The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 30, 1893, Image 8

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eke Jam term the eircnit eoort
am veiled tt ) o'clock Moodav.
'The grand jury were empanelled as
Mlows: F M Smith, forenian, W C
ritBilmseher. Henry Springer, D F Hird
wn, P E Biiyeo, Mourn Windom, Vim
The following eases from the former
docket were continued :
State " James bannoii.
Slate vt Chas Baker and F P Phelps.
Mate vs Chae Baker and F 8 Phelps.
Bute ve Chas Baker and F S Phelps.
State is J Brannin.
P J Porter et al vs John C Elder et al.
Toplitz & Co vs Mary CoupilL
George 1 Brainier ve Mary Uoogill.
Mooney Valentine i. Co vs Mary Coo
lilt. T Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith &
Assignment of L T Hennesa.
Assignment of (ieo W Smith.
J C tioodale vs Serepta M Hansard et
M Bermond vs F A M Ins Co.
J M Brown vs A F Gooch.
6 H Korthioger vb T A Morris et al
J L Cowan (trustee) vs Serepta H
Ban sard.
Senders & Sternberg ve L Houston.
Sarah M Shields vs P C Harper A Co.
Assignment of Albertina Krieeel.
A K Head rs C J Fletcher.
Jessie Wilhelm vs Henry Wilhelm.
Enoch Cvros et al vs VYB Cvrus et al.
Leb A Santiam Canal Co vs 8 P Co.
Allie A McPherson vb M 8 MoPherson.
Assignment of The Or Metalic Co.
E B Earl vs E W Acheson.
8 E Young vs L B Knox.
Price Robeon vs L B and A 6 Knox jr.
Mitchell, Lewis A Co vs L B and A L
nox jr.
Assignment of Vi C Graham.
W J VanKchuvver A Co ve Hudson &
Ella H Mendenhall vs HarriBburg
water rower ui.
Stale vs John Emright, larceny.
E J Willoughby vs J MMcCollv and
u r uannals, leave to issue execution.
Assignmentof Cyrus A Pitchford, final
account allowed and assignee discharged,
L J Houck et ai vs W J Vernon et al.
partition: M Payne appointed referee
waeeiana; continued.
Price A Bobson vs Geo Estep, recovery
of money, attachment; default and
lodgment with order to sell attached
W C Cooler vs J B Keener, recovery
of money; default and judgment for
Mason, Ehrman A Co vs A J Houston
teoover? of money, attacchment; de
fault and judgment and order to sell at
tached property.
t it Page ii i L Lamb, reeoverv of
monm; jodgment tor want of answer.
r Wolf vi Waters, Bisielr A Co,
fcwini of Boner; settled.
8 A kiggs vsK W Acneson. recorery
f money, attachswnt; settled.
fKUenhoaffer, Haw (Can C C
jsei I of motker. attach-
; default sad iarliiimiiit with order
MaMl attached prnporw.
varrenon, vtooaran, nan Vo n C
C Haekhman, attachment; and
fidgwient vrilboraerto astt real prop
rtav b A Harris vs Hettir Tosmarod, re
owwt of money, attachment; default
and judgment with order to seD real
laaliasa Govrs n Isaiah Gorro, di-
Bleroberger vs C C Haekleman, nv
cerrery of money ; default and jodgment.
The California Vineyard Co vs Carl
Sender, recovery of monej,attacbment :
default and judgment with order to sell
attached firopertv.
Parke A Lacy Machinery Co rs For
sytbe A id outer, reeoverv of money, at
tachment; default and judgment.
H' 8 Deuaam vs L A Hoodie et al,
foreclose re; continued for service.
Taos Taylor 4 Co rs Carl Bender, re
covery of monev, attachment-, judgment
far want of answer with order to cell
attached property.
Daniel Lang vs T L Wallace A Co, re
covery of money, attachment; default
and jodgment.
H Grisnam ex'ra vs J E and C E
Clark, recovery of money, attachment;
judgment for want of answer.
C E W'olverton and H H Hewitt vs H
Wilson, recovery of money, attachment ;
- aeiueu.
C E BrowneU vs D M CoUip, settled.
A B Mcilwain vs K Custer, confirma
tion : sale con brined.
A I) Horner vs Harry Ward, con-
unnauon ; sue ounnruied.
