The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1893, Image 8

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    Lebanon Express.
UK(X)li!KR (1EO. W. HICK.
TUKAHUKER :..J. A. lttmnttTS.
liAUSHAU 8 ('. MA:KK.
fJ.O. IH1.YKI',
v.uum.iLJUiK, w (,li!K()N
City Council meets on the UrsL and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
A. 0. Bom,
linn Crter, taken kitck
"Goodbye. Im s! Put your tiuet In
God and keep your powder dry."
These were the parting wortlsof R.
C. Rose, alias Carter, to hie fellow
prisoners In the Marion nounty jail as
he stepped into the corridor from the
uiuraerers cell last niglit. The requi
sition papers arrived from Missouri
yesterday, and in the afternoon the
Lawrence county sheriff presented
to Penuoyerand received a warrant of
arrest. Carter stepped out of his cell
10 rje ironed for the journey to Missou
ri. The fellow had very little to say
but was rather fastidious as to the
manner In which the officers were
binding and cuffing him First the
handcuffs were put on him. These
were riveted to a large leather belt
belt which was to eo around his wniar.
and when they began to put the belt
on, umer requested that It he con
cealed as much m possible, as he felt
a delicacy in the matter. And then
came trie stiaeKles to his feet These
were the common chain shackles, and
tuey were supplied with an extra
chain, to be Used In fastening the pris
oner w any oDject the sheriff might
Thus shackled, Carter, cool and col
lected, nobbled In front of the sheriff
from the corridor to the basement of
the jail, where the prisoner stopped
and addressed a few words to the
officers, deputies and spectators assem
bled. He retained the same calm de
meanor that has characterized him
since his arrest, and during his deten
tion here, and said:
"Gentlemen, I have but one request
to make, and that is that the officers
will not talk about mv ease en mnt
home. Jfthey don't talk about It, we
will have a pleasant trip. Thev can't
y i got aruns and (old, for I don't
drink under any circumstances."
Six years ago at Mt. Vernon, Law
rence county, Mo., Carter (who was a
druggist) killed a man named Robert
Crocket, who . had given evidence
against him before the grand Jury for
having sold liquor without license.
Carter was tried, found guilty of mur
der, and sentenced o be hanged. His
e was taken on appeai to the
- preme court and nendin ti, jjw.
try CI ah oplniod lu the esse lie made'
uis escape rrom the jail at Mt. Vernon.
In escaping be shot the jailer, Cliae.
Warren and the deputy who is insist
ing to take him back in the neck,
Carter's case was In the supreme court
and shortly after his escape, nothing
having been heard from Carter, the
decision of the lower court Was sus
tained. Meanwhile carter had fled to
the West, where he assumed the name
or Rose. Three mouths ago he mar
ried a Miss Black, whose brother lives
few miles south of Salem, and it was
while visiting In this city recently
that he -was identified by Frank
Warm, a former Mt. Vernou resident
and shortly afterwards was arrested at
Mt. Tabor by Marshal Minto, who
brought Rose to Salem, where he was
held as a fugilive from Justice. Rose
instituted habeas corpus proceedings
which was continued from day to day
for more than a week when a decision
was rendered adversely to the petition
er and he was detained as "a fugitive
until the requisition arrived.
Died, January 2tlth, 1898, at the
home of his son, H. 0. Rose, A. J
Rose. The deceased was born In War
ren county, Ky., December 1810. Age
74 years.
The good old men are dying;
Yes; one hy one they go. ,,
A host of them are lying
Beneath tiietlriitH of snow.
They mt Ix'tieutli a frozen mound,
Old men we loved so well;
Out in the cemetery burying-frround
'.' Their mohlering bodies dwell.
We've skilled to see them treading
Upon the grave's dttrk brink;
We've watched their Hfe.nulae ebbing,
And went to e theiu sink.
The kind old folks we loved so dear,
From childhood's early day;
How could wo help but shed a tear,
To see them pass away,
But few of them still wander
Along life's nipged way ;
But few of them bask yonder,
In life's declining day.
But soon death's cold and icy palm
Will chill each aired henrt..
Yes, soon each tottering weak, old man
rrui rrom our midst depart.
