The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 30, 1893, Image 1

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One year 92KI
(If iwtrl in twteanoe, $1 50 per y:.)
nxnnmtut .1W .. I TO
Three moinhn SO
Ingle mptM. ,-- , ,.,...... 06
Secret Societies
l,K!tANON HfcMiK, SO. 47. I, O. 0. F.-Mett
ewir Saturday ewniiiJt ai Chid Fellow Ball, t
o'clock p. at.
A. A. KEE8. N. 0.
W. C. PKTKIWOK. Sert'y.
PKARLftKW!f'rA I-OWE, NO. 47. L. 0. F.
'Meeta at L a P Hall first and ;(hirtl Wednes
day erentwr each monik.
H DOLUS gl TM A R8H.1t jC! y
Lmu elmcr., No. 44 A. F. t i M, Meets
AatiirJajrevflktug, ou or at font the M l moan m
each jm&.
E E. Hambaih, W. M,
f. . atLfiiea. Sec.
BwLotv.r. No. w. A O, V. W. Meet svery
TuewU; wf uing at . A K. Hall.
ha. I.. A. Lambmmok, M. W.
J. BlTmokiw ,Kc
ori-lfcHMJn or. No. 19, erv ofORBno
Sowar VT'.-Mft trti.A. H. Kill, Letwrn.
Or,, ewrry Matimlay yetilng. smt-pi the tliiM
Hatnrtm-f twcti moiiUi, mw-tinjt'the third Fri
day toHtHBd. All hnkt'ifm of Uk Sou of Vet
erans mtft c-.mmde. the (i, A . K. are cordially
Utvltotiemetit with taw Cam p.
C. D. Iler or, CauL
A.OMDALL, Finrlfte-Jrt.
ATWKIN tT - fsA - LAW,
Atorney-rt- Law,
Attorneys at Liaw,
OoltentknMilven pmmpt at awful atlentiea
Witl jnctto tn all Uk urtMf ttw u we.
otnca tic cotTtrurt'i wexx.
guceeMor to R. L. MtiUiure.
Shaving Parlor.
In llauMHi-ri' New
Firtt-Clasa ArtitU in attend
ance; Hot and Cold Bathi with
Shower at all timet.
Yuur Patronage Solicited.
Albany Oregon
Are the leading
M illiners
Of the Valley
When visiting Albany don't
fail to give them a call.
Notice of ADmlnlstrator'a Sate.
Notircfa hereby (riven tlmt by virtureo!
in .ir.luf . Ilia wmntv iwii.t nf t it,,. I'nn
. ... , ... u, 1-...JI- .
ty, Orjn, 1ulv tiiBilewtil entered of voc-
ord itvmd by Paid eiwrt oti the 9th rlr.y of
rehnmw.l wm on n nth -Jay of I
Julv.'WWS. at the howrnf one i.'fl.'.'b r. J
, ... . , uTe nanou utpoMton only. They
nfsaia.av, atthtMtnirt house door in iJreK. . ,
dtyofAlhanr. Urn, ( 'on,v. Or-m. !" P the bunk and are now
to the'ilghrst KiilikT therefor form), in
IuikI-tht fullowiiK described uremic t.
;kiiiA:i to the mate of Peter Welt, 4e-
ceased :
Betjnntng 58 rtisins auct SS links Nrth
f the Southeast corner of 0. ff. Klam's
donation land tiaitn So. XI. wttittmtinn
So.'JS22, Tocwhip 12bouth Kaiiae one
of the Witianiette Jleridean; alienee
Wet 11 chaii; tjienco Sortli SO ehains
imI 18 link!; theune Kast U Tliains;
elteoee South ehaiiis end I link to the
filane of beginiinn, eonieining 37itres in
liiati Conutjf.K Iregou.
(The interret to I mid aa ufoKsald in
ii preniunltwiug all (Jie rijclit title and
nmertKl wliitt. aanl I'eter Weltfcad therein
Hhetiioe( lii death. The ntaie being a
.an simple mate. '
UaltKt thin 30th day of Sine. 1KB.
"W. R. Mjcu.
i Attorney for Adninistrator.
