Lebanon Eipress. CITY OFFICIAL8, MAYOR..... .0. H. RALSTON RKCORDEH OKO. W. RICK. TKKABUKKR J. A. HOBHRTS. MARSHAL. 8. C. MAOKKY. fJ.C. BILYEtl, J Ed. KKLLKNBERGEK, 1 G. W. CIU'SON, ' n u wi'B'priT.T. COUNOILMEN City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday-evenings of each month. A Terrible Tragedy. Saturday evening In Portland Con rad J. Smith, book-keeper for Levy, Spelgel A Co., was shot and probably fatally Injured by C. H. Gove, a real estate dealer. Gove then shot and killed hlmwlf. About all that la kuown as to the cajse of the tragedy is contained In the following tetter found upon the person of the deceased: Saturday, March, 23, 1893. To Whom It Hay Concern! Since I am about to attempt a aome what desperate feat,- at some risk to myself, my life perhaps, I pencil the following for the information of those who are interested or tblnk they are. "Five years ago next August, about the 14th, C. J. Smith, while I was out of the city, began rooming at my borne. At the said time said Smith was a business partner of mine. Abmt a week after he began rooming at my house, he entered my wife's bedroom after she had retired, and attempted to rape her person. He was immediately and unceremoniously dismissed from her room, but fearing business entang lements, she felled to do entirely as she should, but allowed him to remain in the house until my return, when she told me all. I kicked him out at once, but did not do more, because I wished to avoid entangling my wife in way which might reflect more or less upon her. I of course knew all concerning the matter, and I hereby wear by the Almighty God that I know (so far as my intellect allows) that my wife told me all, since she In formed me at once regarding the mat ter. I have brooded on the feet of a business partner so basely acting until I am nearly wild. "I now propose to castrate said Smith or kill him tonight, entirely optional with him. In case I must take his life, I will also, to avoid further entanglements, take my own. C. H. Gove." Smith denies having assaulted Mrs. Gove. The latter, who was away from home at the time, has thus far refused to talk about the awful deed at all. Aaotnsr Tnrnk MjiUrj. The Pendleton Tribune rays: Fro m Mr. John Thatcher, conductor on the ran between Pendleton and La Grande, is learned the detaite of the finding yesterday of a body in the last stages of decomposition at the La Grande depot, the body being packed in a trunk, Among the iate arrivals al La Grande was a woman of the class commonly known as "fast." The woman brought with her trunks which she ordered left at the depot baggage room until she secured for herself a house. The desired location having been found, the services of a drayman were engaged and the trunks brought to the house, and here the mystery commences. Both the drayman and baggageman had noticed and remarked on - the pe culiar odor arising from one of the trunks, without, however, suspecting Its ghastly contents. The woman also detected the stench before the trunks were Inside the bouse, and complicated mutters by denying all knowledge of or ownership in the trunk and refusing to accept tt. Nothing remained for the drayman but to return the trunk to the depot. Here it was opened and the mutila ted remains of a human being, so ad vunced in the last stages of decompoei tion as to make identifi'wtion impossi ble, were disclosed to the gaze of (he horrified on-lookere. The leaving of Mr. Thatcher's train prevented him from learning further details as to the disposal of the remains or the solving of the mystery connected with the ar rival of the trunk at La Grande. At New York at the national tele graphic contest, In John W Mackay's message clan, open to all receivers A B Surkee, of Portland, Or., won first prize, a gold medal valued at 1 10; John H Jones second prize, gold msd al valued at 1100. It is an interesting fact that Mr. Hearn, formerly of Leb anon, tied with Durkoe, for the ,prlvi lege of going east. Weather Bulletin. j Winter, no called, is yet with us. The temperature varies from 36 to 60 degrees, bu the weather Is cloudy and the rains are frequent, though not heavy. Throughout the state the temperature is from two to five degrees a day below the normal, and the rainfall is deficient for the' period from July last to date from 15 to SO per cent. The whiter was devoid of any marked low temperatures; about January 1st the lowest temperatures were recorded in the mountains and higher elevations of Eastern Oregon it was from 3 to 21 degrees below zero. West of the Cascades it was from 6 to 20 degrees above sero. The marked feature of the winter was the heavy snowfall, especially West of the Cascades from December 20. to the 26, and from Jan. 27, to February 5. The snowfall in sections was unprecedented. Over the wheat area of the state