The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1893, Image 7

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Vriltesial flreesee Called by ene ttolt
. ereo rraae.
We rail tin following trom the last Issue of
The Arlsona Klokeri
BnHPlNUTO.-Wlth this Mi we suspend
the agricultural department, established On
weeks ago. We Instituted this feature m na
experiment, mill to help eat a literary
4Mriavfw fmin tllft Mailt' WllO SNtS hsrS.
footed and penniless, but who win fertile of
anggeetlora. The oxrmrlment waB a failure,
IT. hv hlrlilnn ftli taniWfnnfc a WiTOU.
Bent and laatsnjt adlsu, tod wo sow hid fare
well to agrlouiMire as a sat ming, v a snou
Occasionally reier w WW biilijuuu la nwiueBa,
offhand way, toltltig ohanoaa on results, but
there will bs no further studied attempt to
make 'tha sandy plains gat np and bump
themselves Into fields of waving com, and
wb shan't cover the rooky hillsides hereabout
with vineyards or patches of deceptlvo back
heat Good-by, tenderfoot-good-by, agri
cultural "
Koran to CmfmtnrjTotis.-We cannot
nturn rejected manuscripts, If not accom
panied by stamps wo two them to light th
office flro. If stamps am sont wa two them
en oar business letters. If the author of
"Seven Bnckcts of Blood, or the Corkscrew!
Bevenfre," will ssud her address to thla offloa
in i . umiIIiIm twi Iiak rlvntitiimi.
anO WIU BBBI VI UlUDiiuiiih 1.
Wo have received a itoitoh antltlod 'Bob-
tailed boo, or me bought ci mww'iaui,
1.1-1. .ill ..uiah Huwii4inf t.Via mru
WniRD WW Will IUUI'DU VII uuv.l'l.w.
thor'e check for 130. We inuiit respectfully
j ii it rii. -!Ui4 iftla
aeauae wt - - -
l i-l II. .11 .Hit lAn AilfinnHm with flh
SHJUWlU UD nun mi - ......... r
i tuans in Franca." They team to hove an im
moral tone. - ; n."
ftasiniLT IimtoTnra. Slnr me last Issue
Col Fairbanks bus had three roth of beano
, ul picket fence erected in front of hli adobe,
and the Gora saloon hot received throe bar
rel! of whisky and a new pter glass. Wa
chronicle thoae improvements in no boottfnl
apirlt, but eimply thot outsiders may know
'. (bat the iplrlt of progress la not dead within
V vs. Wearesolug right to tha front at
town, ir t .v
Aocnnwr. We regret to learn thai Ma J.
Jackson, one of the pioneer residents of oar
" little city, kicked at bla dog last Bntardny
; and drove bis big toe oaatinto ms u
hitting theooruer atone of the new Maeonio
The major was onr ssoona suosoriuer.
"5 sympathize with him in bis dark hoar of
trial, and trust that he may soon reappear
'" among us. Should his condition become
v OrttlCOl WB ailUM muj
;t? tins oSlee.
Go HitNOa. A correspondent wishes na to
explain the moaning of tlie. termi "From
; . . . i n. TP- i.nni An it ' ffH
Alpua TO vnipsa.' f,e --
kave had politics enough for one season, and
wropoae to let up on tile moohlne. W e never
beurd of Alphis anyhow, and as 'oroW
mi(!m, may he be durnad'l-DotWlt Trea
Vnaar. ? ' '
Child of the dismal mtno,
Comiiact or liuiy ateei, :
PlowiiiK the brinel - ;
" Thou rum not surely feel .
That Bonse divine . ''j
Which, uriied hy Ball amies.
l;s The itnml ship felt of yore, j
3 Constructed, dock to keel, . ;
.Of Pootlo pins. .
1 TAon every seasoned plank i
Thutsalled theses ili
Rose softly, softly sank, '
BKlln the waves In buoyant oujeatr,
And fair white sail, ( . . '
fall Bpars with sl.reamers deeko, ( ,
li..... i .1 ri4dt.. .1m. 1
OVin W fcU" i mm .
1 That with crisp foam,, the beavisjs
.' lHrfVi
Bnt thee tne snmmer breose,
, Tbe roaring winter's blast
Tiiat bows tha trees.
