VOL VI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year , .(2 no (If paid In iidviiiiiKi, 91 51) tier year,) Blx month , , .. i oo Threw months .......... ,...., so fthiKle copies..., ........... , ...,,.. 06 Secret Societies. Iifjlirtmip, ouiiwr, mi.11, 1,11. O.K. meet i i nnwr,iny BvunniK ut uuu renwws Man, at A A WAV, N 0. W.O.PKTEKHON. Sucfy rr.rt til, iir.rir.i-' n liiiiiur., mi. . i. vi. u. I'. Meets ill I. (). 0. f (lull lint null .third WedUM- H. A. NIC'KKHBOK, N. a DOLLIK BAl.TJtllMtl, Seut'y I.miiHli liOlmt No. ii A. F. A. M.MeM numnmy evening, tin ui Allure ui lull miHiu ill "Y E.K. IUkmack, W. M, ; F. M. MlU,KVflt!l!,, nmtr UHK1K, lii, iw. A. 11. 11. w. Meets every USMIA) VMII1U HI u. A. A. 1IHU. Ilu 1 A 1 .u..uuu.. 11 U' J. Ji. tiiomiiwm, uee (IHN'I. Mkhw Cash1, No. Ill, ntv ,uf OuKmi .-ninniir v i,i rv mi.iiv m u. a. A- utlll, l..ltnilll, Or., every KiOimluy evenhiK. excotit the lliird day Instead. All lirntiwrs of tlie Huns of Vet erans ami emurittii'soi tnc u. a. k. (ire normally invUcil ui uiwil with die l,'iinii. (!.!. Mm-MlCK, Capt, A. Oka iia.lV, Flrsl Hegt. PROFESSIONAL. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW LUI1AN0N, OH TOO S. v Weatherford 4 Ctaberlatn, ATTORNEYS -AT - LAW, ALBANY, OHEUON. W.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. J. It. WYATT, Attorney- at - Law ALBANY, OREGON. A. F, STOWE, Attorney -at - Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Collections given prompt and careful attention, Will uracllce hi rII tlio eotnas of the Blate. omCK IK (XIUIWNKV'S DKICK, ' Lkuanon, Ommon. C Vm rl A C1 14 flirt ' U L Llldl it! .5 II U L", (lomer Main ami Slwrann streets, ,t. IB, THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class in all Apartments. Special attention paid to Com- : uiemlttl men. Board and Lodging, per day, $1 to $s; per weei; if'i.ou to u J, R. EWIKG, Buucesuoi' to E. L. MuClure.. Shaving Par or. Tii ITunKtii'd'ia INw First-Class Artists in attciid amie. Eot and Cold Batlu with Shower at all times, Youb Patronage Sqijcitbd. ; LEBANON, TO CORRESPONDENTS. Your real name must accompany every communication or li will cer tainly go to the "waste basket." We do not want your name for publica tion, but as a guarantee of (rood faith. Emtor. Tire Ileparlfnent Report. I.i:ni.i.v. dr., Feb. 2. 1SW. To lira IIoiioaAia,B Matou and Citt Cotmoninr Lehako, Gidntj.emesi We Un unt!eraiime.1, Jiebw a- committee appoln!.l hy the Lebanon Fire Department at their last regular meeting, to report to the council the needs of the lire (iepart mont, submit the following re, wt : We liave given much attention to the practical working of the tire apparatus of the oity of Lebanon, and we find that it in al most useloHB to the majority of the property owners, A largo number of additions have been adder) to the city. Home of the finest residences are in these additions, with abso lutely no lire protection. There is only one cistern on Second street, anil only four -on Firat; street. People generally are slow to reulinc that a lire loss is a rmblic loss.: that it falls directly upon the pimple, and not upon insurance companies, as it is gener ally supposed that insurance cinnmrfies are orgiinl.atious perfected for the purpose 01 making money. They hase their ,calcu- IlltillUS On tll'C amount of lnsh,.M thev ,. compelled to pay, and charge the public for insurance in proportion to the risks thov curry. They lire uuicl; to see to their o-n interests, and principally do they criticise uie condition ol the lire department, The eminence of our own citvis umniiilirim! proof of this.statemeiit. And while imbued with the necessities of an ecouomiciil; administration of depart, incut allairs, sight must not be low of the fact that the continued additions to Leba non, should mean additions to .the emiin. mont of the lire dapartment. We must keep pacel disaster must follow to event olllte. '-....