the snow fell and formed a covering for the fall-sown wheat, during the period of the extreme cold.. The snow was generally lighter over the stoak county, and reports indicate the stock to be in good condition and that there has beeu a very small percentage lost. More were lost by keingkillcdbycoyotesand wild cats than those that died from the lack of food and shelter. The acreage of wheat has generally in. creased, in some counties to a large extent. The amount of wheat seeded or that will be, will make an acreage larger, even, than the immense acreage of 1801, when it was 6115,0(10 acres, from which fourteen million bushels of wheat were harvested. The winter and first month of spring, taken as a whole, have been decidedly cooler than usual, witli a diticiency of pre cipitation: these conditions have materi ally retarded the advancement of vegeta tion and also retarded the sowing of spring grain. FHISINT CONDITIONS. Reports from all parts of the state show that there is not even an almond tree in bloom yet. In 180 on March 22nd, the peach, almond, cherry, apple and plum trees were in full bloom; ui 1890 the fruit trees were in bloom on April 2nd: in 1891 the buds were backward, but on March 28, many fruit trees were in bloom, and 1802 on April 2, the fruit trees can be said to have been in bioom. Pruning of fruit trees is about done, but few orchards, if any, have been so far cultivated. The buds are swelling now and in a few sections color can be seen on the ends. Present conditions and indications point to a most favorable fruit year. The acreage of fruit has been greatly increased, this is especially true of peach, prune, pear and apple trees. Spray ing has been commenced in Jackson coun ty. . Very little plowing has been done so far this spring. The soil is very wet and quite cold. The rains considerably delay spring work. The principal increase in this year's Kowth will be wheat, fruit and hops; the tter appears to be very generally increased. Reports all indicate unusual activity in agricultural anil horticultural operations, and both start out under the most favorable auspices for a successful year, The cold, damp season retarding bloom s it is, will materially assist the fruit production of the year; it prevents growth to grain, but allows of its stooling and rooting. ' While the present looks favorable for a successful year, it should be borne in mind that in years past, April frosts have injured and a few days dry, hot winds in J line have nit the expected yield in wheat from 30 to 10 bushels per acre. Lawyer Joseph M. Choate has con. firmed the report from San Francisco to the effect that the Chinese Six Com panies bad retained bim to fight the Geary law. Ex-Assistant United States District Attorney Maxwell Evarts will be associated with Choate In the effort to defeat the law. It is reported that New York and Brooklyn Chinamen have already subscribed 138,000 to fight the law, and can raise as much more should (he necessity arise. DALCLEISH k EVERETT, DKALERS;iN Furniture 4 Hardware, Carpets, Wall Paper, Siadoi Shades, Floor Mattings, 4c, , ALSO "Windows, Doors, Builders' Hardware, &c, &c. LEBANON, OBEJON. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, E. W. Hadley, Receiver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco. Ocean Steamer Sailings. 8. 8. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Leaves Sail Eraucisco, March 14 anil 24. " Yaquiua, " Maud 20. This Company reserves the right to change sailing dates without' notice. 'RIVER STEAM Kits. Steamer "Hoag" leaves Portland, Wednes day and Saturday at 6 A. M. H.'O. Day, Gen. Ag't, Salmon St. Wharf, Portland. P. 'R. Vaijohh, en. Ag't. San Francisco, Cal. C. C.'ilooOE, (1. V. A V. A., Corvatlis, Oregon. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. (Changed Every Week. Wheat-69o. Oata-Soo. Hay-tlliperton. Flour 1 no per anok. Chop $1 26 per owt. Bran 80c per owt. Mlddlhigs-lfl 00 per owt. Potatoes 80c. Apples Dried, 7o per lb. Plums Dried, 6c. Onions lie. Beef Dressed, S4c Veal-4(Me. Pork Dressed, 60.0 Lard-12 KUS. Hums 12 j(S16c per lb. Shoulders i0, Bides 12J15c per lb. Geese HH per do. Ducks 5 00 per doz. Chickens $3 004 00. Turkeys 10c per lb. Eggs lRc icrdoz, Butter 80c pr lb. Hides Oreen,23c; dry, 8o. Poultry, Hides and Furs. Huriiest cash nrlec nald for turkeys geese, ducks mid chickens atoflice of L-Jamhs, Straney and Moore'e old stable, 4th slnet, Albany. Also hides ana run oi an kiiiub bought for cash. BANKlLEBANON, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. . Eichanp) sold on New York.Ban Francis co, and Portland and Albany, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, I Jan. it, lsiu. J Nnllrela herehv aiven that the following-named settler ha died notice of hi Intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof wMbcmadoberorethe