The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 09, 1893, Image 1

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One yeitr $2 00
IT imld lu advance, 11 IH) Mr yea;'.)
fix month l w
Tnreu mimiliK w
4lKlooo)leN ,. Oft
Secret Sooletiei.
lateBANON tMXIK, kr.T5. 0, F.-Mnrt
erery Saturday ovuiiIiik at Odd Fellows Hull, it
o'clock p. ui.
A. A. KKKS, N. (3.
W.C.I'KTniWON, BMt'y,
PEARI.URIIKCCA 1.0IWK, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.
Meow at 1. 1). 0. K Hull Drill aud;ilitrd Wi'dutsn
day ovoiilnin of each month.
Lima o Ijiikif., No, A. F. A A. M.-Mimt
Saturday wmilng, oil urbufore tho lull nimiu In
woli moiilli.
E. K. Hamiulk. W, H,
F. ., Sc,
Hour Lnmix, No. an, A. O, I!. W.-MwS vory
Tuesday ovuiiIiik ill (t. A. K. Hull.
IMi, I. A. Lasmikik, M. W,
J. H. Thompso , Hue.
Or'i. BIkioiw Camp, So, 19, niv ofOiiitiio
Somilf Vin'n.-Mwl InG.A, H. Hill, Leluuum,
Or., ovwry Saturday ovmiibik'. em-upt the tlilnl
Saturday olaaidi month. nwullliK the third Fri
day Instead. All brothers or llic Hnnn tit Vol
flraliH and uumriidoHiil the). A. H. are cordially
Mvltvil to moot with tho Camp.
C. 1). MoT -AUK, Cant.
Weatherford 4 Chamlierlalc,
J. R. WTl tT,
Attorney-.-at - Law,
Attorneys at,
CollentlotiN itfvori prompt and aarenil a' Mention.
Will prnctuie In all tiie umirta of tho 8 late.
Lkbanom, Okb&on,
J. R. EWING, "
Successor to B. L. MoOlure.
Shaving Parlor.
In IlauMard'K New
Firtt-Class Artists in, attend
ance. Sot and Cold Batkt with
Shower at all times.
Youk Patronage Soucitkd.
Albuny Oregon
Are the leading
Of the 'Valley
When visiting Albany don't
fail to give them a call.
Mr. Bcecher, a Chicago sheep buyer
passed through LaGrande the other
day with a hand of 24.CKH) sheep, pur
chased In Umatilla county. The sheep
were driven over the old trail In the
hills hack of town. A very extensive
orow Is required to handle the sheep,
and four wagon loads of provision
were purchased from LaGrant'io
Waearloo Notes,
Mr, Jas. Morgan has moved from
the Biilliuarsh farm to town.
The photo gallery Is now read v for
ouHiiiss ana seems to lie well p Mron
liocorder Rice had a couple 'jf cases
in his court, and the result waa
email oontribution to the city funds.
A petition has been unp.nhnoimlv
Blgned asking for the appoln tment nf a
justice or tne peace at this p lace.
Mrs. E. a Phelps visited at Alhanv
The funeral of Mrs. J. P. Rlmnwin
who died here last week was lanrelv
attended. The sermon .was preached
oy kcv. i'lowmati.
Visitors -begin to be quite plenty
here ;on .Sunday's, As soon as the
wuierfullsa little lowor so that the
springs are uncovered, then there will
belaage .crowds here euery Sunday
ana cttmpurs will soon make their ap
pearanee also.
. The Big 4 played here on Monday
HCUt te a very fair audience consider
Jug the place and the stringency f
use umm.
Adiutalatratrii Hale.
Jiotict in hereby given that the under-
mkrikI Admiulstrotrix of the estate of
GeorgaB. McKinney doceamid. hv vin.or.
f an-ordurof the Connlv (Jourt fur l.i,,
oouiity.-Oragon, duly made and entered of
micoruoo tne mil day of March, 1803, licen
sing, authorizing and directins this Ad.
nmiistratm to sell the real estate belong-
nng ro cue estate oi said deceased.
