The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 24, 1893, Image 1

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4 IV
. J i ';
One year , S2 flo
Of Mil In advance, 91 60 pur year.)
fltx months ,. . .,., 1 flo
Three niiiiiihw ...... W)
BUnde cnpi(w... H .... H Oft
Seoret Soolatles.
LfflWHON 1.0WIK, NO. 47, I,). 0. F.-Meets
very Hntnrday evoulllK at Odd TuIIowk Hall, at
o'eloila p. lu.
A.A.KEB8, K. a.
' W.O.PKTEllSOS, Beefy.
PRAM, RKHHWIA WK)B, SO. 47. I.'fl. 0. F.
HeetMitl, U. 0. F Hull tlrl und .third Wednes
day svenhiitii of each nmnth.
. a. woKisiwroi, n. a.
LXftANti Uiikik, Iw, 44 A. K. & A. M. Moot
Saturday nvntiiiiK. ut ur belore the fun muuu in
eaoh month.
IB.'C Hamhack, W. M,
F. M. MlLI.KH, Bw.
HoorLoiHiK, Ne. 38. A.'O. XT. W.MeotH every
'TucMlay evening ; U. A. K.IInll.
I'll. I. A. Lauiikimon, M. W.
J. 11. THOMHtOK, IteC.
(iKN'l MKHIOH flAMP, KO. 10, WV OfOftWlO
'SonmofVkt'h. Mvtit iteU.A. K. Hnll, heliumm,
Or.. every Hmwliiy evenhiK. except the third
Saturday of each niimtli, nioolliiK the third Fri
day Instead. All lirntheni nf the Hmw of Vot-
snuiH mid eomnuleMil' the (1. A. K. are uordlally
Invited to mtrotwill) the (.'ainii.
c. 1. Mm-Aous, Cupt.
A. Ora OAU, Flrel Best.
1 eatherforl & Chamberlain,
J.R. wriTT,
Attorney- at- L,aw,
Attorney -at- Law,
-Collections given prompt and eafeful attention.
Will practice In all the court! of the stale.
omen is COCRTSSY'l aaicx.
Lbbahok, Obeocn.
St. Charles Hote,
Corner Main and Sherman SueeU.
J. B, THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartmsnts.
Speoittl attention paid to Coin
tuerulal men.
Board end Lodging, per day, P to
Si; per week $4.50totj
Successor to R. L, MoOlure.
Shaving Parlor.
In Hunsard'it New
First-Class Artists in, attend
ance. Mot and Cold Baths with
Shower at all times,
Youb Pathonaoe Solicited.
Your real name must accompany
every uommunicntion or it will cer
tainly go to the "waste hasket." We
do uot want your iinnie for publica
tion, hut as a guarantee of pood faith.
i Editor.
There was a wciul gathering at the resi
dence of Doc South; Tuesday night, the
14tli Inst. 1
Grandpa Fitzwater went to Letianon on
8t. Valentine's day.
Ilnth men and beast are rejoicing cause,
weather moderating.
Mr. Cliaa. Snott In crabbing and clearing
a pieeu of land, preparatory to netting out a
prune orchard of the Itulian variety.
Mr. Oooior is in old Yamhill on impor
tant huxitietis, and in ex(iected home next
Farmera are biiHy plowing, and indica
tions ixiint toward an early spring.
Wm. Popplewell is contemplating a trip
to Prineville, Eastern Oregon.
J. A. Morgan and family, of Waterloo,
returned to their home Monday afternoon,
Dr. B. 0. FcIIcwb was suddenly called to
Hpring Farm Monday, to attend Mrs. 3. A.
Morgan, who is very iil there.
Master Orval Ferguson is at bis grand
father's in this locality. He Is not well,
having had the typhoid fevor some weeks
Mrs, F. A. Oleason'a many fricndB here
rejoice to hear of her convalescing.
, Pua.
. Academy ffotea.
