The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 16, 1893, Image 1

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One your,..., , 2 00
(If iihIiI In atlviu.Kij, 91 AO jHjr your.)
Blx montlis , 1 00
Ttaiwt ni'imliH M)
IukW (!0)Ui 06
Seoret Societies.
LiCHANoN UHHiK, NO. 47. I.O. O, F.Mwt
evorv Hutiintiiv tmmtaic ut Odd Fellows Hall, at A. A. KKKfl. N. fl.
1'EAKI.UEIIHCCA LOfKlK, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
MmIk at I. 0 K llsll ttnil and .tlilri Wcfliii
IdttU o Ixikik.. No. 44 A. P. A A. M.-Mwlt.
BatunlHy .Vilnius, oil or alitor, ttau hill nintm In
Hull Diontll.
K K. Hahci. W. M.
F. . MlIXKH, He
HiiorLniKiri, No. :IH. A. 0. V. W.-Mcotr. iv.ry
Tuesday dvuiiIiir nl (1. A K. Hull
lln. ). A. Umukhnm. M. W.
J. H. Tllouiw . H...
(m'l. Mww (Use, Nu. 10. rav oMHium
SornorVST's.HHA InU.A. K. Hull 1hIwhhi,
Or., nvcry HHtunlny eviillliiK. ex.uiit 111. tlilnl
Baliirday ofuwiti iiiontli, me.ttiitt the tlitril Krl
diiy Initutiil. All of th. sons uf
.mini mill .iimrailcMif tli. (i. A. U. am cordially to niuut Willi th. Camp.
(Ml. MOT mm. Cut.
A. CFUDAM., First Beat.
leather-ford 4 Chamberlain,
W.R 131 LYE U,
Attorney- at - Law,
Attorneys at Law,
OnlleottimN Klv.ii piumpl Slid .Rroful sttmiMon.
Will practice In nil Ihu oourtu uf Hi. e.
Lkbanon, Okeuon.
Successor to R. L. MoOlure.
Shaving Parlor.
In Ilanamrd New
First-Class Mists in attend
ance. Mat and Cold Baths with
Shower at aH times.
You Pathonaue Soi.ioitbii.
Albtin.v OreKoa
Are the leading
Of the Valley
When visiting Albany don't
fail to give them a call.
A Huiidny school pit'ino is an
tiounced tn occur tin the Academy i
grounds In this !! t v on Tuesday next;
given to thv Sunday schools of the M.
E. church. South, or Lebanon, Al
bany, Kpiccr inn) I'lingi'iil, especially,
lnjt to which uli Mimliiv school chil
dren mill friends h iv invited. It In
eKperlep Umf tdlilie nuliool-i of thiti
lity will iiUi nrl mill i m : lii'l j .u.te iu tlie
H ni4vl,ii Ntn.
Work on the rttret'TH titiH Wn om
nieii(!ei1 mid In u nWirl time there will
be it few irond HtreeU.
The trroundu lor onr new M-honl
hoiiHe are ncnrlv eU ured mid will lie
reudy for th'' lu-iriiiiiliiK of work on
the ereetio'i of ih.' unililitit! in short
Work on ihe new church was hegun
u tew dnyii ado.
The fiietorv llll dom not run to miy
Pmf. R irlt. Hiuto "i-turcr for the
Fnrtnein Alllnnee delivered two
leifturcH here last hunduv urternoon
and eveinnir to Ihijti' uud very attent
ive audience.
MewirR. Alarlow 4 Swlnk have
opened a mni market here and will
try their liandn at HUiplyinj; the hung
ry with choice heef. They bought
out the hiiKinexM formerly owned by
by David Hutolilimon.
Mr. Miirlow low moved his family
from Mwcet Home and hecome a reai
dent of Waterloo. He lum reuled
(rank Leahea resideuoe.
Frank Iionlle !s attending th" hed
iiide of Inn nlter. Mm Parrwli, of Hoda
vllle, who Ih not expected to live but
a few daya longer.
