The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 27, 1893, Image 2

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    H. X. KIKKPATKlt'K, Fubll.her.
Ek Being Shipped to the East
From Southern Idaho.
ick Strike Hade Is the Grand Canyon
tf the Colorado Trouble Over
Land Brewing.
The Popnliata of Idaho are organising
aa manatriai legion.
Arisona la knocking vigorously for ad
auisHiun inn uie union
The Idaho Legislature pmpoeea to fix
railroad larea at 3 eenta per mile.
The Fariah Reservoir and Canal Com-
nan? hag been incorporated at Phcenix,
a. a.
The Chino in gar factory annonneea an
Increase in the price of beet the coming
The reported trouble with the Indiana
in the Ban Juan gold field ia declared
witnont xoandation.
A rich strike haa been made in the
(hand Canyon of the Colorado, about
seventy mnea nortn ol rlagstatt, A. T,
The gold mines in Utah are adding
largely to the population of that Terri
tory. Ana new comere are all anti
TheYonng Hen's Christian Associa
tion at Fresno, Oal., is so deeply in
debt that it wants permission to sell ita
property, vainea at sau.ujo.
William Weightman of Ban Franciaco,
who at one time acted aa private secre
tary to t&e late senator Hearst, will be
appointed Slate Bank Examiner for
A rancher near Ban Qtiintin, Lower
California, while digging a wll the other
day found an old George ILL penny bur
ied about six feet in depth. The inscrip
tion coma be plainly read.
A new Industry haa opened np in
Southern Idaho, namely, the shipping
of elk to Eastern States. A carload of
these animals were sent from Idaho
Falls recently, which will net the lnoky
captor aDont saw a pair.
The Bradstreet mercantile agencr
porta fourteen failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories in the past
week, aa compared witn eignteen lor toe
previous week and seventeen for the
corresponding week oi lbMz.
There ia trouble brewing over the
possession of the land in the South re
cently decided by the Secretary- of the
interior as caving oeen illegally soia to
settlers by the State of California, it be
ing a part 01 ine puuuc aumaw.
The combination of pottery manufact
urers baa opened war on the Stockton
Terra Cotta Company in an endeavor to
freeze that institution out, and now
offering sewer pipe for sale in Stockton
at one-Uiird tne price a year ago.
Suit haa been commenced by the Attorney-General
of California against the
Central Pacific Bailroad Company and
Ave other railroad companies to recover
taxes levied for the year l(So7, aggregat
ing with penalties auout l,iwu,im
A New Sork syndicate ia now making
a survey for a reservoir and dam on the
Big Bandy river, near Signal, Hojave
county, A. X. roe irrigation scneme is
; an extenaive one, and the intention ia
to coyer with tutchaa about l mnea.
At the Fort Yuma Indian School the
aauleta are remarkably proficient in mili
tary drill. The commands are made in
English and given by one of their own
members. Yuma waa the other day
treated to an exhibit by (be Indian Doya.
Nannie 8. Mc Whirter, widow of Lonie
B. Mc Whirter, the Fresno lawyer who
waa mvatarioasrr killed a few months
ago, has commenced suit against the
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany to recover ,15,000 due on a liie-in-anrance
Jacob Mills of Pendleton declares he
haa invented a perpetual- motion ma
chine. He haa worked on the contriv
ance since he waa 12 years old, and ia
now 61). The machine has three wheels,
from which drop twelve balls the sin ot
a marble into a set of cups, which are
time forced downward, dropping asain
into other cup", and carried np by a
Miniature elevator to start down once
more. ... ,
David Honnastea, a well-known capi
talist, wbe baa resided at Portland, Or.,
for forty years, has been sued by his
wile, Mary 0. Monnaatea, for a decree of
di vorce and a division of property. The
defendant waa marrieu o uia urn wne
in St. Louis fllty-two years ago, but after
living with her twelve years he left her
and came to Oregon. Hearing that she
waa dead, he married again. Monnaatea
ia worth over ,2S0,000.
At San Francisco Jndge Coffey signed
an order settling the final account of P.
