The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 21, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
FIUDAY, Al'ftIL 21, I8H8.
fVF-AriMItional UirnlH on first paRo.J
Come In for b work.
Oh my, how It do ruin.
11 r. Kuton Ik mill very Kick.
Try the new drink, Creum floda, at
Special bilking done to order at M re
May Stalin'.
C. W. Cobb' little girl Is very nick
in Albany with scarlet fever.
T, L. digger of the Solo Frew wan In
town over Sunday,.
Freeh plea, oukoti and bread at
Pcebler's grocery store,
Mrs. Humphrey In seriously 111 at
the residence of H. C. Kelepper.
Froth bread, pies and oakes kept con
stantly on haud at Mrs, May Zahn's.
Born, to the wife of Murt Klum,
April 19, a sou,
Alty. Garland was iu Albany oyer
night this week, on legal business.
C. C. Haokleman and family spent
Sunday In Albany visiting relatives.
Pumps and pipe down to Albany
prices. KC. AYEK8 A Co,
' Matt Scott, of Albany, was on our
streets this week.
Mr. Frank O'Ncil returned to Leba
non tills week from California.
J. S. Courtney M. D. I'uysloiau,
Burgeon and Accoucheur, Lebanon,
The Ladles Bazaar of Albuny makes
a aopoolalty of infants outflte, In all
J. B. Thompson and family have
moved to their farm a few miles from
Robert Montague returned from a
visit to Oregon City and Vancouver
last Tuesday.
Dr. Wallace, of Albany was in the
city the HrHt of the week in consulta
tion with 1) rs. Booth aud Foley.
Messrs. CNolland Myers are having
several thousand cords of balm wood
out to use i u the excelsior fuctory as
soon as it starts up.
Send your name and address to
Bead, I'eaooott A Co., Albany, Oregon,
and mention the KxHuuati, they will
mail you a fashion sheet free euch
The Church of Christ meets in the
Academy lor regular services every
Lord's Day iu the morning at 11
o'olock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
All are invited to attend.
Clint Miller cut his foot badly oue
day tills week, while doing some chop
ping on J. N. Siittle's place. Dr.
Booth was culled and dressed it.
Many of our citizens are anticipating
a visit to Chicago and I lie World's
Fair, if the weather clears up suf
ficiently to ullow the roads to dry up,
the Exi'kbss force will attend en
I have 10 acres of garden laud ad
joining Lebanon, part of it lays on the
inside of the Incorporation, for sale at
a bargain. Call and get price and
see the land. W. C, Pkterson.
We call attention to W. C. Da
vis' new ad which appears In this Is
sue of the'Ukhs. Mr. Davis is
successor to 0. W. Simpson and when
visiting Albany you should not fall to
give him a call,
County school superintendent has
been busy making the county appor
tion meut oul of the amount allowed
Linn county, which Is $20,000. Leba
non Is the second district in the county
and will receive $840.
Fruit trees for sale at M. L. Forster's
nursery, at bod-rock prlcos. Call and
get aiy prices before buying elsewhere.
Prune trees very cheap for the next
thirty days. - M. L. Korster,
Tangent, Or.
Mr. aud Mrs, A. M. Crusteed, at
Tallapoosa, Oa., a few days ago, were
awakened by the vigorous screaming
of tliulr pet mocking bird and arose to
And their house on lire. They nly
hud time to Jump from a window to
save their 11 vea.
The Oregon ian says; Portland has
340 liquor stores, Out of the 400 ap
plications that were made to do busi
ness for the quarter beginning April
I, only the above number of propriet
ors paid $100 each to License Collector
Butchcl. Eighteen saloons that ran
during the Inst quarter closed, and
there were eight new ones opened.
The other applicants failed to respond.
Out of the number now In operation,
there are 11 wholesale houses.
Rlueliii.the photographer. .
M, A. Miller carries a complete line
of palnte and oils.
Pie soolal th Is evenlng,,(Fridity) at
W. C. Faulkner visited Albany one
(Ujrthla week.
Atty. Weatherford was in town this
week on legal business.
Prof. Mlchener visited friends in
Halsey last Sunday.
