The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 17, 1893, Image 6

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    Royal Never Fails.
ROYAL BAKING POWDER is always perfect;
no experimenting is necessary with it; the house
keeper never has cause to return it to the grocer and
beg for the return of her money. For a third of a
century its invaluable qualities have been familiar to
American housewives, who have found its use always
a guarantee of light, sweet, pure and wholesome food.
Some baking powders are so imperfectly made from
cheap and inferior materials that their manufacturers
are compelled to take them back in large quantities.
During the last year thousands of cases of one brand
sold or commissioned upon a "guarantee" have been
returned caked, spoiled and useless.
Do not take chances with a baking powder with
which there is a possibility of failure.
Haw ft Spider Hunt. I h Got ft OeputBtlo.
It is scarcely necessary to say that the It was in the hot- room of a Turkish batb
most distinctive featnreof spider life is the1 establish mum, A gray haired veteran luj
web which most of these creatures spin, on one of tiit? com, softly humming a battU
and which enables them to ensnare insects song, when tit- wwt approached by a young
that would otherwise easily evade them. I er man arruyed in the regulation batbuoust
borne spiders prepare no webs, but they , toga.
spin cocoons, so it is incorrect to call them
non-spin lien, aa is often done. To this
class belong the banting spiders, which
pursue their prey as a cat does a mouse.
In summer time the aebra striped hunting
spider may be seen at work on almost any
wall or tree. It is usually so intent upon
ita stalking operations that it mar Iwob
aerved quite closely without showing any
signs of fear. If yon should happen to
catch sight of one of these active creatures
while it is engaged in a search for some
eatable insect you wilt be surprised at the
rapidity of its movements.
it darts about, peering into crevices and
exploring cracks in every direction. Now
and then it will raise itsulf on its forelegs
and take a good look around. As soon as
it sights a fly or a gnat its restlessness is
changed for stalking as stealthy and cau
tious as that of the cheetah. It advances
slowly, taking advantage of every little bit
of cover, and pausing if its victim shows
the least sign of uneasiness. These wily
tactics continue until it is within leaping
distance, when it darts upon the unsus
pecting insect with inconceivable rapidity,
awl after a short straggle invariably dis
ene&ges itself from its vanquished foe.
To prevent the chance of a fall if, as is
often the case, its spring is made on a per
pendicular wall, this spider drawsa fragile
thread behind it, which acts as a support
in case of a catastrophe. The accuracy
with which these little creatures spring
upon their prey is wonderful. They never
seem to miss their stroke. Cornbill Mag-
1 The l Atherleas sod the Widow.
The car biopjwd with the usual lnrch,
and the conductor assisted to the plat
form a tali lady, evidently young, but
whose fun waa hidden by the heavy
folds of a long crape veil. Her gown
and gloves were of the same somber line
as the veil. She was followed by a little
lBn ilvxuiiuifl In lilanb As thn mu
and the Intl. girl took Mate to the cor- , M
ner. neuner spruce ior sumo uum, nuu
A Queer Character Wha In a Wander la
Her Way.
"Waft'iir yo' gwyne cai like ilmf"
"To bum lie hnmloo. dills. Draw' yo
know (tat Die Nance done lnlnowl iimr"
"Vo' Hud' Waffur Kile gone iluue tint.
Id'lm. Use, bill I dlis know she done
then the little girl looked up, and in a
voice that was heard above the rattle of
the oar exclaimed:
"Mammal" (
"Yes, my dear."
"1 want to see papa."
"Bush, dearest," and a black gloved
hand reached over and took one of the
tiny hands or the ohild. Then there was
silence for a minate. Suddenly the ohild
tsh voice was heard again:
"But I do want to see papa. Why
won't yon let me see him?"
"Don't, darling: please don't," came
the answer, us the head of the little girl
was tenderly drawn over until it rested
against the folds of the crape veil.
"But why wont you let me see papaP
persisted the ohild.
There was no answer, but the shroud
ed head of the black figure in the cornet
was bent low and the black gloved hand
was reaching for something evidently
bidden in the folds of the black gown.
"Yes, dear," answered a tremnlouB
Can 1 see papa tonight?"
bust de hoodoo.'
Such or Hiniilar was the converwittoi.
aC mJF your fwtH.ii
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
Conulnlnl diiilnot vnrieti- !!
of!. or a psclult ol ll sun
vmiivt, mid, fur 10 oantt.
