The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1893, Image 6

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    H. X. KI1CKPATKIUK, rabll.lun.
Chinese Act Obnoxious to!
Portland Ministers.
The Farchase of a Controlling Interest
the First National Bank of
Santa Barbara, Cat.
The cattle ranges in Ariiona are re
ported in nne eonattion, i
; BMT-Admintl J. 8. Bkerrett hta
mimed command at Mara Island.
Alt the attraction! of Al Hayman and
Charles Krohman are to be played at
jlos Angeles aerearter.
The Portland Ministerial Association
has adopted resolutions asking Congress
to repeal the weary utuneee act.
The new eoal find near Flasstaff. A,
T., is creating ranch interest. The eoal
u 01 a fine quality and the veins large,
A party of ieonohologists Is to risit
Point iome at an early date to teonre
aneus, wmcn are aaia to ne aDnnaant in
Miat section.
Senator John P. Jones of Nevada and
other capitalists nave purchased a con
trolling interest In the ifust national
IMnt ot Santa Jlarbara.
A considerable Quantity of cabbue.
anlifiower and celery is being shipped
from Los Angeles Bast in carload lota,
bat the demand is greater than the sup
A petition to the (hregon Legislature
has baan extensively signed throughout
the Willamette Valley to have railroads
. renee men- lines wnera tney run through
pastures ana meaaow Unas.
The orange crop In the south will not
begin to move much for two or three
weeku, when heavy shipments may be
looked for. The quality and quantity
re ootn ancaa at any previous season.
An apportionment bill, based on the
vote cut at the recent election, has been
introduced in the Idaho Senate. The
bill provides that each county shall have
at lean one senator ana Representative.
There are valuable slate beds four
miles from Merlin in Josephine county,
Or. This is the only slate onarrv known
in the State, and Portland contractors
Juve been obligea to obtain their slate
a far away as Maine.
The Bradstreet mercantile agency re
ports fifteen failnres in the Pacific Coast
Mates and Territories for the past week.
as compared with fourteen for the pre
vious wees: ana tuteen tor toe corre
ponding week of 1882..
Captain Anderson, a pilot at Ban Pe
dro, while cruising in hie yacht off Santa
tionica had an adventura with a whale,
which passed under and raised' his ves
sel three feet A shot in a vital part of
Ui6 animal (trove It away. ; i '
The appeal in the case of the People
of the State of California vs. Ah kfle
Dooa, a Chinaman who wait convicted of
murder in toe nret aegree at Han tuiaei
and sentenced to death in March, 1891,
has Been amrmea oy the supreme Uonrt,
The Arisooa Press Association has
passed resolutions favoring the admis
sion oi trie Territory as a state ana rec
ommending the appointment ot ju. v.
Hughes, editor of the Tucson War, to
the oiMee ot uovernor nnaer me uieve-
land administration. , -,
Jean Baptltte Tranvico, a survivor of
the famous Bonner party, and who
claims to have bean the only one in
George Bonner's camp who for many
dys was ante to Keep up toe nree ana
wiiit on the others, is living in Santa
htm, CaL, in destitute circumstances.
A novel house to to be built on the
ocean front at Ooronado by N. 0. Jones
of AUsitoa. OoL, for a winter home for
himself and wife. It will be two stories
in height, and the front, facing the
will be of glass. The roof will be flat
and covered with cement for a roof gar
den. ' I :
The will of W. B.Ladd of Portland
haw been filed for probate. His widow
is given an annuity of 124,000. His sons
are left all banking interests. The sum
of t4,QU0 for ednoational and charita
ble purposes ha been left in trust, and
a millibar of relatives in Maesachusette
have been bequeathed annuities. Am
ple provision was made fur all the fam
ily. - ''
An error In the census taken in Boise
in 1880 has been the means of depriving
the residents ot the sahnrban districts
of the enjoyment of the same postal fa
culties extended to tboee in the heart of
iiie eit;v. An attempt has been made to
have tne matter rightd,ttndaatatement
r'-w.iy forwarded to the department at
V . ininiton. wnich shows that the pop
nu fion is 6,980 instead of 2,600, as arro
ws, , ,y supcowii, will probably help
$ tout? in siraiKfiterung sue matter out.
