The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 07, 1893, Image 2

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    B. I. KIKKP&TBICK. Vabllaber.
A Chinaman Ordered Deported
Tnder the Geary Act.
Xeaolntious Adopted in Opposition to
the Caniinetti Mining Bill
, Biea Borax Deposit.
Water n flowing into Salton Lake, and
it may be nltea as it was two years ago.
The new borax claims found in the
Calico Mountains are said to De very
A conservative estimate of the estate
of Senator Stanford places it over
A rich borax deposit has been discov
ered in Nevada about sixty miles from
Wong Sip Ken, a Chinaman at Xos
Angeles, has been ordered deported un
der the Geary act. .
Serious trouble with the Cheyenne
at Fort Keogh, Mont., over the attempt
ed arrest of an Indian is reported. .
Bids for the coDStroetion of the jetty
at the entrance of San Diego Bay have
been published by the government offi
cials. ,
Sacramento is to have a supply of
pure, clear water. Two or three com
panies will bid on specifications ordered
by the City Trustees.
J. P. Eagan, special traveling agent
for the Travelers' Insurance Company
of Hartford, Conn., for the Territory of
New .Mexico, has been swindling people.
The Yuma Indians have raised a good
crop of corn on the river bottoms this
vear, and their crop of wheat and mel
ons will keep them in good living until
next fall.
The contract for the erection of a new
citv hall in Salem will be let to Hutch
ins' & Southwick for HiM0- The plans
were somewhat altered, reducing the
original bid $4,2o3.
Sheriff Kay at Visalia, Cal., now keeps
the wards of Evans and Sontag locked,
and the guards of each man will remain
inside with the wounded outlaws, beside
having a guard outside.
The jury in the ease of Mrs. H. M.
Johnson, who sued the Southern Pacific
Companv at Canon, Nev., for damages,
caused by the death of her husband,
obtained a verdict of $25,000.
The Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce
has adopted resolutions indorsing the
Denver, Salt lake and San Francisco
railroad proposition and encouraging
the efforts of Salt Lake capitalists in
that direction.
James Lamareaux of Idaho Falls, hu brought suit in the Fifth
District Court aeainst the F.nsor Insti
tute of Pocsteilo for to.OOO damages,
' because it tried and failed to cure him
of the liquor habit.
The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency
report forty-seven failures in the Pacific
Ktt and Territories for the past
week, as compared with twenty-five for
-the previous week and twenty-three for
the oanesponding week of ltftS.
At a meeting of Mayor Ellert and a
number of citizens the other night it
was decided definitely to hold a mid
winter fair in San Francisco, and it was
rin-idedto place the matter in
charge of a committee of eleven to be
appointed hereafter, ine cuniiumee
will meet Manager Comely upon his
.mnl from Chicago, and with him
beein actual preparation for the enter
nrfae. Much enthusiasm was mam-
icsted at this meeting, and a spirit of
confidence was shown that money can
be raised, sufficient interest enlisted
and all things necessary De ooue, even
; ohnrr. time between the present
and the close of the Columbian Exposi
tion to make the fair a success.
A gentleman of Olympia, Wash., has
conceived the idea of utilizing the water
power of Tumwater, a suburb, in gener
ating electricitv for the work of dredg
ing Olympia harbor and redeeming the
tide lands. At low water the falls at
Tumwtr produce ,Whare power,
and a proposition for the utilizing of
this power has been made to the com
pany controlling it. The officials of the
dredger company have asked the light
and power company for a formal prop
osition to furnish SJO-horse power by
electricitv with which to finish tbeir
rjvernment contract in the harbor.
r. for the harbor improvement
are elaborate as proposed try the Harbor
Line Commission and approveu u; iue
War Department. The area of re
AomvA ind will extend to the end of
the long wharf, a distance of about a
nine from uie city injui, mHs u
nt ahnot six blocks at the eontb
end and tapering to about 1,000 feet at
the end of the long wharf. Surround
ing this will be a reserved strip of 300
leet tor piers. 10 me wwi tn m "
be the harbor proper. Extending down
the west side of this redeemed land will
ran tha Northern Pacific track and an
avenue 150 feet wide. On the east side
a water-way is proposed, with a iWO-foot
reserve for wharves and mill and manu
facturing sites. The Tumwater water
way will anord deep water a mile be
, woi'id Capitol Point, whew the new
; .fetateliouse a to be built.
