..I Ct' 1 ' jjp VOL VI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ....! SO (If paid In irivauoe., 1 M por Jlem.) Throe moutiis - llnBlu wirioK....... r Secret Societies. ' "TTmtiON wiiK so., I.o. o, f.-mm VMK'Hiiliinby BVMiilill Odd FSiowHll, al "- A. A. KEE8, N. G. W..WfrBRiiK.'r- 1( I (1 0 r tUti fir and ,UilM Wln toOTMlitfM!""l'"rt , DOLUIiSAl.TMAMli, HMt'S ' , J I,l!Ao IfllW., t;.i, 44 A. -M Mo,1i .tKhnumil.. TLiMaaux,.. ; F. M. Miu.fts, fcor. ll.Kir UMnm.HO. a A. ,1t. W.-MeotK WWf ' Mq evelM al C A. .. M w C. A. ZAllK.isoc. Mn Ml" Cuiv. M. M. WV of OKWWIK SoB?VCT-'.-Ma ln A. H. Hull, 1;; Or mry Saturday velliR. en-upt "'.t Itotiirduv i.fu:li wonlh. ouliiiB tlus third 2u In- A" H"" "!'" "; jmn u.i.1 B.imr.l( M.tij U. A. K. an i.ramlly tavhod u,laM. witl, U!- ur.t. A. C AMU, Pirn Bolt. professional. 8AML. M. OARLAND. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON, 0EE00N. leathorfori S Chamberlain, ATTOR N EYS -AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.B B1LYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. J. 11. WYATT, . Attorney- at - Law, ALBANY, OREGON. A. F.STOWE, Attorney -at - Law, TITLES EXAMINED. collections given prompt "id carcM attrnUOB. Will practice In all the courts of the state. ni is cocbtsiv's aatca. LEBAJtON, OKBOON. St. Charles Hotel, Conior Maui and Bhermau StnieU, . . J. B, THOMPSON, Proprietor. First-Class inall Apartments. Spscittl atlffiiUoH paid to Com luerclaJ uieo. Board and Ijodsini?, pef da.V, tl t 2;perek $4.50 U0 J. R. EWIHG, fJuccessor to R. L. .MoClure. Shaving Parlor. Jtuildluif. First-Class Artists in aUend once. But and CM Baihs with Stower at aU times. Yuuk Patiionaqe Solicited. LEBANON, OREGON, JaNUARY27, 1893. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Your real name must accompany everv communication or II will cer tniniv go to the "waste basket." We dn not want your name for publica tion, but as a guarantee of (rood filth. Editor. The Knlghta of Maooabeea. Onlist Monday, obediently to on invita tion to tlie Unn Tent, No. 7 K. O. T. M., a party consisting of sis Maccabees of this nlur. nuroclv. r-ir Knights Dr. Prill, J- P. TtvAe. 8. B. Coyle, John Moist, lieo. W. Rice ami Dr. J. A. Lomberson took the i tNernoon train for Brownsville to witness, wi !' assist at the installation of llie officer . fleet of Pacific Tent , No. ft, K. 0. T. M. Hr. Lauilwreon was invited to act as in stalling officer tl: Iteing a Deputy Supreme Organiser and Oeo. W- Kiee as B'iprctne Master at Arms. The service commenced at 8 p. m. and after installatinn -vsa n a beautiful and splendid repast was spread in their new Hall, which had been provided by the laily relatives of the Sir Knights. A better sup pur and a more enjoyable time could not have .bun had any where. .After supper Bliewii nutting was the order of the hour. Sir Kilight Lamlwrson being called he re sponded with ft 20 minute speech, which was listened to by those present with awe and rajit attention. Short and spicy speeches weie made by tVjui. A. (1. Frill of Linn Tent, No. 7, and S. B. Coyle. Commander Longbottom of Pacific Tent made a few remarks, thanking the mem bers of Linn Tent No. 7, for their presence in answer to their invita.iou. The order in Brownsville is growing last, a majority of the leading citizens being members of the order, The good will and fraternal feeling existing between the mem bers of Pacific l ent, No. 9, and Linn Tent, No. 7. speaks volumes for the order Two Tiln Collide. We take the following from the Portland Dispatch dated January 24th: An accident occurred on the North ern Pacific at Eagle Gorge, 70 miles out of Tacoma, which resulted in the death of brakeman K. Lowe. It was a collision between a freight train aud gravel train. Orders were piven the conductor in charge of the gavel train to sidetrack In order to make way for the freight train, but there was a mistake somewhere and he did not take it off of the main track. The freight which was coming west had been devided into two sec tions on the Cascade mountains, and the first one came down the heavy grades at a tremendous rate. The gravel traiu was seen, but not lu time. On came the freight till the two en gines met, aud a complete smashup resulted. Oblto.rj: - Mrs. 8. O. Wallace, wife of Mr. S. 0. Wallace, was born in Anderson county Tennessee, April 8, 1858, and died January 18, 1818. Age, 89 years, 9 niontlw and 18 days. She was con verted and joined the Methodist church January, 1SBS, and was mar ried to 8. 0. Wallace, March 2U, lKttS. She moved with iter husband to Miss ouri about the year 1874 and to Oregon in 1888. Hhe Joined the Baptist church ill 1891. Her funeral was preached" in the Baptist church by Rev. Geo. W. Hill, of Albany, Oregon. She leaves a husband and 13 children and a wide circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. May God sustain the bereaved ones aud prepare them to meet her where there will be no parting. C. R, L. Another Pioneer Cona. Mr. H. A. McCartney died at his home In Sodaville Sunday last -being nearly years' Old. His re mains were taken to Harrishurg aud iwre Interred lu the Masonic ceme tery at that place. The deceased waa a native of Tennessee and came lo this oouuty lu J857, where he has since lived aud raised . a large family. The deceased was a ui ucb respected citiieu mi ills death will be sadly felt lu Sodaville where bia energies were .always active in advancing that place. Hay Ban 'OD . ,k, Monday t ie d Mtm f the U. 8. Bank- Inj? Co. 