The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 10, 1893, Image 3

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    -"l : , vv- ,n; ft;
m- av
If T. ,
Slayi eta the rjriki aborts laewa a
Drtvwi tenwrraeCTrorsaheaea,
MOatwilmt tl wMMa wltltfi,atan.
Tot InlMifl fttttr, (Mor
Helpless MmiM wtOi-flyta saota
Bat, meeaiingor of eonatMuiy ta TAA,
llkxngilw botaiKKWUlMU,;
As vW Mt Humu4i alarm amd nhjht
MM oaiW.t- 1 hidden light
Braaama sit pif"t "Oi BkreiMpBof sleeaV.
-t A. Ds Wolfa4i, TBOtt-iOooi.
ft ain't no tiso in
M, Jennie he's bad Wafiava way.ajoaia
MKOonttmutl, for mnre'n thirty yean,
to' you'll jest her to ,give tn; none
tatkm'athira. 'T only makes him wass."
FaorlitMe Mrs. Iploott had been
amtnrnU drrririg ftho vyfcnhtiof for pi
elfleblf ptMift
kwrtng Win to carry
Jamie wae di
She inherited heri
atvl he hud. mneft
demly diiwovered an omioaihg force in
bis ymngost child,
She hadflwoi ava:4rtt (hme r
nearly three yoorii this, pretty, brown A
haired girl with the dninMhedface'iM1
hie point without
IU lie patieat for your Bate." I A Beemaia ' H, sVMe.
W "bSm'. r - - 7:
hie like, an
1 '". Yr 1
in for .ke
Jemimwrofce i
had occur
wan the aaeww jt
My Dear JTu't
maiiAffiiu'. nU Jt
It. I have written to him to cornel j '
to the city and advise me about theVif"Pr .
of a .pieee, of property, and yon need not
be surjrftied at anything that happen.
Hjs.. iate OMdtng wae the only omU
hot then 1 paid the modiste $30 mora
for her promise to tell everybody that it
a hundred. New York weeuiy.
, J"10MAQ3J
ItwmAU HiiW-nei way, ore yuu no iwunu as
P- ..A C 4 . jM wadicstt
't'gihwSld wnr v eer did .bntand tar
hSroiS'eT Hirim, and she" had planned a
elerer Bttle raee to be played oa tb a
wpaetnit; tanner. r's-l!
Mr. Bryan, whom Jennie baa ooa
fawedjto i her mother she irajjed h reat
maiden. To Mrs. GAhjinK, howerar, be
bad onened bia heart, and she bade him
rSna riKhtlt Sonoliilea feat He nnitlt Vat
giacefnl oarriagn.and the father secretly
admired and almost ,fcred. m,(A.
weaUby and cbildleeaiml hv taV Mitf
nau Pewnipnt IPIimr Hi wmisn: iim u iiun,
and Hiram -Oloott's pretty dangler,
lerionadifflcmltyin the way of they!
peonle, Af tersatisf ying herself that the
EnamW of ijnnte,sl'lovoT war fjni'ta un-
kaown tej. her .brotltor, he JBSolved t
lntxodnce Mm" as a young man who
wonld be a good match for Jennie, if
hwjy the strlj'toiili; be.; Wijie: ;ooijph t
thMich nlinirltio' tn the farm -with AB;iia
dear memories of childhood and 'child
hood's Joys, chiMjrwnen she
yielded to herfji nls a-Aiinst. It was
batter, far betU 1 ljrf n after
her going the' tllf ohildrea
ta keep the miserly ol farmer in a per
patnal grnmble alient money matters.
