The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 24, 1893, Image 6

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    B. T. KIKKPATKICK. Publisher.
Warm Contest in Arizona's Legis
lature Over Irrigation.
Shipments of Winter Vegetables From
Southern California to the East
In Carload Lots.
The Southern Pacific if to have a new
depot at Grant's Fan, Oi.
Phoenix, A. T., report! that rain 1b
tailing, the firtt in nearly one year,
Fresno voted against the issue of $75,
000 bonds to complete Its sewerage sys
tem. British Colombia has imposed a die
eoant of 20 per cent on American silver
Portland's fine passenger station will
tie completed Dy August, iwi it is to
cost wu,uuu.
The Banker HiU and Sullivan mines,
the largest silver producer in the Co; or
tVAlenes, have shut down.
A traveling insurance agent has done
np the farmers of Bingham county,
Idaho, by issuing spurious policies.
The majority of the Indiana on the
Has Perces reservation have signed an
agreement for the opening of the reser
Borne of the people of Boise City
Idaho, are opposed to the railroad enter
ing that town on account of the smoke
killing toe trees.
In Lower California enongh rain has
fallen to insure good crops, thonnh the
dioughtwas beginning to be severely
nil au over tne peninsula.
In the United States District Court at
Portland Peter Grant, a sai ore' board-ing-honse
runner, was convicted of har
boring deserting seamen, and was fined
There la a warm contest in the Arisona
Legislatnra over the passage of an irri
gation bill, whose features are somewhat
. similar to the California laws on the
same subject.
It is thought that the bed f the Fraser
, river in British Columbia is rich with
deposits of gold, and an attempt will be
made during the coming snmmer to se
cure a portion of this wealth.
Governor HeConneU of Idaho openly
stated in a letter to the District Attorney
that members of the Legislature of that
Htate were bribed, and that information
will be furnished to secure convictions.
Brad street's Mercantile Agency reports
twenty-one failures in the Pacific Coast
States and Territories for the past week,
as compared with twelve for the previous
week and fourteen for the corresponding
period of 1882.
Utah's total gold output for 18(11 was
131,044; for 1802, 131,926; showing an
increase of $282. The silver output for
1801 was 8,760,362 ounose; for 1K92 it
was 7,702,260; showing an decrease of
im.uto ounces.
W. H. Winn, who went toPhcenix, A.
T., some time ago and took lodging with
two widows there, has not' been seen
since Friday last. The ladies gave him
VlQ to pay his furniture bill. He failed
to return. Winn WW contractor form
erly of Los Angeles.
The Nevada Legislature has adjourned, 1
attti a bill reducing the salaries of State
officers is found to be missing. The
State Controller says the journals show
it passed and he thinks It will hold good.
It will be entered in the statute book.
with certification that the original was
Captain Eackett. the well-known
sealer, at Victoria, B. C, says that Brit
ish Columbia vessels will give Bearing
Bea a verv wide berth, not became thev
are afraid of the United States govern
ment, but because they agree with what
the home government is doing.
The Arisona Construction Company
of Peoria, 111., baa brought suit against
the una oend tteeervoir and irrigation
Company, whose ofhces are at Tucson,
and the City Bank of Los Angeles, at
which bank obligations in trust against
real estate and water Irancbises of the
canal dam are held.
One of Portland's wealthy business
men, who owns an acre above the Will
amette Falls on the west aide, is con
templating building upon it a veritable
castle of delight. One of the most im
portant features is to be a huge dancing
hall, out ot which wide glass doors will
open upon a broad piazza.
Chas. F. Kidd, alias Frank M. Rogers,
who. while express agent at Collinnton.
Utan, under an assnmed name ordered
over $21X0 worth of diamonds from a Den
ver firm to be sent by express C. 0. 1)..
and when the jewels arrived opened the
package and, taxing the gems, departed
for other parts, has been captured at
Lansing, Mich.
A. C. Cleveland of Nevada, one of the
original promoters of the San Francisco
and Great Salt Lake road, hae great faith
in the enterprise, and secured five years'
extension of the right of way across Ne
vada and Utah to Salt Lake and Ogden,
and also thesame extension on the bonus
offered by the State of Nevada of tSMJUO
lor every mile oi road completed, lie it i
- ;.. TT...I. I
now in Utah.
The Wages Paid to Chinese Laborers In
China Buggy With Pneumatii
Tired Bicycle Wheels,
The four great ocean routes employ
1,100 steamships.
