The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 24, 1893, Image 1

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One your $2 oo
(If M lu uciumrit, SI W pur your.)
Bix montln. ..... , , 1 m
Three montlm . . . )
SiuRle enileh , , 06
Secret Societies.
LMIANOS UilKiK, NO. 47. !. (I. 0. F.-Meel
every Hiitiirilny evoliiilR at Grid FhIIowh Hall, nt
o'olonli li. in.
A. A. KEES, N. li.
W.C.l'KTEItMW, Hoot''.
rF-ARLRFBlOTA LohflR, NO. 47. I. 0. 0. R
MeelK Hi I. 0. 0. F Hull Una MKl third WedlKiii
day uvoiilUK ill oiteli miiiltli .
Lrhano 1-oiwl:, No. 44 A. F, & A. M. Meet
Saturday ovontiiff. on or before the nill moon In
wuli month.
K. E. HMt.iiK. W. M,
V, M. Mui.ttu, Sec,
noorbnuuK. V. IK A. 0, 1', W. MeotH every
TuuHday evening ul . A . R. IlttH.
1)K. J. A. L.vMlti:itMN, M. W.
J. H. Tllosnwnll, Hoc, .
(fBK'l, Mkkhwi CIAMI'. No, 111, niv ofOltEtrio
flown K Vtff'Ji. Mft in.ti, A. U. Hall, Lelmmm,
Or., nvorj' Saturday cvoiiIiik. exeeil the tlilnl
flamrdav nfnaiih month. ineollnR the third Fri
day llnrtoad. All lirochero of the Hon of Vet
ramt anil tionirHtU'Hof thi' H. A. it. are cordially
invited to meet with tltu Camp.
(!. 1), llOTAtlCE, Oapt.
. A. Oka jai,1h Flmt Bejtl.
Weatberford & Cbamberlain,
Attorney - at- Law,
Attorney -at - Law,
ColleeHon P'on timmpt and nun-nil attention, .
Will irl lu nil Hie uourt or the stale. I
order, tv (ih'ktnkVh lmtOK. I
Likhanon, Ohhuon.
St. Charles Hotel,
Cnrner .Itidn imtt Streets,
V. C. Kai i.knkh, Froji,
First-CIass in all Apartments.
Hpydul ntU'Uikni puul If Iknxi
; iniTciiil ini'ii.
liwanl ittid Luriing, per dvyfl $1 to
2; per week $4.5iHo$tt
Successor to E. L. McClure.
Shaving -.Parlor,
lu HiiiimiiimI'm New
liiiildiii if .
First-Close ArtuU in, attend
ance. Hot and Cold Bwtlus with
Shower at (MUiqea,
Yovjk Pat konage Soliciteuu
Your reiil mime muni accompany
every coiniiiuiilcnlinn or ir will cer
tiilnl.v hi, ti Hut "waste IwHkcf." We
do not vant your wiine for publica
tloii, but. n, guarantee of food raiih.
Rev. Norton Is ronrlnrtiiK a series of
mot'rtnt! al Mills City, V. Ml Bratnl.pton of
tli is place assisting him.
Mr. and Mrs. A. We went to Lebanon
Monday on business.
Mr. Cooper la tn poor health this wittier.
Mr. Cuss Scott is quite HI.
J. W.and Mrs. Geo were tin1 guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Hcoot Sunday,
The general health of this community is
good excepting bad colds and rheumntisiii.
Grand Horse Show.
f he citizens of Lebanon are making
extennlve preparations for a grand
stallion and yearling show ou Satur
day, April 8th Wd. Liberal 1st and
2nd jtrtas will lie given ou stallions
and yt-urHnge. The committee, con
sisting of Messrs. Westfttl!, Smith and
Bltyeu, are busily engaged in making
the necessary arrangements.
A generul invitation is extended to
Ihe people of Linn county and else
where. Come everybody and see the
fine homes.
Come and bring your neighbors and
enjoy yourselves one day In the pros
perous city of Lebanon,
For further particulars see posters,
which tvlll be sent to ditferent parts of
the county.
Easter, Programme'
The iolloffiitg tfugra lime will be Bencler
ed at the M. E. church on Sunday evt3iing,
April 2, Mtt:
1. Murk; Anthem.
I'ruysr &ttoT
3, Bcripture Lohsou,
4. ftjiig Congregation.
6. Jntruittit'tory Address Nellie Itandle.
6. ChisH KnsrcujeM rs. liryants ClflBB,
7. Alusie Quartette.
8. Adiirftss J. W, Menzles
9. Class KxertttH'MrB. I'olliB' Class.
10. M usic Iluet,
11. KecitationJt-wett Pitnpsoii,
12. Ksftty H. K. Mlchener,
W. Music Kolo.
14. Kuritulion.
15. CIuhs Kxurcise -MisB Grid's Class.
J(i. iMuic.uirteUe.
17. Kdciittttou it u Kubter Legend.
18. Closing Adilreas Bessie Warner.
111. Col reel ion,
20. Music Csiiyn;j;adoii.
21. liuuedietiou.
tiiiwt Arrived.
