The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 17, 1893, Image 8

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    Lebanon Express.
: V .fJ.C. BH.YEIT,
City Council meets on the first and third
Tuesday evenings of each month. ;
County Court. .'.
:, ; I'ctiticnof A J Shelton, et alfor county
over Blue creek ret'errtul to supervisor.
Application of H EOaily etal for comity
road continued.
Hill of M Blmckiefurd, J2.5D dismissed.
A D Richardson appointed supervisor of
IJist; WW Crawford, l)ist 21 ( Jas W
flwankl)ist38; A L Arnold, Dist 7; 0 P
Card, Distal; 0 W iturchest, I)iat48; R C
Marguan, Hist 26; Jas Nichols, DistK.
Application of M Riland for a road plow
In application of J M Coffeldt etal for
tx)unty road, viewers appointed. 1
Application of J L Miller et al for aid
Thos B Miller continued.
Application of J I! Jenks etal for county
road dismissed on motion.
Petition for vacation of portion of East
treet, Tangent, granted.
;,, Bill for fees, IS.90, in State vs Clyde Pratt
and Frank Bteugraut, dismissed; also bill
of Glass & Pnulliomnie for $4.
The application of J. F. Davis for a re
duction of $12.88 on assessment continued,
The proposition of Chas Redtield to make
township maps for Linn county was not ac
cepted. The bill af Marion county for f 1197 09 for
; building the Mill, City bridge continued.
The application of John A Beltsch for
t county road, continued.
The tax levy for f.iim county was order
ed made at 18 mills.
William Gleason was appointed super
visor of Dist No. 10.
H J Jones, printing f 2 75
J H Lewis, bounty 100
Judge Duncan, salary ltio 00
Wm Kumbaugh, per diem ' . 20 70
J W Pngh, per diem . 9 00
OPCoshow, aid Hale family : i 10 001
u O Cooley, aid Mrs Clark 6 00
M Sawyer, aid Henderson 10 00
Ladies Aid Society aid Long children lo 00
W Savage, aid J W Cox
ii Crawford, aid Mrs Roberts
I' I. Wallace, aid Kilts
B White, aid Kenworthy
John Burnett
ii Baker, aid MrsGalloway
John Usher, janitor 1
W C Morgan, aid Kinley
W A Gulliford, aid Mrs Johnson
W B Glass, aid Kemp
J W Uarland sn)erintendent dist 9
M Parker, superintendent dist 21
i V Miller, aid poor
Young & Co lumber
State agt, Clyde Pratt
MVinoents hospital
H B Mover, Lumber ;
Hi Walker, bounty
B C Erwin k Co stationary etc
Vaughn A Powene, lumber
Drawingjury . '
Jas. Mcilargue, supt. dist 38
Jerry Hay, acct roads
Hall A O'Donald Co., stationary, eta
U Wilson, lumber
Albany Electric Co
State agt Amos Hiatt
State agt J W Van Order
Glass Purdhtimmci, stationary
J B McDonald, drawingjury '
8 V Barger, drawingjury
inquest, Otto Serfhng ;
t F Kuaaell
K T T Fisher, surveying
Jack & Grover, acct roads ' :
J C Warner, bounty
John Warner, bounty
State Agt A H Brown
A L Arnold tup dist 7
W Nichols sup dist 36
. Oregon agt P Rogers .
Jury for dist 6
1' J Smiley, stationary
C C Jackson, fees - .
It F Crow, aid poor
J A Jones sup dist 48 '
Stites & Nutting
H Arnold sup dist 25 1
Samuel Porter, acct roads
Jos ftichols dist 28
Stewart 4 Box, Mdoe
'N P Payne, fees . i;:
B White, aid poor .