Superintendent Stump has decided
that alien emigrant cattlemen must pay
'a head tax and are subject to the laws
as regards inspection, unless mey are
regularly employed on the vessel as
helpers. . ,
The eoast-defense shin Monterev will
be officially accepted, and the Navy De
partment will assume control 01 uer iin
uiediatelv, paving over to the contractors
allot the reserve fund that has been
held up as a guarantee of the comple
tion of the vessel.
The United States government through
Secretary lireeliaiu has declined to act
as arbitrator between France and Siam
in the dispute between those countries
as to the jurisdiction over territory near
Siam. The intervention of this govern
ment was asked by Siam.
A statement prepared bv Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue Miller shows
that the collections of internal revenue
for the eleven months of the current fis
cal year amounted to 145.tj82,H, an in
crease over the corresponding period of
the last fiscal year of (7,457,403.
Vpon the recommendation of Com
missioner Lochren of the pension office
Secretarr Smith has drooped from the
roils 01 the pension omee tne names m
twentv-eicht special examiners now in
the field, the terms of their one-year ap
pointment having expired. All the spe
cial examiners dropped are Republicans.
kji uie ninety special exainiuera sun rv
tained sixty are Republicans and thirty
The government is not disposed to ac
cept final tne decision of the United
States District Court at Seattle. V ash
that it has lost entire power to control
the use of the lands of the Puyallnp In
dians near Tacoma by reason of the al
lotment of the lands in severalty, and
Attornev-General Olnev has given
(tractions to the United States District
Attorney at Seattle to make an appear
ance immediately in behalf of the In
dian Agent.
One of the first matters of importance
that will be presented to the next Con
gress will be the bill, already framed,
Drovidinff for the establishment of a Na
tional Board of Health, with headquar
ters in Washington Citv. Ibe board,
devised bv tlie projectors, is toco-operate
with the State and municipal authorities
in the matter of sanjtary improvement.
The boldest feature of the proposition,
and one that is likelv to result in a seri
ous eontroversv. is that which bestows
nnon the hoard legislative, judicial and
executive powers of an independent
It is a matter of surprise among
large number of army officers that so
many snouiu oe wunna to acrcpi ueuurs
at Indian agencies. It has already been
explained that these officers are willing
to go to Indian agencies in order to get
rid of disagreeable associations and the
dull routine of camp, but another factor
which would seem to deter tnem trom
sroine to agencies is the fact that all one
cers are now examined for promotion,
and that they would be much more apt
to be promoted if they continued in the
active service instead of going away from
it. It is claimed that all army omcers
who accent Indian aeencv details will
keep up their studies on military mat
ters, so that tney may oe auie to pass
the examinations when promotions are
ottered tnem.
In a North Dakota exhibit at the fair
there are 146 exhibits of wheat and 300
kinds of grain.
The rates of the fuir eronnde at Chi
cago are to be kept open until U o'clock
at night nereaner.
The expected World's Fair traffic from
Ermine has thus far failed to materialize,
while the Eastward travel seems to be
Pavmaster General Stewart has com
pleted a statement of expenditures of
the naval review. The total expense of
the review was f7ts,BUu.
Internal revenue officers actnally
seized a miniature distillerv on exhibi
tic at the World's Fair, becanse all of
the red-tape technicalities bad not been
complied with in setting it up,
The exposition authorities have set
apart October SO to 24 for the big re-
j onion of war veterans, both Confederate
and Union. The Grand Army poets will
j make efforts to bring all the old soldiers
( possible to Uucago.
Another attraction is being arranged
by the exposition authontes and the
neonle oi Midwav i'laisance. it is pro-
nosed that all the natives take part in a
grand ball, to be given the first week in
July. The ball proper is to be preceded
bv a grand march and tne exnimtion oi
all the strange dances to be seen on Uie
The Methodista will not withdraw
their exhibit from the World's Fair.
After three hours' discussion a commit
tee decided to cover up all exhibits of
Uie church Sundays, and all members
of Uie church are asked to do Uie same
with their individual exhibits.
