1. V ' .. VOL VII TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Our ywitv. ., ,n m (If iml'l in aiWiiii!o, (H BO pur yuar.) fHx mouth ..., , , , ,.,.,. 1 40 Tfcrco montliH. .M ' AO Stifle coptea 4 h 06 IL- - . 11 1 . Secret ftocletle. eron HBturrtrty dvohiiiRat Odd follow Hall, at .Jack ..,,. .KEKS.N.O. W.C.PETRRN,Sect'y. PEARL KKIIWVIA LOIMIB, NO. . 1 0. 0. P. Mwtnal I. 0. 0. P Hall llrM iilid",Uiu Wciilnen day ov.ta,Rh "'"SKIfJKWMON. S. (i. DOLI.IE aAWMAMjH, HWit'y LmiANd IxiMll!. Nil, A. P. -A. M.-Menfc Aanmliiy evening, on or tniliira the mil miwu it K. K. HllWACK. W. Jt, F. M.Mnv.WC, Hco. Ilnnr Limns. No. SB. A. 0, fl. V.-Mcott vry Tnclayflntiiij M U. A.R.fhtfl. Oil. J. A- IrKHltKWiini a, . J, n. t.nio. Hce. unf i SiincioH oabp, No. ore ofonwn ioriiil-'VBr'.-MMl InU. A K. HhII, Lstanim, 6r evsy Haumltiy ewulnic. uxcciit tlicttiilril Haumln" of uucli niontli. nmaliiK till' third I'rl day hunt-nil. All IiiiiIIiim nf tin- Hoiih or Vol niii ami ninirniU'Mil llu- . A. ll.are cnrllully lnvltMl-tunuiolwllliUicitor.il. CGI. MOTAOIM, ttiPt. A. Ck a 0AI.I., First Rent. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. LEBANON. ORKHON. " leattiorlord I Chamberlain, ATTORN EYS -AT -LAW , ALBANY, OREGON. ir.i.' MLYT.l", ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKECKffi. J. 11 WTJTT, Attorney- at-lLa- iv, ALBANY, OREGON. A. F,STOWE. Attorney -at - Ia w, TITLES EXAMINED. floUMtloroi'lvimnmmW and '''.'" "'llM1' Will iiracllue iu all llm oouru ol the ui 1c. (IFTOK IN HHJUTSKY'S I1WCK. LUBANON, OltKUON. St. Charles Hotel Corner Main anil slmrman dtteote, W, C. Fai'1-knf.b, lVop. First-Class in all Apartments. Siiuuiul ntUMition paid to '"' nwi'ninl miMi. Board and LodgiiiK, l" '' '. ?1 " $2; pet week W-iH) to HI J. R. EKING, . HuceesHor to It. L, MeOlure. Shaving Parlor. Iu I iHHWiirU'j IV-w IJiilIdinjf. F'mt-Cltw Artists In attend ance. Hot and CM Bailw with Slwwer at all times. Yoint Patbonaoe Solicited. LEBANON, TO CORRESPONDENTS. Sour real uarcra must accompany everyenmmuriloatlnn or It will rer- rHiiy go tn 1he "waste basket." we flo wot want your name frtr public, tlon, hut as tvguarantee nl pood fnllh. Editor. MlMloscy floolaty Piwiramma. Tlii- following Is the programme of the Woman's rflndryterial Missionary Boeiety, o be. held In'the M . E. Chwreh, South, Wed mesday, Aprl istli. All the ladies of town arc cordiattjj invited to attend. 11:30 o'ci,oci a. H. rj'3VotiontxeroiKes, Ifcd by Mrs J. Hodk Words of AVelcome, Mrs. i. M. Marks response, Mrs. Wni. Guy, Mehama N aide. Minut4waf lust meeting. Mra. Wallace, Salem lteportfif llelugates -and oien disuustian. "Syria,1' paper, Minn Holt, .ftlwgene 'liUd:ii's Work aivd-eiiort, MrK.eatle, 34et'oy Miisle. ")iirt.'laii8," Mm. MattheWk, Salem "Kiri;ii," tiaier, Urn. Searu, Alhany CommitteeR, a, nominating; b. reiutionn. Btilu, "In Thy Love," MinnKiumtfCrandaU 2 O'flTjCIt, Y.U. ttie Service, uLed by Mra. 'Wiwcler, lndcKMidenee Eirlort of (!oimnilit--iea, Miefe Viola Goan ilejHirt of Vresidyut and Treanucej. SniltaUnn, MissA'iola Ooan Xdie8' Quartette.'"KjH)fcd Awa." Wt'niiiUHCimiof HiHHion Work in Oregon, ' Mrs. Smiek, Albany WluitChildrciHlan Do, MieBOraHarkncHB Hucitation, Mre. Miller, Eugene were a VohR!." Solo, M is. Keclemon i'. I". B. C. E. Hour, Conducted by Miss "iiaae, Eugene Itlosiing Word fey the Prctiide.it, Mrs. D. H. McOullagh Ringing .Adjournineiit At Eugene Monday the anuual city lolectlou was held. Everybody voted, 7H2 ballota beitig polled. 