0 ' 'V Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, FEB. 8, 1808, fVAililitioiml locate on lint page,M Come In for )nb work. J. W. Menzles Is quit 111 this week. Pumps und pipe down to Albany prleos. F.C. Ayeub&Co, Grover Hneklomun In visiting In Lnhunon this week. , W.M. Brown In teaching a term of school In the Keebler district, Wm. (,'urothors Is carrying the Sweet Home mull on ho batik, (luring the bud weather. Fri'Bh breud, pics, doughnut und cukes kept constantly on hand at Mm. May Zuhu's. , Miss Mnltie Gentry Is up from Bul em visiting her parents neur this . place. , G.Lovelco, the merchant tailor, bun received over 000 samples. Cull and look them over, and get prices. Fresh Chinook Bulmmi, und ull kinds of fr-sb fish; the best the murket will ufTord, ut the Fish und Poultry murket. Atty. 8. M. Garland left yentorduy, for Salem, where he goes to be present at some of the meetings of the legisla ture. For wutch repairing go to Hunsell's at the City Drug store, and get u per fect Job. All work guaranteed or money refunded. County Clerk N. P. Puyne bus Issued license to murry to 11. W. Wallace and Llllle McBrlde, VV. 0. Perry und Carrie McNeil. Farmers: 8. N. Steele & Co., of Al buny, Or., are now prepared to loan money from one to live yours, lu sums of laiil to $10,000. Cull on or write them. The Church of Christ meets lu the Academy or regulur services every Lord's Day lu the morning ut 11 o'clock. Buuduy school ut !0 o'clock, All ure Invited to attend. J. N. ('moduli and wife returned home Tuesduy from a visit to relatives t Drum. M r. Crundull brought home the skin of a lurge cougar, which wus killed while he was visiting I here. Wecnll attention to W. C. Da vis' new ml which appears In this in ane of the Exi'liKHH, Mr. Davis is successor to O. W. Simpson und when visiting Albany ynu should not fall to give him n cull. The Exl'iti'KK desires to again remind Its friends who are in urreuts thut we are in great m-ed of our money: We oumiot pay our debts without It. We hoie everyone who is behind will come forward at an curly date and settle. Fruit trees for sale at M. L. Forster's uursery, ut bed-rock prices. Call and get my prima before buying elsewhere. Prune trees very cheap for the next thirty days. M. L. Fokstkh, Tangent, Or. The clllzens of the Helo school dis trict have nearly ail signed the peti tion to the legislature for the'lssuuuce of school bonds, but seven or eight re fusing. These nuines together with their reasons for not signing have been taken; and If when they are read by the members of the legislature, the uiunuur of "uins-ihack" is not heard, we will he surprised. Sclo Press. Hundreds of feet of the roof on the grand mniinfueluriis building of the World's fair, the largest bulitliiig lu the world, was crushed under Hie great weight of snow this morning. The agricultural and other buildings were also damaged, and still others are being watched with the utmost anxiety. The dnniuge already amounts to many thousand dollu.is. There are now about 2115 students in attendance at Cheinnwu, a much larg er number than ever bifore, und they are a pleasant, healthy, wide aw ake lot of children. "And," adds u our-, respondent, "those who have been ac quainted with this school from the first say it has never before enjoyed the .prosperity and greatness that It now enjoys, which spcukes volumes for the present management. Ex, A man who lives In town and stands high In the church has a poor old uiure that he has turned loose to Hake IU own living during the snow storm. He got a boy to drive It out lu the country hoping it would die before it could get back. MlkeDonelly found ft on hit way to town lying lu a fence comer almost frozen. He helped It up aud got It out In the sun and started It buck to town, A Kleknpoo Indian would not treat a dumb brute as this Christian gentleman lias. Bibelin, the photographer. Special baking done to order at Mrs. May Zahn's, Mr. 8. Peet and family left yesterday for California. Miss Mary Freeze, who has been quite sick. Is able to return home. Standard flour, $3.