The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 07, 1893, Image 2

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    H. Y. KIItKPATKICK. Pabllaher.
Display of Oregon Game Bird's for
the World's Fair. -
The Rage for Hidden-Treasure Hunting
In the Neighborhood ol the San
Luis Rey Mission.
Ariron'a Legislature closes Its session
on April 14.
Block sixty fast In length without
break are tonna is cue onyx quarries in
Lower California.
The Ariiona Council has passed a bill
exempting from taxation for twenty
Tears all railroads that begin work in the
Territory within one year.
The last of the Ccenr d'Alene rioters
held in jail hare been released in obedi
ence to a resent United States Supreme
Court decision.
Railroad shop employes at Sacramento
threaten to boycott members of the
Board of Trade if the latter persists in
taking business bom the Bee.
Ochre fonnd on Elijah Welch's place
below Pendleton, Or., makes paint of
about the same body and color as burnt
sienna, which it resembles greatly.
In the Ariiona Legislature the Field
bill, which provided lor the division of
the Territory into irrigation districts.
has been killed in the House by an over-
whelming vote.
The misappropriation of funds In- came to the front by scores. Now, how
tended for improving the capital if'. , "" re again fighting
grounds at Phoaiix, A. T ha. led to the ' the ,ront ai between
introduction of a resolution w the Leg-1 U the Congressman's liie is made mis-
isiature to remove the capital., je,.ble , , ... ..
m. i . lk uii.., -ill . Senator Dolph called upon the Becre-
The omtest over U Elialde willat ta f ,h ,hfoth r4.
Santa Birbara has begun. About Wr 'di the propo(!ed tim09r reservation
000 ne rovolwd. and the j d,.w harass J Or. It understood that
tTiSSLj J( tl,!rnL,t,i on?h i this reservation would be mad. during
his bestowal of the properties on other the ut miaMniioat but President
P0"'- . , ' Harrison did not find time to reach it.
Prank Lesnet, receiver ol the Roawell, Secretary Smith told Senator Dolph
N. M., United States Land Office, diaap-' that ,t p,eent he was unable to do any
peared a few weeks since, and advices at thing regarding this reservation and was
Santa Fe state that he was short to the t00 bug? reorganising the department to
government somewhere between $9,000 ... time or attention to the work
and $20,000. t
A few dave ago Miss Lisiie Dngin. in
structor at the Indian school, known as
the Stewart Institute, at Carson, in at
tempting to separate two Indian girls
who were quarreling, was struck over
the head and it is believed seriously in
jured. By tb provision of bill which has
$aated the Ariiona House no bouse of
ill-fame can exist within 400 yards of a
public-school building. It will break up
and clear out the dives on Monroe street
in Phoenix, as all that portion of the
town is within two blocks of the High
School building.
Allen Rhodes of Salem has prepared a
display of Oregon game birds that will
go to the World's Fair. It consists of
seventeen Mongolian pheasants, includ
ing cock, hen and fifteen chicks, four
pair for a group; two pair of Eastern
Oregon prairie chickens, two pair of
dusky grouse, two pair raffled grouse,
four pair valley quail, three pair moun
tain quail, a group of jack snipe and
aome othr tingle specimens
The government attorneys have asked
1 brthedismissalofthecaseoftheUnited
States vs. The Willamette Valley and
Cascade Wagon Road Oompany, now on
th calendar of the United States Cir
cuit Court of Oregon, the suit having
been brought by the government to re
cover about $500,000 worth of land
mi,ntnA tn the mmoany for the con
struction of certain wagon roads. As
the United States Supreme Oonrt has
recently rendered a decision adverse to
the government in two atmm i
with this one. the attorneys concluded
to ask for its dismissal.
The Oregon and California Land Com
pany need to be assessed on 53,000 acres
ol land in Lane county. A new owner
ship book revealed 260,000 acres. The
company fought an assessment on that
basis. The Supreme Court decided
mostly in favor of the county of Lane.
A compromise has just been made on
136,000 acres. The principle has been
fully established that the railroad, or
land company, must pay taxes on the
land they are entitled to under the grant,
whether patented or not. As a result,
Lane eonnty will receive this year over
$10,000 from that scource, where several
years formerly a few hundred dollars
were paid annually.