8 H Friend ly wiib eleetwd Mayor over J H Mc Clung by 83 mujorlty. Councilmen, G B Dorrls, Wm Preston, J L Page. B P Dorrls, recorder, B O Paine, treas urer. Theaaloon ticket won from top to bottom. There will be no services in the Presbyteriun -.church Sunday, April Mb. Sunday school and Chrlsllau Jindi'iivor v. ill meet in the 8. M . E. church at the usual hours. The 1st j meeting of the Presbytery will be held iu the Ptwhyierlau church, Tues day evening at 7:80 p. in., April 1Kb. County tiuituol Superintendent G. F. Russell has issued hia annual re port of I he condition of the public schools of Linn county for the year i- ended March SI, 18118. From It the following statistics are obtui tied : N u m -'berof childreu in thecouiity 7702: vnumber of teauliei's employed 210; oer 'tllicates 122; npplicanls failed to puss '.28; teaohon ! private eshools 111; ;)upils iu private schools 341; value of Btiliool houses and gixiundr. I()7,0S0; value of school furniture !i!l,8M; vul ue of appuraitK school h.iuses built (luring the year 1; mnnbor of ticliool ilisti'ictM 135, iinuiUMt .if mor.ev received for schuel purpiMca during the year 58,012 43. As spring bcgiik; to opeu up it seems ttat It would be a good idea to have the Lebanon cemetery tlxed up and cleaned out. The Zxi'RBsmlliluks that if this was looked after It could lie easily done by inibfoHplinu. We know that tliere are at least 25 per sons in and arouud Lebanon who would readily glve$I perauonth for three months to hire a good unui to go there and work for itlie next three months wid get the grave j urd in llrst-olatm condition. Who will take' hold of this mutter and see what can be done. Jit lea shame Uie w:ay the cemetery has been keptr Xbou are some who try and Seep up the .pjives of Uujtr relntides and friends, ImtiDUere are uuiny whoidou't, We also jicci a puiup lu the .oBinelery. Wliu etai'it:!,,. .'. . OREGON, APRIL Train Uniiarl. On lastThnrnd.tty lilfrht there wu an atlem:pto wreck ite Soutliorn Pacific overhand paaii((l.r train, mar Rioe Hill, tin Dougla county, 172 miles Boath of PortJiint, hy removing a rail on a trestle. It waad lowered by Geo. E. V&cb ardson, 'ho 'claimed he liad been aUbbed mill heateu ly the wosld-be WTeekem, ait thrown oil' of the trestle, where he lay unconscious for ever."l liours, but 't.ecame conscious in time to crawl p tke track about a half mllc and Dug the approaching train, and between gasps said, "For God's sake, di't go any further they're there ttie train rolibera they're well heeliHl nd they'll kill yno they've done ine up." After the rail had been replaced Richardson was taken on board the train mid taken to Portland, and was praised by all for his heroic action, and the passengers passed resolutions of praise for bun and made up a purse for hie "hercicaction." The 8. P. company then offered $3000 reward for the conviction of each one of the guilty parties and detectives at once commenced work on It, which reeulted In Richardson's arrest They claim that they have evidence enough for bis conviction, and that lie did the work expecting to get a big re ward. Richardson has virtually cot feaHed to the whole business. , W. li O. Social. On last Balurduy evening April 1, Jobu T Miller, W. it. . No. 15, o this place guve a very enjoyable social at the O. A. R. hall, In which toe following prograhime was rendered: Song Choral Society. ltecitation Clifford Tlllotson. ' BongBessie and Kitten Miller. ltecitation Bert Wight. Solo Kev. Eccleston. Recitation Kitten Milter. Duet J. B. Marks and Emma Crandall Recitation Lizzie Keed. Song Choral Society, Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in social chats etc. The W. R. C. extend thanks to the friends who jmsisted in the exercise of the evening. Sprlug Jacket!. I have my new spring stock of jack ets ready for your inspection. The Assortment Is the largest in Alban; and all 1898 styles. Prices are right, Samuel E. Young, , - Albany, Oregou. Elegant Monument. One of the neatest monuments e er placed lu Lebauou's oemetery was set up last Friday at the grave of the late Prof, Stubblefleld. It is one of he latest designs iu use iu the east, made of Ihe beautiful extra dark mot tled blue marble, with a vase for the reception of flowers. If you want to see an entirely -new design Inspect it and I hen place your order with the linu who put It up, Si. VV. Acbisou k Co., Albany, Oregon. Messrs. Lawrence and Thatcher, ui imagers of the Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Co., were to town Thurs day. Tuey have decided to put iu a telephone line from Albany to Leba nou, aud also to Brownsville, In an other column will be found their ad--vertlsement for bids on cedar poles. Hon. M. A. Miller is their agent at this place. Bids will be received during the next twenty days for 900 or 1000 (& few more or less) round, live green cedar poles, peeled with knot trimmed close to pole; same to be delivered at the Into between Albany aud Browns ville via Lebanon. The dimensions utueUieas follows. Twenty-rlve feet lung, not less than six inches or more than nine inches across (be top. Bids must lie addressed to M. A. Miller, Lelumon, slating price fur poll' deliver-edusnbov.fi. 7, 1893. Council Proceedings. Council met last Tuesday In regular meeting. Roll was calk d and all the members were present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Councilman Cruson, chairman of the license committee, repurted that he had notified the saloon proprietors and their bondsmen that they had to comply with the ordinance, aiid they informed him that they would. The city treasurer' report for the first quarter was read, and by motion was accepted and ordered placed on file. The city recorder's report for the first quarter was read, and by motion was accepted and ordered placed on file. The resignation of Geo. W. Rice as city recorder was read and by motion was laid on the table indefinitely. The resignation of Ed Kellenberger as councilman was read, and hy mo tion was accepted. The council then proceeded to elect another councilman to fi II the vacancy. The names of Jas. G. Boyles and M. A. Miller were placed in nomination, Mr. Boyles receiving the greatest num ber of votes. The request of O'Neil A Myers to run a water flume down one of the streets, was referred to the committee on streets. : The following bills were allowed. and an order drawn on the treasurer for the same: S. E. Mackey, $25; Chas. Stokes, $10; Eleetric Light Co., $00; Wm. Reatherferd, $5; Geo. Rice, $14.75. Rev. C. A. Wooley, of Eugene, was in Lebanon yeslerday. Mr. Hardman, deputy tax assessor, is in Lebanon this week, assessing property. Lebanon is to be connected with Al bany in the near future by telephone. Score another for Lebanon. Mr. T. L. Talbert and family left yesterday for Whittier. California, where tbey will make their future home. Miss Ida Miller, who has been help ing at the St. Charles, left yesterday for Nashville, Oregon, where she will teach a term of school. A man by the name of Hysom, who has been living on the Mossholder place near Hodaville, died Sunday from consumption. He was buried on Monday. R. Hiatt has sold his bop yard and young orchard to Joe Buhl for $4000. Ruff reserves this year's crop. This is a flue place and Huff has made consider able money on It. ia Dr. Lambsison received a telegram yesterday from New York, from bis partner, telling him of securing a con tract for 100 tons of chittem bark. Look out for Ad next week. E. Osborne traded his city proper ly including the Lebanon machine shops, to J. H. Whedhee from the forks of Ihe Snutiiim. Mr. Osborne traded the properly for a fine farm of about 200 licit s. Mr. Whedhee has control of tbenit.chine shop. Rov. W. P. Holt will give a Stereop tii on entertainment and lecture in the Presbyterian church on the 12th of April, at 7:"0 p. m. Dr. Holt was for many years a milonary in China, and it will be a rare treat to hear him lecture. All are invited to come. My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a very severe attack of rheumatism. We could get nothiM; that would afford her any re lief, and at last resort we gave Cham berlain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great surprise beau to improve after the first application, and by using it regularly she was soon able tn get up and attend to her house work. E. H. Johnson, of C, J. Knutson & Co., Kensington, Mlnu. 