The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 26, 1893, Image 1

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One your,., 12 00
(If nalil in advance, II W lwr year,)
Bii month.. ....... 1 w
Three mniuhB.,, M
BlaHls cophw..... (A
Secret Societies.
tUBANON UlWIK, NO. . 1, 0. 0. F.-Mecls
svory SnUinlay eviiimw al uaa Follows nan, ai
ry Hauima;
ulook p. m.
o'cioos p. ui. . , u -
A. A. Jvr.Mi, n. u.
PEAR1.RF.IIF.CCA I.OWIK, NO. ..1t,iiP-'--Ifsottatl.
0. 0 . Fllall first aiid:Uiird oduo8-
"' Thkiti!io. N. a.
liu o Utme. No. 44 A. F. 4 A. M.-Mts
Hatunlay evening, on or before the lull moon In
,""m"",, K.E.HA..MA0K.W.M.
T . ., Bee.
nnnrliilinr. No. UK. A. 0, 11. W.-Meol every
Vwnday evening at a. A. U. Hall.
IIH. I. A. UBliHUSos, M. W.
3. B. Thohpho , Roc.
Ut'L Hranos Cash', No. 1, m f
-.onFVrr'B.-Met InH.A. R. Hall, Mauuin,
Or., every Saturday evening, exnyl the third
' baturday of each month, meeting the Ultra Fri
day lnslead. All limtlnn of the Hon "vot
oraiw and oommdmof the . A. R. are cordially
Invited to moot with tlx, Otm,,
A. Oadalu Pint Heal.
leaiMorfl & Ctaterlain,
j.Jl. WYAtT,
Attonaey-at- Law,
Attorneys at Law,
Oolleeiloiu Rlvtnamtnpt and earofnl atUnttoB.
will iiraollo. m. all tlw oouru of the slate.
' LkbjswoN, Ohboon.
St Charles Hotel,
Oamor Mainand Rhwnaa Btteats,
W. C. F!'I.KNER,Prop.
First-Class in ill Apsxtments.
Special atteiitloB ipaifl to Oonf
meroial men.
Board and Lodg-rag, per .toy, $1 to
42; per week HUo6
Suocesior to B. L, MoCtare.
Shaving Parlor.
In Ilauwurd'a fie-vr
Fint-Class JrtUts in attend
ance. Hot and Cold Baths with
Shower at all times.
Your Patbonage Solicited.
Your real name must acoompi
every communication or it will wr.
tniiily go to the "waste basket.' i re
do not want your name for p'ut,nCR.
tlort, hut a a guarantee of (f j, fajtjli
Decoration Or
Pom, No. 42, . A. jfCS
tor Okkoob.I
ll"on. ' Jr., May 19tu 1H9S.
The day of honorl lhe nic,on,
those who fell in tlM,h!i Bml t,,0M W,
havealnce diod '.ra the hardehips in
ourred In defene , ot tK i)nioI1 and llie p,r.
ptituoty of a an( eiotiuat Govern
ment, h aKiiii , upjn us.
To the am .vivinn (lomradea of the mighty
contciit. It .would seem almost oatof place
the ucrV duty on the JKIth of May as
decoratl m day, te oniui one and all in the
nolunii j.nd painful privilege of strewing
liowe n Upon the craves of departed heroes
and otherwise MmeinherinK the services so
m ly rendered in time of the country's
ed. One of tlio treat ohjoote of the Grand
Army is to perpetuate the memory and
history of 'Uhe dead. In rder that the
coming youths of the laud may be taught
the saorilioe and efforts reurired to preserve
and hand down a united fret government.
In this patriotic desire, we hereby extend a
kind invitation to the Woman's Relief
Corps to join us, and the Sons of Veterans,
Miworre, Odd Fellows, United Workmen
and .the order of Maccabees, Buoday
schools, and ail churches and citiceus to
unite on the occasion. We (eel and realise
tkatia blessing resulted from the efforts
made in the defence of this grand republic.
Therefore the comrades of the Grand Arm;
and'tue Woman's Keliet Corps, and Bona
ol .Veteraiis will meet at the G. K. Hail
tlie hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, on
the Mi of May 189S, and hold such Bar-
vitax as may be proper, and then march to
the public square and convene along with
ttll citlsens desiring io participate in the
strewing of flowers u(ion the graves ofde
ipartcd friends.
Tlierefore under tlie order of the Cortt
landing Officer, proceed to the cemetery
.and decorate the graves of comrades
with flowers, followed with such other ex-
ercises as may be appropriate on the occas'
Done in accordance witli guiieral orders
of Commander iu Chief and Jtopartuient
Commander of theUrand Army of tlie He
public. By order J. !F llvus
Com nander J.V. Miller-Post, No. 42
O. A. ii
Attested by K, M. Mill Bit,
The Q. A. K. Poat, W. R. 'C. and S. of V.
.camps will meet at tlie G. A. R. Hall at 9
o'clock a. m., May 30.