Canada outstripped her competitors
in Uie June exhibit of cheese. There
were 607 exhibits, mostly of factory
cheese. Of tlieee 135 scored high enough
to win medals or diplomas, 120 of them
being Canadian manufacture. Thirty
one Canadian lots scored higher than
any from the United States, ranging in
excellance from Ml per cent down.
The council of administration will
hereafter have full authority over all
matters of general administration con
nected with the exposition. The
directors have adopted the report of Uie
executive committee as outlined last
week. This action abolishes all the
committees of the local directory,
except the executive, finance and legis
lative, and charges the council of ad
ministration with carrying out the
orders ol these three committees. Tlie
council has been given authority to dav
' charge or employ any officers.
The Somber of Sheep Sheared
in Montana,
Buildings Occupied by Government
Clerks to be Examined The
Childs-Drexel Home.
Our "militia of the sea" now numbers
about 1,000 men.
The gold in the Treasury la slightly
increasing in quantity.
Winter wheat is nearly all harvested
in tne Southern Mates.
The Delaware militia will be dis
banded tor lact at runas.
Denver claims a population of 182,000,
based on directory names.
The Capital National Bank at Indian
apolis has reopened its doors.
Detroit's citv government is waging a
determined war on tne gas companies.
Proctor Knott of Kentucky has
declined the oiler of the Hawaiian mis
The Mississippi river at New OrleangJ
is witnin one moi oi uie uuzuevt uuim
ever recorded.
Missouri is the first State to build a
Confederate home entirely from uidi'
vidua! contribution.
The protest aeainst rapid bicrcle
ridiiuT on frequented streets is general
all over uie country.
The Wabash has adopted the rale
limiting tickets to continuous passage
one day from date of sale.
The mackerel fishers are having great
sport this vear. Nothing like it has
been enjoyed lor years past,
Natural eat discovered near Newlin,
Tex., is frightening the colored popula
tion away trom mat vicinity.
As the hot weather begins Phila
delphia is having trouble with its gar
bage of an alarming character.
it is repuroeu uia. w uuv u, ,
. . , i . i . . i.
steamers are to ply between Hew York, I
Jamaica and Central America.
American canitalists are said to have
bought much land on the Isthmus of
Teliauntepec for bonanza farming. 1
Cleveland is to arbitrate the dispute
between Argentina and Brazil over the
possession oi the state ol farana. j
Wholesale poisoning of sheep is the
latest phase of the Colorado war be
tween sheepmen and cattlemen.
Last vear there were 1,800,000 sheep
eli tared in Montana, an increase of 33
per cent over the previous year.
An East Tennessee voting woman has
brought suit for 11.0(H) against a man
for saying that she had lalse teeth.
Senator Stewart has recently ex-
nramed the belief that the Sherman
silver purchasing act will not be re
The fear is taking form in w estern
Kansas that this season will not pro
duce more than three or four crops of
alfalfa. -
The unveiling of the monument to
Nathan Itnle in City rial! rarlt, new
York, has been postponed until Sep
tember 22.
The builders of the new cruiser New
York will receive about (70,000 in
premiums by the government's accep
tance ot tne vessel,
stealing. II. L. James committed
Biiicide when bis theft was discovered.
Several are under arrest.
The Chicago and Northwestern has
secured an entrance into Denver by the
purchase of the Scranton road, a coal
une seventeen miles long.
A monument to the memory of
William Cohen Bryant, the American
historian and poet, will shortly be
placed in Central Park, New York.
Every building in Washington oc
cupied by government clerks is to be
subjected to a thorough examination as
to its safety, lighting and ventilation.
The Governor of New York has just
vetoed a bill making Uie use of elieese
as an article of diet compulsory in the
military camps and prisons of Uie State.
There are how in the elevators of
Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior about
24,000,000 bushels of wheat, or about
twice as much as they contained a year
ago. '
The Tree-planting and Fountain
Society of Brooklvn is actively engaged
in arousing intelligent interest in the
planting and care of street trees in Uiat
Tlie feeling at Washington is that the
financial crisis is past. The condition
of Uie country as reviewed from a treas
ury standpoint shows general improve
J. H. Richardson of New Haven,
Conn., has begun suits for 150,000,000
lor lntnngement oi a patent neio oy niin
by reaper manufacturers of the United
States. ,
The complete official returns of the
Chinese registration have been received
at Washington. They show that out of
110,000 Chinese in the United States
13,138 registered.
