THE SAN- FRANCISCO BOARD of HEALTH. We, the members of the Board of Health of the City and County of San Francisco, Cordially approve and recommend the . Royal Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and , character. In our judgment it is impossible make a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the Royal Jos. R. Davidson. M. D. Henry M. Fiske, M. D. Chas. McQuesten, M. D. T. J. Letournex, M. D. Members San Francisco "Board of Health. i DUlnfaatloo by Heat. In the journal of the American Medical association emphasis is given to the ready means of disinfecting excreta in the sickroom or its vicin ity by the application of heat Ex act experiments show that the ther mal death point of the following pathogenic bacteria and of the kinds of virus mentioned is below 140 degs. F. viz., spirillum of cholera, bacil Ins of anthrax, bacillus of typhoid fever, bacillus of diphtheria, bacillus of glanders, diplococcus of pneu monia, streptococcus of erysipelas, staphylococci of pus, vaccine vims, sheep pox virus, hydrophobia virus. Ten minutes' exposure to the tem perature mentioned may, it is found, be relied upon for the disinfection of material ' containing any of these pathogenic organisms, excepting the anthrax bacillus when in the stage of spore formation. The use, therefore, of boiling wa ter in the proportion of three or four parts to one part of the material to be disinfected is recommended for such material, or, bettor still, a 10 per cent solution of sulphate of iron or of chloride of zinc, at the boiling point may be used in the same way. three to one, this, in fact having a higher boiling point than water, and serving at the same time as a de odorant - - Ta MarqaJa' Caeetarate. A romantic story comes to hand from Paris. An eccentric marquis, whose suit had been rejected by a beauty of the Second Empire, hired a coster's stall, planted himself on the curb opposite her door and every day used to send in a pint of chest nuts, in the heart of which pearls, rubies and diamonds were concealed. After a week the fair one yielded and bestowed Iwr hand upon her devoted admirer. But the marquis has since been ruined, and now earns his living in the strcela of Paris by the same method which formerly enabled him to storm love's citadel. Let us hope, in the interests of romance, that the story itself is not a chestnut Lon don Globe. Oatut of a Sloping Cm. A sleeping car leaving New York for Chicago is supplied with 120 sheets, 120 pillow slips and 120 tow els. The washing is done in different cities, and is given out in great quantities at the. low rate of $1 per 100 pieces. An equipment of linen which lasts a year is purchased in amounts of $30,000 worth at a time. One company for 700 cars uses every thirty days 2,400dozen cakes of toilet soap, 1,200 dozen boxes of matches, S5 dozen hairbrushes, 60 dozen whisks, 60 dozen combs and a vast number of sponges and feather dust ers. Porters receive from $30 to$50 a month. Public Opinion. ; Teearrefiai and Intruders. ' Once every year the park at Far ringford was thrown open to a'd comers. The Freshwater flower show was held 4here in August, but Ten nyson did not appear on this occa sion. He left the management of the affair and the duties of host to his son Hallam, who for years acted as his father's secretary and confi dant There is a good deal to besaid fa support of the resentment Ten nyson showed to intruders. Cor. Bowton Herald. , Dinner tables and conversaziones are the planes for wit, humor and brilliant talks and general bonhomie txttweeu the guests. The funny or droll man in society is not the ele gant gi-MtUam. As a rule the art of war was prac ticed in 1420 with a little too much regard for rules; it was hide and seek behind specific bulwarks rather than warfare. As Voltaire says, the BolcberB of the land were distributed between such and such oondottierias if they were professional harvesters. The captain of mercenaries upon one side tried his best tooutmaneuver the captain of mercenaries on the ther side. If he succeeded in getting the enemy into a corner from which he could not escape, except by a desperate engagement absurd to think of, he sent off a bombastic tale of victory to his employers and asked far an increase of pay. And to make sure that his success should furnish no excuse for a cessation of hostilities and the signing of treaties of peace (which meant dismissal) he straightway shook hands with the captive general and set him and his army at liberty, so that the campaign might be continued. This was the light in which the condottieri viewed their responsibili ties. Nor was it difficult to live through a career of battles without a wound at a time when such counsel as the following was esteemed sage enough to offer to the stripling sol dier: "You must know that to secure yourself against artillery you must be either out of its