The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 30, 1893, Image 2

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Nothing can be substituted for
the Royal Baking Powder -and
give as good results.
No other leavening agent will make such
light, sweet, delicious, wholesome food.
If some grocer's urge another baking pow
der upon you", it is because of the greater
profitupon it This of itself is evidence of the
superiority of the "Royal." To give greater
profit the other must be a lower cost powder, .
and to cost less it must be made with cheaper
and inferior materials, and thus, though selling
for the same, give less value to the consumer.
To insure the finest cake, the most whole
some food, be sure that no substitute for
. Royal Baking Powder is accepted by you.
Left la One Car la One Month.
A brown paper parcel of goodly pro
portions wa turned in at tbe tost article
bureau of the Wagner Palace Cur coin
pauy a few days ago. the contents of
-wluch give a fair idea of the kind of ar
ticles that the travelers on the rail leave
behind them in their forgetfolneaa. TV
bundle aforesaid contained tbecttllectiun
of lost articles mode by the conduct or of
one sleeping car for a month. The va
riety of articles thus accumulated was
amusing as well as interesting. When
the bundle was untied on the broad ta
ble in the lost article bureau, the first
thing that rolled out was a silver hail-
died sharing brush. There
npanying razor, the owner probably j
having remembered to put that useful
instrument back to bis satchel. A full i
set of false teeth nestled costly in a clus-
ter of fabie hair and a email copy of the
Episcopal prayer book was jammed
against a neat leather covered pocket
flask. Of tonthbrnshea ana hairbrnsbes
And combs there were half a dozen each.
Other things in this odd collection in-
4(duueu a uttuj uu wiuc, u ui., Oregon boroer. wnere tney matte connec- ,
ladies' slippers, one pateut leather shoejtioiLs with the Oregon Xelapiiune Com-1
iinrawom bv a mun a woolen onder- fany's wires. 'To supplement these latter
atot, manicure set in BoinW
, T'lV r;T:i:
'nd, most smgnlar of all a dainty little
.-, bonnet so attractive in form and color
tbat it in a wonder how any woman
, .could' have forgotten it New York'
.1 JXvnv - . - - - ,
'" " Saatlux For an Old Maa.
'"' In the biography of Dr. Korman Mac
Leod there is an amusing account given
. . 1
islands to seo a man who was celabrated I
in the district -for his great age. TlUf ;
Anrrr fnnn.l an old man (we can onlr
" onote from memory) sitting on a bench J
outside tbe house and gave hinj the usual!
rreoting "1 heard that yon were a very
' wonderful ..Id man, and IVe come tosee I
Ton "It'll be my father yon want to '
see " said lit old man of tbe bench. ... So
!Z.r. .na th.-mt.
the visitor went inside, and there, sit
ting over the peats, was a very old man
indeed, bent and doubled np. but still
for all (hat, with all his wits about hiin
'"Good day to yon," said the good doc
i tor. "1 have beard about you, a very
wonderful old man. and I've come to see
you." Then he, too. declined tbe impu-
' . . ..... .... a '
yon want to see. saiu tnis oiu man oi ;
tbe fireside. So there in the "ben the
original Simon Pure was discovered at
last, a very, very ancient old man in
deed, as may well be imagined. Mac
i miUan's Magazine.
a Glitld's Loekv fm.iL
The two-year-old child of Mrs. Nutty,
of Parkersbnrg, W. Va., has had a most
remarkable escape from death. The lit
tle one was playing about the mouth of a
well, and getting too near the edge lost
.. its balance and fell in. Tbe well was
sixty-two feet deep and so norrow that a
full grown person could not well de
scend. 1 sut-year-old boy finally de
scended, snd catching the little one's
clothing, held tightly to it until they
were both pulled ont again. Neither
was hurt and the little two-year-old tot
was playing about as usual an hour af
terward. In the fall the child bad not
touched tbe sides and the water at tbe
bottom saved ber life. Philadelphia
lodger. '
OeeoplM tlx Steps,
Pittsbunr has a man who is a puzzle.
