The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 07, 1893, Image 1

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    - ; (), .- i
" rar .... ...,u (
( If jmUI In advance, tl 60 per yeal.)
rl months....-...... 1 no
Three Bionthii,-...,.,,....-,. so
than conies, tfi
Sort Societies.
LKRAKOH UHH5K. NO. 17. 1, 0. 0. F.-Mertt
suery HaUtrday evenlui M Odd follows Hill,
o'clock a. in.
A. A. KEE&, 8. Q.
w.c. prrnwoit, Bwt'j.
WtAELREBKT'A LOWS, SO. tl. I. 0. 0. F.-
I. O. O. r Hall ilm and ,'thli4 Itednes
atay iuingt of rarli nwwia .
8. A. NICKERS, H.e.
(Ml 0 Latin. No, M 1. T. A B.-Merts
4fetarriayeveiuug,antlwurlbe Ad mouu In
ajaoh mouth.
1. E. Bunca. W. If ,
t, , Mtu.ES, See.
Boor Lmmk, X. A O. V W Meet every
ttlieaday evealnc at?. A. B. Halt
lit. I. A. Luancuoli, at. W.
J. B. TRovne ,ltwi.
Gift Vmaae "Car, Na. rs, mv of Okww
-San or VsTs,-f"l In 0. A. K Hall, Lrbauim,
'Or., every Satardsy evening, except the third
Saturday of eaob aidlitti. aweltlut the third Frt
day Mislead. All brothers of the Hons of Vet
erans nod Mamades (if the (i. A. K. are cordlaity
invited to naar. with tlie Cani. i
Cat Mot on, Oept- I
A. Caaauu, First Seal. ,
Ifeathertord 4 Chamberlain,
" ALBANY, (tit EGOS.
Attorney- at - Law,
Attorneys at Law, j
OollecaVw itien pnimfit and careful attention.
Wit nraciloe to all the oourta of tlie stale.
omca ut oai'irrmY's buck.
Lkbakok, Obeoon.
Succwor to K. L. ilct'lure.
Shaving Parlor.
la IlanaHtrd'tt New
Fird-Clans ArtUU in attend
ance. Hot and Cold liallis with
hawer at all times.
Yous Patkonaok SoUCITKJ).
Are tlie
Of the Valley
When visiting Albany - don't
fail to give tliera a call.
rour i aI dadm miut cooropany
rv OTTjjiBunicatlon or It will ct-r-Wnly
fa to the "wwt bmket." W
oo mint your harm for publlea.
tloo, but u a guarunler good faith.
Motto of ADmlnratrator Sal.
Nficeiitbyi(iwtiiGtat by Tirtnrt ot
anoKlrrof thenrontywHirtof LinnlVmn-
tv.Omron. dulv fuA'leMrl entjrv,il nfltnn.
orrtinaiidby aaidmim.on thetthMay f
Fekruary, 1H83, 1 vili'Mi i,e 2Bth d f
T.Jl.. . ..... . . . . '
'wy, irni, atuittnrrat ons o'clock
ot-said day, at th mit hotue door fe the
twyot.iibanjf, Uim -County, Oreeon, tell
tlie liurkeat iedilc tlierefnr
hand, the folloavhux lecrihl nntmiani In.
wiifniia; to Ujutae of Peter Wt3L de
BeiriniiliiK W raLt and 38 linh. Xnrth
oftheSomWt errner of O.W. K lam's
donation laral cla-jti No. m. airatin
0. 2S22, TWIan:i ISKnnth liac, .,.
Weatuf the Wllhoieile Sleiifcian; thence
Weat Ucloriiw; Hieuce Xnrlh'IO chnim
and lg finks: 'HmM Kaax Si rrhaina-
thetK SmAli 84-teaiiia and IK Htiks to the
ptaoe ol iMgiiimkK, (oiiUiiiirig SflO acres iu
Linn Conatn'., Or:on.
The inhvwi . ne old w 5riresid in
said pmaafw at' iia all lh?Tiil t title and
interest eiiichm id Peter Well had therein
at the time of kw ileal b. T.he aine being a
tee araiper etotc
Uateu; il .301 Ji i!a oT June, 1893.
, JtMKMl4r.'A-LT,
W. K-Bilyac
Altwney for .VcJai.nistrator.
Adauinlal iratria le.
