The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 10, 1893, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
FBIDAY, KEB. 10, Ifi98r
gtf Additional lonslg oh Drat page.
Come In fur fob work. '
See Hackleruan's now ad and be
ure and vote.
Aliorney EHowe was ill roiuauv bins
week on legal business.
Frank Ketoham, of Albany, was in
town visiting thin week.
S. Dudley, Dentist, Lebanon, Oreg.
Oflloe up stairs over Glty Drag store.
Only 25 cents per year. Oar Youth,
P. 0. Box 2320, Ban FraiiolHoa, Cal. j
Fumpa and pipe down to Albany
prices, F.C. Atehs & Co,
G. Lovelee makes elotbea al prloea
according to the tlnuea clone prloea,
that la.
Freeh bread, plea, doughnuts and
cukes kept constantly on hand at Mrs ,
May Zabn's.
Bead the prises offered for
the moat popular people by C. C.
Mr. F. Royal, of Fossil, was In town
the first of the week, visiting his sister
G. Lovelee, the merchant tailor, has
received over 600 samples. Call and
look them over, and get prices.
, Fresh Chinook salmon, and all kinds
ScffW-ih fish; the best the market will
afford, at the Fish and Poultry market.
Married, in Lebanon, Feb. 1st, 1663,
Mr. H. W, Wallace and Miss Lillle
MoBrlde, all of Linn Co, Or., Rev
C. R. Lamar officiating.
Boys can make money. Our Youth
only 26 cents a year. Agent wanted.
Address, Clemens Pub. Co., Box 2828,
fiau Frauclaoo, Cal.
Everybody; democrats, republicans,
peoples party and prohibitionists are
entitled to a vote at Hackleman,.
For watch repairing go to Hansen's
Bt the City Drug store, and get a er
fect Job. All work guaranteed or
money refunded.
County Clerk N. P. Payne has issued
license to marry to H. W. Wallace
and Lillle MoBrlde, W. G. Perry and
Carrie MoNell. ,
Farmers: 8, N. Steele ft Co., of Al
bany, Or., are now prepared to loan
money from one to.flve years, In sums
of ia to 110,000. (,'all on nr write
Mrs. Jettursnn Davis distinctly re
fuses to reoelve any gifts from the
Southern states, or from privatefrleiid
preferring to live upon her owu mod
est income.
How are you fixed for letter-heads,
bill-beads, envelopes, note-heads,
statement and the like? Don't follow
the old style of using unprinted sta
tionery. We print everything at this
onion and charge a reasonable price
only. We claim to lo as good work
for as little money as any office in the
K. H. Miller & Bon, of Eugene, ex
pect to start a newspaper at Drain in
the near future. They ask no bonus,
and propose to put In a (1500 plant.
They conducted a newspaper at
Bpriugflold for a time.
The Church of Christ meets in the
Academy lor regular services every
Lord's Day in the morning at 11
o'olnck. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
All are Invited to attend.
Weoail atteution to W, C. Da
vis' new ad which appears in this Is
sue or the Exprbss. Mr. Davis Is
successor to O. W. Simpson and when
visiting Albany you should Dot fail to
give him a call .
The ExfKKse desires to again remind
It friends wbo are in arrears that we
are in great need of our money. We
cannot pay our debts without It. We
bope everyone who Is behind will ooiue
forward at an early date and settle.
Fruit trees for sale at M, L. Forster's
nursery, at bed-rook prices. Call and
get my prices before buying elsewhere.
Prune trees very cheap for the next
thirty days. M. L. Fobstkh,
Tangent, Or.
Btop a minute, see here. Do you
know that you can buy a gold filled
watch for 112, a dust proof nickel
watoh for 17:50. Silver sugar shells
for SO ots, gold ear rings for 25 cts., and
everything else in proportion at F. M'
Frenoh,s jewelry store in Albany.
Last Saturday a dilute roie
between Linn Walton and Wui. tl II
dreth which .resulted In one carrying
his hand In j sling and the other
wearing tr black eve, It also caused
the city treasury to be replenished a
few dollar.
Blbelln, the photographer.
Next Tuesday is St, Valentine's day..
Robert Montague Is taking the school
oensBs of this district.
Special baking done to order at Mr..
May Zabn's.