, Saturday afternoon be planted himself on
tbe (rant steps of the city ball. Be never
moved away from the place for a mo
ment nntil twenty-four hours later.
when he left for about half an hour to
jret something to eat Then he returned
and has been keeping his silent vigil at
i the same stand day and night ever since.
A policeman asked him to move on, but
he insisted that he was bothering no one
and had as mnch right to sit on the steps
of the city hall ss any other maa in the
city. Be speaks to no one unless ad'
'ssedV Eschange. .
i .
The Snneet Company to Htretco Its Wire.
Over New Area-They Want
Money to Delk
The Bunset Telephone and Telegraph
Company has votrd to issue bonds to the
amount of $7dt),GU0 to extend service
throughout the fetal. One' line through
the San Joaquin Valley has just been com
pleted as Ur as Fresno and Tulare, while
down the enaxt a line tmd at far as
RtilMiad. Then is bImi southern division ,
running from Sn Luts Obispo to San Ber-1
nardino. taking iu Loe Aneies, nan Diego ;
and ail the thriving Southern towns. At i
(pnauHD are wuriHt yu fp f
JJj .Xnland '
& t3oTS I
ln.,i .1MI .h two noinu nan Fran-
cisrane can talk to Lot Angeles and be-
yond. ....
Ine Northern line roes a far as Vina. I
taking in Sacramento and the principal :
towns of Northern California by branch
5 iJ? Lli "Lll 3' '
5..12t?TSl-. J
htMn Hn.thnmi.h ft ml the,
?r"' ---
Althnturh iha world is said to know
nothing of its greatest men. it. has al-J dy. from the point to the hilt The a
vtots bad 'an nnacconntoble and it would . th trud provi that Mr. G! I had
seem invinciUe propensity for retaining
remembrance of the very worst speci
mens of humanity, and it is really ques
tionable whether the laurel of the
nnl tuini -f .flifl mutt ni in
M" " -Z
Je rnn.qpite aoiwrtjun of enduhDn;
as UK uai!r w.m.u u.C.u.
tbe most notorious of mndrda. .;'b , umklkd BorlimOT aml
re"-n have not ", th ola j bo, poou of an inferior quality. To
" tllra Cartonche and alundrin, corroborate this fact it may be necessary to
Trale in England Dick Tnrpm and his i relaM , ta point. A jouon dealw
apocryphal ride to York have not passed . having executed a commission for swords
fc the public "y- for General Harcourt's regiment of dra-
Theeiploitt of Jack Sheppard as a ! goons-pnor to its going to hurth America
The exploit of Jack Sheppard
burglar and prison breaker turn up j
from time to time in tlie pnbtic pnnta,
and it is an aluuitft scandalouH fact that
, , , ill
quite modern fashionable dressmakera
cave ueviseu a cummins uameu ura
Clande Dnral. a rascal in whose career
there is not one single picturesque or
romantic feature beyond tbe dubtons
iwr the ipwpIh nf s Indv whose coach he
o -
, , . , i,i
nau nanny o wnuusun aa a. u tractor M Mr;GiU wfao ba1 never
ahght from her equine and dance a : WTOMpHed Uim withany.word bhdi.
coranto with hiin. The varlet was a j to Conftequcnce of another regiment wan
diacharged footman of the Duchew of tn(r gomo ct that time, to know at what
Portsmouth, and, taking the highway,
waa in due course of time caught, con
Tided and hanged at Tyburn. Vet
lomehow or another it ttema next to
the impoesible to bury the memory of
.i,u.. ....i in Ahii
these and similar malefactors in obliv
ion. Boston Herald.
Crow tjulll. n.k. th. Best fm.
