The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 19, 1893, Image 2

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H. T. KIKKPATK1CK, rubllahoi.
Backward Season in Nevada
Protects the Fruit.
A Ulne Ribbon AVar in Progress at
Ran Diego A Deputy Sheriff
Killed by the Kid.
The Southern Pacific U to build to San
Diego ironi Yuma.
Victoria (B. C.) lumber dealers have
formed a lumber combine.
Peach Springs, A. T.( is in the throes
of excitement over a new gold find.
A wonderfully rich Btrike has been
made in the Eagle Tail Mountains, A. T.
The Clatsop Mill Company at Astoria
now has a drvhouse, with a capacity of
200,000 feet a' day.
The Chasms' ticket at Phoenix, A. T.,
has been elected, with the exception oi
City Marshal.
The San Diego County Horticultural
Commissioners have organized and com
menced the atudy oi fruit pests.
'There are rumors of a big opium eom
bine, working through Canadian ports
and having headquarters at Portland, i
The backward season in Nevada has
protected the fruit, and the pasturage
will be exceedingly fine, owing to heavy
rams and snows.
There is much excitement in Graham
county, A. T., over the indictment of
several cituens tor raising tne registra
tion to make tne county brat-class,
Kid, the Apache, has killed Jake Bow
man, Deputy tshenn ot Cochise countv,
in Uuaualupe Canyon, A. T. Bowman
started out to hunt for and kill the Kid.
An Albany paper asserts that people
going to the W orlcT's Fair from the coun
try thereabout will take at leant 150,000
away that will never return and be a
complete toss to tnat community.
The clerk hire of the last Legislature
cost the State of Oregon 2tt,02tt.lO, or
, over (IS00 a day. The lowest paid any
one clerk was io, Dut very tew ot tnem
drew less than $125. There were 108
clerks on the pay roll. ,
A blue-ribbon war is in progress at
Kan Diego. Bands of Christian men and
women visit the saloons in a chosen
quarter of the city and hold gospel meet
ings inside the saloon if invited, as is
oiten the case, or on the sidewalk if de
nied entrance.
The Phomix (A. T.) bankers have de
ckled to contest the legality oi the Ter
ritorial law taxing all banks, national,
State or private, on the same basis as
other property when the bank doee busi-
ness solely within the Territory, whether
organized under the laws of Arizona or
any other State.
Chester Ayres, with traps baited with
cotton saturated with a nostrum whose
odor is pleasant to the nostrils of coy
otes, lias been able to capture and kill
within five weeks forty-six coyotes in
Mendocino county, Cat., whose scalps
bring him near $l,4o0, the bounty from
the county and the sheepmen.
At Phoenix, A. T., the grand jury has
just ignored the charges against five
prisoners who have been in jail for from
four to six months. These men were
too poor to give bonds, and were com
pelled to remain in jail until the session
of the jury without a shadow of evi
dence to indict,' much less convict them.
A fish wheel is now in operation in the
Umatilla river a mile above the town of
'Umatilla. It is the first one ever tried
out of the Columbia, and seems to be
doing pretty well. B. C. Hinton, who
put the wheel in, is also the inventor of
an irrigating wheel which is now being
used successfully at several points along
the Umatilla river.
Preliminary arrangements have been
completed for the establishment of the
Australian steamship line to run in con
nection with the Canadian Pacific rail
way. The first steamers will leave Syd
ney May 11 and June 8, and, returning,
will probably leave Vancouver June 8
and July 6.
A petition has been put in circulation
tlmmghont the mainland of British Co
lumbia, addressed to the (iovernor-Gen-eral
oi Canada, suggesting separation of
the mainland from Vancouver Island as
the surest means of relief from tiie ex
isting evils of the resources of the prov
ince being spent in unproductive under
takings. ,
Miss Harriett Woodruff, Superintend
ent of Schools in Umatilla county, has
sent in her annual State report. There
are at present 6,132 children of school
age in the countv, an increase of 156
over last year. The spring apportion
ment gives this county (24,043. In all
IW.WH.oo have been spent in the last
year for school purposes.
