The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 17, 1893, Image 6

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    B. X. KIRKPATRIOK, Publisher.
Pennoyer Vetoes the Salute on
Isauguration Day.
Tray of Diamonds Stolen From a Jewelry
. Store In Sacramento Marine
Ingtoeer Pardoned.
Riverside paekera and growers m
holding the orange crop back until the
Honda trait ie well oat of market.
The contract for the construction of the
Booth Gila canal haa mat been let to
Loa Angeles parties. The work when
completed win coat I2,UW,(XN.
The wife of B. T. Earle, late snperin
tendent of the Stockton combined bar
mater works, believes he haa gone to
Mexico with a married woman.
0. W. Holleubeck, the Auburn (Gal.)
banker, baa been acquitted on an em-
benlement coarse, owing to a variance
Detween me inutcuneni ana rae proou
The Gage canal, which furnishes the
water supply lor tne new cable settle
ments of Riverside, is being cemented for
a distance of six miles, and the work is
nearly completed.
Phomix, A. T., is apparently In earn
est in an endeavor to doits share toward
bnilding the proposed Ban Diego and
rnmnix railway, nan uiego oners to
baud to the uolorado river.
The Loa Angeles Board of Supervisors
favor the passage of a State law provid
ing tbat new counties cannot be formed
without the consent of a maioritv ot
voters residing within the area of the
original oonnty.
The Bradstreet mercantile agency re
ports fourteen failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories for the past
week, aa compared with thirteen for the
previous weea ana sixteen lor the cor
responding week of law!.
The ease of the Illinois Trust and Sav
ings Bank of Chicago against the Los
Angelee cable road has been opened in
the Superior Court at Loa Angeles. This
an euon w lorciose i,oi,uuy worm
01 ontstanamg mortgages.
The Governor of Washington has par
AnnoA 1 ninm iinnaamnl Q.. L' ,
a marine engineer. Goniales has served
two yean in the penitentiary, but recent
circumstances prove bim innocent of the
crime lor which he was committed.
Traces of strychnine have been found
in the atomach of the wife of Henrv
Bentley at Loa Angelee. Bentley mar
ried tne woman, who was quite wealthy,
and it is charged that he had boasted
she would be dead at about the time she
A small bird inhabitants the valleys
and canyons putting into Death Valley,
making his home in the mesqnit groves
abounding there, ills principal occupa
tion seems to be a war of extermination
against scorpions, which he is very skill
ful in Killing.
The Bee Hive, the old residence of
Brigham Young at Lake and recently
owned and occupied by bis son, John W.
Young, haa been sold out on judgment
for $67,413.44. The Bee Hive brought
162,607.78 and the other property enough
and more to satiety tne judgment.
J. A. Pilaster of Loa Angeles, who waa
thought to have been murdered, has
turned np in Ban Francisco, rflaater
disappeared about a year ago and much
talk was occasioned over the fact tbat a
barber waa accused of killing him and
burying him in the yard, which waa
dug over to una evidence.
A railroad contractor haa just arrived
in Albany, Or., from California, where,
is stated, be gave up a contract to do so,
and will to to work shortly on the ex
tension of the Oregon Pacific, which is
to connect with the Chicago, Burlington
and Qaincv railroad. Ue says it is busi
ness this time and no more foolishness.
Sergeant Levin of Victoria, B. C, who
was suspendedowlng to his investigation
into the manner of the death of A. 1.
Davis, the Montana millionaire, has been
reinstated. The Sergeant believed that
the daughter-in-law ol Davia pushed him
while he waa drank, and be fell down
stairs and was killed. No criminal in
tention was discovered.
A tray of diamonds was stolen from H.
Wachhorat'e jewelry store at Sacramento
the other evening. One man broke the
piate-glasa windows and another covered
the clerk with a pistol, while the first
grabbed the tray, when both men
dashed np the street and disappeared in
Chinatown. They had false whiskers
and eouid not be identified.
The prospects for an early resumption
of operations at tbe Temescal tin mines
in San Bernardino county, Cal., are not
very encouraging. During tbe past week
the Sheriff baa sold at auction a quantity
of the movable property of the company
to satisfy the accounts of parties to whom
the company was indebted when the
mine waa closed down some months ago.