Willmthe8tbliiyof Julv IHB. at tl,
hour of ni a. m. of said davat th fm.,
looi of the Court House in the city of Al
any, Linn county. O.-eaon. Hull at
Nic Auction to the highest bidder all of the
night, title and Interest said deceased had
Ut the time of hie death, in and to the fol
lowing described real eBtatc tmvit.
Beginning at the North West oornner of
the N. W. H of Section 21 in Township 12,
8. E. 1 ;W. of the Willamettee Meridiar
Owgon, hence South 240 rods; hence
aast 60 rods; hence North ISO rods; hence
Sast 40 rods to the place of berinninir enn.
turning 06 wires more or less, all in Linn
oouuty Oregon. . .
ICermsof sale one half cash in onJ
unehalfluoncyearwithe percent inter
eat, dcferod.'payment secured by mortgage
ni '.uiu pniiaisses.
TJjis 24th day ot April, 1803.
Knu r Soxnkok, AdminUtratrix.
Attys. for Estate.
Lebanon will not celebrate.
Rev. Jdbn Parsons, Presiding
Elder will hold thn 'nsf
mesjang of tbis conference vear in
iyo aieonouiBt cnurch Saturday
evening, June 17. Sunday morn
ing J.une 18 fee sacrament will be
Childrens Day in the Methodist
oh'.urch will be observed with spec
ial seraioes Sunday evening June
1 1 V
ChlKiHin'i lay PrtnBime.
FoItowing is the Children's Day Pro
P.Mlne to he Tentlprnd in iha D-,...t...
trwn clmrch, Sunday, June n. at 8 ;p. m.
Loids Prayer-Con(rra(ttion.
Chorot Intermediate Chas.
Recitation Nona Miller.
" , Fred Ayers.
Choras Boys Primary Class.
AnUiem. 1
Hive Minute Talk Supt.
wiaiogue-Maysel Meyere and
Grace Swan.
-Sola Maude Ayers.
liecitation Viola Goan.
CtioruB Girls Primary Class
ttecitation Madge Marks.
Solo Nona Miller.
Hecitataon Ralph Sharp.
Chorus-Intermediate Class.
Recitation Claud Cruson.
Hymn Collection.
The graduating exercises of the Lebanon
public school were hplH in 1,., .
church, last Friday afternoon. ' Thecbureh
piauorm was handsomely decorated, and
the walls were adorned by the class niotto
"Step by Step," while a laddr of i.i
tended from the platform to the motto on
the wall. TheclaBs nntorxl i.n ,...:i.
-vu .iij.iic
and their essays were bright, original and
tueyaildldweU and retlret
ed great credit on 'the teacher and the
school. ThecBsays of Madge Marks, Min
nie Thompson. Bessie Wr,,.
drews, Jno HajdlOjiiid Wltr miii
esiwcially 'commendable. Pres. BJose of
the State Agricultural ColleSe was present
and delivered an earnest. ,iri.. . .1.-
classand presented them txM. diplomas.
The class cjusiets of thp fniini...
Jno. Hardin, Louts Hardin, Walter, Miller,
u..o .mi, uauue Ayers, Minnie
iuoiupson, mauce Marks ir
Ora Andrews and Lulu Crandall. It is the
first class to no OUt fmn nn, .ki .
graduating class and they are worthy the
oonor ot being the leaders of this in,nnrt.(
movement. AlarKeand a,,i..i... ...
" au-
dience was present and manifested great
"""Ml' Auevuorai fiocietv rpnHaut k
music in their usual charmioo- n,n. t
the evening Pres. Bloss gave au interesting
.- .. ouujo, "Uulture A
the close of the lecture Mr ik n
Miller gave a reception in honor of tbe
graduates. The parlors of their handsome
residence were thrown
and their many friends. After partaking
of refreshments in tbe shape of ice cream
and cake. The assembled guests were
treated to several Diano ,-.!,-, h in.. iu.
