The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 10, 1893, Image 7

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    i, ', , ,.
: wi vmi dp sJ
111 U fZtS., M
HAtnimmnyou know he
Mid. (hnt
Km,.,, ,i,i,
-.-r; ....
fii 'fimrrhn
olwWUIIy give awtwJfinct
e JKlUh , :
U wnad only
ya husatai
JUUuUUUi been sevefh
Btunusais tne k iuJ-nr. mi
rfntWAlUVihliN to
111 i(!IVUl uUlU.1
or by orbuk. Tin
old he was g
wanted a lot of ii WVilowiiiiiil
Iddy Mildred doesuTOtaw. tint bliiithiiAn
ItWMavorylurgosum lsavhtoi fwin'',.
immediate bankruptcy; and tho poor old
"an IIW lillL Itll ttlllillt Hi Hint. Im lllmmli
went oil lib) 1
a head.
i. He dec
nod tlmi lm
. the oulv nemou uJ blmi thakrhLi
,n,i,,i n ,,.U.l.. ,.fr.i.f IK..T.I.J
. BraokneU up to be extruyagant and wo 1"! w"l.torJ, 100 "'aPPJ.lf"iy to
ausdJ llolutodlittniijtvandikb JolfllJM WtWreWSP W ly Bra k-
7 uwncnnmp enma Jn to urn lilra. I iup-J
1' Mdtf Jtmlwllfraioalrelfo11' I
lug bin uncle tho money; amino" rinpillilillJliulISilaiBW'iihMtUll t J
woh ini'AwhM Iirdi8niluoe roue from his bed '"ve atair reaehlng a eucceiwf ul issue n as
wl-nd promptly ftfrtjkallubiiuttheinatterf" i "oyery slight that it seemed, hi'Bt to let it
M 1 mMAuL Ma came to a halt. LdtoWM fflltfWAViflrVM, if
-fro; yot excuy that. Ho told Bean
w chanty aukly'tti(it he didn't think there
08 !. was tWiiifli proWswt of his ever being able
as s hiiw,Vw, will i.... .u... .
. ff IoVSSS3a5l. long er Jim had left melValksd
WStte toy to his son-in-law a to his 1 wn clnbiiW)aiWietSthrotrgh tUt
08 Do you see?" rfK BttlW,llliOllrtliml Wfr te
00 !i I eMl not help laughing at this amazing 1 kr&cMit bJ 7'1"1?" vf""i. 1 canceling a liabU ty, which fiKX
6 laamnMllfrwould never hav. bt. Jamcii 6a!,U. 9'he politleul artii W
ST I the Hail of any human being but Lord
I Italdli. 1 "I can't say that I do see," I
At I replM 2 "Fataler don't as a rule, expect
OS I o belatihilHoniuly paid for allowing their
s I augnKis to oe taken on their hands; on
vo twwW7, wiutiuey wno are exiote'lw,"'ni WralfyW mWrniei
tt Ito nM settlemeuui upon their daugh- by the aS''lfctat to Sird BrackneL
Wrl, .
Twit but tho hiMband makeftSMCU
upuu mwj iiuAuinu, iuuvb JllkUiy bue
i matter was tl
.Itb -JiuAel hnd
Vioayiiitutel.aVt in chuil lill.
was uUiiI fo holu out a helumit hand to his
SnaW "hts tonmrt at' that liS In
ant make ouU.'Hrhana it was oialv to
tt,uciimiHy't II
arhflH'aM-MMditMii. HrbeSffinOafd'
fltalnes not to mention the subject for an-
lution the subject for an-
, .CauAeiiiiiuHi UuM.siudi.aHSdiiirli
Tw'Ttwwfirnig i "I.. iumVpunni ina i iieuMfme UMmit
uspected that it was lloaucliunip who hadT
got hor father out of Ills dlflli
aue cuulun't help kuowiiifi
wanted her to marrv t'.e dint
net him again in ti.cyV-.w
aeoson hp paid hor a Ajdi
sion, and verytbliiir'' :
amoothly uutll Lany
aoua beet known lor.K.!y.ri
her head to put aMgrntl
iui, uu,g m:u i
to do that. Kvei
Lord Staines,
hut was oultel
had promised toJ
xmey truniuictllrZf&
"uo auows nuyv'ilyft
est to teu mi
en me evident,
am that Is mui
afraid he isn't as straight beetle.
be. Because Lady sftfiiknel) ' li
dropped the man, autl Vnou cofcic
think of It, It ia -V
tereat that U'
ngle. f.H.
