The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 27, 1893, Image 6

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    J -..
"I regard the Royal Baking Powder as the
best manufactured and in the market."
Author qf"Commm Sense in the Household.
S fivta Job Mid tha TnhaM QnaUlon m
Llttl Hixtxl.
A learned pedagogue at Nantucket iimh!
very morning no read nonages in tlm Bible
mill expound tlie same as he proceeded, in
ortlertnat, by asking questions as to how
much titer remembered of his comments, he
might ascertain who wore the bright boys of
tut; school. On one occasion he read from
the book of Job thus: - -
"There wsa a man in the land df Uz, and
hut nauw was Job, who feared God and ea
bewwi evil."
"This means, boys," said the master, "that
fce eschewed evil as I do tobacco; be would
have nothing to do with it
With this very clear and forcible elucida
tion of tne word "eschew," he proceeded, and
v nuralwr of verses were read and commented
on inasjimlarolearand intelligent manner.
A few days afterward the school committee
called to niuke an examination. The master
ealied lite hoys up and began to put them
through an examination,
"Who was tbo man that lived in Dsf be
gked of one of the brightest little felluws.
vVas be a good oiatif
' fee,1'
VYhatdid bodof'
He chewed tilmcco when nobody else
Would have anything to do with it," was the
bnvn answer.
that answer ended the examination for the
4kiy. Nebraska Htaie Journal
Pcmlnin ttepnrtM.
awe vt&&
A Liousse OBUcilyt When you are
tfd, Clar Toor nose will meet your chin.
Alias A inline (caJuilyH-Well, dear, that's
mora than tours wilt ever do unless it goes
around Him tar way. Scrlouer's Magazina
Ttw Tim, to Dmhje Old Bills.
He hud been standing in front of a house
on Kecoml avenu and gazmg at the front
window for a long tt minutes, when apedea
lr tan halted to inqair,
"Auytlung the matUr with that houser
wN-o, I guess not"
Hnt you were looking it itr
Yes; it isabutup."
"Can't a bouse be shut opy "
"Certainly, hut hi this caw it was very
sudden, I am a collector. J was up here last
evening to collect an old bill, ana the debtor
gave me a glass of wine and asket me aa a
great favor to call at o'clock this nornius;.
1 was here a quarter of an hoar ahead of
ttme." -
MWhatdoes that sign on tiie door readT
'Gone to the seashore for two months,1
That's the fourth one I've lost just this way
Id the last week, and to-morrow I will take
tny station at the depot awl try and head the
fat off. "-Detroit Free frem-.!
A balf famubed fellow tolls of a baker wnoee
bares bad been growing smaller by degrees
and beautifully lea, who, when going on bis
found to serve his customers, stopped at the
dour of one of them and knocked. The lady
within exclaimed:
" Who's there?" and was answered,
j '"The baker." '
MWhat do you wautr'
. "To leave your bread." ,
"Wfjll, you needn't nuke snih a fuai about
it: put it through the key hole," London lid
Dti. . " -
Hmlem Barbarity.
Bina What barbarous things these
. a;2e lights are, Claudia!
-. ' Ckuiba V; it mokes ma Indignant to
read bow they are conducted.
a Hegin Aud yet we think oorselvas mors
. aivUifi than the Koioaue.
Ciaudia (rei5rlully)Indeed, I don't think
v we aj"e, Vt !iy, the liomans ware not barbar
ous enough' to exclude ladies and children
rjin the gladiatorial eoaibais. They were
luu nuitluaw, aud everybody ouuld go.
W Pmvdern
The Dewy of the Myth.
When the Germans and Dr. Arnold dis
posed nf liomulus and Hemua and their
nnrae, who was a more genial form of lied
Hidingliood'e grandmother, all fairy land
was in danger, and since then the whole
realm of poetic story ha been invaded.