' l)lrH!t from KttHteru nitinufucturere
! wime of the MenU'Bt mouumeiitw ever
; brought to Ailisny, Lntwt designs
i UM'il in the East, Call tit once and
: make u seltxtMmi us the bvst will tie
'gone heft ire Di't't'l'utioii LViy. At JE.
V. Acliisou &V. ;
TJ e Latent.
1 tttti now reviving my sjiiing .ami
summer slock 'f tli'eMH jroods, novel
ties in wtush goods anil wool fabrics. .
Al'owiy, Oregon.
t'y I'll..
All persons knowing themselves in
debtel to me will plettse cull and set
tle at oitoe as I uuMieeding my money.
Transacts a General Banking Business.,
. Bichange sold on New Ytjrl;t5aii Francis-
TO, and Portland and Albany, Oregon.
Oollactions made m tavorable terms.
M.irffnn tt.Hnm'l Tilal Ket Axirtl
4, al a Nfiectat Tei m-
Morgan Wussom was taken Into the
eniirt riKitit last Thursday evetiingand
Hie indictment charging him with
murder in Hie first degree was read to
him by district attorney McClalu.
Morg's fuee assumed a deadly pallor
and during the reading he kept his
eyes upon the fbor. He talked some
time with his futher and attorneys be
fore being tnken hack to jail. He
was brought back in on Friday morn
ing and plead dot guilty.
An application for a continuance
was made, a showing being made that
an Important witness by the name of
E. Milbredt, who is now in Indepen
dence, Kansas, will swear tbatOrubb
threatened to kill the defendant. After
the argument of the motion to
continue, the case was set for trial at 1
o'clock on April 24, at a special term to
be called for that purpose,
Wassum has been real sick since he
has been confined, and is looking pale
and nervous.
Grand Jury's RepSrt.
The grand jury for the'March term
of circuit court has concluded its busi
ness and made the following report:
To the Honorable Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of Linn Comity, Ore
, gon:
We, the grand jury for the March
term of the circuit court of 1893, have,
as required by law, examined the
different county buildings and the
offices therein, including the iail and
outbuildings. We find each of the
county officers have their offices in
good condition and the books neat and
clean. We find the sanitary condi
tion of the county jail 1b poor, and
recommend that the wooden structure
be removed and the north corridor be
provided with a sink and portable
bath tub. There being no further
business before us we respectfully ask
to be dismissed.
William Fortmilleb,
G. W. Geisendobfkr,
L. A. Churchill,
W'm. Ihklanb,
J. M. Hasslkr.
Last Sunday constable Morgan and
R. Tivey went up in the neighbor
hood f Waterloo and vicinity where
John Loveall was murdered, to see
what evidence could be found iu re
gard to the murder case. After gath
ering all that could be found they
came to the conclusion that the evi
dence was sufficient for the arrest of
Wm. Vail. They arrested him aud
brought him to town on Monday
morning, and telegraphed for Deputy
Prosecuting, Atty. Wyatt who came
out on the evening train. After Atty.
Wyatt .examined all of the witnesses
and gathered all the evidence that was
t hand, he moved that the prisoner
Iw dismissed, statiug at the same
time that the evidence , was
sufficient for arrest, but didn't
think it wa enough to hold him. While
the Kxi'Bioss thinks every effort to
bring the guilty man who committed
this awful i rime to justice is com
mendable indeed, wethink oueshould
be doubly sure that tbey have the
right, man before any arrests should
be made.
. Services in the Methodist Church,
Sunday, March 20, are as follows: Sun
j day school at 10 a. id. Preaching at
U i,m, Sermon bv Rev. J. T. Aboett.
of Albany. Communion immediately
alter the sermon. Junior League at 3
p. m. Epworth League at 8:3 p. m.
Love-FeastJtt 7 p. m. The .evening
service will be in charge of the Ep
worth League. Au excellent pro
gramme has heen prepared. Rev. Ab
bett will deliver au address. Aordlal
initiation is extended to all.
24, 1893.
Council Proceed Inns,
Council met In regular meeting last
Tuesday evening. The roll was called
and all the members were present.
Minutes of preyious meeting were
read and approved.
The committee ou accounts and cur
rent expenses reported favorable, and
by motion a warrant was ordered
drawn ou the treasurer for the different
bills. ;
On motion of G. W. Cruson the city
officers were instructed to enforce all
the city ordinances on pain of dis
missal. The committee on streets aud pub
lic property were ordered to look after
the sidewalks and crosswalks and see
that they are cleaned off, and also to
have walks built where they have
been ordeted hy the city.
The committee on license was order
ed to notify the saloon keepers and
also their bondsmen that any violatioa
of their bonds will be prosecuted.
Council then adjourned to meet
Wednesday evening.
Atty. A. F. Stowe aud J. C. ifayer
got into a little spat last Monday night
on the street ir front of Guy & Mayer's
saloon which resulted in the city treas
ury being replenished to the amount
of about 140, and Atty. Stowe
wcariugapairof black eyes for a few
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the First Presbyterian church will give
a dime social at the residence of J. J.