Mors not! thon stesmeot pas
' In spttoof these.
Net as In days of old;
Nor In the sultry hold.
With sullen wheese,
Thy furniwe fierce Is coaled,
i j i ,t.irnnlBlnonitinS
&. U. Istoon Watson in Teaple Bar.
Tv,,. tiaKira fif modorn votintr men ftrai
antagtmistio to that prudence nd prep
snutipn wiuoh;make it poasible for them
w 'marry M-vtweniiy-nvo.
nUnnnii nf nnnrso. but It may
1UOKJ MVI... . - -
be safely said that a vast number of the
.mum mpn who live in ovx time fill their
spare nours wiwimiiwu"" ; r-
oosta them a great aeai ra urw, sum
11T ri bAMmin T.nfilT BOC1U1 tniBBKV
mento. In ft bcoto of way they accus
tom themaelvMi to ay M ,Jlie mat
leave no margin oe.wu T" ZZZXXh
outgo. This having gone oh until they ISlSi",'
are twenty-nve it then cam tor moronism to
reeolution than many oi tnem oommauu
to begin the sacrifices -wmcn accompwiy
the saving ol money. Without money
.j.aiinnf murrv. '
UlPj baiiiii.i M.-... :
. m.iutlv Aratrr-nrnta what Ht
' IHUI. iD Si"-V "pio- i
should take two sensible young pe"Ple
begin life on, and hastily conciuue uwn
it would be impossible, on an inoome yf
tho novelist. Aoec
vmjna vim- "-.j " - .
(be uToater part of .his writing with kit
left hand. Hia brightest thoughta ara
evolved, he tliinkn, when tno ngiu suusj
of his brain callh tor th)o use of the mo
tor muaclea of his left side and now
versa. : " i
nri. ninth woa first made in Enff-
a i. iltlll. thouzh it wo
known in oriental countries since time
out of memory. It was neiwer ajwa
nor dressed in England uutil the yaaf
168X ' ' l
nraa Hr1&. tha well-known
ninirllsh writer, on his last Australian trip
wrote as follows to The London Daily Tel-
graph: . 1 : ; . "
I especially have a pleasant remcm.
orance OI Hie amp a uwwi -v.j
j u,i. ninn inAaaA whrtijindMl
I1CU HlHllbllllC IHvMIW .1..., - -
me most kindly during a horrible spell of
n ,nt titvr we left Ban Francisco. But
the doctor's prescriptions and: the increas-
liouinu wiq xiu.ivin, ... r -
couple of AiiioocK's Porous Plasters
There is an enemy wttnwnom nouHanne are
rsmiltsr eil tneir lives, owauee Miy rB.uinu
With a tendency to biliousness. With this enemt
weapons. Hosteller's at msch Blllors will bsf
flett. Here purgatives will not reform adlst
dcred oondiuon ol tnc liver iniiisiu, bui . j
constltation alone, niusisy uy uwiw-i,
yellowneM of the kln snd eyebslls, nues,
lurre i tongae Slid nnesslnees. more particularly
uiinn MHiiim nn rhn rttfht Ride. UDOU Sttd btMOW
the short rlbn. AvoUOrastio purgatives which
gripe sua weasen tne inienmiiM, mm iuwun"
this world-famous anti-blllons cordial, which
in i. ...Infill alnmiiiihiliatlll IrfdlieV
cooiplahits, rneumntlsm and nervousness. As a
lasstiva ol the bowels, psinless but elfectHel, it
linoroves sppeUte, sleep sud thesbiUty todlgwt,
snd TJOWDMes the sdditlonol odvauuige ol a
....... ,niiifl
It I hurt fur a ohllosopher to understand why
football should be called play as shoveling coal
u cousiaerea nam wvf .