Hawthorue's "Wander Book" would now
have to be rewritten, for itB wonders have
been reduced from poetry to prose. Even
the faithful Lempriere is left adrift w
doubtful as Herodotus. The labors of
Hercules are assailed, and the sea birth of
Venus is no longer certain. The names,
too, are changing. There wata time when
It was enough to call the queen of Jupiter,
Juno, and the god of the sea Neptune.
But it is to be antiquated and obsolete nut
to adopt tlie latent court address of Here
and I-taeidon.-
Tlw reasons are profuse. They are as
many as those for closing the old "Arabian
Night" told as Knglinh storiea and sub
stituting tiie more erudite Lane version.
Nobody is safe in relying npoa the earlier
lessons which were wholly satisfactory to
his ancestors. What seemed to be the
very ultima thule of knowledge a cent'
ory ago it now but a stage of the "unend
ing, endless quest." Are our hapless
grandchildren never to know the charm
that we knew in the lovely legends of
, mythology)1 Shall there be no Perseup, no
gardens of the Ilespcridefi? George Will
iam Curtis in Harper's.
Wlierf tlie Bauana Grows.
In South America the banana is not
thought of as a luxury. In fact it takes
the place of bread and meat and vogetttblea
amoDR a large part of the people. Kvery
garden has its banana patch, jnat as we
baveotir indispensable rows of potatoes.
On the isthmus of Panama the curs spin
liast bills covered from base to summit
with the beautifnl broad leaved pluiits,
their great clusters of fruit banging from
the stems just under the loaves. The btt
nana plant looks somewbut like an im
mense nulla lily. Its stem Is made.up of
the bases of the ienves, so sheathed or fold
ed around each other and hardened as to
suFtain the weight of the mans of foliage
It will in some localities attain a height
of even twenty feet. When two years old
it boars fruit and then dies, but a number
of young sboofe spring up from tlie base of
the old "tern, so that it continually renews
Haelf.tend the farmer, who ts usually an
Indian or negro, has no trouble, except to
keep the weeds and tlieold withered trunks
cleared away (rom the growing plant.
Even the trunk is of some use, for it con
tains a fiber almost as soft as silk which
can be woven into the moat exquisite min
im. Indeed some of the dainty India
muslins are made of this very fiber.
Courtenay de Kalb in Harper' Young
People. . , " ' -
Jtoblnsoo Crneue's Island.
The island of Juan Fernanda, once In
habited by Bobinson Crusoe, is now ten
anted by a former Austrian offioar, Baron
von Bodtb, wbo, after Being torceo uy tne
terrible wounds which lie received at tbe
fbattleof Sadowa,in lSi,to leave tbe army,
trew tired ot tne monotony m exiswum u
civilized Europe and determined to devote
hi fortune to a life of adventure. For
flfbnn years past he bos been living on
tbe Island of Juan Fernandez with a small
colony of natives and of European desert
ers Iron civilization, and only communi
cating with the world once a year, when he
sends hisiine sailing yacht to Valparaiso
for provisibpa and supplies. Harper's
, .
Lord's l'rater In a Breastpla.
Augustas L. Barrut hasa curiosity In the
shape of a breastpin, In which is set asnuill
circle of paper hardly ltlf on Inch la di
ameter on which ia wriuon the whole of
the Lord's prayer. What kwMw the work
specially remarkable is tiiaX it was done
with a quiU pen. Tbe words can be made
out by persons with extra good eyesight
without the aid of a maguifyinit glass.
Moses Hall, an tiuele of Mr. Barrett, did
the writing. Maiden (Mass.) Mail.
, - '
Bern "Who is that there swell wot com
Inter de t'eatw ahead of us f
Bweatheart Don't know, trat n nain't
got no education. He axsd f ur seats In th'
parkett.lustiil o'sayiu'parkoy.-kew fort
If i Ww Ton. My !, I
I wouldn't torn my henU to look aftOT
fine frookn or impertinent men.
1 wouldn't reruiit t new the brain arenna
the bottom of my skirt or the button on
my anoe.
