The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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y per ct difference.
Royal Baking Powder
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
As to whether nny of the baking powders are equal to
the " Royal," the official tests clearly determine. When
samples of various baking powders were purchased from
the grocers, and analyzed by the United States Govern
ment Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Hoards
pf Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal"
contained from 28 per cent to 60 per cent, more leavening
strength than the others, and also that it was more per
fectly combined, absolutely pure, and altogether wholesome.
As most of these powders are sold to
consumers at the same price as the " Royal,"
by the use of the Royal Baking Powderthere
is an average saving of over one third, be
sides the advantage of assured purity and
wholesomeness of food, and of bread, bis
cuit and cake made perfectly light, sweet,
and palatable.
The official reports also reveal the pres
ence, in other powders, of alum, lime or
sulphuric acid, by which their use is made a matter of grave
danger to the consumer.
Whenever a baking powder is sold at a Imver price tlian
the "Royal" or with a gift, it is a certain indication that it is
made from alum, and is to be avoided under all circumstances.
Thv.l of aarthlv kMn& .
Waorrof aarUilvaiB.
Waitfltad tlovni with aarlhly
: Tu peno I rain would wot.
Dear Deathl
toshv iwt'i anna fnfnlri imi
Thy damn kins on my brow
Snail tains niA pemte at Ian, la
i fain would bnra it sow,
And thrtowliftil last twmw,
Ami toy coiartanoy aiwar, v
in tai-17 not, my low,
Buteoma, yrta, noma today, j :!
-Matoalbh Lb.
A Curloua Northern Legend.
On the coast of. Kamchatka there in
n island known as "The Island of Talk
. ingDogs.'' The curious story connected
"Witii tins little spot of land, and the one
which gives it the name it bears is this,
according to an odd Asiatic legend:
The first inhabitants of the fur north
did not employ dogs, but drew their
walrus rib sleds themselves. After ages
had elapsed men made an attempt tonse
the dogs of that region which, by the
way, talked just as men do as beasts of
burden. The talking dogs, however,
argned the ease with their would be
masters and were not long in proving
tlnii they had enough to do to catch
game for themselves and the children of
men. But the men soon learned the use
.of the bow mnl the spear, thns raining
the occupation of the talking dogs,
Again an attempt was made to harness
them to sledges, but the talking canines
rebelled, and all swam ont to the island,
afterward known by the title given in
the opening. Here game was scarce
and the dogs soon turned cannibals, and
by the end of the first winter there were
only seven left. '
Some hnman Kamchatkans volun
teered to rowout to the island and bring
off the remnant of the dog colony. But
the dogs refused to leave their barren
island, each earnestly asking: "What
people are you? We have never seen
yon before." For this untruth Chaini,
the dog god, took their voices from
them, and until this day they have been
the dumb servants of man. St. Louis
Tlie Tomb of Bva, "
The Arabs claim that Eve's tomb is at
Jiildab, tin; seaport of Mecca, The tem
ple, with a palm tree growing out of a
crack in tne rock roof, which is of itself
one of the wonders of the orient, is sup
posed to lie bnilt directly over the last
resting place of the first woman. Ac
cording to Arab tradition Eve meas
ured over 200 feet in height, which, un
likely as it may seem, strangely coiu
' eides with an account of oar first par
ents written by a member of the French
academy, who also claimed a height of
over 200 feet for both of the tenants of
the garden of Eden. ;
Eve's tomb, which isa burying grotind
that is surrounded by a high wall, the
gate to which has not been opened for a
single interment for over 1,000 years, is
the shrine of thousands of devoted Ish-
maelites. who make a pilgrimage to the
spot once every seven years. Once each
year, on June 3, which is, according to
Arabian legends the anniversary of the
death of Abel, the doors to the tomb of
our first mother remain open all night,
no odds what precautions are taken to
keep them closed. Terrible cries of an
guish are said to emit from the tomb, as
though the memory of the first known
tragedy still haunted the remains which
blind superstition believe to be deposited
there. Philadelphia Press.
HltliUK lloll'a War Olnb.