, sj iuioo iiua
Wkins, alter wbicb the guests departed for
The house built a little over a year ago
to A. Cowan's addition by the Case's, and
which was sold last Demh.r t .i..i,-
" y Ashby Pierce, of Albany,
was burned down by fire last Tuesday
Bight. It is BUDDOSed thai HI..,
et a fire by some unknown person. Bovs
vv ... utaa oi entering the
ouse and plavini cards ,.H
they went oft and left a fire from which it
caaght The builling was ,ca,lt mi B
insured lu the Hartford ti,,,.,.n ...
m. ,ur
Tlhe Portland nit. v .iu,n M
Mouday and resulted In th -t.i .
- - ..wuvii ui
the Mowing offlcere by the plurality
naiued: City attorney, J B Beach
dewsarat, 422; City auditor, A N Gain-
hall republioau. 521: ltv fill HVnnm.
T M Hulburt, republican, 978, Super
intendent of streets, HD Gradou, re
publican, 243; Couueilman, sixth
ward, Joseph Terwllligw republican;
Councilmau, seventh ward.TC Ma
loae republican; eleventh ward, John
Mock, democrat. The complexion of
the council Is six democrats, four re
publicatui and one populist.
"r i!"
9, 1893.
The Deadmond boys have a drive of
ten minion reet of logs In the McKen.
zle river which they are running to
the mills at Coburg, Hsrrisburg and
worvains. . i ney are putting them In
24 miles up the river, and some of
them have alreadv reankerl tlm Wit
lamette river, and hy the time
the whole drive is in the wri.
some of the logs will be at Corvallis.
The river Is now at aimnH r .)
swift and the logs are taken down at a
iiveiy gate. Eugene Register.
The Myrtle Creek Miniug Co., by its
attorneys Geo. B. Dorrisand Tillmon
Ford commenced suit against Dr. L.
W. Brown, former priesdent and di
rector of the company for t25,O0X).
They also commenced suit aiming ,
same party and E. M. Corbus to re.
cover $7,440. His Honor Judge Fisk
granted a temnorarv inlnnnHnn
straining the defendants from dispos-
iuS UJ uieir property aud 218 shares
of stock held by- them nntll tho i
order of the circuit court. The whole
affair seems to be merely a strife
whether the incorporations pay for the
development of fhe mine or the ex
penses is left for the stockholders to
An editoral correspondence in the
Dakota Huronite, who has been tak
lug In the world's fair at Chicao-o
says: "Saturday
the horticultural building containing
cauiuu or irutia from many lands
and many climes. In natural r,.,i.
the stateof Oregon exceU all others in
quality. CaUfornia of course takes
the lead in quantity, many counties
in California having a larger display
than some whole states. R..t i..
ciuus truiM oi uregon are the delight
of all visitors. Washington state, m
my judgement stands next toOrogon
in fruit exhibits. The plant depart
ment baffles description; flower, palm
trees from far away lands and islands
beyond the sea in endless number and
nameless variety.
Horsemen of Crook county complain
that they cannot dispose of- their
horses at anvthlno iik
. n --v icaiuiiaoie
ngures, The truth is. MVS tht .!.
... v my x iiutr
ville News, that only a comparatively
few men engaged in this h,,.in.
this county raise the right kind of
stock. The small, no-purpose horse is
hard to sell at any price. Nobody
wanis mm. The well-bred draft
horse sells readily at fairly fcood price.
There is a constant Memanri t. hi.
use. Bo also will a well-bred driving
horse sell. And he will sell for all he
i worm, me market is not so much
at fault. It Is the grower of the
The Oregon City Enterprise says:
"wrge i. meyers, presided of tbe
".egouworta'sfiiir commission, was
in the city Wednesday and brought
with him the finest salmon ever
caught in the waters of Oregon. The
fish is 64 inches long and 40 Inches
around and weighs 82 pounds. M
Meyers brought It up to have it froaen
in one of Smith A. J.nmin.
cakes of ioe so that he might send it
back to be placed with the Oregon ex
hibit at tbe Chicago. When this
King of fishes lsfWn i . .
- iu a uaKt or
clear crystal ice he will present a mag-
.,,,uco na attra(,t a
great deal of attention
confident that he can manage not on-
v wuiume specimen back in good
kuwuw wuii tusi lie fiAll nroiukxiu it 1
nable after hemi it t.h ir
Smith & Lovett have tendered to the
world's fair nmmunn ,k. .... .
mo use 01
their plant for prepai ring all of their
cmicns mat they may desire for ex
hibition and Mr. Meyers says they
will make liberal use of (he plant.