A qniU peranalier says that no f
will do as fine writing as the crow quill
It requires the assistance of a microscope
to make a proper pen out of such a quill,
but when made it is of wonderful deli -
cacy. The microscopic writing told of
in books of literarv curiosities was all
, ,, m. , irOn-ireQUCUtlJ B UieCV Wl BUI! UWr - i HlBljunbluil, wnau.uu vt b piuioaiuu
done with a crow qniU. The steel pens ; Bhich h , u barglary hi(dlwa, nhixrJ m bunko, of
of tbe present have very tine points, but m eIwtdjngy were they, although course it is hardly to be classed with those
somehow s liner point can be given to a mmfe 0f cast steel, that, nfter cutting a gun professions, but even as there are profs
quill than has ever been put on a steel barrel asunder, he would frequently wind aional cracksmen, thieves and bunko ar-
pen, and for delicacy nothing can equal
it New York Tribt -e.
An l.utlnrtl.. ciiotee.
TT-iftlirtl M. .rtim-ni.
Uncle (to little Hoses aea BKMoses,
ss a reward for your diligence at school
I will bny yon a new book. What Mad
would you like?
Moses Well, if 1 may choose, get me
, ,
s savings bank book. lchange.
lu t'Mf uIdsm Gone.
Mamma Why don't yon play with
that clockwork elephant Santa Clans
h-,..l,t vim'
brought jou.
Little Dick It doesn't scare tbe est
any more. Giid News
flow the Effort of One Mua tlonullcid la
Placing the EuKlUh Sword IM-rifl Abo
the WeaHiiM of Any Other Country Mr.
GUI' Tirol Testa.
One of the most important pownitR which
J!r. Gill, the celebrated mwlmiiist, ever ca
f;teed in was bin retrieving the mmtntinn
rf Knglish swords, which v 1W bad fallen
into such ilmned 111 repute thut an Ens
lkh otlicer would nut trust his life to the
hazard of jiroUtble (allure of his Knghsh
sword blade upon any consideration what
ever, although only a century preceding
Juntos II hud iw-swd an act exprcwuy pro
hibiting:, under severe penalties, tbe impor
tation of swonts from Germany or any other
natiou a clear proof that at thut period the
Euglish swords were sutliriently giwnl to be
relied on. However, in tlie year a pe
tition was presented to the lards n( the treuBr
ury by the Loudon sword sellers, praying i
leave to importstword blades froin Gennany I
duty free. !
But, as a friend to the manufacturers of
England, the Duke of Norfolk, then Earl
of Surrey, one of the lords of the board,
wrote a U-tter to a gentleman of Shuloeld,
Mr. Eyre, to the followrhtjr purport: "You
will pleutte inform those whom it may con
cern that a petition has been this day (Oct.
I) pnweuted to the treasury, praying per
mUtion to import swords and sword blades
from Germany, duty free, on ajrount of the
inferior quality of the EngliHh blades. 1
should be very hnppy that any ingenious
manufacturer of Sheffield would supply mo
with such information, both as to price aud
quality, as would enable me to remove so
disgraceful a retiection on English inge
nuity." i The business of sword making being,
however, more immediately within the
province of the Birmingham manufactur
ers, Mr. Eyre sent Mr. Gill an extract from
his lordship's letter, who, in December of
that year, presented a memorial to the
lords of the treasury stating that sword
blades could be made by him of as good a
quality as thaw from Germany or any oth
er tuition and praying that the comparative
goodness of those of both countries mifiht
be examined into.
It was not till the year ITSfi that Mr. Gill
obtained the object of his pursuit, though
he mode repeated and fruit lens attempt
for that nurooee. for. on an order of 10.000
i,msv .nnt. i.,n iiif h ti
East India company, which wm divided in
di scrim inately among English and Gorman
nmnufacturei, Mr. (Till, being still anxious
for the comparative proof, presented a pe-
tition to the committee of shipping of tbe
aim company, requesting that all
tl,, ronni. nf th rliftViwit countries and
manufacturers might be proved by a test,
K u u uta,,, the difference of their
qualities. This produced an order for that
purpose, and a resolution that none but
such as on u-speciiuu and proof stood that
khi wiouiu ue recem.-u. . .
