The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1893, Image 3

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    iyt.i ironxia.
was alwutthls time that; I received
letter from home, informing me that
"kx1 Mr. Turner" vim about to pay a
visit to the metropolis; and closely follow
ing upou tlio hiiiitH of this announcement
nine good Mr. Turner himself to call
pon me, It being very evident that he
had been commissioned to inspect and re
sort upon my humble abode by my
mother, who hae an ineradicable convlor
tlon that, when absent from her, I nevof
attempt to make myself comfortable. Mr.
Turner, urbane and patronizing on of old.
dropped In while I was sitting over a late
breakfast anil waa kind enough to Join me
to Unit Topust. lie remarked that they
.had given him nothing bat sggs'at his
wnxi mm eggs ne wan unable no much as
to loofc nt, owing to chronic derangement
of tha liver. ' .....
"1 km staying at a hotel," he went on
to say. "Dear Hilda thought It beat that
I ahould not go to her, gilie hae reasons,
yen understand good and sufficient rea
aona." ; i ; ,i i . ?
1 said I wan quite mire of that; and In.
dead the reasons in queitlon did not strike
me a being o( a recondite character.
But Mr. Turner thought It Decennary to
give hie vei'Mlon of them. "Bracknell,"
he continued, "la, I am persuaded, both
kind hearted and well meaning and would
not hurt my feelings for the world; but
hie habitual companion! are veil, not
precisely congenial to me, and he haa con
tracted, from associating with them, a
tendency to nse words and expressions
which, though possibly uttered In what I
may almost null an innocent spirit, are
auch as I might Und if my duty aa a cler
gyman to protest against, Hear Hilda
thinks and I quite agree with her that
all risk of unpleasantness should be
avoided, and therefore she haa kindly se
cured rooms for me in a very well con
ducted hotel. I must remember, how
aver, to tell them that eggs disagree with
Now I knew very well that Bracknell
might use langnage fit to make a bargee's
hair stand on end before the llev, Simeon
would dare to nplltt his voice in rebuke;
but I said, with atrlct adherence to the
truth, that I had no doubt he would find
himself more oouifortable in his present
quarters than in Wilton place; and he
presently rmnameci, signing a little, that
the only thing lie regretted waa being cut
an man tne society or ins grauuson.
"Hud I been tinder the same naif with
Running," he added, rather natlwtlcallv.
"we could havu amused ourselves together
without getting Into anybody's way; but
1 dare say they will let him come and see
sue when it can be managed."
Poor old Turner's adoration of his
grandson was quite niion a level with
that of Lord Staines, and the little fellow
was fond ol him too, although their na
tures were so iinllku. .
After Mr. Turner had conferred a few
Wordaiif pntninusing encouragement upon
me (he had a great disdain, tempered by
neuovoieuce, lor dwellers In Orub street)
and after he had ambled away with lus
mbrella under his arm. I began to feel
very sorry for him in his loneliness, and
It occurred to me that I should be doing
an act of true Christian churiiy by giving
nini and tne other gramltather a (lay's
anting with their common descendant.
Aud, being In such an amiable motid, I
thought 1 might combine this good deed
with tlit bestowal of a certain amount of
harmless pluuaure upon two othor persona,
as wull as a fairly .earned holiday upon
myself. So, having concocted my scheme,
' 1 imparted it to Jim in the course of the
slay, and he juniied at it with enthusiasm.
We had alreuily agreed to revisit Eton
together some tuno before the close of the
season, but to me belongs all the credit of
the happy suggestion tliut Ixird Staines,
Liuly Mildred, Running and Mr. Turner
ahould tie added to our party. Jim rep
resented that he waa particularly anxious
to oarry out tula plau, because it would
cheer up Lord Hlaluos, who had been look
ing tired and worried of bite; and of course
that may have beeu his motive. But he
disagreed with me quite sharply when I
aald that it would be kind to take the old
gentleman off Lady Mildred's hands for a
any, and leave her to enjoy her liberty in
London. b
"She wouldn't enjoy it at all," he de
clared; "it would be about the hut thing
In the world that she would bo likely to
enjoy. Besides, I don't believe old Staines
would go without her. Now, 1 do hope
C won't put forward that idea, Harry;
use if you do, the whole thing la oer
taiu to fall through."