The killing of Sitting Bull, the famous
Indian chief, recalls the foot that Mr.
Max E. Diokoraon is the proud possessor
of this great chiefs private warciub.
Mr. Dickwson secured the club from
Elroy Post, a scenic artist in the employ
of the Union Pud lie Railroad company,
who received it as a present from Hitting
Bull himself. Mr. Post was doing some
work for the railroad company at the
time in and around Sitting Hull's head
quarters, und the chief took great
liking to him, but would have nothing
to do with the rest of the men, although
there were six in the party, lie took
Mr. Post all through his camp, intro
duced him to different Indians, and
made tilings as pleasant for him as pos
sible. '
In return for his kindness Mr. Post
painted for Sitting Bull two large pict
ures of his two tiivorite ponies, Dry
Camp and Never Fret, which so pleased
the old chief that ho said he would like
to present him with sometning in return
for the compliment. Noticing a large
war club hanging up in the chiefs tepee,
Mr. Post said ho would like to have It.
Sitting Bull mentioned the font that the
club was an old relic, had been in serv
ice over forty years, passed through
numerous tattles, and because of its
curiosity he would gie it to him. Upon
Mr. Post's return to Aberdeen, 8. I).. he
shipped the relic to Mr. Diokorson, who
Colonel John C. Wyman, Ilhnde Island's
World' Valr Commissioner.
There Is a Khode Island man who bears now has it on exhibition in one of the
marked facial resemblance to the late prominent bnnness places f this oity.
no.iry win Bholhy Lor. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Beecher. He is 1 . .
Colonel John C
t yymao,ofVaUf7i The most noticeable thimr about the
ew'J tW tlm ,',i,,. American people, in the eyes of an Aus-
''H executive commls- fallan arrim1' " tne fMct tluit
7' :V sinner of th tueT wear their finger nails closely cut
i & World's Colum- oa Try clean. In Sidney or Melbourne
Tf bian exposition. 1 even the most aristocratio gentleman
' Sm'' Thongh rather never thmks of cleaning his finger nails,
A . 1 ,ucwl ' Tears and seldom cuts them. Even the lower
S' , '7 h," U tl,r",wo classes in the United States take good
, y Z It Kmof ttar-lh, which is ,metlnng
'''P-i' ous as he was u Australian can scarcely comprehend.
' yK"'!.' wh. mu h.if .. Anwncaus are nusy people, ami one oan
' old, and performs hardly imagine when they find time to
oolosel j. 0. WTttAK. tho inUm of witn cutting cleaning their
omce in a most enthusiastia manner. If hngernaus.
"Little Hhody" doesn't make a big show-1 Another noticeable thing is your illu-
ingatthefsiritwillnotbehlsfHiilt. mination of shop windows at night.
Colons Wyman has bud an interesting After 8 o'clock in a Melbourne street the
career. He went to the war in May. 1HISJ. 1 , ,
captain of company A, Thirty' tre"' "Cavern, and one
regiment, MassachuBetM infantry, as at ca" walkf,r Wock or more without
that time he was a resilient of the Bay neln& li"ht- Hot6 in 8110 Francisco
State. In the September following he was there are lights in every window. Even
appointed provost marnlutl of Alexandria, after the shop is closed (lie proprietor
Vs., which position be held nntil the leaves electric lights hnniing to display
spring of 1853, when he was placed in and advertise the goods in his window,
charge of the supply department of the A Melbourne merchant would rarH
this as a needless expense. Interview
with an Australian.
Army of the Potomac, and later assigned
to a responsible position in the United
States military railway service. He was
one of. the military escort which accom
panied the remains of President Lincoln Oood Caoae for Surer!.
from Washington to Sorinulleld. Ills., and Two callow young operators made aoex-
in May, IKiiT), resumed to become connected planation necessary from a young New
with the Rensselaer Iron and Steel com-! York new-spaper man recently. He was to
pany, of Troy, N. Y. He has lived in ! be married in the west. Before leaving
Rhode Island sines 1883. Not even Chano- ' town he devoted several days in searching
eeyM. Depew snrposses him as a story I over Brooklyn for a flat, being assisted In
teller, and he is in great demand as an ! theeearcli by a yonmr married woman, the
alter dinner speaker. mend of his iMtrothed. (loon leavliur his
the colonel has been a fnrjuent visitor office one morales; about 3 o'clock he sent
to New York city, where, while Mr. the Brooklyn lady a telegram, which he
Beecher was Jiving, he was often mistaken expected would be dellveied to her about
8:30 or 9 o'clock in the morning. The dis
patch was worded npologetkuilly, "Will be
over to worry ynu this afternoon."
