The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 09, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
-Additional locals on flint liage.fft
Come In for job work.
Lebanon will not oelelmrte the 4th
of July
Try the new drink, Cream Soda, at
Bpuolal baking done to order at Mrs
May Zahii'H.
M. A. Miller carries a complete line
of paints and oils.
Fresh pies, cukes and bread at
Peobler's grocery store.
M. A. Miller how bos a complete
line of drugs and stationery.
C. W. Cobb and family returned
home to Albany Wednesday.
J. W. Guy and family are visiting
relatives In Dallas, Polk oounty, this
Pumps and pipe down to Albany
prices. F- C. Avers A Co,
Call and examine my new Btock of
spring olothlng. B. P. Bach.
J. B. Courtney M. D. Physiolan.f
Burgeon and AconuohKur, Lebanon,
Lltiein was burned last evening for
the marriage of Mr. Carter, and Miss
Ida B Mitchell.
Mrs. Duokett bos bouse plants for
sale, and they are very choice. Call
and see them.
We are offering great reductions In
teum harness. Call and got prices.
The fl rut strawberries of the bouhoii
were brought In the city lor sale last
Tuesday.'wliloli were sold very fast.
One good organ for sale; prlco very
low. Also furniture. Inquire at resi
dence or this office. M KB, Kino.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Holt,
May 81, a 12-pound daughter.
HarriHburg Courier.
H. M. Perry and daughter, of Soda
vllle. will leave in a few days on a
(rip through Washington, for the hit
ter's health.
A large stock of spring clothing has
Just been received by B. P. liaoh.
He has the livtest styles and colors.
Call and get prices.
The Y. M. C. A. of Albany urc try
ing to stop the bull gome that Is ad
vertised there for next bumlay. J lie
Exl'iUiss wishes them success.
Ilud Thompson has leased the 8t
Charles Hotel and took olmrge Mon
day. Hud Is a good hotel man and
gives the liest of satisfaction.
The council met last Tuesday night
In regular meeting and adjourned
until Friday evening. There was no
business transacted.
C. P. Houston took charge of the
postotllee at Junction City Tuesday
tnominir. Miss Minnie Hotistoil was
sworn In as deputy and will buve
cha'gc of atlairs. Guard.
The Florence West states that a
number of persons along the Kiuslaw
are diving and smoking barring and
that the river Is full of tills excellent
flsli, Quito an industry promises to
be built up In this Hue.
Fruit trees for sale at M. I.. Pointer's
nursery, at bed-rock prices, ('all and
get my prices before buying elsewhere.
Prune trees very cheap for the next
thirty days. M. L. FmWTKB,
Tangent, Or.
An Immigrant from Kansas, named
Hills, while crossing the John Day
rivor with his son in a ennue. was cap
sized and drowned. He wis an nonesi
and Industrious man and leaves a
large family.
The Electric Llgt . Water Co., have
a large force of men at work digging
ditches to lay the witter pipes through
the streets of our city. We ure glad to
be olile t" report that active work has
commenced ou this entorprlso which
means a great (leal for Lebanon.
Mrs. Uhoda Roach, wife of Mr. L. T.
Roach, died at the family resldenoo in
Harrlsliurg. The deuth was verry sud
i'"ii as she bad been sick but it few
days. A loving husband and a largo
family of ohlldnm mourn the loss of a
devoted wile and mother, and Harris
burg has lost one of its most worthy
Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but
that is all Is will cost you to cure any
ordinary case of rheumatls in if you use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try It and
you will lie surprised at the prompt re-'
iloflt affords. The first application
will quiet the pain. 50 oent bottles
forsulc by M. A- Miller, druggist.
Wm. Rovce'l mother and sister arrived
in Lebanon yesterday frdVCalif.
Born, to the wife ot J, M. Crandall, June
7, a pair of twin girls.
Prof. Miuhener left yesterday for Halsey
to visit lils brother.
Ex-Bher Iff Mutt Scott has moved to
his farm,
Mrs. J. F. Stubblorloli has opened a type
writing office In Dr. Courtney's building,
where she solicits your patronage,
Born, to the wife of C. F. Moist,
June 4. 1898, a daughter. Mother and
baby both doing well.
Rev. Wooley passed tn rough Leba
non this week on hla waj home from
Mr, Lane, of Portland, was In Leb
anon this week vlsltl ng his uncle, 6.
Lovelee and family, ,
Rev. Jas. Eva who has been preach
ing at Bodavllle for the past year, left
Tuesday for Ooldendal, Wash.
Mr. E. Kidder, of Alexandria, Minn.
arrived in Lebanon this week on his
way to Sweet Home.