Ah, yes, Old Times draw wrinkles
That youth and beauty made ;
Our hopeful star scarce twinkles,
When it begins to fade.
Dear fathers, you are growing old.
Your heads arc flecked with gray
Ere many winters more are told.
You, too, will fade away.
The young must gather vigor
To act their part In life;
To bravethe world's rigor;
To battle in the strife.
And soon the lay will roll around,
When you and I must go,
To sleep beneath a froien mound,
Beneath the drifted snow.
W. C L.
Probate Court.
In estate of Walter Burnett, a minnr
tate was appraised at i,fm
In estate of Cora Ann Cox. real s.i.t,.
was ordered sold.
In estate of Hattie L. Dearmnnri t .
minors, J. w. Swank was anrjointml
man. JMjna. 1IUH.
In estate of Jessie Barr. will .,tmin0H
tu prorate. Cyrus V. and John P. 1W
executors; bond 16,000. Appraisers. H
nyts, a. Hams and a. IS. Usdy.
In estate of J. S. McKechnl. t r
saw oi personal property approved; real
estate oruereu sold.
In guardianship of Hinne Auibnrn
garett Moss was apointed guardian. Bond,
aw. appraisement, 1260.
In estatate of Henrv Mom. fnv.n,,,
filed. Keal property 12109; personal prop.
ii.j,ivho. rroperty exempt from ex
ecution oruerea set aside for widow and
In estate of Atemas Dodm l.,.i...
nied. Keal estate 119.000: nerann.1
erty J6934.8S. Total, 128,834.88. Per.!
property oruereu sold.
In guardianshiD of 7pa. riai..., am.
- . "IKUIU linn
pu'imH gvwuni snowed,
In estate of Robert McC'ulloch inventory
meu. neat property iioou; personal prop
erty, 1200.19; notes $1096.80.
Poultiy, Hides and
Highest rash price pnltl for turkeys
?eese, dni'lts and ahlpkeiiH at office ol
..Jitrolw, Stratify nntl Mnnre'e uld
stable, 4lh street, Allmiiy.
Also hides and furs uf all kinds
!;nt"rht nr wish.
Undertaking a Specialty.
One of the most critical sumlcnl nr.
erations ever performed In this section
Was Accomplished In this eltv
dny, says the Eugene Guard, by Dr.
naston, oi Albany, assisted by Drs
Paine, Prentice and T. W. I.arrl. r
Eugene. The patient was Mrs. C. F.
Llttlefleld, and the operation was a se
vere and lengthy one. taklnir two hnn
to complete It and left the patient In a
very critical conutlloii from the loss of
oiooa ana the shock susta ned. Tom
large nbro-cyslio tumors of the broad
ligaments which sustain the wmrih
were removed, but they adhered so
tenaciously to the abdominal viscera
that the operation was rendered an .
pecially painful and difficult one.
The Portland Disuatch suvat Th.
barbers of this city have sent ta Son..
tor Woodward for Introducing in the
legislature a bill providing for f h .w
ing of barbershops In the stole on Hun.
i days. They say that other nlaoea are
A dispatch from tit. Paul. Minn I Tys'. .Tlloy My thllt otller P1"" e
dated Jan. 31, reads as follows: A blia- . ?y ,aw ' h8t 8undliy "
rard raged all over the Northwest last
nigiii ana to-day, and Is still at it.
There was a driving snow storm over
Bt, Paul dating the morning. The
wind blew a gale. Reports received
show some peculiar freaks of weather.
At 8 o'clock this morning at Helena it
was below zero, while at Missoula, a
little over 100 miles north, It was 10
degrees above. Late to-night reports
from many points iu the Northwest
stiite that the blizzard is general and
very severe. At Ellendale, N. B,, this
morning It was 16 above and to-night
It is 26 below. Schools have been
closed and business Is at a standstill,
iul a terrific blizzard is raging. It Is
'bffow at Huron, 8. D. ..
U. Lovelee makes clothes at prices
muling ,i tiie times close prions,
I is. I
enjoyed as a day of rest, and they
wouia nae tne same privilege forced
on them. They claim that people can
be shaved as well on Saturday as any
other day, and seven days In the week
are too many to work. It Is under
stood that the cheap barbers are op
posed fo this measure.