1 VAamialMratriz Hal.
Kotioe-i Hereby riven that the umler-
lanrned Administratrix of the estate of
eorg B.McKiuney deoeaaad, b virture
Tai)nenar the County tnourt for Linn
eauntjri Beeroti, duly nadeand entered of
Kard'on.akeOtii da nf llwh lags Lw..
ia(l.HitaariiJn( and diiwctlng this Ad-
aanisuraau to teu Uienal estate betoag
iwto theaatateof aaiddmiuwd.
Will oaitke ath dav af lr lata .i nk.
ifcaaroUa. m. f aaid day at the frent
1 1 tbtutU Huuot ia tht dtaf ati.
faay, county, V-easa. IMI at. paU-
MRstMaiaaUM birtMna ladder all oftae
aauit, 'UUaarMl Interest saU deceased had
lattiUie Uinoaf his death, ia and tn J UL
Uaaring deaecibed real eslaaeiowit.
rgiiiiiiat tlie Korta West oomner.oi
e S. ;W:i, of Section ttiir TowashimS
. R. 1 1 W. of the Willamettee Meridiar
seXHi, Itaace South M rods; belies
Hast SO rede: hence North MO rods: htm
Xaat 40 rotlsao Uie Dlaos of Inirinniiur u.
iitariuig tkaaiei more or teas, all in Uan
.aeeniy, vaajan.
txerraaof aale one half eaab in hand aad
one half ia one year with t per cent Inter
est, defend payment secured hy mortgage
oiillie prenuatv
.Tfiis 24th day of April. WO.
Kiu 8oK, Administratrix.
.FauTHamiuaD 4 t.'HBunji,
AUys. for Estate.
lii-estaieof Thos Clemens, final settle
ineno was set fee J uly 8.
Ineslateof Miiud and fraoois Wagnou,
1) U.W'aguon hied bond for Jtill n vur.
In estate ol J. . McKechuicwiu an.
tiual.atcount wulled.
In estate of K H Koscoe. fioai atilenimit
In estate of J as k Tlioiiii1ii..lijml
tleniestaet for Aiu; jsi J.
ltieuateof MU Ohambertai Marv J
Chaiuoerlsin was iippointed ailuiinistr-
trij. Bond $iiO.
faftflit of Jos. Moist, th. , tatc 1
wasamisrad turned er as proiddjo the
InAjuirduuishjp of aohn K Poitm, V T
1' briar ,aa appointnl guardian. J&wd,
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
OREGON, JUNE 30, 1893.
Hank Fallura.
Last 1ieduy J. h. Cowan made a
deei! of trust to nil of his property at
.... ... ...r, r.Hrivj a
tliisplar)e, both estate and person
el property, to J. M. Hrttfe, J. A. Rob
erta, ntrd W. H. Ijontiei. This.BtOHe-
. . . .
taking an Inventory of the assets and
liabilities nf tills place. iTIiey have not
got far encugh along yet to makes
ftatetnent but infurnted us that thev
thought they would he able to pay tbe
depositors a good deal more than was
at first espected.
Before this deed tT trust was made
Sheriff Jackson cane out to Lebanon
and wKh the assistance of Dr. Folej,
P. M. tSuiith and VV. M. Brown, after
going through the note and accounts
of the bank made a statement of the
assets and liabilites of the bank, which
is approximately as follow; Gross
asstts, $76,000; of this the bank prop
erty Is courted at $8000; J. L. Oowair
owes 142,000 to the batik of Lebanon-;'
over drafts of upwards of $12,000. and
the balance in notes. The liabilities
gross are $52,000, including about $24,
m to depositors, $19,000 to the Linn
County National bank and the bal
ance to other creditors. '
It is the general itepresniou tin
since Mr. Cowan has let things got In
'the shape he has, that he Is trying to
-do the right thing by tbe depositors.