Ladies Aid Society, aid Cove children
10 00
,; 8 oo
10 00
10 00
8 00
8 00
10 00
10 00
12 00
10 00
49 00
24 00
20 00
0 60
id eo
62 00
31 88
1 0
40 00
10 90
14 00
32 00
11 2S
50 65
27 69
11 25
8 25
12 00
3 00
8 00
23 00
64 60
13 60
5 16
6 00
6 00
' 8 60
60 00
26 60
204 00
,7 00
20 95
76 80
36 38
J.7 00
3 60
25 00
1 88
28 00
108 80
7 60
Baptist Cmoruh Preaching every
Buiitluy al 11 A. M.und TiiOr, m. Bun
day Hciiool at 10 A. if. Young Peopled
meeting every Sunday at :46l m.
l'myer-iiiiwtiug every Wednesday at
8 v. M. , C. R. Lamab, Pastor.
V - Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, I
Jan. 80, UK. t
Notice i hereby given Ihat tlK! folhnvluif.nsnied"
twttler has lilwl notice of his intention lo make
final proof in sumrtof hlsctaim, ami that said
, proof will be mmc before the County Clerk of IJnn
County, at AlUjiy, Oregon, on March M, MSB.
' ; HetuuR Parana.
M. entry No. MN, for the 8. B. of S. W. V. Mid
8. W.KofH. K. M.8M.M, T.llS, B. 1 W.
Ho naiiies the following wllnettees to nrvn hl
eootlououHrfiKideiioe upon md wiltivfttiouof'.gaW
mr. j. a. wioiistsi, oi luueromi win
. E. Osborne, of Abberdeen hinn Co. Ore.
)iu,rt a&vmyt nf lju.fimli lorn
Ore. Wilhiim Savage, of Atjlioivltitn! Linn Co!!
AODerdmi Linn Co. Ore.
I'rotmte Court.
In gunnliauslilp of Hnllua and Snm
uol Hurklmrt, upprnisere upnointed.
In gunrilinimliip of Leotn nnt Vera
Patton, T F Bnillh was nppnlnteil guar
(linn. Bond IfHK). Bale of real prop
erty continued.
Jn ostate of W P Bmith, B Andrews
appointed administrator. Bond 6000,
Bond approved.
In estate of Jesse Bnrr, Inventory
filed; real property $996,23; personal
property ordered sold. , . ,
In guardianship of Guv and Francis
Biuehart; third account filed.
In estate of Robert McCullnugh,
personal property exempt from execu
tion of value ol tkj.28 ordered set aside
for widow.
In estate of McCtlllough & Talbot,
W W Parish was appointed BXeeutor
of estate of McCullougli, Bund SiH),
filed. Personal property ordered sold.
Finn: settlement of estate of J F
Backensto continued until March 6,
and in estate of Rebecca Vernon to
March (1.
In guardianship of Claud Hnolton,
guardian given time to make a show
ing. - ,
In estate of Nettle Sun ford, adminis
trator appointed. Bonds $ot)0.
In estate of Otto Hurtling, will ad
mitted to probate. J. A. Bllyeu exe
cutor. Bonds 2U,000.
In estate of Alford Leory Ileol, side
of real property oontirmed.
In estate of F E Mann, semi-annual
account approved.
There will he services in the First
Presbyterian church every Hunday,
morning und evening. The evening
sermon Is especially intended for the
young people. Young People's prayer
meeting at 7 P. M. on Sundays. All
are cordially invited to come and wor
ship with us. Please make yourself
known to the Pastor.
Edwahd Ecoleston.
Voting Contnst. .
Standing of the four loading nan
didateB in C. C. Hurkluman's vot
ing oontsst is ae follows; .-
C. B. Montaguo
. C. II. Knlston 1
J. K. Chiirlton
ChiiB. 1'ugh :
Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas
City, Kan, wishes to give our readors
the benefit of his experience with
colds. Ho says: "I contracted a cold
early last spring that settled on my
lungs, and Had hardly recovered from
It when I caught another that hung
on all summer and loft me with a
hacking cough which I thought I
never would get rid of. I had used
Chamberlnin,s Cough Remedy some
fourteen years ago with much success
and concluded to try it again. When
I had got through with one bottle my
cough had entirely left me, and I have
not suffered with a cough or cold since.
