The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 27, 1893, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and Proprietor,
City Official Paper.
The ennictc at Salom list Satur
clnv iiiiesi'd a resolution adverse to
the establishment of a jute factory
in the penitentiary.
The Chinese emperor's English
studies advance rapidly, much to
the Jisgust of the conservative
court officials opposed to Western
iiinis. His majesty is also learning
French, '
The strongest reason why sena
tors should be elected by the peo
ple, is presented by the various
western states at present, where the
legislature is dead-locked and no
other business can be done.
We feel complimented by the
fact that the Amity Popgun steals
our editorials. The son of a pop
pun who runs it knows a hawk
from a hand-saw when he's sober.
Marion County Democrat.
The death of Justice Lamar
makes a vacancy for Mr. Harrison
to till. In all probability Senator
Dilpli will be his successor. Iu
that ease, the Oregon legislature
will elect a new Senator, whose
name mav be Herman. , .
Everything is running to extre
mes this year. This is the coldest
winter in a decade for the Atlan
tic shore. Kow it seems the ice
for the ice market in almost too
thick to cut out, and dealers are
fin ling great difficulty in housing
.it. '.'
The total number of clerks em
ployed at the legislature is ninety
one. The wages range from four
to ten dollars per day. They will
cost the state this session, more
than twenty thousand dvllars a
su.n largely in excess of the pay of
all the members of both houses,
milage and all. In view of tiiis it
is not surprising that disgraceful
scenes of begging and buttonholing
have been enacted in Sulem bv un
womanly and unmanly fur cleik
ships. The booty held out to them
to scramble after was unusual, and
if they barked and jumped for it
like so many canines after a piece
of meat the commonwealth need
not be astonished. That the mem
bers liked the sport and were prone
to encourage it, is proven by the
fact that they voted down the res
olution fixing the pay of olerks at
three dollars per day, a rate of
compensation that would have
been effectual in securing the ser
vices of a sufficient number of
clerks, viz, about twenty, thorough
ly competent for the duties required
ot them. It the pay were placed
in reason, the behavior of appli
cants would be reasonable; it was
made extravagant and men and
women trailed self respect and
dignity in the dust in the struggle
for booty. And taxpayers whistle
for 15,000 overpaid them. Ben
ton county constituontB will take
notice that Mr. Jeffreys voted sol
idly for the three dollar measure
and Mr. Belknap voted as solidly
against it. Corvallis Times.
One of the concomitants of the
exceedingly cold weather, whiiih
still continues iu Europe, is found
in tlie statement that great siitii'r
ing from the depredations of wol
ves is reported in many countries.
We are accustomed to considering
the continent of Europe as an over
crowded region incapable of sup
porting in any degree ot coiutort
Restanrant & Bakery.
Furnished Sew Throughout.
Meals at all Hours. 25 cts.
Lunch, 15 cts.
Board and Lodging by the
uxy or wetJK.
Hot Rolls, I'ie.-i.nd Cukes of all
Kinds mtkio mid Baked
to Order.
the rheuma- van population wmnn million
1 he rich men with the gout
tu()iu women with
Wk Knot ft. i.u..n.M f l, thv I M" l Ui nS.S I'OllUt'i
do not dare go out doors to leave d-';!",t cold and hunger,
for a warmer climate, while Flori-1 To most Americans there is an in
rift, their usual Mecca, holds out I c "l-ro.'ty the idea of an old
no inducements. A man wav ,""'t'T J"1' wolv,fi "r lvllJ
down in Tampa was fiozen t'0 i beasts of uny kind, except 111 a
death the other dav. I z1 (,'""' garden, bat the frequent
; storied ot iv.ilveti eating people
aiiy.' in certain European districts
Lebanon Planing Mill
Manufacture and deals lu
Sashes, Doors, Blinds,
Frames, Counters, Shelving,
Scroll and Turned Work of every De
scription. Stair Building a Specialty.
A Full Stock "t Ruiiuh and Drcwed
Lunilwr uu the Yard,
Vour patronage builcihwi,
Good roads are the gre::t desid
.r,i,n .1.,.. xt 11..
aha ui ujc ua. liuiuiv u Hluie
in the Union but is agitating the
"fdeStion with the greatest vehe
tufitice "'l earnestness. The
movement lift now reached the
Natisnal Board of Trade, and
iirought out a resolution m no i-
vor. It costs 11 good deal to main
tain pood roads, but it costs a
great deal more to carry farm pro
ducts to market over poor ones
besides putting a practical embar
go on business for a considerable
part of the year. ,
Over in. Kansas, says an
exchange, they have hugging soci
eties to swell church treasuries.
