earning a fair living, but of what use was money to him if he was to feel desolate in heart? Mimosa was not of bis race, but she bad a lova ble nature. He remembered that she looked sad at his going away. He won dered if she ever thought about him. If she had some Indian suitor, wonld she not wish (or the ring again? He would like, at least to see the man and his daughter who had saved his life. He would carry back the ring. Abl if he knew where the gold in it came from. perhaps be could indeed become rich, and then who could make him so happy ts Mimosa? Months only Increased the loneliness In Martin's heart He was becoming dis couraged again. He even began to fear that Mimosa was married, and bis soul awakened to a sense of loss. He would go back just once and see her, and on his journey back he would sit for a half hour nnder the tree where Red Cloud had found him. "What ails Martin?" said one miner to another. vHe must be in love no fun in him aa in the old days. Going to qnit camp, be says." After Martin had decided to go to tee Red Clond. his heart seemed lighter. If Mimosa were married he could at least show ber his gratitude. And if she were not? would be very restful to see her once more! He started on his journey. Tbe (nil moon was rising aa he neared the old tree, where Red Cloud had found him. As be approached be was startled by a white figure. He turned aside for a moment, and then went cautiously opto tbe great trunk. Two dark eyes f nil of tears gazed np into his eyes, at first with a startled look and then with a gleam of joy and trust "Mimosa," be exclaimed, and clasped the Indian girl in his arms. "Why are yon here, child, at this time of nightr "1 came here to think of you, Martin, and the moonlight is so sweet and com forting. The green trees and the moun tains tell me of you." "1 have brought you back the ring. Mimosa." "And are you rich yet? Yon were to keep it till you were rich," "No: but I would be rich, perhaps, if you would tell me where tbe gold in the ring was found." "My father gave it to me," she replied quietly. "Mimosa, would you love me if I were rich?" - "Perhaps 1 should be afraid of yon if you were." "Would you love me if 1 remained poor as 1 am now?" "Yes, always." "And if 1 became sick and could not care for you, what then?" "J wonld care for you, Martin." "1 have brought back the ring, Mi mosa, that you may give it to the man who shall make you his bride." "And wonld you like to keep tbe ring yourself, Martin?" "Yea, dearest" They went back to tbe borne of Red Cloud, happy because promised to each other in marriage. After a quiet wedding Mimosa said one day, "Come with me, Martin, and 1 will show yon where the gold in thering and the necklace were found." Not very far from the tree where the miner bad lain down discouraged Mi mosa pointed out the shining ore. tbe spot known only to the few Indiana. "Mimosa, there is a mine beret This gold is tbe ovtcroppiug of the veins I shall yet be rich, my darling." "W ould you surely love me as much. Martin, if you were rich?" "I would give you everything your heart desired." "And not go into an eastern country, and be great, and forget Mimosa?" "Never! With a happy heart Martin Daly took bis pick to the mountains. Tbe shining ore opened under bis touch. His claim each day showed more value. He had, indeed, become rich through the ring of Mimosa. Years have passed. Two thousand dol lars are taken each day from the mine. Tbe children of the Indian girl, educated, gentle as their mother and energetio aa their father, are in a handsome house. Love in that home has kept as bright as the gold in the mountain, Sarah K. Bol ton in Independent lnstlnet Id Roots. There seems to be an orderly In stinct in roots that cannot be accounted for. When the seed sprouts and the stem starts upward to make the trunk, one bud pushes down into the earth to form a top root What it is that gives the order for one to push up and one to push down is incomprehensible. But, more than this, while the ton root is de scending deep into the ground, as if to anchor tbe tree securely against wind ana storm, other roots start to grow hori sontally just beneath the surface of the ground. These surface roots are at first but mere fibers. When the autumn ar rives, and the leaves fall, most of these fibers die also, leaving only a few to live over, and these become permanent sur face roots. We know why some live to become permanent roots, as against Abe thou sands which die. We say they are gifted with greater vital power. They were able to get more nutrition than the oth ers, and nutrition to some extent means vigorous life but in what way this or dering of some roots to go down as an chors, and the others to spread out near the surface where food is, to act as feed ers, is just as deep an unsolved problem as it was hundreds of years ago. Thom as Meehan in Philadelphia Ledger, 1 lie Mr)int'H Venom. A physician while talking with a group of frit'utts remarked: "ll is