BlrthinRton'a Washday nan celebra
ted by a holiday.
Thooe who attended the teachers'
examination, from the Academy, now
wear a entile ot satisfaction.
Most of the Aoademyites visited the
Public Sohoil on last Wednesday.
The Literary Society was postponed
last Friday, on ancount of the drama
by the 6. of V.
The Literary Society will not be
public this week, although it is the
last meeting in the month, as the pro
gramme for that evening waB not pre
pared far public night.
The boys are lining up the sewer
dl'.oh, wnich ruus through the yard,
preparatory to maklug a baseball
Ray Jackson, a farmer student of
the Academy, called at the Academy
one evening thin week. Mr. J. is now
studying medicine at the Willamette
University in Portland, and-we pre
sume he will soon have the "Dr." at
tached to his name.
Epworth Leaica Programme.
The Eivorth League will have charge of
the services in the Methodist church, Sun
day evening, Feb. 28. The following pro
gramme will be rendered :
1. Hymn.
2. Lord's Prayer.
5. Anthem.
4. Scripture Lesson.
6, Solo.
6. Essay, "Character."
7. Recitation.
8. Ladies' Quartette.
9. Reading.
10. Song by the Junior league.
U, Recitation.
12. Duet,
18. Address, "Character Building."
14. Hymn.
Everybody Is cordially Invited to these
.services, ,
A BargalB.
W. C. Peterson, the rustling real
estate agent, will sell you a choice la
acre tract of laud for hops, garden or
fruit, adjoining the city on the east, at
a special bargain. Call on him at once
and look the land over and price on
same. Do not miss a fine chance to
get yourself a fine tract of land at a
Ftremeu Attention. The next reg
ular election of officers of Lebanon
Engine Co. No. 1 will be held Friday
evening Man 3rd, 1898, at 7:30 o'clock.
Council Proceedings.
Council met Inst Tuesday evening m
tegular meeting.
The roll was called and. Bn the
councllmen were prenent.
Messrs. Guy & Mr.yer presented a
petition with bondsmen and also wilh
a receipt from the city treasurer ask
ing for a saloon license, whk!h was
granted, and by motion : the city re
corder was ordered to Issue the license.
Several communications were read
from different rubber Kimpanies in
regard to a suction hose for the Are
engine. By motion -the matter was
referred to the finance committee with
instructions to purchase the necessary
A communication from the leader
of the Albany military band asking
that the license they paid to play at
this place be refunded. By motion
the money was ordered rafunded and
an order drawn on the treasury for the
W. C. Peterson was present and
made a report In regard to the condi
tion of the fire department.
A petition was then read asking for
two arc light on Bridge avenue,
and also that the light on the corner at
the harness shop be moved so it would
shine down that street. By motion
the matter was referred to the com
mittee on streets and public property.
By motion the council then adjourn
ed to meet next Friday evening at 7
o'clock. , ,
Frultate Court.
In guardianship of Cecil Madge
Morgan, citation returnable March 6,
ordered issued. , ,
In estate of John Bilyeu, Inventory
filed. Real estate $5080. Personal
property $896 50; notes 1315 60.
In petition of Heriry Ingram, peti
tion to sell real property allowed.
In estate nf John Mrl?lnna infh
annual report filed. '
In estate of Otto Serfling, bond of
$20,000 approved.
In estate of Chris Hardman, sale of
property confirmed.
In guardianship of Walter and
Myrtle McBrlde, bond approved and
appraufeas appointed.
In estate of Wm H McBrlde, receipts
were distributed and administrator
' In guardianship of Leota and Vera
Pattnn. hnnii nf ftwnn .nnmrnH en i?
Smith guardian.
In nRtAfa of Maria Uvlvuti, 1t
wuu-annuai account approved.