8o 1 said that, in that case, I wouldn't
put it furwunl; and as both Lady Mildred
and her father, received our proposition
favorably, it only remained for us ta beg
leave of absence for Kunuing and let Mr.
Turner know of the treat that was lu store
for him. The Brackuells we did nut ask;
because, for one thing, they would oer
tainly have declined, and also (which waa,
perhaps, inure to the purpose) because w
didn't want them.
We all went down from Pnddlngton
together lu a saloon carriage, Lord Staines
as brisk as a bee, Mr. Turner benignly
complacent, Sunning dividing his muni
tions with strict impartiality between his
' two grandfathers, so as to avoid making
either of them jealous, and Lady Mildred
and Jiui.couversiug quietly In a .corner.
' We reached our destination pretty early
in the ai'Lcntoou; and since it was such'
beautiful, hot summer weather that no
old gentlemuu could possibly be the worse
fur being taken out upoii .the river, we
drove straight to the ljroe,as.' .There- w ;
hired a roomy oraft, inui;iwli(i:h we psflkud
our party. Lady Mildred ...undertook to
steer; Lord Siamus and Mry. itisaeravara':
made coiuforluble with coshibiisrtoB either i
. side of her; Sumiing, after ibladiaif .him-,
aolf by a solemn promise- not. to jump
about, was permitted 10 ..trowl i.ito l.lio
bows, whore he lay iiiit.Uiony Rtomneh
as good as gold, the wliplattroe; and Jnii;
taking the stroke our wefutited tbeiU:
up to Surly.
I don't know what Jim may have
: thought about It, but I confess that to me .
the distance appeared to have enormously '
Increased aiiiuu the days of my boyhood.
However, we look a good long rest, which
J dome ot lis- two o( ns, X believe m
pioyeu in strolling awayacrnss the grass,.,
while tlieollwiwTOt still an'o'n joyed the
pf find quiotticma of It all, after thoW- j
molljof 1indonj aud then In thecool of
the evehlf vws drotiped lelsnrcly dpwn
stream toward Htoonoemo.. ' '
Wedimfltonwher at tho-jAl Christo
pher and drank, bo tiro nim y -of . former
irienos inmo best eUaniM tdat that es
tablishment eoulil proline.' I'oobiihly the
memory of lioril Staincs"iichool ijrnda
was cbcrlnhcd only by a very smalli band
of survivors, but the old man ran over
their names and their exploits, one by
one, relating the merry life that he had
led with them aud the astounding breach
es of disclnlltujf which they had been
guilty, until at length Mr. Turner, tak
ing heart of grace, ventured to doubt
Whether the doings described would haw
been tolerated by any head master worthy
of his high and responsible post.
"My dear fellow," said Lord Staines,
with superb contempt, "what do you
know about itr Head: master indeed I
But of course you don't understand Eton
traditions. You were educated at Har
row, or some such place, weren't you?"
But Mr. Tunier waa flushed with wine,
and did not choose to be sat upon. "Bar
rovlans may be poor sort of creatures in
your opinion, Lord Staines,'? he returned;
"but at any rate we can generally show
an eleven good enough to beat yours at
cricket." Which was an extremely rude
thing to aay, besides being very false.
I don't know whether the harmony of
the evening might not have been seriously
interfered with by this unexpected on
slaught of the lamb upon the lion, had
not Jim Jumped np, saying that tf we
were going to take a look round Eton we
really ought not to lose any more time.
Obviously, a single vehicle could not con
tain us all; so Jim and Ijuly Mildred
walked on ahead, while the rest of ns
packed ourselves iuto a fly and were driven
as far as the entrance of the school yard.
