f OF ONE WE LOVE OR HATE. 3a old Amtt, ffmurli" loved iw well HIm Ituly Povorty, thul lilt He preKtuxl her lititwl, nor folt ttie dcndlr umart Ifmin II w of front, nor khw tlio tire of Ml . Irani lurid uymOiat fimfrud DiuiIiVh cull, And purclHM HonJtt who, ImtlMK, foul liur dart. He ulioM))kit(r, and liu dwnlt with Imr iiotirt, 'The two were one, U hi nil nod through Lovtt'i Be loved Imr. and idic wlowod. a lambunt star: Ho loved ber, and tliu btnlnoame at b to call -Bor frost wuru puarto, Iter two wax fair to e mhir hlit lady's pralnms near and fan Ho iiaw our world an Adam era the fall Ho Love twmllmtnw uvun Povorty. ( -Maurice Fraud Egan Id Century. BONEY'S ELOPEMENT. Who tolled you 'nt 1 ever mimed awayf 1 misdoubt urmiobody's tolled you Rurnp'ln' w nuther about some er my capers and oiittlu'-upa wliei I were more younger and frinkler than 1 kin any I am throw proHOiit momenta of time, which the rheumutlfim In my back and the ml.ry in my jlnts 1b putty tiish I iild me out time and (twin, though with the ivokermen's of Sqtirtlr JohitHon I own a-uaelng of h wlfe'a 'Int- meut and liniment, a-rubbln'of my Jiijta atiu uHRknone o my spine, aa you may my, though bedoubt much UHe.anemliketome, I ain't a lay in' of It on to Stater Johmwu, fur a leainer and a more ftymputilnsr 'omnn than sue Is I don't know whore you'll find Imr. And I Hint no mtadoubte that the liniment and 'tntmentt she io good aa ter nerjuce and reckermen', and what she been a-ualn' in her owu fambly gwine on thirty yearn, hand rnnnlii', to good for aome tort o' mizry and ailment, If mo he they Hint a-doiu' of mine much re leavement. ' And though here 1 be, a-anhuin' and groan in', and a-liavin' of tribulation)) and paluH wliat I reckon come natuhel with old fulka grn people apeolul, tor pay 'em book for aome o' the bedevflmenttuey car ried ou in they young days thoy wa'nt a livelier young buck nor me, and nobody up 'to more dedevllmunt than 1 were In the whole county o Lee, wbloh the aame is now called tin inter, the part where I have my preaent reH.duimh, and In a-been a-livln In for fifty year and more. Yea, sirree were a high flyer In them days, and 1 knowed ever gat in the county. Mot a there were no mighty many of 'em in them days, lack what 'tis at the preaent times, when it all tattle up with folku a-comln from foreign part, and gain 1h thick moat aa nigger In town of a circus day. Hut what they wna of 'em J knowed 'em, and I may aay bedoubt coutradlctin' or a-Rtrctchin' of the blanket, an the sayin1 1b, that I co'ted about half of 'em at that. Yea, lira feller in thorn daya wa'nt no- whore lewon he went to Bee a gal ever' night in the week, and all day of a Sadday and a Sunday throwed in for good men ure. I had one o1 the puttteat little nogB you ever th'owed your leg acroaflt, and nw. knewed ever' road In the county, nud they ain't many hitch in' dosha she ain't had a nibble at, if bo Iw bIic were ho unfortnlt to be of a stump Buukln' habits, which I'm ol opinion, and known as well aa I known my own name, she wa'nt. And on for pacln .ahe could do It the puttleat you ever Been, and hold her own agin any in the count? or the whole state o' Georgy, though uUt .did have the habit of a-huckin' and a-uhy fn', 'special when a strange pusHon were yfltraddlin' of her, or she were beiu' rid ol .a road what she wa'n't uae to. Aud It wen that same bad habit If so be you mought availed it er habit which it wa'nt M mighty freckwent she done it what got me into a pordickornifltit, and bamfouxled meout'n thenuttyest gal in the county, which I might a-been married to her ut rtheae prune ut times, anrf slie a-nettln' in that cheer adittt'nin' to me, or out in the yard a-feediu' o' the chickmrn, air' one, ei o be she were my wile, 'atid o beiu Tow Jenkins'. For It wore Mm. Tone Jenkins Polly Ashley as uw' to be what I ain't a mis doubt you byeerd o' me