'a bank t,(;efvaia were cioa.d to business. . Itlookarint might ben genuine bank fail" jrv i,ut ihe tiue alate of ftl fairs con. fa not be learned up to the! time of going to press, , i . Sortie time Batunliiy a feeling of un easi aem tame oveHthe depiisitora in th'ji bank, and a' number of them withdrew Uwir deposits. In fact, nearly everyone of the Gervaia busi ness men sought protection in this manner. In the afternoon a $1,000 check could not tie honored. The bank officers asked until Monday and then the doors of the bank closed for the day and week. Monday morning when the hour for opening the bank came the street in front of the bunk was crowded with depositors who were anxious to withdraw. Then fears that the worst hafl come was in creased in Gervais by the presence of Sheritt Knight. But the bank did not open at all, and the true state of affairs is not known. Jas. Dickinson, the chashier, says the bank is all right and will be open ed up in a day or so as soon as a shipment of com arrives. He says the bank was not prepared for the big run made upon it Saturday, but they can and will pay every cent. The president of the banking com pany, Mr. Balridge, ' is now " in the East. The V. S. Banking Co. has four badks one each at Gervais, Sheridan, Linkville and Junction, and It waa said last night in Gervais that the bank at Junction was also closed. Statesmau. " In 1885 C. 1 H. Carter and Thns. W. Kelton murdered a man near Mt. Ver non, Mo., by beating hie brains out with stones. They were found guilty of murder in the first degree and sen tenced to be hanged on July 1st, 1887. Just before the day for baoging Car ter escaped, shooting the jailer, Cbas. Warren, but not fatally. Over five years passed without any reliable clue to him until several days ago he was recognized and arrested at Mt. Tabor, Portland's suburb, by Marshal Miuto, of Salem, and Detective Simmons, of Portland. Carter has been living at Mt. Tabor under the name ef Rose, and owns property there. Sheriff Wilson, and Chas. Warren, the jailer who was shot, have arrived and will take Carter back tone hanged. The men capturing him will receive $400 reward. Later. The requisition for Rose, alias Carter, not having yet arrived and the term for which he was re manded to the county jail having ex pired. Recorder Edes yesterday ex tended his order ten days, and so Rose continues to be held in durance vile as a fugitive from justice. Quite a sad scene was enacted in bis cell In the county (all a few days ago when his bride came to bid him a last farewell before his departure for Missouri to pay the death penalty. The couple had a few moments conversation to gether, alone. He threw bis arms arouuy her and kissed her, then sud denly relinquished his hold and step ped in his cell where darkness shield bis face. How are you fixed for letter-heads, olll-heads. envelopes, note-heads, statements and the like? Don't follow the old hi.vIm of usinff unnrinted sta tlouery. We print everything at this office and charge a reasonable price onlv. We claim to do as good work for as little money as any oniue in the state. Baptist CiiuBOHPreaching every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 p. H. Sun day School at 10 A. M. Young People's meeting every Sunday at 6:45 p, M, Prayar-meetiug every Wednesday at 8 p.m. C. R. Lamab, Pastor. Cleveland's cook books at Hiram Baker's. Art In Monumental Work. It is pleasing to note the change taking place in the last few years in the selection of suitable memorials to our departed friends. The old inartis tic slab high and broad with the con ventional weeping willow, carved on the face and tiallance covered with in scription and epitaph, has been rele gated to the back-ground; and has been replaced by the neat little mon ument with brief inscription, that docs not mar the artistic beauty of the work. Then, for large work, such us public, family, monument, etc., Gran ite as a material, has taken a leading position in the lead of the world. For ages it was known to be one of the must durable of materials but not un til comparatively recent years, when the art of bringing out its Inherent beauty by giving it a high polish, has taken its place in the front rank for monumental work. As it is found In many different colors it supplies the individual taste of almost everyone Red Beach (red) and Barre (gray) are to of the leading granites, and many beautiful monuments of these have been placed lu the cemeterieB of Ore gon. Notable among those in the former granite is a family monument placed in the Oakville cemetery Tues day of this week, which for artistic design aud beauty of workmanship is unsurpassed. It was purchased by Walter McGhee for his parents and put up by the enterprising firm of E. W, Achison & Co , of Albany, who are. always in the lead In their line of work and anyone desiring monumen tul work would do well to consult