Here Lord Staines Insisted upon getting
out. and managed, with the help of my
arm aud his stick, to hobble for some dis
tance across the flag stones which have
been worn smooth by the passing feet of
so many generations. Mr, Tunier and
Snunlng wandered away, it waa getting
late and close upon lock up time, so that
we had the place to ourselves,
, The old man, who was leaning upon my
arm, paiucd and looked about lum a Utile
"1 reuollect," lie said, "coming down
here one election Saturday, It was Just
before Bracknell left; and you and Leigfa
were leaving at the same time, you know.
I walked back from Upper Club with
Bracknell, and I remember, that we
stopped and talked for a moment Just
ubout the very spot where we are stand-,
tug now. He told me he had backed my
horse, Jupiter Touans, by Thunderer, for
the Letter, and I warned him that he had
better hedge, because, as 1 dare say you
are aware, Thunderers never stay; and
sure enough, Jupiter Twang finished
third. I thought at the tune that he
would have stood a little more preparation
but no matter; Well, you know, May
nard, 1 suspect that what applies to horses
applies pretty much to ourselves. One
hears a good deal about education and
training, and example, aud this, that, and
the other; but when all's said and done,
it's breeding that has the last word. ' Like
father, like son. I have been recklesB and
extravagant all my life; he has followed
in my footsteps, and the upshot of it la
that we're both deueed nearly ruined,
I said I waa very sorry to hear it
Lord btalues shook his head. "Brack
nell ought to have married money. . X al
ways told him so. He chose to marry the
parson's daughter, and it caused a cool-1
ness between us, as you will remember. I
oould have overlooked his imprudence and
disobedience; but, you see, 1 didn't think
he had behaved well In the matter no; 1
didn't think he had behaved well."
"It doesn't much signify now," I re
marked. "Not muob now, perhaps; but it was
hard upon poor Leigh at the time, and ha
felt it mure than 1 should have expected.
He was speaking to me about it not long
since. He is a good fellow, that; I wish
he had a little more money. I looked at
him and Mddred this afternoou, and 1
thought to myself, 'I wish be had a little
more money I' Only fancy, you know."
' "I Bupiiose he hasn't nearly enough
money F" I haiarded.
. "Oh, Lord bless your soul, nol" an
swered Lord Staines. "Nothing like itl
nothing like itl No she will have to
marry Beauohamp; and, indeed, she might
do worse. Come, Maynard, we'll go on
and get Into the carriage again; we
haven't much more than time to catch the
So we moved slowly away to Weston's
Yard, where the fly was waiting for us,
aud where the other members of our Bmull
party were already assembled- Jim
climbed up .on to the , box and we wera
driven awayito tha station, Sunning fall
ing asleep before half the distance had
been accomplished, aud uoue of us bilking
much. It was natural that wo should be
a little tired aud disinclined for conversa
tion on the return journey. I myself, I
believe, had a nap iu the comer of the sa
loon carriage, uud even If I had been
awake I could not have scrutinized the
oountennnees of my fellow travelers in
that dun light; but when we alighted in
the fidl glare of Paddiugton station, I
could not help noticing how pale Jim was,
nd that Lady Mildred's eyea wore aus
piciously rod., ... ;.. ,
Lord bluinos shook hands with me on
the platform. -."Good nightt Maynard,"
he said, "good night, uud thank you for
giving ns all a very happy day."