Thomas Harm, Treasurer of Berkeley,
(.. is short in his accounts to a con
o oawoniit. He gave a check on
t It t:
II -0
S. . .1
mu i
inter Bank for 18,800 to the tier
i v and Loan Bank of Bun
n in iti ment for electric-light
'j -,e Iwiaelev Bank refused the
fit- t, hk v ami bm no money on tte
p,. it, 'Hunt avs ho has used tlietown's
n,n v in hts own buauMs, and be has
no j ' how his affaire stand. He has
tn i h: n -', valued at about
j , i nnr' to he Uon ' :!, end sti
., . , I.a la., t.
The House Committee on Territories
.ports Favorably on the Admission
of Utah Into the Union.
The President has determined to leave
uie ureter lake and Mount Hood reser
vation to nis successor. . , j
'Ihe House Commerce Committee has
adopted the report of the subcommittee
on uie bin to allow pooling by railroads
uuum Bufrarvision oi cue interstate com
merce commission.
The Senate Interstate Oommnrre
mission by a vote of 6 to 6 rejected the
railroad pooling provision amendment
n me unuom bill, and will report the
bill as thus amended.
The House Committee on Territories
witnout division has ordered favorably
reported the bill enabling Utah in form
a constitution and State government
anu to oe admitted into the Union,
Senator Dolph has introduced a bill
for the relief of the Alalnnk Whi
urowing company, which was referred
to the Committee on Public Lands and
win probably be reported favorably soon,
, in reporting to the House the Com'
mittee on Election of President aavs rel
ative to the bill repealing the Federal
supervision of election statute that "vo
ters must be freed from such espionage
and interference," and that "the people
uaye ueoiuea reaerai mafiuiinff with
vuwuuiifl moat
It in now certain that the aundrr civil
appropriation bill will contain a nrovi-
sion to allow the four States admitted in
the omnibus bill the preference right of
utty nays to select lands tor their pub
lic institutions. Attorney-General Jones
says this is worth 17,000,000 to the school
interests oi nasnington.
Th HvhthoMwi Kill k!nt. 1 .V.-
"r." ""- T llll.ll IMMVGU 1UV
House, contains the following atmrnnri.
ations for Oregon and Washington: At
mo montn oi tne Willamette river, Or.,
a light and fog signal, fO.OOt; at Gray's
Harbor, Wash., a first-order lighthouse
and fog signal, at a cost not to exceed
(6,000, in addition to the appropriation
oi eio.ouu aireaoy made; on the north
head of Cape Disappointment, Wash., a
first-order lighthouse, not to cost more
than tfO.000. and when the lhrht shall
have been established the light at Cape
iisappointmeni will ne aiicontinnerl
and a light of the fourth order to be sub
stituted therefor; at twenty-five points
on tne Willamette river between Ha am
and Portland, beacon lights and bnovs.
at a con not exceeding to.UUU, and the
same to ne ex Bended under the direct inn
of the Secretary of the Treasury. Bep
resentative Wilson has already secured
iu iu sunury civil appropriation bill a
provision for a lighthouse at Gray's
uaroor. .
Perhaps the most imnortant meeUrur
of the Finance Committee of the Senate
held during thisOongrees was that which
resulted in the decision of a favorable
report of the bill to repeal the Sherman
silver purcnase act. Bubeequently Sher
man reported the bill, and it was Disced
on the calendar. The meeting was large
ly anenuea, every member oemg pres
ent except senators Jones and Vance,
who is ill. While a majority was in fa
vor of the action taken, a vigorous on-
pueition was manueeteo oy uarris ol
Tennessee and Voorhees of Indiana.
Those who voted to report the bill favor
ably were Morrill, Sherman, Allison, Al
drich, Hiscock, McPhereon and Carlisle.
Senators Voorhees and Harris entered
an emphatic nrotestaminstthe nronaaed
action of the committee, and would have
been jiined by Senators Jones and Vance
had they been present. The meeting is
aaia to nave been interesting. This is
probably in reference to the speeches
made by Harris and Voorhees. They
ttw.v uuhuhm. uwnwai, PUU IUO UIBU1MT
Sion will now be transferred to the floor
of the Senate. Senator McPheraon said
the bill was satisfactory to him, although
he would rather have had his resolution
reported; One feature he did not ap
prove1 was: that which postponed the
time to January 1, 1804, but still he
thought it afforded a relief, for the peo
ple would know at that time at least that
the present inflation of currency would
end and the country would return to
currency and money not debased. Teller
ana voornees ao not believe the bill can
pass, and Voorhees is credited with sav
ing that not ten Democratic Senators
will vote for It.