Notice it Hereby rjtra ijh j the umte!
ifrned A-imnMr tint d' the
Oeorae B. HeSinm nVwaawl. bv virloiv
of an ordcrof the lom:y Jourt for
eounty.Oreajn.duly aawle and entered- of
record oa ttn!h d ay of Mtch. 189S. lieeii-
aing, auUierkiix aivl 4ist -.tina; tllis Ad-
luinigtratrilito nil therea.' estate Mnta.
ins- to the estate of aai, (haauseil.
Will on the 8ih day of July 1883, at Mas
hoar of 11 a ni. f f said aiay at the front
duo of Uie Court Huiwc in (he city of Al
hany, linn ouni y, Onwnt , Sell a; pub
lic Auction to the bieW ViHcr all of the
lie Auction is tut tieiieiii a- .wer all of the
nuht, tuieand im. trert aaa.1 deceased had
atthetime'hisdleath.ii! and to the foj-
lowina- desenbed r Nil eaaaaetotrit.
BegtnninjtAt the North West coroner 1
the N. W. Vt of ft ctio., a l Tnwnihip 12,
8. B. 1 W. ol tli e WilfaiaeMee Meriiliar
OreicoH, henoe Hontli H) rods; heiwa
East 60 rod b; henciNorUi lAOmrlsr hem
Kast 40 rodxto the place of ffl'nning, eon
taining Sft acres in ore oc lees, all in Lirm
county, Oregon.
Termaof aele one half al in hand and
one half in one ymr with per cent inter
est, defend payment uret! by mortpige
on the premises.
This Mtb day of April. 1098.
Kmiit fowxiric, AilruiniKtratrix.
WATr.itmiai 4 (.'HAvantuiii,
Attys. for state.
Notice lieroliy given ihatihe co-part,
nerehip exiatlnc Ian ween the
undersipwd under tl.e lir ii uii,e of laonj,
l.aniiniK A' '.. bus been, mi ! uthla H
dissolved by lurauiil ('oiisoi tnfelie narties.
John fanra bavrliat pttrrhaned ac interest
of K. J. LmmiiMt. 'J he lMiniiiiias arill hete-
after be carried on by John tsoiu, the
purchaser tlSKKrf, h-i Ucrpi y hmmiimci all
partnership debts, r-l y bo alsoiia auibor
iaed to collect ainl recpt turall dents due
the late tirui.
"OHS IsoM.
I)a:el tliif lstrlayof July, 1883.
Used in Millions of Homes-40 Years the Standard
Watarlou Xoiaa.
Lola of tmpera hciv now,
Mr, , A. Morgnn'a new house will
ooii be ready far occupancy.
Our streets are quite dusty when
Vt there It much ttarel.
There la hna little atlr In mat
1111 tnere Is trade or two nearlv kv.
ery week. We Impe for I letter dmea
Some Utile building is contemplated
intbe.tieatr future which wiUaild to
the solid appearance of our business
r .a, ... ...
issamp, ni Aitiany, delivered a
uimng tuiurem hete on the 4th. He
it a strong Alliance man.
Work on the new church is progress
ing; rapidly and tlie building will soon
beencloMd. ,
Kev. Plowman is expected to Breach
here next Sunday.
J, A. Dean of the "Populist'' was in
town over Sunday.
The marshal only found It necessary
make one or two uresis on the 4th.'
' Work on the dam is being pushed as
: last as possible auda few days more
ill see the water running In the
It is expected that the factory will
"as started on regular work in a short!
time. 1
The rafino at fLf .xin
, --e vnvo was iue
main drawing cord for a kanm ..
aod was quite Interesting to horse-"
i .uveis oi lueturi.
Tje dry we,une, """I he warmth of
gooa niwtiiess for tlie
various soda and ietnouede stands last
The visitors here on the 4th were
from almost all noitjons of tlie
Jacob and John Cave left Wednes
day for VVheatlaud. Polk county, to
VIS t t W r tnnlke " I .. I.
withparalliaia; TT
Olle (if ihp IMI-IMUlt r..U.)a . iL
n--" """"o ever uniu
ered at this place was hereon the 4th
to drink sila from the spring and
have a vrwul ,in n .i!...
D - .. .n,, i,u uiai uay,
We nnihr. tn l,ot,a 1... .u-
celebration in liinn counfv at ini.
Place this vear. rh n..
iimehereVn, irrJ'"'".