The arrest of Mrs. Yesler at Seattle.
Wash., on the charge of having destroyed
the will of her husband, is now believed
to be a part of a conspiracy to prejudice
the appointment of Mrs. Yesler'a choice
as administrator of the estate, and Low
man, the disgruntled heir, is the head of
the conspiracy. There is much feeling
in the city, the Mayor will not involve
" the suit.
Postmaster-General Wanamaker Creates
Something of an Innovation in
Official Life.
Senator Dolph has the Bllets Indian
reservation bill in proper shape and
ready to pass aa soon aa an opportunity
occurs tor caning it up.
Benator Cullom has introduced a Joint
resolution requesting the city authori
ties of Philadelphia to lend the United
States the Liberty bell for exhibition at
the world's Hair.
By direction of the President Secre
tary Foster of the Treasury Department
naa directed tne collectors ot customs
at New York, Philadelphia and Boston
to suspend the refund of duties upon bat
material until turtuer advised.
It is understood that M. K. Bell, su
perintendent of the Chicago public
building, against whom a report of mal
feasance in office waa made by Assistant
secretary jjamDertaon, naa tendered his
resignation to Secretary Foster. It will
probably be accepted.
The experiments In the treatment of
lumpy jaw under the direction of the
Department of Agriculture are com
pleted. Results ahow tbat of eighty-five
cattle treated sixty-eight were complete
ly cured. Secretary Rusk Is highly de
lighted with tne showing.
The Oregon delegation has been in re
ceipt ol numerous letters recommending
11. ii. Kees ol Oregon lor appointment
aa paymaster In the army, and have in
dorsed him for the place, but the Presi
dent ia very likely to name some of his
personal mends for these places.
Benator Mitchell haa introduced a
joint resolution providing that where an
officer of the United States has been pre
sented with a medal and the medal has
been lost or destroyed a duplicate should
be issued. This is meant to secure a du
plicate medal for General H. B. Comp
son of Lakeview, whose medal for dis
tinguished services waa stolen bv tbe
The House Committee on Interstate
and Foreign Commerce has ordered a
favorable report on the Senate bill ap
propriating 1260,000 for the construction
of a ship canal to connect Lakes Union
and Washington with Paget Sound. The
bill waa reported with an amendment
striking out the proposed route by
Smith's Cove, leaving the route to be
decided upon by the secretary ol War.
The rumor la in circulation that. If the
present Cjngresa does not repeal the
Sherman act, Cleveland haa said that he
will convene tbe fifty-third Congress In
special aession within thirty days after
March 4. Representative McMlllin, a
member both ot the Ways and Means
and the Rules Committees, says he has
been over the ground carefully, and can
no possible chance of the repeal of
the silver act.
The Treasury Department at present
holds lees gold than at any time since
the resumption act ol January l, 1S7H
and in the language of a Treasury offi
cial the gold obligationsare greater, with
less than S,0iX),WXI free gold to meet
them, and $2,600,000 gold engaged for
shipment from New York lor Hurope,
Treasury officials do not venture a pre
diction when the outflow will stop, but
state that they see nothing serious in
the situation.
The Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee baa appointed the following
subcommittee to consider the Nicara-
guan canal bill : Patterson of Tennes
see, Kavnor of Maryland, Price of Lou
isiana, ueary oi ualitornia, U'Nellt ol
Pennsylvania, ctorer of Oblo and Honk
of Obio. At least one member of the
committee is strongly opposed to the
canal bill. Ibis is Kaynor ol Maryland.
some others are believed to be lukewarm.
and Genry cannot be relied upon with
certainty to favor the bill according to
some men who are laminar with the sit
Postmaster-General John Wanamaker
created something of an innovation in
official life recently by giving a reception
at bis residence to the employee and at
taches of every department of the Post
office Department, as well as of the local
poe to nee. Tbe event was preceded by a
dinner, to which qnite a number of the
friends of the Postmaster-General and
his wife were invited. This is the first
reception of the kind that has ever been
given by a member of the Cabinet, and
it la expected to lorm an interesting
precedent that will be extensively fol
lowed in years to come.