The . International Typographical
Union has declared that no one shall be
admitted to the Childs-lirexel Home
unless he had been member of Uie
union for fivo years.
The Oil-well Supply Company, one of
the most extensive corporations in
i I jt . I.,.u. MM
Pennsylvania and Uie tartest contra
of its kind in the world, haj gone luto,
the nanus ol rnceivex.
business brevities.
New York State is said to have more
newspapers than the entire Southern
The Merrimac river is said to move
more machinery than any other stream
in the world.
The American Aluminium Company
will erect a manufacturing plant near
Clavton, Mo.
There are twentv-eieht passenger
trains daily from New York and Phila
delphia to Chicago.
About 120.000.000 are annuallv sent
by Italian laborers in this country to
their famines in Italy.
There are less than 1,000 Spaniards,
Greeks and Portuguese in any one of the
chief cities of the country.
Half a million patents issued by this
government bear excellent testimony to
the country's inventive genius.
It was onlv 11(1 vcars after the discov
ery of America that the first glass works
were estanusneu in tne colonies.
A smelter has begun operations at San
Lnis Potosi. Mexico, it is the only
smelter in Mexico working copper ore.
England bears the palm over all coun
tries, even the United States, in the
number of women employed by govern
ment. The Phillippins Islands export more
than lOO.tHiO cigars annuallv, almost
3.000 tons of coffee and 220,000 tons of
Europe produces almost as much to
bacco as does the United States, Austria
supplying about one-third of the Euro
pean crop.
The corn exported to Mexico from the
United States during the recent famine
would fill a solid train seventy-seven
miles long.
Last year Sew York citv paid for its
school hill (4,000,000; for its amusement
hill, 7 ,000,000, and for its drink bill,
100,000,000. ,
Gutta nercha was first introduced into
Europe from Malaga in 1852. The an
nual consumption now amounts to4,000,
000 pounds.
The average cost of travel on the Lon
don roads is only .1(1 of a cent a mile, and
the Great Eastern comes at .046 of a
cent a mile.
Japan's foreign trade during 1892 ex
ceeded that of mi 20,000,000 yen. The
principal increase was in the values of
silk and tea.
There are 28.000 Chinese inhabitants
I in the chief cities of the United States
24,000 of them in San Francisco and
,3,000 m New iork. .
Grand old Missouri is without a rival
! in the world in the amount ot lead out-
put. The annual lead product of the
State is 30,000,000 tons.
There are several down men in Lon
don who earn their living by catching
rats. They are mostly employed at ho
tels, clubs and restaurants.
The schooner Good Intent, which was
launched at Braintree, Mass., in 1813, is
still in service, plying between Bangor,
Me., and neighboring porta.
The orange indnstrv of Florida has in
creased from 600,000 boxes in 1HH6 to
3,000,000 for the past season. This year's
crop will exceed 6,000,000 boxes,
The fluctuations of the stock market
a few months after Jay Gould's death
increased the value of his estate to H,-
000,000, and afterward reduced it totl,
This country exported 10,675.000 yards
of cotton goods to brazil during the
eight months to March 1, an uicretwe of
over 60 per cent over the same period a
year ago.
The Sew Hampshire experiment farm
finds that milk from the best cows costs
4' cents, as it costs just i
the smaller producer.
AIiBliflY v FllETOE v GO.
H. R. Hyde,
Cstrpets! Ceirpets!
We make ft Bpecialty of UNDERTAKING. Calls answered night
or day.
Baltimore Block. Albany, Or.
W F SCAD President- OHO. P. SIMPSON, VHaePrasident. J. O.WBITCMAN.Ssorsury
J. L.COWAK,Trearei. . A. IULMK.
Farisrs' and Merchants; Insurance Company
CAPITAL STOCK ..... ... 8O0,O0O
ih-l Jwrtleaol supreme Cub ft.
Hon, J. W, rrsiCK. naoaer.
H .o.J. K. wrai HBKP'iKO, Annrney-at-lew.