a-ruuuln' away with, Old man Ashley came from Cherokee when the Injius were fust driv' out 'n this country, and he settle way up on Muoka lee Bome'ars, where Flut-hole settlement aiow is. I done most forgit the lay o' the land tn them parts, It been so long since I been up about there 1 can't say for sho' wher'bouts the place is they's been so imicu of ciearin' up and chaugm' of line, fences and roads, But 1 ain't afeerd tet net, If so be I were a bettin' man, which 1 ain't bet on a hoss race nor a rooster fight nor nothin' else, lol these many yean since 1 Jiued the Baptistes I ain't afeerd to bet, it I had that same eyedentercal nap which 1 beon a-speakin' of, all I'd have to do as to elk! clkl clkl lock that, sir, and she'd strike a trot, and never stop tell she fait the same eyedeutercal spot where 1 use' to Might when, of a Sunday or a week day night, 1 use' to go to see Folly Ashley, xes, sirt ahe knewed that road lack book. If so be a hoss animal kin be sold to know a book, 'cose she travel it so f reek- went two uights of a weok, and ever' Sunday too, when I were a-guhvantin' round Polly Ashley, and o-spectin' some time or pother to oat her if It be her pleas- ores to be jinded on to me In the holy ban o' matrimony, and of her beiu' named o1 the name of Bean ley 'stid o' Ashley. And I ain't a misdoubts that she done mlddlin' well when she got Tobe Jenkins, the habits ol ntniiti Liiat inmie him look J lack the devil befo' day, oh the sayin' is. 1 So 1 run up the price, and outbid old man Ashley, and the nigger were knocked down to me. Old man Atdiley got his money out'n the morgidge, but wanted that nigger mighty bud. He never said nothin' 'bout his dis- applutmoiit, but he never got over it. Miss folly and me we hud iwt about made it out, ailowin' of the 'npresion, and 1 went tor see the old man for to ant his consents and reckormen'son mymakin' Miss Polly Mrs, Beusley. Old man Ashley never did have much cf what you might call swushability about him, and wbeu i named to him the deslrea of my heart, out 'hind the hoss lot when he were a-stichln' fodder be swear, "No, by gum! be'd be dod bunted ef I could have her." Them wa'nt his eyedeotereal words and perzack langwldgcs, but If 1 may so say, bt used sech langwidges oh folks what's jind ed to the church don't use common lack. 'special a Sunday, and be wa'nt mealy mouth about sayin' of It, nuther. I ast him If he mought be so reasable as to 'xplain to me what moment be his objec tions. Then he 'lowed "He'd be d u in f un tied if it's any o' my business; I wan't gwibe ter git her, and that's enough." I telied Polly that it 'peared to me from the suokumHtanclies that so be if we want ed to git jinded we have to run away. Polly she hummed and hawed about it, and said she were 'fraid of her pa; but after awhile she give her consent, and we sot a night to run. 1 went to Cousin Zeke Boscom, what were livln' up iu Marion, jinin' the county line, and telled him what Polly and me were a-progikfn ter do, and ast his advices, and he say; "Bully for you, Boneyl You bring the gal to my house, and I'll have the preacher there, and all the young folks in the neighborhood, and my wlfe'll git up plenty o' vittles, aud I'll give you a big iu- fair." We made It up a-tween us that I were to watt out by the cpwpen next to the road, where there were some scrubby blackjacks, with two bosses one for me and one for Polly. After supper Polly were to make some 'souse to slip out'n the house bedout raisin of a rumpus. They eat supper by yearly candlelight, and soon after it begun to git good dark, and the moon were a-risin't 1 seed Polly a-slippin1 thoo the shrub'ry in the gyurden, a-comin' todes the cowpen, where I were hidin1 'mongst the blackjack bushes. I gin a so ft whistle to let her know I were a-waitin' for her. I ne'pt Polly en the lit tle nag and le'pt on tother'n, and then we put off