The message was "bulled" on lbs war
across the East river, and a meaning of so
much Importance was given to it that the
Brooklyn operator rushed it out, the mes-
A kitten UonnSaln ItortlofM Tale wf In
Warat aliot on lliwurd.
One afternoon while at Knlon mmintnln
I went over to the rlilgo between the Bed
river mid the (Mlinnto to look for deer. I
spoiled one's ruiinlug, and being nfooth-for
I was lew than a mile from camp I hung
k to the hraueh of a pine tree, and after
cutting lbs throat mid performing some
other alterations In Its make up suggested
ky the gentle art of veneris started to pro
onre a jiouy to jme't the carcass to enmp. ;
A seventy pound desr Is'no trivial paott
age In a rouah country, and I had no in
tention of currying it myself.
While so returning I was walking down
a little valley, the damp bottom of which I
was free from trees and Just springing, in
the onld, clear rays of the April sun. to 1
short grass.
Alusiu some ten yards I beheld an old
nw, emaciated to a degree and whoso flar-1
tag oyea betokened the Insanity which!
seizes on starving cattle. She was marked I
with our ear marks a swallow fork In i
each ear anil I concluded to drive hor up
to camp, where was fmlder and feed, and
with three or four days of tlmt I thought!
sue wouut pull through to grass.
lint 1 never hud a olianee to put my be-
nevoh'uco Into elVeet. The moment, she
pied me she tlauned out In an uncertain
and staggering way, fairly bristling with
I watched her, supposing It would some
to nothing more serious than an attsmpc
to bully, which fulling, she would some
along sedate euouuh. I was mistaken.
Hriioing herself on her four weak Ism
she charged with lowered hend. I still ex
pected a halt, hut she came on to within
fifteen feet, stuggerlng stid stumblinii, at
eniMlilerahle speed and fairly nil re with
bloody Intentions. I snatched off my big
sombrero and sent it sailing Into her faos.
The only effect was to bring her head np a
little and abated nothing of her headlong
As I fully realized that the old she vil
lain meaut hiiNinea 1 Unshed Into rage,
and pulling hack the hammer of the Sharp
ritle I. carried resolved to bore her through
her addle head and correct hor disposition
to quietude for all time.
Matters wore coming too fast, to allow
nis to take any aim. and I banged away
witn tne rtniirp as It lav in mv hands.
The irate cow was not three feet, from the
morale of the rifle, but how I missed bar la
more than I can tell. But I did.
As it was she was so cross as Co appear
to gatusr tne smoKo or the ann and oritur
It along in her frontlet, and realizing I haa
miasen l just nail time to escape hor horns
by a quick twist. KctMna. Indeed, a smart
Jolt from her shoulder even then.
It took a tenth part of a second to nut
another cartridge Into the rifle, and I re
flected with ferocious satisfaction that it
would be my turn now, as I had no hies at
making a second miss of it.
Of conrso I confidently counted rra her
turning and charging me again. To my
surprise, however, she kept straight on np
the slight and pine covered hill toward the
divide and never seemed even to cast a
thought behind at me,.
I overcame an impulse to pump a bullet
into ner attynnw, ami no one having sus-
tatnrn injury, called the battle a draw
The irony of fate was shown by finding
this old cow who had escaped my bullet
by a miracle, dead with hor calf, in a bli
siinl which struck the hills two days after.
ine existence of ttus calf hid over on
divide, and my lieing directly between the
intant and the old cow when she saw me,
was no count tne wnoie cause of the war.