Other sooietios, acliool oliUdreu and oiti
aens who intend totake jiartin deoorating
xercises will meet at t he public square.
The line of mareh will be arranged and
announced on the grounds bv Col. C. B.
Montague, Marshai of the day. .
All associations, school children and
tltiions are cordially Invited to. come, bring
iowers and take part in the sentioes.
G. WX'ai'sori, Coiniuanner.
The grave of little Mamie Welsh, at
Milwaukee, the girl who wa so bru
UUy murderer: about ten moRttit ago
byithe demon Wilson, who nuioided
in the Oregon City jail, la wiaitetl by
her former echooroiatee every Friday
evening and deocwaited with Sowers.
The'dear children 4nwe dropped many
tear upon the clay that covers the
remain a of the one they loved so well.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Council Proceed Inns.
Council met last Monday night In
accordance to adjournment.
The roll was called and all the couu-
oilmen were present.
Councilman Westfall verbally re
ported on the amount of lumber It
would take to build a bridge across
the tail race near the flouring mill on
Main staeet, and by motion the bridge
waB ordered huilt; and that the con
struction of the same be under the
supervision of the street committee.
The council then proceeded to the
election of a street commissioner. P.
W. Morgan was placed In nomination
and was elected.
By motion the council then adjourn
ed until Tuesday evening.
Council met on Tuesday evening.
All the members were present except
councilman Westfall.
P. W. Morgan, the newly elected
street commissioner, presented his
bonds, which were duly approved aud
ordered placed on file.
By motion the marshal was ordered
to notify B. Burteushaw to put a
railing on the side walk near his resi
dence. The street commissioner was order
ed to proceed at once and make out a
list of all the taxable property in the
city, and also the persons liable to a
pole tax.
Council then adjourned.
We received a copy of the road law,
and also the Hub and game law this
week, with the compliments of F. C.
Baker, Btate printer, for which we re
tarn our thanks. Mr. Baker request
ed us to Bay that any of our readers
could obtain a copy of these laws by
sending In their name accompanied
by a 2 cent stamp.
Sr. Jas. Davidson and Mrs. Dr. J is.
Davidson and little boy arrived in
Lebanon laxt Wednesday. On ac
count of sickness Mr. Davidson did
not get through school and will return
In the fall. Mrs. Davidson completed
her course with honor. They are now
visiting with Mrs. Davidson's father,
C. B. Montague.
Persons who are subject to attacks of
bilious oelio can almost invariably tell,
by their fellings, when to expect an
attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken as
soon as these symptoms appear, they
can ward oo disease, riuch persons
should always keep the Remedy at
baud, readv for immediate use when
needed. Two or three doses of it at
the right time will save them much
trouble. For sale by M. A. Miller.
Look out for the "Big four" Colored
Minlstrels, consisting of the self re
nowned performers, Jones Brothers,
in their startling freak of representing
love scenes and new jokes of South'
ern Ore. Tbe Silver Toned Duett by
Starkey and Mallory. Don't fail to
hear the Big four Quartette, second
to none. Wsta their old plantation
medleys and amp-nieetiag songs.
Also heel aud toe dancing. See the
ghost aud his straggles. . Sea the ''Big
Four" In their old Verglnaa break
down aud reel- At Lubason Opera
House, Saturday evening, May 27.
Price 85 and 25 eents.
China Bow
Yesterday morning at about 5 & in.
a disturbance occurred In the Chinese
lodging house adjoining Mr Schmeer's
livery stable, and a Chinawoman was
found in front of the stable fearfully
slabbed with a knife and bleeding pro
Investigating elicited thefacti, Wat
the cutting was done by Hum Gow,
tlie big Chinaman well . known for
years in Albany as Sullivan. The
woman's name was Sue Hung who
came but recently from Salem.
Some altercation arose aud Hum Gow
attacked her with a dagger knife.
Goon Hln the proprietor of the house
interfered aud was fearfully out and
stabbed. One cut entered the lungs
uid another laid open bis abdomen so
that the intestines protruded. There
were several other wounds of a serious
The woman also received cuts In the
breast and abdomen, and one slash
across the wrist nea-ly severing the
Dr. W. H. Davis was called and
dressed the wounds
The witnesses to the affair were
Hung Lung and Jue Back, two Chi
namen. Goon Hin received seven distinct
wounds, the one penetrating the lungs
It is feared will prove fatal. The
woman, Sue Hung, who claims to
have a husband in Salem . was stabbed
six times.
Sullivan, or Hum Gow, was given
an examination before Justice Curl.
He claims that he was quietly sleep
ing and was attacked by the woman
with the knife and Goon Hin with a
rod of iron, and that he snatched the
knife from the woman and fought his
way out and ran to the jail for pro
tection, fearing that they would kill.
He was held without bail pending the
result of the wounds be had inflicted,
and two witnesses were held under
$150 bonds each, which they were en
deavering to secure.
