VOL VII TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ..2 00 (If paid to advaim, fl e pr year.) Ttnw mnnlhl .......-. ................... angle oopka.. - ..,..,....,....... Secret ocletles. LKBANON LODGK, BO. 47. I. O. O. T.-UfXU emrv sttnriay tMnlm at Odd FeuowiHall, M e'oakl.. ;, A-AiOTi,o, w.c.fwsRSoii.tMt'y. nURLKEBEOCA tOIKlE, NO, 47. 10.0 - " T2hNICMKJ0l, K. 0. HUB ALTtU.Rtm, IMt'r lm Louea. No, 44 A. f. A. - Buiui U enralu, on or oefoai Uu rou mm u . l.S.HAinua.W.M, Ho. . A. 0,1!. W.- ww-i Da.' 1. 4. 'unease, s.w. .j.a.'raanaoe.Btc ST.w aawrtay .vestas. XTSiLn. ill brotksr. of lhBt of Vt- . . m Mai) MiMDdoniMlMortki O. A. E. aa as im www tu j"t .. A. bbdmu, fiat Bt raorantpNAU AinrORNEY AT -LAW. - UKMMb-auaos. ' JOTORNEVS - AT- LAW. W-MSILTMO, ''sirTCfiM&t AT ' LAW. Attor Attorney -at - Law, Arum mmmiimir'tftws. St Charles Hote, OmiJW a tJCBAHON, OBMOS J, B, THOItrBOS, Proprietor. giwrial attention paid to Com AMrotelBtea. sard wit brittiAh V41 .4)B; ear week ti.Wt. , J. R. EWIK6, ' B'woprtoB.rMot3ore.l Shaving Parlor. In Hansard New Building. firri-Clait 4rtit i Mti. ITot tuui CoW Bath with EhtwtrataUtimt. VOUB PaTBOHAMt SOLICITED. A SAD AFFAIR, Joe Grubb Instantly Killed. Moi'ira it "W iiamiin "M Held, to unvrcr the UavraTe frrwr Xeluuion Eim Extia, Fab. 9.) ThcBinalquletrhat prevail! to our little ttv wat savlly shocked by the haraheepArt rf a pistol about & o'clock Tuesday momiitg. Inveti(r.atioa dis posed that Joseph Grubb wai lying dead at the front dr of bia aalooi Witt til left fcreaat pierced with MUM. Le was gone and he new pake after the shot. Tl following 1 the-evldenoedtefore oorauor, glvea la ML . . MonhoWerheiiiiraalled at a wH Mt, taMilWI aa follewt: aUralBabehaoMi, am a tfaiHwr. So ir I wax to the Uek part of Mm kkwn when the ahontinf ooMMted, 4boutl o-'oleok tbh jnoruloi, Feb. IS, W8. Ind Mr. VamU wai .thea felkUu toalr. Ocabb. I vaa aitUni ftjrtlM -ttmt wban Morgan Waaaoci aWMiBM(roato' aadaaked Mr. Klrubbto ak drink. Mr. Carroll oral ataudiug at tlw dexk at the end of the eooater, when Waawm aakea rabk wtm that featleaMt. Orubb M him to auk Carroll to Jtavn a ridk, and Orabc iotrodueed ttwm AtU.baai t atata baudyjaiid wiaiiTeaHl 3awoMwaBi aaea ia aoa- atevt. . av,aaM tatr ia aated tmto ha a ftrinli. I Md Hhaataet mt mt"mimf' tNaaluH'rali few lulnulot. UnibO taWjMatf hawaaM totalk to bin. toaajMd It thara ad I eel AnakJalhaakifa. I want bank, to the toe. .WaaMOVaald be bad heard .IbaAajbad ta nil af the bo) lbal be hftd tbiwwa hta out of the beaaa. Owto t4d biai ha aerar .told tbeac aartbiac of the kiaaYbut that ha aakat kfe.faaal.ar Ate aeaat aad be want out like a (witltiuao. W 'esar.aaW BUl'-KMHat told Wai that Ombbeaid ha bad Ibrewa alia oat of the bouse. Grubb told htm that if EtMiia would eome and ear that be did aay it, ha would ovoup. I didn't bear any more of the racket until be eMbatfiraab teaMaaaut af ha baaja, They bad eeaw word that I didn't bear. Waeaom.kiadaf tacked out of Aaaa. Woaaa,eMvaaty aayrbiat bat biadaf aalJadoot bia aaa mjm ami awtto aroaaa Um eouster. mw the gun whan Orubb came around the aunt)T. and when they went out of the doer the gun went off. He' earrled it In bia hand when be backed out of the door. Orubb did not strike eratleii.pt to ettar bin. He ncld down and tried to get the gun away fWttblui.TJ.ty aft liwtuiflng dboni and ejrere open and they were right la lb door when the ahot went off. I law the flash of the pistol. I saw Orubb add he waa oloee to Wassom trying to gat bold of the pistol, when the guu Sbad .Jjitood out behind them, didn't thlak anyone waa shot. tbMWbt thay had atWht. I did not mm tirabb fall. laud