The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL VI
ono yoar , , . oo
(If mm lnidnuMK. n no
l mollis... .', J
Saortft Sooletle.
1.K1IANON LOIWK, NO. , 1, 0. 0, F.-jjcetii
ntiniiuj uwumgui rU.HIWK .1B11, Bl
o eumk j. m.
A. A. KItKS, N. 0.
w.c.potkrkm:, Booty
rMRi.iutRmnA ioixie, nr. . i. o. o. .-
Heel lit 1. 1). (I. V Hull mm aud third rdriui
day ovtmlato (iui!li moiitli.
Lkhano Unos, No, 44 A. 'fc' & A. M. Meet
Batnriuy evnemg, on or baron the full tuixm in
eatilt uiontr..
- il IMuUUOX, W. M,
. H. Mll-M, See. v,
HonrUMK, No. 98, A. ,tT. W,-Moet livery
TnaHday evening at a. A. It.'nall.
l). H. FttEI, M. W.
C. A. ZilKH, Bee.
(KM1 1. (:r. Va. in, ntv ofOimci
Sow or VlT's.-Ment fcm.A. K. Hall. Lebanon,
Or., every Saturday wvuntuir. emeuf the third
Battmlay of iwdi, meeting tliu third Fri
day limleud. All limlnem of tlie Bonn of Vet
erans arid enmradtwal' tlie u. A. ft. are cordially
Invited to meet wUa tac t;ani.
i;. u. n
' A. BA DALL, HW. BeBt.
lOTAOUB, Capt.
leathtrierfl S Cuaiberlala,
Attorney- at - Law,
Attorney -at - Law,
CellectloiiR vfTon ptdtnpt and earentl attention.
Will imicuo-iii Jiil the eouru of tbe Mate,
Lkbamon, Okeqon.
St. Charles Hotel,
Cornor Maui4nid Sherman Streets,
Ynnr real name must accompany
every communication or It will ,
laiwy go to me "waste basket,'' We
do lint Want, vnnr numb 1fv ....Mi
lion, but as a guarantee of good faith.
- . - i editor.
Emut Exraiasf.-I'crUanssBme of your
correspondent, will fn you faring thi(l
s)iell, w I thought that you might be
mcaseo to loom with some Btvor upon a new
There in Jtst now a superabundance f
mow, ana manypeople feel it pinch, as fuel
it scaroe and stock poor.
The snow has oovered'Uie mod and made
the roads almost impassable for vehicles,
ad there 1 very litt le travel on the nads
about hare. WaRomt can't very well get
uuk ono sieas are nearly as bad.
Several parties of fcinterahiin nn
liioe toe snow fell. Tliey think tiiey will
unu Buie plenty and rather anxious to be
awieu. OUOUicl tttetT Unrwm hj fnnb4 ,.n
on soed knowledge of facts they will no
uuuui retnrn ueavtiy loaded
TJnire has been some sickness in the last
lew days occauatn mainly by the change
in the weather. Molds are prevalent. We
utraroi oneortwe eases of H iml,.ri. nj
some la grip. Otherwise the health of
lire people u generally good.
' uur town is ery quiet just now. Aoom-
ninatlou of eirctitiiHtjLiirii 't.. tAA
nearly stop teilditia and other lmnmv.
mentsforaebert time, and items of any
urest are ni stirring. There it too much
' weather for them to get about much.
The cayoteeuid fox hunters are out nearly
overy uy now, out bow sucoemiul they are
is not known, as they do not come to town
very often.
There is aewtition out for a ehange in a
portion of ttw road leading intotown, which
has been numerously signed, and as the
.change Is (orthe belter itwiU flo 4tonbt be
granted by Hie oouri.
We how to be able to tell you of some
valuable additions to our town uhon it h
comes a city , which will be of inr.t
also hone to record a deal of news and tell
oi many improvements when the weaUier
of spring comes and the work of that season
shall begin. Our faith is atmiiv ...,t u
assureu mat another MNtin trill . i
vu n... awa iie
Increase in.its business. It has tuanv nat.
ural advantages which are bound to attract
attention and be developed, which will
bring it into the front rank as a place of
business. As a pleasant summer resort it is
second to none so near the valley, and will
booome of more note from year to year as it
is constantly improved and nmrl
ftrtable for visitors. The better aoooninio
datlnim u'Lifil, ow rn..i.i a .,
Hlv IUJllauQU visitors me
I larger will be the demand for them, and the
greater uie reward that will be gained,
NO. 50 '
Stat vs Allen.