J. Cor butt as guardian of the estate of
Henry Macdonaid. Uia findinga are to
the effect that Oorbett mismanaged the
estate and wasted the property, and ia
entitled to no compensation for hisserv
w. As conclusions of the law he finds
t Corbett ia entitled to credit of 11,
nd no more out of the anmof $7,M)J
1 bvnm in hie capacity of guar
icrefore orders Oorbett to
j to bia successor 16,040.
, father of the pugilistic
The Large Clear Profits Accruing to Mr.
Edison From the Sale of Phono
graphs Rice Crop.
The latest luxury ia electrio
Rubies are more valuable than dia
Bahama Islanders nse American fer
Women are practicing dentistry In
The four ocean routes employ 1,100
There are thirty co-operative dairies
in Ireland.
Boston, it la said, ia the favorite oity
iur tramps.
Women an successful house-builders
in Finland.
Pennsylvania is the largest cigar pro-
uuuiug nut Ml.
Thousands of Boston tans cling to their
z o'oiock dinner.
The Danes are said to lead the world
aa bntter-makera.
Aluminum slate pencils are among the
laieai inventions.
Oanada haa Drodnced a cheese weiirh'
ing 22,000 pounds.
The editor of a Missouri paper takes
opossums on suosoriptiona.
Wooden shoes are worn bv more than
'u,uuv,uuu people oi feuropo.
ftiearlv 2.400 neamaa are emnlnvad in
aiuiugion Dy ine uovernment.
Twenty tons of gold waa taken from
one Australian mine in fifteen years,
There are considerably over 100.000
acres devoted to tobacco in Virginia.
It has recentlr been estimated that
nknetv meala can be cooked bv almrtricitv
ior t).o .
A new induatry ia reported for Os
ceola, Florida the raising of alligators
for market.
Minneapolis milla made 9.750.000 bar
rela of flour last year, againat 7,878,000
uarreia in leai.
There are 7.000 loan associations in
in this country, with a membership of
2,000,000 persons.
With a capital stock of 120.000.000 the
wall paper trust is contemplating an in
crease to (34,000,000.
There were 4.498.068.233 cieira and
3,210,402,037 cigarettes manufactured in
tins country last year.
Artificial cress for the Rounds of sea
side cottages ia one of the industries at
Manchester, England.
The year 1892." savs Dun't Retina at
Trade, "haa been the moat prosperous
ever known in business."
The world's production of the golden
metal in 1891 was 6.010.000 ounces : of
silver, 140,8(16,000 ounces.
The Pennsylvania railroad is reputed
to transport more passengers than any
other line in this country.
The rice crop in the South this vear is
reported to be exceptionally large. It is
estimated at 225,000,000 pounds.
It is alleged that the syndicates which
have been baying np surface railroads
in various cities will consolidate.
It is said that Edison haa alreadv se
cured a clear profit of over II, 600,000
from the aale of his phonographs.
The Union Pacific haa fifteen long and
great number of short tunnels, the
aggregate lengtn Deing o.ouo leet.
An entire dinner, comprising several
courses, was recently cooked by elec
tricity in a notei at Ottawa, Canada.
Three hundred millions of earn are
useo every year in mis country in mak
ing albumen paper used in photography.
According to the beet estimates the
wool clip last year waa 333,018,406
pounds, a gain of 25,608,808 pounds over
Important Patent Decision Made
by the Supreme Court.
The Number of Victims That Jndge Lynch
Has Executed During; the Past
Year Other News.
The authorities of North Dakota pro
pose to enforce the prohibition iaw,
The Carnegie mills at Homestead.
Pa., are running full in every department.
The New York theater ladies have
taken to removing their hats during the
The boys in the State Beform School
at Topeka have just finished putting np
oou tons oi ine.
Dr. HcGlvnn savs he never ridiculed
tne rope, although charged with the ec
clesiastical offense.
A combustion ot manufacturers of
wire goods and cut nails la being formed
y largo western urma.
Geonre Q. Bloason haa challenged anv-
body in the world to a match game of
billiards for 11,000 a side.
The principal operators of silver mines
in uoioraoo nave practically agreed to
sbnt down until silver advances.
New Orleans ia finding mnch difficulty
in enforouig the Snnday law, owing to
the apathy of the police officials.