the jgeutlauan stepped oat the back dee. J beard MBieeae making a noise tike- anua one being choked. Iaaw Grubb ly log than. Ha iu outside and bis bead an the door atop. Waaaoui was on the street walking np and down fur eonift time, wbau we ami back, from after Dr. Lamberson be came eresa, started towards us, but did not ipaak to him. I saw him no more that night. Orubb waa not angry, but asked Wassom to go out and behave himself like a gentleman. Wassom j made no rerlly that I bard. He in ! vlted Oru'ob, ot -ehorbly after Uiis. Orubb vaa earning anuud the bar when be anted Wassom to o out. WaMomwaa Btandlne about middle way of the bar whea Orubb came out. I went to the saloon about 8 o'clock and Wassom 'Cttae, In about S o'clock this morning. Dont know where he had been before. B took two or three drinks while I was. in there. He took drinks with we, Car roll and Orubb. I think Wasnon. was a tittle full. They did not clinch. Grubb was - pretty ; close to him trying to get hold of the pistol. I did ant see Orubb attempt to get anything out of hta pocket when be went from Behind the bat. He did not curse him either did Wasauta. l It waa about 10 r IS minutes from this time I left' by tte back door until returned to the frontdoor. Orubb draw ana or two breaths when I got back. Orubb was not drunk. Orubb Was following up Wassom trying to get the revolver. Only one ebot was tntf. W. H. Carroll batag Brat duly sworn testified as follows? I live In Ban Francteeo and am a oaeaaMmSal traveler. I Waa ia the house when the fuss occurred. I went in there a good deal in the afternoon. Had botlnesa with Orubb but fie did aot make bia appearance, t went In, there about TsU that evening end re mained there until time of shooting. WamsaMia about f aVehck. I board part of the eonvhrnttsa between hiaaadOrjbb. I beard rabb say bs did M lua-nd bgaaa aft hi own bouse. Did not bear any reply. Hf otoi arouad th bar soon after, net ImaatdtaMav ieWjbaabb eanif aaa. an J afabat Ibtikii Htttehal.biafr aaaat asajua eSMMbtoatitatphM, aat did oat. ariakiag and above It i Batten la. Waaom walked la aad I stepped -up to the bar. ' I stood at a little desk, when WenMMt asked Orubb to take a drink with him. Hrtrsteienaed himself Qrabb did, at he had just bad a drink with me, aad then said, "Uwlll tak a drink with you." He did take a drink. Mr. OnkbjhHk eome MttemaBd Waa soea took brandy. He first asked for whisky but changed to brandy. Orubb had taken two drinks with me .before Wasskm came. In, and both times took bitten. He was net tntotleatod at all. Iaaw them go out toward the door. I.dld not nee fash of pistol. I wesetCtavewheawMBt of thie thing fcapaaaad. U waa bmd .ataf we looked at .him thoroughly. ' He breathed once or twloe. It waa about li mlnatss from the time I kit and returned. Itvat wituiu lfi minutes after I went to stove and returned. I only saw Wasaom on the street on the neat block. When we saw Waaaoui t think be, Wassom, waa wanting to earns back for his hat. A hat was picked np there. I was present wh en itootor felt a bis poekatBJsut found no weapon en Orubb. I ,w Grubb when be (eaubed for Wjseom'e pistol tbeu they went out doer. I heard shot and thought he had ahot down at the floor. I did not am Orubb have bia bauds ou Wassom, but aaw Grubb reach for bim. Don't know if ha got bauds on Watanat. Wheu be A rat came In I was not acquainted with Wassom but was lutioduoed to him. When lie Invited us to ttfliTk and whllethe drinks were on the counter Wassom went outside and remained about a minute and a half or two min utes, and while be was out there Orubb told me this man bad not been in this