What is considered in Washington as
one of the most significant moves in the
entire Hawaiian discanslon was tbe ear
nest speech made by Senator Dolph the
other day in favor of the United Statee
assuming control of tbe Islands. Sena
tor Dolph is one of tbe most influential
members of the Oommitttee on Foreign
Relations, and bis action in these mat
ters carries great weight. Tbe speech
was full of statistics, giving everything
of any value concerning the commercial
advantages of Hawaii, and will beatext
for tbe discussion that will ansae after
the arrival of the Commissioners. It is
replete with such information aa both
House and senate will need to act in
telligently upon the great question.
The report of tbe Biletx Indian Com
mission, with the draft of a bill for the
adoption of the agreement which has
been reached with those Indians lor the
cession of a portion of their lands, has
been received In tbe senate, and upon
the reaneat of Senator Dolph. immedi
ately sent to the printer, so that it may
be considered at an early date. The
Senator aays be is going to make every
effort to push the bill through, although
it is so late in the session tbat be may
find it difficult The bill provides that
the land shall be thrown open upon the
proclamation of the President, but Mr.
Dolnh is of the opinion that this will be
stricken out and tbe lands opened so
soon aa the agreement is ratified by Con
gress. He considers the agreement
reached wnn the Indians very eutisiao-
The Large Amount of Natural
Gas Wasted in Indiana.
A Negro Hanged In Delaware Nineteen
Tears Ago for Criminal Assault
Was Innocent
Northwestern Iowa la liable to be In
volved in a meat famine.
Oltlaens of Memphis are endeavoring
to suppress tne gambling evil.
About forty employes in the New Or
leans Mint have been discharged.
Kansas sends in the beat wheat report
oi any oi toe wneat-growing states.
An investigation of the ex-officials of
the Illinois Penitentiary la asked for.
The Michigan Liquors-Dealers' Asso
ciation haa organ tied an Inauranos order,
Small game is reported to be very
aounoani turougnoui manama mis year.
Extraodinary precautions against the
cholera have been taken at tbe city of
Philadelphia capitalists are figuring
on starting a new bank in Wall street
with $1,000,000 capital.
A Philadelphia syndicate haa made
extensive purchases oi coffee lands in
tae state ot uaxaca, Mexico.
The manage of the Chicago Fair are
counting upon $6,1 UO.OUU in receipts for
concessions granted Dy mem.
Mexico's exports to the United Btates
during the past nsoai year aggregated
$4,049,688 more than during the previous
The fifty-cent Columbian stamps, It is
discovered by a St. ixmis pussle nend
contains the picture of a man smoking a
The Union Pacific threatens to make
the rate from Ooden to Missouri river
points $20, and a hot rate war is ex
pected. Barbers in Ohio are agitating for a law
which shall make it legally possible for
a white barber to refuse to sbave a col
ored man.
Six of the public schools of Milwaukee
have been closed bv tbe Healtb Com
missioners because of their unsanitary
condition. r
In Louisville a man named Manning
has been arrested who is charged with
selling charms warranted to cure all
sort of illness.
The Senate baa passed the bill to re
fer to the Court of-Claims tbe claim of
Jessie Benton Fremont to certain lands
in San Francisco.
A Chicago lawyer haa suggested that
ex-Presidents, when they possess the
legal requirements, be named lor su
preme Court Justices.
Fonr saloons were erected in the mid
die of the Ohio river, which wasentlrely
frozen at Louisville, and did a thriving
business tor many days.
As the result of a recent order by the
government the immigration commis
sions paid by railroads to steamship
companies will be reduced.
Governor Hogg of Texas, in his mes
sage to tbe Legislature of that State.
advocated the taxation of venders of
deadly weapons and cigarettes.
Senator Warner Miller says Hunting
ton and the Southern Pacific interests
are in opposition to tbe Nicaragua Canal,
and their agents are at work in Wash
ington. -A
bill to orohlbit nriie-flghting In In
diana, providing tbat principals should
be fined $6,000 and the newspapers
$3,000 for printing advance notices, was
allien in tne uouse.
The Geologist of Indiana says that
enough gas has been wasted In its belt to
supply every lamlly in tbe State lor two
years, and tbat $22,000,000 is but a fair
measure of the loss.