Elmer Ban, formerly of this place,
is one of the olerke at the legislature.
Standard flour, $3,60 per bbl. Come
In. D. B. Zeb.
The anow is about all gone and the
gentle rain la here once more and
Oregon is herself again.
The Albany Military Band will give
tbelr play at this place next Tuesday
evening St. Valentine day, at the
Band hall. j
Every 50 cent purchase at Hackle
man's entitles you to a vote on the
most popular people In . and areaod
ttrUhe largest and best juvenile
journal Is Our Youth, only 25 cents per
year. Clemens Pub. Co., Box 2899,
San Francisco, Cal.
H. H. Calaham, representing the
Salem Statesman, wa in town this
week soliciting subscribers, and made
the Express a oall.
Born, to the wife of Emory Stewart,
on Feb, t, a son; weight 12, pounds.
Mother and boy both doing well, but
grandfather, Cbas. Gentry, lain a crit
ical condition.
Prof. Wilkes was here that week, vis
iting friends. He left for Kansas,
where he will hereafter reside. The
best wishes of bis many Msads follow
him home. '
The West,' published at Florenoe,
has again reached our table this week
printed on the best grade of wrapping
paper, their stock of paper not having
yet arrived.
County Court has appointed W, W.
Crawford, Geo. McKnlght and Ab.
Humphrey as reviewers to examine a
new proposed road from Denny school
house toward the Butte.
A Valentine Dime Social will be
held at Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Miller's
Tuesday evening Feb. 14. A novel
programme will be rendered. Every
body is cordially Invited to attend.
J, J. Dubrullle, of Albany, one of the
members' of the Lebanon Electric
Light Co., wa In town this week
looking at rwldenos with view of
moving to our city.
Services In the Methodist ohuroh
Sunday, Feb. 12. Bunday-scbool at
10 a. in. Preaching at H .a, m, Jun
ior League at i p. m. Epworth
League at 6 30 p. m, A cordial Invi
tation la extended to all to attend.
The Governor ha vetoed the
World's Fair bill, and could not resist
the Inclination to bring in his favorite
word "boodler." The Governor Is the
loudest calamity howler on the ooast.
His usefulness as a democrat is gone.
The populists will have to walk mighty
straight if they wish to retain the Gov
ernor's good will.
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Boom
field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I cau reo
ommend Chamberlain' Cough Reme
dy to all sufferers with cold and
croup. I have used It lu my family
for the past two years and have found
It the best I ever used for the purposes
for which It is intended." 50 cent bot
tle, for sale by M. A. Miller.
Arohie Blackburn, of Albany, wbo
has been the druggist in Blackman 4
Hodges' drug store for the past two
years, baa purchased a one-half Inter
est in Dr. I. W. Starr's drug store, and
will hereafter have charge of the same,
while the Dr. will devote hi) entire
time and atteution to the practice of
medicine Brownsville Times.
Hardware, Stovk and Ranqb
Albany, Ore.
The bell telephone patent expires In
a few weeks, and then the prices on
telephones will drop. No other tele
phones ould be used as long as this
patent held good, but,
time Is gone a great variety of phones
will doubtless be placed u the mark
et. A company ha been organised
in Chicago with (8,000,000 capital to
engage in the telephone business.
The Oregon City murderer, Wm.
Heudersou, did not hang on Jau. 24,
as wa decreed by the -court. The
jury found him guilty of murder In
the first degree and the judge senten
ced him to be hanged on Jau. 24, 1808,
lut the lawyers have secured an ex
tension of time and wilt try to get a
new Iriil and U I probable that Hie
mini will not be tianged at all.
Call at Rlbelin's gallery and look at
his work and get hi prices on pictures.
Crayons a specialty. .
Bend 25 cents to-day for one year'a
subscription to Our Youth, Address,
Clemens Pub. Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Governor Pennoyt yesterday grant
ed a pardon to John F. Elliott, who
wi.s sentenced from Douglas county to
the state prison to serve a term of two
year for the crime of forgery. The
pardon was granted upon recommen
dation of the trial judge. Elliott had
served one year ofrhls term.
There will be services in the First
Presbyterian church every Sunday,
morning and evening. : The evening.
sermon Is especially intended for the'
young people. Young People's prayer
meeting at 7 ft. K. on Sundays. Air
are cordially invited to come and wnr
ship with U8 Please make yourself
known to the Pastor.