Poor old fellow I I think It was the last
happy of ius lifta His life is over
now and 1 suppose 0nooiiunot say that it
was a well SMCiit ne; et, who knows the
ittttth; about, ,wy1,ijl;f lifcf Perhaps,
wben all sacroWi are Mwaled, It may be 1
louns! that sonm f those . whose statues
ir ,.lr ,1am-, iinrntnain aMllir nlnma inH i
whoBtMlmes ar&recowodhi history, have
aloai fayowihip, accauif toiahow than this
old 4iVblfinrij who was worldly and a
suniili lfrtH,:'viiio,Hii)i it litt le use to the
coimmimtSMit large, who took no active
purl In politics, who excelled in nothing
except, to a lnuited extent, in the breed
ing of rnos horses i lmtvi ho hover, to" my
knowledge, wns guilty of' an tmgenerous
or dishonorable action, and who, as it
iwmed to me, gave away man than be
I received, both in tie wiiy of money and)
affection. He was by no means a show
specimen of the order to which he be-
longed, but ho possessed some of lto good
qualities. 'Ilia coming democracy will
doubtless be able tocxhibit all theso to
(he world, combined with others Into the
bargain, and, in tha meantime, I regret to
Bay that 1 have more than once heard
Lord Staines siHikcn of as a standing ar-
fX OTt ettW 'mlb!d't"rl,!8'
'n 1 .
I felt tolerably sntaJUiat I should not
have to wait long befonil'eccirlng a visit
and a full confession from.. Jim, When,
however, he nuly presented himself at my
chambers, his avowal did tiot prove to be
m an respect what i iir.d anticipated.
"Harry, old fellow," ho begau, after he
had cast h.niself down upon my sofa and
had assumed a most woe begone air, "Pre
lost my self respect."
4I shall be very pleased to assist you In
looking anontfor it," 1 rcijlied cueerfullv.
"and I dare say, hctwoen us, we shall
manage to discover It again. It waa mis
laid, 1 presume, somewhere In Windsor or
Kton on the afternoon or evening of the
auta mstantf"
Ho nodded. VWell, yes; I suppose so.
At any rate, I wasn't quite certain of the
loss until then. Of course, with your
sharp eyes, you saw long ago how matters
were going with mo; but I give you my
honor that I didn't. Not that it would
have made any difference if I had; for
one can't help these things. If you had
asked me, any time during tha last six
years, whether I could ever love another
woman as I loved the one whom I waa
once so nearly marrying, I should have
laughed at you. Yet that is what has
happened to me; aud I confess that it
makes me feci a little uneasy and
I could not see why a man who has re
mained faithful all his life to woman
who has deceived him and thrown him
over should have any particular right to
respect himself tor being such a dolt, and
I said so; but Jim observed that I dfdat
seem quite to catch his meaning. '
"I owe nothing to Hilda," be said, "and
It stands to reason Unit if one has been
jilted, one is free. It Isn't to her that I
have been untrue; It's to myself. I'm too
stupid to explain myself; but six years is
a longish tune, yon know, and to find my
self madly In love again, after having been
quite positive for six years :that that was
the one sensation which I nevereould pos
sibly experienus a second time, la a little
upsetting. ... It makes :me feel that I am
not the man 1 took myself for, and also
that I have been a most stupendous fooL
"You have indeed, my dear fellow," I
agreed, with ready sympathy. ! I
"Yes, because, now that li: look Back
upon it all, I am convinced tliat I never
was really In lore with Hilda. I thought
I was, but it seems to have been a gigantic
mistake from first to last; and what sort
of opinion can one have of anybody who
can man sucu mistakes a tha" 'j .
"Be comforted," 1 replieib fyourase Is
f.. T w V, ,r.'."S.a
to no one lor plenary absolution.- At the
same time, if you are so very anxious to
frame an indictment against yourself, I
think that might be managed Without go
ing so fur afield. 1 don't blame you for
falling in love with Lady Mildred, for that
you couldn't help; but, since you must
know as well as I do that you can't marry
her, it might perhaps have been a little
more considerate not to tell her that you
loved her."