: Last Saturday a disputo nroee lie
tween Ellis Allen ttnrl a Sortuliuiitn
named Holmes, at Mr. Thew's hop
yard, la which Hulmwi culled Alh n-n
liar at which Allen struck him with
an ax, and then got a gun and went
after the Scotchman, but was unable
to nnd him. Uulaiea swore out n war
rant, in Justice EIbdii'b Annrt titv I.
leu, charging him with nwault wtth a
ueaaiy weapon. Allen was arrested on
Monday, and the trial uinu-t fr Tn ...
day, wfaen Deputy Dist. Atty. Wyatt
withdrew the chanre of aamnlt. alii. .
deadly weapon, and entered a charge
ror simple assault; to which charge Al
len plead guilty, and was fined the Ion-
sum of $5 and costs.
Hiere seems to be considenilil rfia.
satisfaction about Attv. Wvalt ,m..
drawing the flret charge, and still more
wuen justice or tbe reace Elson fined
him tbe lowest fine that could be fined.
Mr. Allen should AnnuM,. hin.u..ip
gettlug off extremely fortunate.
A young farmer named Mnnt
iruiunear crownsvil e. In h i ,r.i
on his way to Sprague, Wash., stopl
pea in Portland on the way to see the
sights. His first visit WHS tn N vo.lf.1,.
theater where be gave the waiters a $20
goiu piece ror a bottle of beer, but no
cnange was given h ni. On hi.
plaining to Police headquarters war
rant were issued for the waiter Chas.
Baggings and Rita Hantliin rH,.
Carey imposed a fine of tffl on the
man ana jai on the woman.
Rev. Wallace met with un,,ii,u
cldent last Sunday week while on his
way to mi an appointment at Le'ia-
Baath of Prank Fropit.
J. B, THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Class in all Apartments.
iBpeclal atleiiti.H paid to Com
uiei'ciul men.
Board and Lodging, per day, tl to
; per wool; H.5U to 0
uon. His horse eoujujiieed kicking
md kicked hinjeeitoui siiafts aud out
of the harness. Rev. Wallon. Wo.,
ahead and found that he had been
Kicked oo the leg quite severley. He
had tbe wound dressed and whiia u i.
rather painful he is able to be about.
ev. Wallace is rather unfortunate
with bis horse and buggy although he
furnishes us with a good many items.
-Juncition City Times.
The Oregon legislature' will probably
vote down Benale bill No. l.w. fi.r
aot to amend the ireiieral
gou permitting tgroes aud white
persons to marry, lite bill is said to
have been framed for the
lion of an Afrlcun minister of Salem,
wuo wishes to wed a white woman.
ine senate will show its wisdom by
Mr. Propst, on Monday 'mornll,,,
Jan 30th, 1803, diedaftl-.e home
. h m y "t",t' lu Albai,y
8 8ll0rt ,lln
at tne age of w yw.ra ti,
ui sorigut, ana.-popu,., youl man
will be universally itretM. His
life has been particularly an honorable
one. Raised on a farm near Albany
he had that ambition so cieditable to
the young American to obtain the
heat education to be secured. Gradu-
auug rrom the Albany Institute he
entered Princeton College, completing
- vreunaoie tour years course last
year, graduating with honor. Then
he began the study of law in this city
wnu rveameriora & Chamberlain be
ing well fitted for the profession by
nis scholarly attainments. He was
not strong, and wheu the fever took
nomor bis evstem it min u:
the deceased was a member of rh
unnstian church, and was and always
had been a young man of irrer. nnhit
uy ana purity of charneter t..,o
young man, obtaining the confidence
of those around him. Ho a,.- .k
second son of Mr. and Mrs. r lv
Propst, who with other n.lotu !,..'
the sympathy of all in their' great
The funeral services
day at 10 o'clock at tbe Christian
cnurcn, and was conducted by Rev.
Weimer. Tbe burial too It nlflrut In
cemetery near tbe faim of the pareuts
of the deceased.-Albany Democrat.