The proposed Seattle canal has met
with a serious obstacle by points raised
by engineers and scientific men who
have visited that point and siven some
piwumvu w ui uiiurabii; UU11U1MUUH anu
topography of the lands and the country
surrounding Lakes Union and Washing
ton. It appears now that, if this canal
should be bnilt, a depth of water suffi
cient to be of any use for floating ships
into the fresh-water lakes would be an
great a drain upon the lakes as to mate
rially lower their depth. Then is not
sufficient rainfall in that vicinity nor
sufficient water-shed to these lakes to
keep np the supply. As a consequence
the outflow would soon drain the iakea
This question will no doubt come up so
soon as another attempt is made to put
tne oiii tnrougn tue nouee or senate.
That It will make a great difference in
the consideration of the bill there can
be no doubt. As a matter of fact it may
be nositivelv stated that Cltmanua dmu
not intend to dig this ditch, and that it
will accept any theory like this advanced
by scientific men and refuse the in
dorsement of the Seattle scheme. Of
nurse, the members of Congress cannot
be expected to understand the topogra
phy of these lakes and the lands sur
rounding them nor to know whether
there is not sufficient water-shed or rain
fall to supply the demand that a
ship canal would demand, bat it may be
certain that before any action will be
taken a scientific coramitaion will be ap
pointed to make the investigation and
atiBrtain whether conditions exist which
would drain the lakes and render the
Mi iiMtieeii tw f.f.SIW.U'iOor more has
oeri exneniied ttpnu it.
Iodide of Potassium Recommended
for Lumpy Jaw.
The New Canadian Canal Tariff Tuts an
Eud to Discrimination Against
the United States.
A eorner in tin is beina maninulated
in the East.
The Miaslssioni river Is shallower than
it has been before since 1868.
There is only one Columbian coin for
every thirteen inhabitants of this oonn-
try. -,
Thousands of orows starving near Har-
rodsburs. Kr.. are killinz sheen and
The Santa Fe road la reanirins its em
ployes to separate from labor oreanhw
During the year 1892 057 shins bronirht
47U,477 passengers from Jcurope to New
Philadelphia's Mayor recently vetoed
an appropriation ot ii,ztu,uuj lor com
pleting tne city oeu.
Out of a nooulation of over I.!S0d.n00
mere are oniy om persons sustained In
eimnoueee in Kansas.
Philadelphia has already scent 110.
000.000 toward building her city hall in
uie pan twenty years.
A threatened clash between the white
and blaok races has put Jeffersonville,
ino., in a siate oi terror.
A five-mile ride in a three-horse slelsh
for 26 cents is one ot the attractions in
Central Park, flew York.
Secretary Foster aavs there will be an
available balance of 120,000,000 in the
neaanry on July i next.
Negroes have been driven out of Marks-
vine, La., by the whites, beotuse they
wanted to educate tneir cniiaren.
Philadelphia society is in a ferment
over the attempt ot the Health Board to
prohibit the sale of skimmed milk.
St. Lonis merchants favor the oneninc
oi tne uneroiee Btrtp, because they
tninx it win increase tneir business.
The Slaven Bros, of New York and San
Francisco are said to have made 115..
000,000 out of the Panama canal scheme.
Bva eomnromise ex-President Beers
of the Jew York Life Insurance Com
pany gets 116,000 a year instead of (J37,-
ouv. .
Petitioning for t24.600.000 to build
railroad from Mexico to Canada, Farm
ers' Alliance men will seek 1,000,000 sig
The flow of American capital in tlO..
000,000 lumps to Cape Breton and Nova
Scotia coal mines greatly cheers the Ca
According to a New York naner body-
snatching is a profitable calling at the
national capital, where there are two
medical colleges.
The suffering at Homestead among the
families of those who were in the strike
is said to be very great, 800 being on the
verge oi starvation.
JoeGoddardand "Denver" Ed Smith
have been matehed to fight to a finish
at catch weights for $2,600 and the best
parte onered at Chicago.