1 wouldn't conclude tlmt every mnn wbn
said ran.., tag pleww-ut fco me hud tulle n
in love with me.
I wouldn't that t wa itn 1)1 treated
pernouHge bacnno, though 1 could phiy
plwwmitly, wy Wends didii' count u
niodorn Mojturt.
1 would not, when I could only have one
frook, obeeaeuetnwpicuouB one that would
mark me hh fthe girl in the ml plaid,
I would not, tiecnuw I whm tired and
nervous, givemuiiiy, M nntured replies to
qiKs.iiuut twkei. lue Uy those who really
eared forme,
I would not yet In tbo habit of speaking
in a familiar wary of khemeu I know; when
yon make thorn Tom, Diok or Hurry tjlwy
are apt to oeneider you us Kato, Nell or
1 would not irm It any Kiel friend to
complain to me of her mother; it is like
liMemnff to blusnhemy,
I would not when I brnsh the dust off
my hat forget the cobwebs ot Mistrust aim
snsDicion in my brain.
1 would uoti tell my private-affairs to my
most intimate girl friend, nor would I ask
her lmuarftnent nueHtlons.
men or permit them to be familiar with I
I would not write siuy tetwrs hi young
I would not Brow wwy in well doing
imitwul, i would keep on wicouriiKliiK my
Mlt by trying to live up to my ideal of
womiw, mid the very furl ( my trying no
hard would multo me achieve taut wuiun 1
wwlied. Ladies' Home Journal.
The Study ef Sanitation.
We should have a teacher et sanitary
living and dietetics iaevory school in tbia
The family doctor can oo mucn to en
lighten the goiioral darkness by insisting
upon the value of sanitary living as a
means of preserving tbe health. The suc-
ceasoftae earner practitioners 01 uoiuihi-
patbv was largely attributable to their In
sistenoe of reasonable attention to the
needs of the body. When It dors not oc
cur to the phydclan to give explicit orders
about sanitary observances, the nurse or
mother should ask him for them, and
should supplement them by studying ail
the souud authorities in her raacn.
As a matter af foot many diseases pro
ceed from disturbance of tbe nutritive
functions, and the doctor's prescription of
drags is secondary in his purpose of help
ing nature. Ilufidand says that the gas
tric treatment of disease, which endeavors
to reach the evil through the digestive
organs. Is incidental to the earliest practice
of medicine, and, surviving all changes of
theory and practice, the intestiiml canal
still remains the buttle ground where the
issue of tiie gravest disorders is decided.
That many of the' remedies are to lie
found within the range of ordinary food is
but natural when we consider how many
medicines are of vegetable origiu. Most of
the "old women's liurbs and simples" still
hold high place in the modern pharmacn
pctiia, and conversely some of our every
day foods have poisonous properties; for
instance, our pieusant, familiar nntmeg,
wherewith we spice our oustonis and not
toddies, is a virulent poison, an entire
globe being capable ot killing a person if
taken at once. Juliet Corson ia Harper's
Plenty of Rleep for
It is a known fact Awing physicians,
nurses and those generally interested in
the restoration of health that the per
centage of women among the middle and
UDDer classes who retire early is alarm
Inslv small. Tbe term "alarmingly" ia
used adviseO'v, because the growing tend
ency to keep late hours cheat Natnre out of
her just dues and compels ber ta retaliate
in a manner that often threatens not only
health, but life, most seriously. Thore ore
few women so constituted bat that tbe
wear and tear of daily life consumes to
great extent their vitality, which can only
be restored by means of perfect repose.
Especially are long, unbroken hours f
rest necessary for wives and mothers, all of
whom are giving of their strength unre
servedly and getting little physically In re
turn save that wluch Is dorivea rem sleep.
The growing tendency of the age toward
physical culture training ts notweUans-
toined in the late hours so universally kept
by many of tbe most enthusiastic advo
cates ot that movement. Those who earn
estly desire to use the most effective means
at hand tor the preservation ox nearta ana
beauty should not foil to keep early hour.