down the rood todes Cousin fteke's. Hit were ever bit o' tun mile we hatter go, and we were jlst a-gwine down the road cllpity-ciip, when all 't once the nag gin to shy lock she seeu sumpin', and Polly she screech out and aay she skeerd, Then the nag she stop, and wouldn't budge a Inch, ex cup' to begin a-shyiu' aud a-prancin' and a-shlnnyin' around. Polly say, "For the Lawd's sake lemme git off'n this critter." I wiy, "No; I gwinc to make her take you to Cousin Zeke's," and I gin the nag a hunch in the belly. Then what should the little devil do but hump herself and send Polly a-shootin' up In the air, and come down kerfluuk a-set-tln' in the middle of h sand bod. I le'pt off'n my Iiosm and run to he'p net up, but Polly say she ain't hurted none, aud she druthur be a-settin' there on the ground than on that all tired nogo' mine, all In them wa'nt her prexuck expressions. When I sec that Polly wa'nt hurt none, she look so funny a-scttin' there in (he middle o' the road I just bust out o-laugh-in' fit to kill myseir, 'case I thinks it pearten her up some not to be takin' of the sitiwation solemn lauk. Polly ant what isnghin' at, and J say ber, 'case she ,io funuy when the nag bucked and tin je her. And she said she never seed nclu " '.o laugh at, and com menced to cr, 4 .. her to let me he'p hei up, so's we cor.' , o on. She aay she wa'nt a-gwine no tv.AU? Then I out her to git up, and leas go an up to Cousin Zeke's, 'case obey all bt- waitiu' for us, and if we didn't git there putty soon they'll think the old man eotch us. sho'. Polly 'lowed she didn't keer what they thunk; she wa'nt gwine to nobody's Cousin Zeke, and she kept ou a-boo-hooin'. I were a-gittiu mighty put out 'bout the oudacious way she were a-gwine on, a-set-tin' there in the middle o' the rood, and a-makln' no injucements to'des gtttin' up and a-gwine on to Cousin Hoke's and a-git-tin' married. Then 1 say, "Miss Polly, ain't you gwine to Cousin Zuke's with mef" Andshe say, "No, I ain't." I say, "Ain't you gwlne to git up from ettin' down there iu that sand bed)"' She say, "No, I ain't." Isay, "Yougwinetosettbereallnightf" She say, "No, I ain't." Wol, I wore plum stumped. If she wa'nt a-gwine to Cousin Zoke'a, aud if she wa'nt a-gwine to git up, and if she wa'nt a-gwine to set there I didn't know in my soul what he were a-gwine to do, so I just waited to see. But she jist kept on a- boo-hooin' And a-cryin' tell 1 got tired, not to say dis Kussed, at the way she were a-gwine on for a growned 'oman. When I say, "Miss Polly, if be your pleasures and desires not to go no further with me tonight, it is impossible of me as a genterman of characters, if I may so say, and respects, to go away from here and leave a unpertected female a-aettin' there all by yourself in the middle o' the road Boarder (just arrived) 1 noticed that we didn't have any butter at lunch today, Mr. Bquoggfi. 1 thought you always had such Lic butter In the country? Mr. S. Yans, we do, but you see Si Gass, who brings it in from the city, hasn't got round this week, somehow. Time. t Too Much for tli Governor, Teddy (aged eight) I say, papaf Papa Yes, my boy, what is itt Teddy Is the world round! Papa Yes. Teddy Then how can it have on endl (Papa gives it up.) Pick Me Up. COUNTRY MKKCBANTS Are Mow Offer the Greatest Chance of Their Lift For snaps In CLOTHING and MEN'S FURNISH INGS, as our entire utotrk must be sold Hi 'RE by June 1. Oar trade and others should either see uh or write for prices. We make no bonus sn nou riflemen Ik-- Mule absolute to trade only. OKKOON CITY MANUFACTURING CO., Parti and, Oregon. Hawker So Minks has moved to CMcwro, eh? Tb he making It go there? Dixby Making It got J should Malle. He's a motornun on s street car, BDFTCRB AMD PILK8 CURED. We positively care rupture, piles and all rec tal duteases without pal a or detention from trasl liMM. No nnre. no Dav. Also