Tliat was uiaHw,
csted mo mora VMi);.j
had faith was (taxvi.v,,
annmi by Jim, w!
jbvAirou uui. iuuiluuivv'Kl ''wWuvl
f his heart to BcaucWno," i itn
w express autue 01 ria sttrjirA.i
lelt, which had the utWiweWN.v -
aiaking him very anAry. yiliMu ho
wanted to know, did 1 take blm furt
as I made no reply, being uuable U hlw
apon one wmon siioum tte at the same
Lliiscttiuiniuhlli.loahr tmoehnitUei
1IU'" .JWihlfT i:v;: U-i' ."ii'.li Iw'l
wvliiflMmiw.liMW i...iroo AUTOfir. il sawi
sBwneuahuirtf nwlHiibow afr'-euos itbwnwsuiJ
liltWH4t-m'1MW BIHSi
fcja,iluiilt.uiia.m'iiliMr fcilloW yHirir4'
ipm waywimi!iyitpt',,sM':
has lent money to Lord Kuinoa, anir if
you say tluiWviio iBvMiOSt.rl
is hound lu..li4i.a4.iuiiid h liimiiyi
iw marry im
her wilif" nkMl Jim. 10
"Mytleai ilunr'k I.jwtarwtcwr W
usal4iL,llmMi.iiinwr'iiiiii 1 mi aSuleul
U0"l il,ii:rs!l !lr i f iibnio- niwi .IInlllW "nb
dl did not reply to i the negatiw with 1
that promptitude yVhlcfi 1 should have.W-'
poBtco,', 'i,..:..;-,' r i,:';, v;
"klno,!' 1 said hesllatlnglf,fter
pause, "but you may be mistaken. So,
at oourte, may Ii only I don't think I am.
i .( iMscjr im
.lWMe a
Yon co, I couldn't ask her point blahk
wliotlicr she loved the man, could If III
know in Unit she had mndo up licr mljid
ninrry mm u lie ankcd licr, that a
nks It licr duty to many bint, and that
is awriuiy distressed about Brai
a behavior. I haven't such a lihd
Ion oE Jrncknell on vo:i have. liv
, 5 1 '""""t " t,ic yrnrvut plnltlly
"fm mm 110 wouMtji ,uit a di
Jtfiu nnwi a lu iitijI .T.iiLT,. ,.M 1..
1 r " w
wining more te do vkjilt. Andit'vi
iuit mind to M.WI ii WtnidJl h:
flutj-thliik." j"""-
i -euoitavored to dteinndenr fric
tiling Uiiaf-fl(lltKkV,; I rap
'wuum, in tTitrprisltiest iiingnake
Inand, that lie would no
ud hut own bun nnim. n.rul 1it.
filed upon meddling with wlut
ifmccrn him, he would only pjet
'Jilllcr tho knucklee for hie mil
rr mentioned at the heginnlncriof
!liantor, very few people are wM
chough to act upon my advice. Jin
awuired me that he did not In the Met
r ' K r,ri'" uvlr " KnucKies, imi
- ! IK .'l0 w'14t .' PHcd
Tiiirriilit thing," without rouaM
M w'wlls n,y own hojlef wltlt te-
lenWiifllli(rljHuie ballowod thep.
It and Wif. Sir eit, which was
printed in smaller "iyffl,1
"Infants in the Buddie.;;
1 wastheaded
Rhllrl Wlti-lt Kv A ri'nnrt. olai.nrimM
loilOWtllg PHrugraplli
"Aucident lu Rotten Row. Lord Sin-
f ing, the only child of Lord Bracknell,
uid grandson of the Karl of Raines, was
in Rotten row this morning, ntA
RxbjBSjany sit!
tiy became uaniaiiaMeable and bolted.
I anlnml J;i'lilf f for a considerable
linee, ir"Wii'caviid fell .In-owing
b-ider Jth,"''4 viutwe aint ihe
irou railings.