All the street cars of Toledo are pro
pelled by electrioity,
Less than 1 cent Is the value of the
raw material in a violin.
More than 200,000 men are employed
mi American journalism.
A New York Central locomotive is to
go eighty-two miles an hour.
There were 600,000,100 passengers on
American ranroaos last year.
About 4,000 miles of railroad track
were laid during the last year.
A 1 J t. .
a warviauu canning lactory put up
i,uw,uw cans oi corn last season.
Chicagoans expect a 10.000,000
rrunu rair revenue irom cash admis
The contract for the construction of
the South Gila canal in Arisona has iust
uava m. iiib wore wnen completed
will coat 12,000,000.
An English company haa been incor
porated with $15,000 capital to manu
facture electric bicycles. The storage
battery is to be used.
An Englishman haa invented annmhl-
nation folding bad billiard table, settee,
table and bureau all taking up no more
room than an upright piano.
Notwithstanding the fact that th
neeiern union Telegraph Company has
over 730.000 miles of wire and naarl
21,000 offices, it opens an average of 6C0
uvw vuices annually.
The twin- screw and triple-screw steam
ships with improved enginee develop
more power with lees coal than the single-screw
engines. The Etruria burnt
aoout soo tons a day.
Engineers are discussing a
sge project, for a better supply of water
to the Erie canal, involving a dam 130
eat in neigot across the Genesee river
at a con oi iz,ybo,ooo.
It is stated that in England those parts
of locomotives which are liable to rust
are made of galvanised iron, and that
this includes the inside of tender tanks
ana also tne coal spaces.
Nine cents a mile is theooat the Ninth.
avenue (New York) street-ear Una ra.
cently ran a storage-battery experiment
car ior. xne car weigued six and one-
nan tons, and earned 144 storage cells.
A clerk in a bicycle store in Kansas
uuy nas ueeigned and is building a new
buggy with pneumatic-tired bicycle
wheela and a number of lmnmvamanta
calculated to add strength, lightneesand
Carroll D. Wright, chief of the nniraH
States bureau of statistics, reporte that
waimo in oiassacnnsects avenue si .71 tn
every dol ar paid in England, while the
coat of the same mode of living is $1.17
nere m J in tog I ana.
An alkaloid prepared from- atronine
(an active principle of belladonna),
which is used by onthalmin annrenna in
expand the pupil of the eye, is said to
sell for (2,100 a pound. The coat is of
risen enough to make one epen his eyes.
The wages naid te Chineaa lahnrara In
China are about 0 pence per diem, with
rations, xne worsen are easily eon
tented, demanding only the plainest of
food, while for housing they are satisfied
in winter to creep altogether nnder a
long, low mat shed with a aolid hank tn
tne north wind.
Within a aix-mila radina ol dharinn
Cross, London, there are 270 miles of
railway and 265 stations, and within a
twelve-mile radius over 400 miles of line
ana sui stations. The averaire nnm nr
of passengers carried on a week day by
the public conveyances of London, in
cluding omnibuses, is 2,500,000. The
total lor last year was 777,000,000.
Young Men Managing Politics in South
Carolina President Barrios Has
an American Wife.
John L. Stevens, the United States
Minister to Hawaii, used to edit the
rkenneoec Journal with James G. Blaine.
Congressman Newlands of Nevada will
be the only member of the next House
who waa elected on the straight-out
sliver question.
Mrs. Langtry and the Duchess of Mon
trose have joined John Strange Winter's
no-crinoune league. The league now
numbers over 11,000 members.
George Wheatland, who died at Salem,
Mass., the other day at the age of 89,
was a contemporary at the bar of Web
ster, wnoate, Uurtu and Jeremiah Ma
son. ,
President Barrios of Guatemala has
an American wife. It is said that she
practica ly rules the Republic. She is
tne leader oi ait woman movements in
that country.
Death has no terrors for Mrs. Annie
Besant. What the majority of mankind
regard as a theory to be dreaded she de
fines as "a choice relief from the burden
of the flesh."
Bishop E B. Hendrix, one of the moat
ehqnent Bishops of the Methodist
Church (South), will preach the com
mencement sermon at the Vanderbilt
University In June.