Assignment of the Bank of Oregon,
fi H Laller as sdm'r ve B H Ruther
ford et al ; uonsuil on motion of plain
tiff. H Bryant vs W M Gilchrist et al, sale
1 M Jones vs Donly, sale confirmed.
C T Craft vs Eltuira' Ledgwood et al,
sale confirmed.
A true bill was found against Horn Gov,
Better known as Hullivan, en a charge of
assault Kith intent to kill.
Goldsmith A Kunkle'vs FAMIns Co.,
recovery ot money; continued by consent
W C Myers vs Emil Milberdt, appeal
fconi justice court; verdict of jury for
' Lion Uo. Kat'l bank Geo. W. Smith A j
Job C tiinith, continued by consent.
MJ biuitlt et al vs Henry Watereon et al
partition ; report of referee confirmed.
HMrrisburg Water Power Co vs M K
ScliooUng, apiieal from justice court; con
tinued on motion of defendant.
1 W Cusick A C vs A B and Mrs A B
Heal, default and judgment and order to
sell attaclied profierty. ,
ft K Noma vs Geo W Rogers, appeal
rout justice court; ou trial.
Alluuiue Trout Co if J LUollidaet al,
foreclosure continued.
tH Voungvs H S Cole, recovery of
Money; attachment settled.
M A Miller vs G M and Gennw Htaftord,
eouftrmatiou; sale confirmed.
Knapp, Bnrrell 1 Con 88 Knox con
nrmaiion; sale confirmed.
C H Hardwiok A Co vs Quale; Bros,
recovery of money; noneui: ou motion
of plaintiff.
ft N Morris v G W Rogers, appeal
rom justice court; verdict for defend
ant for IJS4.
Htate of Oregon vs A L Arnold, ar
son; on trial.
Anna M Fread vs Geo Freed, di
vorce; divorce granted tn plaintiff
without eosni aud plahitiB to have
custody of minor children.
J l Kailey vs Isabeile Oakley et al,
orecloaure of leins; deoree on plead
ngs as to Isabeile Oakley.
J W Brown vs Isabeile Oakley et al,
foreclosure of lein; decree on pleadings
as tn Isabeile Oakley.
Exra Oreutt vs Isalietle Oakley et al,
foreclwureaf lein; deoree on pleadings
as to Isabeile Oaklev.
F 6 Biskirk vs lsiilielle Oakley et al,
foreclosure of lein; decree ou pleadings
as to Isabeile Oakley.
E P Weir ve J L Cowan, as the bank
of Lebanon, recovery of money; at
tachment; mais'it ou motion of plain
tiff. P
Mrs J GrishHin vttj L Cowan, re
covery of money; attachment; nonanit
on motion of plaintiff.
BenjBrosveJ L Cowan, recovery
of money; attachment; nonsuit on
montinn oi piamtiD.
Fliechner, Mayer A Co vs J L Cow
an, recovery of money; attachment
nonsuit on motion or plaintiff.
joon ttenny iu L Cowan, recov.
ery of money; altncbment; nonsuit on
minion or piaintin.
Martin Dnuirhtv vs J I. Cowan
bank of Lebanon, recovery of monev
attaehineiit; nonsuit on motion of
X Hardman vs J L Cowan
bank of Lctmnon, recovery of monev
attach; notisuit on motiou of plaintiff
L Wallace vs J L Cowan as bank
of Dehenon, recovery of money; at
tachment; nnuauit ou 'motion o plain-
Kouce is hereby given to all whom it may
concern mat on ttie 8th day of March ma.
the undersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of Una County, Oregon the
administrator of the estate of John M
wreall. deceased. All parties havint-
cuums against tne above nan-ed estate are
ameu present thee, witb proper
vouches, within six months from the date
of this notice, to the undersigned adnuns-
trator at tue office of Bam'lll. Garland in
Lebanon, linn County, Oregon.
lutw Habvet Lmxaix,
Admiiustrator of the estate of John M
Loreaa, deceased.
tutH. . Guuid,
Atry. far the Administrator.
Lebanon, Or., March I7th, isni
Poultiy, Hides and
Highest cash prio
cobs, Htraney and Moare'e
docks and
paid for turkeva
chickens at office of
V and MnaVs n it
asaoie, n Blreet, Albany.
aso nraea and fun of all kind
uuugm ior caaA,
Notary Public,
Watekloo, Okeoon.
Conveyancing promptly attended to.
Business with the Land Office. Post-office.
or Pension Bureau will receive special at
Learn Telegraphy.