It was May and ountry wore one
glad smile, and Jennie hailed with de-
lhi tli nrrwiwnfc of a visit t homO.
aamming vary w1Mogle,tha. rfPf ,
bliiif of honlp!fle!hr wo on;
auarried sieters attenuea tne weoaing or
a amain in a distant town.
stood beside the kitchen table. In one
hand aha helnantjinarjilatft wMle
ahe ohi), dip, JoTn5f Ta lark sonniftd
Ter sisters hed to marry to-aititri
waflod the norrous little woman, "an'
yonTl her to, too; et VbttJfoaW Mnl e
, That morning the futher hod spokea
t ionniearaa rFT'TT
art ex-
11 'uU F
iiriiiilfiniai Miaiii ii i ill
naAjfferet WlT
lime iota
lokmd toi-
physical tri
salt of cant
simplest rol
Brantford, Ont., writes
frortii ooni.TaHroma
rfillrentsjiPi, KJUit Wl1'
ieooi for a tinie, out only for a
fitolrouble eme back wowMbaJi frerU J'
Vg indocod: by a friediiUinii Bits-:
dkith's Pilm had benefited, to try them.
Took two each night for a week : then one
every night for aoout. six wekp Since;
that time I have not experienced tiWBHitht'
est dittionlty whatever, and any owl.
move repilarly every day. ' 1 believe firmly
that for slogglKhness of the bowels and bil
iousness BRAKiiEtTB'n Fills are far supe
rjor to any other."
never teems to oo a man snv Rooa nrn
time, evoo if ne. does know exactly iiow ae
We TwwltlvelT ovre rnntnre, miea ml all reo-
tal dlieuei wlthoet pain4Mftlon from bail-
met she trartsd ts his U,; kMnJ tor mmoSU' Ti?Jrtera14
Lowr, m uiw iu), TroijiiT1"
THB rut T law or watbbb. ,
Tbii Belf-preervatloe Is acknowledged, to t.
snl people who ftdopt aKHiuet trie elicionchee of
disBM h sonaUe me-lioinsj olnrnerd, eocred
1'ed byixiieile'ice end the tHnctioii of phyrl
clflot, afford ft nappy illuitraUon of the wlidom
of ttie BarlnK, Id the betltb they teatcre aud
(ODUaue to enjoy. Adioiik raalwlfei, again!
the erowUi i-f weieb Uoatettr Stemaoii Bit
ten afTords tmctenl protection, diaeaMa of tbe
kidneyl and bladder are fra ffbt wllb tbe ot
moet pern and exhibit srett obatinacr when op
poapd by ordinary mean. Tbe fiitu ra can and
III anocrtie IDeai noieaiiravny leairouKfriDaii
toe outaet ana pi-rKieteniiy, me
tav be exoeoied. Tbia medicine
ATorftAatrH liver ComDlaiat. cotMLlnatlon.
Hpepela, malaila, rbeumaliam and nervoua-
!"Who ta that pretty little blonde' yonderf
innaon snow nerT' wny,.ino u m lnvlZ
tie branette whom yoa eaw here laat aigbt.
i so. ' SilAwing hiin' t6"believe they
eonaled obstinacy to do the rest
t Ta jaranteou no nmoa to taia wua
job about Jennie," said that lady,
and Hiram sVt in her well iyi
orawifci'tiiW tfnjoiilotllf iuTaL
"It does not dnl Hiram," began
Calding, watching the hard nifdfae
mTjeriwy "K aepenu rm a Bius .wu-o,
. 'jWelJiflgneniit 4mi" he iBV"I
ji55fetsa ydung ihan inWwiwko
I know admires Jennie, and if he should
her lilrink amnething jrould
y wmmw ""fWW
lim,4lwitmaua maaeuMeconK
The old man was interested. "BichT 'taateglnti
W.KKtl.raMltiata'i MtaWfilnalli'
toffttiCT. ..I, -nn, Let 4o not kbow how to paddle Ui(r
"ef I like that young man I'll jest taint
Tn BB g
meat se iwii-dTwivthtttlilB auwfji
tkMV Wwrl!lorire! iuldttW
tur husband had lf'6t4fliw&W hi
fkm&oi with she irli
No Donbu-" I always nf Samlet eaay,"
ild tbe old truedlan. " Wl a hump mr-
elf to do Jnitloe to " KiuJ, ''.!
tvatfei), Oi. -
eaaed to
led dlaeaae
100 KIT
in all ila
The readers of this panel
learn tnat there la at least
that science hae ttepn aj
KljtcMa. and that iHnaabSTR
le the only Tiontuve core Known to toe uieuinai
fpBtArnltr. Tatarrh. holne a Ron-tltutlOnal dla-
eaae, requlrea a conatltutlonal treatment. Hall's
Catarrh aure lataKen inter!