"Good Lord!" ejaculated Jim; "you
don't suppose I have told her, do you r
Wliv, I never kuew it myself until the
other day, down at Kton, when the truth
flashed upon me all of a sudden. It may
seem very ridiculous to you, but I assure
you that up to that moment I had beeu
under the Impression that I only cared for
her as a friend. And it is only as a friend
that she thinks of me.,"- ' '
"Really r" I said, sotnetthas staggered
by this announcement, 'Then excuse
my curiosity, but what made her eyes so
red after you aud she had beeu talking to
gether t"
"Her eyes were red because she had
been crying," answered Jim, curtly. ,
He looked so savage that I did not Ilka
topress bun With further inquiries; but
he resumed by and by of his own accord:
"She had beeu telling me about her fami
ly affairs, and a nice mess they seemed to
have got into. There is no inducing Lord
Staines to economise. He haa left off rac
ing, but I believe that is the., only expense
that he baa put down, and of course he
has to support the Bracknells. In point
Of fact, I didn't come here to speak to you
about myself and Lady Mildred, becauss
that is a perfectly hopeless business, and
neither you nor anybody else can help me;
but I'm troubled In my mind about
Bracknell. He has been very kind and
pleasant to me since I have been back, but
I know he is in a sea of difficulties,
and" -
"I expected this," I Interrupted, in
tome vexation, "So much for his prom
ise. Ot course he haa been borrowing
money from you, and he is Just about as
likely to repay you as if he were a South
American republic You may as well
make up your mind that you, .will never
see tliat money again."
- -"Do let a man finish his sentence," re
monstrated Jim. "In the first, place, he
hasn't borrowed a shilliug of me, and iu
the second, It wouldn't distress me in the
least if he had borrowed a thousand
pouuds. But do you kuow, Harry, some
times I am hulf afraid that Brackuelt is a
He said this o hesitatingly and with
such a look of anxious deprecation on his
honest face that I had not tha heart to tell
him how extremely probable it was that
his apprehensions were well founded, al
though I could not go so far as to meet
him with the contradiction which he evi-
deully hoped for. So 1 only begged him
to be more explicit, .
, . . V.' ' '
i to a eouTOTOao.f ,
Rooks, every one is well aware, pair and
hmld their nests with such puuatualtty
that the confidence of the Scottish garden
er in -"craws canug naetuln' for acta o'
parliament," waa fully justified by the
okunner In whioh they disregard 'the state
of the tberuiometer aud the alteration of
the "styles."
Wera piumner.
i a wj
. iTT , f , '',umPOT:
y nd ef mine the other day. .
Klla ' 7 was now icmuune
devioe is this, for goodness' sake? '
"Well," she replied (we were calling
I at the time at the house of a mutual
: frinri Ati. m. ,..i
f(he comM down Mn and if
"t anytlring strange or remaikabla
' m her appearance.
The Miss
rteiwl ha It 'A
, i
I h a ftnd somewhat angular young;
Woman of uncertain age, but who is
possessed of a considerable degree of per
sonal vanity and a more than ordinary
desire to appnar at ber beat upon any
and all oceanons.
In a few moments she appeared, and
after greeting na cordially we entered
into a general conversation. Nothing
very remarkable about ber, thought I,
" Well," said I to my lady friend, after
our departure, "I have scanned Miss
pretty closely, but failed to notice
anything worth commenting traon in
ker appearance. She talked aa if she
had something in her month"
x woo uiuOTupteu at uus poini oy a
peal of laughter.
"Why, what an earth are yen laugh
ing at?" said I. "And, by the way," I
asked, "did it not strike yon that Miss
is growing somewhat stouter? Her
face seems to be somewhat plumper"
"There," interrupted my friend, "now
you have it. Miss had plumpera'
in ber month." To my look of inquiry
and asteniahment she responded:
"Plumpers, yon see, are small round
shaped affairs like a doll's saucer. They
are made of rubber, and when held in
w month they cause a worn.
an's cheek to become plump and raund.
When ladies hava lost some of their
teeth plumpers come into play; prevents
their jaws fromappearinglantern shaped
ar their features from being angular." .
- '"Heavens and earth!" saidX "What
will the feminine mind J conoeiva af
next?" New York Herald.