The series of world's congresses to be
held in Chicago this year will be opened
by a world's congress of representative
women, the sail for which has just been
A Chicago naner has been testinc the
honeatv of the citisens by sending its
reporters round to drop pocket-books.
Very few oi the pocket-books were re
The neoole of North Carolina. like the
people of Maryland, will discuss In State
convention this montn plans lor sys
tematically improving their country
The Tennessee Board of Health has
passed resolutions favoring a permanent
international commission to prevent the
passage of contagions diseases from one
land to another.
The trustees of the University of Penn
vlvania hospital are contemplating the
erection of an extensive addition to the
hospital building to cost in tne neigh
borhood ot sicu,uuu.
St Louis is hoping that hit beer war
may last nntll the summer torrlditv
comes along. Four glasses for a nickel
make the city on the muddy Mississippi
paradise lor topers.
The experiments of the Agricultural
Department on cattle diseases at Chicago
have resulted in the reeommendation of
iodide of potassium for iumpv iaw. ' The
disease is not contagious.
Visitors are enjoying the spectacle of
the ice bridge at Niagara falls, and sa
loonkeepers have set np booths on the
dividing line between Canada and the
United States and sell llauor without a
The Treasury Deoartment has oomnrn.
raised for $26,000 the civil suit against B.
Block A Sons of New York, charged with
undervaluation of imported Nottingham
laces. Criminal proceedings are still
The Cleveland (0.) Presbyterian
Union, composed of all the Presbyterian
Churches in that city, has adopted a
manifesto deprecating any effort to im
pose new tests on orthodoxy or to re
strict the liberty hitherto enjoyed by
men who nave sincerely subscribed to
Uie confession of faith.
Exportation of American Beef to England
Causes a Large Reduction In the
Price to the Consumer.
Germany is building paper houses.
Japan has thousands of them.
A locomotive that consumes Its own
smoke hae made its appearance.
The principle of the bicycle is applied
to the propelling of small boats.
The rice crop in the Sonth this year is
estimated to be 226,UOO,OOJ pounds.
the forests of Germany pay an annual
guyernment revenue oi iwd,0U0,0UU.
In Douglass county, Ool., 48,000 fruit
trees are irrigated by one company.
France sent almost 20,OJO.OOO bottles
ui ouampagne to this country last year,
Ihe anthracite coal fields produce
mu uimu o,uw,uw tons oi coal every
in oniV CnirtV-alX nl r llwrnn'M nw n.
ohards there are 0,000,000 young fruit
It ii said that the Imn-nln. fnnmlrlA.
of the country have formed a $20,000,000
It is said that 1.000 rose trees are ra.
quirea to supply two ounces of attar of
Edison has 200 women in his employ,
making the most delicate electrical in
struments. Borne 36,00.) lambs are being fed and
fattened in the Cache la Poudre Valley,
Ool., this winter, "
A single row of pearls as large as peas
and perfectly round were sold recently
in Paris for $126,000.
The real-estate brokers In New York
city sold property worth in the aggre
gate $46,000,000 last year.
The time is not far distant when a
paper-bound book, well printed and il
lustrated, will be sold for 6 oenta.
Canada takes in nronnrtinn tn har In.
habitants almost three times as much of
oniian goods as the United States.
Denmark. France and nalahhnrtni
countries sell about $50,000,000 worth of
dairy produce annually to England.
The silver output of Aspen, Col., the
last year was 9.101.100 onncea. as airainat
8,000,000 ounces of the preceding year.
The number of nersons carried hv the
railroads of the United States the last
year was In round numbers 000,000,000.
Sixty-five thousand ineandeafwiit
lamps are manufactured every dav at an
average selling price of about 76 cents
The buttons of the weddinir drum nf
New York millionaire's daughter recent
ly married were made of jewels, and cost
S iuu eacu. - - ' .
At Placentia Bav. Newfoundland, alone
1.200 men and women are employed in
the lobster industry. Five million is the
annual catch, which represents $180,(100
in value. :
The returns of the salmon nank at
British Columbia shows a total of 221.-
797 cases, as compared with 812,2Ucases
for 1891, a decrease for 1802 of 90,414
The valne of the nltr iron nrodnnnil In
this country is now greater than the
value ot gold, silver and copper com
bined. The value of the coal nrodmit is
greater than that of pig iron.