Prof. Gay Is fitting a good many
difficult oases of defective vIbIw, at
the Bt. Charles Hotel. He will re
main until next Monday morning-.
Our public school closed last Friday. An
other year of cucccssful work closed under
the able management of Prof. Micbener-asslsti-d
by Mrs. Fonk, Miss Griggs and
MiHH Carotiiers, ,11 of whom have given
the best of satisfaction.
J. J, Charlton returned to Albany
Monday, ills health having sufficients
ly recovered to enable him again to
take up bis luw business.
The president appointed Charles H.
Muusiir, Missouri, secoud controller of
the treasury; Charles Dayton, post
master of New York City.
The Dalles-Prluevllle stage route hue
again been changed to ruufrom Prlue-
ville directly lo Jlakeoven, instead of
around by Antelope.
The Marshfteld Mail pathetically
remarks that "old inhabitants remem
ber a time when between winter aud
summer there wns a season known as
The Church of Christ meets in the
Academy lor regular services every
Lord's Day in the morning ut 11
o'clock. Hunday school at 10 o'clock.
Ail are invited In attend.
I buve 10 acres of gurden land ad
joining Lebanon, part of it lays on the
Inside of the Incorporation, for sale at
u bargain. Call and get prices and
see the lund. W. C. Petekson.
I um now prepared to furnish sup
plies f all kinds to hop growers ehcup
er tlittii they can lie bought 111 Port
land, quassia wood whale oil soap n
specialty. J. A Lamherson,
Commission Merchant, Lebanon Or.
Blind your name and address to
Read Peacock & Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the Exi'RifflS, they will
mail you a fashion sheet free each
N. V. Smith returned Monduy from
Ban Frunelsco. He reports having
had a line time. Dr. Foley aud Mr.
Gin hind will ret urn ou the next
steamer, which will get In about the
The following from an exchange Is
printed for . its odity: "The great
trouble witli men is that they marry
too young. No man has a right to
think of marriage until he is thirty
and not one in a thousand before they
are forty. The man who marries
young Is always grateful to his wife If
she dies and negleots her if she lives."
S. M. Garland and wife, of Lebanon,
Oregon, arrived in Selmii lust evening.
Mrs. Garland is a daughter of Rev,
J..R. Rirkpatrick of tills place. Mr.
Garland is one of Oregon's prominent
attorneys and came to Culifornla with
the merchant excursionists wiio are
now enjoying the hospitality of their
San Francisco brothreu. Selma Ir
Last Monday Mrs. W. J. Ray swore
out a complaint against C. R. Loveail
for usl-ig Insulting language to lior.
The difficulty seems to have arose over
a ladder. The case, which attracted
nucli attention, was tried beforo the
i iiy recorder Tuesday evening, Atty.
Seniors appearing for the city and
Blows for defendant. After hearing
the evidence the city recorder decided
that the defendant was not guilty.
Are you Insured? If nut, now Is the
time to provide yourself and family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as an
insuran"c against any serious results
from an attack of bowol complaint
during the summer months. It is al
most certain lo bo needed and should
be procured at once. No other remedy
can take its place or do its work. 25
anil 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A.
Miller, druggist.
flo to Zahn'n for milk shakes.
0. A. Zuhn is now making, delicious ice
oresra. '
RN. M. Sklpworth left last J Saturday
for Portland, on a visit to his children.
Call on Frev and Settle and see the
Dargaina theyjare offering In team bar
ness. E. L. Power, successor to Thompson
A Overman at Albany, fettle- place to
buy harness, whips, robes, etc.
Forsing'e or double haroees, sad
dles eto., go to E. L. Power at Thomp
son & Overman's old stand?, Albany,
We would like to know what
C. V. F. and a prominent young
lady, was doing down in around
about the Academy last Tuesday
There will be a grand ball in Union
Hall, oo Saturday (June 10. Let
everybody attend and have; a good
time. Music Jby W. W.Crawford's
Orchestra. Dancing begins at 8 o'clock
This week Mr. John Isora received a
dispatch from Capt. E. JT. Lanning In
Tennessee, in which he states that he
will be in Albany In about two or
three weeks. He says everything is
all rlght.-Herald.
Walter Lyons, formerly editor of
the Btayton Times, wafn the city
Tuesday and made ns a pleasant call.
The name of the new proprietor is
Horace Mann a goodj name and we
wiBh him success. ""a
Kittle Brady, of Waldo, Josephine
county, met a oinnamon bear on the
mountain trail, and being armed car
ried home his ears as trophies of her
skill with a rifle. Josephine county
girls, If all like Miss Brody, do not ap
pear to be particularly in need of
male proctors.