" Woman and Ber Hatrpli
i The natural instrument which nature
furnishes to all women for aggressiva
and defensive purposes must be of steel
and as pliable as the caprice of its sweet
and fickle owner. These, conditions fnl-
filled, mora Prntnui mrnltHoa tlmr t
it than to an ideal umbrella of which 1
once dreamed, which conld open emer-
geticy be transformed to a pair of stock-
where is the woman who, 'dressing;
is a desperate horsy, has not been saved
hyiita friendly use from the ignominy of -
unmittoned boots, while the lordly male!
creature can only stand still and swear
or coll wildly for Locy or Susan to find
The beautiful em-'
press of Austna has been known to but- g,;,,,.,,,..,,.. (, ,,.,.,
tonhei g ovoswitlia hairpin-a pnv-, DranmUc hose productions
liege of which et on royalty dues not de- Bllve harshly treated by the critics
pnveher.;- r. : : :'-;5 ,., :,-:..r; should not be discouraged. : Posterity may
A Welsh rarebit or a marsh mallow do them justice, aa in the case of Shake
toasted on a hairpin in -a boarding school speare.all of whose contemporaries consul-"'
dormitory with ' fear and trembling haa ered his plays worthless. In lottl Krelyn
a gusto which would Jempt the jaded reported that Shakespeare's plays "begin
appetite of a Roman emperor. Then disgust this refined age." Pepys pre
there are diabolical uses for this same fcrml 1 u," w "hkepeare, and pro-
, . -ill r TT nouiKietl "MnlsuinmiT NiKht's Dream"
nail marvel-to pick locks of other , ..the most ,f rullclJi01I8 plliy he had
pnopies wnnng (icaks, or to jau into ajrersetm. In 1581 Tut, a poet who aftei
oflendew in h crowd. There was an ward wore the laurel, could rtnd no epithot
Italian marches who, kneeling behind ( sufficiently opprobrious to exprcHs bis
her hated rival, murdered her by stick-1 opiuionof 'Kuik lear," ami no huoalled it
iug her sharp, silver hairpin into her.
Unce A Week.
Almvvt Jforgvttea. . . .
I eften see going through the streets
f JNew York a diminutive little woman
fn nihnm nut nna in rr.inaiinl tui.ui..xi
" v v"v' " inoomn
by would give a passing glance. I do
not suppose she weighs 100 pounds. Her
face is wrinkled and looks sorrowful.
She in old, alone, almost homeless, and
often too ill to continue the struggle
necessary to keep soul and body togeth-;
er. Often haa eoe come into my efflc
. r ... . , j m m
KhciUng copying work and addreasing
envelopes at a dollar a thousand. Vet
twenty-fire years ago this little wom
an's name waa in every literary paper
throughout thecounrry. ......
In 1863 she published what was the
pioneer work written in theiiuterests of
women as breadwinners. The book was
called "Tha Employments of Women."
She sold the copyright for a trifle, and
of the immense success which the book
enjoyed for ton years sbe received not a
penny. Twjca was the work succ
uUy republmhed under the tate of
1V.U wd0CCTt,0Mftr 0,B
and "How Women Can-Make Money.-,
Thousands, yes, tens of thousands of
copies of the book were sold, and inta
countless homes - has gone the work
which cost her years of labor; yet is the
author today a beggar on the streets of
A Queeu's Costume,
At the recent opening of the Italian
parliament the queen of Italy wore a cos
tume -of extraordinary magnificence,!
of beauty. The dross was of violet satin,
exquisitely embroidered, over which was
thrown a short violet velvet mantle of
dightly darker shade. The bonnet waa
of forget-me-not blue velvet, covered
with gold lace and adorned with a
plume of pale blue feathers, fastened
with an immense pearl diamond clasp,
Thequeon also wore earrings of pearls,
diamonds aud such ropes of pearls iu
three rows as would hav enchanted
liOthair.-Iiondon Letter. 1 I
o . ., ,. , . ,,
Senator Carlisle is now 65 vearsold.
He of medium height and rather spare
uingure. His movements are easy and
graceful, and his gemal manner quickly
puts hu visitors at their ease.