Und Offlee at Oregon City, Oregon,
:" "r?"T"' i,'""' """"leniiiowillK-uarfleO
setuwruui filed notice of hi. Intention to make
; mi inn micuuuu w make
UnalprooMiuupiurtof hUclalm, awl that uld
proof will bo madu before the County olerk of IJrm
wuty, at Albany, uregtui, on January 20, lsltt
IliKmK Pawysa.
i.WJTi m B- E- 4 of 8. W. and
S. W.MofS. I. l-f.See.a4, T. 116. a, 1 W.
K ESS ? "m' V"i "'""vatlon of.ldd
S. Osborae, of Abbe'rdeen Una Co, tire.
Meat Market
WEISNER & BflflL, Proprs.
Fresh & Salted Beef, Pork,
Mutton, Sausage, Bo
logna, and Ham.
ISPBacon and Lard Always on Hand
Main Hlreat, Lebanon, Or.
Furniture & Hardware,
Carpets, Wall Paper,
Window Shades, Floor Mattings, fie
Windows, Doorw,
nunaers- Maraware, &o, &c
'ransacts i General Banking Business.
ExchatiRe sold on Now York.Han Pmnci.
co, and Portland and Albany, Ureirnn,
Collections made on favorable tr.rnis.
i Solenllflo American
TV An UlllsYt.
.IP1!y?1?llm na handbook wriut to
MUNN A CO- 861 BlfiMIiWlT. NiW YK.
umeat bureau fur tecunntc pttenu In Amene.
Mrttj patent uken ont by us li brontrht before
lilA Dublin h a ruiuaa sriwi fu. k.
Urnst eireitlstlon of anr selentlfla paper in the
oria. Splendldlr tlliumwd. No mulllireu
man should bo wltlioul it. Weekly on a
j . i.uubia uiimia. Aunrwu aufiti a UO
Cuaumuas. 301 aroamrar. A vrk nit.
Land OSJcc at Oregon city, Oregon. 1
. 1 inM.iii,!iu()wmK-namen
settler Iium filed notice of 111 Intention lo make
nnalpronfiiiMiiHavtorhU elnlm. ami tliat saw
fNfwlll tie made before Hie t'onrttv clerk of
Unn County, at Albany, Oregon, on Feb. U, 1HU3,
M-entry. No. 721llfortbe Lots'J, 8, anil 5, Beo.
llM nutnsu ll.o rnll..B.I.. . i-i-
-.w .v,.,,n,n niuQiwnt,, unire OIK
contlnuoiwrelldeiiw UMiiaud cultivation of said
T .' ' ' "n" narrw, n. It. wye. Jl
Morris, all ofrtweet Home, Mini w.. Oregon.
. ; Register.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
KnUnn la hassLn (..,... ti...i . ',. J .
etUer ban llfed notice of hint Intenlion to Hiiiko
final proof In mmxxt of IiIk claim, und thatiwfd
at Albany, OriiKon, on March 17, JMtu, yi:
JAHPER D. lifll.rfR
P-.P ?. No. 7U6,tortheW.kof8.W. W. N. E.
ors. w. t H. w. ofS. E. .aeo. 10, T. WH,,
.... v .w JwiM nitnisnmn w URIVH OIK
wntHiuouiirfiKiiiHiice upon andcuilivatioii of aold
laiii,U: WUUamJ, Moothh, OrUudo MckiW
Arlmir Mitt tmt lnl ii . 1 1 ,
umm, Um am., Ottii.
X iiwi w ,
Boots & Sboes,
Dry Goods,
Gents' Famish
ing Goods.
Reduction Sale.
We are going to sell for the next Thirty Days at a great
reduction in Ladies' and Children 's shoes; Now will be
your, time to secure a great hanrain. We are closing out
some lines regardless of cost, to make room for new arrivals
of shoes. We have too many kinds of shoes to give all of
the cut prices on them in print. '
Ladies' Frenoh Kid, hand Bewed,
" " hand turned
" " machine sewed
" Dongola Kid, all styles
" Oil Grain, the very best
" " a good one
" CulfRlrln
Misses' Oil Grnln the best
' CfllfHkln. a nwl nnn
Colitis' '
6 00
6 00
5 00
4 oo
8 oo
2 6o
1 75
1 75
2 00
1 76
Former Cut down
5 00
1 m
4 oo
3 oo
2 5o
2 25
2 25 .