A Jr.- ,
iSMcalarrb Cure
Pta throat diseasos and conabs
onrJiwii Jror," like all otn, r rtmtvgooa
ines. are imitated. and nnrchasetaeuould
he careful to obtain the genaihe article pre-
by joaa 1. jiaowa twat.; . .
a tn a li aeneroua to a fault it Is oarer
hiewlfe'a. .. - .:
jati niiwu ,
f and eapeoially
aurafna reethera. -
Utaetranatk- '
that ootnaa '
Dr. Fierara
FttoO,. .ttiVesaaaf : f
ttorMwaod bor-i , !
deat vf ahild- 1 w
beariDC. Intaraa
t 3 healthy, Tlgorooa
ef f spring:, and ,
eromotM an abundant stcratien of neuriak- ''!
ment on tbe part of tbe mother. It Is aa i .
vbroratlrig tonic made aspaulaUy for wemea, ; ,
parfei-UyVrinleae la any eonditdoa ska-' '
femala tysum, as it regiilatoa and prwnataa : .
all the natural fuaotioas and aever etnlMa , .
with tbero. ! ' J -' '
The ' Praacrlntloa " builds nn, atnoftaaaa.- ,'
and cures. In all tbe chronlo wealrttaaaaa ana
erders that afflict woman, it la
te benafit or cure, or the money
InaiaelrnMeTe MUii' aodaA neemelU
A War Veteran
bnllet. Tlwwonnfl nu catiTiiTiiDti groat wfl'
lug, breaking out, ln.tir-T
rtblt Mrci.At -lnterTavli,
PhysletaDi made two
amputatloni. Atlaitmr
blood buua polKod
and aorei brolw out !!
otr toy laot and body.
One da? I read about
Hood'1 SamiparUlft'aiid
deddad to tT7 1L Soon
my wife.
Mr Bammonde
lecatld U3e.roondaokiA.btftr ,iid 1i fcJW
nontha, thank God, th aorea all body
healed, and tf6itto.jsarf'lteif; have neirer
hown anyrtiyaQt reapyejuHnpr Wtrr. . hum
irhea all oUiernmedaia jail. y - n
upon thefhlood aud mnoo
torn, then? detroFtM thi fcundstiota: 1 4b TVf f i
di'eam and glTtiiR the patient atreuKih by build
in up tbe conatitBtion and awlHtlns n-tnre In
doing It work. The proprietoM have ) ,muoh
in-Hi curauve power ,. aimj Vuvi
red lllarc lor auyoaite (JH to
fcnftloruatrn ttUBomai .nm
doing II
DODO'S FUSaas par?l7ToU41o, an do aoH
forge, pain or gripe, fold by all dragsters.
i "Of oonrse lt.s so very uncertain.
Hkanvrpfl,Be, fe,imie.jniglitefuBa
to We a wSra to say to htm; and"'
jtNowdb,ion;jfeBjrtiss Watson Peerless
flftthoronghfy eicttdh old Ihih; as aitpollsh has none of these, injuri?
Ladles, why use shoe dress-:
inn that have alcohol, add, and
ammonia in them, and spoil
JlngTedlents. It is guapan-
uimimlakar nptninn nr nun ill sn naianan m mi wtB mg, aj-
a way as to alarm Mr. Olcott tor tne Jmniei toU Mm to lf jm
mSatv nf hia much nmnd autlvnty. 1 v- v.ijH .ao'Ak
J - " . : - NB
Hewaahtr. v'f 1 1 T r TT'l 'T T IWees th'
Mrrio tll
LXi ,
war hensebold benlath yer feet; govern I tfie fsnow.i, rBtnrn ta his home
'en well, on' thny'llgit along. fr.ll rM'ai)W'nwBtd him, having ao-
Jennies goianees in-opptnK majimB- Kvi tne hearty invitation of h
Ttt euu for brenktaat.
