'J . "v SONG. Their In na one like my liuwltt Ilor brow n Htuiwtlruu Is, And her linn tlnty are rod oliorriea, Tliatuyo invito a klm. There to noo on llkci my lrvwtai Hor hair Ih mumlilim ourled, And Itor n'oii nre auriily brlgutor Thim onlu In the world. There Ih line one like my ImhIoi Hor wlott It l hiu) olar Tlml I HtrnlKlitway dreiim o' angela Whan IIh alitor tout 1 boar. There Ih nae ono llkn my Innate, And Hhe't. kihmI an aha Ik fair) E'en hnuvon will mum morobolf When hor spirit enter there, -fluulo M. Bust In I'hilatlelih Udjret. SAVED BY A HAIR. It was a dark and stormy night with out, and 1 drew jny chair doner to the fire as I sipped my tea and regaled my self with the news of the local paper. Aa the sturm and sleet rattled furiously against the window and pedestrians hur ried by anxious to reach a place of shel ter, I felt thankful that 1 was not obliged to leave my comfortable home for the night. "What's this?" Isaid, as my eyealight ed on a startling paragraph. "Mysterious murder! Mr. John Ran dolph, one of our old and' wealthy citi zens, was this morning found dead in his room, having'been murdered during the night by some unknown person, Edgar Morton, a clerk in his employ, and who, report says, was soon to he married to bis daughter, lias been arrested for the murder, and circumstances are said to be strongly against him." Now, although 1 am usually among the first to hear of criminal news, from the nature of my business, this was the first intimation I had received that such a murder had been done, This seemed very strange, as 1 was on the very best of terms with Mr, Randolph and his whole family. "And so this is the way that Edgar Morton repays the benefactor of his youth and soon to be father! Tet, no," I cried, "I will stake my life on that young man's innocence." As 1 spoke there came a gentle tap at -the door, followed almost immediately by the entrance of a lady deeply veiled, who at once threw aside her veil, disclos ing to me the features of my deceased friend's daughter, Cecil Randolph. "Excuse me, Mr. Ferguson, for enter ing uninvited, but nrgent business must be my only exense." "Be seated, Miss Randolph," 1 said, rising and handing her a chair. "Oh, Mr. Forgusoiil" she sobbed forth, burying her face in her hands, "that I .should ever be obliged to come to you on auch an errand as this!" I endeavored to quiet her, and partially succeeded, when I drew from her what few facts she knew regarding hor father's death. "Be retired last night at the nsnal hour apparently in good spirits, and so eonnd was heard during the night to .cause any alarm. In the morning, as he failed to appear at breakfast, a servant was dispatched to summon him. Knock ing at the door and receiving no answer, he finally ogiened it and advanced into the room. What a sight did he then behold! My poor father lay upon his bed, with his throat out from eur to ear! Death must have come to him suddenly so suddenly s to prevent any outcry and the unknown assassin had no trouble in making his escape." "But," I said, "I can't Bee why any one should ausect Edgar of the mur der." "That is the most mysterious part of the sad affair. This morning, when Edgar was told of the murder, he turned very palo, reeled, und would have falleu to the ground hud not support been given him. Some of the ignorant be holders of this scene thought his actions denoted guilt, and an officer was sum moned, who at once insisted on search ing his room. A rotor, on which was several spots of blood, was found con cealed under the carpet, together with an old suit of clothes belonging to Ed gar, which was bespattered with blood. This was considered sufficient evidence to warrant his arrest, and he now lies in jail charged with the awful crime of murder. Oh, Mr, Ferguson, if you can do anything to save him, and at the ame time bring the guilty perpetrator of the deed to justice, I will amply reward you." "Do you know of any enemies of your father, or of Edgar, who would be likely to commit such a crime, either for rob bery or revonger I asked. "Oh," she replied, "it was not done for robbery, as everything in the room was as my father left it the night before. His watch and pooketbook, the latter containing a good sum of money, were found under hiu pillow, where he always S laced them; so that the crime must ave been