Lord Sunning, who was tmumitiijA. .K tLa.f,ji
was at;
iwrklencei lu
wunettitay tlut
" L unlniuNid i iiiiim i i if
the newspaper report might turn out tribe
itJsn exaggeration. I
hntlpp who nnenpA f0T
. t i -
no hope. In a few lit-.
all about lb The gift
cn and had gone tnw
-hat nothing could be doilel
had been pronouncriiL
hardly live until mo
uscious now, and had up
said. "Pcrhatis his lof6
you, sir," ho added, id
icarlng up wonderful.
the Imll, where several sf 1-
were atiindiK; about, and one
enttoarii taucknell I was tlicl
lalrcase sat a man
forward, with Ik,
ana a iook oi am
.r unon his face that T trf
wty traWfrom making an effort to cofif 'f
spoken a word I imbfc-iflHff
' "I aniierevwas
,iiieiita 1 hmniiear
aid thf boy i;uen
WifMthe 1
miflt tnWBi
CT'iWpinpja It wasn't your fault, yb
Tainow,"i5nes," 1 said stupidly euoual
iM -.1 ttrA.,.1 i . .
w iiiiwiuiku uis ueavy eyes ior a mo
' "m lordship spoke terrible 'ard
Mclleve It. Men like Bradli
utW " orueianu unjust in meif
graiTan. - the nrst person wli
.chances v . lr path; but to thetol
u thdrfiinS) it lACn Injustice to remeM
her words Biiiit such times. I win
endeiupxkig to saSLas much to the uhfior
tuiuii Jainpe. who. however, did not Hit
icarnehear me, when Bracknell caaii
wn stairs, with a slow, steady stdri
iitcept ttiut nis usually llorld comnlex i
had become perfectly eolorlesshe showl
,n, iWBWiiielfl!i
iiuaferllv-iel t
wihiutfad mill
ilNWVSnHHill is
ii veryiiwe14a-.say
Sljlor tl
t)yilrsUjiHt..'r leskidc
f-InhWh-)' ftr Mt'fHW i
f Miainjaui!termvwMp alWWrow i
IT '1 ,tafLMHW-1f 'M ....
tollWM-ij-(t)luum,A,L4n lil4Nlicllo
cd XPU JlWvWHf. 1 waswron
ifmg oeg your pun
iue. i
tnaite-ft4iiistakeMiMi esKwtlsl
I'djfor itl
itt Proa
Mvihky till
aUiasidiiHSBunihtiiiei4HjiliMJim si-l
M'ftMOU'attMi'rKiif t lai.
lllBWlJ'iUUUUiJiUliri and acroHJ
it ms ciumi
tlio lock ol
... .ii
'MriCTvinLhlfl liiim'i Jubyii fl
Al ftiliW :.umfUiUir1.iit:,vukiuajike.Uuc(l(l
iiiiiwt'BbTOltlyfJiiseyUsWaiMi(,lWsd lu j
V '' J?"1'", IW ff 'Wfft:ilP'olalmcd
"She promised me uiut the uoy ehouldi
never ride alone again, and she bus killed
him rather tuan lia'0 one of licr cursed
tations mtcrrnptcil."
M Into aiTod.1, savage sort of a laugh amnno rmmxiMaim
Wi, don't dlatreas ywinwlf," he said, f'1 Powerful -repay a small doUf Hot
M's all one to licr she doesn't canilV,..Jti K ag0 tlle Holkar-of IfMow, in'
((Then ho went Into Bimnlng's room. (wing a visit to tha vicerojClje Mai--,
fejl'lie ior lllllo man was lying flaton Ida quia of Lansdowne, at Calcutta, was
back where they had laid Imn. .Hischceks sliown by the marquis several of the
were as whito us murble, fi liis fcatWTxmdoniiilnsf ated newtpaifri in cut
dowVp Vising her handkerchief rWper lips.1 ftter before an3 was much interested
She looked frlghteneil, I thought. Beside 'he little instrument )
her stood Jim, who, I supixwo, had come I "If your excellency will make me a
to the house upon the ermrrtt mt wo,jeBnt-rjf it," he said," "I will send vdu
. . ..
venture to do more than glance at them.
Sunning hajgTW3nIUWkbnWW forgotten
on mo oou mmav miii,
liu held out his
left hand to mo, for his right arm was
orns,hjsJi.ii 3(pM, Ml
nau ocen inencis, more so tunn i nave had
S7.r,aMrafS..a1n;ir whose tasks
M Tme. Hi v!ffi LlZo? ThTdoTr' W diaperf
he said, and I wna to take him away with I P"1 cnttCT- !
me, jllliMrJlccalite- Im - WwUta 4w-stiU.
much longer, "and he hasn't had his walk
to-day." He had a fax last rojlaay
wiaiauu nuei-inainiM uuiim UUIJ 1
one member of the irroun to annther. ht
whoT , SfO'iStS'JsrOmtrf
toward us, and whose elbow I touched at
last, feeling sure that the boy wanted to
conld see that h!H-WtdrMJ. ntrevrri .ciTv , UTVJ
peaktohiui'Jo iaainhmsK )dautmautiin
Bracknell whwlfxl mnnil liaatll i1
aronneu on ms Knees neaide the
1 Sea, Int boy," be said, "v
tWoMe Sheila trl
want Shicla to be shot.'