12 Carnations (M"ui u-i $'-o .
12 Chrysanthemums (:Si)Si.oo
12 Pelargoniums i " $1.00
12 Roses owtinWMtwk) $1.00
MUtat, mi, soi-jrw" p'ests, pn "
Flower Se&sT5Z
Vegetable Seeds
With aither of above collection, our hniidimniflry
IHuttratwl loft-pm cilitjju it tvut free. 1 iiu
Ailmilltd in be a work of nrt, aitd contain a raprmtne
tiMi, in natural orim, of 1 1 iwentvon vartMiw now
-iivrMliy wcogniwd a TKa Timothy Hopkins
Collactloa of 5wtt Phw.
Sherwood Hall Nursery Go.
aaN ritaNOiico, cal.
I had been troubled five months
overheard by a reoeiii tourist in Terr. Vymmfa. I had a fullness
Bonne parish. U.. aud It excited hlscu- - J. J 1 , , : ,1,,
riosity aVmncii that he made a study of after eating, and a heavy load in the
the caw of old Nance, of conn be pit of my stomach. Sometimes a
heard the above by accident, as the colored deathly Sickness W0UIQ overtake
people are very shy of letting a white man
'Come here often, general?" asked the
younger man.
"Ah, Jim, is that you?" said the general.
"No, not often. I'm not much on Turkish
The sheet covering the general had be
come displaced and an ugly looking scat
on his thigh was disclosed. Jim noticed it.
"What in the world is that, general?" he
The general Dngered the scar affection
ately and replied:
"Tbatl oh. 1 call that Antietam."
"And that on the calf of the leg?"
"I call that Chenceilorsviile."
"Goodness! That's an awful scar on
jour left breast."
"Yes. Second battle of Bull Run."
"And your neck?"
A crowd gathered around the cot and
looked at the scarred veteran with admira
tion, fie put his hands antler the back of
his head and upon invitation launched into
a series of thrilling war stories, keeping
Almost fiercely the little figure was , t, . ,.,,,, ,1.. hoodoo. A
drawn to that of the larger one, and a correspondent of the Philadelphia Times
whisper more a sob was heard to say: 1 giyes ns additional particulars about Old
"Oh, Elsie, dear, bush. Don't you! Nance, who has Impressed not ouly her
know that nana lies wav off there on the 1 own race, nut lias aaumisnen many wanes.
Litchfield hills! You can't seem hitn
tonight, darling, and may God help yon
and help me."
And the car rattled on; but the big,
portly man in the opposite corner turned
about in bis seat and looked steadily out
of the window for several minutes.
New York Recorder.
Doing One's Fart.
A witty and misorly gentleman who
acoepted many invitations without re
turning them, but who contributed
greatly to the general entertainment by
bis bright conversation, once defended
himself by saying:
"My friendB give the dinners, but 1
famish the salt."
If he was parsimonious in the matter
of dinners he was generous with bis best
thouirhta. his most cheerful and enter-
them up until one by one his crowd had taining stories, fulfilling one social duty
melted away, each disappearing through jjtiniogh ne neglected another,
the door that led to the plunge. Then the T M d f in y.
veteran gathered bis toga about htm and: . hri,LM, A w of mak-
big an effort to be interesting, and being
cheerful when it is not possible to be
brilliant, is often selfishly neglected.
Life is an affair of mutual obliga
tions. We have to thank most of 001
friends for kindness and patience and
encouragement, and we owe it to them
to remember that often, unknown to us,
Kather Deliberate.
That deliberate, almost phlegmatic tem
perament which once characterised the
i Sew England Yankee in Vermont is fast
being supplanted by a nervous, jerky, dys
peptic nature, which is irritable to see or
bear. It is wittt relief that one Anus now
and Chen a relic of the old time deliberate
mess. niri rinelA Mn.narti nf RnvAltstn utr. nn
the sill of his barn floor one Snnday after-,
Boon and looked quietly out over bis barn
yard. At that moment a wild goose, a
. atray bird from a flock, and evidently very
tared with a long flight, flopped slowly and
heavily down among the tame fowl in the
Uncle Maynard did noteven shift his po
sition at this novel sight, lie looked at
the newcomer for at least a minute, and
then said slowly and solemnly:
if -I-wasu'fr-afraid-of - hitting-a-tarae-goose,
and-tf-it-wasn't-Sunday, and-if-that-goose
. wonld -stay-asnear-fls-that, I-wouid-shoot
By the time be bad finished the wild
goose had gone, and Uncle Maynard's ex
citable nature was subjected to no further
temptation. Youth's Companion,
started after them.
