The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 10, 1893, Image 2

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B. T. KIKKPATUICK. l-ubllaher.
At Tils? n r-i
.7-i.J Xili 1
at; V&wRf 'wiy
PaderaalPealn NewKfilce In State
of Violent Eruption Trouble
.SU'tW Li. XJ,
fiVef'luV.Mauo Jail
Oohn Bros, at Salt Lake have faded,
'jwitn liabilities of IllO.UW.
The Ogden Cni!dl tiaa v'oted 15,000
, ., ponuajor asmelcenand reduction works,
.Tha aid,eaUhliahed - biwiee of :Parker t
'ttaneon oi Antoria, Or., ha been clcmerf
hvRm Vrannllrn nllnr 1,
,(:) -'The' (teamed Ban Pedro la'io be Uftal
.j -from- tha nick ; in iront-of Victoria, B
-, . .U-Dy pieana oi.eoaar tuuna. -i
a-va ,,!rnor Murphy f Arisona has gone
to nuuiBgwa won nieeuor. so ee
ls: 3 J-eori Statehood for1 the Territory.' M
! . 'Ban1o-'eyed Kri been' arrrtte
ftm.-it: m oacxameaio-KiHi.cuaravu wim odbsi&k
Kj WgJnonay under latae pretenses.
-.Andrew Peteraian. woo ha ' ranch
lost the Klamath, fiver, baeeetout, 30J1
toUm0UQMtiMui 'tomparryV
emiuinge: .l-ngelee,, wnen osm-
.jjleted,;wiu cover an aare of gmaaawt;.
AMUWbaen totrodnoed intiie N
vail Legislature providing tr aoonyenn
don to ravue toe constitution ol yie
,8iatiiiei.I -.i.v .ai ii '-
r..4lhara U trohbaHn''BhoahofiA-mltto,:'
j'iiaho,;howns tbe jail etBnrke:
The defeated .fJiJVlt4)'4aM(- the three1 bandit la.lers arrested'
" ' fnrdahr.
Ban Brefro has begun tie preparation
: i, :t and shipment, of lobsters, Bvh, etc;, to
Eastern markata-ia earlaad tola. - -A can.
nery be Sata'blialied at Has Diego,
M Jb British Golumbiagenrernment ol
iriJ ieta $600 (or information leading to the
conviction ol the parties., who kidnaped
b fallow r 'th( snip Sownmort at
VfalBHa'B. 0.;dispa(Hr'ifW1HtM'
iban determined by Aht tttiant'fbwder
Item ranv'ebianchuftUftBeiltetay .works
' . C,lifbrm, to perfect new and improved.
The ' "Washington ' rkna&t'ias "! toasted
j- 'over-he Governor'a,'' Tetos the famoua jUtiuaharton'Ul Of Jaaiaeaaiob to pre-'l
, vent any person or corporation 1om m-
" ploying, orgkniiiiuj or keeping qp armed.
4kMiie of men--i - 4 i iiT .. .,.
- ' iwnreT-TBpiuHiiwiwve-paEcnaaea iQe
")"'iaw nan -nranao "copper mine in
.iowerUauforniafprfottJIOO.. Inemine
Wtoi bout one. 'hundred toKaKM
1 nthf toQulntin itnd aoventn KZff JCS
'"mueairenrinvooeanr-'- -
71 't-thilrtn ':wUnN lev itbtFacinc
trj 'loaat, Btatsoand TetrltMnaaJoriaai paat
y,it week,a epninared, with jfifteen -for the
previon week and twelve J6r the cor-
'"'"femii reai',' sltuatea 'In !fe''wide'
'of Bio Arriba county, N. ITV.'ii now in a
Ut of Violent eramtlon:1 and'ilibe'lchmf
a:rtlraBlairew.toaaa aui Ja.t W
.5)),iertaioljihoat three bo rs each period
qf ernption las ting about tbJrty minntaa.
,,.,;. Sevan, months ago ,111 e .Sooth Ogden
Vereantile Company 'incorporated sat,
" !l OfVn,t)tah,wltfiriitiioff,&yi,0
" To-aaynjb-wrge ie;u(o,aa the,
result of dissension anMngritbe-ttoe
boldars, who aaaall eapitalista of high..