Jennesa-Miller Moguiine.
Oust That Js Harmless.
Not long ago somebody experimented
with dust gathered' from various plaoes to
search for microbe. Tin dust from a city
street, that gathered from tbe sweeping of
a hospital ward, some token from a street
car at the end of a tripthese accumula
tions and more were examined with start
ling results. What struck terror to the
heart af the bouse mother was the state
ment in connection with all this investiga
tion that a rug coald not be shaken, a cur
tain dusted out or a carpet brushed ia her
domain without raising a cloud of organ
isms more or lew injurious to tbe family
health. The innocent pastime of parlor
dancing was inveighed against as treading
oat disease germs, and tbe final sweeping
assertion made tlmt it was impossible to
make a carpet clean in a hygienic
The Loudon Lancet, howevef?comas to
the rescue. That authority pronounces
carpet microbes not to ho teored. The air
of a wholesome, well Kept nouse is not on
sweeping day the poison laden atmoapbare
which is depleted. Dust to found in ear
pets and microbes are found in dust, but
all dust is not so impregnated, and it Is
safe to assume that most dust found in
carpet is harmless.
' Asesndlnt Moot Blane,
ThAdraf. wnninn wlin msde the aaCentOf
Mont Blanc was a young French modumoi-
selle of aa-Mario faradui by name who
accomplished tbo feat in 1809. A few years
since, Miss Struttou, a brave Enplino girl,
nude tbe ascent in mid winter. he is said
to hve f rosea two lingers on ber way up,
and sie tell love with her guide and
nrnl t,im when she reached the foot of
Unoanaio.-Ncw York Ledger.
I would not cUanire my Joyi for those
Or wmientrs and kinif.
Wlmt btw my gentle Monti, the rotw.
Told them, if auRhi, do yen HUpvost-
The rtwu that tolls mo thttiRH
What setitu have they bad with trees?
What ritmne with (tnwsy sjumrnr
Whit know they of tlio mysteries ,.'
Of btitterliies and honey hoes,
Willi wliimwr lit toy earBY
What huvh the sunbeam unto themr
What tales have brook list toldV
I tlicre within their tlltultiin
A initio rival to the Rem
The dowy daisies held?
What sympathy have they' with birds.
Whose Minus are sonic of mine?
Do they e'er bear, as thotwli In words
Twin IMpfd, tin niLimutfcj of the herds
Of ttrastntf, lowing kinuY
'Ah, nnl Otve ttw no lofty throne.
Hut just what Nature yields,
list me but wandor on, alone
If rnwd he, an tlmt all my own
Are wood and dales and llelds.
-J, K. BangH In iUrjwr's Weekly
Parrot a Bouree ot IMeaaure.
Thore ww a time when parrott were
reganled In India wid elsewhere as
acred, and anybody who dared to in
jure one of them was regurded uh guilty
of a dreadful orimo. It le true that
since than they have fallen somewhat
from their high estate, and that in this
more degenerate-age the common Ama
zon parrot has been shot in great num
bers in the eastern parte ot uruzu lor
the prosaic pnrpoee of making a partion
lur kind of soup to which the nativos
are partial, while the naturalist waxes
qnite eloquent whon he sounds the
prnisM of parakeet pie.
But in our own eonntry, tnongn wo
do not go either to the one extreme of
holding thoin sacred or to tbo other ex
treme uf putting them into pics, parrot
till aouupr a place of honor in onr
honseholda, and a well behaved "pretty
Poll." who has been dnly Instructed in
the accomplishments of her kind, is still
the sonroe of as groat a degree of pleas
ure ae ever. Strand Magazine,
Why Be Gould Mat Attend.
An amasing instance of the expedi
ents resorted to by men summoned to
attend as common jurymen in order to
avoid serving in that capacity occurred
recently. One morning s little girl
whose eyes just peered above the desk
timidly excluimed:
Please nr. futhor can't come; he can t
pnt on his boots."