"Nearly shot to pieces," suggested one
who had lingered.
"Who?" asked the veteran.
"Why, you," replied the stranger.
"Me? 1 was never shot."
"But that scttr on your thigh?"
"Cut myself with a hatchet when I was
"And the others?'
"The way she does It," says this corre
apondent, "is to apparently swallow a num
ber of small snakes of a variety unknown
in this section They are of a dusky color,
nearly black, pied with a dull green about
the flat head, and of a dirty white in the
belly. The reptiles remain secreted about
Old Nance's cabin until she givesapeeuliar
whistling call, when they will come to her,
wriggling in great haste over the floor, up
her dress and run into her open mouth,
hissing hideously. They disappear and re
main hidden sometimes for minutes. She
asserts that they are cotiueaied in her
stomach until she recalls them, when they
will come pouring out to writhe about her
ecraitgy neck and coll in her bosom.
"Where the snakes really bo when they
vanish in ber mouth is a mystery, and has
puzzled all the physicians atiout, many
having come from New Orleans to witness
the phenomenon. Some really believe that
the snakes do go down Into tbe stomach,
while others are convinced tbe witch is
simply playing some sleight of band trick
on them, but if the latter Is the case it is
so cleverly done tbitt there is no delecting
the performance."
Old Nance says the snakes are certain
death to any other person who touches
them, aud so far uo one has ventunsl to
test it She Is sueh a hideous object while
engaged in these incautattons that only
tbe lirmest nerved whites can look at her
nnmoved, wbiie the negroes flee tn horror.
As a Vootloo priestess she Is indeed a bril
liant success.
me. I was working ior 1 nomas
McHenry .Druggist, Allegheny City,
Pa. , in whose employ I bad been for
seven years. I used August Flower
for two weeks. I was relieved of all
trouble, I can now eat things I
dared not touch before. I have
gained twenty pounds since my re
covery. J. D. Cox.Allegheny, Fa.
The FISH liltASD BLiCKEK la warranted wilw.
pmuf.aiKl wlllkM ymiUrjr la UtohifUtjatiturm. Ttu
mtw I'OMMrlt HM klllt U a pcrttrl ruling iroat, anil
ruTen lheomtroMildla. He warn of ltaluuuos. Icm't
huy a coal If the " luh ltranil" 1 nut mi IU Dltiitr'
tffl ClUtnaTUt IYpw, A. J, TOWtiK, liuatoQ, -.
"Hit myself with an ice nick on the calf ey are ro neea 01 iwmg uwu w
of the teg, had a small cancer removed some trouble or grief, or are in need ol
The Average Length of m Maa's Htrid.
Quetelet estimates the average length of
man's stride at l inches, and the dis
tance an average traveler can cover at this
rate at 7,158 yards an hour, or 119 yards
minate. The number of strides wonld be
7,500 an hour, or 125 a minute. The length
f the stride in the various European ar
mies is as follows: In tbe German army it
Is Z inches, with a cadence of 112 steps
per minute; in the Austrian army 2P)l
Inches, with a cadence of from 115 to lis)
per minute; in the Italian army
inches, with a cadence of 120 per minute;
fat tbe French army 20j inches, with a ca
det ce of US per minute; in the British
array 80 inches, with a cadence of 116 per
Binute-London Tit-Bits.
Electrical Fireworks.
An electrician who has made a specialty
of spectacular electricity says the day is
not far r ff when electrical fireworks will
supersede those now used. He declares
that for a comparatively moderate outlay
be onuld arrange an electrical display that
would last for many years, and could be
repeated an often as desired. It would
eumprine rockets, roman candles, wheels.
Nuira falls and all tbe modern pyro
tectuiical effects. Philadelphia Ledger.
QJvliif vs. UaeeWliig.
Bntrfny School Teacher What is tbe
Meituiiift of the admonition, "it is more
bli'wted to give than to receive?"
Little Boy It means it's pieasanter.
"Yes. Have not yon, yourself, found It
sore p!ea.aut to give than to receiver"
"Of course. What was It you Ravef
"L'tJJUic valeutines." iow York Weeklr.
from my left breast aud a boil lanced on
my neck. Lnuce mark never healed."