A i,. J' . .
friend bfl-l;
tr'"" w aru vu-r-i'i, v in
Jennie tml neen appneeaj)injivi3ry
she was to play her part; She
nia had been very thoughtful during the iIBet.fliB.4f e were a stranger, while
MtUe woman'a apiMAut now,sh i was LfaMo,),. mvnTttlUiaight
asaabred, nnd its taWUa ntM :'iM,txltflii fiuuVWrad rWig lalighter.
arnsa wllioh BUOke. "I Wpnllta tanarrr I, ,M--nudui llnnv hn kirlv nnnnrtnnitT
JoraaB Moggs tnougii ratner anomu to enllchten Jiinie as to her duty to-
tttreaaea to mnrder me. Tward h1s new focnil, and with twinkle
Use eggewere tilI,alfeBW;,asai raa
ant tae pinw down on w ti mMieehimra themAtteTl.,'-
wed from her mother and trusted her- J ..v - .innin and Mr. Bra
self among the mgrent to flake, bafc $h,-lajIJI.ji& da-
iqg which were bfJfore her. Jennie, was ijjhtftd onen to thenti autt theold farmer
Unahing as she began softly, "'There ft Jabh Jua.jiands at the success of hia
Hwnatwu T I i .. 1 inSXmiXP Wttaniu MTOwt''M
1 ' HWrbJten speaks now of his match
Obntt grimly as he ateppeo quieuy into -igiiiin. "There'e Jennie " hewill say.
be kitohtm. WiWltiKr ffWing! tfftrSYM whtferneairAy
W and his wind reddouEdioheekl waja- AM'ratwi ef I hadn't iest took
dutortol bytlie aneering curves wa uirjiw,, IbnvwBrvatipM-.aa'
hard lined montn. Beating nimsBit on h tt n'iflti6bhivlh1W
of the painted (Woactiiiuiy na Liiy fir,- tgrrjo-jeetmake 'em mind,
r the opoqaiiK Kiaacii mm ana twit m they'll Kit along.
ft bia heavy thoWwith a calmness ana jj, wonl(j not aeoeiye him for any-
when he boaete they think with loving
Plaster will jj gegtitftioQ.J 5 ceota,
BftUOnl vwauw oavwi
i, the
Tor or i
nt oura.
rarra ruonaav afrea w vmj aw
You're eurad by its mild, seething,
(nt,nd aaaung pnroartiaai ar you're
i i
A monthly joumiftl of ap-- Kr,; ; j;2
cial iatere8t;.te JUintl.fl;i.-si.ii'.Ji.
BeporteriiEditowtisbi 'iifr o
Publishers. ;:i ;t.i; ;.;it sr-i j rlfS'n ;
; If you dora!tlwiv .'it !; iviv v.;i
and want itj-writo r. r
ViT. suaR.uuu .1 jr;:
a nil stock of Raymond Bilentlon Salter
Bkateaeonatantlyoniiahd.. i -i-t-.'. ;
Arms, Fishing Taoklo '
. asim t- Hj.'v .'i;!V
Spartlna soaets of terrcrlptl :
,,,; H.'-Trii'u'DW'iii;::;:
M rirat BtTMt, . PpittlAsiiuOB.
- Head 5 tsenta In atampa for new 112-page lllaa-Uatedaatajpgua;-
.:;, J, '.
h'a Hemedlea are sold DT US on
t IT'-'
now anBrpawj,:,'Ww!a fu.
i uddenlyif rot. . .u 5i "
THE ttlAlaS-r,
be procul.tlrvbettWrrfMt
were rjouKhtniaTTpllisa;
1 mn nf it riillaaa4k.tfII:B
relief (roji'-aiK.v.wbich Wli
wen mc wxtMJQMoeania44j
I was out and about mv work
in three sinyM "
t no a.