Tbe rage for hidden-treasure hunting
still exists in the neighborhood of -the
San Luis Rey Mission, and the Restora
tion Society is taking steps to put a stop
to tbe burrowing in and around the
wall. Aa an Illustration of the elusions,
thara lives in Los Anirelea an old Indian
woman with the name of Trinidad. She
was a young girl, about twelve years old,
t tha miaaion of San Juan CaDistrano,
when that building was distroyed by an
earthquake in 1812, and thirty eight In
dians were killed on that memorable
finndav at high mass. Trinidad, who
Alaimita he a witch, says she knows
vr here a large amount ol gold and silver
if imriert. in that oniuiing, ana in spir
Secretary Carlisle has signed vouchers
to tbe amount ol $250,120 in fnvorof the
World's Fair Commission, which are
payable in souvenir half-dollars. The
commission np to this time has received
1,D20,125 of the $2,600,000 appropria
tion by Congress, payable in souvenir
The delegates to the recent Interna
tional Monetary Conference have re
signed. Among members of Congress
it is believed the President will send a
commission to Brussels to represent this
country when the conference reassem
bles, The Secretary of State is now en
deavoring to ascertain how many coun
tries will be represented at the reassem
bling oi the conference. There are some
officials who hold to the opinion that the
President will not send another delega
tion to Brussels, but will designate our
Minister to Belgium to attend the con
ference as the representative of the
United States.
Secretary Carlisle. It is stated on rood
authority, intends to give much of bis
time this summer to tbe consideration
of the tariff, with a view to so thorough
ly familiarising himself with the subject
as to be able to indicate in a general
way outlines for the formation of a tariff
bill by the next Democratic House,
Nearly every mail that reaches the
treasury department contains sugges
tions from statisticians and others as to
compilation of a tariff bill. Some
thirty or forty of these communications
have already been received, prominent
among mem Delng that Rom tbe new
York Reform Club. The general out
line ol the New York Reform Club's
tariff proposition corresponds clossly to
the proposition submitted in 1885 by
Edward Atkinson of Boston to President
Cleveland and Secretary Manning.
The ex-officeholder are almost deliri
ous with joy over Cleveland s modifioa
tionof the rule concerning reappoint
ments to office. It is believed that the
President will appoint "exes" where it
suits his pleasure, and apply the rule
where candidates are obnoxious. One
result of the announcement that the
"exes" would stand some chance is that
the Senators and Representatives are
besieged by a greater number of candi
dates than ever. When it was an
nounced that the "exes" were not in ii,
tn ratired reluctantly from the field'
and others, who had not held office,
of the department except thai oi most
Dressing nature. Tbe necessity for hav
ing the Ashland reservation is said to be
that the water supply of that town is
dependent upon having the timber reser
vation, as the denudation of the lands
where the water now comes from would
probably result in greatly impairing the
Water supply.
When the Senate ratified the treaty
for the cession to the United States of
the Cherokee Strip, there was inserted
therein a clause which provides for the
compensation for the land to be made
In time payments in place oi we re
auirement of tbe government to pay
cash, as contemplated in tbe sgreement
originally drawn upwiin we mutant,
This modification of the treaty was not
accepted by the Indians, but will he
considered by their legislative body, the
Cherokee Council, at a meeting to oe
held soon. The early opening of the
Strip will be entirely dependent upon
the action of the Council, for, should it
reject the modification of the treaty
made by the Senate, then it will be nec
essary lor the matter to be again brought
before uongress, wnicn wouio, oi course,
indefinitely delay the opening of the
lands to settlement,
Th State Department nassecelved of'
information that Queen Victoria
baa raised the rank of Sir Julian
Pauncefote, her representative in wean
ington, from that of Extraordinary and
MinUtar Pleninotentiarv to that ol Am
bassador, and his credentials as such are
on their way Here, unuer me provis
ions of the diplomatic and consular ap
nmnri.tion bill of March 1. 1893. Presi
dent Cleveland is authorised to confer
tbe same rank upon our representative at
London. Sir Julian Paunoelote will be
the first Minister to Washington to hold
Wl HUB Ul ftHIWWuwii "
probable that France, Germany, Rupsia
and Austria will be prompt to follow tbe
example thus set by England and change
the title of their Ministers to Ambassa
dors, thus necessitating by international
courtesy a corresponding change on our
Litigation between the United States
and the late corporation of the Cburcb
of Jesus Christ of Utter-Day Saints,
nmmnnlv known aa the Mormon Church ,
is not as yet ended, me Hupreme uoun
has before it an appeal respecting the
use to which shall be put the church
property escheated by the court's deci
sion at a previous term. When the prop
erty was declared forfeited the court di
rected the utan supreme uoun w ui
the charitable uses to which it should be
put. The court rejected the proposition
of tbe government as to the use which
should be made of tbe fund from the
property, amounting to about $400,0110,
ml rflmatad it should be applied to tbe
support and aid of the poor members of
the Unuren oi jeans wurun. vi uatwi
rw Rainta and to building and repair
ing houses of worship for members of
the churcb. Tbe United States hss ap
pealed from this decree, asserting it
would practically permit tbe property to
be devoted to tbe same purposes for
which it was formerly held.