Notioe is hereby given that on the 7th
day of February, I898,the County Court ol
Linn County, Oregoa, duly licensed and
empowered me as the Ad ninistrator of the
estate of Peter Welt, deceased, to sell the
following real property belonging to said
Beginning 58 chains and S5 links North
of the south-east corner ofG. W. Klum's
donation land oiaitn No. 89, notification
No. 2522, Township 12, South Range one
West of too Willamette Meridean; thence
West 11 chaui8 thence North 80 chains and
18 links; thence East 11 chains; thence
South 84 chains and 18 links to the place of
beginning, containing 87.60 acres; the
above described land being and lying in
Linn County, Oregon.
I will in pursuance of said license and
power sell said land on the llth day of
March, 1898, at the court house door in the
eity of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at the
hour of p. iu. of said day to the highest
and best bidder therfor at public auctiou
for cash In hand. The title of 'said decedent,
Peter Welt, being a feesimple in said land.
Administrator of said estate.
Attorney for Administrator.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and set
tle at once as I am needing my money.
Jury '.List. ,
Following is the list of jurymen
drawn for the circuit court, which con
venes in Albany on March 13, 1893:
Albany It G Watson, J A Cunt
ming, B W Cundiff.
Brownsville W T Cochran, S M
Center Geo McKtiight.
Crawfordsvllle Wm Ireland.
Franklin Butte Newton Crabtree,
ECRodgers. , ,
Fox Valley-J B Trask.
Halsey W R Garrett, Anthony
Maxwell, L M Armstrong.
Harrisburg William Wassom, DS
Jordan A T MeCulley. .
Lebanon C D Steen, N Bridges. B
Price George Geisendorfer, J M
Rock Creek T B Barnes.
Santiam A H Charlton, J M Hass-
ler, C T Craft Jr.
Shedd B R Forbs.
Sweet Home E B Vvilson.
Syracuse A Farlow.
Tangent Alfred Morgan, Arthur
Churchill. .
West Albany Wm Fortmiller.
A Difference of Opinion.
Everybody is In debt, farm nrod
ucts will nut brine the cost of Droduo-
UOu, roads impassible, hundreds of
men in enforced idleness, hundreds of
families can hardly procure the ueces.
saries, without any of the comforts cf
life, but these are trifles.' The neonle
arejsuffering from an "efficient" mili
tia! -Advance.
The writer of the above Is siiirIv tip
most unmitigated prevaricator that
ever perpetrated himself on any com
munity or any state. Those looking
for the biggest liar for the least monev
just correspond with the editorial writ
er or tue "Jje'ianon Advance," the
author of the above. Stayton Times.
Thos. A. Edison on Thursday com
pleted arrangements to show his latest
invention, the kinetograph, at the
world's fair. The kinetograph Is a re
markable device, but it is not very use
ful. It is an instrument by which
every gesture of a speaker may be pho
tographed and at the same time every
word be utters is recorded on the cyl
inder of a phonograph. The two de
vices are then concerted, the photo
graphing apparatus and the phono
graph. By throwing the photograph
on a tcreen and starting the talking
machine the words and gestures of any
speaker can be reproduced. The effect
produced Is that the figure on the screen
is doing the talking. The deception is
said to be very clever, New Orleans
Times. .
J. S. Tulbott and C. F. Wheeler are
in this city from Independence in the
interest of a new line of railroad that
is proposed to be built from Indepen
dence to Salem. The original Idea
was to build the road via Dallas, but
the gentlemen say that the Dallas
business men took so little interest In
their scheme that they now propose to
build from Independence to Salem
direct. These gentlemen represent
$75,000 that stands ready to go Into
the Investment and they will ask a
like amount from Salem. They want
to put in a first-class Btandard gauge
road to cost $150,000. The idea Is to
extend the line eventually up the
Luckiamute to Falls City. Messrs.
Talbott and Wheeler will spend sever
al days in this city among the busi
ness men and property owners in the
interest of the proposed line. Salem
The Church of Christ meets in the
Academy for regular services every
Lord's Day lu the morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
AH are invited to attend.