Edward Eocleston.
Rev. Plowman passed through here
a few days ago en hie way boms . He
has been down In Kings Valley, Ben- j
ton County, helping Rev. Yost, form
erly of Sweet Home, hold a revival
meeting. Be says the meeting was a
grand success. We are informed that I
he and fssvt Basbor are holding a re
vival meeting at Sodavllle at present
The Exiukss has always used Its
best endeavor to advance the Inter
est of Lebanon. It frequently urged the
erection mt electric light. .' AH are
well pleased with the result of that
enterprise. It has also urged the erec
tion of water works. It now would
urge upon the oounoil the propriety of
encouraging the speedy procurement
of this much needed Improvement.
The reasons in favor of water works
are, If possible, greater thus for elec
tric light. Let not the itff loss the
present opportunity to obtain good
water. We must have it
Thursday's Oregonian has the fol
lowing to say of M. A. Miller: "Bep
reseatatlve Miller put another of his
general measures through the house
this inoring. It simplifies pleading in
justice courts and is designed in the
interest of justice, and for the. .protec
tion of poor men, unjustly or tkrojgb
misunderstanding, sued. The plain
tiff may file hi account and die de
fendant hi cross-bill or counter-olalm
without the elaborate procedure which
now require each fo employ an at
torney. There i no variation from
existing statutes in regard to payment
.of fees.. .... ..... ij Jtj.-.
Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas
City, Kan, wishes to give our readers
the benefit of his experience with
colds. He says: "I contracted eoid
early last spring that settled on ray
I img, and bad hardly recovered from
it when I caught another that hung
on all anmmer and left m with a
hacking cough which I thought I
never would get rid of. I bad used
Chamberlain,s Cough Remedy some
fourteeu years ago with iruch suocess
and ooncluded to try it again. When
I had got through with one bottle my
wiugh had entirely left me, and I have
not sulfered with a cough or cold since.
I have recommended It to others, and
all speak well of It." 60 cent brittle
f r sale by M. A. Miller. ' ;
For a month or more the polios of
ficers ha e been reoelvlug complaints
fmm parents about an old man who
has been in the habit of eutldng their
little daughters away to some secluded
spot, where he would take liberties
with the persons of the young aud In
nocent little oues. Marshal M Into and
dipt. Dllley "spotted" their uian and
yesterday caught him at his fiendish
work under the sawmill with a little
girl. The criminal Is an old gray
haired man, Win. Abbott by nni,
who is above 60 years of age. The
old sinner cried when arrested. .'He
is insane, no doubt, and will have an
vxauiluation before recorder Edes,
charged wth: having committed an
outrage against public deoenoy end
Injurious to public morals. Salem.
Statesman. ,
Mrs. May C. Jones, the sveugeltst
aud daughter, eommenoed meetings 4t
the Baptist church last Thursday even
ing and are having a crowded house '
every night aud have aroused eonald-
erable Interest. ' Tbey will give en of
their stereoptioon entertainment
next Monday, Feb. 18, at the Baptist
ohuioh.The Brownsville Times ha
the following to say about ber enter
tainments at that place. Her stere
optioon lecture Monday eveulng was
a grand success, being new, novel aud"
Instructive to old and young. The
opera house was well filled and she
proved herself well posted ou the
subject she handled, which was a trip
from Portland toJerueatem andth rough
the Holy Land, Those who have had
tlie I'li'Mini'e of listening to her will
not anon l';ut the iuiprcsaivuuess of
her speech aud way.
Prizes for Popular People,
To the most Popular Married man, most Popular Married
Lady, Most Popular Young Man, most Popular Young
Lady, in Lebanon and vicinity, I will give th fallowing
useful Prizes:
Married Man
Married Lady
Young Man
Young Lady
- 1 Sack Flour.
1 Pair $4 Shoes
lPr. W.L. Douglas I
$3 00 Shoes
- I Pair$4 Shoes
A person is entitled to one vnt for sn nont nnK.
chase made until Saturday evening, March 18th, when the
votes will be counted by the following Committee: Messrs.