Accordingly when the swords were seut
to the comiMtny's -warehouse they under
Ekiho fortning the quality or temper of
the sword "blades namely, by forcing tbe
blade into a enrved state, and which re
duce its length of tki inches to SU inches
' 2,650 swordii received and only four rejected:
that of tbe German swords t,4w were re
ceived and 2b rejected.' aeinff in the propor
tion of 13 to 1 of Mr. Gill's, and that of the
other EnKliftb swords only 2.70U were
ceived and- l,0tx were rejected '
It was owing to the parsimony of the
London reuilcrsof swords that the hngltsh
i - - - - . - - , - .. . .. ..... ,, ,
to Uifce part in tlie war of tue revolution
mm cailed Qpon by a general on hia re
turn to LnghnU and uphrukhid by him in
) iUC lCCJUTl. mUKUtlUUI ICIIlUOt.U lilt MI-
Bapj,iicl his troops with swords of so
f a qianny that they ertuer broae to
pieces or became useless in the first onset
of an engagement, by which many of his
brave soldiers were unwortmiy siaugutereu
in MIS uistresaeu praucamuuv .ubbhi-
price he could render sword of such a
quality an to hear what he (the contractor)
called a aevere mode of trial-namely.strik-
( tog tl sword witn violence upon large
; J h G,iUn him
be bought it by no mean ao wvere u it
ought to be to determine properly the real
quality oi swards, and that he would en
gage to serve him with inch ai would stand
ml, lounnr nt at an swlvnnr-m nf OTiW
-. . , k-,.. ,! .imM for
taWmoriii more than was given other
; makers for those of an Inferior quality.
1 to the test of bending thrnn in the manner
, above mentioned, he caused them to be
flatways upon a slab of cast iron
000 edgeways upon a cylinder of wrought
tvMf Miniimitlsr a nine T min rusrr'l-
one of them around It In tbe manner oi a
riband without its breaking, and tudeed
the greater part of the blade would recover
" original straightness, tbe part nearest
Itle Poi"' only remaining in a colled state,'
1Ue ult , tbi grail wu tllot h,
wa (requent). Bppii for his superior
,wora piaue, even by German officers, who
j preterm! them tothose of toe manuf actum
of their own country. Technologic and
i n.;ii
Microscopic Repository.
From India comes the kliim-khns grass,
tbe Dhrons roots of which yield a very lie-
' -"sr and pleasing peril me. la India ths
I les an manufsctoreil into screens for
ii whloh. wha w dif.
fuss s refreshing scent.
Weather anil Meieoroltigy.
Let ns lllustrati the itiiteronce between
weatliflrand meteorology. A man sets out
from utA warm and eonifortnblu Hitbnrbuu
house. He finds a thin but vigorous snow-
storm beating iu his face.' The wind is
strong and chilling without being tern
! pestnnus. The particle of snow Rting his
skin; the wind whistles in his ears. He
! finds it a rough, wintry day. He nays an
' much to other KuburUm men who are com
ing edgewise up to the Httuinu, aud they
agree with hira. This Is weather or condi
tions of the air affecting hitman bodies and
Now, at thr top of the cupolu on the roof
rf the postoflieu, on the same dy, there iso
Uierntnmeler of extreme !iictty of coiiHtruc
tion, and an anemometw which lnemurtw
every puff of wind, and a mm gautre or
snow gunge or whatever it may be. Th 'rt
Ik no bun tun being there nut of door Ev
erything is automatically recorded, and a
man merely come out oetuisioiially aud
waits on these machine. They record and
record all day. and at tbe end of the day
their records are Hummed up into figures,
which say that the temperature wan above
the normal, and the wind was of moderate
velocity, aud the precipitation was half an
inch! Your rough wintry day hat) vanished
in a column of unmeaning figure.
Kow. a "monthly mutcoruhigtcal report
Is but an aggregation of such unfeeling fig
ures, and while all these days may h ive
left a total impression on the part of all the
people who experienced them of unusual
roughnewi and winirinewt, tbe monthly
meteorological report tells us that there
has been an "excemt" of 4H.2IU plus degree
of temperature during the uionih! That is
But people do not caw about meteorology.
The thing that interna them u wuuther.
Boston Transcript.
SfUbcs That Advaure.