We positively care rupture, piles and all rec
tal aisesses wiuhmh piu """-t"" " ,7.
ness, No cure, no pay. Also all JMeofc i dis
eases. Addrees ior pamphlet Drs. Porterdeld A
Losey, S8S Market street, Son rranclsoo.
irtoll 1 ml ss Intoxlcsted ss you do, I'd
hoot myself. Prlsoner-If you was wsalcsted
k 1U, JUU wusuit aswv ii
Un EDamellBe Btore Pollsta; ho dnrt. no imell.
iter Cfiraihnijn! as wiw yo
an bh eying, tr your oieeo
uupure. Miiimiuiiw
ly Lung Scrofula. A sorotsv sZiAiHHni With MaH
oous;b w cold, is all that II
needs to develc it.
But Just as A dersnda pM
the blood tor Its engin, so it
depends upon the blood fcr
ill cure. oureet reraedr
for Bcrofnla In every form,
the most effeotlve bid-clea-ar,
nuib-bullder, and strenguV
restorerthat'a known to merit- ;
col aeioaea, is Dw.'tar Piroes
Golden ModlfsJ Mseovery,
tn in all Ha
earlier stageo, and for Weak
iiungs, AStnmo, syt vm iwuk tm.
V Lungs,Astnnia,Bevoreijo
and all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung i
ana an DruuunuM, n"ii m
tions, that Is the only remedy s mfailusr
tnat it can oe K"" " -
benefit or cure, you bve your money back.
No rnatter how long yonV. had CosarriL
or how severe, Dr. flaw's Remedy will elfssi
a permanent cure. reword is offered
by the proprietors ef this aaedkine, far aa
inrjurabla easaol (iauurrkv:. i "i-: f-.i'i
Sfrpstniwi vnrivBiw',inj ii"i.
'tween tbeshouloer..hladi-Hini'set me
ght'i if, i. ' , ' " f f ' -af ( i
kills .lL-JL..JZ2tiA. nr.
"f fii.-e? ilc-Kot et.aj itime ef
;laar; VllUassrerHue, , g J -i
a. en
f T1 -
S I ' sune KBWAHIl I1M)
U r w
;. i i. a ii.ii. ' 1 'Tu L?dasiaii in
rise WWIOTB SB '.p'
Id liie OI11T WOBiHste pure iiw w """fl' ' -
it rcqillajbwa I'lB.cmitutiuiini IV" "
re Iri tfaV tait mierDai 11, at u qnr j
. I. J. I JL.' ... i.J-tMISKai:s'L-..
U.m, therphy deHtroyinn the loundaUon ol tne
di'enw and givlnK the build-..-
,,s.i1.tiiTi ami alIHiis7 nature in
(lOIUg 1W WOr. 1D prupiieiviB uov (
IH11D m 1M ranttiVB power- .v. . i T
ti,,., IiullaM f..v inr fB that It IdlJf tO
, u.... liait rtl tAatiinnniiltii. i Adirrel I
-oi t nairvrv m Tft1rifi. O.
t. i f-i.i kw Kiianb vAlirlPt ribhoniV
u t i vi.ii nrc in tiftii mouruiuit. iwij tvas,sj
fcl 000, tD Stall in OOWrWTi.. du Liwy iui. Bmi-rjro.urar w"--
oE marriftgw, until alter rainy, or uo u.
Afterthe Crip
" I wm wry weak ad ran down na ma noi
(, ul-.ui mnv after that uro-trat-
. LKs : UIKM. !, h
Hood'i Samaparilla
iwirMts: to take- it, mid
wan mow thmi ilacd.
. wilt the way P"E m
m.. I think it ha mnA
me better (han before I
was Kick. I have ao
beeti aelinhted with
an A ntoravll Tim fir .them
Miri uniif 1 Thuv do not irriiw di
weaken. 1 am gUA to recommeim ivo mcp
Hood's pS
, uiir- Anil it k .well that such
men should remain single,., we oonoi
need any nuch wenk fiber in the coming
geueration.John h. rayne
Home Jonrnui.
X :' ivti. i..mi 4'm.toise.
; The Blngg'ih trlotioiui of common land
: '..1. d L.'-r vltl a!tfi
' Drown it j3rur.Hwt nui'iw
Bronchitis, Asthma and Throat Diseases.
