Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, JUNE lit, 1898. (-Additional locals on first paee.H Come 111 for nb work. Eugene wilt eelehrale the Fourth of July. Try the now drink, Creum Soda, at Zahn's. Dr. Lumbemon Is In Portland on biniiMiw. Special baking done to order at Mrs Muy Zahn's, M. A. Miller carries a complete line of pal it U and nils. a Have you examined thoee new uninier null" at 61. P. Bach's. Fresh plea, oaken and bread at Peebler's grocery store. II. A. Miller uow has a complete line of drugs and stationery. The Portland school district to out of funds and owes its teachers $17,81X1 Pumps and pipe down to Albany prices. F.C. Ayekh&Co, Call aud examine my new stock of spring olothlng. B. P. Bach. J. 8. Courtney M. D, Physician, Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon, Or. Mrs. A. VV. Grubb and children It ft Tuesday for Arizona where she will live with lier brother. Mrs. Duokett lias house plants for sale, and they are very choice. Call and nee them. We arc offering great reductions In team harness. Cull and get prices. Fbkv & SBTT1.B. Parties who were to pay their sub scription In wood will please haul the same now. Mr. Palaohe, adjuster of the Hurt ford Insurance Co,, was In town this week to see about the Case house which was bunred. Mrs A 3 Adams aud daughter In tends to leave the first of next week for Southern Oregon where Mr Adams now is. Hherlll Jackson, was In our city ycBterdny. l)r Foley and Attorney Garland returned home 'yesterday from San Franuiscn. E. P. Weir line traded his farm Just south of town, to A. McCully, of Jor dan valley, for a farm and store situ tated at that plane, Consideration $7000. A targe stock of spring clothing tins Just been received by S. P. Bach. He has the latest styles aud colors. Call and get prices. Mr, Lu Forge left a strawberry at H, P. Bach's store which measured tlj inches in circumference. Oregon against the world on strawberries. Prof Harry Gay left Tuesday for Junction City. The Prof, done more work while here the last time than he ever did mi any previous visit to this place. Married, at the home of the bride's grand parents, near Hndaville, Linn county, Oregon, June 1, 181)8, Mr. F. C. Cruddock and Miss Julia B. Wil son, botli of Linn county. Rev. J. H. Brown officiating. A Washington dispatch says Unit A. M.Condra, who came from near Halsey. I.lnn county, whs In Ford's theatre when this historic building collapsed, but escaped unhurt. He was a native of Oregon, and is well known In this county, Ills' father be ing an old pioneer. The assets of Hamilton & Job's bank are stated to be $215,000 In money and notes, county securities and real estate. The nubilities are 1205,000, of which J171.0IKI are deposits. There is but little excitement and general oonll dence Is expressed that the concern will be able to resume business short- ly. " Fifty cents Is a small dnotor bill, -but that Is all Is will cost you to cure uny ordinary case of rhoumatlsm If you use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try It and you will be surprised at the prompt re. lief It affords. The first application will quiet the pain. SO cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller, druggist. There will be services in the First Presbyterian church every Sunday, morning and evening, The evening soriuon Is especially Intended for the ""young people. Young People's prayer meeting at 7 P. M. on Holidays. All are cordially Invited to come iintl wor ship Willi us. Please make yourself kuowr to the Pastor. . Kdwakd licc'Lus'ruN. The Champinn Mill flour Is the best In the market. Try in J. G. Eaton and John West aie still very 111. J. F. Hvde and family are In Brownsville this week attending the pioneer plonlo. Mrs. J. F. Stubbletleld has opened a type writing cilice in Dr. Courtney's building, where she solicits your patronage. Prof. S, T. Adams, of Jefferson, was in J.elianon this week and made the Exprkss a pleasant call. Rev, Lamar, 9; Oi- Wallace and Mr. Hindman aud wife we attending the Baptist Association now In session in Benton oounty. Mrs. W. H. Reed ha a rose bush that Is less than a year old and has a rose on it that measures 18 Inches around, and 7J inches across the top. This is the first row the bush has ever borne. Mrs. Reed has by far the nicest flower yard ii town. Mr. Mathews, of-Buttevllle and Miss Josephine Nelvert, of Hulem, were the guests of Mr. and Mjj. Bach, this week. M iss Nelvert is a half-sister of the Buhl boys of this city. Work ou the water works Is pro gressing rapidly. Tbe main pipes have already been laid through tbe business part of