I have recommended It to others, and
all speak well of it." SO cent bottles
for sale by M. A. Miller.
: -'.v ' MAUKIE1) LADIES.
Mrs. F. M. Millor '
Mrs. Mmuricg
Mrs. Montague .
Mrs. .
YOfNIl men. '
N. V. Smith
.luck Kalston
Itobt. Montague " .
H. S. Dalgleish
Libbio Cnrothors
Jessie iMi'.Culley
Addie Simpson
Grace Roberts -
Cluiogwl Every Week, .
Wheat 6Bo.
Outs Hoc.
Hay Sliiperlon.
Flour $1 00 per saok.
Chop $1 25 per cwt.
lirnii Nie per cwt.
Potatoes 6(lo.
Apples Dried, 7c per lb. ,
Plums Dried, 6c.
Onions 2c.
Beef Dressed, 3ffl(4o.
Veal 4(,5c.
Pork l)rekK), 6c.6J
Lard 1WU6.
Hams 12i(ilf)cperlb.
Blioulilers lllc.
Hides 12J15o per lb.
Geese tSperdoz.
Ducks IB' 00 per doz.
Cliiekcns-l;! IKI(.rt4 00.
Turkeys lOu per lb.
Eggs 25c msr doz.
Butter ic p"r lb.
i i ides Green, 2(rn8c; dry, Be.
, : . Ijanil Office at Oregon City, Oregon, I
inn. 21. I
Notice i hpreby ftiven that tlio (ollowiiiK'namod
settler inw illeii iioilw of IiIh intention to make
inal prooiln stipxrt of hi claim, and that said
proof will bo niHdii before the Clerk ofLInn tiuuty,
at Albany, Oregon, on March 17, IS1H, vli:
Pre. D S No. 7U, for the W. of S. W. , N. E.
j of 8. W. H, N. W. y, ol'S. K. , Sec. 10, 1. 13 8
He names the followiiurwiineMei! to prove hi
eoutinuoui' roMdeiioe upon and cultivation of nald,
laniLvii: William J. ilonnm, Orlanuo l'ickoiw
Arthur Htm, anil John Uineliart, all of Sweet
Home, Linn Co., Oregon.
. Register.
(For the correct answer to any
ONE word, ? 20 UO
iKor the correct answer to any
TWO words, 50 00
For the correct answer to any
THREE words, 70 00
For the correct answer to any
FOUR words, , 100 00
For the correct answer to any
FIVE words, 125 CO
The Golden-Rod Publishing Co., of Chicago, Illinois, has deter
itnined to secure 500,000 new subscribers to their family story paper,
Ithe fiOLDEN-ROD. before July 1st, '93.
In the ordinary way this would require a lifetime, but "time isi
iinoney" and in order to save time we are willing to pay those whol
hubaenbe now a large sum oi
Lnliiinc tbnt we can soon recover this creat expenditure from thol
increasea revenue irom onr auvernseru.
ITnr nnrreM niiawOra tn tllO fllllnwillf ton WOrd-r id(lle8. TllCl
polden-Kott ruDiianing v;o. win puy u luiuiwing
For the correct Bnswor to any
SIX words, 150 (XN
For the correct answer to any
SEVEN words, . 175 M
For the correct answer to any
EIGHT words, 200 M
For the correct answer to any
NINE words, 225 (M
For tho correct answer to ALL
of the TEN words, 300 001
As Special Grand Prizes We Will Pay in Cash
fro every one sending In the correct answers tn
Aliij oi tne lj worus ucioru muiuii jsl, oo, coov.oo.
Here aro the word-riddles, enn vou solve them? Remember any
kme of the ten words correctly solved wins tor you $ 20.00 in cash.
4 I-R-NQ--
Tree bearing round fruit.
'TrccTKrait "larger "at m-
MfiiitH. with Flowers of
bright colors.'
Tropical Tree, Wllh
rounrl yellow fruity
-RAP - " flic fruit 'to good lo eat.
I A lofty tree. ,
" J'lowew hanflsome, of
"ipilrple or other colors.