Police Superintendent Byrnes of New
York has issued orders to tbe police to
arrest all beggara caught plying their
trade. They had made general nuis
ances of themselves.
Fonr thousand new poatoffices were
established during the last year, 557,046
nnmailable letters poured into the boxes,
32,012 of them wholly without any out
side sign, symbol or address.
An election contest in Massachusetts
haa developed the fact that the success
ful candidate for Representative in the
Wellington district was naturalized only
the day before he waa elected.
The Minnesota Legislature is getting
ready to try a sew form of paternalism.
It is proposed to amend the State Con
stitution so aa to enable the State to in
sure all farm buildings at coat.
To the British emigrants who will take
up land in the northwest of British Co
lumbia the Canadian government ia of
fering through the London immigrants'
Information Office bonuses of $6 to $10 a
Miss Nellie Ahem will be the next
State Librarian at Indianapolis. This
was decided at a caucus of the two
Houses in which sixtv-fonr votes were
for Miss A hern and only eight for tbe
male candidate.
A Washington disoatch lavs It has in
formation from a thoroughly reliable
sonrce that M. M. Estee upon the part
of San Francisco has offered the Santa
Fe $10,000,00,) if the road would build
into the city.
The Ohickamauga National Park Com
missioners have offered $17,000,000 for
eight acres of ground on Orchard Knob,
Tennessee, where Generals Grant and
Thomas stood and watched the battle of
Missionary Ridge.
The Gold and Silver Output of Mexico for
the Past (Twelve Years -The
Ivory Trade Increasing. .
Four-fifths of the engines now working
in the world have been constructed dur
ing the last twenty-five years.
In making champagne the grapes are
squeesed six times, each pressure mak
ing wine of a different quality.
One ol the oldest and most conserva
tive trust companies in Philadelphia
holds $380,000,000 of trust estates.
Electricity Is used for making forglnga,
amen, railroad spikes, bail bearing and
other articles hitherto made by band.
The value of the honey and wax pro
duced in the United States during the
past year has been estimated at $20,000,
000. It ia said all the building trades of
Chicago will on April 1 demand Increased
pay and a contract excluding non-union
Horses are so plentiful In Buenos
Ayres that everybody has at least one.
It is said that even the beggara beg on
English capitalists are reported to
have become interested in the coal fields
of Ohio county, Ky., and propose to de
velop them.
The Languedoe Ship Canal iu France,
by a short passage of 148 miles, saves a
sea voyage of 2,000 miles by the straits
of Gibraltar.
The boors of 7,000 men on the Onion
Pacific railroad system have been re
duced from nine to eight and only sevea
on Saturday.
A druggist at Chicago believes that If
he could secure the soda water privileges
at the World's Fair his fortune would be
made for life.
An Ingenious Boston man has Inst nat-
ented an electrical device designed to
automatically play banjos, mandolins,
guitars and harps.
A year ago there were only fifty people
In the mining settlement of Cripple
Creek, Col. Now It la a thriving town
of 10,000 inhabitants.
Fonr hundred acres of land in Linn
county. Mo., fenced and seeded to tim
othy, but without buildings, was re
cently sold (or $30 an acre.
Tbe largest telephone center In the
world Is that in the Exchange in Berlin,
Germany, where 7,000 wires are con
nected with the main office.
An Inventor who recently had an idea
patented in every country of the world
where the patent law exists had to pay
jast $14,660 for the privileges.
One hundred thousand tons of silver
and 800 tons of gold, representing a
money value oi $4,82U,oou,uwi. bave been
produced in Mexico since 1881.
A recent Invention Is a new type of
refrigerator car tbat can be run for
twenty days without re-icing. It is
charged with Ice and certain ohemicals.
There is a scheme on font for the estab
lishment of a $5,000,000 steel plant at
Galveston, Texas, similar to the steel
works at Chicago, Pittsburg and Cleve
In 1860 the United 8tates -produced
60,000 tons ol paper. In IrillO the pro
duction was 1,200,000 tons or 160,000
tons more than the total product of
European paper mills.