Mr G A Waggoner was not altogeth
er successful last year in raislg China
pheasants. This season he turned the
business over to Mrs. Waggner whose
efforts promise a fair measure and bro-
xier. A brood of 114 is now emerging
from the shell, and should the birds
thrive, Mrs. Waggener will reap a good
reward for her pains as these birds are
in good demand at f 10 a pair. Gaiiett
George Humphrey, of Albany, was
in town Tuesday, says the Sclo Press.
He was here for the purpose of secur
ing the signatures of the convicting
jury who sent up the man who robbed
Albert Bond a few months ago. The
prisoner is dying with consumption
and the object is to get him pardoned
so that bis people can take him home
and nurse hin.
Wednesday night news reached this
city of the deth of Henry R Freeman
on the day mentioned. Deceased had
been employed by John Smith to cut
wood on the island about 4 miles south
ofCovallls. He left one of the houses in
in the morning to begin work. He did
not return for dinner nor for supper
aud Mr Smith and Jonny Hays went
in search of him, fearing that he met
with soms accident. They went to the
place whare he was instructed to be
gin work aud found that he had been
killed by the top of a tree which had
broken off by the fall of the one
which he had cut down. Justice Ap
plewhite empannelled a coroner's jury
to investigate the cause of death and
gave a verdict in accordance with the
above facte. Deceased was 62 years of
age, and a native of Tennessee. He
leaves a wife with whom .the commu
nity is iu deep sympathy. The re
mains were interred in Crystal Lake
oetnetery. CorvalHs Gazette.
W. F. Read, of Albany was town
out) day this week.
NO 13
Tenaassee School Report.
The following Is the report of school'
district, No, 103, Linn county, toe-
gon, for the month ending May ratl
in Number of pupils belonging on first -day
of month, 85; number fceloirfttyR,'
at close of mouth, 32j ''umber v
drawn during (lid -monthi 8 nunibeT
0fcla8sestaugb28; number of visit
ors during fje month, 16; total num
ber of princes 509; uo of absences
138; Verage daily attendance 25.
E. Mbnskv. Teacher.
Sweet Home School Rnport.
Following is the monthly school
reportof Diet. No5o.
. No of days taught 20.
No of days taught 30fi.
No of days abseuoe 132.
No of times tardy10.
' No of boys enrolled 14.
No of girlB enrolled 18.
Total No enrolled 30.
Average daily attendance 18. ,x
Deportment good.
Those who were, not alieent during
the month, are Jerome Skelton, Nellie.
Hamilton, Robert Moore, Lottie Jack
son, Sarah Miller, Nettie Buck abdj
Lola McClure. C. F. Biobbb;
AlbaDj Baseball Flayers.
The Albany baseball team la being
gotten together as rapidly as possible,
six players being already secured,
while other are being negotiated with,
Matt Stanley the craok oatcher who)
caught for Salem last year, came up
on the train Monday, and will play
his old position and criptiiin theteaw:
Among the other players that have
been seconded are Chan. Burns, short)
stop, Phil Grant, of Kansas City, nd(
Frank Haynes, of California, pile hers,
Albert Cole, third base, John Mullen,
first base. The two pitchers arrived)
Tuesday. The gronuds in Gcltra
Park were laid out and the work ol
putting it In condition will be com
menced Immediately. Albany ' will
have one of the strongest teams Iu tha
league. Herald.
The graduating exercises of the Leb.
anon public school will be hold in the)
Presbyterian church. In the afternoon
of Friday June the 2il. The exercises)
will couslst of musle ly- the Chofal
Society, essays by the members of tha
class and the presentation of diplo
mas. - Pres. Bloss, of the State AgrW
cultural College will fee present and
win deliver a lecture in the evening.
Friends and patrons are cordially lit.
vited to he present, This is the first
class to graduate nut of our sadf
it will mark an epoch in our schoof
history. The programme, will be pub
lished in full next weeh.
The last session of the leyl.Hltirure of
this state made some very iiuuortaBl
changes in the old law in regnrdY to
the filing of chattlo iiiui tyi. If
makes it the duty vt the county re
corder in the counties where there It
a county recorder of conveyances to
file ohattle mortgages, iimteud of h
county clerk as before.' -The legisla
ture also made the following prtivfelo'B.
That at the request of either tbs)
mortgagee or trustee such instrument
may be recerded in the same ninnuel
as a mortgage or roal properly,' put Ira
a book of record kept exehHvely for
ohattle mortgages; aud if such Instru
ment be so recorded, and after ttut
same has been duly recorded, II may
be delivered to the person authorises!
or entitled to receive the same, As)
some of the comity clerks in this tt&la
thought the new law was not clear at)
to which officer, the elerk, or record!1,
should file them in case that they were)
filed and uot recorded, the matter was)
referred In Judge McBrirte of tlie Fifth
judicial district, who decided that tha
recorder was the proper officer to fila
tlie same.