BAN A iropiBi iree, who huh
Flowering buslios.
T troploai fruit "boarinf
. Id
Boots & Shoes,
Dry Goods,
Gents' Furnish
ing Goods.
Reduction Sale.
We aro going to soli for tho next Thirty Days at a great
reduction in Ladies' and Children's kIiocs. Now will he
your time to secure a great bargain. We aro closing out
somo lines regardless of cost, to make room for now arrivals
of shoes. We have too many kinds of shoes to give all of
MID UUL JIllMW mi llltllll HI prilll,
Ladies' French Kid limn! m'woiI
" " limohine Kewetl
" " ,UII t unit-d
" lJonola Kid, nil styles,
i it n .
u it
" I'olihlo Ornin
Old Ladies' line Anicrlcini Ilnnirolu
o it ,i
" Glove, grand (rood one
it it t
Ladles' oil pruln, the very best
" " a good one
" calfskin
i o
Misses' oil grain, the best that Is made
" " good one
II (Ml
6 III)
r, mi
4 IH)
8 (K)
2 m
1 78
2 21
2 00
Knrmor cut down
1'rlt'o. frliio.
6 110 4 ilO
4 ini 8 m
4 fill 4 no
2 HI 2 25
2 2Ti 1 75
2 50 2 00
.1 00 2 50
2 50 2 (K)
2 00 1 50
1 75 1 25
2 25 1 75
1 50 1 26
2 00 1 75
2 00 1 50
1 60 1 25
1 76 1 50
1 60 1 26
A cut on all children's shoes.
ladies, the time has come to got a good coarse, medium
or fine shoe at a very small sum of monty, for cash only,
Carries a Complote Assortment of
Dry Goods, Clothing, " Hats,
Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Grooeries.
Premium tickets given with every dollar b worth
of goods, cash purchase.
Special discounts allowed on all cash purchases of Clothing,
Cloaks, Blankets, and all other winter goods.
Highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce
taken in exchange for merchandise.
H7VDI MJITIAH Hafih dash iiflfc,alOrillK!abiJi!cof a ecrtfUa letier, find wiwn tJie prortur let
UAiuniiniiuu tei'uarfcriU(iiuei tho riiiiai worn win be tounat'ompiHH;. h-xhuiijh
Tlie omitted lettern are i nud J, and wben prypurly inserted
A bw)k wliieh every one fbould rewi,
hd commete wool Ik mom.
Are paid (b ami th( very (lay any answer in muim to m ftrreci. io preveni bvjh
iv ftinif aranoe of rreL'it r tv or wllnnlon. ft cony or ine onwiai wn woms nan iweii
wiiosc Bworn ttawieiil. m iu the orre(st wonla will be pulUlied In tirn April number of the Ool-
.Hnicnilr Kvory Jorreot Anwr Wlnw A J'rlKe.
If ftWmTMWt! ThB object of this extraorofnary offyr is of ewirw to secure wiow3rnr at once,
tUflymUii)) and (n Urtte mimbpm. WtiiereforercnimUbato0cntsforayMr'Hmib!rMtioii
i.ntliiiiiniiF tii if (itn hm-m.koii tw Mint, with ttacn answer. 1 1 11 11 iwu w aits tin-
wr(l Si .00 imm be mtit. Mir
mmiviW be waited to addrM(ie ivt-n,
TimAanaw tiiBWAwJn vnii aiwwer bv their nitmbeni,. Send at onfl awl win ffaurt prize. A'
liress ftlJ leueraahd laakc ail reoiiiluHceB payable to
lie Golden-Rod Publishing Co,, 321 Dearborn bt., Chicago,
IlKJMABI-J-: Aj:'J-i-" WANTHl).
Glassware and Queensware.
Gov ntry I'roduce Taken a(i Highost Markot Price.
OF ALL KINDS done at
the Exi'Kuss Office. Good
u j i
-o J.fl'. Af rajON,
WU11VH11U 1(JW rJllCUS. II