"But you said you were wounded at
"1? Oh, no. I said 1 called it Chancellors
Tille. I've named my scars after the fights
I was in. I wasn't hurt in any way."
But he is still pointed out as a brave man J
woo was nearly sum ui pieues. ntxauuxjc
Dispatch. -,
Btte Chattered.
It was on a street car. Two lady friends
were chattering away as only ladiw can.
"Oh! I'm to have some new diamonds.
suddenly exclaimed one.
'Is it possible!"
'Yes. My husband b going to make
16,000 all in a lump next week, and he says
1 may have eotX) to put into diamonds."
"Bear me! is it a speculation of hisf'
"Yes. There's a man who wants to sell
him a piece of Woodward avenue property
for 115,000. and he can tarn his bargain
over to Mr. Blank for 15,000."
"How nice!"
"The dickens it fsl" growled a man
across the aisle below his breath. "So it's
her husband who is after my tot, and he
can sell it to Blank for 15,000 more. I ra
ther guess not, old man not this yearl
I'll hop off and hnnt up Blank and have
his option in half an hoar." Detroit free
Hardly aa lmpraremiit.
An energetic German professor was
conducting a muni cal society. They
were studying Mendelssohn's "Elijah,"
and bad reached tbe chorus, "Hear ns,
tI. ttu. ninkhr rwnAV fPha shmiU
vS W 0: which will allow no power whaler
when the conductor cried out: "No-d m governing body, socialism or na
Aruifiil vowell Don't aav B.a-1 onahsin will endow the government
. i.i ; Aa with erenter powers yet than its own.
onnd, BaL" Wherenpon the choms While the former believes tha .the indi-
some fresh, cheering thought, and when
we give them our conversational best
we are doing what we can to supply that
Jiany persons who would not think of
going anywhere with a bandaged head
or a disagreeable cold or a disturbing
cough, carry a gloomy lace, a nt 01 tne
bines or an ill tempered mood on a visit
or to a party, without thinking thai
there is no excuse at all for their being
a skeleton at the feast They disturb
their hosts and hostesses by making it
evident that they aro not having a good
time, and they have a depressing effect
on every one else. Youth s Companion.
Soelal Definition.
Nationalism is but another name for
ocialism, with but a alight modifica
tion. What socialism desire to reach
in a universal way for the whole world
nationalism deeires to obtain within tbe
limits of the nation. Inasmuch as there
is a tendency in the human race to crys
tallize around national conters national
ism thinks it best to respect these bound
aries. Ultimately nationalism would
have to reach out after the universal
Let it be understood, furthermore, that
neither nationalism nor socialism is iden
tical with anarchism or communism
that, onite to the contrary, they form
the opposite pole to anarchism. While
anarchism is a theory of government
took up the strain again, "Bear us,
Bawl; hear ua, Bawll" but they quickly
realized the peculiar fitness of tbe seuti-
Tidual shall take upon himself all the
consequences which spring from compe
tition, and that according to his oppor-
ment, and broke downin laughter, to the tunitiesaman shall either sncoumbin
great amazement of the little German,! the struggle for existence or eumvea.
who never saw the joke, tat who turned the fittest, the lotter holds society or
He's a TanRh Lad.
Bobbie Blake Is as lough as they make
'em. He is only twelve rears old, but lis
bas already established a record. In no
less than six of tbe public schools baa
Bobbie been placed. Each time tbe re
ault was the same he either made thr
school sessions so excitiatc that he had ft
be taken awav or else be ran away of hi.
own accord so often that uo one could keep
track of him.
Bobbie's father is Frank Blake, of 4H
West Thirty-first street, New Vork city, a
hardworking, industrious man. Tbeother
day Bobbie's father brought him into
Jefferson Market police court.
"It's no use," lie snul to the justice, "J
can't do anything with blm. He leaves
home in the morning after breakfast and
be don't come back fordaya. He is almost
starved sometimes too."
Justice Kyan committed Bobbie to the
Catholic protectory.
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
00VEUN0R PENNOYER Is fw tret silver
cottiHse. Well, stl
TKti'rware t si) ml
0OVERN0R PENNOYER mwt of .nlnsus st
A. rt-Lur-MtKis-KR'H.
xtMxtt It lift. Portland, Or. Wrlw lor
his urlcon ou spoons, Soli j or Hsle.