Heavy Immigration Flowing Into
Northwestern Iowa.
Bishop Wlgger Issues a Clrculir Addressed
to the Priests Rescinding His
Former Order.
The Colorado Senate has passed a bill
abolishing capital punishment,
Prof. Totten predicts tbe end of the
world some time in September next.
Fifty thousand hotel rooms will be
available near tbe World's Fair grounds.
The Okeflnokee swamp in Georgia is
reported to be overrun with wild nogs.
A big Boston syndicate is trying to se
cure oontrol of the Canadian steel indus
tries. Washington newsboys are forbidden
by law to sell papers except on the date
el issue. ' '
The city of Boston is making a hard
fight against the trolley system of elec
tric ears.
The Aransas Pass railroad has virtu
ally passed into the possession of the
Southern Pacific
In the Lower House of the Pennsyl
vania Legislature the anti-Pinkerton bill
has finally passed.
A strange disease among cattle in
Central Illinois is believed to be due to
the feeding of millet.
Estimates as to the cost of the hotels
in the World's Fair district range from
(3,500,000 to $4,000,000.
The heaviest immigration that ever
flowed into Northwest Iowa and Sonth
Dakota is in progress now.
A erlnoline-mannlacturing concern has
been established. in Rhode Island, the
first ol the kind in America,
It Is thought that the coinage of
World's Fair souvenir half-dollars will
be completed in three months.
About 150 Chinamen living in Boston
have intimated that they intend regis
tering within the prescribed period.
Some one has gone off with all the coin
and records of the noted Tenderloin
Club at New York, and it is now in the
throes ol dissolution.
South Carolina has issued bonds cov
ering its new loan, amounting to $6,280,
000, bearing 04 per cent interest and to
rnn for fortv years.
By a vote of 31 to 19 the Minnesota
Senate has passeu tne senate Din ex
tending the full suffrage at all elections
In Minnesota to women.
The case involving the Mormon Church
iroperty hss been advanced in the
Jnited States Supreme Court to the sec
ond Monday of the next term.
The receivers of the Reading road
have definitely decided on the Issue of
receivers' certificates, me Dononoiaers'
committee will probably fight it.
A corporation with a capital of $15,-
000,000 has been formed to cover New
Jersey in the neighborhood of Jersey
City and newarx wun electric railways.
It is proposed by the organised tin
and sheet-iron job workers and cornice
workers ol St. Louis to estanusn a train
ing school where apprentices will be
taught the trade.
The Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk
rnaria have agreed noon a rate of M
fare for the round trip from Canadiau
points to Chicago during the World's
Fair. Tickets will be good lor one month.
The Kansas Legislature has passed a
bill making it illegal to require a gold
contract in notes, mortgagee or other ob
ligations and making silver, as well aa
gold, a legal tenaer lor an ueots in rum-
A mmmlttoe appointed by the House
of the Tennessee Legislature to invest!
mta the charges against Judge Duboise
of the Shelby County Criminal Court
has reported that mere are no grouuua
lor Impeachment,
Ramrta tn tha hnreafl of statistics of
the Treasury Department show a decided
iiikmuu in the number of immigrants
entering the port of San Francisco, while
in the other ports oi tne country more
hoa haan a fallittg-off.
It is thought probable that at tbe con
liiainn of the naval review Secretary
Herbert will divide tbe ships into three
fleets, put new officers in command and
end the vessels away at once to the Pa
cific the South Atlantic ana aurope.
Plana for the America cup defenders
show that some radical changes have
been introduced over 'the former type of
yachts. The new boats are nearly all
124 feet in length, 23 to 26 feet beam,
and have a mean draught df 12 to 14
Tha milium lifficere at New York are
holding the trunks of a number of Ital
ian opera singers under tbe belief that
the Clothing 'in tue irunaa u iiu uuv
property of individual members, but of
Henry Abbey, who has charge of the
Judge Dallas In the United States Cir
cuit Court at rnuaoeipnia nas uenwu i
motion to renin re John F. Searles, Jr.