Clerk nfUnn County, at Albany, Oregon, oti March 17, 1HW, vU; JASPER D. ROLFE, Pre. D S No. 7116, for the W, ofS. W. W, N. E . Yt, n. 10, T. lil jjofts. w. y it. w. i ois. t. yt,VK, If. 1 U He names the following wltucwea to prove his conliuiiou residence upon mid cultivation of Raid, land.vli; William J. Mown, Orlando Pleken Arthur Will, and John Rlueiurt, all of Sweet uome, Linn ui Oregon. J. T. APPKKSON. Register. FORTIILLER 4 IRVING, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, WALL PAPKP. AND PICTURE FRAMES. Undertaking a Specialty. ALBANY. OREGON OAVIATS. TRADI MARKS. DISION PATINTS, OOPYRIOHTS, atoJ for tnf ormatlon and free Handbook write to MUNN CO.. Kl BROADWAY. NSW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patent In America. Jtrerr patent taken out br us la broutht before tae poblio by a nouea giveo f rea el enarge la taa Largest eireslatlon of anr aeianUflc paper Mi the worid. Spieudldlr Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, t):i,00 a fear: llJKlslx months. Addreaa UONN a CO usuauaas, 3IU Broadway, New York CUy. 1 Selantlfio Antriwi Ajeiioy forA TO-f'ttelS 9AVIATB, Jjl TJ TRADE MARKS. SJlSiJr. DltlON PATINTS, if i luteal a;a W. C DAVIS, (SUCCESSOR TO G. W, SIMPSON.) ALBANY, OREGON. Carries a Complete Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Grooeries. Premium tickets given with every dollar s worth of goods, cash purchase. Spocial discounts allowed on all cash purchases of Clothing, Cloaks, Blankets, and all othor winter goods. Highest markot prices paid for all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for merchandise. PUGH & KEEP A Complete 2 -ALSO MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Glassware and Queensware. Cov ntry Produce Taken at Highest Market Price. DONACA'S BRICK CORNER. JOB PRINTING The Golden-Rod Publishing mined to secure 500,XK) now subscribers to their family story paper, the GOLDEN-ROD, before July 1st, '1)3. In the ordinary way this would money" and in order to save time subscribe now a large um of M reulizing that we can soon recover this great expenditure from the increased revenue from onr advortisors. For correct answers to the Golden-Rod Publishing Co. will pay CASH REWARDS. Fur the correct answer to any ONE word, m W For the ccrrect answer to any TWO words, 50 00 For the correct answer to any THREE words, 75 00 For the correct answor to nny FOUR words, 100 00 For the correct answor to uny FIVE words, 125 CO As Special Grand Prizes We Will Pay in Cash To every one sending In the cm reet answers to , ALL of the TEN words before March 1st, '93, 1500.0(1. Hero are the word-riddles, can one of the ten words correctly solved wins tur you vm.w in cash. -LE 'tree bearing round fruit. Tree. Fruit laraw st low er end. TUL I'limtc. wllh Klowera of bpiirlittiolors. Trrmical Tree, with round yellow fruit. -ra- The fruit lmxt to est. PVM imiMftll Kaon daih Imitate" the alMnce of certain leller. and when ihe proper lei KXPLANA lllin .... nu,i ... rii.,i w,ml w 1 be ouiid ooinnlelo. Kxfltnnle: H-b--. A book which every one ah'oukl read. Tho omitted letlcmare I and 1, anil when property luwrled thi. ixunnlpta wirtl la bible. DDWIDlit! Are paid lcah the very day any answer 1 round to l rwreet. To prevent oven KID U AtiUO any ai.i wnince ol Irregularity or williilon. a cupy of the orlgnul ten worili ha been depoiited In a aalety vault under aeal. tone opened March 111 wt, iis, In the preence ot wltiiew. denttorl. iimnmher Every Correct Anmver Winn A Prise. PnjIiilTinS? ThnonJectorthlMcxtranrdlnaryoflertaorojnirac toieeiire nibucrlberii tome. uuniitivnu and n large iiiumierN. e i'f""'E .,,v .vn..,. , . hi.-.N.n(ih. he aent with each answer. Thna If two worda are for onr great pair. Tills UOI.DKN-HOI). be rent iwerai l .( inuil Ik aunt, throe wordu II .6(1, tlva papes will lie mailed to aiMnmaen given. ,,..i,.,,, 1 1... vn answer bv their .iron, .n l.ii.tm abd mko all remittance payable The Golden-Rod Publishing IU3iaA.BX.J3 WALLACE Grocery, CARRY- OF ALL KINDS done at the Express Oilice. Good work and low prices. Co., of ChiciiRo, Illinois, hits dotor- require a lifetime, but "time is we are willing to pay thoBO who oney following ton word-riddles, 1 he the following For the correct answor to any SIX words, 150 00 For the correct answor to any SEVEN words, li5 00 For the correct answor to any EIGHT words, 200 00 For the correct answer to any NINE words, 226 00 Foi the correct answer to ALL of the TEN words, 800 00 you solve thorn? Romember any -IN- A lolly tree, Klowtira IiHiidwHiier purple or other eoliirti. B AN A Tmnlenl tree. Willi fru 1 in nuneiiea. R08 Flowering Imsliea. Twpiwii' fruit Wring -ATE- with each anwer, worda i.50, and so on. and l many ooplea $ tlte numberi. Send at onco and win a goand prlac. Ad to Co., 321 Dearborn St., Chicago, A-OXUVX WANTED.