NO. 52
Ed KcllenBerger has bought 40 acres or
land of John Cave. '
Miss Julia Kirk and Mrs Blanchard, of
Brownsville, were the guests of B. F.-Kirkv
and wife this week,
On the 3rd of .March the young" '
people of the Presbyterian church ill
give a concert and social. The prin
cipai feature of the evening will be
caudy pwlline. bon Imn xn. ...
- - 'iu au
other refreshment very much liked by
all social goers. The program will be
somewhat as follows: Two choruses
by the Lebanon Choral Union, two
choruses by the ft. E. M. D. N. L.
Society, recitation and reading, Rev".
Edward Ecclestou; solo Miss Nona
Miller, and other parts still to be ar
ranged. CriVMrn
The Union Scout in its wnmtv m,t
proceedings has the following tim.
were then opened on koeninir
poor farm for one year, and contract
was let to .Egbert Cofflnberry at $3.75
per week for each pauper, the contrac
tor to have the use of the poor farm
and the county to furnish the necessa-
ry clothing and medical assistance for
the paupers, the contractor to furnish
all necessary care and attention totbo'
sick. ; , 5 ... w
The ladies of the Belief Corps gave a very
enjoyable social at the G. A. R. Hall Wed
nesday evening, celebrating Washington,s
Birthday. .Tlie Choral Society furnished
excellent ntWic. Prof. Randle made the: -'.
opening remarks. Miss Madge Marks re-
cited in a very gojd manner "Grand Moth
er Lee." F. M; Miller spoke on the char
acter of Washington. But the crowning .
was a Bong, Washington, by four Httle boys
and their hatchets. After tile literary pro
gram refreshments were served. The ladies
of the corps were in Martha Washington '
attire, and a general good time was had by
all. The Relief Corps desire to return their
thanks too all who so kindlv assisted r.hpm
especially the Choral Society.
Sheridan's bill to proteot Mongolian
pheasant provides a nenaltv nf Kn tn
$100 fine for killing the birds or hav
ing them in possession during the
close season, and in default of pay
ment the offender must serve a dv In
the county jail for every $2 of the fine.
nau tne nnes collected go to the In- ;
former and half to the conntv. Th
bill also provides that the birds slialj
not he taken or killed lu the nnnntliia -
of Douglas, Coos. Currv. Jackson or
Josephine for a period of three years.
me reason tor tnis provision Is that
the birds have not yet obtained a foot
hold in these counties.
Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkanana
City, Kan. wishes to srive our rentera
the benefit of his experience with
colds. lie says: "I contracted a cold
early last spring that settled mi mv
lungs, and hod hardly recovered from
it when I caught another that hung
on all snmnier and left me with a
hacking cough which I thought I
never wouiu get na or. i nad used
Chamberlain.s Couarb Remedy
fourteen years ago with rr.uch success
and concluded to try it again. When
l bad got through with one bottle mv
cough had entirely left me, and I have
not 8unered with a cough or cold since.
I have recommended It to others.
all speak well of it." 50 oeut bottles
tor sale oy M. A. Miller.
Washington's Birthedav waa ftnnrnn. .
riately observed by the students of the
public school. All the students, about
two hundred in number, were assem
bled in the two upper rooms which
were thrown together by means of
folding doors. Quite a number of the
friends and patrons of the school were
present, who with the students filled
the rooms almost the to brim. The en.
ercises began at nine o'clock, and con
sisted of declamations, essays, songs,
dialogues eH, all of which were an.
Dronriate to tile oorauiinli. alan liitA. .
esung ana entertaiuing. AH of the
teacners wno nad the matter In oliargt
deserve mneh nmulit. tn
the exercises. Some of the recitations!
are deserving of special mention and
uiej.nj, iuhvu ciwuuouary anility.
i '
1 Jv,'t5
I '