With the protection .,,,,, , , 1 V0U,! aow" tue msu- The color-
be thrown around tbe public by the city , , l)d hi" ew(thsart will
government those who come here a pleas- lruUablj' nave to go over to Vancouver
urme oat. bt suro of .u,,,,,,,- t
time free ireni the fear of any hoodlum els.
ment disturbiiiB tliem either by day or by
More hereafter if acceptable.
Ise Hawo.
Academy Motes.
Despite tlie snow and bad weather the
students are most all in regular attendauce.
The next.tneeiing of the E. i. 8. is the
time for election of officers aititln.
The mid-year examinations will begin on bt a little tougli o
Successor to R.JL MuClure.
Shaving' ParloL
Xn If auBttr)M New .
Vi.Tai.jffl.nJia .A-rt.i&i r.if. aMji.nA-
anoe. Rot and Cold Baths with
Hhaweratau times.
Yuub Patbonaus BouaTED.
uext iuosday, Feb. 7th. Tills wUI close the
wora ot tne second term. The third terra at
the Academy begins on Monday, Feb. 13,
when new classes will lie formed, among
w.uuii, we.ioarn, win be one in beginning
iatin. This will be a good opportunity for
new students to enter utid get the advantage
Quito a number of the student innU.L,
teachers) contemplate atteuuing the loach
era' examination soon to be held.
During the flrst half of the
year there has been an enrollment or sixty
one students, most of whjm are now iu
school, pursuing the various
tudy. This is mot large, but considering
wwmwnn uiiuer wuion the school
mmenced this year we think this veryen-oouraging.
tnt. Randle deserves much credit for Jus
untiring efforts in behalf of tlie school. ;
8. Dttdley, Dentist. Lebanon. Ore.
Office up stairs met City Drug store.
where there is no law nrohihlUn n,o
' mixture of the raoea.
From three Vclock until nine on
Wednesday morning the wind did
uiow, aua ob! how it did snow. Then
the sun begun to shine out ruu'ftalt.n.
ally betweou snow storms, but it w
genuine winter all the same. The
tailendofa full-sized Eastern anna,
storm hasswooued awu nnn nr...
Not in many ytamhiti the state ex
perienced such a mow storm. It will
niockownera, but
will be highly beneficial to farming
mum uu may kill off some of the ob
noxious fruit pests of the state.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather the Albany Military R.mrt ha.
postponed the couoert billed for to-
utgut, ana will give notice as soon as
possible wheu they can fill their en.
How are vnu nY4 A,r luttal,nnn
oill-heads, euvelopes, note-heads,
Kvciueuu auu tne iiae7 uou't follow
the old style of using uuprinted sta
tionery. We nrlnr. .iai.vrhh, n .1.:..
- j n, una
offlco and charge a reasonable price
vuv HQiuaiui w uu as gtHxi work
for aB little monev aa nn v urHnA in tua
LastSundav nicht Mr j o .
Uonaid, residlns near Rni.
his barn to tend to his stock, aud was
smokluf at the time. Awhile after
returning to bis house fire w.
ered in the ba:n, probably caught
..umuiepipe. iiittie could be done
and the baru wan burned, together
uu seven neaa or borses, 1000 bush
els of grain, t16 tons of hay aud con
siderable machinery. A few tilings
were saved. There was no Insurance,
aud the loss ia a vr., 1,
-".j uw,j uiie,
Tlim thing of some bnva ahnnt
suow-balllug everybody that passes
luugme streets is getting to be a
uuieauoe ana snould be stopped. It is
ail right for boys, and eveu girls to
get out and snow-bal, but to be pelt,
ing everybody that hannen.
Main street is too much. Besides
there has been several large window
lights broken which have not. haon
replaced. We think that It Is time
tnat our city marshal should take this
matter in hand and see that a at i
... . ,i
put. IU Ih
Baptist Chuhoh Preaohiuo-
! Sunday at 11 a. at. aud 7:80 r. m. riuii-
uay ocnooi at iv a. m. xouiig People's
natiAtlnir hvai-v MiiuHuu ut ..
b v vw r. jt.
Prayer-meetina- everv vVilnuu ...