Here Is a ease of very close to the
twelfth hour repentance: People at
Brain Sunday, jnne It, witneaaed a
scene that does not often occur. An
old uan was there baptised by hamer
sion into the Cbristiaa church. He
bat passed the'eeatoty font tn Ute, be
ing nearly 102 year, of a. Mf . Brawn
lain feeble stealth reqeiirtag assistance
to get around. He baa lived
long enough and would meet death
with feelings of pleasure,
A woman tramp, seventy-two years
old, rode In on Wednesday evening's
train.. She wore a rusty black dress
and straw haL while bet face Iswrink
led by tbe marks of age and hardship,
she isjvery cheery and active. She halls
from Pittsburgh Pa., and Is traveling
extensively, riding when possible,
walking when neoeasary. Ex.
UaAKox, Os., June 21, 1KB.
Oliice of the Lebanon & Sanuara Canal
Notice is hereby given to all whom It
may concern, that, on the 21st day of
July at 7:30 l). m. at the nffl nf P,.
AGarland in Lebanon, Oregon. There will
ue neiu me regular annual meeting of the
siuca uoiaers ot the Lebanon A Bantiam
L'anal Co., at which meeting seven direct
ors of said company will be elected.
L. Foiey,
M. A. MlLLEB, .
.Hon. T.J. Black, the newlv-annnlnt.
.ed collector of customs of this port.
uaasuoniittea Ins offlelal bond to Judge
Bellinger, and taken his oath iifnfflw
"""T0 r.M 'a8' eveuing to
rT' y r8'e, d when It revives
.Hie ajllirnval nf tlto A .
the approval of the treasurv dn.i.
ment Mr. Black will receive his com
mission. It is in the sum of tsn nnn
and bears the signatures of Wllll-m
Churnlt, Jr-, Hylvester Fsrrell, Theo.
dore B. Wilcox, Thomas Richardson,
and K. . MeKee.
rrogramme for Flonlo July 4th 1893.
at the Aendemy Urounds,
President oi tho ilay,.m,....(l B. Montagne
Music: Kaiwt
Pfyer , Rev. Lamar
Music Choral Society
Reading Declaration of Independence
.f....R. K. Quincy
Oralion J.J. Charlton
Winding May Pole 20 little gills
After which the following toasts will be
resionded too:
Our Country ...Prof. Randle
Tbe honest man, though poor.
- Klizabeth Rml
The man with a brilliant head... A. A. Km
The ladies R. N. Wrutlit
The days performance ends with a tug ot
war between the married and single men.
Sodavllle Will Celebrate.
All necessary arrangements hv
been made far a grand 4th of July
celebration to be held in Hale's grove
In tbe south western part of Sodayille,
Linn county, Oregon. Their bills can
be seen all over Linn county at every
cross road and corner.
Among other precautions great care
will be' taken that the tank shall be
filled with that health restoring: fluid.
sodawater, which is now being ship
ped all over the coast.
Hon. H. A. Miller, orator of the dav.
aided by several other prominent
speakers will entertain the people from
10 a. m. till dinner. After dinner the
exercises will continue. See posters.
By order of committee.
"The Bead oiond boys now have their
drive or seven million feet of logs In
the river and are running them down,
voveriBf abont a mile and a half a
day, which is good time with such a
large drh. They have twenty-two
men engaged in driving. Home of tbe
logs are for the mills at Coburg and
some go to Corvalils and some to Har
rlsburg. Booms have been put in tbe
river at the race leading to the Cnhurg
mill and tbe logs are here separated.
The drives were at Anderson's place
up tbe river Tuesday night. Eugene
Dr. M . i. Davis is a prominent phys
ician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and
has been actively engaged in the prac
tice of medicine for the past thirty
five years. On the 26th of May, while
In Des Moines, en route to Chicago, he
was suddenly taken with an attack of
diarrhoea. Having sold Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for the past seventeen veara.
and knowing its reliablity, he pro
cured a twenty-live cent bottle, two
doses of which completely cured! him.
The excitement and change of water
Incident to traveling often produces a
diarrhoea. Every one should nrooure
a bottle of this Remedy before leaving
home, For sale hy M. A. Miller, drug-
Junction City times: Thos. Allen,
of Long Toni,;h ad a narrow escape
from death Wednesday. Mr. and
Mis. Allen were away from home and
on their return Mrs. Allen baked some
gems for breakfast. They tasted pe
culiar and Mrs. Allen declined to eat
them. Mr. Allen, however, contin
ued his meal, and in a short time
thereafter becrme quite sick. Dr.