The Carneaie Comnanv waa a areat
financial loser by the recent strike, and
it is economising in its management.
tiidon Marah. the fugitive President of
the wrecked Kevatone Bank of Phila
delphia, ia said to be in South Africa,
In Boston the bosses and the clothing-
cutters have joined hands to compel the
sweaters to grant the demands oi their
The Comanche, Kiowa and Apache
agreement for the cession ef 2,600,000
acres of land has been sent to the Sen
ate by the President.
The train bearing the old liberty bell
to the World's Fair will run only by
day, in order to give people along the
route a chanoe to see it.
The industrial and financial conditions
in South Carolina are reported as grati
fying because of the improvement in
tne agricultural interest.
Minority Report of the House Banking
and Currency Committee on Bill
to Repeal Sherman Act
Representative Wilson haa received
assurance that an appropriation will be
made for the Uray's Harbor light.
Despite protests to the contrary, it
transpires that Don M. Dickinson of
Michigan ia to be in Cleveland'! Cab
inet. The President has sent to the Senate
the following nominations : Postmasters
California, John L, Merrlam, South
Riverside; Idaho, Miss Emma F. Ste
vens, Black foot.
Baker of Kansas haa introduced in the
House a bill for the free coinage of silver,
making it unlawful lor any pereon to
make any contract, note, draft or bill
payable in any specific coin or onrrency.
Representative Hermann haa secured
a favorable report upon the bill paying
H. W. Shiolev I2.4H7 for axnwa work
and money expended on the Nes Perce
reservation In 1HH0. Sbiplev is now a
resident of Jackson county, Or. I
Ihe House Committee on flnmnrnmi
has decided to renort the twn hilla tn
amend the Interstate Commerce law to
meet tne Supreme Court decision in the
celebrated Counselman case, and also
j uoge ureenanrs recent decision.
The Senate Mines and Mining Com
mittee has considered Caminett.'a
bill. Senator Fellon, ex Representative
Berry and Camiuetti made statements,
alter wbiob the bill was reported to the
Senate with Felton's amendmenta,
heretofore printed, and Berry's pro
vision, prescribing a penalty for viola
tion of the law by the minora.
Commissioner Baum of the pension
bureau appeared the other day before
the subcommittee of the House Com
mittee on Appropriations, winch is pre
paring the neusions anuronnatinn hill.
The original estimate ior I H94 made by
tbe Commissioner waa $106,000,000. A
subsequent estimate a few davs ago
placed the amount required at 1172,000,
IHMJ. He was asked as to the reason ol
the increase, and explained his lormer
ngnres Dy saying be bad presumed the
new administration would not do as
much work as his bad done, but admit
ted, if it did allow as manv nenaionn.
II 72,000,000 would be needed.
The Intercontinental Railway Cora-
mission has prepared a fac-simile, in
miniature, of Central America and
Booth America to show the surveys of
the proposed railroad intended to unite
the systems of North America and
South America, It is about twenty-five
feet long, and will be sent to tbe World's
Fair as a part ol the government ex
hibit. At the last meeting o' tiie mem
bers of the commission the work of the
surveying parties was reviewed and
found in a satisfactory condition. The
The Shasta Route
KiprtMi train, mars Portland dally:
"7:00 p," u ll,..l'iirtUiid..V.,".;.'.r. 7:116 i i.
10:18 r. . I.v Allmuy Ar. : a, a.
8:11 A. a. Ar ....Him Krallitlmiii.l.v. 7:1)0 r. u.
Tlicalioia traliin tni toil)' al the following
itatluiia nrtb nl ltiiMlmnt: Jinnt Portland, or
vinn , city, Wimilbiirn. Halum, Alliauv, Tangent,
nlu'dil, HalHttjr, Harrlnbura, Jamtilon city, irriua
and Kuwua.
Rnwbnnr ntalj ilallr:
..I'oriiauil Ai.l 4 'ia r.
..Alliany Ar. 12:80 r.
..Ktwt'Mira.. l.v.l
I 7:110 . a.
kmi . a.;u...
IIM" r. a.lLv...
S:80 r. a. Ar...
AI0uy loml-dally (oiiioptHuudarl.
