The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 16, 1893, Image 3

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    - r V
.Tarry ftrnva nut f Mix nnrin'n yard, hit
flim, luitinft fitcu, whiuli IhkI liHn rutlicr hot
wlinii 1k KtoptH'tl at Mrs. Ilm-ins's kitaltou
door and MiumlfHl liin truny;, hU!1 l)i;ili;ly ami
tmoiniugly lUmUM, Jtirry drovn a (IrxUluiM
bufchur'n whroii f(ir thfl lW rIuhk (ii-nimii
bincifr in WiHi,wwwl, tln'oi. milismiway.
Wlicii Hiiny Miu'kIi, who won Mix Hnrln(r
neat, mptiblt) kimlinti tiwisuro, had mim to
tlin door, nlm mm rmy also. Hint did mil
clmnn!uinr wlum r.lio VVtwtworwl balmrmme
ftloiiK, thouu'li In? wih yoiiii;;, ami immli ud
Oiii'cd luir. But ai ni;;ht of Jurry nlio wiw apt
to tlush up.
And it hud forvm ratlitir worsa Hinee lunt
flutunlny niu'ht, wlum Jurry, going linmn,
had nvttrtiikwii hr trumping ilonj; toward
hur own iiomw, two miltw toward WVntwciwl,
to ) Imr ittotlinr Mil moriiin, mid liad tiikim
lior in utid lrivin Imr to Imr vory iloor. And
be liud found Unit nu want Iioihb nuarly
evnry Hatnrdity niuht, aml-woll!
Jurry touohwl up bin Ihii-ko, wh totting.
What, liad nho miidf Only tlmtHhe would tuku
a Ui.dcirloii) rowtt, iilnut,nix p. Hindu, But li
find Inn lilue nvos and hor prut.ty, ladylike
ways to think wimiii.; mid think of tiie'in h
did, almost grinning in Imcontuiitmmii. And
wlum ItornVy, tliu young Witsiwood haknr,
camo up ulongHidft of luiu uwl Iwgan tu talk,
he wwlim! It iiu in Tijxiix.
Cot)li'y cym him. Truth was that wlmn,
delivering he rolls at Mr. llarilig'K, he hud
offered Susy a broad rompliuieiitaloiiK with
them, Him had fiwimil and ditiappuured
"Jh'lio, Jerry!" he said. "nVen torn your
girl, J.Tryf U'oll, vliHrt migiity pretty. I
KUehH you ain't tlieonly one thinkn ko. Uttck
on not. Uiblw Lhitiksnu, lor one. You kuow
Jerry didn't.
"Clerk in the slioe Rtore down to Went
wooil." wild Cooky, and Jerry identified him,
He wan a ratner large mouthed young follow,
who wore a red naektie uud ttputted collar
"Yen, Hlr," iiaid f -ooley. "He's ri-lit up to
Biiuff, and any fellow that's after Iuk girl bet
tu look out. LodIih uh though lie watt bound
tognt little Husy."
"You Hmitk of her the way you ought to!"
aid Jerry, Rurnly, thougli hi heart fait liitu
"Oh. alt right," mild Cuoley, (Jerry was a
fit footer). "Miss Him-, then. He's hound
to have Mistt Busy, and don't you forget it.
What do you say to a drivo In a brand new:
buggy lieliind a fast trottei'f Tliut ' what he
give her lemme yep, Buiunlay nigitt
two WHultH ago, 'fcwau. Jle was driving her to
ward home lu'keiy-Hplit siiB goog home Sat
urday nigiiiH, you know."
"liteket.y-HpliL; 1 ruw 'inn," said Cootoy.
"Having a ili-Ht rate rime Limy wan, too.
Qwm you better stop down, Jerry, my boy.
Ouokh you got a pretty Mliru ehruiee; that's
my opinion," Haid Cooley, almost huggiug
Ho would havewmtiniwd, but. Terry, rather
oeliy hued and wdd eyerl, turned hi lioie up
another road, with a danh. It would take
kiiu two mileti out of hi way, but it wan hix
only course; ho knewtlintif Co;)ley md an
other word h hhoiild knonl; tiini off lis seat.