the city and the water tower Is nearly completed. The Church of Christ meets in the Academy lor regular services every Lord's Day iu the morning at 11 o'clock. Buuday school at 10 o'clock. All are invited to attend. Dr. Courtney returned home Wen- nesduy from a visit to the World'B Fair and also from a visit to tils old home. The Dr. reports the Fair as being grand. He had a very narrow esuape in an accident. Miss Eunice Kirkpatrick left today for Helma, California, to join her par eiitn. She goes via way of Sau Fran cisco by steamer. I have 10 acres of garden land ad- Joining Lebanon, part of It lays on the inside of the incorporation, for sale at a bargain. Call and get prices and see the land. W. C. Petkkson. I am now prepared to furnish sup plies nf all kluda to bop growers cheap er than they can be bought In Port land, quassia wood whale oil soap a specialty. J. A Lambebson, Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or. Mr. J.Wassom has sold the little orchard just east of his house, former ly owned )y Joe, to O'Nell Bros. Consideration $1250. . ' Bend your name and address to Read Peacock & Co., Albany, Oregon, and mention tbe Exi'Kkbs, they will mail you a fashion el.eet free each month. R. N. Beaman had the misfortune to get one of hie legs badly torn up in tbe machinery at tbe paper mill this week. Dr. Booth was called aud dressed tbe wound, aud at present Mr. Reaman Is getting along nicely. Dt. Frank Billiard was married to Miss Htella Fincne at the borne of the Wile's parents In Seattle, on tbe 7th of this month. " Frank has many warm friends at this place with whom tbe Exi'KKSS Joins in wishing them a happy voyage through life. John Btewar't started a large cattle djlve of 2000 bead, over the mountains from the McKeuzle last week. Tbe drivers arc A T Plckard. Ed and Dale Owens, Bud Ayuian, Alf Walker, Jim Taylor, Charley Bowman aud three others from near Lebanon. Guard. The last Quarterly Conference of this Conference year will be held In the Methodist church, Saturday after noon at 8 o'clock. All of the official members are expected to be present. Rev. John Parsons, Presiding Elder, will preach Sunday morning, June 18, at 11 o'clock, Everybody is invited to he present at these services. . H. Obekq, Pastor. Mr. O'Leary, who for several years has been walling for the Government to give her a pension h;is at last se cured ?8 per month and $300 arrears f rot n Uncle Ham, on account of Mr. O'Leary having fought in the Re belllion. She Is the women that owned the now that kicked over the lump that started the fire that burned Chicago In 1871, and has been a res spected resident of Maysonville, Mich, for many years Chicago Triuune. Are you Insured? If not, now Is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of ChauiberlaUi's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as an insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer mont hs. I t is al most certain to he needed and shnuid be procured at once. Hu other remedy nan take its place or do Its work. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A, Miller, druggist. Go to-Zahn's for milkshakes. i C. A..Zohn isnow making iMicions flee ereani. . E. IX;Csend wife were fn 1au this week. G. 'IT, Cot too Is clerking I n Pugh A Wallaces this week. M Iss- tva' SmlttTis visitiua; in Aibai ly tills week, Kelt,. Dunne & Co's. puro prepan ?d house paint tor sale by N. W. Smith. T. II Dodson and family have mov ed to Oregon City. Call ooFrey and SetMe and see the oargaias tbeyjare offering- In team har ness. , T. C. Peebler intend to go to Fish lake oo a Ashing expedition the first of next week. J. C. Bilyeu and' femily are In Brownsville attending the pioneer pionle. Pref. Torbet, of Albany, was In our city yesterday shaking bands, with old friends. , . E. L. Power, successor to Thompson A Overman at Albany, is the place to. buy harness, whips, robes, etc. Forsing' or double harness, sad dies etc., go to E. 1. Power at Thonip sob & Overman's old stand, Albany, Oregon. Mr. Ream and wife of Albany, were Id Lebanon this week visiting W. H., Iteed and family. Mrs. Ream la a sister of Mr. Reed. G. W. Wheeler aud wife returned home Wednesday from Independence, where they have been on a visit to their son. The Bulley concert which was-glven J at the Academy last Tuesday evening,, was well attended and pronounced a a splendid concert by all who were. present Vn. B. Donaca and E. E. Hauimaokj of this plaoe, are In Portland this weelt attending the Masonic Gran Chapi ter. Mr. Donaca will have his eyes treated again while there. Prof. Michener will leave today for tSan Fraiic'.sco