...... i i. .. ..MintDMiwIl nnmlnv
Wile sreu v Jim nniiBuiw ,i
home at this time o' nightf Hubw- sho' bin
i inl ursih 'train 1'rt fltlfl
breath, wnen retmuing -"!'
ijtiJiiw , .i,. r.ip .vinni iw made frw bv
tortoisos or -turtleB" lead many persona ,1, ,1 ctm B&iroM
i i. ,U..j. .nn itiml-A I flll . i. lJl... u. .h .Bmm-aiiTiff
.10 .ononoMe W JWW XVtt , .irom usasni mr.iY.i.JTi.."iir-.-. o
!H(!tiIcm8 lotvtiM8.' hoetCansea the nauseatine dropping in the throat pe-
-"T ... i... .j... .12 . . T 4 - mostaaiiv. 1 Kiwi vwiuub icii., nil..
Out ttment"wiu ism- aj'uii p
ni.i.,1. n u.lnl ditw0etlnH1 1 VirOAl
a bottle, and sinee the first day's nse have
fnr pnllHit'iiv.iiy a heavy wwifht, who Jtolt'onejllrti fnierljs with 4he Boston
'oiiuM ejipoulkw" t"es,iroltt Mih toe Journal ,, 2 t ,'
,uwuu i . i.u-1., mln sni lUlm Into each nOBtril. It b
i.!Nnlle nd cotuporsyi!)
fi OATS, ll)il,..-,iiiiii' i - .
!.i.l. TKli. M.,nilU hnn hiMn Sold lUSt hOW SO
J'ivi. iiviv i. , .
pchaye, nod a j?oiid big hriUe was promised,
kirn u ba aolod out hls.iiarioi!rbeipri..
crainme. Hn did verv wen until be wtw h
oomrany'tC(iml -tkt sotoo jaW.that.was.
served u small liisue Tim 0ie htarannd
ens on a majesrtc old lailv opriee'to h.m,
be Imwiea in tue awom wa , ....m-
inij umtn the niUr' Uetro l. I
" ,.-r-
!Uiii in u- 'tt y. j?' :p , ...
i Tilio lnir fit fti tBTUWJiUUK iucn
crutches than legs. And though the
leet, lomnr strong 'BraaJltel apparatus
HaiI rrepared to CrKletasu..,. . ..
Toung W nter (to friend) I aay. P'ed,
have you awn my hook wjuok was juhliiaied
little over a year afof - '
Fretl-Oh, yes. 1 bought It the first day 1
sjamoont, Clmrloyl i '' '
Young Wrltnr-Thonks. Fred. Did yw
Fred Wcll-or-to toll the truth, Charley,
1 haven't finished it yet -Harper's Enter.
OUU1U Odl'WWpi f-n-" - -i- T- .
i:. . iU..,MMiiMi 'stttcTOtirmlaae" make
U..iiiU4nfllUa!ULlVi iiTiWUlW(-'Tn
BJIIH nnii rw-i.. --.
.1.- ri..l...iii ielnnds tnrtleS Wen
Free ill i"" J'i'6- -
..v.. . ,i i... i n.muin a h m tn Travel mar
Jt' ,",iii',1uvii.ateof WOKrMffl not de-
- -- i. - , j .i i.
InWn"tl,fo''tul,8 provmeu vi-
Hranib.aii tnn. en heavv that six
men w(irlin roquued to lift one of
them. Yont Q s Wnipanion.
Amilv Balm into each nOBtril. It
iii,-k fthsoroea. liivee reiiei ai uuue.
Price, 50 oenUi at druggiBts' or hy mail.
6G Warren street, New York.
r Tn Suusu tor 'pwakfaat.l . i U
Stone Applied, m i:.
Tkak U SSV lf T11lnK tH Tillltt.
fi tint time bv lookinr
Mm el,a .i.t1H vvO.o 11,1 BH tDT BtOfO dOOr,
" ' i, . , x .....i. T
.r...sea a- I ru mil, H ii mi UOl uiauin
the wly moinlng the workuigmen go
dowiil about 8:30 the clerks and type
writers form the crowd, trom v
1:80 the aplid niora)iante, bankers and
:ni..i,i,lrai.aiiiiii. ir. land then up to 8 or
,4 o'clock the shi.ftnng army of women
are in the majority, unngieu wim i
4 mnn nf leisure. The solid
men next appear on their way home', the)
olerks ana omoe peopw imvn -ii..i.