Iketell of the Man at the Head of Warld'f
Fair Matters..
When the organization of the Chicago
World's fair began there Were 118 men
acting for the government and forty-five
for the directory. Nearlya year later they
worgauised by naming eight men for eaek
of the two bodiea. By and b, the slxtee.
managed to concentrate the executive au.
WJUI "v lour, wiu since ujeu bile prugresr
I nas been wonderful. These four are H. N.
Hlglnbotham and Charles H. I ibwab, of
Chicago: J. W. St. Clair, of Werfc, Virginia
tbeK thB flrst uam Uthegrest manof
. the exposition.
When the committee flrst formed t
pledge funds for Chicago called on him ha
i took hi pen and wrote, "Marshall Field A
Co., tlOO.OOO." Of course he was named aa
sneof the board of directors. Ilesoonbe-
came president of the coonell of adminis
tration, and is now officially president of
the World's Columbian exposition. He
was born in central Illinois iu 1838, aud
began business life as a boy in the Will
County bank at Joliet. - As soon as he at-
mined his maknitv he w mad iant
' cashier of a hank at Oconto, Wis., and
early iu ltsul became an entry clerk for
Cooley, Farwell & Co., in Chicago, but
soon after entered the army.
1 :After three years' service he sought hhf
-old employers and became bookkeeper for
Field, Palmer & loiter. His advance waa
, so rapid that in 1878 he was a partner In
the firm, and soon after the working- man
of- the concern. - In t&JKI J married Miss
Rachel D. Davicbum; of Joliet. Besides
' managing au extensive bnsiness he has
devoted a great deal of time to organized
f oni i now successfully direct
W the difflenlt and co,npli.atl workot
imply "a tiling, in it ume a condemna
tion Hhakeapttarn and Uacon were yok)
together hh wanting in "simplicity and
purity of diction."
Aridison sryled the plays "very faulty, '
and lobiisou averted, witu bis usual
r ' . . . .
fonsecutlve liUrs without making an ass
0f himself." Urydeu, tboiiRb not witlioun
lucid intervals of high appreciation, still
' regarded SlinkeHpearc and Fletcher aa ,lbe
lw the ilulhwt writers of our own or any
preceding age," full of "soleasm of
"peV "flaws of nse"aiid "ridiculous
"d parent stories, meanly written."
Another astonish in critic wns Kymer,
who ua inlional b, p
"learned and strict," lie says of Desde
mona: "There is nothing in her which is
not below any county kitelienmaid. No
woman bred out of a pigsty could talk so
meanly." Lveu as lata-aa thakightaenth
ntury Steeveus declared that only au sol
,f P"1"""1 001,1,1 mak ""J "
i '"v"" """"
Too Willing.
Young Wife (reproviiiglyKMy lava.
1 "w' " ' ,(!,,; . ,;.S v""l
nd , remain with ns a
weok if yon smoke them in the hause.
Young Hnsband-AU right, my dear,
n . DiDe.New ..;
The Cow Upstairs. .
1 Animals are kept on the roofs of the
hflOHIW in T.lmil TWll atwl if honnentl.
h,,, that s cow piMSOS ner '
on a roof, being taken there aa a calf and
brought down finally as fresh beef. Cin
cinnati Times-Star.
Kxtia Charge.
"Well have to charge yon for extra
"Why, I've nothing but this hand
"And that railway doughnut "
Epoch. ,; . v.-; .wv .ii;.
An orange grove takes from twelve Ia '
fifteen years. to coma into full bearing, "
and may continue in bearing for 100
years and upward. Well authenticated '
cases have beeu known iu Cuba of trees
producing fruit for DUO ytiars, ' -,
'' . .- . . -, (
Amenoan Horse, the Ogalalla chief , is -
l, . n. it-i r.. T , -
Koui tribes. He is 'the most eloquent. -
aUver tongiiod aborigine tin the conl
'lB6nt He is naturally a man of T 1
influence among the ludians.