Captain Van Bramer has returned to
shafts and tunnels of treasure-seekers. 1
yne party estirna the cost of the work
tunneled 100 feet, i
t j uwt v Hi: r 1 3
;led 100 feet, but thfiir charte wes
0.1 yiOU.UKf. Thft Kramer nttrtv
. evmenuy wrong, uiey claimed.
luv wmocr II HT I dtntMt t
Representative Outhwuite or Ohio is
the latest to verify the report that Con
gress will .convene in extra session in
tseptemlwr next. Outhwaite dues not
take any stock in thestatement that im
mediately after the appointment of the
House committees a recess will be taken
until the first of December. He said :
'"It is my opinion that Congress will be
in continuous session, barring the usual
Christmas holidays, from September
until the following June."
It whs learned at the State Depart
ment that the refusal of the Kussian
Consul in New York to vise the pass
port issued to Mrs. Sadie Schwartz by the
State Department, on the ground that
she is a Jewess, is in accordance with
the laws of Russia. If Mre. Schwartz
should make complaint to Secretary
(.Trcalium, she will, oi a necessity, be in
formed that he can do nothing in the
matter, because the rules governing the
Russian consular officers prohibit them
from countersigning any paper intended
iur use m itussia oy jews.
The danger of an uprising in Corea
against the Christian missionaries in
that country has passed. The news that
mohs of natives had threatened to ex
terminate the whites was received by the
state .uepartment some weeks ago by
cable. Protection from the United
States government was requested, and
accordingly the Navy Department Bent
the steamer Alert from Shanghai to
Corea, with orders to remain until af
fairs had assumed a peaceful aspect.
Admiral Harmony cabled the depart
ment that the Alert arrived at her des
tination April 24. The other dav an
other dispatch was received from him
Btating the Alert had returned to Shang
hai. While nothingconcerning the con
dition of affairs was contained in the
dispatch, it is certain the Alert would
not have lett Corea if anv serious trouble
had existed.
The International Monetary Confer
ence, which adjourned to reassemble in
Brusseli the 30th inst., will not reas
semble on that date. The general feel
ing expressed by the representatives of
the leading powers is that the end of
May is not a suitable time for recom
mencing the labors of the conference,
andasa resultaconsultation was held be
tween the President, SecretarvGresham
and some of the delegates of the United
Males. It was determined to cable the
announcement that the reassembling of
the conference would be postponed until
some time m nextNoveniher. governor
McCreary of Kentucky, who, as well
senator Jones of Nevada, will con
tinue to serve upon the commis
sion, expresses much gratification at the
cnange ot oate, and Believes it will in
crease the prospect of the conference ac
complishing some solid results.
A congress of bankers from all parts
of the world will be a World's Fair
feature in the week oi June 18th to
The Duke of Veraaua. when he saw
tne tast river bridge, remarked: "If
pity uoiumous is not here to see it."
In the exhibit of hand-made laeessent
from Great Britain to Chicago is an
apron given by Queen Elizabeth to Lord
The report of Director-General Davis
shows that a grand total of nearlv $33,
500,000 have been raised for the World's
Fair, exclusive of the cost and value of
the exhibits,
A general wail is heard all over Mich
igan about tne scarcity ot hired girls.
due in a great part to their departure for
tne w orld's r air, where big wages are
onerea tnem.
The Harmony Societv of Beaver, Pa..
among the first to operate a successful
silk industry in this country, has sent to
the world's Fair an exhibit of dress silks
manufactured sixty years ago,
The Chicago Tribune estimates on the
present scale of prices that a temperate.
economical man can get along in that
city on $3 a day. This will include
lodging, board, car fare and admission
to tne exposition,
The big Kmpp gun, now at Chicago,
contains aiO.OOU pounds ot wrought steel.
and it is the greatest implement of de-
stmction tnat tne world lias ever seen.
It hurls a mass of steel weighing 2,300
pounas sixteen miles.
Arc you busted?" is now thecommon
salutation of the World's Fair people
and visitors from the Northwest. The
opening day hotel rates and restaurant
charges were more than doubled, and
great diesatislaction prevails. U. V.
Calhoun, executive ot the Washington
Commission, wired the following to the
upokane neview: "would not advise
anv one to visit the fair for the present.
Xothing ready ; weather bad ; everything
oniusion ana insolence.