committed to gratify a fiend ish thirst for revenge." "JJow, then, who of all your acquaint ances could do such a thing?" "I cannot possibly say. My father had not an enemy in the world, to my knowl edge, or Edgar cither unless, perhaps, it might be Conrad bmithers, my father'! bookkeeper and head clerk. But it would be iuiK)sslhle for him to do such a deed." "What reason have you for suspecting that ho is not Edgar's fneudr . "Only this: Borne time ago Conrad, whom we have always regarded as one of the family, proposed (of my nana, and I told him it was not mine to give. I siisuected as much,' he muttered. And then, while his faoe grew dark u night and Ins features assumed an ap pearance perfectly fearful, ho continued, But yon slum never become the wife of Edgar Morton while I have life to prevent it.' He then turned and abruptly left my presence. I was much alarmed and thought of speaking td my father about It, but during the after noon he returned and begged my forgive ness for the words he had used, and made such professions of Borrow in regard to them that 1 freely forgave mm, and have since thought no more of the matter." "The fact in quite olear to me, I said. "I know this fellow well and the tort of company he keeps, and I shall not be surprised to Und that he committed the murder. Now, then, I want to see the body of your father and the room in which the deed was done." "Well, Mr. Ferguson," she said, rising and preparing to accompany me, "you will find everything as it was when first discovered. The officer decided not to disturb anything nntil after the inqneet, which takes place tomorrow forenoon." Wrapping myself up in my greatcoat we set ont, and after a brisk walk of ten minutes reached the handsome residence of my companion. I was at once shown to the room of the murdered man, and then began making snch an examination as only a detective knows how to make. Circnmstances of the most trivial char acter, which would be overlooked by an ignorant person, are often seized upon by a skillful detective, and sometimes constitute the most damaging evidence of guilt. In this case, however, every thing had been done in the most skillful manner, and 1 could not succeed in mak ing any discovery. 1 was about to leave the room In de spair when, glancing toward the bed, I noticed what appeared to be a slight scratch on the neck of the murdered man just above the gaping wound which had so cruelly let out bis life's blood. On ex amination I found it to be nothing more than a hair, which had in some manner probably become loosened from the head of the assassin and had settled on the neck of the victim, where it now lay, a silent yet truthful witness, pointing ont the guilty wretch to the eye of justice. The hair was of a deep red color, which was totally unlike that of any of the household. It was, indeed, the same color and shade as that of Conrad Smithers. I placed it carefully in my pocketbook, and saying nothing to any one of my discovery, started for the residence of Bmithers, intent on doing a little acting. I found him, as his attendant said, ill in bed and on no account must he be dis turbed. "This sickness is but a stratagem," 1 thought, "to divert stiHpiciou." Telling the woman that I wanted to see him but for a moment on the most ur gent business, she finally reluctantly con sented to my entrance. 1 found him lying upon a bed, apparently in great pain. In my youth I bad studied medi cine and was consequently well informed in such mutters, and saw at once with a quick glance that be was only feigning sickness. He started up somewhat an grily as 1 entered, but I silenced him with a motion of my head. "Conrad Bmithers, this is a desperate game you are playing, but it will avail yon nothing." "What do you mean?' he exclaimed, springing to his feet, his illness all gone. "I mean that the game is up and the murderer of John Randolph is discov ered." Thrown completely off his guard, as I had anticipated, he sank into a chair, aud burying his l.toe in his hands sobbed out, "Lost! lost?' Do yon confess the murder, then?" I do," he answered, "now that con cealment is no longer of use," I took him at once into custody and soon had the satisfaction of seeing him change places with Edgar Morton. Conrad Bmithers was tned for the murder and. knowing that any defense would be useless