His eilra grcw.very Ian
and iBW1fifiI4ufinfi,itlfi(
experience of his futher's passionate
nature, and feared that, in a fit of unrea
soning fury, he might take vengeance unon
wv uraLiuLiHiujeuuuMeoi ma bun h ueam
But Bracknell answered Brufflv. "No.
my boy; nobody shall harm her. I'll
looked curiously at his fjithitr fcir a mo
ment, and then turned -'Ha(fcwSJ
Lord Staines, who was sitting motionless
on the other side of the bed, in what
seemed like a state of nerveless stupor,
iiirtteicii 'ta'tef-rfal'ijJi4isKj;ffitti
doesn't hurt." And then. "You're so
HMM Hvol
inn niiftiM .
A itfilfiSirHB
rhaB .some
awfully ujjytj! 'IfLM
Lord stnlnes made no answer, but
Mr. Turner roae and approached, wiping
the tears away from his foolish old eves
" vv e shaD go to you; but you will not
comeback to us.ton.iiug ie.JlSW.W.TO of prey for,
6m 1
don't care
to'qnowtntr tear Of 'his frwniaB;'ana now'ue
He was a cleric of the old fash
wishii win
rifi - pi uixiiDletniimself much with Hie
ubject of esclmtology. It was, perhaps,
right that he should irive utterance to hig
n.u, j um uif, ni-ic ul any luiu
i ........ . ... . . .j .
"torifflHISWifra JtTCff
ated with
vith a certain pwipusW, lMiiWlle
SllflJ.n'llJr'ymijW rfteiBpwiiWt
ilartf sW thV
,1,a "P0" l"oso oi .Bevernl
other persona present. Suuning listened
Patiently. Thank Uod, he had not many
sins, cveu of a childish kind, to reproach
mmseu vmtjr Hrii-svay
good boy, asclHa aSaaaAneBiud
no need to drevthe uikni
that what It mW. ia
After a UmcikUr beckoned to me and
his face and he patted its rough heMjWW!
weuuu up into uiseyciEimuweapve,',.
I bent over him am Kissed him, ana'
men i picked -p-u4og 4 went way.
i naa no ngnt tajiuuti
which I could seiwf J
besides, to tell fliFTriiTTi rdljmd
lt awilaiiwuiSiilWW9ft-l(fiiW
a death are haiKiosjriiKiii woiltK)
AVMrv hrtlU- O0 limu huflr urtlnllf
iesi weU thatCBfttSJ'
Jievtad Uved he JU
""PI'iL woi
Hii'lrould have M
tm,nts?!otimeirtyfii''li' e) Kwtujd
jreujJikely halk),tepsof)b
forth; DuTrnieTactFemaius that he was
tho brightest and most promlstriaichtMtai
wluww ttwr ,taiplsjd1t-sasiil(iaa1
epeaiuug, ms uie jvas cut suort.. . oecauiej.
nis mouior aid not choose to take tho
fuh4oJ4eHkJgallsriitiYloii 00V UjJ'
.(Ism ni OCrSfcrrror va mr bavl
- y;yg,My.ffitWtcd that the losaf- Bis
,ffl,'ftWI?Ki"ii.fe.iinieLt f etli
opinion und-tiiArilt retused to leaw-
WmMi WtisWtotSife
f fhOTgl'lie uSyrtsWe'Slliurcfftli
-frTO- rc-prxvr,T -,r
worn out to die of grief. At any rote
was uuu u uio lamiiy vault at
itMn''ji'iieiwi"irhp(t 'i(."'"".'r-""'"'"'i'ffiM,s7iPW x'jrrima."
l4h:iiM,AgateititeiMiHuvliwls vcliwii'a, ..,
StaipafetasitvA. salW wwmA. tovktoO htva
,U'.tllO IS lh'H!lll wuim"
:iro. ol snoos lo sliSDo rjuw
XM utmost
1,1 m'i"a
It LcloB stflfll.'r.-
aware, palremdV.
parliament, " As
manner in which.