.a f,n,n tn 7 the workingmeti
VUiuv.iv, ----- - w
and girls walk np tne roorougtu.
Philadulphia rroea.
Prune Treesi;
Italian and Petite, one, year old: toJ
hliih, tffl per 1,000; 4 to S feet hlsli. 5 per ylJW
Psoking done at cost. All trees wsrrsnted trss
t name and free f rom lnsecU or scale. Send
orders to THOU. J, DAVl8,attoraoy In faet lvirp.
B. Watklns; address, Portland, Or. "
k. nmrwon.
-,(!'( A monthly journal of gp- '
cittl interest to Printerss'iff
i Reporters, Editors and i"!
i Publishers. - ' " "l w '""
If you don't .receirwi'tt,""
.-and want it writs
i i i.t,i 'i ii
m lif
Una privsratloiii ss Hood's Sareaparilla and
Hood's l'ills." iiai ..""r ""r
rhestr:,'r:H."";',,;''..'.'i' .'j. '.gfiH
"MOOD'S PUIS are purely veejrtabls, carelull)
awparcdifruui the tent iugreilienis.
Palmer & ReyType FciinI-Tf.
: rnniinmntlon. Coughs, Croap, gor
f s Umt Sid., Back or Chest Shiloh's Poroua
yiAtttt Will gvVe pqi WioiaiiMM-B - UlTSf ITES
H LUni Tliaunni
MrsTT. S. Hawkins, anoogaona,says
n!L.vnu(!staiTh? Trythls.Itemevly.BwiU
-rtieie and Cure you. Price 60 ot. 'J'ms inj
free, "'' " - 7-
Both the method and jWt vhfl
Um. b' na idiiMkAn ir. is rtifttunuii
(Jreat Ijifantlle Acumen. fP" ""-vw, r ---
. . jj 1 a .-J. LSuJm. 1a 41va Saatn anil iris
Great infantile aonmen wae uiepia.y ouu w.joinj w jsv--, -
by the Buiall boy in a suburban town MBtly yt promptly on tno Judneyi,
who swallowed a penny. naivj, uvet ana JJOWeiS, cieajinco vu ayw
oalled his alarmed mother to her eister tom sjeotually, dispel rolds, head
n next room, "send for the doctor, ..),.. .nrl (U.. r,rl mirea hahituaj
oonstipation iiermaijentt t For sal
,11 f I
I. nil In ti
d ul I
..Iihlml Iralaul
.. 1.! iii-il
, , tA v"i y?yfYi"T( - .Mil
Made (or Power or PumR1" fvrvot-
11. . 1 11 1 1 n 1 TTii ikil
1 -!ill l.i ' I i UIH isssaii
)(, ..HiOawlWiBaossaViajsssI
" ' ' "1','1u ',,,'T'
ktr Simplicity It Beats the World.
1S oils ltseil xrom m
. 1 o Csrbs!toT toaitoutof ore
Ho Bsitorlss or lClootTlo SKU.
It naa with a Ohaaper Grade of Ossoltae tnesi SOW
' ' . .. t mfa roa catalosub 10 1 ' ,l
PALMER & REV. Manufcti!SSS,
""' Wltowslfsiltaff t
'''.-and-.'"1 j,.
... coRTLAKD, OBKOOH. ' ' '
artm. v.a a-ullnumd H. nonnvt
nmiv -------- . - , . ISJSSklWUUU DWllBMWimi.
No, mamma," interposed the terrl. I 6fJ by druggist!,
fled and friifhtened victim, "send for fWJW M
The egeot It has on oloth.-Iiife.
4 a n..mnpnmlM, ' r i
' O'Rooney (entering hardware lg-
koss slot me down either a paue nv class, m
taCS"ci.rk-Woll, Pat. I UonTi think I
ea f. yon . ten by fourown, but I can W
Jon tove a fourteen by ten, you think you
"f S wtt a bright Ideal-Bebivensl
av thlm, and Ol'U MM
ft' sideways a it upeule down an' 01 don t
Wave the boa. b.msrlf ud ever know th' Hi-jerenos.-ToroutoClni)'
: v.