Madame O'Rorke, Mother Superior of
the Convent ot the Sacred Heart. Provi
dence, B. I., who died a few days ago,
was the widow of Colonel O'Rorke, one
of the most gallant heroes of Gettys-
Dr. McOosb has sent 11.260 to the con
gregation of the East Free Chnrch at
Brechin, H. J., of which he was at one
time minister, to heip any deserving
young man connected therewith in bis
studies ior the ministry of the Free
Tennessee Murderer Drops Dead
on the Witness Stand. .
Cleveland's Cabinet Comprised of Lawyers
With One Eiceptin Woman
Suffrage In Wyoming.
The Kansas City car famine has about
Leavenworth, Kan., is to have an elec
tric railroad.
The Nebraska Legislature is consider
ing an anti-Pinkerton bill.
A woman-suffrage amendment will be
submitted to Kansas voters.
A big migration of farmers from Illi
nois to the Northwest is in progress.
Ten carloads of beer were shipped to
nasnington ior use during tne Inaugura
The West End electric street railroad
of Boston talks ol tunneling the Com'
A strike of oil near Parkersburg. W.
v a , is creating a great deal ot excite
ment there.
On the Hawaiian annexation Question
Cleveland's views, if he haa any, are
Ex-Secretary Foster estimates that
there will be 117.000.000 free gold In the
treasury on July 1 next.
Louisville street railway capitalists are
preparing to gobble up the street railway
system of Springfield, III.
Troops have gone to the Cherokee
Strip, and will keep it clear until the
opening ol the land to settlement.
The Cherokee newspapers are kicking
vigorously at the prospect of being
tnrown in witn uxianoma as a Htate.
The New York Senate has passed the
bill appropriating 1300,000 additional for
the State exhibit at the World's Fair.
The Brooklyn police anthoritles have
decided thai no more professional boxing
matcnes win ne permitted in that city.
The prospects of a strike of switchmen
on the Michigan Central are favorable.
A demand for an increase of wages has
been made.
General Beauregard's estate in Louis!-'
ana is said to be worth nearly $2,000,000.
This is exclusive of his realty interests
in St. Louis.
Dolly Johnson, Mr. Harrison's colored
cook, remains in the White House nnder
Mr. Cleveland, lliere is going to be an
other era of civil service.
There is a prospect of a oomnromiie
in the Arkansas Legislature, by which
an appropriation of 120,000 will be made
ior an exnioit at the VYorid'a Fair.
The forty-sixth annual report of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company shows
gross earnings, main line and branches,
ot 142,1150,540, and a net income of 110,-
The House of the Indiana Legislature
has passed a bill prohibiting the working
of the train hands of any railroad in the
State for more than twenty-four consec
utive hours at a time.
Itiareported from Chattanooga. Tenn..
that the negroes of the southeast are
preparing tor a general exodus to the
West anil Northwest, where they eipeot
to secure email farms.
The enormous rates demanded by the
insurance companies for insuring hotels
erected for World's Fair purposes have
driven proprietors to form a mutual fire
insurance company ol their own.
Somebody has called Mr. Clave-
land's Cabinet a bar association, because
every man in it except Dan Lainont is a
lawyer. No other Cabinet in recent
times has contained so many lawyers
It Is reported irom Chicago that a syn
dicate has been formed, having a capital
of $4,500,000, to purchase twenty eight
Detroit breweries. The combine will lie
able, it is said, to produce 825,000 bar
rels of beer annually.
The Senate of the Minnesota Legisla
ture has passed a bill to amend the con
stitution by providing for a tax of not
more than 5 per cent on all inheritances
above such sum as the Legislature in its
discretion may exempt.
The New York case of Mrs. Violet
Ward Vanderbilt against her father-in-
law, Captain Jacob Vanderbilt, for
alienation of her husband's affections to
the extent of $100,000 has been settled
out of court and finally dismissed.
The Wyoming State Legislature has
passed a concurrent resolution of confi
dence in woman inflrage and directed
the Governor ol the State to send copies
of the resolution to every State and
every legislative body in the world.
The Supreme Court hat refused the
application of the Illinois Central Kail
way Company for a reopening ol the
Chicago Lake-front case ; also the case
of the Southern Pacific, involving title
to land grants in Southern California,
which was recently decided.
Under the new diplomatic and con
sular bill just passed the President will
have the power to designate as Ambas
sadors all Envoys Extraordinary and
Ministers Plenipotentiary to lornign
courts, the new title being regarded as
more high-sounding than the old.