Oir'o ii"'l',r sixteen a two minute
uugiorlo cents; from sixteen to
twenty. 50 cents; school marnis
in cents; another man's wife, tl;
widows, from 10 cents ',0 $3, accor
ding to looks: old maids 8 cents,
or two for a nickel and no limit to
time. Editors pay in advertising ,
but is not allowed to participate j
until everyone else is through, and
even then are not allowed to
Rouecze anything but old maids ,
and school marms. .
shows 1 out the age "f a t-iviifeiition
does not iuuicue it(.hnia2te' luiif
.is Htriuijil r as the results.
The largest funeral ia honor of a
strictly private citizen who wat on
ly known to the men in. his profes
sion recently occurred in Boston.
The dead man was n re putter on a
daily paper, and he was killed
while performing a duty to- which
he waK assigned, ilis nrawry and
devotion were udiniirl by every
body, and thouMiihis who never
heard of him before attemM the
last services over his liodv. Ex.
BMtCalf Bkca In the world-tor ttoprloa.
W. L. DOUglBS hawaMMl' nrrwhar.
Slvmybody abaslA war tomm. It m doty
yoa an youiMlt to nt Um knt mm tar
yoarmoiwf. XioaaonuMlDyointootwMtbT
puoMliif W. L. Douglas 6hoet,wtaoh
tepraMm Uw bMI nlua at um room mA
WUMdabsro, thmmnrli on wuiy.
WTke So SnbUttatair
Bewww at fravd Wotrtgwiul wtttMBtW.t.
Pougia um and prt UmiMd Oft fcftHmu. took
tor It whsn you bnj.
C. C. Hackiernan,
"vfif i "a
I ).s
'i "'" : ; ; " .
Mil .t-sr- oAJii;
Who always nii-rios a nicely sbIotUhI stock f
Goods, Groceries, &c.
If you do nor already pive him yewr patronage try hun,
and you wilt always trade -at his Blare.
In Courtney's BM. Next Boor 'to Bant
. I. SEAD & GO.
Ladies' & Children's Slioes-
In order to make room Sir Fall Goods-will make a sweep
ing reduction in above lines for the neit siixty days Th-
greatest offer cvw made m Albany. Co?ae a;nd get prices.
June 1st.
W. F. HEAD & Co.,
Albany, Or
Patronize- Home Institutions.
Champion Mills
Full! New Roller Process.
iSnperior Flour for' Family and Baker's Use.
Mary Ann Lease could not with
stand " the temptation, and hns
joined the worldly ranks of news
laperdom. She "bas been engaged
l.v a Chicago paper as a correBpon-.
dent to w ite up the Kansns legis
lutiire, for which she gets a salary
l.rger than those of the governor,
-isrtury of state aod treasurer
combined. Kow the ipulists are
kicking, and say tliat she is cast
ing them so as 'to gain fame and
fortune. Alas! Where is thy con
sistency, madaroe? Telegram.
fM I'll
Paper Hanging and Graining.
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at y
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Safe- at Reasonable
Rates. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
despatch. D. W. HARDEN.
The telegraph reports the follow
ing conversation between Presi
dent Cleveland and a reporter at
"Do vou boliove the silver repeal I
bill will be passed?" :
'I hope so." j
' Do vou oppose free coinage?" '
'1 have nothing to say on that i
; "Have you anything to ofi'er the
public on the tariff? Will the
MeKinley lw be repealed?"
"I'd like to know what else we
in powir for,"
e)8 MiyLar.-
i mmm x v . u k i i1 j t'
n W'Ti v a r (.. a a a k j t.i . .j a iA ' . !... n r.i rm t
m. m mimi i't'j l t HTl an Ihrt 'it m-lt tri niSJ
i1' r mrt
Instead of flying tome i
Ine for breath, seeming
mu urnnld be vour last, vi
only to take few doses Asthmalene when tliespasmlsbroken.tlicbreiithing becomes
easy and you feel as if an annel of mercy had unloosed the iron group of the finders
of death. The hamiest moment of your life will be when vou h.ive usird a few bottles
f Dr. Tift's A8THHALENE and It has cured you of fw pm mm ") ''
Asthma, We mail to any ittiaa luHtnr a tfinl battle h.m 7 p I Sunt Sow
it?ikiiuM,0r.7anBrii(,l,G).iRBsbNfr,NYi &LaL3irzl
Sutisfj ictioa Guaranteed in Every Resjject.
Peet, W'ickes & Aldrich Popr's.
w mil uii iuijfl.
-in rniE
t)f Lebanon and Vicinity.
First Term begins September 19th
With a Full Corps of Instructors.
Rates of Tuition are Reasonable,
And its Methods Abreast of the Times.
Faculty Will Maintain Good Discipline,
And Insist on Thorough Work,
Five Courses of Study are Wisely Arranged,
And will Meet livery Just Demand.
Graduates Receive Appropriate Diplomas;
Those in Teacher's Course, State Diplomas.
For Circulars, etc., address
S. A. RANDLE, A. M.. .
' I'riuual.