The aknting rink under the Wjr ma
ple in now running in full blast. There
HeetiiH to hett good detil of interifit
taken In Ihlnmuirh iiniueai "iit and a
vuiit number of very h:inl hills have
been experienced by fonie of the
At lttnt tlie river hue gone o low that
Ihe anring m uni'ovenid and the
"npnrkling, delicious widn," can he
hud by thoae who are iliniroun of
drinking audi a hevrmge. vi e may
expect to nee crowds of thlmty ones ou
our utreete from this time ou.
Administratrix Salr,
Notice in hereby given tliat the tinrler-
algned AilminiHtratrix of tiie estate of
George B. McKinney ileceasejl, by yirture
ofanorderof the Ownty Ourt for Lin
county, Oregon, duly made tun! entered of
record on the 9th day of March, 1883, licen
sing, authorizing and directing thia Ad
ministratrix to soil the real .state I pIuiik
ingto the estate of said deceased.
Will on tlie 8th day of July 18!B, at the
hoar of 11 a. m. ofaaid day at the front
dooi of the Court Honselln tlie city of Al
bany, Linn county Orogon, Sell at pub
lic Auction to the' highest bidder all of tlie
right, title and interest said deceased bad
atiihetutieofliisdeattvin andtothe fol
lowing described nial estate towit.
(Beginning at the North Wost corniier of
the N. W. A of Scotiona in Township 12,
8. B. 1 W. of the WtMamettce Mcridiar
Oregon, honcc goutli 310 rods; liens
East 60 rails; hence Norlh IliO rods; hence
iast 40 rods to th iiluoeiof iHiginning, con
taimng (16 acres nwre-irr lefts, all in Linn
comity Oregon.
Sermsofsulcow half cash in hand and
oueikalf in one year wttih 8 percent inter
est, defered payme-iit stioure.l by inortgag
4intlre premisses.
This 24th day ot Anril. MM.
Emilv NiisNKcK, Adiiiinitriitrix.
Ally, lor KmIuIc
aarJi vifUVIi
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia: No Alum.
usea in Millions of Homes
Those Bones.
Rooenllv ome hones were found
in the tiiiKetaent, of the new pustoffloe
blvik. lust excavated. Ir. Mnston
tent them to Prof. ( ond iu, at fcugenc,
and has received tlie following nns-
EooiiNE, Ob., June 10, 181(3.
Mk, G. W. Mahton Dear Sir:
Your favor of the fid and the express
package to which it refers were both
duly received. In response to vour
request I hereby send your descript
'JTie liones are frairments of rlirht
and left pelvielxine of a small ele
phant. The sockets of the rlirin and
lelt hip jnt are very well preserved.
ine animals lived tens or thousands
years ago when the whole Willamette
valley of today was covered with water
the water of the " Wlllamet te Ssound,"
r ti.u ni..,...i..iH i..j . ..
tiaiFiiu pvilllU. Al LUC I
time or this hound condition of the I
valley, these elephants lived ou the
foolhille around the sound, and some
times their carcasses would get washed
by streams Into the sound and nd.
covered iu sediments of sand, gravel
or mud, The animal to which tkeiw
bones belonged was probably 9
or 10 feet long.
bhould you And anymore of the
skeleton, especially the teeth, you
might desire In keen the best of these
bom s as a collection. If so, write me.
Very respectfully,
Thomas I'ondoji.
The ricnlr..
The Maccuhee picnic that was given
at this place last Kuturdny waa a suc
cess in every nape:. The crowd wax
not as large as it would have been hud
it not rained, but there were at least
500 or more in ,'own any way. On
account of the rain the races etc., were
out near the Band Hall. Every thing
of the day went off nicely, and the
committee on arrangements deserves
much credit in the way they eonduct
the day's program.
We are sorry that we were not
able to secure a list of those who re
ceived the prises. We were expecting
Ihe committee to furnish them, but
they failed to do so.