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller. NO 6. At last the rush fr Chinese registra tion has begun. Of course only a frac tion of those liable to deportation can get in between now and May otli un less some extraordinary measures are taken to facilitate Ihe process, but there Is still time enough for (uAcfSf thousand toget through, 'jnce start ed the rush is likely tt 5row, although it h not Very blji j'st, h. F. Bulletin. There will be services in the First Presbyterian church everv Sunday, morning and evening. The evening sermon Is especially intended Tor the young people. Young People's prayer meeting at 7 P. M. on Sundays. All are cordially invited to come and wor ship with us. Please make yourself known to the Pastor. EDWABD ECCLESTOI.-. We hear that game warden McGuire will be in this city in a few days, to in vestigate the killing of an elk near Mill City, recently. It is reported that it was an old doe elk, that annually for six or eight years has come down In the fall and raised one or two calves, following the biiow back in the spring. This year she was killed by some hun ters who may have trouble on hand. Albany Telescope. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colht can almost invariably tell, by their fellings, when to expect an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken as soou as these symptoms appear, they can ward off disease. Such persons should always keep the Remedy at 1...,. f- immnt..,A needed. Two or three doses of it at the right time will save them much trouble. Forsale by M. A. Miller. Last Wednesday Moses Parker brought to town 22 pairs of Chinese pheasants and delivered them to E. W. Langdon, who shipped thorn to a gentleman In New York, where they will be turned loose, to multiply, and replenish the land. The legislature of that state has passed a stringent law protecting them, and they should do wel! there. Mr. Parker was paid the neat sum of $220 for the birds. Tele scope, The more Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used the better it is liked. We know of no other remedy that al ways gives satisfaction. It is good when you first catch cold. It is good when yonr cough is sealed and your lungs are sore. It is good in any kind of a cough, We have fold twenty-five dozen of It and every bottle has given satisfaction. Stedman & Friedman, druggists, Minnesota Lake, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller Services iu the Methodist church Sunday, April 9. Sunday school at 1a.m. Preachlngiitlla.nl. Junior League at 3 p. m. Epwnrtb League at 6:30 p. in. Subject: "Secret Pray er." Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "The crime of compromise." This is the second sermon iu a series of ser mons on the llcicor truffle. All are cordially invited to attend. Pastor. Miss Adain, who lives near Si'ver ton, Marion ei unly, went horseback-, riding the other day, Her saddle had bten hanging all winter in the barn, and she noticed tin, 1 the seat of the saddle appeared as though a stick might be under it, but could not be Removed without ripping the saddle, -j After riding for several miles the horse j became suddenly frightened and be : gaii to rear and plunge. Upon look ing around she discovered a snake crawling from the saddle, and with Its Head began Btriklng at the horse and then at her. Realizing her situa tion she jumped to the ground. Hold ing the horse with one hand she killed, the snake with a club she held lu the oth r. It was found to be a blaok rat tle snake three feet long, aud was en tirely too much warmed up (obe a comfortable companion. Ex.