Tatinc. j"Wi
.,, on a wriv pi naoeas cprpus ruiea uxhi
'niflittrarJje mf .receivet corirjilBfntS, is
.rtie"utJi!ittl. fend't preBMiiarj ex
aminations and admit1 'persona ' to bail,
""but 'cannot Sold thsl"an proncunee
. The Tuoson Slar says;.- A miner in
this city from the Harqna liaa mines
eayl tnat two-man stopped at tbe mine
last week answering -the description ol
Bontag and Evans, tbe Vitalia train-iob-
i bars, aacywere on ,horeOatik, and
. arere . heavily .armed. They . appeared
very nervous; end did not stop tb talk
- ;irv,tateiarone;'s
" "'-Hi anneeting- 'ol the-mlirinii enperin
tendent at Virginia Oitv to discnss tbe
.., .proposition to dram, the flooded levels of
(he Comstock mines below the floor ol
the'SutrO Tunnel, a sOb-cdmniUtee" was
appointed to vnfemit ' plan'Of'aotlbn to
: .-J tliadireetora J)f the Wrions ndning oomrl
.panieslwtE.Qie.tljan jepaj; tbie.
, , An kUempt fVplay a practical joke on
one of fh6 Indiana eAcarbned nearUma
tllat, Orv-eame-naar caaaiatg.aa .oat-
. ieantie ettier aay, ;r ljaei trouble, arose .
, ,. over a pair,ot g)pvebelpnguig to the In
dian, .which were hidden "bit a young
wail. xuc v,n, w iilBMBUbnuvc
. a down of 'hi Isllows, who-auceeadad in
terrifying tbe Jqjkeii, tMiaijaearere
retutnea. ,.r ,-,u w
Mnort wjll,be mie, within . a. few
days to aecdre a meeting 'of the Native
"' Sons df 'Oregon h are itaaSi the1 leg-!liatora,-'Tbere
-re folly: nsteen in the:
uHonae and, number in the Benate who
. were born in this State, and it ia thought
eouaiderable interest in the organization
. can be aroused. The Native Sons and
. Itenghters of Oregon has a membership
if 100 in Southern Oregon, with Colonel i
Mount Tacoma and Several Thousand
Acres of Land in Its Vianlty to
be Reserved for a Park.
The President and all the nS3tamnl
the Cabinet had arouo DlnrtbL'.wliirS
l4kn theotberday, preparatory to; eir
I jj(tfau1r.i HI
mtmvm' ten' i;i
f tiec lorf , rtre has felrnduArif -it Jill
wppr (riaf ir llOttfiaapone' ten' i;h
1S04 rju .1 to the House make an air
gwate appropriations of L'1,677,096,
The llonae
naB ComjLPteu thw nmitffi
jmiiWllMWi iniinnnni I j i ii I
he yeaT rading Jimr30;TnrwhBiitT!rop of Tern la
ion. . as agreea nson it carries an an-
proprlation of 83,(-tiU,3fi7, an increase
of $3,5.,0grbver the appropriation for
'. iHttpkin of PennsjrWnia baa Ibtrc
duoed in the House-a resolution direct-'
ing Via AttoineyrUoneral to inform that
uuuv wny ine oeraona ornrmatina and
controlling the American bngar Refining
Oompany, or the Mgar trust, had not
baea proceeded against as other persons
ngeiiw siiunar crune, , ,,
.The Becretary of the Interior in re
sponse to the reaneat. of Henatnr Mltrh.
fell has transmitted to the Senate all the
papera1 relating to the claim of Oregon
Indians , for money In payment of ceiled
lands in 1856. , The papers go to the In
dian Committee of the Senate, who will
irf and And out whether there ia anv.
pniBg i neiaimmne By the Indiana.
-,a Mount-'nwioma'ana eereral fhoosaiid
aeraa of iand iim its vicinity are to be
wimarawnjromsetuament ana made a
timber reservation, with the ultimate
hope that it will be created as a national
park.i iMaiator Sqoire baa been working
on this far aome time, and Bepreeenta-
tive Wilson aaw Seeratarv Nnhia hnnt
It recently. An agreement waa reached
w nave tne witnarawal made. ;
fbWWTMnartmenil'h'aV received a
dispatch , from iGeoeral Wlteaton, com
manding the Department of Texaa, stat
ing that the Meiioan aovernment baa
by United- Btataa troooa on the ehante at
violating tbe naatraltty laws. .The dit-
patcn waa sent to the Becretary of State,
who Will co-operate with the Mexican
anrantinvnt in tecOrlng speedy action In
tba caaat. .; w. ;
Tk lu. : J . l. .. i. .