(10 per bbl. Come In. D.B.Zeh. S. P. Bach and wife returned home Monday from a visit to Salem. Chos. F, Miller is again back In Leb anon after a few days visit in Salem, Mrs. Sperling, who has been quite ill for some time, Is able to be out, Prof. Wilkes has resigned his position at Kugenc and will go back to Kansas. G. Loveloe, the tailor has a large lot of samples to select from, and can surely suit you. License to vied bos been Issued to Perry O. Ross and Miss Ada Lock wood. There is to be a grand masquerade bull at this pluce on Feb. 22, at Union hall. " Revival services were commenced lust night at the Baptist church by Rev. May Jones, the lady evangelist. Lou, the China luundryman, stuck a pin In his bund, which resulted in blood poisoning. He Is now in Salem. The lecture which was to have been given ut the M. E. Church south to the ladies yesterday, was postponed two weeks on account of the Weather. Prof. Luttu, principal of the Shedd school, and his assistant Miss Ramsey, visited Lebanon this week, and Prof. Michener wus all smiles. It is suid that a Lebanon small boy, when saying his prajvr to his mother before retlrelng, gave the following version: "If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul take, To ra ra boom da ree !" The San Francisco Chronicle is ar ranging to get tut a World's fair edi tion of 1,000,000 copies. It will con tain maps of all the states, and big writeupsof any place paying for them, for Instance cities like Albany may lie boomed for $1,400. Oregon City pro poses to invest one man alone sub scribing fciOO. Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Boom- field, Iowa, Farmer, suye: "I can rec- omiuend Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy to ull suffererB with colds ami croup. I have used it in my family for the past two years and have found It the best I over used for the purposes for which It is intended." 60 cent bot tles for sale by M.. A. Miller. Several parties lu Portlund, Includ ing Geo. M. Hylaud, J. H. Welder and J. M, Hudson, have Incorporated the Oregon Advertising Association; capi tal stock $10,0110. Mr. Geo. Hylaud bus been selected president of the com pany. They will build a car sim ilar to the Leuk's, that visited Albany, till it with Oregon products, and visit points throughout the Uulted States, They expect to lie on the road by Au gust 1st. ' The Jefferson Review tells the fol lowing: We are informed by parties in attendance at the dunce given at Miller's station Friday night of last Week, several lads from Albany,' not exceeding 12 or 14 years of age, were in u bad slate of Intoxication, having to lie dragged from where they were lying stupefied, und placed In places of safety, Any dls peuser of "bug juice" wiio sells the vile slut! to children de serves to be punished und In this ouse are liable to receive it. a The editor of the East Oregon ian says that the Oregon militia is com posed of spindle-shank youths and the entire lot would not keep at buy a couple of cur dugs. There is no law to prevent the E. O. mail from having his opinion uud expressing It, but if be will come over to Joseph he will lind in a single oouipuuy of tills despised mlllthi lorly men, anyone of whom will convince him of bis mistake lu about two minutes. -Wallowa Chief tain. , ' : The burse has good hearing und Is easily readied by soil kind words, which please him better than harsh ones. Soft words do not excite and scare him. Yelling at a team does not help to pull tile load; it hinders nine oases out of ten. The driver tbat makes little noise Is the one that drives the team that pulls square, holds oti like grim death, goes slow and wiggles out. The driver that yells drives the team that see -saws, strug gles, flies baak and leaves the wagon lu the mud. The fact is no horse with brains likes to be yelled at like a prize fighter. Ex. Prof. Michener visited Halsey last Sunday. - - (.'all at Rifadin's gallery and look at his work and get his prices on pictures. Crayons a specialty, The young people of our city gather ed at the residence of J, J. Swan lost Monday and gave a farewell party to the Missel-- Peet who left this week for their former home in California. The smart alecks of this town have resurrected 'he old son ir "Is that Mr. Riley, etc., w hich was burled several years ago, and are constantly spring ing that mouldy chestnut on the suf fering public. N. W. Smith made a business trip to Portland lai-t