Frank Thompson, now of Salem Is
visiting In Lebanon this week.
M. A. Miller now has a complete
line of drugs and stationery.
Atty's. Curl & Kellcy, of Albany,
were in town this week on business.
M. A. Miller is just in receipt of a
complete line of carriage paint and
Atty. Watson, of Albany, was in
Lebanon one day this week, on bust-
A little olrd is whispering it around
that there will be two weddings In.
Lebanon in the near future.
Mrs, A. W. Grubbhas moved into.
Joel Meyers house the one forrrerly
owned by J. C. Gordon.
A number of our oltizene expeot to
go to Albany Monday to be present at
the trial of Morgan Wassom.
Dr. Lambemon purchased a Rem
ington type writer while in Portland,,
and has secured the services of M.
Lonsberry to run it,
Rev, W. F. Parker, of Woodburn,
was In town over night Ibis week,
looking after real estate interests in
this place.
G. F. Bunnell, county sohool super
intendent, will bold the teachers' ex
amination at Albany on Wednesday,
May 10, aud will continue two days..
The Lebanon Dancing Club will
give another dance at this place on
May 5bli. This club always has good
music and the best of order.
Morgan Wassom's wise is set for
Monday and will be watched with
much interest by a 11.
Baptist Church Preaching every
Sunday at 11 A. M. aud 7:30 P. M. Sun
day School at 10 A . M. Young People's
meeting every Sunday at 6:45 P. M.
Prayer-meeting every Wednesday at
8 P. M. C. R. Lamar, Pastor.
Last Saturday Jas. Sharp and
Tommy MeNamara had a quarrel
which came to blows. Both were nr
rented and brought before Judge Rice.
Blim p pleaded guilty and was fined
$5 and cost. Tommy was acquitted.
Dr. Lainherson returnee from l'ort-
land lust Friday, where he was com
pleling arrangements with Eastern
nipltulistsfor the purpose of buying
ohittem bark, grape rout etc See his
ad In another column.
The ExPHBsB desires to again remind
its friends who arc in arrears that we
are In great need of our money. We
caunot pay our debts without It. We
hope everyone who is behind will come
forward at nn early date and settle.
Two famlies from Kentucky by the
name of Hendricks, arrived in Leba
non Tuesday. They have rented
Phil Smith's bouse in "Kansas City.
They seem to lie disgusted witn the
country and wedon'thlame them much
with the weather we are brvlng.
Hardware, Stoves and Rangei
Albany, Ore.
To encourage cash trade, W. C
Davis, of Albany, has adopted a new
system of cash discount coupons, and
Is giving his customers, m connection
therewith, some really elegant sets of
triple-plated silver. It will be to vour
interest to call on Mr. Davis before
making yours spmig purchases.
Dennis O'Brien brought suit In Jus,
tier Elson's oourt against John Wat
kins, for the possession of a horse.
Attys. Watson, of Albany, and F. M.
Miller, ot Lebanon, appeared for
plaintiff', and Curl & Kelley for de
fendant. The case was decided in
favor of plaintiff.
. The spring term, of the Santiam
Academy will begin next Monday,
April 24, Besides the regular Aca
demic studies, a good opportunity is
open for any who wish to review for
teachers' examinations; also for those
desiring to fit themselves for any grade
iu academy or college work next fall.
The preparatory department will now
be under the immediate care of the
Principal, assisted by hU daughter.
Mr. Diibruille, of Albany, was In
town this week looking after his In
terests in the water works.
tlco. Miller, of Eugene, a brother of
Joaquin Miller, the poet of Sierra, has
invented a skyoycle. Fred T. Merrill
and Mr. Miller expect to visit Chicago
and the World's Fair via the skycycle.
Remember Little Lord Faontlcroy
arid the pie social at Mr. and Mrs.
Menzlee this evening, (Friday,) Sup
pe 10 cents. All are Itivited.
Miss Mary Osmun, who brought suit
against H. D. Winters, of Portland
for; breaeh of promise, obtained a ver
diet Wednesday for 110,50ft. She sued
for $50,000.