The ovclone in Georgia. Alabama. Mis
sissippi and Louisiana did great damage,
and more than 100 people were killed.
It followed the track of what is known
as the Harris county track, which since
1804 has been visited periodically by de
structive cyclones, and they have always
left a trail ol death behind.
President Cleveland Sends a Message
to the Senate Withdrawing the
Hawaiian Treaty.
The first postmaster given ollloe under
the new administration is Newton A.
Hamilton, who was appointed postmas
ter at Flora, Tenu. .........
Secretary Morton has appointed Don
aid Maccuaig of Nebraska City, Neb.,
chief clerk of the Agricultural Depart
ment, vice Henry Casiam resigned.
AM the prominent officials ot the Treas
ury Department, including the Aailsiant
neoreiary, Uommlseioners ol lmerpal
Kevenue, Comptrollers and all the Aud
itors, excent Patterson and Fiahar. hav
verbal ly tendered Seoretary Carlisle their
Secretary Carlisle has accepted the
proposition of the Denver clearing home
to iei ine government have $l,ouo,0il0 In
gold for a like amount of treasury nntaa.
He has taken no steps toward Isnnng
oonas, and has not indicated what pol
toy be will pursue.
Secretary Carlisle haa received offers
from Ohlnaon hank t nh.n.. t't .
000,000 of gold for a likeamountof small
treasury notes, with Intimations that
probably $10,000,000 will be warned on
the same terms. Carlisle will forward
the small notes at once. Several other
offers ot gold In exchange for small
treasury notes have been made. Rank
ers ol Cincinnati offered $1,000,000, ot
which $000.1100 was accepted. Other of
fers of small quantities came from hank
ers in Kentuoky, Illinois and Missouri.
TreaaiirerNebeckeriamuch pleased with
the turn affairs have taken, and has de
clared sufficient offers of gold have been
received to absorb all the small notes on
President Cleveland the other morn
ing sent to the Senate a masaaire with
drawing the Hawaiian treaty pending in
the Senate. The message waa short,
simply requesting the Senate to trans
mit lo the Executive the proposed treaty
with Hawaii. '1 he message was received
without comment on the floor of the
Senate. The Republican lenatore re
gard this action asm line with thecomas
pursued by Cleveland in withdrawing
the Nicaraguan treaty.aentto the Senate
by President Arthur in the closing days
of his administration. The Democratic
Senators look upon the act from a two
fold point of view, some taking the
ground that it shows Cleveland isagalnst
annexation or American domination of
any sort in the Hawaiian Islands, while
others hold be will send in another
treaty more to his liking.
In the case of Cantain Pharos B. Brn.
baker of North Dakota, imprisoned in
Hpanish Honduras, the President has
transmitted to the Senate in compliance
with Its resolution of the lid Instant a
report from Secretary Gresham giving
ail the information in the department
relative to the case. The naners show
that Secretary Foster September 30 tele
graphed Minister Pachevo to look into
the matter. October 10 Paoheeo for
warded a telegram from Secretary of War
Alvarado of Honduras, saying Brubaker
was one of those who took no arms
against the government and captured
TruxilloJune 26. When the uprising
was put down. Brubaker waa cantnrad
and tried nnder the Honduras laws and
sentenced to seven years' imprisonment,
which he is now undergoing at Ouroa.
It projects for roads thrnnoh fthtn all
become established facts, the wearv nas-
senver will soon be able to travel over
100 miles in a line on a street car.
George Woods, the negro wlf-mnr.
derer at Spokane who was sentenced to
twenty years' imprisonment, told bis
lawyer he did not want a new trial, ad
ding: "I will lose my neck if I am tried
H. R. Hyde,
Carpets! Carpets!
. We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING. V, lllla t,iil.!
or day.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
W. P. READ, President. OK.O. Y. HIMPHON, Vice-President. J, 0. WIUTHMAN, Seoretary
J. L. COWAN, TreaAurer. IS. A. Jill. NEK,
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company
ctiiel Justice of Bupreaie court.
Hon. J. W. (JIISIOK, Banker,
linn. J. K, WKATHKKFOKU. Attnriu-at.Li.
J. O. WM'iUMAN. Knq., Canltallat.
No twO'thinls. throe-lonrtlis. tliirtv or sixtv-dxv
Willamette valley Land company.
policies. The Farmers' and Marelnnu' lnturanne ''ominny nays the full amount ol loss ni. to '
trie amount Insnred. The an cr bers to the nan till iiikiIi onn.lii. .,1 ( . X " f ' ?