Pone Leo has declined tn ranelve tannr
Valoria, the Spanish Envoy recently ap
pointed, on the ground that he has writ
ten immoral novels.
Mrs. George Hearst, widow nf Runakir
Hearst of California, is the most heavily
insured woman in the world. Her pol
icies aggregate (SOJ.OUO.
The New York State Senate has in.
firmed the nomination of Miss Susan 11
Anthony as the head of the State Indus
trial School at Rochester, N. Y.
flltBJlflY v FUHfUTOHE v CO.
H. R, Hyde,
We muke a BDooialtv of UNDRHTA KTNft nnu i :..i.t
or day.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
W. r. HKAD, Prwldent.
j. h. tiuwAfl, iriMuurer.
Fanners' and Merchants' Insurance Company
no Abu or
on. R., 8TKAHAN,
Cli'af .Inatlivi nf ftnnmiRA Ronrt.
Hon. 3, w. CIWIUK, HanlMr.
Hon. J. K, WKATIIRHKURII, AttornSy-at-LaW.
0. WIUTOMAN, i!q., Oanllall.t,
vvuiKnieiie vaney i.ann uompany.
No twatlllrria, three-fourths, thirty or aluty-day elaiine la the KarnlBrs' aud iiro)iaiita' FA RM ,
policial. The Farmer.' and arohu' imuramie (lomiiany two the lull amount ol luu m. S,
the amnliQt limured. The uloriber to the caiital Mock ctmnllti of famiera, mernhauta haiiL
"jjj1"' !j"raeii, vkyawiaui and neiiUauiia, Uie lanfeat aaiouul lield oy .ingle iudlvWuag
The Shasta Route
SOUTflEfN pacific co:
Biliren trains leave Portland ilallr
i- l!'V."..l,nreiKiiii..M.I..Ar. ?:! '.
Iff r. a. I Albany Ar, 4:311 ..
:!. H.IAr Hun Praiinlnw.Lv. Jam p
Ihe above trains utiin nuly at Urn following
iMtlmi, i north of Itimelmnr: Kant Portland, Or
mm City, Wnarlliarii, Halem, Alliany. Tangent,
and Kiiftmu, '
Rnwlnmi mail-dally
'V Portland Ar. 4:20 r. a,
hv Alliany Ar. 12 go r, a.
r Hom-liwrg ,..!,. 7:110 t. ,
BUI r. u.
iM r. ,
.Ji'i,!.d.'!ti",y ('! Hunilsy).
n:CK) p. H.llw...
,. Portland,..
...Ar.ittcau a. .
..I.v. 6:as a. a.
:oor. a.lAr...
hnral wmieiiiiartraliH-ilally (exeentHiniHar),
1:20 r. a.ll.v..
2:0 p. . Ar..
PI:10a. a, l,v
:IXI A, M.i Ar
M a. a.
1:2li f a.
2:2U F. a.
Dining Can on (laden Houui.
Haoiind-Ulaaa Mi,liia- Vara Attaobad to.
. All Turouaii Trains,
Mall traln-datir (eieept Knnilayl:
?:80 A. If. i Lv...."'l'ortlatii1 . kt T vt7"iiT
U:10 . a. Ar Ilnrvallla. U !!I:M r. a.
At Albany and (lorvaiila nniinu,i Joh
ot Oram Panlllc railroad. .
BxprenH train-dally fpxeopl Hnitday):
4:10 P. a.
7::if r. u.
Ar. i H:20 a.
Iff. 1 MIS A.
THROUGH TICKETS K.i,uK,r.!:,,,a:
nd Knroiw n he utunlntKi ttt lowiwinta. from
I, A. lluiiutJtt. agent, iiittnon.
K, P. HOIilCKH, Ami. U, V, k Pum, AmuL
Tobacco. Cigars, Smokers' Ar
ticles, Etc.
Foreign and Domestic Frulu aott
QueenBware and Glassware, Lamps aud Lamp
Hon J ,1.. COWAN, ' ' V
W.K.UKAI.KMMerlll.nt. . I ..
D. H. MONTKlTH. Uanltall.t.
0,. SIMPSON, Unci., CanlHllrt. i