When asked for an expression of opin
ion regarding his visit to the World's
Fair President Cleveland replied : " We
received a very cordial welcome, and
everything that could be done was done
for our comfort and pleasure. It was an
occasion I shall always remember with a
sense of genuine pleasure. I am much
gratified at the enterprise, skill and
taste displayed in the arrangement and
appearanceof the buildings, and the re
sults so far attained bespeak to my mind
a great success for the World's Fair."
From present indications the music
trouble at the World's Fair is about to
become a scandal. Evidence was pro
duced at a recent meeting of the Na
tional Commission which tends to show
that Musical Director Thomas, notsatis
fied with using a contraband piano, is
of such forcible nature that the com'
mission adopted a resolution directing i j.iuiDi w a Hummi ,
committee of nix to investigate the mat-
V.,,,.. P., I..,.- ; .1 t
The. Troops AVithdrawn From
the Mexican Border.
Naval Militia Hoys 11 ust Go to Sea
and Lire and Act Like Sailors
Rebel Millionaire.
The Illinois law against ticket scalping
has been declared unconstitutional.
J. K. Ohoate has been elected Presi
dent of the Colorado Tratlic Association.
Chicago's demand for domestic help
has created a corner in the servant-girl
An ordinance for purification of the
city water was introduced in the St.
Louis Council.
The apple crop of Northwest Missouri
and Northeastern Kansas will be an al
most total failure.
A committee of prominent citizens has
started a Minaay-ciosiiig movement at
San Antonio, Tex.
By direction of the Council in New
Haven, Pa., the sale of Sunday newspa
pers has been stopped.
Troops have been withdrawn from the
Mexican bonier, showing the authorities
fear no more trouble there.
The Arkansas river in Texas is eight
miles wide, and along the river's course
much damage has been done.
Tbe season's catch of the Newfound
land seal fisheries amounts to about
140,000, as against 1)50,000 last year.
The sum of nearly $100,000 is to be
collected from the male residents of Kan
sas City as fines for neglecting to vote.
General McCook, commanding the
Territory of Arizona, savs the report re
garding the Navajo outbreak has been
exaggerated, , ,
Crooks from all over the world will
seek safety at the World's Fair this year.
Four hundred detectives will be on the
grounds on duty.
There is a man in Griffin, Ga., who is
hoarding ll.OOO.OOU ot Confederate
monev in the hope that it will become
valuable some day.
The Chicago police officers have blos
somed out in new helmets and coats and
other articles of spring attire in honor
oi tne vtonu srair.
It is now stated the bovs at Delaware.
0., who wore hazed and branded with an
acid solution, will bear no scars. Their
wounds have healed.
The Upper Mississippi river is boom
ing again. Steamers from above St.
Louis have considerable trouble in pass
ing turner tne onuge.
Last year there were 400,000 immi
grants landed at Ellis Island, N. Y.,and
only 41,557 of them went to the South
ern States to find homes.
It now turns out that it was the mug
wump members of tbe New York Union
League Club who brought about the
blackballing of young Seligman.
On the run from Caie Henry to Balti
more the cruiser Detroit covered the dis
tances HfO miles in eight and a half
hours, the fastest on record over this
A message has been received at the
Department of State from the United
States Minister at Constantinople res
pecting the settlement of the Marsovan
The United States hvdrotiraphic office
has obtained a set of 2,500 British ad
miraltv charts, the only collection of of
ficial English charts in the possession of
the United States. :
Mrs. A. M. Mankly has bequeathed to
the city of Washington a large sum of
money for the erection and maintenance
of a home for destitute women as a me
morial to her mother.
The official announcement has been
made of the rehabilitation of the Phila
delphia and Reading Railroad Company
by a syndicate headed by Drcxel & Co.
and Brown Brothers & Co,
Chnuncov Denew. representing a syn
dicate, has been trying to buy the New
York Mail and Express. Dr. DcpeW has
often said that he regarded himself as
competent to perform the duties of a
good all-round reporter.
High license has reduced the number
of saloons in St. Paul, Minn., from 708
to Ml. 'I lie license now is 11,001) a vear.
In 1887 the 708 saloons paid 70,W li
cense. That year St, Paul had one sa
loon for every 180 inhabitants.
The South, which has only 28 per cent
of the country's population, and which
cast only 30 per cent of the popular vote
for Cleveland, has thus tar secured sev
enteen Ambassadors, Ministersand Con
suls to fourteen given to the North,
Armour's new grain elevator in Chi
cago will have a capacity of 8,000,000
bushels, being much the largest in the
city. Fifteen hundred carpenters are
employed on the elevator, 8U0 on the
day shift and 700 on the night shift.