The tain Saswsi
j Alm-uya the tw, tdey are wswiiawl attfl
-, IM) BLaVIHlSJW w tN M ut a ,
Perrj ' Sei-d Annual ia most
lillipurUMH won in me .niu iutr
UtUltXl. It Ut inVaXIUatOie iu iub
WIH mt ,Ttrw otvj
Sonea. Meat Grtfltlu andalL
)1 Greed Cut fiONBS wit
double the nomberofewai v.
will make them more rai
tile-will mry Ut henii.,j::
aafely throni h the solUnff
pertod and wif them ta
. oonoUtioB to 1 when tw .,..lVl.
" counandtbehlgriertprtoa '
.'. a.n1 'will 'rkwona BYf l "
ehtcki faitar Uuta an- .
other iood. i- 1 1 : ; ; :
me creo
1 per ottU more prot. -Bend
lor Catalogu m4
losoxone to wa
k 1ltaatMMllaWKnolaMatl
I iamttnLrT.iTiaalir MribM
I toBiaha.iireJ dlfhrblhrCM M ll
pnAum,-'rtTinn, ttW:
Italian and Perlte, dne year oW':"H 4 feet'
aiMi,swperil,uw; a.iooieeiiiKii.ratiiiwri-i w, ;
$adkiuB done at coat. All treea warranted Iras
tuameena iree roib ukw
ordm to THOU, J. DVIj,altomw In fagl lot . '
I. Watklna; addreat, rotfano, ur.
BUn - a, uvpit.,
b:n rwnaaalMiai
M Mn Mioaraca.' -Jii
all !tLM"5fti
il liliisiilinn rnhni "
ekaa hwfif Thoroughly ardnaed; The
poor little nerrotis, JffQnJJli'
woman bad iochmi m,
Wlv cuiet and iilllensivr.
txwimr bia footlBar alwfes Kedad a fflbtaMtr m BereWor rMr-
boeatofpaerfon.. Ak. VaTjoJafiB. i-tto
Himn Olcott act bis cowhide boors ro-inir of charity is described by The
by the stove to dry, kicked ' IWM 1 Ir1 TOdtrMt!a'Pt((rIrWAl W,'' It says that the
in il Js(,e
i-.-J..i:j.i ' -Jji'U Vt;V a
rvAliniieH.; CafriSvf4
ru talk to cm, WW'SYJXT WIT nUTTT'. . ""- TO.JtBUf!UJ?-irA,
aled.elmldng4im!WlraJtrraojiao.. nt-tbe.-reaktast taoie every morning ta(m
Ullly Ut iTlIll"'" "I """l""1 " "alr . f- .ll.t-l.-tn.ili... .-.nn. Inia eUilJ. i 1
"I ra nitor in my own uouoo, aa 7 u
Dot tulk tUl nucll tarjrcfcej
You've been away n' fimior forgot how
dogs hi run hero, but you might f,
ant broko in now. I te'mm-iv
tew nny oittf fullera a f d
ef I ketch yer aunt Kate
w wen I'll iest fotoh v
' . - . -. . .. ni
"peraoaaiiy tat-
"2T ii Hcim
Wl vm.
PohI Hil 1 Oiretl with Vgt.bU BemedlM
karaciuredthoDBanclB of oases. Cure caues pro-Qouucedbopolew.tir.rtphiiiK'lW-
.yiaptom. dlsBeir ten ly rftlettwo-filrda
ill rTmDtomaiioT. n (r flee too teym
IIIBII 111 .njlfaVculntn cbre. Ten rBreainini
ay soail. II yoa oroer unai, wu -
ST. n,, lL.ll .luatu MitV'at. AllanLaLtlsV
i ISSR." TBravraBSsar u -at
t.r jna. m
eonsoinna; i
4 ..JTi!
f : '- 'Vli a
-Vw Sy f b
Lve,ou tUIUMT
aiar ilrm.w Qba,n Cx
bain' 0 line ludy down tin
workin'" .