reach or behind a wall, or behind a rampart And, moreover, see that the wall be thick enough," etc. MacnulWs Maga zine. What Farmer Aaeoanpllafaad. From a farmer in Virginia some years ago I received a request that he might send me a package of col ored sketches of wild flowers and that I would verify or rectify his de termination of their names. Inquiry developed the fact that he had reached adult age as a farmer when he began to feel the need of some subject of thought and interest outside of his daily work. Without any scientific help or knowledge he set about collecting and naming the birds' of the Shenan doah valley. Not satisfied with stuffed specimens he conceived the idea of painting the birds he collect ed. With no artistic knowledge or instruction be ordered paints and brushes and set himself at work, and today there are very few artists in the country who can paint birds with so much of artistic grace and scientific accuracy as he. After a few years, having trans 'erred to paper all the birds of the region, he procured a "Gray's Man ual'' and began to study the plants of the valley, first determining their names and then painting them. He accordingly sent on a package of colored sketches, artistically attract ive and sotrue to nature that there was not the slightest doubt as to any of the 750 species represented, while his own unassisted determinations were so accurate that not a dozen names needed to be altered. Pro fessor Pickering in Christian Union. Bichardson was driven back on sentiment as the only note which could arrest the attention of his read ers, and the only motif those readers could understand. At York, Pa, in the orchard of Simeon Muchier, there is a tree that annually bears a crop of three differ ent kinds of fruit pears, peaches and apples. By the code a Chinese boy under sixteen csnoot be nmiiahed. What Chinese do is to pop him into prison irid keep lam there until he hi sixteen FONDMSS FOR ANTICLIMAX. A aVa ot Maay KaamplM Otillwl in tto Boat and tka Wert. One of the most laughable fea tures about Eudyurd Kipling's short sketches of East Indians, and also onoof the truest to life, say those wbo have lived in India, is the strong tendency the natives have to use the most startling anticlimaxes in their formal speeches to one another, and more especially when a native of low caste or great poverty petitions a European fur a favor. In the lat ter case the speaker will say some thing like this: c "Will the presence, whose reputa tion for justice ib known from east to west, and whose countenance spreads joy among hm inferiors, who are ae the sands of the seashore in number, graciously deign to take but an instant's notice of him who has the almost delirious honor to name himself one of the most un worthy among the servants of the protector of the poor, and will the favorite son of the lord of the uni verse magnanimously overlook my wmmring presumption in asking him for the payment of a bill of two an nas for hen feed " This sort of thing is not unknown in this country among the people who aim at a grandiloquent manner of speech and whose sense of the ridiculous is not highly developed. Courts presided over by unlettered judges are especially prolific of ex amples. For instance, a police jus tice, is reported to have sought to arouse a sense1 of shame in the- breast of a burly negro prisoner in this way. "Prisoner at the bar! An all.wise and all merci ful Providence hoe endowed yon vntn an intelligent mind and a pow erful physique, instead of which you spend your days in playing craps and your nights in robbing clotheslines:" At another time the same justice ought to impress upon a prisoner who was about to testify in his own behalf the solemn nature of an oath. Assuming his most pompous tone, he thus addressed the culprit: "Pris oner at the bar, in taking this sol emn oath to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth take care that you do not allow yourself to be tempted by the dan ger of your position to commit a will ful perjury. Remember that the , eyes of the all seeing Providence and of the village constable are upon you!" j Another judge in a rough and ready but highly ambitious frontier town, in commenting severely upon the heinous crime of horsestealing, thundered forth: "For century after ' century that dread command. Thou Shalt not steal! has rolled along the ages. It is, moreover, a standing rule of this court if not a bylaw of our progressive and goon to be incor porated city I" New York Tribune. Lawkj People. There is one thing on which we may congratulate ourselves we who are little we who have escaped the penalties of greatness. That is some thing. We may at least call our souls our own. We may have a taste for onions, raw or fried or baked or boiled or anyhow, and yet the world shall not wonder at the grossness of our appetites. I saw in an Australian