The young people of the Baptist
church are preparing a program for
next Sunday evening at 7:30, eonsislt-
mg of recitations and songs. A cordial
invitation is extended to all
Prof. J. Harry Gay, the Opthalmlo-
Optician, who has bees at the St.
Charles hotel for the pas few daysbask
left for Scio, where he will stay ton
a few day. Prof, Gay will return,
about the middle of may. The Prof.
done considerable work while here
and made many friend.
a seneca woman refused to register
upon the plea that if , her husband
hasn't enough sense tcdotfie voting for
the family she doesn' t want to live with
him. If that woman hasn't a sealskin
cloak It ie because she is married to- a
man who doesn't known hiB business.
Information has reached Salem Bays
the Journal, that the- Oregoniau con
templates running an early morning
newspaper train to reach this city at 6
o.oiooK. Multiplicity or Salem news
papers has out down, the Oregonjan's
circulation at Salem some, and by the
above move it would undoubtedly re
cover Its lost ground ,
There will be services in the First
Presbyterian church every Sunday,
morning and evening. The evening
sermon Is especially intended for the
young people. Young People's prayer
meeting at 7 P. M. on Sundays, All
are cordially invited to come and wor
ship with us. Please make yourself
knowr to the Pastor.
The Salem Journal says: The Journ
al still believes the detectives, at
torneys and PinkertouB employed by
the railroad company are trying to fix
this thing upou Richardson as au ex
cuse to justify their existence. Even
if Richardson is discharged they will
create a cloud of suspicion that will
save the company doing anything for
him. If their own attorneys oonvict
bini the oaipiuiy will save its $3000
Ladies shopping in Albany should
not fail Ui visit the Ladies' Bazaar.
They have a flue line of all the new
spring novelties, such as the latest in
neckwear, laces, ribbons, kid gloves,
children's hats of all descriptions, for
boys and girls, also a large line of
spring wraps for ladies, misses aud
children, at prices lo suit all. They
carry the well known R. aud G, cornet
and are agents for the standard paper
patterns. Go there, you will receive
full value for your money. Mo trouble
to show goods.
Pjttsbuhg, Pa., Aprli 9. It has just
been discovered here that a powerful
syndicate is being formed which will
rival the oombiued interests of the
Carnegie organization. The finan
cial backing will come from various
parte of this country and Europe. The
capital stock will be $100,000,000. Da
vid Reese, one of the Interested parties,
would not deny that the facts as stated
were substantially correct. The most
important feature of the whole-business,
probably, is the fact that James
Harvey, the inventor of the famous
nickel steel and Harveylzed steel from
which armor plate Is made, is the pro
jector of the syndicate. Carnegie has
used his pateut, paying a royalty on
the production. Harvey was dissatis
fied with the arrangement, desiring to
enter the firm, but this was denied
him and he determined to go info busi
ness for himself. Influential persons
were approached and the present syn
dicate Is the result, Ex.
The Express publishes the follow
ing by request, which explains Itself:
The San Francisco unemployed in
mass meeting assembled to working
men of every trade and calling. Greet
ing, Brothers: Do not be, deceived by
false reports, The city of San Fran
cisco Is crowded with idle men. There
are thousands of us tramping the
street hunciy, hopeless and destitute.
For God's sake keep away from this
olty. Advertisements for laborers,
sailors and mechanics are false. Place
no faith in them. There are ten men
here for every job, now. By order of
executive' committee San Francisco
unemployed. W. M. Wiley, Chair
man; L.'C. Fry, Secretary,
C. C. Hackleman,,
The Leading: ,
Look Out for us next week.
uifcjariy visiuie.
The abundance of light iu our new store renders the
most delicate shade and the faintest pattern clearly visible,
which enables one to make selections of Spring. Clothing
without the slightest inconvenience,
No Handsomer Clothing
was ever opened in this City than that we have received for
this Spring's trade.
Suits in Cheviots Velours, Tivolis, Bedford Cords, and
Fancy Cassimeres.
Neglige Shirts, Dress Shirts,
Underwear and Neckwear,
New Stiff Hats and Fedoras, and Footwear
of The Best Makes.
IJpSpecial Attention Given to Mail Orders.JFjjj
flinn beqck. ; ALBANY, OREGON.