4th blumld be acoommodated.
wthat the fl.xr could I used for
LEBAItalK. f iB i.a 41 (uvi
Offlce of the Lebanon A Santlara Canal
Notice is hereby iven to all l,i,m a
may concern, that, on the r
July at 7:30 p. ra. at the iim.,f b.i
A Uarlatid in Lebanon, Orenon. There will
oe new me regular annual meeting of the
stock holders of the i-ebanon 4 Santian,
anal Co., ai Which jneetinir M, .ii .
I r w,v,i uiicvi-
r vi asm uiiiitanr he mi
.L. Foiar,
M. A, Mii.t.aK.
8ecty. .
H. E. Mulcbay. ui rliitndiit r
uie tyregnii j-acaBo railroad, will start
lor ac- i,k ,, theSlli, and receiver
Km) ley vVl&kw days later Mr.
Uailley extect . to mtainre while n,u,u
fir 111.' pi iel.K f rwver's certifiejii.-.
nu.u(!b Pieo ui lcte tin- load over the
(;ajades to the DmohinVs river. It is
lli"uKht a million dolt will do this,
lira Inking nearly Imif of Oregon In
li'iiiloiyan tflipi. within itoelf
now Ithout a railnMfJ. This would
I a uiand tliia lor tbe road., South
eastern Oregon and for the Willamette
7, 1893,
afffyn j
fir at Sweat Home.
Last Vnnrlav nlrht altsul In iii.
Ihe Oyd Dnnaca feed auble at Sweet
nM was discovered to be on fire.
Tb (table was owned by Martin Gil
l'irati and was entirely consumed with
am oi us contents; also the store build
ing of A. F. Hamilton with most of
Its contents was burned. Several tons
f cblttem bark and th nM
building of John Ames. The front of
me Btore or Mr. Hohn was badly
burned, but the building was saved by
hard work. Mr. Hamilton was by far
the heaviest looser. He estimates bis
lots at 15000 and was insurer! for town
I20O on content aud $800 on building!
The barn was insured for $1000. "All
were Insured in the German Airl on n
It is the genefal oninion that If.
the work of incendiary, for soon after
the fire was discovered there wa .
explosion. There are different opin
ions, however, in reference to it.
A Lorealek Maids a.
A peculiar case was relRfoH tn .i,
Scio Press a few days sum. that
only be aonounted for on tho hvn.ii.
eais that the young lady is demented.
The case is given as follows: Mr.
Wheeler, the Rock Creek nursery man
frequently has business in Salem, and
In going to that city passes tbe home
of a Mrs. Myers, aear Stay ton. Miss
aanc, ner sister; and the subject of this
nearly tragedy. Uvea with h.. u.
Wheeler has seen the young lady but
o iew UIDes in passing the house, yet
often enough for her to become com
pletely "gone" on him. Monday of
.i, eea miss zinc appeared at the
home of Mr. Wheeler on the North
Santiam above Rock Creek and said
the had come to marrv him Th. .
tion was somewhat of a surprise to
""ceierana placed bim an em
barriaing situation.
. "'v" "ATM
mattert with her, however,' later in
the day by persuading her to go to his
neighbor, Mr. BatWs to spend the
night. On tbe following morn nn ska
returned to Wbeeler't and returned to
Barzee's at night. On Wednesday
evening she was sitting at Baraee's
louKiugouioritie window when she
taw her father and sister coming and
ran down to the river and Jumped In
evidently witli suicidal Intent. Bar
ee, who was near, saw her and went
into the water and amt toh t
she got Into the malu current, and
brought her to terra firms. When re
quested to go home with her sister she
reiusea, and appareirtlv w.
niined to carry out her first Intention,
ouiopou ,yUCeier promising to go to
tlie Myers home on the following day
she wenl with her people. Wheeler
says be is going dowi, and get the
family together and see hat It all
means. He thinks that the young
lady Is either temporarily Insane or
It Is a blaoktnaillng scheme. Our in
formant thinks It is (Imply a cose of
inordinate love sickness. A Me n.
zee was taking the girl out of li e
wator a Doy on the opposite side saw
them and sunnoalno It i.. t- . .
. , o w aim
Mrs. Barzee so reported and the news
was rapidly carried to Ufa u....