Before Jonnio could tpt
into the dining room, si,
behind him.
IX'ttTBOI BWWlW"-ii . &
in her brown eyes and lioTMtti&igiiiii
to her lips, but na she gliuiooo uown at
the ugoni-sd to of tbo little wouwn
keaMa W'Al-Lt M'orccilod ehwgatt.
She baiM-Mm
.nmrmuripi. "Mover Blind, mother dean
hat shall be done with l f
eoiaion is writ- aujt ujt XT"Tr7 -iff ia-""!! AfrLi i,-ifc
e name signed br0ttghryiiaftrOtf;ft t 'WaWaa, J THaiJ',
..t.....lIlaa.I :"Stt...""-!" CTat at llsW BritWllai
trio Speolllo A No. I
- Oorea, wttMst-xau, ail earn 01
hip 11 wd tlltjt,, no roat(r of how .I011J
uvidlns. Praveobi auictiire, II bailiff aii ina
fertial remoJr, Cutes wlien eyerythl- alaa
d Br aM Dfiwtola;'
K The A.8chiwiheiMailMae,
' -l-f-Co., Saa Joan, So. '
-Ths verr remarkMl.ud oeiuintk-
H" lBtift nun 6 WamtB?i friand. vK Ji i ' ' mnifof&rly BticoBtW
. ? saw . i ' "Vi- L I- t All ' 'ki.- " m - aaaaaaaaaaaff ' sar aa ta a a .--. i i
burden and ehoMrr-'Woman'a " Tlife, Thouaandi xistsi.
'lteijiCr-f 1 fiiifuni iiti'iiiMil 'iHliriilin'I mir St. i nn. n.i nmM-mV. s . ili ut-e mfcli"
f- n 11 1 1. 1 . . i 1 mi 11 11 1; hi t fj'nt jejiOii" ai li ui-?
then weighs ' asjJI
-Twlnrwl h hia i 'IISt
ii 1 T.atAat 1
..valultrrhd the matter; 0 i ur
4d f&t.W trothers hut mam
nhihlren about him and reviews the
1 .I f ! A,
case, announcing, nia uecisjona, ,iuk
.ijet Tiouj
when they toiiflurt with, thosj jriun by
6 niM
jtarUi , Fin. i jH.Kldueviirn
f Jt Lltfer Ttoiflaawa-iilt ll.wMA,uoiai.,
the cliildrelt U 4,lains the mffin foT'nt o.Of r'0 iaa mtm
ti il.n.rliim fKim the ramandAUDO. ' wmwmr ww w , f,W""-Y
. Pldtfel, FMCi
rtiiarafflt aflsflf that obwiiota the via
L H riiatflc hi destuii anaeeta
vuifii rta,. t&ti f
aruJ wiU rof r heY ,
Uist atroLUuLs aLrfto( motil a h T
ii pv.i6"m.ttff -'-"-at - ? r. , : ;-., MC j
Waaler. SalaaJol.. 808 Itala H, CklaaaaA
OaaatloiMil' sT at' c'
pokane F4lla( Wash.'
.ri .: :1fJb-Jr'l riWTlin" RTI T ' U- U V I U ! lil (aVI UUI , M Jtj
lUuliliu Ptll ff ,-MkiiMJ,iM 'i Cojpokan. Falla( Waah.r yr :. Bre
- aSi ai:l....liJ Jiat'.'i.- 1
QMrft Jo . .ju. -t:; JKc-.-f jihub- i r-- .(wine nti.aa'.r; f "fcT.AnAni f i4l. Y " " ": . .....13 ., ........ .... ... t V,
CjmbndJ-.Crecenl tlfound Cl-oSs ;Cutf
And All Kind of MILL SAWS. Alao Saw Repairing. J "J""' '
gm 8IMOMDS SAW CO.. JO Front Ktrext, fartland, Cr.-W r
I I1
'w -
. ... ..
a' r
I .-',! U-IK