all Private dis eases. Address lor pamphlet Drs. Porterfleld A Losey, sb uaiiei iireei, oan tuuoo. " Mv wife." said SoulIU nroudlv. "Is Queen of the tea table; and she never reigus, but she pours. ' Our readers will serve themselves by noticing the remarkable offerings advertised in another column by the Sherwood Hall Nursery Go. of Menlo Park and Ban Fran cisco, who are leaders on the coast in fur nishing everything for the farm and garden. VREVKNTINfl rCTiFRK MINKBT. If there fs, tn this vale of icars. s more twoliflr 1 snarce of misery than the rheumatic twinge, we oave yet w near oi it. reopie are DOrn with a tendency to rheumatism, iust ai th v are with oue to consumption or to kciofula. dlihtcaum may d velop this. An noon si the agonizing complstnl manifests itself, reconne should be nnu hi noHH-'Hersetoman miters, wnicocn cks Its farther Inroads an banishes thi rheumatic poison from tre system. Thin statement tallies ixsctly with, the testimony ol physicians who have employed this fine blood denurent In their private prartioe. There Is also the amplest pro 'essionsl and general t-rtimonv ss to theefllcacy of the Bitters for maldii, liver complaint, con stipation, Indigestion, klrlncv trouble, nervous new and loss of appetite and flpih. After a wet ting, whether followed by a cold or not, the Bit ters li ireful as a preventive of the Initial ttsck Oi rheumatism. Miss Lo-rwaite Do you think It Possible, M -jor, for a mau to love two women at once? Ma jor tiabote Well, faaidly to few as tba.I THE BKHT IN THE WORLD. Senator Henry C, Nelson of New York writes: " On the 27th of February, 1883. 1 was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. I suffered such agony that I could hard I v stand un. As soon aa nmsi- ble I applied two Allcock's Poeoos Plas ters, one over each kidney, and lay down. In an hour, to my surprise and delight, the pain bad vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters tor a day or two as a precau tion, and then removed them. I have been using Allcock's Porous Plasters in m famiiv for the last ten vears. and have al ways found them the quickest and best remedy for colds, strains and rheumatic affections From my experience 1 believe uiey are ine oest piasters in tne world.' Is sll this talk about "woman's enlsnel sphere" to .nd la the revival of the booptkirt? BEWARE O1 OINTMENTS FOB CA- TAKItB THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, At mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mncous surfaces, tiuch article hho'ud never be used except ou irewinpuons irom revucaoie poyucians, u me amiie tbev will Oo is tenfold to the sood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To- ieao, u., cooiaiDf no mercury, ana it iaeu in tern nil y, anting directly upon -he blood and mu tious surfacta of tne system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and maae In Toledo, 0., by F. J. Ciieuey it Co. 'lestlmonlals free. J!EFbold by druggists; price, 76 cents per Douie, With Ely's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain and with perfect safe ty. Try the remedy ; it cures catarrh. Mv son has been afflicted with naBal ca tarrh since quite young. I was induced to trv Elv's Cream Balm, and before he had used one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell had all left him. He appears as well as any one. It IB the best catarrh remedy in the market. J. C. Olmstead. Areola, 111. One of mv children bod a very baa dis charge from her nose. Two physicians presorioea, out wiiuoui oenent. we inea Ely's Cream Balm, and, much to our Bur- vritra, iiuerv wt a mai &ou luijiivYrjireni, We oontinued using the Balm, and in a short time the discharge was cured. 