Tr,rw iraifMu uin.nievwnKera wno
oring the electoral votes , to the national
capital amount to a considerable sum in
the'acsrreeate. ' Already there is some
itedk'Of repeafintfin orrt'of Mr. Holman's
appropriation oiiis the provisions for
paying thete menengera and -providing
that the electoral retnrna shall be aent
in By mail or by expren. The follow-,
araptheifeet paid the' inesiengera from
the-Saeifio.Bortbweet':- Orearon. 1797:
.WiMtojlj JdaMiiaott. -;
,. Secretary NobJe baa addressed a com
mhhication to the Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, setting forth his conclusions
Win strained -relations between J. Iae-
roa-etraerp, acting 'United State Indian
agent atf ine Kide, end Dr. Charles A.
bastman ol the .ijjoux ndian agency,
be suspended, lroanactiDg aa. physician
at Pine Kidagiioy, -and anless Dr.
Eastman.can be assigned or appointed
to another place be ia willing to accept
within the next fifteen dava he mnat m
hrtgn1, DJh wflj be removed.,' The Secre-
sary nnae ttrere-ttno reasonable ground
tox find fault with the conduct of actinir
ram Jirown in Hiicnnction. j
iOooimaalr Henry la Jobneon baa
seerjnase:fom.lh-naTyt' j.ife waa
tried before a general conrt-martial -at
Mare Island navv vard in December laat
on three charges, tbe principal one of
vnicn is in omctai langnage " tbrongb
egligenoe, suffering a vessel of the navy
aaaairaB vpon!:a irockiand tasarded,"
The aesaeleanitberMobieanwhich'Johp
aon aommandedvand tbaoronndinvimilj
paoB.on in aina,cosu cucn la trie wn cn be waa aasianed altar, a
S!wpension:(or several years lor tbe same
offense for which he was dimiBed. The
eonrt' teood' him irotlty 'of- tbe' three
charges preferred; rd sentenced kim to
dienneal.i(iretar Tracy has approved
.ipe Bnaiogs,.ano ,tnia, action -baa been
conhrinad by rreaulent Harrison,
Secretary Noble baa transmitted in re
sponse to a resolution ol the House bis
report concerning the executive order of
November 19, by., which that part of
Ptah iytnrwest 6f the 110th meridian
wae restored to tbe public domain, with
al the -corns oondence on the anbiect:
Tb documents show this land was
throw open. to settlement for the pur
pose of allowing tbe people of the United
States an oppijij.unity of exploring the
placer fields in search of gold and other
vaiuanie minerals. All trie facts con
nected with the restoration were nnb
isbed itanerally.OijpnBhoBt, the Wast at
.lue viiue win riesiueut's nieseage.was 1S-ened;-
'A telegram' haa beeri' received
from Coloael Hnntol tb armV. tenort-
ingithaA ne iBreaneetorsibad oor were in-,
yjIPiBgon tttfl.fnevajo reservation,
The Appropriation Committee has
agreed On a pension appropriation bill.
It' carries' an apiiropriation nf $ltj.4fJ0
00,n increase of a),63,o50 over the
appreciation lor te cmreot year. The
recommendation ol the tabcommittee
that no pension shall be paid anv ner-
som-nnderthe dependent pension law
motes! they can sbow that 'they are
wnoiij.fliaaoieo tor. ntsnusi , labor and
have an income leas than tiu)a vearwas
stricken out, as was the recommendation
lhal im widow pensioner should receive
a pension untais she waa married to a
soldier previous to 1870. The proposi
tion to authorise the Commissioner of
Pensions to detail medical examiners
from tbe pension office to act aa emm.
ining surgeons and abolish the Board of
ivxamiuing ourgeune waa also rejected,
il'Offl THE K0CK1ES
Boston Photographers Will Have
to Respect the Sabbath.
o New Brands of Chops' laltl
covered An Autograph Letter
.of .Oiliimhiw, -
o no a large one, , j ,t
There Is jiot a Populist in the M:
sonn legislature. p ,T v..,.