after his confession to me, he pleaded guilty and threw himself upon the mercy of the court, which sen tenced him to imprisonment for life. It needs scarcely to be explained that the villain Bmithers had found an oppor tunity of visiting Edgar Morton's room in bis abseuce aud possessed himself of the razor and the articles of clothing. After the commission of the murder he had returned to the apartment and de posited the blood stained evidences of his crime, thus incriminating Edgar. About a year after I received an invi tation to the wedding of Cecil Randolph and Edgar Morton, who live most hap pily together and never oeased thanking me that Edgar was saved by a hair. New York Evening World. A Book for Farmer, . The United States department of ag. ricnlture has just issued "A Special Re port on the Diseusesof the Horse," whioh consists of 050 pages, including thirty. four pages of plates', among which are some of the finest colored pictures of the horse ever produced in this country. The first edition of 16,000 copies is already exhausted; the second edition, 100,000 copies, will be ready shortly. Current Literature, . The late Lord Beauchamp, of Eng land, wis always planning for the future. A week or two before his death he was in the gardeu of one of his coun try places and asked bis gardener how long a handsome avenue of trees would last. "About fifty years," said the gar doner. "Then yon must have some thing ready to take their plaoe," he said, and promptly ordered fifty young oaks to be prepared for planting. HOW PORTLAND OROWS. Anoltiar Fig Wholmalc House BmmU Started There. Mr. William M. Jnelt, formerly tn husinesa Rt Butte Mont .Mr.M. Howard lately Ponneckd "lib the National Tube Work Company of Chicago, and Mr. H. K. Homtnn, until rntly III charge of the business ol the Western Tnbe (Jompsuy ol Kewanee, 111., on thin Ooasl, have assnelaUd themselves toeelh r inder the style of theW. M . Jaok Company, for the paroose of eariyl ng on jobbliiK business In the line of wrougbt-iron pipe, DttltniK, valves and cooks fur steam, water end gas, steam puialts. hone, leather and rubber bolting. steamship, mill and engineer' supplies. With the advantage that long epertenee In these lines given, with ample capital and a thor ough knowledge of the r qulrementsof the rule mnian, in destined to become une of tbe lead' tributary to rortiaun, it imw rncvm vuai hib ing jobbing bouaea of Portland. Tbe company nncuplr-s a WO-fet t front, three stoiy, fonmodl- oua building, at 14 and lfl Front street, fitted op exprely Ui us uusinoss. First ClttMin How la It that so many Enrllsn meu flgbt shy of home role? Second CltlMro I fancy because It begins with the letter "h.1' Oar renders will Mm them Helves by noticing the remarkable offerings advertised in another colnran by tbe Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. of Menlo Park and San Fran trisoo, who are leaden on the coast in far Dishing everything for the farm and garden. " Money tak," nM ParreTNewporponsly. " Very true," whs the reply " but it doesn't t i wayii tijlak before it npeks " State or Ohio, City of Tolido, ( JilJIiAH IJOUNTY, , Frank J, Chunky nrnkei oath that he ii the nenior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & do., doing biihlneM in the oity of Toledo, ommty and Mate RfoiwHiil. and that said firm will pay Ibemim of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every caae of natarrh that cannot be cured Vslr tha 11 HA ft! Hll.l'HafATAKRH C KB. FRANK J. C HENRY. Rwnni tn hfnr me and BiibtMiribed In mv prfwenee thin ttto day of December, A. D. 1x86, 1 Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care Is tutcn internally, and antH dlreotly ou the blood and munouti surface of th ivittem. Hend for ttwttmontftU, free. F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, 0. ,ff Sold by druRgi-t; 76 oeuts. For new and old BACK. CHILIAN QI'ANO, etc., write Evikuino & Farbrll, Portland, ur. Tit 811x11 for breakfast Dae Knamellna Sure Pollen ; no dan, no small. FACE AND novas show it, If rou're a healthy woninn. They'll hive i beauty of their own, no matter what your features. Perfect health, with its clear skin, rosy cheeks, and blight eyes, Is enough to make any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. That rciruliites and promotes all the proper functions of wo