S. C. Smith, of Blue River, was in
town this week. He reports that
Monday be went to the top of Gold
ijiill, iu the Blue River mining dis
tricts, and found three feet of snow on
a level on the sunlit. He thinks that
by the 20th Inst the snow will be suf
ficient!; gone so that mining opera
tions can be resumed. He says par
ties having claims on the south side of
the hill can work them now. Eugene
The Friday's Herald says: Infor
mation was received In this city lost
evening that the Oorvallis carriage
factory wbb closed yesterday. Attach
u eiius amounting to 136.000 were
placed upon tlie plant and stock by
Honeymaii o DeHart. of Portland,
and Eastern creditors. The assets, it
is said, will largely exceed the llabill
tics. A considerable amount of wood
lias receutly beeu furnished the fac
tory by parties in Linn and Mri,n
i ciiunties up the ijuntiam, which has
I not yet been paid for. The company
i had recently been trying to arrange
io remove the factory to Portland,
ao Years sfa
Council Proceedings.
Cotiurtt met hut Friday, with all
the members present.
By motion a flrti hydrant was order
ed to be placed at tlu' OTOer Hear (he
residence of Jos. Elkins,
Communication of the 'marshal re.
gardlugtliecotiditloD of Dr. Lamher.
son's residence was read and the mar
shal was ordered to have the same at
tended to.
The following lulls were ordered
P W Morgan, $24 25; Win. Reather
ford, $3 00: Cost in case citv vs 1 jove-
all, to 50; Westfall & Smith, $4 70;
Electric Light Co., $00.
Council then adjourned until next
regular meeting.
Jnry List.
Following is the list of jurors for the
term of circuit court, which con
venes on June 26.
Henry Springer, farmer, Bhedd.
T J Miller, carpenter, East Albany.
D F Hardman, farmer, Lebanon.
Wm Arnold, farmer, Franklin
P R Bilyeu, farmer, Jordan.
J W Cusic, Banker, Albany.
BB Butler, farmer. Rock Creek.
W W bcully, farmer, Price.
M Acheson, farmer, Orleans.
Johnathan Card farmer, Sndaville.
James Wallace, farmer, Price.
F M Hazen, farmer, bodavllle.
O H Russell, farmer, Sweet Home.
M M Peery, farmer, Solo.
TP Goodman, farmer, Jordan.
F B Jenks, farmer, Tangent.
W C btellmecher, farmer. Albany.
A J. Johnson, banker, bcio.
J P Berry, farmer, Fox Valley.
E B Michael, farmer Brownsville.
H C Harkness, laborer, Albany.
Unas Pattison, farmer, Orleans.
F D Lcvericb, farmer, Syracuse.
J M Ooflett, farmer, Lebanon.
i J A Fitzwater, farmer, Santiam.
Lee Bilyeu, liveryman, Franklin
G W Hunsaker. farmer, Scio.
John McGregor, farmer, Price.
Lon Windom, merchant, Browns
ville. F M Smith, farmei, Santiam.
William May, farmer Franklin
Clark Bros., consisting of J. E. and
C, E. Clark, who bave been running a
mill in the Forks of the Santiam for a
good many years, have made an as
signment to G. W. Cruson, of this
place. Their assets are given as $!),
604 20 and liabilities at about $5000.
J. W. Gains Is the principal creditor,
his claim being over $1400. The Al
bany creditors are: Linn County
Bank $400: KnarjD Burrell & Co..
$178 25; J. J. Whitney, $20; Stewart
8oi $5 17. The prinfllpal creditors
reside at Solo and vicinity. Stowe &
Soniers, ot this place are the Attorneys
for the assignee.
The Ochoco Review tells this: Last
Tuesday James Brackett, a boy who
resides on Bridge creek, was examined
before Judge Summer on a charge of
stealing a horse from Frank Foster.