J. 0. WWWMAK. gas.. CaidlalM.
Ko two thlroe. three-lonrthi. thirty or .iity
l nolieiM The Parmer, and Mrcmnl' iriHUraoc iwnpauy paya we iuu amumii i aim we r
f"'- " ch.ta,r.,
. - . T .. . , .......
jW. WOJ.e'lMH. inw
purely persosau
Philip J. Armour has adopted a diet
of bread and niilk in Uie hope of im
proving his health.
Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox wears a
thumb ring, and nsr five quarts of milk
to one complexion bath.
The only ornaments ever worn by the
widowed Archduchess Stephanie is a
locket containing the portrait of her lit
tle daughter on the one side and that of
her mother, the Queen of the Belgians,
on Uie other.
Arthur Balfour says that his greatest
political help comes from tiis sister, Miss
Ames Balfour, who is his housekeeper.
Each day she devotes a fixed amount of
time to reading the newspapers and
marking what is useful for his perusal.
The present Mint bv the Ctar to the
Turkish Snltan, an album of paintings
of all the Russian warships in the Black
Sea fleet, is a remarkably peculiar one.
The recipient mav regard "it as in-snltan-or
think it merely a piece of cxar-casm.
John Ledyard, the great traveler, says
that among all nations women adorn
themselves more than men, bnt that
wherever fonnd they are the same kind,
civil, humane and tender beings, in
clined to be cheerful, timorous and mod
est. Charles F. Wright of London, who is
now spreading the light of theosopby in
this conntrv. dorian that the elixir of
life is no dream of the alchemists, but
may be reached through the " expansion
of the individual consciousness, ' what
ever tl.rt means.
The Shasta Route
Etpnii trains luare rortlauS dally:
MS r'.' a ll,i....l"oriiaii(i."ZIAr.rfri a. a.
10:23 r. l t..llili)' ar. 4:'B a. a.
lelft 4. S.Ar flml rnnirlneo Lv.! 7 l r. a.
Ttittalxna tiauit auii unir at the fotlewluc
nation, north of KoMkninr: Kavt Portland, Or
Mnu Citv, WtMHlliarn. Salem. Albany. TatiRwnt,
nhdo', Haltwy, tiarrlabora, JandUonOlty, trvlnf
anu augena.
Rmehanr mall dal(T:
H:U a. H HVi...M-I'ortlaud..
4 m r. a.
ll r. a.
IK a. a.
tt:a r. a. U.......AIInr
r. H.iar Kdaennrx..,
Albany loeal dally lezrent Sandayl.
flor. a ir...
..Portlan..Ar.,10D a. a.
.AIluy ..!..( : a. a.
Loeal paanetigartralna dally 'eieept Sunday).
l:Al r. a. Lv .Albany 21 a. a.
2:0(1 r. a Ar....UIuon.... Lr., 11:30 a. .
S:10i. a. I.T......A!liaii!i..-.....Ar. : r. a.
MS, swar Lebanon U.! r. .
llnlM Cars oa 0da Boat.
rcixMaa uvrm Hiirisi
aeoae-Claaa RlMpInc Oars Atteha4 ts
AU Thrma Traloa.
arrarsas Postuhs ad Cesraixia. -
HalUralu -dally fsaosnt Sanday):
T:W a. a. I L!..-.!Portland.....lAr7 1 o: a. a
12:10 r. a. I Af (Jori'alha--.Lv. 1 12:116 r. a.
aTaMmuv and CnrTaiha eonucot vita tralua
of uraKm raclflc railroad.
Ezpreiw tralndaUr 'rarer Ssndar):
.At. i s JO a. a.
fHPfttlPII TlrffTO To all polnla In tbs
iMUUull llltvtila Ea.leru m.Ku. Canada
and Europe an he obtained at ioweai raua from
I A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
A KOBHt.KR. Manager.
I T. BOQISA Aat H. I A Paaa AlwnV
on.J. LCOWAH, Lino Coanty Satloaal J
M. 8TBENltEKO, bq., Menshaat.
W. P. KEAU. Eni., aterehani.
B. 8 koSTKITH. Canluliat. .
0. P. 8IMP80S, S.q.,taiUill.
day clauat In the Parioeta' and Merchants' PA Rat
u UmhI uwiI hM h. .tll.i. ......
"- . ...