Lee was sent for, and by his timely
arrival he was enabled to counteract
the influence of the poison. The
gems were thrown out und It was hut
a short time till the dog and oat were
stretched nut in death. Upnu exami
nation it was discoverod the gems con
tained strychnine in deadly quantities.
The geirs were made from batter kept
In a jar, and the presumption is that
the strychnine was placed in the Jar
during their absence. They have no
idea who committed the dastardly act
or why any one should wish to tuke
their lives.
HO 18'
; frMsreia.
: From tbe reul estute transfers nub.
lished hi .yesterdays Herald we clip the
Jace' Kees to It Hlatt, 23.9) aoree,
11 W2;$125.
J 3 and T A rSwnn to Harrle Tlllnt
in, 25x159 feet, Lebanon; $1500.
T A 8vuii to A G Everett, 20x108
feet and 1 lot, Lebanon; $1000.
T and J Kwau to A Gnttsche, 5 lots,
Lebanon: $500,
Presenting Cheeks.
As a good many cases have occurred
in Lebanon we give the following In :
reference to the presentation ofchecks,
takeu from the Lawyers, column,
Portland Telegram: Inasmuch as tbe
failure of tbe bank before presentation
Is the principal, if not the Inevitable,
occasion of lose from neglect or delay
of presentment, almost any delay is
likely to produce the loss; ana hence;
but a limited time is given hi which
to make Dresentmpne . hA
length of time varviuar .with the
sons between whom tbe question
arises. If persona in whom vn
the checks reside at the same plaee sa
me oana is situated they nave all the
next day in which to make present
ment, and if presentment is delayed
beyond the business hours of the next
day. and the bank fails in th.
kime, tbe loss falls on the holder of the
cneox, not you; where the payee re-
celves the check at a distance from th
place where the bank la situated,; he
una me wnote or me day after receiv
ing it in which to forward the ebeetr
for presentment through an approp
riate channel, by mail or express, to
1. ...... . . . , . .
---- l-iii.a .u, fcUV nMIIK IK Min.M-'
aud the person to wtton it Is sent for-1'
presentment has tbe next dhy ailetv'
receiving it lu which to make tbe pre
sentment; and any loss from a failure
of the bank during the time thus re
quired for the transportation- of tbsf
check would fall on the drawer; if th
party who receives the check reside
in the oouutrv aomv from . .
office, the rule as to diligence In
forwarding the check fur presentment '
Is not so strictly enforced as in other
The Asblaud Tidines tell th fal
lowing: Geo. Farlow, who was 1i
towu this week from the ranch of Far
low Bros, on upper Butte oreek, Vlk
of some fiiu the rtinoliera of that'
neighborhood have been having with1'
bears tblB spring and summer. A big
grizzley whose trucks lu the snow
measured twelve inches In diameter
bus been living on fresh beef wuitlug
for berries to ripen. He lias killed as
least five bead of cattle In the neighborhood-three
of them three year old
steers and one a big cow with n belt
on her. Messrs. GeorgePerry Farlow
W. H. Rradshuw, Hank Wright anit i
others have spent several weeks trying
tooapturo the griasley, hut couldn't
do It. They set u big sleel trap which)
the grizzley would haul around,
knocking down aud dragging about
the logs which had been piled around '
it. The trap whs spi ling by him four
dlffereut times, but. Ihijed to catch
hint, though it caught a hg brown
bear, whioh the men killed. Dogs
would trail the ariztlev lint couldn't.
bring him to a stand, and rim the
direction of his trail followed, he
was making for the Heart Indian
country. He is u moimtor and ia one
of tho very few grizzlies left to roam
the Section ot Cascades and Siskin
mountains which thirity years ago
was a favorite resort of this largest and
fiercest of the numerous bears of
Mr. Morgan Holt, who' ht one Ug
in switching cars at Junction City, ia
shout on crutches in the hospital in
Portland, and will soon lieah'tto go
o his home in Harrishuig.