'). Safe Oonclnslon.
v: A New York judge says that If i man mi
sJasliift lOOyoars he ehould consider biut to
sion to, ol""""'i .. ZZuiZ
wan waa 00 years old when be disappeared.-
Knar sstnwn tioraiu.
iiurin-f1 fflit.ftrAd hit, motiier.
u-Dr.,, nana aavH rinr minister can
get money out of nybody."-New York
Hivt.frlea far Dwellings.
1 mn.,nv iina hnnn formed in Vienna
SS Wiliij -
with the idea of serving charged storage
battery oells to tue nouses, m o"
way in which mrlk, ice and other com
modities are served, The wagons (or
.inua iiiifniiiliifora makerefir-
auppiyiug im
ular trips through the suburbs of Vienna
daily, distriDtttiug tneir ssii i""
ntbers whose
energy has been exhauated.-wEohangs.
" .ii Pluiaibls JKSplonatlon. .
"Ethel jilted that magnifloent orea
ua1iii,Viv e.nd now she is the cen
ter of attraction for about .twenty-five
"That's all right. She simply turned
her Urst loteHito' emsll ohange. It
takes al)ont. wtiy-flv .AvMls to make
a man."---Harpfir's Pasar.
1 em ntmsima, uml,
umM. in. f row a
r-"1 I
Nature ehoold be
assisted to throw
blood, nothing
does it so well, so
promptly, or so
safely as Swift's
Tor sal at Iovm. prion and most idTaaUgeoaR
Palmer &ReyTypeFoundry,
Cor. Front and Aider Streets,!
WIU cmt Dry or (Treeai
Bonee, Meat, Uiietlp andelk
Green Cut BOSJS8 W
' doublothennrnberof eps
will make them mow fee-tlle-wlil
carry the how ,
. SSreiy utniugu vnu uiii'miw .
period and put them as -condition
to lay when em .
and will dovelopo yooe
-chicks fsster thsa say ,
other food. ,
Ceed reen Hones aial
nse )reooaee to kil
,kniini ami v.u will make
lfly per eenf more proilt,
- Send for uoMUogwe asss
mam nAW tmj, miLBll,
toctnr ramaar for U us
unnatural ducnajsas sod
private dlsessM of a1;,
isnala core fur Ike Sae'St
UUns waatlMS pealat
so wemaa. ... u
vi-.-i.w, IoMaorllellaB.ri.w
iTattssssOHtajoaiCo i, 'u "
aLss ' I'at
ft iUurt.UW"ll
i I IWM StriMWSi
ai m
1 1
.... n ,.:.l .v. nlJI DlnV.-A-
A Slgsi o( Cold Weather. (nn, preslrleirt f a saving bank in Bal-
huVrs-dlere lsn advortlsement far 'tjTOOre hn wonderful ttemorjr 0
faces. He personally .anew, u wiuu
call by name, over 48,000 depositor'
most of tLurtu people of small means. '
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison.! warcn ibu iv ii'v;"
. . ln fleh. and life
ana I was ktuj - -
lost all its charms. 1 tried mercurial and
potash tamedies, hat -to no enect. i a"
aetnorelicf. I then decided to try p55il
A few bottles of this wonderful ft "
medicine made a complete peiuw....
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
rv,,rrsk on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed freo. A .... n.
bWlFT OVUvllJ lU Wi ww r".
Write for prtoes snd terms seloro bayiiui elae-
Mrs Biiaiw- - - - ,
.Ir! BlifJersDuiino.
him to drive a coal cart. -Fbiladelpbia Be
eord. '
Who's Bemeay Ibr Ootarrb Is tha
t... .Mft tn'rse. aniliSSieatmia.
iib n'" eall"l'MrB'lW
SOa 'S T. BawlHne. Wornu. rm. 11
SOInHIB llUiltU CCKK 8wumijrt4.
Oipttllfiaatorphine Bblt Cur tivlO
IllHillllllll im,mm
Tha sftnAAlflM A Nil. k 1
Onr, wtthodt tail, all caww ot Uomwnr-
Btjiiidiiig. Pi avuotii itrlcture, It beliia
temal temwly. CurM WlieneTerruu
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