Poiw Jerry! He Htai'ed at feuires and hay
itaekH without Heuing thuiu, and ueariy went
into the dtteh.
Poor Jerryl Already bo had, almost with
out Iiih own kmnvlDtlnu, made timid little
plain for tho dim future plans over whieh
hiit heart had thrilled, uud now thrilled with
misery as he wretchedly relinquished thorn
Prnttyt Yoa, Htie was, and the dearest girl
under the mm; and was it likely that nobody
had observed it but hJmmilff He, an awk
ward, six foot booby, who was too bashful to
meet hor pretty uyusl And .Mr. Oiblis, who
drovo the Hue equipage uud, hud Hinoot.U and
aasy ways, if he did talk ioud -slio lined him,
of course, and of eourse she would marry him.
And he wouldn't trouble her aga.u; slie
dreadiid him now. prooably, Never nuiii.
lint, oil I had any l ullow ever got Int. iiean
O.U lie so near brokenf
"Mcin eratiouI" the tier man butcher ejae-
ulatfid at (tignt of him, "Clu-rry, vat for you
look so queer and know iiudingHf"
Jerry gavu a husky laugh.
"I'm all right uow, Mr. Seuulto," be mud
"Fiftetm doliare and twelve eoula I've taken
In, sir."
"Got your rubbers and waterproof and
umbrella, Busy?" said Mrs. Baring, looking
into the kiuilieu as Susy was starting, Satur
iay night. "I'm at raid It's going to rain
"It had rained for two days, but there wan
a little break in the clouds to-night, and Busy
was started home blithely. Mrs. llariug
looked at her shrewdly.
"It's muddy, Susy," she said. "If Home
body should come along in a market wagon
and givo you a lilt Well, remember, Busy,
what I've always said that if you get mar
ried to suit mo, I'll give you a good parlor net
that very day. "
Tho mud was bad, and puddles frequent,
and thero was a new cloud visible. But Susy
tripped along cheorfully.
Now and thon she looked hack. It must bo
nearly time for him. Sue would be glad when
ho did come, because of tho mud only bo
cause of the mud, of course. And the bridge,
further on, she had heard that the water had
crossed it, and what should she do if he didn't
come along And altogether she looked
bright and happily expectant as nhe went.
That cloud wrfuld break in a minute, sho
was sure, it must be almost time for him.
Was that a rattle now? Yoa, mid it wtis
Jerry; it was ins red lettered wagoti aud his
sleek lioiso, and he w;u coming fast.
swnk,.,i ,.h ,., t. .. ..!0 """I!'""'" wnuwaaomy ucr senior
anil wait-wiLl, rUuii color and fluttering I
limrt. :
Alas and Mio bntalior wajron nnw
ou, and Jerry with it, and Susy i-uhikI imr i
txnimmg lae, witli hor lnuikust umllo, ami ;
dorry looit oir nu nut ana loworoa Imad;
but tliut wiib all.
H drove onon part hor on down tho
mu'lily road, and lot't Imr standing tliore;
for, in Imr hurt iistouisi.iiiuiit, bIio stood stock
till, with a cutidid stare.
Than sho wulkod on hrialdy. Mrs. Hiirlng-a
olllcioiit young luaiiiigHr was not tho girl to
bo wholly stutuued even by
calamity moli
as this,
Pshaw 1 It was plain enough. She wasnt
the only girl ho sold moat to, and he had seen j this city. She was towed to this port by
oinohody ho likod bettor. That was all, aud the freighter Chateau Margaux, bound
ho was thinking that it was time she know it. from New York to Bordeaux Tho lat-Tuni-tum-tetuni
ter was awarded $10,000 sulvage.-New
She held her head up and hummed . tun Yor) Eyening UBe' "ew
iii wiw in' nn.iiiii; m Kiiriniiiu auu Klie wr
glad of It. it won M give her something to
think about. Htie raised her umbrella and
Jogged along with emphatic tep.