The marshal has up some notices
announcing that he will sell one
white mare weighing 1030 lbs and one
bay horse weicrhinir wai ih a.....j...
May 10, at 1 o'clock, unless the own-
NO 15
The first carload of pipe for
water wonts arrived yesterday.
Dr. Lamberson has put in a tele
phone line from his office to the ware
Rev. C. A. McDonald and wife were
visiting old friends in Lebanon thi.ii
A five minute soolal to-night (Fri
day) June 9. at tho ni.i.1 . r ..
r , . .iupui ot J, JH.
Marks, given by the Y. W. C. T. U.
Jiverynody invited.
W. C. Faulkner. ih .j.nL..
. , u ma uae.
left yesterday for Portland. Mr
Faulkner made a good hotel propria-'
tor aud they leave many friends in
Lebanon who wish tim
wherever they may desire to locate.
The sheriff of TTmatiiio ....... ,. .
Just collected $49 poll tax fmm
Chinese of Pendleton.
Hugh Ross, nroseeiitin. .i.
-."a nibUCHB
against the Carneeie affi,.i,i.
cases against whom was dismissed on
-SBt.ou or tne lawyers for the prose
cution, in Pittsburir St .A..
He says the lawyers played .bim;a,, '
Services at the BaDUst ehnh o.rrr. V
Sunday. Runriav .h.i . "
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. VP
U. Junior 2:30p.m. y. P.TJ.7p m
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p m"
Everybody is cordially invited to these"
-'5. . u. K. Lamab. Pastor,
A dispatch has been received from
the .rst National bank of Chatta
nooga, Tenn., stating that Mr. Lan
ning had placed $10,500 to the credit of
theHrst National bank nf Albany
Another dispatch was also received
from Capt.E. J. Lanningin Phila
delphia, stating that he would be home
About a fortnight ago Morgan Holt,
a Southern Pacific hmkom.n .,... '
on the East Side had one of his legs
at Junction Citv. Tho .1. ..
curred while he was attempting to '
move himself on a moving train. He
was removed to the Good Samaritan -hospital
in this city where he suffered
two amputations above th bo im... ;
occurred about 12 days ago, and now
uo io iiute to oe about the hospital on
crutchesPortland Telegram. "
Bam E. Mav. an .u
i w iBiuent oi
eaiem and Rtweiun, u... .
j vl owtuj unner
Governor Wood, who died in Chicago
last year, left a young wldow-hls sec
ond wife and an Infant -r ... .
Frank May, eldest en of Sam, by hi.
fn'8tK , .,,Ih0mhemiH'rled lB8'e'
lnthelate0's. has iwTOo .. .
of the young widow and is now tha
t77 Z 7 "'ep-mother, and)
step-father of hi. hh w ' .t
Bkl I. u ,. , ' "u-uruuHW. 1
lluo uatr-orotherof her liv-
ug uusoana. Statesman.
A San Franelsnn
rjm, eajrS; IRQ
Oregon merchants who landed in San
Francisco are guests whose aoquain-
tanoo la hotin. .L ... "t"iu-
. urm ouitlvatinir than
would be that of the nnto ; "
oi even the Infgnta Eula,e. . They
have come to give us back some of tha
trade of which rallm. ...
combined with railroad competition
elsewhere have deprived us The
H1?.raf,WhenSwl ""ciscowasthe
Coast. Of late years our domain has
""uio or mat. There in
an opportunity now to recapture the
commerce of the Southern Willamette
valley and it sho iM . u. .
lip. We trust ha7 : . . " .Wea
V avMtageas well as
ours. Business l r..i." .. . . ..
many fraternal vnUZlZ
less find exoresainn
luv wine we
do not expect anvhnHv . . 9
The Chaninion win a
in the market. Try It"
TtJiV; lyJ.7;.Creoa?'P'wder.-N.Ammoni.;N,Alula.
Used tn mm$ of Homes4o Years the Standard.
w- cans anu get said horses. ,