house for six months about; and when Wassom returned I had taken the drink, and then excused myself. Then Wasaom oame back and asked Mr, Moedholder to drink. I went back to stand In rear end of building. David Gentry being first duly sworn, testified as follows: I live heie and do not follow any business particularly now. I aaw and was with Wassom a part of last eve ning. I was at Guy a Mayer's house part of the evening. Wassom took drinks there quite a few drinks. I never saw him exhibits pistol. I did not know he had any. I never beard, him ibat evening mention Orubb's name, but be mentioned parties and I told him I thought I knew who he was Ulkhg about. He said there waa a dirty eon-of-a-bitch in this town who had it in for him, but he could not dowu him. I told him I knew who he meant, and he Inquired how I knew. I used to be at Grubb's a good deal. I knew they had a hardness some time, but I didn't know the source. I don't think Wassom mentioned his purpose to meet Ornbb that evening. I left him about S o'clock this morning when Mayer closed up. We all came down street We went on and Wassom stopped at Orubb's. He, Wassom,,was full what I call full. I never knew anything about the fuse till after day light this morning. I never beard Orubb say anything much about Waa som. Heard him say he respected Waawm'a brother mere than Wassom. Never heard him say anything about his character. Mr. Orubb waa not a quarrelsome fellow ordinarily. He did aot have that reputation. Have known bim about t years. Worked for him six months and got along with bim all right. I taw Weawm first bat avtalag about midnight, at Kr. Mayer'. I was net at Orubb's any time bat night between taad 8 o'clock. I want boats wheal we left Mayer's, and never ktf.w anything; about it un til this morning. I was In Orubb's the last Hmt about midnight and went Wtaia Mayer's aad abj ibhw mi. tau!tm 'el mmr feibtw! . I live In la baa aa aad kesf a gajoau. Iaaw Morgan Waaom bat evening Feb. 17. I saw him first at my place about 10 e'elaek aad be remained there till I left, a little before ( In the mora' !ng. He had not drank anything amen till about IS o'clock, but look a good many drinks after tbeu He took !y two or thtm driafc from ten Mil twelve o'clock. He probably took fif teen er twenty drink after 12 o'olock up to the time be left brandy. I nev er awblmecbiUt bis pistol.- Didnlt knew he had one In taloen. . When weetartod boms Gentry, Waaom and I waaom wanted us to gn to take a drink at Orubb'. I said "So," because be aadOmbb bad bad tiwnbw. "I don't want tab witfi you." He.aaid "I will go in and set them up, and apt the .man, aad .We will aU ge home," and I amid "I think you baea aaeagk any way, and ysa .bad batter go home new," and be aaid "All nght,.eoaw on and let n go," and when we started I stepped between him and Gentry. When I stepped between the two I taw bis pistol in hi outside eoat pocket. Saw the handle and I sup posed It was a pistol. When we got to Orubb's door be aaid "Come on in." I aaid "Mo, let us go on," and he pull' ed away from us aiid went Inthehouse and Gentry and I weutoc to Gentry' house. When Gentry went In the house he stumbled over a chair, aid I stopped en the outside about 9 mia ous to see whether Gentry weald coast back. During the time I was standing there! beard the pistol shot. After I left there I came up to Front St., and walked up this way, and met Waseom coming across the street by Bill Seed's. He said "Who are you? I am awful sick," I told bim who I was, and I asked bim if he wanted me to go home with him, and he said ye. While we were walking borne he told me he had gotten into