It wiw more chart Hpriiikhng it was rain
ing hard. Big drops ci-ucKmI n her umbrella
and dripped from it,
Hut Imr chief iiitorent lay In tho buteher's
wagon. It had ratiled into a yard and hadn't
come out, and she wiw anxious to git ahead
of it. Then hiio would march on stillly when
he repassed her, and not even look at him
It was pouring now. Hor umhrella was of
small use; sho watt getting wot from head to
foot, and the mud grew deeper with every
And, oh, dear thertt was the bridge, and it
waa under two good Inches under. Rh
wished she hud waiiod under the tree, drop.
pf'i into a house unyi lung hecaiiKe now
Jerry would see her splashing over the nub
merged planks, its splash she would, for she
wouldn't ride now if he should bog her on his
What a time! Her mother wnmi't expecting
h'-r, either. She knew in her wounded heart
that she had (tome principally because of cer
tain expeclul.mim, and she derptoed herself.
Was she going toeryf Not if she knew it!
Here was the bridge, and behind came that
dreadful rattle of wheels, and she erasned
her skirts, ami, almost ahututig her eyes in
hor shivering distaste, stopped ou the water
covered bridge.
A in i.he middle was still visible, and
dim made fur it, splashing along fast. What
wan crocking? Mercy ! was the bridge giving
way? Yoh, or one board of itf Her groping
foot went suddenly through, and she fell for
ward. Hhe was so faint with fright that nothing
was clear to her for a good three minutes, and
then she found herself perched high, thougli
not dry, ou the scut of Jerrv'B wagon, safe on
the other side of the bridge, with Jerrv'b
uaiidkerclner mopping her white face. Jer
ry's coat urouiul h'T wet form, and Jerry's
arm light around the coat; and Jerry was
talking to her.
"Don't look sol You nin't going to die! 1
hain't killed you I (hi, 8usy, I'm sorry I'm
awful sorry I 1 dout cure wlio you like, or
who likes you. I hadn't ouch t to cot mail
enough to let you tramp along alone in the
ruin. Oh. 1 want a pounding! I'm going to
get some fellow to give me one. Oh, Susy
don't! You didn't got hurt, did you! 0.i
Busy, how sweet you look! Iord, wliat
wouldn't I give to be him!'
Mrs. Hanng's cupihie manager sat ud
straight against Jerry's arm.
"lie whof she demanded, sharply.
"Why, UibbH," said Jerry "It's Gibbs you
like, ain't it?"
"It'sUibbs J like, Is it?" said Suny, indig
nantly', and now she broke down in earnest,
and fell to crying in Jerry's handkerchief,
"tiibbsl Why. 1 just hute hfml He's going
to marry Baily Porter, up our way, and I'm
sorry for hor, tliut I am! He overlook me
the other night, going home, Mr. Utbt did,
and I had to let him tuae mo in; but, my
goodness! 1 ihougni.what with his jwrfum
ery and his loud tongue, he'd kill me, 1
"That'll do,'' said Jtirry, but he whispered:
"Thut'n u plenty, Husy. I'm going to thrash
Coolcy, though, 'cause he knew better, Tt
you don't like titbits, Susy, who do you like!
Ho you like me? Say you do, even if you don't.
Busy, 'cause couldn'tstand it!"
And Busy, with her damp head pressed
well against- Jerry's pounding heart, did say
yes. And got a sound kiss for it, toa.
Coolcy was forced to apologise. And when
Hi'hulu took Jerry into partnership, a yuar
later, ho and Susy got the parlor set. Emma
A. Oppor in Saturday Night.
A Colt That Joined a Herd of Dner.
William Nichols, of Milton, whoti gathering
Iiih l jul from the range last fall found that a
fuv'irite I'orchorou colt was missing, and all
efforts to Ibid him prove unavailing, no the
annual was Abandoned to it fate, which no
one doubted woald lie that of the vast num
ber that have found their way into tiwequiuo
parte Use througti l-he inclemency of the un
usually severe winters,,
Recently Mr. iNYimls, accompanied by an
other gentleman, while hunting deer among
the mountain that form the source of the
Walla Walia river, skirled a baud of seven
teen black tails from a deep canyon, and to
their surprise observed a yearling oolt spoud
ing away with the band, apparently as
frightened as the deer themselves
Although the colt had acquired their wild
uess by association, he lacked the speed of
those mountain climiiers, and was soon left
far behind in the mail scramble over the rug
ged hills. The gentlemen, who were well
mounted, pursued and overtook the colt,
which proved to be Mr. Nichols ' Percheron.