The judge asked the norvons little
creature what was the mutter with her
parent She hesitated. Evidently she
had not been instrncted tnrtner man tue
statement she bad made, and looking
straight into the judge's eyes said:
"Wall, iir, father don t wear boots;
he's got wooden legs. 1 wasn't told to
soy anything olse, sir; that's all." Lon
don Tit-Bits.
The (timet Band's Oelliht.
One of the delioate delights of the
street band is its propensity to scent ont
household mnsicalos. In nothing, ap
parently, do these wondering musicians
so much delight as to spring into blat
ant strains before the house from which
issues the voice of song or the modest
miiRio of the pianoforte. They carry
the day or rathor the night overy time:
for while they can play through and
over and above anything, it would take
a self possessed and steady nerved house
hold performer to hold his own or her
own against such rivalry. And then
they ring the bell and extend the batl
Boston Commonwealth.
The Names of Two Cities.
On the principle of "In Home do as
the Romans do," 1 think it a safe rule
to pronounce the name of a place as the
residents of that place do. Hence we
should speak of St. Louis as though it
were written "St. Lewis," not "8t.
Lones." All good Missourians say "ttt.
Lewis." it is a little difficult to pnt
down in black and white the local pro
nunciation of New Orleans, but it Is
something like this, "New Awl-yins,"
with the strong accent on the "Awl."
Cor. Now York Tribune.
She S1aoall Have Been Olad.
She had induced him to swear off on
cigarettes, but one hot day hs fell (rom
"(ieorge," she said severely, as she
wept her nose through tbe atmosphere
of his surrounding, "you have been
"Of course I have," he replied, aa he
mopped his face, "and yon ought to be
thankful that 1 have not gone further
and broken out into a regular blazing
conflagration confound this weather."
Detroit Free Press.
A Child with Two Brains.
A few years ago, in 1884, a child was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knerwitt,
i of Bpring Oroek, near Hebron, Neb.,
that hod two well developed bruins, the
second and useless adjunct being in
attached to tbe book of the real head
b , iiBarnent j, imbfjt in iellgtn, Tha
, d b 1 1 dos.Ht, Louis Ks-
public, , 1 ' " '
The fact that man
lias been able to
prodnco many great changes on the face
of tbe earth is a tribute to his industry
and ingenuity. But it is possible that
be is bringing about effects of equal in
portanoe without inteudiug them.
A safety surfboat, With deck, sides,
bottom, stern and keel all mads out of
one piece of metal aud so constructed as
fe, but one seam, and that running
flon tli ends along the bottom, ia to
,.,,,:,.,. . . v,.rlr runin.
, tuvsntlon ol a JSew Kork gentua.
s. The
Sold by Dmutiuli ami Dctikn JSwiiwto,
IHI CHIH a. VO&EIH CO., stumors. M.
Printing Material and Hachky
Kor sale st Inwest prleos snd most sdvanUgaoas
lumis at
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Aider Streets,
Write lor prices and lemn helore buying else
where. "German
My niece, Emeline Hawley, was,
taken with spitting blood, and she
btcame very mucn alarmed, leantig
that dreaded disease, Consumption.
She tried nearly all kinds of medi
cine but nothing did her any good.
Finally she took German Syrup and
she told me it did ber more good
than anything she ever tried. It
stopped the blood, gave her strength
and ease, and a good appetite. I
had it from her own lips. Mrs.
Mary A. Stacey, Trumbull, Con.
Honor to' German Syrup.
A nil Mook of Raymond Extemlon Keller
Skates cuustniitiy on liund.
Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle
.,. ooods of Mrerv Description
I u r-iert M
Hs Ts nUUOUfws
M First Street, - PORTLAND, OR.
a Send 5 rainti In alamps for now US-page lllas-
ThliTrl Mnrlitoontl"'''
SSmSf In the World I
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