'My liyiiig thirtnt-
of ' tlif erinonieterawi the altemcioaof
ute "atyles,"
! fteir au Paper cutter. j
A Calcutta newspaper relates n ind-
unoiner in exenange,
wun lt M ni8 vwa dominions.
; that the rajah's return gift was on thoii
IHWWUJJVHrjIMtf WWtofWlM pwrlB iatonished to
have brought to him a young and
..feUJ'l'LJabJ -
newspapers, at which the elephant seized'
tapi witWlus trunk and proceeded Teryf
tBW1 mt leaves with Hurt
fihrkmlv rnrnmoil niI IT v .
7"x' "JwmpiwnmeTn anaer
I L raJan " O""5-
session, bst it ia not one of the ordinar
furnishings of the viceroy's librarv. Sfar1
ms) ouMairjiut-wg-of books andf?,u"
newspapers he keeps a less bulky iml
mement. ionth'sUampanion. n
The principal grounds upon 'which
Busman justifies Ihe persecution of
PSABltr BftAtaManHva. TT.
serts: u-si That the Jews are too
padous and too successful in getting
money and property away from the etiJ
sssg Christians. Second That thpy.
hold themselves, as a class, apart
the rest of the community. Third'
isu ana rmscniarnraeers. T"0urth
fttX SV.ferrioe in the army and
sljeoiiae'patriotic Russians.
The first aocnaation maybe i;
the population, it cannot be said that
has as yet received -any very wamvku
la asked whv
does not like bis nei-NAmitnra
tliiUilB uf ullilllmu Is isirfw'tiyj
uui uib uciguiAHD ur onier raon, UUito. . v , . rr . .
r,in other words, to assimilate wSBa.bTO&JSSC
true, to the extent that the Jews natWf!"q5S,'R',',,w?,,'t WiM1a' Low'
ally furnieh their proportionate quotalW'rZ'Wifnt n.7'
flm niHlmntentt whn luifa flu mnrikv,'JiU,M,lMi'
Intillr wUQfiArUOftff'tfHlii
thattilwja etaAjtunkiWri-io, i
HahertOr.. 11"
Eoyal HighneU i,
woman born
t remains for lobe
royal familifc M
1T HaWlt, "(TH'I
indaiiuM megiesumy 7vy
i Iturl bwe a Jtpwt IiutS)
' '" fruah!!bni4ili'
have the endoaring title of Her ia':i'WUer'rotJ (miflwtd fhire-
WtfiWSiV9 sir IjWHf?! ittfJtW'"
flirfSnnSSSuT arttf mntinTnS, the .main most
-pwesing upon all who know
do good is to hi
not to do it ia to Infail't8. M.hrlM''W1na! fc liehfed-
aomaofJdi&jJgawaajrfJifeAi I
ajy pnncessea toe l)efrla
ut unarms uccu WOM
Pgnat deeds of
Mkit them, but MlMmkWik clJit
?t?m W eWfOTp b.1
llv dAfla ahe u
and ChaflM''
abeth Hiiaiy
Ladiee' Hnnm .Ti
hfl li SliJ ni ijiilKnaa aim y-iy, oT
ailllo JJA
Easter Eggs.
jwhiplfejfester (ivAbJomoraW,
.herehv lndiaatins-:. tkat-UiAir nul
TjeHerVanB knd
ia-ttisj reTgaohs
r -t 1
3 .
many of wine.
iauirauuuia to
J. (irav in (ioud Hnnnekiwrnti
lnoDM slat ) wtsf InnftsiikiBt i 4
ywrttW Ma wnirrfiiiroiii u of 1 he
Lljfr J
' jlttoM -WiaCilii
Kmidl by onok wall and remhin
uviRutunuuDiuviuiuvbi. JTIOVIUI
if ttffl1 Wilfe1l,iU iou do Hy your pfaymjj.',--KHtJ VMd's
Bat only for a Httl space I .
; Tin tln nMtsTepi faltar, 1
And noil nrjio)4tcl (rondhelr flm
Aoii now theotuers aiter.
r('hn slower, heavier trend) y , )g i
Mllipm'tl'i daintier muff mp tjfo if'y
CHA)mPm others lontijr.lj. nVAhit
Anil 'tiiere We'mby streaks that show
:Wher tWoa havw pierced the leathart
l4fi"HH,ftlir'l;M,iW' 'o.WJ .,
'Tor tmihlmmr
OninfntlWWtlia'lriKliAhMdi .'uT
... Anilall the prints are .ended. .... .