manhood, improves diges tion, enriches the blood, dis pels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health, flesh and strength. For periodical pains, prolapsus and other displacements, bearing-down sen sations, and "female complaints" gen erally, It Is so effective that it can be puaranfeci If it doesn't benefit or cure, vou have your money back. Is anything that isn't sold in tills way likely to b. "just ai good." frRTBAT fVlTTOH xlyt whore all others falL Cougha. Croup. Bora Throat) fioaraeneaa, Whooping Cougn ana Aathma, For ConaumptloD it orb no rival: hooping Cough and tLoD it orb no rival: has cured thouaaada, and will CURB TOO if taken in time. Sold Dy Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chot, use bHlLOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTliRJ&c. SHlLOH'SAtATARRH Have you CauuTb Thla remedy la a-uaran-teed to cure you. rtoe,Wota. lujeotorfrea, A Pure Norwegian oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Hypophos phitesof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. colt's Emulsion will check,. Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Pr.pnr.rt hr Sott Rnwns. N. Y. All drtt.Klata. toots., and ..i'rja H ill n-' tl.UUpurlMloTVI I H sV One cent a dose. fit I Cm, From 10 to 40 PER CENT DISCOUNT TO AGENTS. Agents wanted in every town in Oregon and Washington to sell the leading BICYCLES ! BICYC LES ! In all grades manufactured in America. New and second-hand machines from $20 up. Cash or on install ments. Write for catalogues and terms. FRED T. MERRILL, Pioneer Dealer of the Pacific Coast, 326 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Free 'Cycling Academy in west wing of Exposition building. NATURE'S StTRKST ALU. If ' nature did i ot struggle against disease, even In weakly constitutions, awiit indeed would be tbe course of a malady to Us fatal termina tion, while nature Uui struggiee let us, I st worse befall us, aid her effort with Judicious medicinal help. Ksperlence must be our guide in battles with disease, and that "lamp to our feet" Indicates Hosietter's stouiacb Bitters as a safe, tried and thorough ally of nature. If the bl ed be lnieciel with bile, if tbe bowels and stomaoh are Inactive, if the kidneys fall to ex pel Impurities of which they are tbe natural outlet, a coarse of the Bitters ,is tbe surest reli ance of the sufferer, one, moreover, that Is sanc tioned by professional Indorsement aud use for nearly bait a century. No Ameruuu or foreign remedy has earned greater distinction as a rem edy for and preventive of chrome liver com plaint, malaria, constipation, kidney and rheu matic trouble and debility. He You are always talking through your hat and always "bout tbe same thiug. She Perhaps It's because It's always tbe same hat. . PROOF OF MERIT. The proof of the merits of a plaster is the cures it effects, and the voluntary tes timonials of those who have used All oock's Pobous Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should convince tbe most skeptical. Self-praise is no recom mendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Beware of imitations and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All dof'K's, and let no solicitation or explana tion induce you to accept a substitute. Lieutenant (at a ian y ball to hi partner) -Allow me, Mitw X , to admire your charming lit- t.e feei! Really, what a pityaw you buveu't louroi mem. Tne (rood reputation of "frown' J?ron-l chiat Troche" for the relief of coughs, colds i and throat diseases has given them a favor 1 able notoriety. 1 The Boston Girl Do manv Chicairo men live ' by tbe pen? The Chicago Girl Oh, yes. out at lae hock yaraa; toisoi mem. ' BCPTCBM AND PILES CCKD. WeMsltivelvenre rupture, nlles and all rec tal diaeaaes without pain or detention from busi ness, ho care, no pay. Alao all Private dia eaaes. Address for pamphlet Dra. Porterfleld A Loser, 888 Market itroet- San Francisco. What killed TunelT overwork?" 'No. over play. He woie himself out practicing on the pia o." Hercules Gas Engine IUAB Utt U&B)UaXAJGJ Matt lor Power or Pumping Purposw. Th. Cbaapnt Ballabla Gas KnglM oathailaclbM. Out of Enqihi am Push Hor irapllclty It Beau the World. It oils luelf from a Reservoir, Ko Carburetor to get out of oideew So Batteries ot Klectrfo Spark. It rata) wW a Cheaper Grade of OasoUua than a KD FOB CATAIXTJS TO PALMER & REY, Manufacturer, 41. Uqhm Strut, Su Fraimi,fiaL AND PORTLAND, OKKOON. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY BucoMor of tba "Lnabridged." Ten years ipent in revising, 100 editors employed, more than $3W,U0(J expended. A Grand Educator Abreasl of the Timet A Library la Itself Invaluable tn the household, and to the teacher, processional man. aelf-educators A.ek your Book&ellerto show it to yon. Published by a. . C.MERRIAM CO.,8rMSGmLD.aTAsa.,U.B.A. .iM.a.-i aa nisnainauitnsi aAnta. Tllna anaV-lmiUl. pap, MuBtretlooe, toetluioiiialB, etc , C C-IK) DO! Dliy rpno 01 uatni cuiuuua. f CHINA PHEASANTS Wanted In pairs, for breeding purposes. Write immwl lately, stating lowest ca&n pi ice, to BOX 131, Portland, Or. RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. Astoria. Oregon. January 10. I can state with pleasure tbat by the use of MOORE'S REVEALKD REMEDY my husband wa relieved Irom an old case of RHEUMATISM aud my youngest boy oured. entirely of INFLAMMATORY RHEU MATItlM when the best doctorl could get did him uo good. Yurg In gratitude, ' MRB. M. V. S1EELK. SOLD RY YOUR DRUGGIST. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO Hood'sCures Saved My Wife's Life Weakness, Nervoutneit, Rheum. Salt tTohn W. Jtnet Kalama, Vf ash. "Of my own free will and accord, unbiased by anyone, and wishing only to do good to the afflicted, I wish to tell of the good qualities o( Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Mis. I think there are no medicines equal to them, and hare proven uieir merit y exnenencn m ii family. My wife, Kachel, has been aBlcUid with weakness, nervousness, and salt rheum. I spent nearly all that I bad of this world's goods lor a,M!U)r s inns auu .irmuuiw 11111,1 wju to try Hood's sarsaparllla. It undoubtedly Saved My Wife From the Crave. The salt rheum has entirely healed and she Is ml.rrS t Rm4 atexllk. I tisva many friends and relatives in the east who will ha glad to know that Hood's Sarsaparilla Has cured my wife," Johk V. Jokis, Kalama, wasn. uei tiwio, HaiD'e Pill anri.r ran, asslrdi!iitloii. cor. headache. Tit a boa. SH. The Sower Baa no Kvond chance. The Hrnt supplies hie needs If he i takes tue wise precaution of i 1 planting Ferry's Seed k Ferry neen Annani wr i, m tfonusinri mi me mtesi twu treat i MnrormKtlunalioutUai'ciensRiHl ' (iiinienlna. .It ia a recounlwd ' authority. Every planter should hit ve It. Sent I'ree on request f D. M. FEUHV A0., Detroit, Mlcfc.1 FRAZER AXLE BestintheWorld! GREASE Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! YOU NO MENI Tha Specific A No. I. Com, without fall, all cases of fioston hce aid UIMt, no maltf-r of bow long suiullug. Prevents stricture, H bplnjr an In ternal remedy. Cures when everjrtbioi elM bas failed. Hold by all Druejriats. MuiiufuctarennTlwA,r3cluieiiheInndjcliis prt. 3.M. Co., Baa Jose, Ul. BLOOD POISO? ACOPPIA1 TV Primary, Becond jr LtlAL I I aryor'lWtinryBy plillls iermaiieiilly cured (n DUtoflU diiys. Wo eilm inntenll puiBun from the system.') that there cun never bo a return of thediMeaBe. You cut but rusted at home for the same price and under the sume iruarmitees, but with those whu prefer tooomehure and payenttreeipenseof comliiR, railroad fure and hot el bills, If we liiil to cure.ir yu huve taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and allll huTeacliesand palna. Ui,i,B Dutnhua in 11 an Ml Riird ThrfJIlt. PIlUDlM. Copper-Colored Spota. Ulcers on any pnrt of the body.HalrorKyebrowafalliiDiout. Itl8thls8jphit- lllo Blood Poison that we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obstinate anus and onalietiRe the world f'lracasewe cannot cure. This disease hae always baffled tbe skill of the moat eminent phyaU stalls. A leva I guarantee to cure or refund money. Absolute proofs aent sealed on application. Addrea COOK REMEDY CO.. Naaonio Temple. Chicago, III. Biff O la the acrnowieture leading; remedy for ail foe on natural dischargee aatal prlvatedteeasesof men, A eertalBcnre for the deft! lib tatlng weakaeaa neiiiM to women. Vy ipreacriiMltaadfetlaaslI lEHinai no. tn reeommenauw m we ' ail enmrera, J. flTOHFR.HO.OfBimiA, rausjj XVBIlaM. Hornhlna Habit Gnred In 1A to ad dare. Nu pay til) onred. vTtxriiENi, Lenanon.uhto Jr jronrealnJ riTotiDAYfl.Tl ttaiiulNliMtn I 8 MMavkMi. Ill . nrr t 1 THt twit sl npiiiii I VI IWailDRsJ