--.. In this.endeavor we alone are imwerlnss but with suitable legislation by vsur honor. able body and rigid enforcement l t.hu insurance companies, much cau be accom plished and the risks reduced to a mini mum. , These matters will annear under the head e suggestions later In this report It ispoor statesmanship that, in orders save the city treasury a certain sum, com pels the property owners to pay into the insuraiioe companies a sum more than equivalent to the sum proposed to be saved, It is an erroneous impression that prevails, that outlying districts are compelled to pay for a fire department that reduces the rates in the business portion of the city, while not limning no same substantial reduction in the suburbs. We are frequently told that "W sunurua. we are frequently " 1b a" '"J"''1 to he taxed to lopftvtmnt when that depurtme render any assistance to the par pay for a mt cannot nait.v tjivsd Cripple your business interests and the grass win grow m your streets. The wealth and prosperity of a city and the value of its real estate and its homes are measured by its business prosperity. , . , Ahead iu nearly ovcry enterprise, Leba non Is certainly away ahead in death deal ing electric tight wires on Main street, sine of city considered, but Lebanon is away be hind in .its restrictions governing these dangerous necessities. 'ew appreciate the danger attending wmtaot with the elMt.rio light wires on the conditions that create a contact. 10 come utto contact with an clgutric light, wire it is not ucccs.snrv for anv member of the body to come into .contact wiui uie wires, simply raising a pole touching a wire will shook and kill the holder, condition huing perfect. Thmwin a solid stream of water from a pipe even if it be n hundred feet from the wire kills the innn at the pipe, liaising u ladder to enter u building on lire the ladder touching the wire, conditions being perfect, kills men on the ladder, It is a well established foot that electricity takes the shortest route to the ground-that route is created when any uuiiisullutcd matter loaches it, whether wet wood, iron or o solid stream of water. These wires arc on streets where the depart mont may .ho.cailed at any moment in mi,,, Judders or throw streams of water. Do not wait until death occurs before reined vhw this evil. SUOORSTInNS. We suggest that the honorable council liny a new suctiw. hose. Anyone thnt,,,,. dci-stands hydraulics knows that apump will not work when the suction pipe leaks air, and we have tested the present auction' hose and kno-iv that it does leak air. go the engine is almost useless, OREGON, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. Also we would ask for anew hose cart; one strong enough to curry 500 fret of ml ber hose. The old cart is liable to break down at any cross walk, and in case of lire four or five blocks away, how long would it take to get water. An hour at the Iwst Enough property could burn, up in that time to buy a bam red hose cans. We would ask that a lire gong be put in the light station, Also that a telephone nor. irom the engine house to the liirln sta tion. In case of tire now, somone would have to go to the station to RII them what circuit in cut out. . Last but not least we need at the least SIX) feet of linen hose. It is licht nH kr, cheap, costing about half as much as rub- uer nose ana win stand a working strain oi aw ids pressure per suuare inch.. In case of a fire at anv corner when. !. tetns are located now, the engine would have to be set one. and some nliv. blocks from the fire, and witli the amount ol hose we now have we could only throw one stream. In conclusion we will, say that we would oe pieaBCd to end our report next year with inese worrls: "Oar department has succeeded In 'mat. ing a confidence that has larwlv nriniwd the rote of insurance, and receive the most nattering enconiums for good work per formed. Its success and good name is our sniy remuneration. Conscious that ouref forts have been appreciatedwe are content." c are yours respectfully, Allen B. Nickebsok, C'h'n W, J. Guy, JlHltrH ISl ttL. Soliull'i Kerry. Wllllt hllH llOOfUtiil nf ull w , jv wlly:n. poudents of days gone by? In vain I ...v. vu nociv ioi jwius irom bweet mime. Mniiiiruin HnmA x.n A,n vourmiirliliora all dead'?,' If th'o . write and let os know," or we remain iu igiiwrauoe. VW llAVf from Id in OA (.,!. -t w iiieiics (,f biiow at ocuoii'8 Kerry and have en joyed some flue sleighing. There has been considerable sickness in thlB vicinity and several of our pion eers have passed away. Notwitllgfeuidilifr it rnlnuH iraw. t.n.., last Friday night the club enjoyed a -juv mwul; av tut, iiaii until ei p m Hupper was served at 12 o'clock by Mrs. Melle La Bue. We have aonie fine dances down here, no tippling and no fighting and they are attended by a number of good peacuble and religious people. , The question to he debated at the Lvoeum nnxt HAtiirrluv .;ii u. t.. solved that "married men lay up more w .uV ...u riiju uK uviwr man sing le men." The married fraternity are to sneak on the aftirmutiim ..,! , i... Biugle on the negative. We expect to nave a grand "blow-out." r Saw Dust. . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby a-iveu tha'tnn n,o ui. day of February, 1893.;the County Court oi Linn County, Oregon, duly licensed and empowered me as the Ad ninistrator of the estate of Peter Welt, deceased. t ,.u hi following real property belonging to said Beginning 68 chains and as links Vnrth of the south-east corner of G. W. Klum's donation land claim No. 39, notification No. 2522, Township 12, South Kango one West ol the Willamette Meridean : i hoi, West 11 chains ; thence North 30 chains and 18 links; thence Kast 11 chains; thence South 34 chains aud IS links to the place of beginning, containing 37.CO acres; the above described land being and lying in Lmn Counly, Oregon, I will in pursuance of said license aud power sell said land on the nth day of March, 1803, at the court house door in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at the nour oi i p. in. ot said day to the highest and tost bidder tliorfor at nnhlic nm-n,,,, for cash in baud. The title ofsaid decedent, I'eter Welt, being a foesimplo in said land. 'A.J. Wrt.t, . ';''.,' Administrator of said'estate. W. R. llti.vrr i : Attorney for Administrator ry Dp. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will Blease call and set tle at once as I am needing my money. JM KBLIiBMBHRGEU. HAITI' HOME. Mrs L. Dinsmore is very sick at the home of her parents. Master Asherry Fitzwater spent Monday night with his sister and went to Lebanon Tuesday, James Fitzwater jr., and wife are spending the winter with, the former's parents. Mr. H. Sylvester and his charming wife are keeping house at the old place formerly occupied by Mr. S.'s parents. Mrs. J. 8. Caldwell is suffering from an attack of rheumatism which is verv painful. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Cox were in the neiehborhnorl 1 ntAIWlfufi In ?nl...,l matters pertaining to its commence ment. Miss Downing who taught the past winter here is engaged to fill the posi tion during the coming spring and summer. The young lady has many friends here. , Grandpa Cummings walked to Waterloo Sunday afternoon. We are glad to hear that Alice, daughter of Frank and Mattie Gleason of Waterloo, is convalescing. The girl has had mora thn ,.. i . . UHU ct ounre oi sickness. Mrs. J. A Morgan and eldest son are HlSO On the CiillVulpaninf l,ct (t .. were illness, and we hope to soon lIltw uiiiuiait- restoraiion to lealth. Mr. G. W, Brown's sheep flock is rapidly increasing, having upward of 50 nice lartre lambkine n bad weather having lost but a very few head. Mrs. Grant T.lnrilpv'o v,Aoith t.n much improved as to admit of her umg uivveu uome. The looked for Chinook has come. Thursday nf luat aulr n,l,iln t:: ntt nude uiiuie (.aldwpll urua nlat.ln It, l,n I I. i at Mnunrjtin Y'iunr Bun .. nllc cauie across a young deer which it is sup posed was run down and killed by dogs a few days ago. The deer was about a veflr ftd Tl,a imi,. i.i very bad because it would not wake uj auu pittjr Willi HIT. John Prior haw two Lnnuu ,int- .,.iu the blind staggers. Old Father Priori mo,,., . here rearret his rovia ninMao anA i., ere long to see his venerable form and cueery mue among us again Neiirhhor fin mt. u nH voumr lamhs dnrini. fha mmnt ,fn.m - n Q v" txtlV BWIIU of snow and rain. Mr. B Ketherharl Iho ,.,lF.,i.,., . fall on an ax one day last week, cut ting his left arm quite badly, Messrs Pnnnlpu'pH (la anA vl .. uvv un., jjiauiu- pton went to Lebanon Saturday. Wo llnnWstanri ttxat AT irti - v..au jiii, xveuier sold to Ins son Bertie instead of Mr. Williams, and we may retain them as neighbors after all, We hope so. Grandpa Cuinmlugs is still very poorly ouly being able to be around. We hope he will be better soon. Green Kinder k nlnwlnn nf