:( r. a I.v I'onUnd Ar.HIKO 1. a
:( r. lAr Albany ,r. t:M A. a.
isw r. a. Lv Albany Ar.:io 21 i. a.
2:M r. M.IAr UInmiimi l.v.l 0:30 a, a
8:1IU. a.jl.v Albanv Ar.l 1. r. a.
0:ilOA.a.(Ar.. Lubauon... I,f. t.'js r a
bluing Cars aa Oadea Ituute.
aauoad-Claaa Bleaulue Cars Attach to
All Throuah Trains.
went auix DiviHioN.
Mall train - dally leimim Handay):
"V:) a. a". f..lZi'ortlandr....Arri''Tf:i
B:0 r. a. Ur.:. (inrvallla Lv. I I2:i r. a.
At Albanv and Citrvatila Aontiwit with trains
of OruKDii Pauinc railroad.
Kxnrew train daily 'Mropt Hnndav):
1:W r.
7: r.
Portland Ar.
S:20 A. a.
Ht A. a.
and Kn'oi- aii n obtained al ioweat rata iruiu
1. A. Hunuett, agoitt, lliamin.
K. KdklU.Btt. Manasw.
I. P. BOOKKH. Ant. a. I. A Paw. AiauL
It Is reported that nnieas prompt meaa- international commission will aak (Inn.
nrea of protection are adopted in the grass for an appropriation of 60.0UO to
Mr. tabonchere got 1460.000 for hie
snare of the London llatly titwi.
Carlisle, it la aaid. really aapirea to
toe supreme uencn, not tne cabinet.
He ia comparatively a poor man.
William LI 'Td Garrison's statue in
bronse, of colossal aize, will be unveiled
in Kewburyport next Fourth of July,
The Lord Lieutenant of Ire and Is the
best-paid member of the British govern
ment. lis salary is iiuu.OOO per annum.
Princess Oaiitsen. member of one of
tne oldeet aristocratic families ol Russia,
now a staDie maid in a Franca circus.
Lord Chief Justice Ooleridara of Eng
land was as bright and witty as ever on
nis vist Dirtnoay, which occurred not
long ago.
Franklyn W. Smith of Boston is still
agitating tbe establishment of a national
gallery of history and art in Washing-
wiu, w cubi, ultimately Biu,uw,uuu.
Pope Leo XIII. owns a marl left him
by his predecessor on the throne of St.
Peter, which is worth 20.000. and the
chain of thirty-two pearls owned by the
ciuuiHfl j nmenua ia eabioiateu at duv
Ber. Henry Fairbanks of BL Johna.
bury, VL, haa given $26,000 to the
academy at that place to found a scholar
ship in memory of bis son Albert, who
oiea a noat a year ago wnile a student in
that institution.
Colonel Carroll D. Wright, who has
been reappointed Commissioner of
Labor for fonr years more by President
Harrison, will probably resign, it is said,
when Mr, Cleveland comes in, but it ia
regarded aa donbtfnl whether his resig
nation will be accepted.
The King and Queen of Italy have in
vited Queen Victoria to spend a few
days with them at Borne during her
next visit to the Continent, and. aa the
sovereign of Great Britain hae frequently
expressed ber desire to visit tbe Eternal
City, it is quite likely that the invita
tion will be aeaaptad.
natural-gas district of Indiana the suc-
piy wiu auuu ue eauausbeu.
Chairman Hood of the New York
Board of Assessment estimates that
fully $100,000,000 of personal property
in uie otate eecapea taxation.
Philadelphia is entitled to be known
aa the city of sisterly love. According
to a recent police eensua the oity boasts
oi zt,wv more women tnan men.
A New York letter to the Philadelphia
trtn intimates that Baby Knth is to
have a rival, and there will likely be a
Dirtn at tne rvuite House this spring.
President Harrison haa received a cane
made from the wood of a house on Porto
Santo, one of the Madera Islands, in
which Cnrlatopher Columbus once lived.
Congressman Dalaell ia going to make
another attempt to get through Congress
the bill providing for a survey for a ship
canal to connect Lake Erie and the Ohio
It ia estimated that Judge Lynch has
executed daring the past year 236
people an increase over 1S91 ol fortv
one. His victims were 231 men and five
The railroad construction in the
United States during 1891 does not reach
high figures, being only 4.000 miles.