I left the two stark in their drift of
snow, and make no doubt they were highly
apprecimen ny tne nussarn and the raven.
who tnat day napped their wide wings in
uiose ssies. Minsas (Jlty Star.
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in coiisumn
tion, scrofula and other forms of
hereditary disease is due to its
powerful tood properties,
Scott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh-
proper weight. Hereditary
tumts develop only when the
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world,
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
Pniwritri br Hontfe A fciwn,W, T. AllffminriaTfea.
for the great preacher.
To Bring Over Art Works.
The secretary of the Daw will detail one
of our old wooden warships to transport
from France and Italy the works of Amer
icans resn lllfl- H nrftnil t.lta ImIm l
Paris, Mnnlch. Home and Florence have """ "riving at the bouse at about
onmnleted their wnrlt Th. iTr.iK.rf at.. 4 a. m. The hualiand of the out
completed their work. The United States
steamship Constellation will sail from
Havre about the first week of November
and from Genoa about the middle of the
following monih with specimens of the
finest works of art. The vessel will arrive
hi New York in January, and the pictures
will at once be transferred to their proper
places in the Art palace. The assistance
of bed to answer the bell. By a further
mistake of the delivery department tho
envelope was addressed to the husband.
He opened It and was astonished to mad,
"Mrs. : Will be over to marryon
this afternoon."
When a man is awakened from a eoxrad
sleep and informed that his wife is to bo
which the government at Washington is 1 toa yonng man who, he has bad
lending In the interest of this department wy ,UHm.t0. bel'T' 40 ta arTi1
as most encouraging and will be the means
01 stimulating foreign exhibitors.
Three Wiiilla,
There are three human crania In the
Waetoigton museum which were found
In the gravel at Trenton, one several feet
below the surf ace and the others near
the surface. The skulls, which are of
( remarkable uniformity, are of small size
ana oi ovai snape, amenng from all other
Crime In Cores.
"They do not classify crime in Cores," , skulls in the museum. In fact they
said J. B. Wmkier. "It is just as serf-1 of distinct type, and hence of thegi
. ous wauvr w ue convictea or stealing
ft pound of rice as of plotting treason or
of committing wholesale murder. There
ta but one penalty for all crimes to cut
off the heads of culprits. During my
visit to that queer country a pair of val
uable sleeve buttons were stolen from
me. I suspected a servant and he was
. taken before the tribunals and subjected
to a rigorous examination. There was
absolutely no evidence tending to fasten
the crime upon him, J suspected the
fellow of having swallowed the buttons
to avoid discovery, and the authorities
'spolitely offered tocut him open in search
4 evidence if I laid so." Bt, Louis
the great
est importance. So far as they go they
indicate that pakeolithic man was exter
minated, or has become lost by admixt
ure with others during the many thou
sand years which have passed since he
inhabited the Delaware valley, Wash
ington Letter.
The OM Woman and the Eaetkiraafce.
At Ischia they disintarredanold wom
an, unharmed. "Qua bless youl" she
cried, as they helped her out "But for
pity's sake," she added impetuously, "dig
a little deeper and save my" "Whnt?i
Is thero any one else alive lure?" they in-1
quired anxiously. "My hen!" continued ,
lie aid dame. OwnbiU Magazine.
to a young lady in the west, he is ant to
conclude that he isn't awake after all. Ho
one who has not experienced it ean realise
how very startling it is. It was the first
his wife bad heard of It. They racked their
brains for a solution of the pusxls. It
wasn't solved, however, nntil the young
newspaper man arrived. New York Times.
A Tottering Axiom.
Small Student Fa, what's a proverb t
Pa Something that contains a great
deal of truth in a small apace. Like "bark
ing dogs never bite."
Small Student Is it true that barking
dogs never bitef
Pa Uml Folks regard tt as true until
nrougttt tw totaoewith a barking dogi
then they have their double. -Ootxl News.
The word "ffaaette" is from the nam of
an old Venetian coin, worth about one-half
cent of our money. 11m name is applied to
newspapers because It was the sum charged
for reading the first written journals that
made their appearance in After the
paper was read it was handed bask to the
owner, who charged the next eomar s ga
eUe for taking a peep at it.