week, and unfortu nately lie got I' ft anil hud to slay over Sunday l:ut. we undt'isiuud he spent the lime pleasantly in Oregon City looking ut the sights. He-reports all well. - .lack Bub-ton's frit-mis gsihrnd a the ruslilcutw of (!. II. It ilstwii on Tues day ami gave .lack a sni-prK; party in honor of Mi I!!th i-IVtiiday. After spending several h ours in conversation garni . etc,, the crowd left wishing Jack many happy birthdays. Tin-re will be services In the First Presbyterian church every Sunday, morning uud evening. The evening sermon Is cMsritilly intended for the young people. Young People's prayer meeting ut 7 1'. u. on Sundays. All are cordially invited to come and wor ship with us. Please make yourself known to the Pastor. KmvAiiu KccussMUf. Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas Cily, Kan., wishes to give our readers the benefit of bis experience with cold. He says: "1 contracted a cold early last spring lli.it settled on my lungs, and bad hardly recovered from it when I caught another thut hung on nil summer and left me with a luicking eouh which ( thought I never would pt rid ! I had used Chanibcrhiln.s Cough Remedy some fourteen yeurs ago witli li uch success und concluded lo try it airaiu. When I hiul got through willi one bottle my cough hud entirely left me, and I have not suffered with u cu;rli or cold since. I have recommended it lo others, and all speak well of it." 30 cent bottles f. rsulc by M. A. Wilier. In Hie United States district court at Portland ,yesli-id:-y U.K. Montgomery formerly oi Albany was arraigned on mi tndii'lio "in rh-irglug him with sending an obs'ci no !. Iter I h rough the HiiiiU A pica of : o; guilty was en tered ami the trial wis set. Prosecu ting Ally. Mas appeared fur the U. r!. and Str.-ilinu As Pip--:-, and J. K. iVealhi-n'oiu for the defendant. The court dec;. ied that mere wjs uot suf ficient -proof 1 1 show th.ililie letter was written by the defendant, and the law would no! all-i'.v of hi admittedly genuine v. ritinit licing us:'d tocomps.ie with the letter in question to establish Ids guilt-. There was llieivi' -re noth ing for the United Stab's attorney to do bill lu enter u. "nolle" and Moulgo.il ei-y was diseiniry-'d. Tivu bills hav" levii introduced nearly alike. One provides that "if any person oiler ili.iuan "Hicer on l iwi'ul liusiui as, be n,: ,u uii'-l with a gun, ptsto! on-ih- r tife.-u-in, shall go or trespaw upn.i anv inclosed oreuiises or lands, without the consent of the owner or possess ir I hereof, such trespasser shall lie deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ami upon conviction thereof ahull te puni.-'iod by ; tine of not less tliau nor , m-uv til yi $30, and in delimit ol'lbc payment of .Mm fine im;i .1 sirill l" o uimituvl to the jail of the cubiy in which lb.' offense Is vouiiuittc'l " ie day for every $li of the said line," Oil" u" the bills inukes it iinkt .villi for hunters to shoot from or iipnu I he. louoU mad,- and do trcsp e-siii! iipnu !b ' pi''-niis:'s or lund-. of another lia.v bo killed by the land owner wi'lmuf i'ui llcr ceremony. The hoys bave be u snowballing everybiiily aim. n card less of age or nationality, u'.lni iitlle lUscleliou in the mailer, among i tlicl's having uu extra dose fur ,l,e C Idiunnwi. Last night a Mongolian wvtit aioiig the .street wiili bis hand on a revol er with the avowed purpose of shooting II not let ..lone, lie was not disturbed. Snowballing Is all right; lu the right place when the tight is even, and the contest lair; but it is cowardly to hit a man In the buck, or older men and Chiiiuinen anywhere. Several boys attacked a Chiiiumau belonging to the, Feiry S'reet house, audit is claimed broke one of bis ritis. An attack on Prof. Torliell, of the College resulted In the Professor's, glasses being biok en. Complaint was made for war rants in luch case; but It is always I difficult to plate the .offenders and uu I krrvaU have been mini,'. Detuuerat. j 1885 The Oldest House We are Going to Wee if Tliere in Any Money Floating around in the "Neck of the Woods," by offering the following reductions in prices. Come in and make some money by saving it. ftpEverything listed here a genuine bargain. The best way to profit by this offer is to come in atonce, as it will not last always; it may close in a week or a month. we can t tell about Price. Ladies' French Kid Shoes .