The total was the smallest since 1678,
except those ot 1884 and isoo.
Ma ior General BchofJeld does not
think the maaaing of troops at the
World's Fair for display would prove a
good idea or ttiat it would give any
Deneneiai return tor tne expense in
The Cotton Bureau ot the National
Alliance at Memphis, Tenn., has issued
an address to planters, advising the
planting ot a lees acreage to cotton.
This season's crop is largely reduced,
and tne planters nave got oetter prices.
Micbigan'i war Governor, Austin
Blair, received a certified check for
$4,126 as a Christmas gift from promi
nent residents of that State. Tbe ex
Governor is writing bis recollections oi
the war, and the money will be used in
getting out tbe book.
In the case of the Dr. Brigga heresy
se the New York Presbytery, without
expressing approval oi tne oritlcal or
tneological views embodied in Dr.
Briggs' address, or of the manner in
which they have been expressed and
illustrated, pronounces Briggs fully ac
quitted of the onensea .alleged against
The Mutual Life Benefit Insurance
Company of Hartford, Conn., baa de
cided to go oat of business, and has
made arrangements with the National
Mutual Insurance Company of New
York to take all ita members who apply
for a transfer.
The SuDreme Court baa denied the
motion to advance the case of Merrick
ex rel. vs. Charles Foster, Secretary of
the Treaanry, popularly known aa the
silver brick case. This ia the case
wherein the plaintiff sought to compel
the Secretary to coin into dollars a silver
brick offered at the mint for that pnr-
hnifh the office work of tbe survey and
pauiiso tne results.
Secretary Tracy has awarded the con
tracts for the cruiser Brooklyn and battle
Bbip Iowa to the Cramps. In making
the award tbe Secretary says : "Had I
tbe power to award tbe contracts for the
construction of these ships in my dis
cretion, I should distribute them to two
firms, hut I have no such power. I am
required by the statute to award the con
tracts to the lowest and most responsible
bidder, and there is no doubt that the
Cramps are the lowest bidders, and I
cannot say the Union Iron Works are
better builders than the Cramps any
more than I can say the Cramns are bet.
ter builders than tbe Union Iron Works.
I regard both as excellent builders and
eqnallygood. Under theseoiroumaiances
it is plainly my duty under the law to
award the contract for both of aaid ves
sels to the Cramps."
Tobaooo, Cigars, Smokers'
tides, Etc.
Forelgn and Domestic Fruits and
Queeasware and Glassware, Lamps and Lib?
H. R. Hyde, Proprietor.
Csirpets! Carpets!
We make a noecialtv of UNDERTAKINO.
or day.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or.
. F. HEAD, rnnlileiit. ORO .F. (HMPSON, Vloa-Presidout. J. 0. WK11UMAN, Secretary
J. L. COWAN, Trauurer. I. A. MllJiEK. '
Farmers' and Mercliants' Insurance Company
CAPITAL STOCK ................. . . 8500,000
Bon. a. B. HTRAHAN.
''Ii'ef Jtiarfoeof SnpramsGoart.
Bon. J. W. (WHICH, Ranker.
Hon. J. K. WKA'I'HRItKuKU, Atlotnej-at Law.
u. nnuooirtn, mm,, uaiiliaiirtE,
Wlllameu Valley Land Company.
Hon. J. L COWAN,
u .,i'ra""1"1" Man Ceantv Matioaal I
M. KTKKNkKIUI, Kjhi., tleriWuL
W. T. RKAIl.Km., Merchant
P. B. MONTEITll. CanlMll.t.
0. f. Dill I'HON, Kq.. Capltll.t
no iwo'inim.. mn'A.Kiiirtfi.. tmrtv nri ,,.ri.u. .i,ui.. . , . . ... : , . ' ' "D unci. .JIU .KinniHIIW FA KM
, r , .,,.. ni-roiiK'i. i muraiina omoan; wa l ie mi amount o( lot m U
bis .iiiollnt iniiiwl. The mi wirllxr. lo II; capital Mm connlau ol Iam...r., m. rriiau laTaXoL
KwIIw i"""1"" "v 's.lslaiim aiaouui taald artuvls lniirUaS