Traaanrar nl tn American Sugar Refin
ing Oompany, to show cause why he
sbonld not be compelled to answer Im
portant questions in the suit of the gov
ernment against toe sugar ru.
Bishop Wlgger of the diocese of New
ark, n. J., nas issueu snuH m
rMraaoAil in aaah orlest in the diocese,
FouMmlitiir hia former order in which
nrlaita vara ordered to refuse absolution
to those members of a pariib who sent
their children to the public scnoois in
preference to the parochial acnoois.
Bottles are blown bv machinery at
Vineland, N. J.
Uncle Sam's bovs have $30,000,000 of
capital Invested in Hawaii.
The Angora goat buddHm the hair
which adorns ordinary dolls.
Telephone ohat costs $2 for three min
utes between Paris and London.
There are now nearly 200 woman nrao-
tioiug dentistry in the United States.
Eighty-six of the 865 towns In Massa
chusetts contain no resident physician.
There are In the United States mora
than 1,700 distinct and separate railways.
The Litchfield Oar Works in Indiana
are about to be moved to Birmingham,
Over 100 electric cars are to be built
at once at Pittsburg for a Chicago com
New England capitalists have nnr-
ohaaed $75J,000 worth ol Texas timber
Several fleets of river boats are to be
established this year on the Western
The Armour Packing Company has In
corporated in New Jersey: capital, $7.-
Wooden-soled shoes are being alowlv
introduced in the cheap shops. Phila
dtlpkia Retard.
The novelty of the Columbian atamns
Is wearing off, and the old-timers are re
turning to favor.
Makers of manle sugar in Vermont aav
that the supply this year will exceed
iuuu,uuu pounds.
The Llngham gold mine in Belmont.
Hastings county. Ontario, is nroving
highly profitable.
In some of the Eastern ahoe-blaokinv
oellars you can have your high hat pol
ished by electricity.
Canning factories, it is remrtad. are
being erected in large numbers in vari
ous parts of Georgia.
It is reported that Melbourne. Ans.
tralla. is overflowed with men who want
work, but are unable to secure it. county. N. Y.. has 14.000
acres of bearing vines and 500 acres of
young vines notdn bearing.
For Sltvtwo consecutive miles on the
Boston and Albany railroad, it is said,
there is not a grade crossing.
An ounce of pure gold is worth $20.64 :
therefore, a ton of pure gold, which con
tains 24,000 ounces, is worth $405,360.
Last year there was borrowed ont of
banks and trust companies in New York
and Brooklyn on real estate $68,000,000.
It is said that 3.000 miles of electric
road will be added this year. One road
in Pennsylvania is to be eighty miles
A Clearfield (Pa.) lumberman, Bimon
Flynn, will run 35,000,000 feet of logs
down the Susquehanna river to the saw
The turpentine gatherers of Georgia, it
is estimated, have during the past five
years destroyed $200,000,000 worth of
pine limner.
Millions upon millions of herring are
taken every year. It is said that there
are more herring eaten than any other
xina oi nsn.
It is estimated, the Pittsburg DUvalek
says, that 41,300,000 cottages could be
erected out ol the standing timber in the
state oi wasnington.
There came into New Orleans in two
days of last week nine steamers and one
schooner, bearing 102,000 bunches ol
bananas and 60,000 oocoanuts.
Tbe largest pumping plant In the
United States was that placed in a mine
at Iron Mountain, Mich. It pumps
,000,000 gallons in twenty-lour hours.
Now that the Pennsylvania miners
have an eight-hour law, some people are
inclined to think they will have to keep
well organized to get any good out ol It.
flliBflllY v FUHT-ITUHE v CO.
H. R. Hyde,
We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING.' Calls answered night
or day.
Baltimore biock, Aioany, or.
VY. F. BBAD, President. OEO. F. SIMPSON,
l.l. COWAN, TreaAUrer.
farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company
Hon. B. 8. STRAHAN, .
nhiet jMtloeof Sapiens Court
Hon. J. W. CDS1CK, Banker.
Hon.J. K. WKATHBIIKOBIJ, Attornayt-Law.
J. O. YVBITSMAN. Kiq., Capitalist,
Willamette vaney uina uorapany.