them before purchasing or anywie tbr whom they have done work. Albany Herald. A little more than a week ago hold ups and burglaries were reported al most by the score in Portlamd; but for several days past there seems to be a cessation of hostilities in that line. Doubtless the thieves and thugs have been compelled to seek other and more congenial fields for operation. Just now Seattle seems to be a sort of local point for the gathering of this unde sirable class. According to the papers holdups and burglaries are very fre quent over there. Portland has had her experience in the footpad bus! uess and is perfectly willing for other cities to take their turn. Telegram, The following Is a dispatch from Lakewood, N, J. dated Jan. 25th "Cleveland and Bayard sat up late last night hewing out a cabinet, and n Sumed the work this morning. Whit ney had not appeared up to noon Harrity, It is believed, Is booked for postmaster-general. He is expected to visit Cleveland to-day. It is said that Wall, of Wisconsin, will be tendered the secretaryship of the interior," Frank Landry received Sunday a draft for $850 drawn upon the treasury of the United States, This Is in pay ment of the loss sustained by Mr, Landry in, the destruction of his house and other property on Bear creek durlivi the war of 1878. He was al lowed $940, but $90 went to his attorn ey. G. D. Richardson also received payment of bis claim, about $200. Pendleton E. . It Is reported that some mean, con temptible being, or beings, In human form, without the fear of God, man, or the devil, has broken out all the win dow lights and doors, and otherwise defaced the new Providence church building, recently built. If it is true It is to be hoped that they will be caught, aud punished to the full extent of the law. The bill for extending the incorpo rate limits of Lebanon has passed both houses, and now awaits the Governor's signature. The legislature saw that the provisions of the bill were just and proper, aid did not delay to do the city the justice needed. NO. 49 J. B. Kclsey left yesterday for his ruin- :; ing claim. Get ft cook book free at Pugh Wallace's. There were several window lights broker! out yesterday with snow halls. There ought to be a stop put to this kind of busi ness. , Boys that go to church and misbehave ', lould be arrested and punished for it and lie sooner one of our churches makes an example of one of them the better. W. J. Turnidge has bought Z. Reynolds' delivery and express business and wagon, and will hereafter run both wagons. He . ill have his brother drive one. It is reported that some of our citi zens living in the eastern part of the ilty had a quarrel on the street a few evenings ago. It might be well for a certain person . rooming on Main street to remember that school marms are liable to pass at any time and they had better pull down the curtains when they go to undress. The Church of Christ meets In the Academy lor regular services every Lord's, Day in the morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All are invited to attend. You will be surprised That you were ever satisfied f ' With other brands When yoa have once used Cleveland's baking powder. Rev. J. W. Spangler will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church Sun day morning and evening. The sac rament will be administered after the morning sermon. A cordial invita tion to all. ."Yesterday, .morning (Thursday) the ground was covered with snow about ? inches deep a great surprise to nearly everybody. As we go to press it is still snowing and is now 8 or 7 inches deep. From all appearances it has come to stay awhile and we are likely to have some sleigh riding before long. , Rev. John Parsous, Presiding Elder of the Salem District, will hold the 2nd Qaarterly Meeting in the Metho dist church Friday afternoon, Jan. 27, at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Parsons will preach In the evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially invited. "Mamma was Dinah Moore au aw ful good woman and did she go to Heaven long ago?" Mamma Why, Georgie, I dont know anything about her, "Well yon just -night to been to church this morning and heard them sing 'I'm going home to Dinah Moore,1" Ex. The democratic state executi' committee meets in Salem Feb. v to decide upon names to be pre-" sented to Mr. Cleveland after the 4th of March. Black, of Linn, will receive the endorsement for collec tor ot customs at Portland a good selection. A Bargain, W. C. Peterson, the rustling retil estate agent, will sell you a choice 10 aore tract of land for hops, garden or fruit, adjoining the city on the east, tit a speolal bargain. Call on him at once and look the land over and price on same. Do not miss a flue chance tn get yourself a fine tract of hind at a bargain. . Notloe. Notice is hereby given that tho photographic partnership of Dodson & Ribelin tsthisduy dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business will be conducted by W. H. Ribelin. W. H. Riiiki.in, T. L. Dodson. Lebanon, Oregon, Jim. 8, 1803. Pay Up. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please call aud set tie at once as I am needing my mou , ' Ed Khilenhubo V