common to hear people speak aliotit poiHonous serpents. Ser pents are never poisonous: they are venom ous. A poison cannot be taken internally wimout ono enects: a venom can. Ven oms to be effective have to be injected di rectly into the circulation, and this is the manner in which the snakes kill. Their venom taken internally is innocuous." Aew urleans Tunes-Democrat. Kancy Mltfnon, After her bath one day, when Mignon saw that her maid had turned her back, she began playing with the water. "Take your bancis out o the water, Mignon. You know it is forbidden to play with your bath," said the maid. "If you had paid attention to what you were doing, you would not have seen me," answered tbe lit tle minx. Brooklyu Eagle. . HOITT'8 OAK OHOVB SCHOOL. , Millbrae. Ran Mateo oountv. Cal. Ktim. ber of pupils limited, A tirst-class home school for boys. Accredited at the Btate universtiyouneBianiora university, nil term opens August 1. Catalogue ori appli cation to Ira a. Hoitt. Ph. 1) . Master (Kx- Btate Superintendent of Public Instruc tion!. Poet Yon always say my odes and ballads are too lona, but what do yon think of my dts tichsf Bditor Just the same they are too long. KCOENKKATION. To secure a normal and regular tissue change throughout tbe body use Bui- dbith's Pats, This tissue metamorphosis consists in constantly proceeding waste of tissue and its regeneration. Bbandrbth's Pills are the best solvent of the products of disintegration of the tissues, and in crease their elasticity. They are an altera tive and eliminative remedy, which allay irritation ana remove obstruction by aid ing nature, and are of arreat benefit in cases of temporary and habitual constipation, torpid liver, biliousness, headache, indi gestion, rheumatism and diseases arising irom an impure state 01 me oioou. Brandrkth's Pills are purelv vegetable. absolutely harmless and safe to takeatany Re What a charming young woman ! 8be speaks on every topic with equal ease. Hhe A matter of itavum, my dear. Iter grandfather was a barber. RUPTURE AMD Plt.Bg CUKID. We positively rare rupture, plies and all rec tal diseases without psta or detention from busi ness, No cure, no pay. Also all Private dis eases. Address for pamphlet Drs. Porterfleld 6 Losey, siS Market street. Ban Fren&soo. A man doesn't necessarily have to be a first- class athlete in order to play a strong game of rjse Enamellse Stove Polish; no dust, no smell. for rPaip. T-i auu raiDS of rJeasK 9 'August Flower" " For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said my stomach was worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food. On the rec ommendation of a friend I procured bottle ot August flower, ltseem- ed to do me good at once. I gained strengtn and nesli rapidly. I teel Dow like a new man, and consider that August Flower has cured me." Jas. E. Dedtrick, Saugerties, N.Y. HAVE 1TCHIW0 PILES known by molittrH lists per pi ration, cauine intona lLuiiiuf whiD warm, Tni form and BLIND, SJJOJCUINti or ?UOTJilI)Uta XIL2& T1KLD AT ONCB TO DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, wlik'tj tw( directly on prt ttfeatod, ftbsorb tumor, llye I talons, off eating fjpernmirntoui'. Pride Boo. IruKglnts gr imvl. .Uf.i5oQko,Ftiiladiplu,ifc YOU GOT PILES Jl n nTfirri'ii' CmmmbIItm sVDd people who hive wfttk lungi or AatLv mft.ihuu.duM Ptto'tOuralur OonBiimptlon. It bat cured tfaouMAdt. It bM not injur ed one. It it not bad to tak. Ills tbe taatouuicntrrup. 6oM flverrwber. & N. P. N. U, No. 4WM8. F. N. U. No. 676 SB DKCIDKDLY BIIAKY. A trcmhlliifr hnnd. mi muwtnin ton fldimtf. ncss, indlcilod by miilnt nhifthiK front one pla. or pool ii re to mmthpr, umihIIv muntril an noynnre nl unexpected noised, are among the siiditiMtfoitH of extreme nervousnem. These worn trilihiK, lint the health of men and women hi miBromiiuon ia tiecHlediy stinky," liable .re ..iciiHKinii iiinnnirouBiy oy causes wim'ii the vigorous niinht di'fv. To fiirtifvthn tmr. vmis i ftynU'm general vigor must, through the ii.r.itum ui minorceu (iigetion atid a renewal of nn inuifltri'd iwnvpr of nidt.iiiin nt tiio-hi lu. raised to a healthful mandard. A rim rail tee of um m iioHieiter d moinrteb Hlttera, whieh re cstahlfKhes digestion, bile leerctton and the habit of body on a permanently remular hfluls, thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, which is followed by a gain of strength and nerve .rami utility. For kidney complaint, rheuma tism, ileum lgfa, and a a preventive of the first attack or siibBCfnieut return of malririal disor der, th ia medicine in without a peer, Thrice daily take a wineglaHsful. "Whftt dfii NrtO M Atwilft i-iiri Fi-ioafa tn ttvsmt herr "lio la half dead." .. There Is more catarrh in thia seeiloa of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Ineurable. For a groat many years doi'tors pro nounced It a local disease and preBcribtd loeai remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment Trronouiiwil it iiifiirh)o Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and tht-relore requires constitutional LcvKiiueni. utiii Buaiarrn uure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio, in th nniv constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from tendropstoateaspoon- ful. ItBCtsdirectlvon tho hnrut inii ir.,inl,ai surfaces of the .system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. 