The ice on the Mississippi river at St.
Louis is a foot tbi? , ' ,t f!
Tee in ttie'Chesapeake tua'aiopped tlie
Baltimore Bay line steamere.
'Diplitheri baa begun to 'diminbfn
again by a trifle in Philadelphia. -
Wolves are reported to be destroying
lambs and pigs In soma parte of Louisi
ana. '
Eighty-six persons were killed on rati.
roads in Kansas laat -year, and S16 bar-
raw wra .injarea.- '
Dectore. hav dlimmrwl tw
brands of cholera bacilli to spriug.oo the
uuuiio next summer. , , (j rci
Secretarv Elkina baa assmnt nlana
iur ro urMiKos acroaa in jLaat ner
from Ew York to Brookiyn, , , ,
'B.-ivId Dndlev Field think ttmH.n
should be annexed to New York.nH tl,
oonaouaated city called Manhattan.
Tbe Edison Electric Oomnanv has baan
ordered by the court to seil its lamps to
sue ououeam incanuesoent uonjpany, t
An old gold miner living at Atlanta,
Oa., says that tbe best sold flelda in
America today are in North Carolina,,
"' Published figures Show that tbe num
ber of persons killad at grade anmings
In the city ol Qbieago laat year was m.
A bill before the Illtnola Tui.lnr.
provides that in Chicago all . vehicles
nsea to transport prisoners shall be cov
ered, - -
' New York and Boston tjapl tallsta have
arranged to start big spirits distillery
ri juvuiavuw, n.y., lu oppoaition 10 IO0
A toUl of nearly (0.000.00O has bmii
appropriated by the nations of the world
and the various State for the World's
j! air exbibiw,
There are about fortv netlttbna hafnm.
me uonnecticut legislature to build
electric street railways and electric jn-
ternrDan lines.
The Mexican aovernment haa abolished
tne payment ol subsides to the Drea.
and three of the principal dally news
papers oi uexieo are about to aunpend.
Baronets Blanc, who haa created a
sensation in New tork by, tier matri
monial escapades and stage ambitions,
nas pieaaeo oanirnptcy to nercredltorC
A Minnesota legislator 'proposes 'to
Miw m iuuu iur hue owue'Liuiwraibv ana
general school fund, bv an annual tax of
tax ou.2 mlls ,qn .all property in the
Mr. Parker of Boston'. Chairman of the
Jndieiarr Committee, villiintndnce
bill into the Masaachuaetta Legislature
prohibiting the issuing olt free, passes by J
'tMom' at;MnT''wr1na''vaia.
tbe folds of the Catholic Church tboee
who have heretofore lakao an iadenend
ent stand and, daed .the iopaL.eburerl1
aauomies. ,
Boston photographers are iorbidderf
to work on bunday any more, Tbe city
baa so ordered, and tbe Chief of Police-.
haa notihed the photographers that her
win entorce the order.) ;-"-s.i
- John Hntohlnsoni Oollectof 'of' Inter
nai itevenue, baa )ost latneit the arat car,
tilicate in the.Hrtlord,(Oonp.) district
toauninaman unuer me uninese exclu
sion act of May j, 18KZ.";'-; .-.;';;
The Duke Of Alba 'of.Spa'injjas nottjfleri
tha'SeCretary of State' that he will send
to the.World's Fair an autograph 'letter
of Christopher .Columbus, a .well as
other valuable documents. ,, : ;, ! , '"
The House Committee on Foreign Af
fairs ha reported adversely tbe bill to
give Bear Admiral Hrown permission tol
HVK M HWIa IM MlhM .Aban. hnn
the Hawaiian government!, " "': ; '
The nalnnl aHnnlWf '
w -ueii. aruanu rinuiay, ainio, ia no
longer equal to the dsmattd..l'he pree
sun, is so low that it ia useless for heat
ing purposes, in borne even.
Of those who formed the original band
of 306 Grant supporters In the nominat
ing convention of lWiO some !!60 are still t J,
living. Thay are toorganise an associa
tion to be called ','.i'be Old tiuard."
The .snndrv civil bill aa racemlv
agreed upop by the House Appsepritf-;
trans commute,' carries izihi,ikx) Iur ttiatlii
oew fhiladelpbia rnirit. iid:ltW(ir.'IK)fl lor
the improveraentol Philadelphia harbor.