From tho fact that tracks of i,he colt fol
lowing the trail of the deer were seeu in sev
eral instances, and other evidences that were
to bo seen, it is believed titat it had spent the
entire winter with Its strange companions,
and prolonged its existence by following the
guidance of the excellent instinct of the deer
in search of food when the snow was deep.
Miltou, (Ore.,) Jiagle.
A llrlde of Two Yean.
England can furnish instances of child
marriages, not perhaps to any great ex
tent, but as young as any to be found
in eastern countries, where such mar
riages are almost of daily occurrence.
The youngest English bride on record
is, beyond all doubt, a daughter of Sir
William Brornton, who in the Sixteenth
century waa united iu bonds of holy
uiammony, wiien only two yours of age,
by On0 5'''ul' In this Cllse tho MMtm
WOT0 earned into the church, and their
"Puke for them. Sukseiiuently,
when the pair reach years of maturity,
khoy ratiiied the strange tie. In this in-
Itance the object was to carrv out a
ilesire to unite property. All the Year
For Towing a Few Hun, 1ml lHllei,
In April, 1888, the engines of the
steamship California, from Hamburg for
"Bw IHnt- urolio linvn wnou Uie vo88el
was about fifty-six miles southeast of
Nantucket shoals and 800 miles east of
The Ancient Knorkar.
The days are gone when the inmates
of a house in aristocratic portions of
Wow York could toll by tho knock at
the door whether a member of tho fam
ily or a, visitor wan juviiitinir mliinttim'rt
Also they knew thon what member was
there, or the social standing of the vis
itor who was outside.
A fow Rinal knockers etill linger in
Varick and Vurnlam streets and similar
localities, but nobody seems to use thorn
The bell rmiv show advanced civilian.,
tion, but there are people who miss the
knocker. Ptevr York Hun.
Edward Collinson, Queens, N. Y., says
" I commenced using Branwikth's Pii,i,i
over fifly-tive years ago. I tint bought
them in London, and have continued using
them since I came to this tountry in W.
I am now over seventy-five years old, hale
ana neany. arm aitriruue my wonderful
neaim to ine persit-tent useoi I'RANihicth's
Pi l i,8. Occasionally J have a had cold nr
severe attack of rheumatism, indigestion
ur onioiif ii'sh, out lour or live doses ol
HRANORKTirB Fills a wavs mire ine When
ever iny children have been sick with scar
l"t lever, measles, acid stomach, disordered
digestion or costiveness, a few doses of
liRANi.HETH's J'ills restored their health at
nmuier now, ici ran caicn yon in me jam
avafn. Willie (sohhlng)-I-l tried not to let
HV Infill Utll.H.nllfiTlH . H,av m.nnrtt
diseased portion of the car. There Is only one
way locure ocatnesfi, and that in byconslltu-
uoiuu remedies, ije.ii mews IB epuineu hv mi n.
flamed condition of the mucous linhiii of the
riiMHriiiun inoe. nen tins luiri' getM m named
you have a rumhlinic sound or imuerfect heur-
iiiK.aud when It is entirely closed deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation can be
uikcii out aim mis tune restored to Its normal
nonunion, Rearing will tie destroyed forever;
nine cases out of len are caused hv enlnrrh
which is nothing hut an inflamed condition of
uie miieoun Hiinaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for anv
case of deafness (caused liy catarrh) that cannot
iie eurea ny nan s Uaturrii ;ure. send for cir
culars, free. F. .). CHUNK V A CO.,
Toledo, 0.
EMf Sold by druggists; 75 cents.
Hunker What prompted vou to a?k Miss
Gkidey to be your wife? Hpatts-I think Miss iierseii promptea me more than any
body else.
Tut Gekmea for breakfast.
Pffunderi Or-irou Blond Itirlfler is
nie ucsi feuiuuj ior cieansmg your lyniem.