A Curious lllle.
Tbe ceremonies attending tbe Inaugura
tion of new railroads are scarcely similar
in tbe east to those which prevail In Amer
ica. At tbe opening of the Jaffa-Jerusalem
railway a curious Moslem rite was ob
served. Three sheep were slaughtered
and their blood besprinkled on tbe rails be
fore the first train was allowed to proceed
upon its journey. This superstitious cere
mony had fur Its object tbe scaring away
of evil genii, who would otherwiso have
exerted a baneful influence upon passen
gers using the line
by nor aiossa me. aiertr
(ess ros oor (suLOewt- Ttuj iwsumwi
tT 1 -luMriA .... tv
HUwuim nuitmin -Powtianp Oregon,
reluctantly to tbe old pronunciation.'!
London Tit-Bite.
Ke Marks of Any Kind,
tn a severe thunderstorm in June,
1888, two old ladies were killed by light
ning in a small town on Cape Cod; a
child of ten months was also killed in
the same storm, and, strange to relate,
neither of thein showed any external
marks of injury. Exchange.
Difficult of Location.
"We were going to the theater lost night,
but my wife mislaid tbe tickets,"
'How so?"
"Site put them by mistake into ber
pocket." Kale field's Washington.
the nation responsible for the well be
ing of every one of its members as long
as the member fulfills his obligation to
society. Kubbi Solomon Schindler.
Caloulatloa Extraordinary.
Some people who are not harassed by
the "dally bread" problem seem to delight
In researches which have no other effect
than to settle a point which was never dis
puted. Bir Archibald Geikie, of tbe
British association, after much careful
thought and patient investigation, together
with a deal of figuring, has come to the
conclusion that the world Is between 7S,
000,000 and (150,000.000 years old. Bather a
wide margin, it would
The Specific A No. I.
Cimi, without lull, all tmm tit harr
Imbk a'ia ill, no inHtlvr of how long
stuii'lliis. Proveuts ochiirsn hi.
Wrml rflmetir. CUfra wtinn rvorytluiis fllst
una fulled. Hold tiy nil DrilKKlfll
Prt. sum). Co.. Has Joss.Ua.
Blr Otsth.scsnowwios.
I.Mllng nmry (or aji
onnsmrol d!Rrsrt a
prlv.udlMM.o' n... .
mruio our. Tot lb ..IV
IsUuf ihUmi psottUS
K . to wfim.n.
1 ar.Mlrhr JpmflrtoolltadfMlMl
IT.c!ti..uHEH!l'nVl la wommoBdUs II
s Hula r orwinrHiw
Easily Taken Up
Cod Liver Oil as it
appears in Scott'f
Emulsion is easily
taken up by the
system. In no
other form can so
much fat-food be
assimilated with
out injury to the
organs of digestion.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos
phites has come to be an article
of every day use, a prompt and
infallible cure for Colds, Coughs,
Throat troubles, and a positive
builder of flesh.
IWluiwd rir RcrtU ft Bnim. H T. All dromnrt.
57)7 vol lstquality can over
f W WULXJO WMnt byuall M,y.
uap y.iu auu it. By ireight, prepaid if
preferred, we ship salely 4, 5 or 6 ft, trees ;
2-yr. Buses ol rare excellence, everything I
Yon actually pay less than for the puny
staff, l,0u0 sores Nurseries. 2il,00J so ret
Orchards. Exact information about trees
and (raits. BUirk Bros , Louisiana, Mo.
N. P. N. U. So. 48-8. t. N. U. No. 600.
will out Dry or trees
Bonai, Host, Urlfrtio sud sit,
Urooa Cut BUNEI1 will
douhle the linmUir of eieri
will make thorn more lor
tllo will csrry the buns
saliily through the mnlltiif
period aud put them la
coudltlon to lay whim Dsn
comulHtid thehlnhoitprioe
and will doveloiis yoni
ehinlis fsstoc Hum auy
otliur food.
KpoA Arsen Bones and
nie UreeaoKdne to klU
the lice, and you will make
fifty per cent mors grout. ,
rwuu ior uuaiosue an
phaum mum cogpi, iTfiiuiA, em
M PlarVt Bwnwty tor UMMrrh bt the H
i i HuM by druuiMbi or mtul by nuOL
ItrJ Mo. AT. UwialiM. Wu rtw, 1. Ui