trouble with Grubb. H aaid "I think I bave hurt iiiir. pretty bad." and several times he would stop, sit down and rest awnue, and I left him at his front gate, and I told him he was at home now, and to co on and bo to bed. He walked into NO.l the house, and that was the last time I saw him. I did not ask him how he had hurt Grubb. He said "We got In to trouble, and we got Into a hell of at shooting scrape," and he thought he' bad hurt Grubb pretty bad, Wow we left him at Grubb's door he said "1 am going Into Grubb's anyway. I heard him talking to Gentry that eve ning but he talk so much anyway I didn't know what he had said. I came back up here and met Wassom. After had gone home with Gentry and walked back with Wassom, when I came back Bine told me Wasaom had shot and killed Orubb. Waseom aot ed like he was pretty full wheu I wag taking him home. I did not see pistol or handle then. Wassom never asked me to go across the way and see Mane fan he only asked me to go over and RakeadriBk. I knew they bad bad trouble several month before. - Mr. Wassom at time drank considerable. He had no bat on when I met him at Reed', and took bim borne. He said he bad lost bis hat Tb following Li the report of the ex amining physician: I, J. A. Lamberson, de hereby certi fy that I am a practicing pbysieHb ' aad surgeon of Lebanon , Oregon.' I have tula day uadeaearoful etandt nation of the body of A. W. Orubb, dsoajsal. and find that hie death WT' caused by a gun or ptatot woand, avJ wound being lesntsd H (neaea to' the left of the sternum or breast bone, t Inches to tb right of left nipple; fatd wound psHetratin (be Interior eftba cheat or trunk ef body to tbe deptk cj ' Histim, severing the-atoadiiiaMta thereby eauriog IwetanlidaaMi firam b terns! hemorrhage. J. AvI Jlter- toermg. tb above biUiiibj me jry renaerea tne rallowuig ve diet! W the Jwryaneaneliarl and by tbe Oeeeaaref Una enuaey , eaqaiw in to the eauae nf theaV f A.W. Grubb find that be easMtoblt ; death by a pistol bet Area by hand ef em M. Vaasraa, aa the It day ef .Plenary at S e'eieaw. .ef Vi aoruing ef aaid day.-. ' r. K . 8iut, - G. W.CBuaojr, ' Jm. Ma tbs, J.'G.:ii.b, '" .a H. Mtasa, ' AS e'eletk preliminary .trial wfo held befar J nates Hsa. Tbe ettkr was MprscanM iy i,IL etyatl and the defendant by J. XL WeaMarjHdT and 8. M. Garland. Th efeadaqt waived etamlnatlan and wa start tb to the hMd Jurr- Osnetabb) 4e gan'btok Wassom to Albany this evr nlng. "One witness for' th stati waa required to give bonds In 1100 tor ah) appmaaa, Mfere fft (Mi Jury. , Tassjiaan vaiHyeaaa afgs and aneat and tare atiilatliaft, He will be buried to-morrow at o'clock at the.Maaoaie cemetery. A. w. Orubb was born .In Mo. in laHnd was t yearaobt last Ootobaj. He Was married to-Mis Sarah Mcln tyrestCley Center, Kansas, in ISift He has been In tbe saloon biiiuelb Lebanon about a year and a balf. He leaves a wife and two oblldren, one lit tle girl about 11 years old and a little beyaboqt to monrn his departure. He was elected by the council asmar bal,abteh offlee lie held until h went into the aalean bnainas. Joajwaa well liked by all who knew bim, ami leaves a large circle of friends, whic h the Eipress Joins In with tbe pupils In extending the sympaty to the be reaved nmily. Rev. Waller, of the Christian churcH died at hi home In Albany, last (Sat urday evening from heart failure, sup erinduoad by an attack of asthma. He we over TO year of age, and had re tired from active work, living a ?ery quiet and retired life, but wae.wjdfy j m ui t . ;A . ma nvoniuy iouwb, very men will be pained to learn of bia dealt A good man gone to hi reward. .. . . -jOn dlbe-i