C Meyniour,
Oregoman Building.
Articles of Incorporatiou were lied
with the secretary of the state on the
13th Inst. Incorporating the Corvalll
Hotel Co, with a special stock of M",-
000 and with Miles Wllklns, 1. W.
Hosier, and H. W. Dunn Incorporators.
The design of the new cmpanylstfl
bring the Hotel Cnrvallis to a speedy
completion. It Isipropneed to issue a
sufficient amount of preferred stock to
take up the indebtedness and complete
aud equip Hie building with heat and
electric light plants, which It Is said
will require about f I8,W0. This stock
hi gJaranteed to pay eight per cent In
terest. The balance of the stock will
beeommon and will be assumed by Mr.
Witkins by virtue of what he has al
ready Invested In the building. Whet,
completed It is proposed to leuse the
property to some competent landlord.
The imposition all round is fair and
deserves aupKrt. Cnrvallis Times
The Pendleton Tribune has becouie
a j oint stock company, with a capital
stock of $sn,O0O. The" East Oregon Un
has a capitalisation of an equal
auinnnt and Pendlelnn has two good
diJly neWaiaper. Several l'enrilelon
merchants sa-nil from fflfl to $75 per
month, not only fur a single season,
but regulaily fiotn month to month
for advertising. Pendleton peofle ap
preciate the value of having good
newspaiKra, no they are the life-
bliaal of the town. Kx.
. l-hotog raphe-
You can get better cabinet sine pict
ures at Crawford A Paxton 'a In All
ny for $1 SO per doaen than at other
gallries for any price. Our work is
guaranteed. Permanent gallery
tablished for S3 years. So poor work
allowed to go out. Come and see us.
Albauy, 1st street. Next door Mason
ic Temple.
Don't Fool Witt Fates!
If yourself or friends wish to be cured
of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral,
Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the
Genuine Keeley Treatment, which is
the only safe, reliable and permanent
cure in existence. Genuine Keeley In
titutes, with most favorable surround
ings, t '
Forest Grove and Roseburg.
Write for Particulars,
Correspondence t-'on
Trusicts i tail Baiting Business.
Exchange sold on New York. San Francis-
so, and PortlaiHt and Albany, Oregon.
Col lemons made on lavorable terms.
toitire 4 Hardware.
Carpets, Wall Paper,
Window Stifles, Floor laittigs, 4c,
Windows, Doorn,
ouiiaert' naraware, Sue, tic.
T Scanttto Awrku
Toi ssaaxa.
oue-vawHTB. m
frss Handbaas writ to
Carries a Complete Assortment of
Dry a Goods, - Clothing, Hats,
Boots and Shoes, Furnislling Goods and Grooeries.
Premium tickets given with every dollar s worth
of goods, cash purchase.
Special discounts allowed on aU cash purchases of Clothing,
Cloaks, Blankets, and all other winter goods.
Highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce
taken in exchange for merchandise.
Go and see the
ReaiPeacock&Co.'s, a cu. an unutir. Km youx.
oiac sarcaa tar Meimac mtmau tn AmarMm.
Jherr turn aot dmu Mfot
Satstmt gmeriratt
afaAiHMi Trrinaniisiiiissai in tin
!nojjd i without a. wokiT , a
Kauamuul. Mil Umawy. Hn tort &tj"
fijiecial Manager for
Lebanon, Oregon.
Mfg. Jeweler.
Dealer in Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry.
Fine Watch Bvpairing a Rjieclaltv
AU Work Fully Warranted.
- .1
' V"-Srt
83 8H0E oVV,.
vsrvooov stanid waar am. It ai a dorr
TWJowa vooiaaH Is tat to beat valoa fa
"t W. L. Douglas Shoea.vuoa
,1... "ww wuoa n ma ynomm SO-
niaao abm, aa tboaaaads oaa taatuv.
y talis w aubsauiia, jft
L "P1 oo bom. Loos
h. Bsatiaa raaVlaa, Umm. toukv
C. C. Hackleman,
New Store
They will treat you right.
Lebanon aud Albany. Oregon.
Albany Steam Laundry
.Albany, Oregon.
All Orders Receive Promt
Special Rates for
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
R. 8. ROBERTS, Agent,
Iebanon, Oregon. '
Meat Market
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, SausageB).
logna, and Ham ,
NT Bacon and Lard Always on Hand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.