. lieutenant. Tottan. , Dnitedtatee
army, hat forwarded li" tesigPfttion to
tha War llatnavlmanf Xla au
ntly Prolww'bt MIlHKfy Sfetein
ary pursuits. . iuw Mi u in.
Tbe Upper House otrtbe Alahaana- rii-.
sembly, by aveteefeeventeen tofilteen,
reltised to pats the bHgnwalnB.jli pen
sion oi 60j per year to the widow, of Jef
ferson Davis, Aq attempt to reconsider1
ia to be made. '' '' : Xm - ' 1 .
A movement Is on foot in Kridironnrk
Conn., to move tbe birthplace of tbe
world-famous midget, Carles S. Stratton,
"(ieneral Tom Thumb." from its nresent
site to Seaside Park and convert it into
public museum.
Mrs. Stanford's Passion for Shoes-Mine.
Modjeska's Recipe for Retaining
a Youthlul Appearance.
The silver wedding of tha King and
Queen of Italy will be celebrated April
i-i-Alliliif'uu t1,iHiunii)luui any
1lnanriil kiiHigntlian anyaiherUti
J eieVilVflulKwU
re wf taWIig tfttfUowJinor Ueu'Srai-
ship ol Canada.
Mrs. Le land Stanford has a passion
Mian Queen Klltabeth
I'm Wlillnlimi Ihiiil anil ima ki tii
niil sail i I i ima ki si
v-Junie. Modieska'a reoina fo Mtalnintr
a wjuuiiui appaaranoe;. lase a wmra
bath every uiniit before going to bed.iiet
plenty of sleep and don't eat too much,
.the Khan of Khiva ..BOWiVisltinffsnliie
e( hie fellow rulers in Eiiroue. travels
wiui nisnioiiacaoi.nriastl and Ills own-
cook. Je feels tolerably safe, not maM
wr wuat mrna up. - -
Mrs, Proctor, widow of the fate Eiohi
ard A. Proctor,, tb famoua astronomer,
and bis principal assistant in bis proles
aional work, baa been appointed curator
of the Proctor Observatory at San Diego,
-J. Montgomery 'Bears, the tlcheet mnj
w 'uwwu, raauwu w lie vvna- BU011V
$40,0uu,0uV,.ba been doing service in
the Superior Civil Court jury of Suflblit
county, and will reoaiv 181.80 mileage
ior me iweniy-teven nays' work. n ,
? iWlII'C'arleton surprised tlie people ol
ivhiihu uuv dv Koimr aoout tne streets
uunng 1 recent cold snap there Without I At Alliaiir.aint.Ciiiyalll. eouiuct JUi uajL7
an overcoat and i asasrting tbathe iMiTO5
wiuwrwuia,. ,. aii ..yenvraoie .Aicnvma,'
Vaux astonished hia Philadelphia friends
the other day by performing a. slmlilij.
mi." - i
Hiss Florence Batcom of Wliliama.'
town, who-wlll take the title of "Ph. li."
next June from Johns Hookine Univer
sity, will be the brat woman to reoeiva
sucn an nonar from . that institution.
Bhe haa been studvlna In tha n'olnstpal
denartmenfe tn Uadimnm fw
and baa been similarly engaged for tlirijSj
uiihviu w uuivorsiiy pi Wisconsin.
The Mexican Consulate at St, Louii,
Which Johtt E. Galilll baa Accnniail for
several years without salary and with
very small fees. Is about to ba nlnaail
Mr. Cahlll, however, refnsed'to Send the,
archives of the office to tbeOonsul-Ceni
eraj .in.New Kork,.a.,rqu(isted, anlem
the Mexican government honors his
claims for services rendered .heretofore.
One of the many achievements ol the
late Prof. Horsford of Harvard waa the
'I.rsi.'.'i irWAj - ta
Biivu.u m mkii, uui uufcritiuue, hi uimin
isb the burden of .transportation when
troops were on themarch, and General
rant had .600,000 prepared .for use.
Prof. Horsford took out no fewer than
thirty patentsmostly for chemical nrmv
arationa, during hi, life,. -a ;i -.