A real-estate syndicate, representing
pillions of dollars, with a view of im
proving tracts of Washington city sub
urban properly is to be formed, Frank
(i. Newlands, representing the Sharon
estate, is the largest owner of propert y
in the vicinity of the proposed syndicate
improvement. ,; ; ; ,:
The first woman to apply for and
ceive a certificate to practice medicine
in Virginia is Sarah 6. Jones (colored).
I .!. .1,. Vlnn. Mlolo
Last week she appeared before the State ,
Board of Medical Examiners at Kich
muna, ana ptwweu a nuxM.m cxumim-
ticm. In a claw of eiuhtv-flvc she stood
..f..i :
ninth in surgery.
.... "
President Seth Lowe of Columbia Col
lege lias inherited from his father a large
estate at Newport.
The Empress of Russia's physician
when in attendance upon his august pa
tient receives a fee oi 70 (700 roubles)
a day.
Rev. Dr. II . M. "Wharton of the Brent
ley Baptist Church, Baltimore, has de
cided to decline a $7,000 salary olforcd
him by the Epiphany Baptist Church
congregation of New York,
The Register at Stanford University
announces that ex-Presidont Harrison
will begin his course of lectures on in
ternational lua- next October, when the
new school of law will be opened. '
The tombstone marking the grave of
Rev. Wareham Williams, a leading
preacher of colonial days, was unearthed
at Walthum, Mass., recently. Antiqua
rians hud long searched for 'the grave.
That aBtute lawyer, Itufus Chouto,
knew better than to' lie caught by Italian
opera. " Interpret to me the libretto,"
said he to his (laughter at the oiwra,
"lest I dilato with the wrong emotion,"
At the June commencement of Roan
oke College, Salem, Va., a full-blooded
Choctaw Indian will graduate. Ho is
one of the best speakers in the college.
Another Choctaw was graduated there
in 1883.
Princess Maria of Tarma is not pretty
even for a royal bride. She has a long
large countenance, disfigured by a
very long and sulwtantial nose, and 'it is
ungallantly said that her face looks like
that of a horse.
The German Emperor and Empress
are accompanied by a retinue of seventy
throe persons on their visit to Rome,
No wonder the Italian court, with its re
stricted finances, is a little bit anxious
aliout the pipor'a bill.
Alfred Mace, son of the once-famous
English prizefighter, Jem Mace, has just
closed a series of evangelistic meetings
in Indianapolis. For twenty vears lie
has been preaching. He canie to Amer
ica about four years ago.
The flagship of the British squadron
is named alter Robert Blake, the famous
Admiral who fought for the common
wealth under Cromwell against the rov
alists and subsequently beat the Dutch
in a series oi brilliant engagements, j
Rev. Dr. William H. Furness. nastor
emeritus of the First Unitarian Church
of Philadelphia and the oldest living
graduate of Harvard College, celebrated
his Hist birthday the other dav. Ho is
the only survivor of the class of 1820.
Peeresses of Great Britain, Scotland
and Ireland by birth, marriage or crea
tion are free from arrest or imprisonment
in civil process. In the event of a puer
ess being charged with a criminal offense
she would be tried by the House -of
Sir Julian Panncefote's salarv has been
increased from f 30,000 to Jlo.lHR) in con
sequence of his promotion to the rank of
an Ambassador to this country. This
makes his compensation exactly donble
that paid to our Ambassador to tiie Court
of Kt. James.
James F. Meline, Assistant Treasurer
of the United States, many years ago
wrote and published one of the most
charming histories of Marie Stuart that
is to tie found in the vast accumulation
of literature relating to that lovely and
unfortunate woman.
The amount of wheat, consumed in the
United States exceeds 300,000,000 bush
els annually,
Experiment in wheat-growing in
Queensland have given twenty bushels
per half acre.
The manufacturing productions of the
United States in 18112 exceeded 17.200.-
0110,000 in value.
There were 324.S27 tons of oliiwoluiti.
shipped from Florida last year a slight
increase over 1801.
H. R. Hyde,
Carpets! Carpets!
We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING.
or day.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
W. r. READ. PrMl(l,lt. OK". F. SIMI'HON,
I- h. LUWAW, lrwuuror.