Milk has many peculiaritiea that are
yielding new results uuarly every day. He-
sides heine very nutritious sulsttance it
has hern found one of tbe best mediums
through which to carry certain forms dis
covered to pmutetts the pucuiiar prnpertiw
at killing microbes, and microlie of the
moflt deadly disease. If the cholera bacillus
is put into milk drawn trwh mini the cow.
It dies within an hour Fretdi goat's milk
has similar properties, only not so deadly.
The bacillus dies within five hours when
put in tbe latter, hut the baeilluiiof ty
phoid fever dies within five houm in goat'i
milk and not before IN hours in cow's milk.
Nearly all of the other microbes of dtseasea
known to science are kilted in the same
way by cow'i and goat's milk, the time re
quired by the process varying indifferent
But milk to possess this microbe destroy
ing power most be frtwh, as after four or
five days it has no effect upon tbe microbes.
Milk that is kept at a temperature of 1UI
degrees Fahr. also loses its power to kill
tbe germs after an hour, and this fact is of
considerable interest to the profession in
view of the widely recommended plan of
purifying milk by boiling it. There are
many things yet about our fowl and its
relation to disease germs that must afford
perplexity to all, aud none is more impor
tant than the relative value of uitiL
Yankee Blade.
A Bairbraadth Csvapa,
"A man 1 ot aafe from bulleta any
where." wan heard to remark Captain Eu
gene Alar the other day to a lot of old com-
radea. "1 have mutuu to appreciate the
truth of thut observation nhpn J renxt
anon an experience I had at JackHon, Mh.,
once during the war. BaMetA were flying
around pretty lively, but we felt fairly aafe,
as we were behind a high embankment
which extended aome atwve our
beads. Well, there wuku'I anything to do
jutrt then, so 1 stretched out bt Ufai-U a caia
on with my ue&d junt la-hind a wueeL
The iart thing in tiie world (reemcd tbe
coming of a bulhit into the ftharie of that
caisson. Hut white I wan tying there tak
ing il easy I middeuly heard a ftharp 'nping
juat buhiod my bead. It wait uomisuika-
hly tbe noixe of a bullet bitting something.
Welt, 1 tunifd over and looked at tbe
wheel, and. by George, there wax a bullet
imbedded in thetireof the wheel junt about
an inch from where my head bad been. If
that tire had been a fraction lew wide, I'd
have got the bullet iirtbe head. I wasn't
nlcepy after that, I can tell you, and I moved
away from there quickly." New Orleans
Popularity of the Soft Hat.
With the advent of tbe soft felt hat
named after Kossuth began the decline of
tbe silk bat. The latter still remains an
adjunct of ceremony. It has been putthed
almost entirely out of tbe daily life of the
masses. It is a surprbte that what is often
called the stovepipe bat held Its place so
long as it did, for it suggested very little of
comfort. Perhaps it was atmpiy endured
because it was a compromise between the
steeple hat of the Puritans and the high
but less stiff and formal hat of the later
Elizabethan period. It bus been estimated
that the output of the soft hat industry in
this country it almost 5,tfX),0UO hats a
month. They are recognized in Europe as
the best in material and most artlHtic in
style and finish that are made. Then, too,
we control most of tbe trade in South
America and MexicoFrank U. Btauffer
In Philadelphia Ledger.
Vssrsaey as a Profefslon.
wTagrancy." said Superintendent Mcln-
tyreof the Albany peniUiutisry, in response
tints, so are mere proiessionai vagrants,
It is not a disease, but some defect in their
moral and physical nature which leads
them to prefer the careless life of the 'vag1
to one of thrift and industry. 1 have had
map, ,t the institution hi my time that
I have come to thoroughly understand the
class. One msn who was with me for three
months boasted that he had spent more or
less time in every Jail and penitentiary
. ftl ..U... V V I. V L'..l I I
throughout New York. New Knitland and
fenusylrunia," Albany JonrnaL
Rressy Comsponueiiee.