-J. F. Sullivan In CasieU
Whlttler anSVthe Pabllsher.
tji dtdSirrisTiiil !tnatJTHr m, wiien Whl t-
f 5?ft Ea'kv!g one day on Cornhill, whea 1
he aatStteK'tiii'-piibilsher and book
seller. After some converaaia.aMat
"e received notkPtodeiitlwg.wl.SajWieVMtlJirey pHFuin-t.:,oo.(ij,rtlM4iopjtiglit
f of his productions and a rierceutage on the
T skl'MlhittierWarfVWtrVAiirmkeied.
tHfhougtit plUiand bobknialtloit had a
lOineBJKisjake-jthe nap crasmi. .iliu,,Wtis
ijfy.wafjn 'd.eaj at
Wmttier, With i'reserved fteblig pf cdm
paiwiott toth;eliieHkWpuoikireti;!.a-
moimBe'jasiigdiin .'.J' v-n
.rgUV o,jthie,llilthtt)Hl
which Immediatelv faliaWed snaannished
t . Wohadf jIP ranch) aa.ij.e poat,li(ni, but
andTe-gan -putmeyfniis pftfse. 4le
:real, liwiverj reWgfe sTA
Us njrtuctknaefKre UeaitteaM ''jjgpw
, Terj; Indiffereut. ,btt of versiflct.ion it
M ssuWlr4is,trfeiB(Mion JwMaL
e w Ji .lusjiliiuvil a wVwkiwjI JtJ
'. ViavMMti M'Tiroliiiberwelg tu fin : akii ele-
mtiirtf TJ(il(fcia,.to)iwiythe aaaefc (aery
fuel. A series ' of eO-pound . weights
i'fo 4Vep?M'te:upWrs'et a
building, and when apeiwn'jwssawLtaide
ndi (sW'iiwoiediLacvone of
m uoox was reacpea tna person wn
j 4"" luiuib tire-ireigaii ITVItT US
Uefctsiar.a d, Jiang ie.y,ih
I iTMvi i ne.l jnyflntor .jfas inauvt o. (he
hftf'J1crorkiKra- l
""en wei tmiflraim jj TiK-tiijuiSio
Wrn sotf'lWrA'IAdiWi'.And
ravjcoAi (fennim BWtna,,pTer(
1 oecuae more aeffnite than the customary
-' te'of timfe cMrswben'afa-statf trau la
HlMMUkfl"ihbi. lkuk.
1 . wWL- a .wtii all,: ,j
bDuiu-Wi'f fsf s'fir jtti-ii
W As asked
u"l"JHi WKhoh "i?aliiSfry,jfqi a
rirarT.s? Bffitnaa3 r.'"
oW dffleto iii(ii'.'f. 'ihnt!tiejid.
- mlraW
Th. OntftertM Wnfitini
The table ' itV'"r- A-A for the
oVk ii Mk 4if son p tutSnsAlsa
iteMe's, MjUUuVpieses f . vlasswrer41 Bas-
b)rt,JllidhSjr, .uhussHiiOU tea nlMm.
.iiJIUnti,itwlitctMHhelinen supaiy'tldre
liug.ul,lm,l,l,. in ...piji-n a,""
LfmA1H,If!t?rljmv7.W, wU and
a,(XX) aprons. These are but a few Of the
:luw MArti;:j.
. ' PMtH1e la a tJan's Hat... S
: bri Joshua Tliarna.;of 'Ifansiia rUtw
. tails many irood Btories of the vaum
whan thaWvt' JiJung, "Thirty-
rhft ha, and luriwuri.-vlvl. nioai,.An n.
thA hat. And :ulhtirintV1, 'ninir..i' nn.
a ..ii::J 'iiij . .
.. uuimiuuiue anu evei v man. w mun
nun s inimw vi"-","
:tpj,aruuiid jiiiiitlB of
and our Die inail Ek-
i l''5erJyr;i! t J..-1' n..- v -rvji a ewl-jK
f T iwrwi j,t: ii..jiai
X.JluSS'IItlW'". oUvSltoW.t"'WliiSre
nmewheHieUHWAi ,
r!-jKttsbui'i; Bulletin.
-- lit is easy enough, to amila when yo .
tread upon rose leaves; but try it wbea
each step ieavea blood piiuta upon ta
thorns. ' Borne of the lines in year face
may curve downward then. ,