Four million tons of the finest ice ever
housed and 600,000 tons stacked for
early use, is the Hudson river winter
harvest. It has been gathered at an es
timated cost of 20 cento per ton.
A glass factory at Liverpool has "glass
journal boxes lor all its machinery. a
glass floor, glass shingles on the roof and
smokestack 106 leet high, built wholly
of glass bricks, each a foot square."
H. R. Hyde,
We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING. Calls answered niirht
or day.
; Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
W. P. HEAD, President. GKO. F. SIMPSON, Vloft'l'resident. ' J. O. WIHTOMAN, Secretary
J..L. COWAN, Treamrer. : JC. A. U11.NKU. w
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company
f:iuef Jaatloe of Supreme Oourt.
Hon. J. W. OTIS10K, Banker.
Hon, J. K. WKATHKItPUHli. Altomovt-Uw.
J. 0. WKITHMAN, Esq., CapllalUt,
Willamette valley utna uompanr..
No two' thirds, three-lonrlhl. tlilrtv or sistv-d.v
polleles. The Farmers' aud Merchants' Insuraiioe (lomiwny pavs the full amount ot loss up to
the amount Insured. The subscriber to the eanlta) stoolt consists ol larmers. mf reliant., bankers.
capitalists, attoiueys, pnyalclaus and uittuhauios,
veins tMM
The Shasta Route
Rxprea trtlui leave PorUtud dally:
7:00 r. H.Lv..V',J,nrtiitnd,7....Ar, f A."L
10:'2H r. H. I.T Albany Ar.l 4:2S a. U.
HMfi 4. M.Ar Hun Krttllolnnn.Lv, 7:00 t, H.
Tliu Above trttliifj tuip mily tu tli following
lUtloiiH uurtli of KoaWbtirff: Knat for Hand, Of
DKoii City, WtHKlbuni, Bttlem, Albany, TftiiRnt,
riumlri, Hitlaey.ilKrriibunf, J auction UHy, liviug
and Kuxornj.
Koimhurtt mail da My :
;:10 a. l.v I'ortimid Ar, i.W r, M.
Vi;if r. u Lv Albany A v. V2:W r. u.
6:W p. M, Ar. Niim'burg Lv, 7:00 A. M.
A 1 rutty local-dally (except Humlay).
4:W t. M,Iv,.,.ioVUttiiI,.Arlib:I A. M.
9:9) r. M,Ar, Albany I.v. fl:HU a. U.
I.wi.1 panwnrartralim dally oxraptHmiday).
1:'J0 p. h. Lv Albany Ar. 10.21 a. m.
i!:W p. h. Ar liUbanou Lv. 9:30 a. u.
8:10 A. M. l.v Albany Ar. 1:26 p. M.
:0U A. M. Ar Minium Lv. : p, M.
lllnln Curt on Offden Kniita.
Haond-Olaa HI a phi Vmr AtUohod t
All Through TritJnB.
Bktwkin Portland and Ourvalui.
Mall train-dally (eicgittHnnday);
7 :S0 a ,'V V 1" . ....... 1'or tin n d.,...Ar7 J ft :J a . I
12:10 P. M. Ar Corvallli l.v. I Vi:ft p, I
At Albany and Corvallli connaetwlth train
of OrRuii rat-illto railroad,
Kxpreww train dally 'wrapt Hmidayh
4:40 p. u. I Lv I'ortlatid
I'M p. M. Ar,.,.Mt-MhmvMlft,.
and Ktiropwean be obtained at loweatratea front
1. A. Uenuetts affQut, Lubanoii.
H. KOKHLKR, Maoagar.
E. P. UOOEKJi. Ant. U. K. A Paaa. Arhul
Tobacco, Cigars, Smokers' Ar
ticles, Etc.
Foreign and Domeatie Fruits and
Queensware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp
Hon. J. Jj. COWAN,
President Linn Conutv National Bank.
M. hTKRNRRKII, Esq., Merouaut.
W. r. RKAP. Km., HarasaM.
I). S. MtlNTKITlt. Oanltaltst.
O. r. HlMi'BON, Esq., Capitalist
elanso In ttie Farmers' aud slerohniiu1 s A RM
lua largest amount uald by slusle individuals