U T14 . IS, 1 U'll 1 r "ITT -w-r t. .. .
v. i. iwueiuu, r. ju. muter ana ur, vv. a. uootn. The
persons, receiving the largest number of votes shall receive
the prizes; and their name will be published in the Ex
press with the number of votes given. AIko the parties
with the next largest number of votes. , The names of the
four leadine candidates will be nnhlishl
the number of votes each. "
W ts Tk.
The editor of the Blsson (Cal.) paper
want the postofflc and want it bad.
Just listen to him.
"Borne surprise ha been evinced
that I should aspire tor the postoSoe.
It is not selfishness that prompt m
to seek the position but an earnest de
sire to give the people the best postal
service possible. It Is reported that
my opponent inteuds giving to each
purchaser of 35 cents worth of stamps
a nickel-plated parlor stove if he should
receive the appointment. If I receive
the appointment I shall priut
all my own stamp aud sell them to
customers at ten cents a hundred, re
gardless of denomination. I shall em
ploy the best looking male and female
assistance obtainable. Their duties
will be to write missives to people who
constantly expect letters and never re
oelve any, and to serve patrons with
free oysters and Ice cream at noon and
evenings. Havana cigars will be
found at the stamp window. The of
fice will be open every day except
during the fishing season, when mail
will be delivered promptly eaoh week.
I shall ignore the four pound limit
and accept for mailing, trunks va
lises and all kinds of machinery that
will go into the mailing cat. The
rates of postage on the above, which
oemea under the hesd of second class
matter, will be one oent on the ounos.
f. o. b. Honey orders Issued most be
Gld for every sixty days unless pec
arrangement are made, Livestock
and children may be mailed at pound
rates that is male live (took and
children. Cau any man do more?
Claused Xveir Week.)
0t-85e. '.
Hay tl2pertnn.
; Flour 1 00 per sack.
' Chop 11 2S per cwt.
Bran 80s per cwt.
Apple Dried, To per lb.
Plums Dried, 6c
Onions 2c -
Beef-rDreesed, t4o, ,
Veal-45c .
Pork Dressed, 6e.
' Shoulders 10c
Bides-12J16o per lb.
Geese 18 per dos.
Ducks 16 00 per dos,
Chickens-3 004 00.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
r"'gs 80c erdos.
Butter Lie p-r lb.
ri ides Green, 2So; dry, Sc.
Walter Lyons, proprietor of the 8tay
ton Times, which was burned out a few
weeks ago, nas purchased a new plant,
and will soon have the Times on its
rounds again. We hope Brother Ly
nns will have better luck hereafter.
V. ,' - Barglanr . .
On Saturday night the store of IV
L. Wallace A Co., now in the care of
Sheriff Jackson, wrs discovered te
have been entered,
Night-Engineer, 0. O. Lee, In past
ing the place found the door on trial
to be rast and all right. On returning
half an hour later found the door un
locked and ajar. He blew his whlstlei
and getting help to watch the plaoji
went to the jail for Sheriff Jackson,
aud they returned and searched the
store but made uo discoveries except
one overcoat on the floor. The nex
day, however, a closer search showed
that nine pulr nt the highest priced)
shoes had bun abstracted. In the
rear of the store near, the back 'door
one of the shoes waa found, but the
back door was fastened on the inside
regularly and t'uht, and what the fee
tlve thief wanted to dose It up aftes
he Ii.mI once opened it, and return
through the store and pass out the
trout door, ts hard to understand. Ev
Ideiitly he had made just such a move
for one of the nine paly of shoes he
took was lying just outside of the
back door.
But on conclusion can he arrived at
and that is, the burglars are not Strang,
era to the olty, but evidently lived
close enough to take ii all the sur
roundings and are thoroughly welt
pasted. This burglary, ss well as snv-
era) ether small lines, demonstrate"
that fact. It wa no. stranger from
abroad that took In Mr. Conrad Mey
er's house Si-v.jral day ago, and the
later one on Saturday evinced that
hey were w rll Informed at to the dr.
uuwUiut. and conditions att'imllii
this store.t-Albany Herald.
Agent wanted lu every sehool Aw
Our fauth, only ii emits jwr yer.
Clemen f ub. Co., Box 23M, Hn
Franclsoo, Cal. ;
Have Your
Job Printing
Done at the
Express Office.