The evidence showed that Foster and
the boy had traded horses, and the
former having conoluded that he bad
tbe worst of the bargain, took the
horse he had received from tbe boy to
Brackett's home and traded back
without the boy's consent. Young
Braokett iu turn took the horse back
to Foster's place and without his con
sent got the one lie had faded for,
leaving the horso be had traded to
Foster. Foster then had him arrested
for larceny. After the evidence J udge
Summer discharged the defendant and
assessed the costs of prosecution, J154,
to Foster.
I would he very much oblige if tlie
person who carried off my li inch
monkey-wrench would brimg the
same buck. Jf you don't you are Jia-
illH til ttl.i. illtrl
NO 16
Tamp Meeting.
The second annual district" camf
meeting of Albany DlHlriet. Oregon
Conference of the Evangelical Associe,
Us fllll be held this year at VYatevloo
e , S- ,
viegon, neginning i,.u,0y ,. -"'uir,
June 20, ISM, and to continue over
r-unday. Rev. I B. Fisher, presiding
elder of huleni, will be assisted by tbe
ministers of his district. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all Jovere of
our holy religion, and especially all
members of the Evangelical church to
attend. Bring your Gospel Hymns
No'5' Committee..
A Wonderful Clock
N. C Engberg. an old Jeweler who
lives just above Waterloo, lias made
clock which measures 9 feet inch in
bight 2 feet 8 inches wide at the base
and is 14 inches deep. The frame
work hag one thousand and flifty
pieces of wood, all of which grew in
the Willamette valley. He litis been
working about three years at odd
times on the frame, but much Inmntr
tu . .,. ....
"in as, an oi whicu
be made himself except the dial. U
will now run six weeks when wound ..
up, but Enbeig Intends toadiltoitso
it will run a year. All jewelers wko
have seen the frame pronounce it one
of the finest they ever saw. Mr. En
berg intends to bring the clock to
Lebanon iu a few weeks
Robbed of Eighty Dollars
Dr. Smith, a well-km
of Halsey, was a victim of Portland
picapocKeis last Friday morning He
went to the union depot to purchase a
ticket to Halsey. In doing so he took
fiom his purse a $5 goirj piece, which '
be placed on the counter at the ticket
window in payment Tor his tickei,
dropping his purse containg $80 iu,
his pocket. There was a crowd
around the window waiting to secure
tickets, and Dr. Smith fpt. mini 4i aha
jostle against him, and at the same
time a well-dressed, flashy appearing
young man picked up the $5 gold
piece Dr. Smith had placed on the
counter and remarked that the crowd
was too large for bim, and he would
pay his fare to the conductor after he
had boarded the train. This attract-
ed the attention of the doctor from the
man who bad Jostled against him and
he straightway seized the man who
had attempted to rob him of the $5
little thinking that his purse and $81)
had fallen into tbe hands of the fel
lows confederate, who had escaped
while he was trying to recover the $5
piece. It was not until ho
ed bis ticket and change which he '
u liioiaaieu putting back Into Ms
purse that he discovered that he had
actually been robbed of $80. The po
lice were at once notified but iliil not
captures tbe scoundrels,
Tbe citizens of the
country are taking steps to construct a
wagon road fjom beyond that neigh
borhoodto the O. P. roll,,,! ., .n.
taneeoiSO miles.. It is said' that '
gooa roao can oe made with little tlif.
Acuity and at no very great cost. Ir
case tbe road is made, Prineville
would be within 80 miles of railroad!
couuection. we are told that those '
interested bave written to the Road
Land Co., asking assistance In the '
matter. We hope the scheme will
materialize, as this town and vicinity
will also reap many benefits to be de
prived from such connection. -Prin-vllle
News. Judge Duncan bus re
ceived a private letter from Ciooh
county, Inquiring if Albany bulnesa
men would not be willing to contrib
ute to such an enterprise.
Services at the Baptist church -very
Sunday. Sunday school 10 a. ni
Preaohiug 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Y. p"
U. Junior 2:80 p. m. Y. p. u. 7 ,,, m
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.' m'
Everybody is cordially invited to these
services. c. R. Lamab. Pastor
. I. . . ..