0. A. jary, uorniug, ss. i. Annlv Balm into each noBtril. It Is fuickly absorbed. Gives relief at once, 'hoe, 50 oents at druggists' or by mail. tULi UBOTHKHS, 66 Warren Street, New York. though when she married him Tobe never i. "i ZX S -5 rT hH . .! i.i. u,hinh fum B . thl8 fcime o'mght, and it ain't the most de- had a nigger to Ids name, which the same 1 bad two, and f(X luyin' up to git anoth er'n with. Now, it seem lack all the time I were a galervatin' roun' Miss Polly, a-gwine with her to sugar bllin's and candy pulliu's and oorn shuc kin's and quiltin's, and a-seein' of ber home from Sulem meetin' house of preachin' Sundays, and a-gtttin' of myseli ready to pop all that time, and all un beknowas to me oh? man Ashley was just pndigist agin' me lack snake p'ison. It were all 'case o' his bavin' a morgidge agin' old man Haudy's nigger Ned, what I bought at the sale, and he had been a-gwine roun' tellin' that Ned had fits, so he were hopin' nobody wouldn't bid on him, and so he'd git him cheap. I hyeero1 the tale a gwine roun but I knewed wan't so, 'oase I knewed the nigger ever since he were a hoy, and I knewed he were a mighty good hand at the plow or the hoe, air' one; hst.hh looks were axiu' him. (orhQhad irablest sitiwation for a persons, males and females, to be a-spendin' of a night out hen in the middle of the rood, and nobody a-knowin' what's become of 'em, aud if so be it is your pleasures and desire to return onto your pa's reaideocb I'll take you home." Then she got up. That argyment letcned her. ahe wouldn't git on the nag, but walked all the way buck to old man Archer's, nary oue of us a-sayin' a word, and me a leadin' of both hosses. When we gits to the gate she turn round aud aay; "Boney Beusley, you's the biggest fool I ever did see in my life. If you hadn't a-laughed I'd o-went on to your Cousin Zeke's and a-marriod you." Aud that'B the upshot o' me a-runnin' away with Polly Ashley. Charles K. Hardy in Times-Democrat. Hslr't verv thin, sir." "It wan thinner t an that 80 yearn ao." "Indeed, sir! you surprise me. W v, you don't loot more than 80 now, u. - injrij ywiieraay. ftil Coughs and Hoarseness. The Irritation which induces coughing is immediately re lieved oy "frown's Bronchial ZrocM," bold only in boxes. A dlsnatah from Mnntfina un lh Hmw In. diaua show flght. No doubt they have caws. Use Enameliue Stove Poll8h;Viodait, no smell. Un. A. K. Alien Fenr.Wasb. 20 Miles from a Doctor But Hood's Sarsaparllla was Equal to the Emergency ITlnirlty, Chill and Fever MUM Leg Perfect Cure. "After my baby wu bom I got into Tory Mrt obb oondltion, haTlng pleurisy, chills and ferer. gradually developing into milk lg. . Wa IIto 20 miles from a physician and did not know what to do. Finally f ler a great ! C rafter lag I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla anal when I was using the third bottle I could sea It Was Doing Me Cood. 1 oontinued with another bottle, and recovered, o rapidly that now I am la ga health. I Hood's Cures cordially recommend It as a good medicine." lbs. A. M. iLLis, Ferry, Washington. Try Gebmea for breakfaet. THE GETTING IT DOWN is bad enough, with the ordi nary pill. But the having it down is worse. And, after all the disturbance, there's only a little temporary good. From beginning to end, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are f J I I better. They're the smallest II an easieBt 10 take tiny, f I Buar - WRited granules that V M Ai any child is ready for. Then 1 C r eT keii work so easily ' m m 80 nauraly hwts. lis They absolutely aud perman fcj ently cure Constipation, In digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. They're fptaranfffd to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. a m Tai makers of Dr. Sape'a Catarrh Remedy ajr: "If we can't cure your Catarrh no natter what vour case is, we'll pay you $500 in cash'." Now you can see what i said of other remedies, and decide which is most likely to cure you. Coeta ouly (0 oeuts. 