$5 00 " " Patent tip, high heel 4 50 " Pongola Kid Shoes 4 00 " " " " patent tip. . 3 50 " ' " . ... 3 00 " " " " plain toe. .! 3 00 " " " pateuttip....:... 2 50 " " " . ............ . 2 00 Hen's Cordovan Congress 6 50 " Calf Congress...... 5 00 " Kangaroo Bal and Congress. 5 00 " Calf Congress.... 4 0C " , " Congress and Bal 3 00 " Bal shoes, Forest Park . ............ . . ... 1 75 Misses' Little Giant school shoe 2 00 h n ' 1 75 child's " " 1 50 : " 1 25 Men's Oil Grain Boots. Calf Boots " DongolaCalf Boots..... Men's Stiff Hats " " " Soft " " " " : " ,-. " " " Umbrellas Men's Wool Shirts " " " " " Buckskin Gloves.... " " . " Uuderehirts........ " " - Neckties- Dress Goods.. We cannot name everything that we would like to, on account of space. Come and see us. We will do you good. C. C. Waterloo Factory. The Brownsville Times has the fol lowing to say about Waterloo indus try: The new factory at Waterloo is soon to be completed and will be oue of the finest of the kind on the Pacific coast. It will be a boon to encourage other Industries in the county, will enhance yalue of property in Waterloo and vicinity, will no donbt put iu circula tion considerable money. The ditch has been finished to the upper gate and the immense large wheel has at last arrived. The mill will be a three set one, containing four mules of 280 spin dles each. The wheel is a 113 horse power; production dally, 13o dozen hose, 85 to 45 dozen suits of underwear and employ from 150 to 175 girls. When the wheel and main shaft are adjusted the machinery will start and run until limbered und in good order, and in about four weeks a supply of yarn will lie obtained from the Thomas Kay woolen Mills, and start to manu facturing 'oods. Waterloo has been considerably udvuneed during the past I your and we truly have reason lo be lieve that ere long it will be a place of which Linn county will look upon with no little degree of pride. "So . mote It be," ! A wonderful es.'.ipe from in.-tant i death occurred in I'ortlanit in the! Munjuam building Monday ar;e,'i,o(in. Mrs. Win. Avery, wu (it a prsini uent real estate dealer, fell fi.im u" 8th story down the ek-vutor snail to the basement. A distance oioO feel, One would naturally suppose that n a person falling -inch a distance would ' be killed instantly, but Mrs. Avery, ; though severely injured liv.ai several: hours, 1893 In Lebanon that. , Marked Reduced Price. U oo 3 50 3 25 2 75 2 25 2 25 , 1 75 1 50 5 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 , 2 25 1 35 . 1 50 1 50 1 25 1 00 2 25 2 25 4 00 1 75 1 25 1,75 1 50 , 25 1 00 75 1 25 1 (10 1 50 91) 1 2" 1 25 1 25 . 90 : 75 50 35 - 20 50 40 35 . : . .: 3 00 : 3 00, 5 00 .'. 2 50 1 75 2 50 ..'....2 00 :.- 1 50 : 1 50 , ... 1 25 1 75 1 50 2 25 l 25 1 60 1 75 1 60 ; 1 25 1 00 75 60 25 75 80 60 HACKLEMAN. Card of Thanks. - We desire through the column of the Express, to express our high re gard and appreciation of the skill and long continued faithful attendance of Dr's. Foley and Booth during Mrs. Hope's long Illness. , We too extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors who so kindly tendered us their sympathy during our affliction. . Dr. J. H. P. Hopb and Family. I desire also to tender my sincere love aud gratitude to the young ladies of the Y. P. S. C. . and the flower girls of the L. T. L. and many others for their gifts of flowers and choice fruits. It affords me a source of comfort then, and now I take pleasure in the thought that I held in loving remembrance during the many long inontliajof my illness by so maiiy of my young, as well as older friends. Let us ''Scatter seeds of klndnesa - For our reaping bye and bye," Mna. Jt. N. Hope. The Literary Korthweat, a bright and readable magazine, February liuailier of 1893, has reached our ta ble. It Is full of carefully prepared literary articles, and essays dlscuislng grave aud important questions, aud profusely and carefully illustrated, a perfect gem of a magazine. It is pub lished by tlie 1). D. Merrill Co., at Kcm.iii 203 Merrill building St. Paul, iiinn. - :' BUY YOUR Hahdwauk, Stoves and Ranqki -nsoii- . MAiTHKWd & WASHBURN, Albany, Ore, '