nHi.. Farm. " 8 Pug. Academy Notea. Examinations about over and the students are breathing easier, Wm. Wallaoe, a former student of the Academy, entered schuol this week. A class in Latin, consisting of six members, was organized this week. A live debate was enjoyed at the Literary Society last Friday night iu the question, resolved, that Caesar was a greater man than Hannibal. The new officers of the Sooiety were installed last Friday night. Miss Grace Michael, ef Sniner. who iias been in attendance the past two terms, went home last week The Grant and Lee ouestion will hi 1 debated next Friday evening at the E. ! L. S. James Burtenshaw and Willi Ross leaders. Collegiate. , ..... The Church of Christ meels in the Academy lor regular services every Lord's Day in the morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All are Invited to attend. NO. 52 A Oraut County Letter, PBAiwBCirvI0.iun,to; 1?1, innn IWLI1, 10110. J "VTOR EXPRESS! ' thinking a few line from this sac lion might interest some of your manv readers, I will try and give you 'a few iti'lns in brief. . Times are tliill i.,j.. i ; stock, and nionei 'm "aWg JNo loss of stock in this county vel We have had the mildest winter so' (?rr0(';?Wn-rline? the settlement of fo uin'S' The'fomeler has not w IZ. T" -toht this i, '" I,U JMMCuir,v that ice could be procured for uc! sumruer'a Cattle ftrlfj flnKina a. . I i : can hardly be sold at anv p?ice. Sheep SOT Hg8 m5 eta Eggs, 25 to 87 cts. per doz. Butter wtft 10 Perftrj, accortlii.K to locality. Wheat, 75 cts. Oats, lj to 2 cts. per ' Although times are dull at present a irinIIUe,!Wlll8arely C01U soon as spring advaneca ... . attracting considerable attention from .'v"""'l"i wunu, on account of the U,i, tu ue Donanzus when properly worked. .Our country needs more than, all"'" advent of which would makeGrant """"7 kcuiiu to tew of the older and counties of this state. Mf,lifl'hH-.A. . i iT . ""-ay win neconio a law as he benefit to old Linn wourd be Of UOto d LrulU J-I....,..:. 1 born and reared almost to manhood inn,, i ,ee, a aeep llltm,rt , move that would add to her prosperity. I Bee hv VAIll irals.nl, 1 n . oue by one those of my earliest ac quaintances and friends are passim? tZy,r"!fu1,,8i beinK Uncle Jaoky ' Rose, (with whose children I have SOent mailV ttnnn,, ,1.. l -Ml. -. ...in 1 ""v miiB years agoi w n will ever be remembered as a kind father and neighbor by all who knew I will probably write again if any hiug occurs that might lie of hteiest to your readers. Most Respectfully, Yours, T. H. Cl Ri.. Salarlei Beiluoed. Following is the full text of senate ' bill No, 184, introduced by Mr Weatherford, to fix the mavm,,.' compensation of all public officers In the State of Oregou. which is ifcey to i.iecome a law: . Section 1. The entire of no public officer within the state of Oregon shall exceed $.5000 per annum, wuo is paid otherwise than by salary. Section 2. Every public officer within the state who receive m,v other compensation or emoluments la whatever manner than flv.,1 o.,i... shall file In his office, open at all times to public Inspection, within live uays arter the tirst day of January, April, July and October, a sworn anil itemized statement of all his receipts from all souroes, and all or the neces sary and reasonable expendilures on acoount of his office, and such offloer shallgivea statement of the amount paid for deputies or heln. oi and time employed and compensation agreed to be paid; provided, however, that the compensation for such help or deputies shall only be reasonable and usual wages for like work- o,,rt :.. -- , ...,. time actually employed for the past quarter, and shall thereupon pay into the state or enuiitv.t".isiii, iii' .. . cess of (1500. Section 8. Any public officer who , shall fall to collect or charge any fees or compensation accruing to the olflco ' held by him, or who shall fn t a ply wilh any of the provisions of the ' ? . .. ally of tl,e Prions .of the demeanor f " """" .. ' .xinriuM .A t .. , -i, x'jverv ii on n ns shall upon surrendering his office giv(" 1 to his successor in office a full an complete list of all indebtedness c.L I - '' "ice iioiii ana after Jul&dl A a. it. imi, i , as sii .stitu' tarie ifoj 4 i 1 i . J . , ,' .:' . - -T-'. -