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company
Hod. R. 8. STKAHAN,
Hon. J. w.ctistCK. Banker.
i-d'el jnatioeol Supreme Court.
fiJU!i!',AKmv',tFh,w -
WKJTHM AN, Kq., lanital at.
loi"0 PaTiosrM;;S,'in.VI '"'-d
winamcile valley Land Company,
Munia - i-w, h u.....:.. i. "
r t mC -'' nmuramje'
L itS? T J.n,"iS ISLES? .,0 H,e
2!l!l!'mlrMy ,'C1I',"1ll"'KlM''1"'t''elr'M' """"" llw J""lllB Individuals
The dearest leather sells for $110 per
dozeu skins. ,
There are over 800,000 telephones in
this country.
A telegrapher has sent 2110 words in
five minutes.
A diamond for cutting glass lusts aliout
three months.
There are only two lawyers doing busi
ness in Iceland.
The mines of Golconda once employed
over 80,000 men.
Beet-sugar production in this country
has doubled in a year.
In some parts ol the East steel teams
are cheaper than pine.
One Texas stockman will ship "5,000
head of cattle this year.
Norway and Sweden export 20,000
tons of matches annually.
Houston, Tex., will soon have its
fourth cotton-seed-oil mill.
The estimated value of the Chautau
qua grape belt is (5,115,000.
The great saw mill at Clinton, la., cuts
500,000 feet of lumber daily.
The largest single loan made in New
York last year was for 1,325,000.
The diamond mines of South Africa
have yielded a value of $:ifi0,0O0,0O0.
Only almnt 0,000,000 acres of Michi
gan's 30,000,000 are under cultivation.
The Shasta Route
Kxnreaa indmUmne Portland Mir:
TtK t. a.ll.T ..I,nitltiil......r.l 7:aT.'lT
UTS r. a. I,v Albany Ar, 4: A. M.
s;l, a. a.iAr Still Kraiioliui l,v. ? .(Kl r. a.
Tile above trailia MD), only at tliu following
Mtliiim uortli ot Honoliiirn: ISM Portland, Or
won llltjr. Wooilhnrii, Salum, Albany. Taintem,
hl,llaly,liarrlauuri(,Jiiuuu(:lty, Irving
ml Ktwona,
Kowthnrg mull-dully:
ssio 4, a ll.v...
..Albany Ar.
..ttoaehiirg l,v,
!!!: r.
1 tM r.
4 20 r. a.
vi . r. a.
7:IB A. a.
Albany lonal-ilally leznoia Bluntly).
h-M p. a.i.v hmkau4. .ArlUl:A..
M r. a.iAr, Albany I.v.i 0:; a. a.
Local iiMwnnnrtmhu-ilatly Mncpt. Similar),
l:' r. .l. Albany Ar.llll '21 . a.
i:m r, a.:Ar Ubanou l.v. :: a. a.
:" . Albany Ar. t. V.
:!. a.iAr I."iin,m 2; T, ,
Iiiolor Cm on ll,du Boot.
Suuad-Claii Sl.ti,la ar Attached to
All Thruuvh Trains.
MalI traln-dally (except Sunday) :
I X . a. i i.y;.";;Zl,irtliiit,;;"....Ar;T T:sti"I V
12:10 e. . I Ar. tlnrvalll U. lli:M r. a.
At Albany anil Ootvallla mmumlwltti iralua
of Oreumi J'at'ille railroad.
Kxprew train rtallv inxeont HiindaT):
Portland Ar. ) :0 A.
..MrMlnnrtll....t.r. 1 : .
nmt Kitroi-fwui heobtHiiiwI t uwwt ratutt Iron.
L A. ittiimeli, fluent, llianon,
H. KOKHLKIt, Mutineer,
K. P. HOOKKH, AMI. U. K. A Prut. AbouL
LINE OF-,l0t. J. 0. Wltl'lHMAN, Smrslary
K. A. 11ILNKK.
Hon. J. L, COWAN,
U. B. MONTK1TH, Japltaliat.
(3 V UlUDUitU I?.. ....,
1" tlwV.rVr' and Merchant.' FA RB
- iu flicniimiiw
win puny imvi tne inn amount of oss w to
lf,ik ' rrhm.i).. uLn,