SPlf"alotarltUrU"y' p'1Jr8luUM nl1 w"S""".
To gnard against a deficit Henderson
warns this administration to give doner
attention to "moonshiners" and the
"wiiiekyrlng" in the collecting of in
ternal revenue than it did Irom 1885 to
1880, when it collected $61,000,(128 leas
than President Arthur and 1J6,868,542
less than President Harrison. He save
the retiring administration paid 29l,
810,081 nn the public debt, saving in in
terest $56,362,408 annually. He onched
on pensions, showing that the pension
bureau rolls will reach their highest
point December 81, 18U4, with 1,101,1118
names on the rolls, including Invalids,
widows, orphans and dependent parents,
the annual value of the rolls at that date
being $165,806,01141 that in IHIIi them
will be diopped from the rolls 44,HH2
pensioners, with sn Increasing ratio
thereafter. Referring to the complaint
against widows' pnsions, he shows, if .
ail the widows' claims yet undisposed of
were allowed, there would be 709,83
dead soldiers unrepresented on the tolls
by widows, orphans or dependent par
ents. He also points out the danger to
the treasury from war claims, and says
Congress now has the data to show that
about $000,000,000 may yet be drawn
from it to satisfy their demands. Hen
derson refers to the defeat of the bank
rupt bill in the House, the hurlal of the
pure-food bill, the slaughter of the anti
option bill, Congress' inability to grap
ple with the monev aueatlon. Its silent
admiration of the McKinley bill, and
predicts mat the r ntysecnnd Oongrese
will go down to history aa the 11 fell AW.
nothim " and "tlonothma " Conrea.
The Shasta Route
Kxpress trains Inve Portland dally:
7:00 r. a.lI(vr..'..l'iirlliiiid...'""..Ar .1 V'STa"'
I0:ffl r. H. U Albany Ar. :D . a',
a. a.lAr dim Fraiiflmn.l.T. 7:M) r. a.
Tllu HlKjvu trains stmi uiilv at lliii iiillnwin
stations unrth ot ItiMtjImre: Hut Pnrtlnml or.
win city. Wmxllinni. Halt, Allianv. lauKent,
Hliwilil. Ilalsey, HarrlsliltrK, JitliutloiitHty, Irvlna
and Kuwue.
::I0 Jk. :!... .
KM r. H.ll.y...
6M r. a.iAr..,
....Portland ..Ar,
....Albany ..Ar.
4 'JO r. I.
U:) r. a.
7:00 A. H.
Alnaiiy toeal-rtally (exoent miinlay).
BIWr. M.ILv I'orHatie..,
:uur. a Ar Alliany
horal tmsmngsr Iratns-ilalty (t-xi-otit Hnmlay).
i: r. a.iuv Altuuiy Ar.'ie ii a. a.
!m r. a, Ar Ulmnnu l.v.; t 111 a. a.
8:10 A. H.ll.v Allwny Ar, San t. .
lltOfl A. M.IAr Uilianoii..... hv.t l-.w r. M.
tlltirng liars on (ratten UnitM.
ri'LLiiAK ntirrcT ai.iei-Kit
Oooonil-Clasa Moopliur Vara Attached lo
All Through Tralna.
Rarwaaa PoariiAND and CeavAUje.
Malltraiti -dally (exeeiitHiinday):
. l"ir...i'irtlud.......Ar. I SMXm
12:10 r. h.J Ar........,(iorallis I.v. K: r. a,
At Albany and tlorvaliis oontieilt wita trains
of Ortwuu rat!lflu rallniad.
Kxpnws train rtsllv 'exeunt Hunilay):
1:10 r.
7::tn r.
I l.y..
mid KtimtH Mti he ulitNimxl tu iowuM rait (rum
I. A. lltiiiuetttHKent, Ubitum..
K. KOKHLKR, Matiagm
S. P. ROOK KM. Ant. U. F, Pttu. AneuL
Hon. J, L. OOWAN,
W. F. KKAD. Kho., Merchaut.
D. R. MONTRrVH. ttaaltalM
U. K.HIll'H0N,Ksq.,Caiitil.t.
nlmn, In ti.n l.i 1 u.'.A . .......
! Urgeet amount bald bVailujle individual