60ou.,and Cy WWmZi Jl.WporBottlSl 1 1 ? aT One oeuta dose. UJ 1 Omt Ootoh promptly cws whore all others falL Coughs, Croup, Son Throftt, Hoarseo.H, Whoopiog Cough and Asthma, For Consumption it one no rivul; has cured thousands, and will 0URB. You if tnkeu in time. Sold by Druggist on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use CATARRH remedy; lave vou Catarrh ? Thl mmAiivhitTiiaratn. teed to cure jou. Prioe.WuU. Iiijootorfroe, HILOH'5lv How to Come to a Stop. When we least expect them, accidents will befall us, a veri fication of the old adage that the unexpected always hap pens. The fol lowing recites how an active business man was suddenly brought down. THE TRAIN STOPS. CmclK., 0." Recently while In the art of alighting from my car, I stepped upon a stone, which, turning suddenly under my foot, threw me tothe ground, with a severely sprained ankle. THE MANACER STOPS. Suffering exceedingly, I was helped Into my car, and my man rubbed me most generously with arnica and kindred remedies, but to no avail A POINT TO STOP AT. Reaching a station where St. Jacobs Oil could dc procurea, iwo Dtxiiei m fVvM s I HF an hnuo-ht anil lhs annliCa aaan-vam - tion of it resulted at once in s relief from pain, which had well aitrh become unbearable. I was out and about my work Mitnreecuyi." W. W. PEA BODY. Prest. fc Gtnl. Man. O. M. flrVS The Pain Stop, rfflfr Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. Bilious- aess. Jaundice. Indigestion, Sick Headache. DR. GUNffS urfaono LIVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A movement of the bowels woh day 1 nrr fbi halth. Thew Dills upply wht the yftern Imu Amm make it regular. They cure HwuUobe. briglitOQ the will mail aamplea free, or a full box for 28 oenU. BoW .mnlarlnn bflttttT thsUa OOI- metioa. They act mrldly. neitber ffripo not lOMn aa Byes and clear the plUa do. To convince you of their meritaw varywaera. Boaaako Hed. Co Phiiadelphi. V& ffl. " R P Morphine Bablt Cored In IO "99- CHINA PHEASANTS Wanted in ptrs, for breedinR purposes. Write Immediately, utaUug lowest cash price, to BOX 181, Portland, Or. YOUNG MEN1 The Specific A No. I. Onrea. without fall, all canea of'Sa ho? ik and Clleet, no matter of how long aut!aing. rreenuj tnciun, n wm an ternal remedy. Curst when everytulog e Iihji fulled. So lr! hv all DrufrtrfatiL autoiuactiirtwTlwA.llioeub T06DAY8. l SQtmatMdatrtttl m Hi V aH01HHtTI.O. filitllstheaekn(rwlidM leadinf remedy for all tha unnatural dlacharfM aa iptiratedlMaaeaof maa. A. certain cure for tha dattUw tatinf waakaass Meallar to worn on. IflMltVl t nMplkals...aalsaBa I The Evihi uHEStni i Co la recommeBduu lint p9JJ ail autrerara. A.I BIUHCH,RU.,UniTSSiV4i SoM hf DrwvtrtoSMW t Nevei Have been Imitated, but We Make 90 per tent. Of the Wire Mats Sold in America. r Equalled they in Beyond Comparison I Why? Because They are Odorless, Everlasting And "Best" 1W See that your mat lias brass tag attached stamped HAaTnatr. HARTMAN MFC. COMPANY, Works, BEAVER FALLS, PA. MMI.MUKLh.tMlr. loin, MM, IUU I ft, latin fall. Ins. J HARTMAN FLEXIBLE fe.l 3 - "-'Ana.n.igAftAnil'wniin"'- Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts. And All Kindt of MILL SAWS. Also 8aw Repalrlna. tm 8IMOMDS SAW CO.. 75 Front Btroot. Portland. Or.-OXB "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. 'unA'JI?Ii',.0!ON,J,n,lar7 10 1 owlt,t with i'eaauns that by the uae of S82?iu!X,BAyu RKMKDY my husband was ralwed irom inoldoZ ol S?iSA v M ?nd mY youngest boy cured entirely ol INFLAMMATORY RHEU UA1I0M when the best doctor 1 could get did him no good. Yours in irratltuoa MRS. N. V. BTSBLB. ' ' SOLD BT TOUR DRTJGGIST. From 10 to 40 Per Cent Discount to Agents. r&h Agents wanted in every tovrn in Orecon and Wftshintrtnn tn leaJin llft 1 BICYCLE3S ! BICYCLES! "u w)iiiis. s. Kfeii t MERR LL. "oneer Dealer of the Pacific Coast, 826 Washington Street, Portland, Ur. free Lyoling Academy in west wing of Exposition building. uu.