Barzee's unole-who with the Nlagra
doctor was toon at Barzee's. The case
taken all tonether la
Miss Zinc is reported to be a young
lady of good character
.wu,uo. iu uie manlier she has, stir
r" unueFataudlng of all.
Later reports say the couple were
,.,,-,. a, otoyioil.
Geo. lai ks got on the overland train
at Eugene iu an Intoxlcatei condition .
Wick Huff, the conductor, asked for
W fare, at be was trying to beat his
waj, He let him ride to Harrleburg
where he ordered him off. hut ho ai...
1 aiv nave
?0,.Amlle be'ow Harrishurg be
StODBt'd tl.R trn In ..... . HT
Then h. MTur wa.
kloiS htZ.X"u ." ""' " t
dollar UtonwZr "W,r
NO 19
, Th Fourth.
The Fourth of July picnic In Leb
non.'wae a auocess in every way aud the?
ladies deserve much credit in the way
they carried on every thing, Tftf
program was carried out a advertise
and was very interesting, Atty.
Charlton's oration was highly spoken
of by all. '
Early In tlie day. teams began to
pass through Lebanon tn a continual
stream for Sodaville and Waterloo an '
kept it up until late In the day.
About 10:80 o'clock we drove up t,
Sodaville where we found . l.
crowd. The program vn u
M. A Miller delivered a fine oratfop,'
for which he received mnnv 4lt. .inf.. .
compliments. The flag drill was fino
Mrs. Tiiloteon as well as the litte glrto
wh participated in It. (We
credit. Everything passed off pleas
antly at Sodaville and everybody
eetned to be having, gorKl timo.
After eating our dinner we then drove
over to Waterloo wh. .
much larger crowd than at Sedavilte,
..u ... aeemea lobe having a good t
time. Dancing and hnree racing' was"'
the cnief amusement of the day
Waterloo always has a good celebral
tion as people love to go there for the
soda and spend the day.
Alarge,number of our citizens stayed)
in Lebanon while a good many went
to Waterloo and Sodaville and some to
Corvallis, Yaquina, Portland and Eu
gene. , .. .
Death of a Pioneer.
Nathaniel Greene McDonald, an
Oregon Pioneer of 1845, died rtt bis
home In Scio, Linn county, Oregon,
Knday afternoon about 2 o'clock. He
wasnearlj 76 years old aud his great
age so enfeebled his constitution thai''
he was unr ble to withstand the effect
of a gunshot wound received with,
fighting Indians in 1847-48.
Mr. McDonald was born In Nortli
Carolina August 10. isir u .
Missouri when a young man, and near
-.cmo, m mat state, he married)
Miss Rebecca J. Munkeea ,! .,.
young couple came overland to Ore
gon in jo, aud settled In Clackamas '
county uear Oregon City. A little
later, however, he removed t iJ
county and took a donation land)
claim of 840 acres. Mr.McDonaia
took part in the organization of the
first oonntv formed fin that Ti I aa .
coaet-Clackamas. Upon the break
ing out of the Cayune Indian war in
1846 Mr. McDonald v. ,1,. ..
aervice, io the rallbs
v.. "oueorinelrengagemenlg
ot tbe caninaicn Me Mr-.j .
shot through the right lung, the bul
let passing entirely through his hodv.
The wound thus received never fuliv
healed and it gave much trouble rlu.
ring the remainder of the old soblii r's
life, hard worker tl,.T.K i
xt. L; " 1 "a
jNlnechildien worn ...
Mrs. McDonald, IZ ' !
was the uioiher t w ',. .,, ..
Myers. She died 12 ,..
other of the childroi. , .
others are all in Ore,, m,.,
Donald survives. Mr. MDom,ld ,
a warm democrut and hi. ,.
a,.,. ..l,k .... . - "J.raiuic
Ion u . aUr"1! " Dil
lon. Hit business was fllnmr
he achieved a considerable rter,.,
1,1 "," " Will,,,,
.-um jrresnytenan cliunh He
was.manof,terinit honesty .,, bl
...mped his individuality up wl
ver he was identified with jt
nd powerful shaker belLVV"1
ate of the tboiogloall leinfl g ar"lu
lierlanrf ii.,i..TJ?l 8eJuinry ofCtam.
He is looking tor DastZ?',,m' Te"
Oregon. .nrf'Si,' L?"8'0 work i
on can do B7BT",n at J
on aervices. u ""l '"flag