81-.M. C. t LamaK. rWi
A correspondent of the Onl innrt Tin.
view tells of a dance at Faulknerville
in tlie following Interesting manner:
The "Obarever" attended r h. t
Faulknerville. It was a irrand mm
both fiuauciitllyand Dhvsicallv. for T
weut through on main strenat h nH
awkwaidneas. A fine supper or raw
eysters and crackers was served or
sundown, and another of the choicest
viauiis wus served at luidnlirht. R.imo
of the boys itot too hilarioua ami
locked up iu the henhouse and fined
J 00 each. All had a izood tinm
pecially those who were in the ben-
The editor of au exchange says to
his delinquent subscribers: The wind
bloweth, tlie water iloweth, the farmer
soweth, the subscriber oweth and ti,
Lord knoweth that we are in need of
our dues; so "come a ruuniu'," 'em
we go a "KUiiuin'." "we're inn.
fuunluY' this thingof duuuin1 would
give us the everlasting blues.
We see that Albany has shut off her
eieotriciiglits. as she Is not ahl tn
stand the expense, Would It not be
well for our city to correspond with
Bodavlile, Monroe and Albany, with a
view to selling our street oil lamps as
we have no use for them. -
t Counting up his salary and all his-'
allowances for expenses, President
Harrison will have received from the
government exactly I37fi mm
shall have retired from the White
nouse on March next.
The farmers who have wlnf ,
out sa.v this snow now on the ground
isagood thins;. It nrntpoi. n.-..,i
from the cold and prevents it from
,'" uul- me cold weather of
the past several weeh i.r,.,. .
snow, did some damage to winter
wueat in low, wet places. '
duced a bill to divide the oflice of
QlBirict attorney in ll..
dicial district, providing for one'
move which will dn l-
necessity of deputies appointed by
the i oftcer, m other than the coun
ty in which he resides.
Governor Pennover
Mouday from h.s&ri.iitnnt-... i
- rf-'v-6uucai nail;-
ingoermissiou t use the two brass
cannons belonging to the state for the
purpose oi nrtne a m nh i ..
ration day. The governor sent tde" '"
."..owing reply: '.'No permission will
be given to use the rt ....
. vaiiiivii tor
firing a salute oyer the Inauguration of .
... street plutocrat as president o
me iiiuca states."
Mr. R. Dlx. who Uvea in w.
addition, had themisfortune to get bis
wood house burned up last week. He
had gathered about 25 worth of grape
root which he was drying In the wood
house and by some meana rh fl
started from this and soon consumed
building and all of its contei ta. Had
It not been for the timely arrival of his
neighbors his dwelling would have
also been consumed.
A. W. Marks returned h.,. in......
day from Oakland where he went to
help build a barn for J. V. Keeblcr.
He says that he only worker! tun, rfu.
on account of tliesin.w. He reports
having had a flue time deer hunting
He said that "Sullivan" caught the
flrst deer that lift J? l
Crouch is still there, but will return in
a few days if the weather riVmit
It looks little suspicious to see a
young man renting a huiu ...a
such like. We have had i.w ..h
cases happen in Lebanon tills year.
One of the parties bought a certain
man's househ old irnnila ml,.. ......
Ing back east while the iha.
- - ....... jruuuir
gentleman was heard tnask a newly
married man If It cost any more to
keep house than it did to' board We
are not going to give the parties away,
but think we are Bafe in saying there
is something In the air,
A Bargain,
W. C. Peterann rh. II.... .
i luaiiiiiir real
estat agent will sell you a choice 10 '
.ouu,:! i mud tor nops, garden or
Hun, at joining tlie Hty on tlie east, at
asnecia bart-ain. Call on him at once
and look the land over and price nn
same. Tin nor ,i,iuU a A.,n J.
.. uuv uimutte to
get yourself a flue truotof land at a
barguiu. "
Changed Kvery Week.)
Wheat 60o.
Oats 35e.
Flour-Sl 00 per sack.
Chop-$l 25 per owt.
Bran 80c per owt. '
MiddlingsHil 00 per owt.
Potatoes 50c.
Apples Dried, 7c per lb.
Plums Dried, 6c.
Onions 2c.
Beef Dressed, Sf.i'lo.
Veal if5c. '
Pork-Dressed, Sl6o.
Shoulders lOo.
Bides 12j16c per lb.
Geese-48 per dos.
Ducks $5 00 per doz. '
Chicken-) 004 00.
Turkeys-iOc per lb.
Eggs 30o oerdoz.
Butter ioc per lb.
Hides-Green, 23cj d,yt . k ,