The editor of tire Westport World
writes the following-. W. E. Thomp
son, "creator of the World," returned
from Seattle Sunday, where lie has
been busily engaged tor the past
month in trading a disposition to
drink foi the Keeley cure. The trade
was sucoessfuly made and Mr. Thomp
son will work for himself this season,
Instead of for the saloon men. "T
Saturday night two japs entered a
house in Salem where a japanese
woman was sleeping in company with
a jap. They covered her head and
carried her to a carriage in waiting
and sjied away in the dark. The jap
who was left behind secured a team
and followed the fleeing people as far
as Independence. He offered' a re
ward of $20 for the woman but didn't
seeni to care about the abductors.
Gus Wushburoe made a business
trip as far south as Youcolla. Tuesday
returning Wednesday. While at Corn
Block he learned that two boys went
bunting l ear tbut place, Tuesday and
killed u deer aud started home with
It tuk'.ngtime about carrying the game.
In making the exchange the -uu car
ried i'v one of the boys was aceidently
discharged, striking his companion
just above the left uukle, so shattering
the limb that the boy died Wednsday
morning. The names of the parents
could not bo learned. Springfield
J. M.J. Davis Is a prominent phys
ician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and
mis been actively engaged in t lie prac
tice of medicine for the past thirty
live years. On the 20th of Miyy, while
In Des Moines, en route o Chicago, he
was suddenly taken with an attack of
diarrhoea. Having sold Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for the past seventeen years,
and knowing its reliabllty, he pro
cured a twenty-live cent bottle, two
doses of which completely curedj him.
The excitement and change of water
incident to traveling often produces a
diarrhoea. Every one should procure
tt bottle of this Remedy before leaving
home. For sale by M. A. Miller, drug
gist. Eight deputy sheriffs Jwent up to
Detroit Monday evening, their mis
sion being to enforce a decree of eject,
tueiit issued against V. G. Danfurth
by a justice of the peace at Me
hama last Friday. Saturday even
ing a constable went opto Detroit to
iuduoe the occupants of a building
owned by Mr. Rider to Vacate. Iu
tills they were unsuccessful, and, be
ing overpowered by superior foroes,
returned to (jutes, where eight deputy
sheriffs were sworn in and the result
Is Mr. Danfortli will have to seek
other quarters within two days. We
are informed a squabble also occurred
over the post office. Although the
affair was. patched up without blood
shed things here a decidedly warlike
appearance for a few days. Bautiaui
Have just received a Large and Well-Selected Stock of
Dress Goods, Linens,
Table Linens, Laces,
Boots, Shoes,
Clothing, Underwear,
And other goods, direct from the East, and
Their Prices Are So Low
That they will astonish you.
Be Sure and Call and See Them Before
Buying Elsewhere.
Country Produce Taken at Highest Market Price.
Remember the place-In the Odd Fellows' Building
LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON.
Clearly Visible.
'., The abundance of light in our new store renders the
most delicate. shade and the faintest pattern clearly visible
which enables one to make selections of Sprin? Clothing
without the slightest inconvenience.
IVo Handsomer Clothing
was ever opened in this City than that we have received for
this Spring's trade.
Suits in Cheviots, Velours, Tivolis, Bedford Cords, and
Fancy Cassimeres.
Neglige Shirts, Dress Shirts,
Underwear and Neckwear.
New Stiff Hats and Fedoras, and Footwear
of The Best Makes.
JSfSpecial Attention Given to Mail Orders.Jg?
flinn block. ALBANY, OREGON.
At au early hourSatuiday morning
,;three crooks" crossed over from Ver
mont to Hamlet on the beach at Hi
deau aud entered the houseV a fann
er named Eddy, a wealth lending man
iu the locality. Tliey first demanded
all the money aud valuables lie posess.
ed, then shot and killed him, cut the
throats of his wife and daughter, aud
then set Are to the house. Emma
Eddy, tha murdered daughter, was a
beautiful young lady, aged 20 years
and was soon to be married.
The sight of two women with chain
and hall attached lot heir ankles at
tracted considerable curiosity and
comment on the streets of Louisiana,
Mo., Wednesiiay. The uair belonged
to Louisiana's colored contingent.
They had been fined repeatedly for
disorderly conduct and, refusing to
pay their fines or reform their ways,
this measure was resorted to as a
uuuishmeiu. It .did not -buve the de
ired etleet, as both stubbornly re
fused to tin street vork. They will,
us a sterner resort be starved into submission.