Fred T. Merrill, the Pioneer Bicycle pealer of this
uuitiT lie at reuauiK write uliii-forilttiid, Or
UnEnunellneBtovePollih: no duit, no imeU.
Mr, Tr. U. Touts
Bau Frauei3co,Cal.
To Prevent Illness
There is Xothiurj Equal to Hood's
Sttrstt par ilia.
In my opinion, one of the greatest mistakes
people make is to lock the door after tho horse
is stolen, or lu other words, to wait until they
are Kick in bod before they do anything for the
poor body. Neither my wife nor myself were
real sick; 1 atteuded to my business, and my
wife to her household duties didly. But we had
dull, heavy headaches, and alittlc over exertion
would tire us greatly, and my appetite waa very
poor, fcio I bought three bottles of Hood's Bar.
Bapsrilla. 1 took one, and my wife netiTl? all of
the other two, aud the result was perfectly Fatis
factory. Tbeuttcctwas like magic, and I believe
Hood's Narsaparlllo saved upu severe eickucsn
hikI ti big doctor 'b bill. 1 1 people would uuly re
member that 'au ounce of prevention is worth a
world of cure,-there would bo loss suffcringin the
world. My HdTie to all who fire not fueling well
ie take Hood's Harsaimrille according to dlvec-tlou.-i,aud
you will tie wellflud nappy." VC. H.
Toleo, 145 12th atreet, 8au l''raaciM;o, C'al.
HOOO'S Pllii euro Oonalipaiioa l.y restorlug
ths puristaluu uetiua oi tho alnueutary cauai
Tnta Grka-p Cnnatt
uiie promptly cures
where all others fiul, CoiiRhs, Croup, 8ora
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cougb and
", wiiBumpk wu it una uu nvui:
lins cured thoueanda, mid will cuna you if
takttalntimo. Bold oyDmeiflsta on a gunr
antoe. For a Lame Hack or Chst, use
Jrlnve vou Cuiairli v Thin remudvia vnnrnn.
teoUtoouroyoOi Prio&lcte. liijootortroe.
Flso'B Rdinoilv tui' Catnrrh In th
Hi'Ht, EnHlimt to Vsc. iuhI Clu'iippflt.
Sold by DniRglflW or sont by nmil.
ti ! rsz
llow many rrmciiiiM thprc arc wtiloh mi'rcly
rclnivo witliout unrooting di-yane. The con
tnutwilh KlCTling mmlhlnra which jnrh pallia
lives afford not only enhance, the dignity of
the fnnncr, Inn serves lo emphasize the folly of
,..,-, ,rn-iFurn ,v nen inorolign
ones arc available, A marked instance of this
is the effect, on the one hand, of Jlostctter's
stomach lluiers In cases of chills and fever and
hllious retiiillem, nr,d on tho oilier of ordinary
remedies ill maladies of this tvpe. !(v the Hit
ters malarial complaint in evorv stage and ol Hie
most malignant type are eompictdlv coimuercd
and lose tlieir hold nim the system. They are
rarely, il ever, dislodged l,y the ordinary re
sources of medicine, although their symptoms
may uuqiieslionaolyho mitigated through such
means. Ihe shiiic holds good of Indigestion,
tillionsness, kidney complaint, rheumatism
nervousness and dchillty, Hy tho llliter they
are cured when many remedies fail,
She (hotly)-Why do men ahvavi lie to wom
en? lie (cynically) -H ell, the women always
insist on complimentary things being said to
lliem.don t they?
We positlyely cure rupture, pllon and all rec
tal dleaso without paiu or detention from busi
ness. ,o cure, no pay. Also all frtaife dis
eases. Address for pamphlet Drs. Porterfleld A
lmej, its Marltot street, hsu Francisco,
Mortality In the Maila.-Who kills all the
dead letters? Miss Direction.
mam like it.
K. Albany St..
fA.VA ,QA Ithaca, N. Y..
I'ec. 19, 1881.
For over 4oyears
I have been a
victim of rheu
matism. I was
persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I
have used two bottles, and a man
more free from rheumatism never
walked our streets. My limbs that
were once stiff and lame are now as
light and limber as in my youth.
Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1887.
Suffered many years injury to
hip resulting in rheumatism, muscu
lar weakness and contracted cords.
Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re
lieved me so that 1 now walk about
and attend to daily duties at 63,
I heartily endorse it.
ITCHING ITLES Jra-ren by notstuM
which acts directly on parts affected,
nosorba tumors, allayaitclifng, effecting
OpermanTitctira. Price Coo. DruRffislQ
cr Dr.EoiaBko,PliiUaelpiaii,t.
write to PALMER & REY TYPE
HOW fill O wuru ui!
icvniic-n ' "" ""u,u ,ULU '"' nt rfliu
T,f",,!ir'll9tomerIia,lone just as jiowl, and he bought it for L158S THAN
HAL' tilt' tiru'C liis fricnrl hm rvuH ir Vii us a n..UA.
60, bny it direct of the r ,r
IVloore's Revealed Remedy.
MATlbM wun tie best doctorl could got did him no good. V .ure ia Rraiitudi
M K8. N. V. STiKLK.
1 t
the poison in your blood, however ii
may have come or whatever shape
it may bo taking, is cleared away
by Ur. Pierce'a Uoldoii Medical Dis
covery. It's a remedy that rousei
every organ into healthful action.
purifies and enriches the blood, and
through it cleanses and invigorates
the whole system. Snlfc-rheum, Tct-
tor, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Car
k bunnies, Enlarged Glands, and the
worst Scrofulous Bores and Swell
ings, are perfectly and permanentlj
cured by it.
Unlike the ordinary Spring med
icines or Barsaparillaa, the " liiscoY
ery " worlts equally well at all seas
ons. All the year round and in all
cases, it is guaranteed, as no other
blood medicine la. If it ever fails
to benefit or aire, you have your
money back. You pay only for the
good you get.
Isn't it safe to say that no other
blood - purifier can be "just as
, good!"
1 If it were, wouldn't it be sold so I
A movement of the bowels each day la necessary for
health, Theie pills supply what ine oyitom lacka to
make It regular. They cure Headache, brighten tha
Eyea and clear the Completion better than coa
metici. They at mildly, neither gripe nor fliokenaa
other pills do. To convince you of their merits wa
will mall samples free, or a full box for 25 cents. BolA
varjwhare, Boaanko Had, Co.. Philadelphia.
The Specific A No. I.
PnrM. without fall, all nanea nf UniinrK.
hr aid Cileet, no matter of huw loilf
HuuiuniH. x-ieiiia Btriuiiiru, it neinitan in
tcrnal remedy. Curce when eTerytaihg else
ban fulled. Sold by all Dninrtats.
Maiiufuctnrera; the A.Bofioenhel iMedlclne
Rale by alt UruggUti, lti Cents a bottle.
Mo-phine Habit Cared In 10
to20day. No pay till cored.
DR. J. STEPHENS, Ubanon.Ohio,
$7E (1(1 to S250.00 c'nbLrth
u ii . ii t. ts t . ,.r
. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond. Va.
no riqt eta rmov u
Hfrrulea tias or Gaaollna KnglM,
Palmer & Key, 8, P., Cal. and Portland, Or.
We have for sale cheap on easy terms:
1 new 8-column folio or 6-colnmn quarto
Improved Country Campbell Press. Also
1 new 9-column folio or 6-column quarto
Improved Country Campbell Press; both
complete. Also 1 second-hand Country
Campbell Press; will print 6-column
quarto paper; is guaranteed to be in per-'
feet condition. These presses run easily
by hand; will do all-round work; hand
presses or other machinery taken in part
navment. If YDII nm.t a ),..,.;
F'DRY, Portland, 0b.
rnirun mm UIM tuit uf nun
' "W "M ' R
ill HUE I
So Say Old Timers.
I want to flood the country with uand
Have just received 200 Safeties, which
I will Belt at $40 discount for rash. Write
tor Bargain List, or call at my store,
326 Washington Street.
Lessons and Catalogues Free.
Fred T. Merrill,
PIumw Oultr ol the Piclflc Com.
A Rood Gcmina!
i.w'w ... . iA