journal the other day that a certain English actress has a taste far porter. We may thank our stars, we little ones, that the fact of our having a taste for porter is not flashed around the electric girdles of the globe. Hmith, who passes his days soaking at the bar of the 'Tip pler's Tryst," may congratulate him self that he belongs to the family of the unknown ttmitns. .Nobody ca how much be soaks except his wife and family, oinitu cares nothing tor what they think. Here, in a French paper lying at my side, is recorded the foot that a well known politician is compelled to wear a particular kind of boot owing to a peculiarly troublesome corn which be bos on his big toe. Great Harry! Think if the eyes of the world those million Argus eyes were on the corn on my big toel-r AUthe Year Bound. Seofet Waa Bated a. a Drrwe. As a boy Walter Scott gave few indications of his coming greatness, and was described by one of his early preceptors as "the boy that has the thickest skull in the school. " After ward at Edinburgh university the future "wizard" was thus epitomized by one of the leading professors, "Dunce he is and dunce he will re main." London Standard. The Drying Jalat. Little Scotch'Andy was sent to hold S wet towel before the fire until it should become dry. A few minutes later he startled bis mother by coll ing out, "Mithor, mither, ist dry whfrnit's taxml -'Juchange. - MeCijr'M Kneora on tho OaUowa. "Speaking of bravado on the scaf fold Temiuds me of ft one legged man I saw turned off in western-Pennsylvania when I was a boy," said Roger Blokmlee. "He was known to have killed five men. He bad lost a leg while trying to add a sixth to his string, but finally recovered, was tried and sentenced to bang. . The execution took place in the court, house yard, arid several thousand people gathered to witness it. McCoy, for that was the criminal's name, ascended the scaffold with no other assistance than that afforded by his crutch. When asked if he hod any thing to say he replied that he would like to say goodby to his fid dle. It was brought and Btunding on the deathtrap he played a lively air, handed the violin to the sheriff, and with the aid of histirutch danced a jig on the trap. He then an nounced that he was ready. - . "His arms were pinioued, the black cap drawn over his bead, and the trap sprung. The roie broke, and after beimr earned back on the scaf fold more dead ilmu alive he asked how long it would take to procure another one. He was told alxiut ten minutes. 'Well, give me my old fid dle while I'm waiting,' he said. . He was unpuuoned, the cap removed, and he made bis best bow to the au dience, saying he hod siot expected an encore." St. Louis Globe-Demo crat ' A Mlakwdlinj Placard. Two colored women in one of the large dry goods stores the other day topped in front of the elevator on which the sign. "This elevator rune from the first to the fourtl floor," was conspicuously displayed. "We dont wont this," said No. h "Why not?" questioned her com panion. 'Because it runs from the first to the fourth floor, and we want to get off at the second." . "How do you know?" queried No. i. "Can you read the sign!" impa tiently remarked the all knowing one. - "Why, sure njf," wonderingly remarked No. 2; "well have to get one that runs to the second floor or else go up the stairs." whereupon they strolled off. and it was as good a picture to see the look of sur prise when, having reached the sec ond floor, they beheld that deceitful elevator discharge its load of passen gers at the very pirn they wanted to go. Philadelphia Times. ; Tnbaecn la (ha Army. Professor Horsford tells of his ef forts to secure tulwcco for the army during the civil wur. Upon visiting the vamps at Fredericksburg and elsewhere and asking the soldiers what they most wished to complete their nappineHH, he received the re ply, "Tobacco." "Why tobaccof he asked. "Because if we sit down on a march and can have a little smoke it makes us think uf home, and lulls our minds and cures the homesick ness." The measure encountered much opposition in congress and failed at first. But just after the war closed provision was made for a tobacco ration iu the army sup plies, and the soldiers still receive it. Newport News. Chine. JnnlHiuHt far Murder. In China, according to Mr. Jesse Herbert, late legal adviser to the government of south China, and pro fessor of law in the University of Canton, officials are held responsible for the conduct of the community. If a son has murdered his father, not only is the murderer cut in pieces, but the house is pulled down aud the ground dug up to a depth of about an feet All the neighbors, moreover, are punished, the boy's head master is beheaded, the magistrate loses his place and the higher officials are re duced three degrees in rank. A Blndoa Bailor About Owla. The Hindoos declare that the flesh and blood of an