1 5o
1 60
1 76
1 60
1 26
U 50
4 00
3 50
2 5o
2 25
1 75
1 76
1 25
1 26
1 60
1 26
1 00
Now we are coint? to wort t.lm npvt an lo,.i r
on ladies and Children's shoes.
A Prize Picture Puzzle.
swudaM al Mli Tmu, Cuwla, vben law an ant kaown. sairan in ,-,-i .lT: J
sr. .i. ,i riwitia1 "'uniWI VIODKs 10 uw
"'."V"rv';'J yaw:
m-ktt, an atcKHnt Banquet
V ' , 1" o i Bien t, ts,Very compeUtor mutt cut out tho thorn
, uUmMuwtiucinrwgiru ucty irmrking a crou wfitb n lead pencil on ucb.
wr osj wnie wfiii 15 u. . two-ctnt itnttiM or oiui of fh fnll mi. " P
i'llf' "Ford's Irii Catiirrh Hiodv.or Vord ..
THnnlll pet, and many other
I'uairel'ioture," d!itinui
I'll BiTn r ' vu "Jt S"0'."" " "matm y uvir. Addren "Tli Focal
(olmartul first II be awarded too fir.t prl ai d the ethers In ord.7 of merit. As Mt SyZ
inmty. To ibermon miauis !M eorrB:taiu.r will be aixn an elejont CnrlKllt UonZra
will b olvena aenllenii.n I hire iitilti '.SundoK.' U'h1. 1.1, .k -JI "
hoorion rn.ll,1 jm.-at fkmrnfMnlmi atSIIO.00. Totha mmi from "he S7T
Klin. Toibsrr fi)n,il;ta,vtu,wofPttrtor Fiii'iilenro. Tollw Wfromuitor
banlaoaie Silver TonSrvl. To lac lUlh Irom tla Uil, an clogant Piano i,anil). To lb.
S""l't rS. Iis"n;' 1" ' Po'tlerou, To tba nfhlk from the M, a numbs
giisllib leather uavillnu Trunk. To dm nrnlk from tlu imt, in Pittas of staumIZJ
A spettal pH of a Silk Dietia j'nttcsn Witem yanls, any color).
f?1" Ohlne (anr imti: d..m') .fill be fivcu to the firtl eerron in
ar a ffnttua
i each State in tba
li. S. .ho can make out llislhrea dantiliten' fbcaa. e.lll jimiwayfcoO Tuluubla iieiaea!
-. wciai pnni, 111 in. lliouKl IK, many nnmng correct niwen. Nochame i made for tnxini
f""? " of ln pnf winner, will be paHUtaal in connection .05
SSTUT" " ""'W'" monui. Bxtra, preminms will be given to only thon wboare
-rilling to awl n Introducng oor ne.licin.1. Notlnnn I. cUned tx the prima in any wv. Thai
abtohitely given awav wintnxluce anil wlvertUe " Ford'a Prlao Remedies," which are llinl
ant Bliciim, and will be Ml in avenr family for yam when they nave bean one iMroduced. AQ
ralmwilllwawanjedstnctiyinonlerofnierit.aiid with piiilittatsiaiaamto tue Dubbc. laaimttiU.
will be tut by audi, poupaid, ad piiw f rtto of duty, "" "",Tm"" ,
: A WATCH F0n E very coaiRFfT Aystrrw.
An eiltrt, rmloioa swuine "Kearleaa" Wnteh, femnl.r,)wlllbawardedtoa(
Ptflon who sends a correal amwtr within 30 day aftaruui AdvertiKmeatapuean, in case they should not
e foruaauawniih to eecusaone of tbe larger prisn. Tbitli.lfiuiy one on hnd Ibatbne facas and
endoa. tbeta within go days from the tints this advertiKenent appcam in tba newspaper thev are
euanntead either ana of the leading priie., or an xtra premium of a tvntcu on condition. iuumL
No annvar will be noiieed that does not contain 30 aenti for one of iiot'ti'i Peise, Roinediea.
MitmJHt KbHD PILLC0, "37," Cor. WuHlngtan & bay bti., Toronto, UrriJiu