6end for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CH KNKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists; 75centa. Tar Qirjiia for breakfast WHO DOKSN'T KNOW Frfd T. Herrill. the Pioneer Bicycle Dealer of this coast He is reliable. Write bim-Fortland. Or. Hood'sCures "My troub e bean with Inflammatory rheu matism in my left leg above the knee. As result of poulticing a running tore formed, audi I was In a terrible condition. In about six months my physician removed a piece ot bone, I ail the time suf fering ?reat pain. 1 could not stand on my leg and was obliged to walk with a crutch. 1 bought half a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla, and soon after X began taking it the sore stopped discharging and healed np. I threw away my cane and cruch and can walk as well as ever. All my friends know how I used to suffer and I am so thankful to Hood's SarsaDarilla for my perfect cure." Charles W. HiUtt, W. Patrii k street, Frederick, Mi Mood's Pills Curs hick Headache. MPC WlnKiniV'C SOOTHINQ IIIIIUi milULUII U OTRUr - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING rrMlebTilUrl-U. tt& Ceats a tuttla. -AND Publishers r J write to PALMER & REY TYPE HOW OUR WHFy m PRINTERS aITchMedR $150 for a BICYCLE. tW Oar customer had one justasood, and he bonpht it for U5S8 THAN HALF thfl nHf. hia fi-ipnrl UaA nuiil I IT Vll uiiut a rawfci cm i, ' Art .h: r " -ooi n i"ii,r riinmic.j, WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. '..-.A"' Ossoos, Jsniiary RHKJlMATIHM and my youngest bciy cured entirely ol INFLAMMATORY RHBU. MAI IM when the best doctor I could get did him no good. Yours lu Kralltuaa. MRS. N. V. KMtKLS. BOLD BY YOUR DRUGGIST THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN BREAK VICTOR, RAMBLER, CLEVELAND and WESTERN WHEEL WOKKS BICYCLES IS WiTH AN AXE. FRED T. MERRILL, The Pioneer Denier of the Pacific Coast, mam store at 326 Wastuniiton street, sells the bebt and most reliable machines made in Amer ica. Over WW new and second-hand Cycles for sale or trade, cash or on easy payments. Write linn before you buy. 62-page illustrated cata logue iree lor me asKlnr. Full stock of Bicycle Sundries ami Suits, and fine UepaN Baking Ovens, etc. LIVE AUISNTt) WANTEO KVEliyW LIKE A TfflEF M TI1K NIQHT, Con sumption comes, A slight cold, with jour system in the scroful ous condition that's caused by impure blood, to enough to fasten it upon you. That is it time when neglect and delay are full of danger, Conaumntion ia Lunir . Bcrof ula. You can prevent it, and you can cure it, if you havWt waited too long, with Dr. Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery. That is the most potent blood-cleanser, strengtb refltorer, and flesh-builder that's known t medical science, For every disease that has to be reached through the blood, like Con sumption, for Scrofula in all its forms, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs, It is the only guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. : The proprietors of Dr. Rage's Catarrh Remedy know that their medicine perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it to you, Uiey make this offer t If they can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, they'll pay you $500 in cash. FISHING TACKLE viflHTffinr at FOB Rods, Reel, Lines, Hooks, Leader. , no., ot me rinest quality. -BEND TO THE 11 HUDSON MMS CO., 93 First St., Portland, Or. Send lor catalogue. . YOUNG MEN! The Specific A No. I. Cores, without fail, I1 cases of Sorr wf and Uleet, do matter of how lone Btaiifiliig-. Prevents stricture, It being an lu ternal remedy. Curea when everyUiiuji elM has failed. Bold by all Dnigsrfata, MuiiufacturerB; The A. H-hoen hef Medlcta Price, as.. Ctx.Ha&Joae.Cal. THIS IS THE TIME TO order your BUMMER ROLLERS. Yon want the best; that's th. only kind we deal In. Then send your order lor the BEST ROLLERS and INKS to PALMER 4 REY TYPE X'DKY, Postund.Or. 11 mi We have for sale cheap on easy terms: 1 new 8-column folio or 6-column quarto Improved Country Campbell Press. Also 1 new 9-column folio or 6-column quarto Improved Country Campbell Press; both complete. Also 1 second-hand Country Campbell Press; will print 6-column quarto paper; 1b guaranteed to be in per fect condition. ; These presses run easily by hand; will do all-round work; hand presses or other machinery taken in part navmflnt.. Tf YftTT k....:. - . u s it csa.i v eg) urn u wlJi. F'DRY, Portland, Or. mm m n him tuit ur nun y i a-n run NORTH PflK CYCLE CO.. I DEALER IN Bicycles, Portland, taoowa. balbm. 10 I oan state lth pleasure that byth. ass of with !, oomiilete witl