via YuquJua ou the teucihers excursion.. After remaining, there a few days, he will go on to bis home in Kansas. Prof. Micbener has made many friends while in out midst. The Sodaville Comet Baud will play the celebrated drama, "Tbe Con federate Spy", next Saturday, June 17, 1893, in the City Hall, (Hill's new building) Sodaville, Ore, General admission 2 5 oents; reserved seats 85 cents; children between 10 to 15 years of age, 15 oents; children under 10, free. Ruft'Hiatt returned home Monday from Eugene where Be has been to deliver 300 bead of cattle to Plckard 4 Stewart, which lie had sold to them. Plckard 4 Stewart has left for Eastern Oregon with 2200 head of cattle. They went via the McKeuzle route. This Is the largest band of cattle ever drove out of this country at one time. Chas. Walton, Henry Beard and Jas. Elliott accompanied them across the mount ains. Tbe hank of Hamilton, Job & Co., at Corvallls closed its doors last Sat urday morning for the want of cash. A notice was pasted ou the door say ing that tbe bank had ample assets to pay all deposits in full as soon as Ihey oan be realized upon. There was no run upn the First National bank there as reported. The branch of Hamilton & Job's bank at Yaqulua also clnsod Us doors. There will be a basketr meeting at Waterloo no the 4th Sunday In June commencing at 11 a. m. Two services during the day, and a number will also be baptised. Let all come and bring your baskets. All are kindly invited. We are new building the new church at Waterloo. Please all ho have subscribed pay to W. E. Crawford at Waterloo as soon as pos sllle; be Is building the chuich. , C. N. Plowman, Pastor. Earl, 13-year-old sou of Frank Gil liam of Heppner, wandered into the hills Saturday afternoon and could uotbe fouud. That night the resi dents of Heppner turned out en masse with lanterns and searched tbe hills for miles west of town. Towards moruiiig a child's tracks Were dis covered about four miles from town leading towards John Woodward's ranch. Calling therej the ltttle fel low was found snugly tucked up In bed and sleeping soundly. He bad been found on the road late the previ ous evening and taken in by the Woodwards. It seemed hardly ciedl. bly that so young a child oould hove wandered so far. The explosion of two dynamite cartridges was the sig nal that stopped the search aud brought Joy to the Gilliam household ENJAHIN Have just received a Large and Well-Selected Stock of Dress Goods, Linens, Table Linens, Laces, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Underwear, And other goods, direct from the East an d Their Prices Are So Low That they will astonish you. ' . Be Sure and Call and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere. . Cov ntry Produce Taken at Highest Market Price. Remember the place In the Odd Fellows' Building NEXT TO THE POST-OFFICE,. LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON. Clearly Visible. The abundance of light in our new store renders the most delicate shade and the faintest pattern clearly visible , which enables one to make , selections of Spring1 Clothing without the slightest inconvenience. No Handsomer Olotliing- was ever opened in this City than that we have received for this Spring's trade. - , ' Suits in Cheviots, Velours, Tivolis, Bedford Cords, and Fancy Cassimeres. Neglige Shirts, Dress Shirts, Underwear and Neckwear, -New Stiff Hats and Fedoras, and Footwear of The Best Makes. . jgipS'iecial Attention Given to Mail Orders.j3C The L. E. BLAIN CLOTHING CO., flinn block. ALBANY, OREGON. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. Reports from Chicago slate tlmt tlie infanta rulalle, ou ilieimn of l'ullur Palmer paused through tin? horticultu ral building Thursday. WIk-ii slif reached the Oregon piuvilhon she wns met by the superintendent Juj tiuy Lewis. The infanta stopped lor some moments and giized at a lare jiu- ol Oregon pears. SheJ expressed Mirprife at specimens weighing five pound aud suggests this wight Hiwl l e iuu; nified. This amis the only exiiihil ut which she tarried. R0S. Nat Bowman came over the niomi. tains Friday from Cn ok county with a number of pack animals, which he had wintered Ka.-t of the mountains. He was the first man to cross thii year. He icports about ten miles of ten foot snow still ou the suuiit. The stock wintered very well in that i-ouutry he report?, but the sheep in crease the smallest for five years,. The wool growers who usually bring -' Iheir produie to market in tills valley iie thinks will not I ubie to do so this year on acci unt of' depth of snow. Mr. How man watt accompanied by Mr. Mulkoy,