According to the assertion of the ami-.
bent physiology, Sappy, th atnmaoh con
tains 6,000,1X1) glands by which gaatlu
laics is secreted.
Keeping ttie Siialp Clean.
Combing with a line tooth comb and
wetting the scalp every dnv are nraetli
which induce scalp disease and crease riaa.
dmff. The fine comb should be used
only occasioiuilly, and that not enough to
irriuue tne sum. 'ins Head should be
washed carefully with soap and water at
least once a week, and if one is working- la
places where there Is a great deal of dust
in the air this process should be gone
through 'with nftener. Too muoh water
loses np the nil glands of the scalp, and
makes tne Head dry and hard.
Premature baldness and dandruff fol
low, If in spite of all this the scalp is stin
too dry an occasional application of a lt
sls hslr oil or sweet oil may bs used, but
ature aa a rule supplies sufficient oil for
all needful purposes. Water and oil ap
plied freely to the hair mnks a filthy and
unpleasant head of hair, and it should bs
avoided as much as possible, Yaukse
. Reonomlnal Transbteinn.
A young man called upon a retired school
teacher not long ago to consult him about
studying French. He wished to learn the
language, hut. could not afford bo take
lessons of a regular teacher, and asked
what books would be suitable to enable
him to acquire a reading knowledge of
The old pedagogue fitted him out with a
simple book for translation, a vooabularv
and a grammar, and left him to work out
the problem for himself. A few weeks
later they met again.
now are vou aettine on with vosr
srencnr" osxeu tne teacher.
"Oh, first ratel first ritol Whv. rata.
day I translated two whole pages of that
book you told me to buy. I got ont the
meaning perfectly, and had a lot of Frenoh
words left over!" Youth's Companion.
Cabs Called by Kleetrlollr.
One of the latest inventions In eonnan.
tion with the eteetrloliuhtisasllantnah
call. Hsveral clul and hotels in London
hsvs already been supplied with this use
ful commodity, Two lamps sre impended
outside the building, one red and the other
green, sud by pressing a knob In the en-'
tranoo ball one or other of the lamps can
be lit at will. The red light calls a four
wheeler, and the green a haosom. New
Tort 'IXhagram.
. Two Opinions.
St. Agedore I think Miss Mass If t
(perfect poem.
De MaMtn-I know It At least Invs
rem to suv-St. Joseph News.
Printing: Material and Nfachmery
For lala t Inwatt price-, und ibimL idvanUsnnu
Palmer & Rsy Type Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Write tor onoea anil tarma befnra hnvlna ala
The Best i
In the
The Will I WAND BLICKKlt Is wirrnntsxl mM.
proof, mil will ktwp you dry Hi liio hflrtleii Moral. Thd
new WMMKL .KEIt In a w-riect ridlnir eoL atxl
lavrrnimemifoiattmje. injwareoi imuauuLu. I'm
tun on It. Illin
" I am Post Muster here and ken
a Store. I have kept August Flower
for sale for some time. I think it it
a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond,
P.M., Pavilion Centre, N.Y.
The Stomach is the rcwrvnir.
If it fails, everything fails. The
liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, thenerrea
all go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first. Put thai
right at once by using August
Flower. It assures a good appetite
and a good digestion. 0
Jr VunrealnVl
fOiuulMa HtMl
r fl Mawsanttja,
St .fl
W6 . BfS I
Iv.liic naiad for H m
nninlurisl dUohrffM mm
privatA dlieuM of mW2 A, ,
flerUloourn for the dtsS
t women,
I J(rJWfcy JprMorlbHndfMl4
TffcK-MOrlEHWIf(!fl. In reoommsjiidlii tt tft
" " a .;a it, I. o ivniiij u.iutw -iuu
W9 Pfau'ii Hemerty fbr OftUirrh tn the M
1 1 jiPHt. F.tmtir,t to TJifl, inl !heapvt, j
t i HoM lnv dn.sH.MUi or will by null, t
M (00. St T. UaaalMlM. Warrau. Pa. U
N. P. N. U. No. 47B-B. F. N. U. No, m