First Printer What srs you setting up
i city dlreutoryf
Breood Printer Nods summer resort
, Istter.-Mew York Weekly.
n II 1 1 tv.iw' i i. t.,,i,-
II ill .1 I )'" 11 "i
H il I I l'UllUlnu
nil 1 1 " "'"n""' it s
Now tlmt ill Kliat
von re l.Mikinjc
l,.r. Tlits WtH-k we
bttruulii mill , very
hchhoiihIiIi1 mm: 8
cenis per yard
for Cinuhkm,
In nopnlsr cnlnr in ohrrM, 8irt(n nml .Uiili.
r, liH'liea wiilu. It will riml Hlmut 3 cents
per viml In mull. S.i you m1! yn'l Ri-ttiilK ft
rikh! irmtlt' ot tiiiiKhftiu ilfiliverdd st yuur ptwl
ottlce lor 1 1 cents per yrd.
GLDS& KlHG.Pcrtland.Or.
n (tttwi prtees on all OnteeriM snrt Pmnlly Hup.
Llit, In UrRi? or nmitil lutK, Ht wlHilesitie ,ri(H
llrtH!t tit l lie vniiitumer. rultlbhvd tiionttiiy,
ttiut fin lre (o aity dart ou ftiima,iun.
1 no rrunt Street,
r. . Bos 640. I'ortUnJ. Or.
The rellnlile Fomale RfTrulmlng fe. V
ViU. iiuliililyciirri'utaillr- rni
mrularltlw una the f
illHtr.'eli'B smp- g Civ f"
S'TKIT"" S ' Bate, sure and
kintolthe . f4 ,Usl.lii. tH'M ,.n
V T101'1 "li fiieelpt of prios
lr-l iht inis.e int!nir.
ItrxroBli i n, Hi I IU.V Hesttlii.Wn
Best is theWorldll
Set the Genuine!!
rnaan, a irUbHE i. arni r omua, vr.
mmihl tut biluk CaUiTftMtlUf ur WtMmifL dOTW u
hnaw. cat ilia nut uultmul i'h rw uanic wifl w
(Itm for pmicJni to J J.VAJili WbCsWis
t . Hsw FfisJicaco. Cklffuntla, (P. 4H-
! WanUHl for tltf Hftl Hmikft Irrt
(,oinntl)Wttin. r-n'igui auuwsukm.
Niitl fur cin'tilani.
r. k. i'hkset rn
fi6 rflFTH AVKHl'K. CHirAOO lU
HA Vc Jr?:.TffTMl
BiaaXUUfv. or VumiLVVlMQ fiisLa
hi 'h vti dirmly ou puric knented,
huirra in mnn. Allavn llllHlHST. fllMTtlllK
Dli ITC- sp-"Hn' 'i!cmTi. I'ri!-"t0t:. Imnrpvta
7X-Cw tsv. t.iMaB.l'UiUdlplusvAai
Mr acquaintance tvith Bosclie'
German Syrup was made about four
teen years ago. I contracted a cold
which resulted in a hoarseness and
coiijh which disabled me from fill-,
ing my pulpit for a number of Sab-'
baths. After trying a physician,
withont obtaining relief 1 saw the
advertisement of your remedy and
obtained a bottle. I received quick
and permanent help. I never hesi
tate to tell my experience. Rev. V.
H. Haggerty, Martinsville, N.J.
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below the knee, and wascuredsound and well
with two and a half bottles of X31
Other blood medicines had failed KffTsl
to do me any good. Wiu.C.-J)ety,
I was troubled from chllcVioid with nr, air
rmviitf-rf rwte of Tetur, mid three buttles of
aTtyg? oured me perminientlr.
Our book on Blood and Skin Dl matled
(rat. awunrbracirwCo.,A -U.OS.
dollar for
finest Shirt
made. Fust
prepaid on
all orders.
Batisfacti o n
fl. B. STEI Ji BflGH -CO.,
Cor. First and Morrison StrMts.
To't RenMdr for CnUrrh It the
Sett, EmI-H to Dm, nrt ChmMnK.
I i SoM br VrmtdM orMnt tr mttu I
Ulktl, uueiuos, Sims, ra.