The Drodnctlon ef the -trrtn iWnA. nf
the Lake Superior district for the year
is piaceu at n,uzo,UUU tons
The i people of many of, the South Sea
ilands manufacture their entire aiiltaU
from the products ol the palm-tree.: 1
wHorsea a'drtitfbn the r,lit,n mar.
iet.i. fHie other-dmyT.SOO good young
uiiunii were aoiu in a ouoorr lor f24 a
wUh tfftle8 ftntl.Uiailera.t,lJ thft
'inffH M (Yinntrv raAm mm wtmfl aa
.i..-"'"' ,r-"!r,r"
.'urTjiffftrnm m w ,,i T"''tfflw "
H- R. Hyde,
U Wrr-OV - XU tb a;M i'l',f -tot 4TM I
...i i ( nvi
1.. . " " .
aTI -X mvmmum Aa f : '
ikf nn i.i
We ttiake a Biiebirilty 6f UNDERTA
Ail..' ir iif tllMl'JlM'trfaU.'
I i'' 1
WjtkJtgABiPrettiMirKf ' im. r.iirVaoN,
' .'--
. 3.4 ALBANY
'I ii 1 t I ll , 1 . U f ' B
a j '.s mm m..Mm ... .A.Tf!! iArt-.W k rtl
raoiTAi Tnrv
. . yMJ.WmBBmm Court.
non. j. wriiijBlUK, tianner.
Hon. J. K. WKATllKltKllltll.
J. 0. WK111IHAN, Kq Oanltallat,
mruianitie valley uniii company.
ii!!,Lt''ViI'1?1"' lUr,,'0l""l;"' tjJrty or ility-da;
r-.-'.- .,,...- wunnwwn tinuiaum
The Shasta Route
" I -Of.THBc'
.... Ar.l 7;W 4. a
...Ar.l 1:211 i. a,
" l.v.l nn p. h
hnnctmnrf TtniriTvrfm,,.,!
lllty, Wiiuclliiirn. Hfk-m, Alku,ewionL
aim Kuoiia. T w
r. M.llr HiMi'liiirK. I,v. 7:lip A. u.
. jma,L.m,.m,WliMis.;il!,AWl)W tTaT
iichi tiiw.eniriir trnlun iIhIiv (,.ccii Hiinrixvi
fai r. 11. Iliv;. A I tiuit )'. . . ...... .... A i.
aim r.kfeiJ.owJ-ftwiuu I.v.
H:10a. Allmnv Ar.
VXi r. a.
'3:9 r u.
i . .t
U " Dining Cars aa 0llee Buiilft ,.
-I m?Tk .. X - 1
... .. . v ,, ,,?'? w
' I 'I KM k.iJSUi jl :'AKrf"lli.lJiA:l'l
tj 5f l,xi -jiMi,j;.i.!.-j uaf
,oHa.oin, iaviaa oi auum w
All Ihruh
-H . ft t .1 a unm.l i-.asa-J '
WKST HI1IB lllVtalUU..,
jr.e.K a l
iBTsrasa Poarum aNa-CKaMLfka.
,?:, tl.lll.t Portland Ar. I
do r.Jt'Jr iinrvHa.inuEvj B: r. .
P. Ml I Ar.rV'M.-Mlliat'llli-feTlt'.'l j. .
madJuratM tan be nbUliiml at luwuiLnUaa mm,
r H."3tennfn tiRcnt. Lubumm; -
G.-T, C(
St''c.'a30 .YTAflJA
,111.111 . A . ,
rBvI - JB -"iiTlOjjA
TobmBftCll?;arf,8rlkeB Aj-
Holes, Eto.
,3OTt.'t. A,
Fonihrn ami
Qaeesswart and Slmvirt, LaDM ud Lug
i. pijji fk'-iMajiij iarawj-f.
id night
fj 7 r
Vloe - Prctlileut.
-afwri a U
"iuiT ai
' 7Srf. a ly..3S!!n'orllalirl...l
10:29 r. M. Allialiv....
8:lf'. H.tVK....H,iii KuaaVt,.
. 'I'll,' rtijmi) JnilTWTOFrmii
ints' InsMMrXompany
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Si 2. Wo') i,E is,'
Pnaiduit Mud Oaaatv Hathad
O. r. HIMI'SON, K(q Capltal'lrt.
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