Swan's, Monday evening, March
27. A bountiful repast will be served
and everyone Is expected to have a
good time.
The strongest recommendation that
any article can have is the endorse
ment of the mothers of the town.
When the mothers recommend it you
may know that the article has more
than ordinary merit. Here is what
the Centerville, South Dakota Citizen
says editorially of an article sold In
their town: "From personal experi
ence we can jay that Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has broken up bad
colds for our children. We are ac
quainted with many mothers in Cen
tervllie who would not be without it
in the house for a good many times Its
cost, and are recommending it every
day." 50 cent bottles for sale by M.
Last Thursday evening Chief of Po
lice McFeron airested e smooth-faced
yontig man about nineteen years of
age who had been endeavoring to
swindle the people of the Third ward.
He presented a ritig which he claimed
to be a valuable family ring and asked
for $5 or even $2 on it to help him out,
as he was out of money. He found at
least one victim. The rings are worth
less. When arrested he had $18 in
inoueyjon him und two tobacco bags
full of rings. On being fined he said
he would serve his sentence, but Fri
day forenoon weakened, paid $4.50 the
fine and costs less two days imprison
menttid was given a ticket toMillers
aud shipped for that place with $11 50
in money and his stick ol rings. He
gave the names of Jim Johnson aud
Sam Carter. ,The boy is on the road
to the penitentiary where he will laud
in due time , according to the present
Indications, Democrat. -
' Notice.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to the firm of Parker & Grubb
will please call and settle at once, us
the business must he settled inisiedi
iely. E.Pabkkr,
of the firm of Parker & Grubb.
SprlUK Jackets.
I have my new spring stock of jack
ets ready for your Inspection, Tin
assortment is the iurgest in Albanj
and all 1803 styles. Prices are right
Samuel E. Ymjno,
Albany, Oregon.
NO. 4
All of the teachers of the public
school are in Albauy this week attend
ing the teachers Institute which mects
there this week.
Miss Lizzie Donaca who has been
visiting friends In California for the
past few months, relumed home yes
terday, Miss Lizzie's many friends
are glad to see her back.
Rev. J. Parson, P. E., will hold the
3rd Quarterly Meeting In the Methodist
Church, Monday evening, March 27,
at 7 o'clock. Rev. Parson will preach
at the close of the business meeting.
Willie Booth received a coin souv
enir this week, which was offered as a
third prize in a contest for the best
answer, "How to increase the sale of
the Blade and Ledger in your town."
Out of 1500 competitors he came out
third best. Good for you, Willie,
There was some fine drawing last
week in the show windows in the
different stores. It was done by the
pupils of Prof. Micheuer's room. It
was the different states of the Union,
drawn on putty. The work was pret
ty and artistic and the upils deserve
much credit for the work.
California's state capital is in danger
of migrating. A resolution passed
both branches of the legislature to sub
mit to the people a constitutional a
mendment to remove the capital from
Sacramento to San Jose, provided the
latter city shall donate ten acres of
and to the state and contribute $1,000,
000 for building purposes.
A small bad boy crawled under the
bed in a house out in Harrison when
his mother wanted to punish him:
She couldn't get him out and left him
there untilhis father returned from the
city. When the father came and was
told about the case he started to resell
under the bed and yank out his diso
bedient son, whereupon the Bmail bad
boyTsaid: "Hello, pap; Is she after
you too?"
One postmaster that is likely to
hang on is Roswell Beardsley, who
was appointed during John Quinoy
Adam's administrator (1828) to the
post-office at North Lansing, and who
has held It since without Interruption,
a period of sixty-five years. He only
got $19 53 for his first year, hut he en
joys an Increase of nearly 900 per cent,
al present. His salary is now $170 a
year. , "
Two years ago the legislature passed
a bill which practically prohibited the
people of tho main part of Southern
Oregon from fishing. At the late ses
sion an attempt was made to remedy
this estate of affairs but it seems as if
the Portland fish commissioner would
succeed in defeating the plain Intent
of the law. Portland sportsmen have,
also, succeeded lu getting the game
laws so amended that no hunting for
grouse or wild fowl of any kind is le.
gal except, at the time when they aro
able to take their annual vnctttiou, the
very time we do not cure to hunt. Au
Oregonlan who lives outside of Port-.
land isn't very much any way, Rose
burg Review.
The voting contest for the "most
popular ncople" was closed last Satur
day night, at C, O, Hackleman's, and
on counting the ballots C. B. Monta-.
gue, Mrs. F. M. Miller, Miss Ad8ie
Simpson and Jack Ralst.iu, were found .
to he the most popular i.eople in town,
aud were duly given the prizes. In
another column will be foul d the num
ber of votes each received .
Visitors to the world's fair will ho
compelled to walk over miles of terri-
tory in order to gain the faintest idea
of the exhibits. Persons entering the
manufactures ball, walking at the rate
of four miles and hour and ten hours
a day. would have to walk seven days
In order to go through the aisles, If
three minutes were spout at each ex
hibit it would take twenty-one years
and three months to go through that
building alone. This, bulldiug covers
40J acres of ground.