owl will make a per son insane who eats or drinks it On this account men who are de Toured by jealousy of a rival or hatred of an enemy oome furtively to the market and purchase an owL In silence they carry it home and se cretly prepare a decoction, which an accomplice will put into the food of the object of their malignant de signs. All the Year Bound. Throat diaeaaw oommenoe with a ootigh. cold or aore throat. "Brovm't Rronekial lYoenat" give immediate relief. SoU only wMxai. rnce, U5 otmte. It is tometlmee dMCtmHto deteYmlne whether a French oruia la a now iaiue or tha eame old crtelH. :-4a'" 'TAKE fCUHCS V-.HADACHt UJSIIVEHISS .Whnwl Hood'sCures Sciatic Rheumatism Quick Relief and Ported Cur ' J Una ntrtoM taction, Cat, "IwejiobedlTamtatedwIthMlatrj i turn that 1 oould aoawelr mora. I iwnJ a rreat aunr reraedle, which did me no tnoi. Atrlenl prrtuinted Be s bottle of Hood'. Karaaperllla, wkleh 1 herao to lake. The relief ma flulok and two bottles oured niecomplrtety. 1 author, tea the lute of my name and portrait la reooa awndlar Hood's HareaparUla, lor I think II a vert valuable medicine. I recommend tt to aU who mar be afflicted with rheumeUan or old Hood's Cures tmr aorta, aa I know of a lady hi Oakland who kae bean fared of Mom by thto wonderful mad. lolne." 0. B. Patrick, No. set California St, toekton, California. flat HOOD. Hood' Pills wt oanllj, yet prompt! (rat aflwatlr. on the Urer and bowels, loo. WATER CAN T rise atKtve IU II nil rise ei?p ;:lfHOUVC0. km f H utn'tttolt att Ikll prim he jta 0 . I it .ilk til prim he per a ii u .in b IE M MM oner. Tbe merchant Id a raati Morn buy (mm wmw Urae cit nbire like tran, that hurt from the msMifftRturoni. Ili on'( inn, to yu fti ur pricm, ntmnwr nn he'oRer Tim mirh ut nwnrttmint m nun. OifiK hm I nomethim everylxMi uM, Make a trial of Minding loa law wrT-to us tor It. Hend im $1 JTt, wttb a dtwt;riptlon nl whit, yon wm lit-lit. medium nr Urk Color, k Hcotcta itrtim. pUidordhwrk-and we'll mall to you, pout lid, a KVyard Urw pat mm, Knowing t hr nowont a ly lea and a quality of tilntjchftm that we auk you to compare with any min:,mted elwnre at the price. Our Hprtnfc Ci tali tie in a Bnely 1 1 hm t rated ImvliiR (tiilde, whfi-h we mmd 1W at rwtueat. OLt8 KING, Portland, . KlilG'S Everybody In AnutrlRa that woera trousers known that KTNO'HAKK THK JtKrVT. Hend lor rule for uplf-nHiwurB- PAIITSJ no taflur can urpww and very few tMiual. Tbeee iroufKjre are nui nj ma hixheet-prii tailor art lute on earth, and are muav with tmoeclal vuw to fitting fftt and lean pernoniv made to Rt alt Hhapee Theee and WUITfc K HATH are what we pride nurftetvee In loading with. If you want the beat hat on earth under our wrmmal Ruaranioe.aend ua your aiie, wnlght ana height, and we'll aend you the beet hat on earth at E none cheaper, fl. 8. STEIUBUCH & CO., Firet Perttand. Or. ' No one tfttnkl of buytiut a walnh without Jetting prliwa rom Flnrt and Morrison. Streets, Portland, Or., be cause he keeps the largtwt utmik, buys cheaper, and nan aud doc thertffore soli oheaper. Kmld 01 Sottas and Hall Clocks offered at Hjwela! prices. i An nn anxious I and nervminr Are yttu irouhlad hex'attw vour pfr- If you have nut nKlK'id aiMnxImfC to llmm over I nioiitbd, yoti can (tirtiHiUy l rellvd wttliout tha rM ttariawr or Inconvenlenof 1 wilt fttrwitrrt vuu aVMHiH mv irrifHiiiaU antnmcly guarantwd turMlor tliPimmt aitMravated cae, by vxprvwi, C- O. I) , tor fs.oo. lh not ilRtay, aa men in aiwars nangm1 u iMJgittonn 100 long, ao drftw all common lot tons and H'mltUnn to Ia, J. V. LHtth. P. U. Box -eOi, kian FraonUK,(1al. It's Just as Easy Ti pi Gboics Flotirt u It It n fN nsni lues If ysi (TUT IIERT. trtl.r aoe of the foltowlng ootlsotitrM tea gaidea In liaalf. a4 your gardn ts aot eomptete without tbtm. Thr m all baaiitlful and fanhlnnakile flow sti and the laau are all etrtmg, heattbr and por groJm, aad seat, poatafs free, lor tka prl naased. is wm mm tomcnoi inras OnQi-tian al UiUm Ymimm. 4 Lmrft raaW SMa,arataJartlJ,ara raoM 0 Sua. a Urn pawl i.rdWai mlMftr aal a awaa. 9 Rom (1.00 12 Carnation tl.00 t Palaraonlums tl.OO 18 Ohryaanthcmums HM ptwaj ar CrrnpalOaoto, Verted el athar Vafetahat dUUO Ifaaf am or ear at laurel r ana mi. lab. UFmiinii Mil i bhimeov mi U,h,8setaft. - .fafnuta, U HAVE YOU GOT PILES TVCtTKd VTItIS known hf rMlatntv like iniplnaU(Ui.eauaT3 latonM lujhiit mhtin Wttrra. TUlB form and JSUMO, Auuuisa or PSOTUVCXHtf flUW YtKLPATOHCKTO OH. 8M-(,08 PILE fiEKEOY, whlnh aota dlnMttr on parw ikfTMWd. aoaorlM turoorta, dU7eitfltatt,o(io1vi apnrTaaDnu;aiirf). Prtofi 600. DruMlnia vrnait ix. Bo&ako, FtatiMlalpaua, Jr1, oeaeiai-iwaa and peopUi t 1 who have weak Inngsor AJtb-1 i ota,sh(Hikluiie Pteo'aOani for J Ounsamptloii. It ben smewSI f. i RIiMMMDa. Ithas notlnlnr t ":s Of! one. it ts not bad to take. I UtRtlie lesiooni)?rna. I. f , hold TerrwiM)4-e. I err 1 tIaVVBWHe) u y (