No tiro-thlrdi, three-oarlhi, thirty or ilaty-day chuue in the Farmer!' and Merchants' FA BM
policial. 1'he Parmer.' and Merchtnti' Iniurauoe Company pays the full amonut ol low up ta
tbe amount insured. The aabecrtben to tbe eapit&l .took coneiiu of farmer., merchant., banker.,
mplullic, noru(l,plijikiuniidmiwl)Miiui, the largest amonat held by limit individuals
being taj.OCO. .
Lady Henry Somerset is about to start
a paper, to be railed the Womm't fief
aid, wbich will b the urgan nl the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
Lord Chief Justice Coleridge nl Eng
land will probably visit ihis country
during the World's Fair. He was here'
in 168', and was then a tall, snare man
ol 63 years.
Miss Emllv Faithful ol London is en
deavoring to organise In one ol the sub
urbs a home lor womn who are working
for their own living, the idea being to
provide each occupant with a private
room at a low rent and the use of com
mon dining and reception rooms.
Ths Lord Mayor of London, who Is a
Roman Catholic, went out of his way the
other day to pay a visit in state to the
Church of England Young Men's Soci
ety in Ludgate Circus, and he not only
made an excellent speech, but Inltasub
stantial gift in his own and the Lady
Sir Alfred Stephen, the ex-Chief Jus
tice ol New Sonth Wales, oan give points
even to Mr, Gladstone in the matter of
Juvenility. He is in his B2d year, and
keeps two of his daughters busy for six
hours dally taking down his reminia-
cences from dictation. Sir Alfred is the
Nestor of Lincoln's Inn. He entered
time as a student in 1818, and was called
to the bar in November, 1828, Two years
altarward he emigrated to the antipodes
as Solicitor-General for the then penal
colony of Van Dieman's Land, now the
self-governing colony of Tasmania.
The Shasta Route
Eipnw iralm ! Portland dallri
T fTsTlty. PortuuaC ."Ar.Ti a. n.
10 a r. a.ll.v
:!. M.iAr
.Albany At, l:ffl a. a.
Hnn Krant!iiri. I.v.l 7:00 r. a.
The abovu traliu atop only at tltu following
atattoiiH north of HoaolmrR: Kait HortUud, Or
egon (Mty, Woodbiirii, Ualem, Albany. Uuxeot,
mtiit, lliliey. Ilurliburs, Juvellonllity, Irving
lid Kuxeua.
Howbanr mall-dally:
:M t, H.ll.v ....I'orlHuil ...Ar. iHi r. a.
I2:IS r, .l,v Albany Ar. VIM r. a.
6:60 r. M.lAr HoawbHrg .I.v. 7:00 A. M.
Albany local dally (caeept Wimday).
S:00r. H.II.V
v:(I)p. a jar
. Portland. .,
...AMlO SOi. a.
..I.v.l t:mt. a.
1:30 f. a. I.v ...Albany Ar. Hi Jl a. a.
11:011 r H. Ar ..UImiiiou I.v. 0:30 i. a.
8:10 a. a. I.v Albany Ar. 1: r. .
8:00 a. . Ar Ubiio i,v, 'l.a t a.
Dlnlnc tiara on flgdnn Kout.
fUaond-CllBAN Hlaaiilna Hera AHaohad t
All Through Train.
Bktwbsm Portland and CeavAitua.
Uainrtln-danjr (except Httnday):
Y:S0 A. TU7. .rPort!aud.7.7.Arrpi:'0 a.
12:10 r. a. I Ar Corvallli I.v. I liM r. u.
At Albiuiy and Oorvallla conneotwUb trains
ol Oresou Patiluo railroad.
Kxnreiw train daily 'except Hunilav):
!:0 r. a. I I.v Portland..
7:3S r. a. I Ar....McMlimvlll
lid Kiit-op run be obtained tt lowwitrfttMlrom
1. A. llimflU, MMt, Lebanon.
R. KOtCtllJtR, Mtnagm.
B. P. ROOKKH, Aut. ii. V. A Vitu. A tout.
Vico-PreiHent, J. O. WlllTSMAN, Secretary
Hon. J. L COWAN,
PreRideut Linn Oosnty National Bank.
M. STRKNIIKKH, Eq Merchant.
W. F. RKAI). Bo,, Merchant. ,
D. B. MIINTKl'i'H. CanlUhit. .
G. t. S1MP8DN, Sq.. Capltallit.
it tUI that U is still there.