The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 20, 1893, Image 2

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Pay the 'Price of the
Royal for Royal only.
Royal Baking Powder is shown by actual
chemical tests absolutely pure and 27 per cent
greater in .Jtren gth than any other brand.
Many grocery stores have recently been
stocked with second-class brands of baking
powder, which are urged upon consumers at the
price of the high-cost, first-class Royal
These powders cost from 8 to 30 cents' a
pound less than the Royal, besides being of 27
per cent less strength. If they arc. forced upon
you, see that you are charged a correspondingly
lower price for them.
refills; a Creditor.
lake many another famous man, both
before bis time and since, Talleyrand ex
hibited at least in early life a great
reinutance to settling with bis creditors.
When be van appointed bishop of Anton
by Louis XVI, he considered a fine new
coach to be necessary to the proper main
tenance of the dignity of that office.
Accordingly, a ooach was ordered and
delivered, but not paid for. Some time
after, as the newly appointed bishop was
about to enter bis coach be noticed a
strange man standing near who bowed
continually until the coach was driven
sway. This occurred for several days,
until at length Talleyrand, addressing
the stranger, said:
Well, my good man, who are yon!"
"I am yonr coachmaker, my lord," re
plied the stranger.
Ah!" said Talleyrand, "yon are my
coachmaker; and what do yon want, my
"I want to be paid, my lord."
"Ah! yon are my coachmaker, and
yon want to be paid? Too shall be paid,
my coachmaker."
"But when, my lord?"
'Hnmr said Talleyrand, settling him
eelf comfortably among the cushions of
bis new coach and eyeing bis coach
maker severely, "yon are. very inquisi
tive." Boston Transcript.
A Dramatist with lnflaeaee.
Queen Elizabeth of Bonmania has
written a play which she is pleased to
describe as a tragedy, bnt which is really
a piece of the most wildly and extrava
gantly sensational Vind. .It is entitled
"Aleister Manolly," and it is to be intro
duced at the Vienna Court theatre. The
piece is of tbe old transpontine order,
with ghosts, murders, a wife walled np
abre, and other sensational episodes, and
it is foil of preposterous situations, ab
surdly stilted dialogue and Bombastee
Fnrioso declamation. Queen Eiiiabeth,
when she was recently at Vienna, in
vited the company of the Court theatre
to partake of a sumptuous dejeuner at
the Hotel Imperial, and the champagne
flowed in rivers at the meal. Her maj
esty read the play to her guests, who
applauded it as a matter of coarse, and
then she went to see the emperor, and in
duced him to command that the piece
should be produced at the Hofborg,
where, an a rule, new plays are not
readily accepted. London Truth.
Just Uke HI. Beaslaa 11 rather.
The sultan very rarely or never leaves
tbe grounds of TildU Kiosk, except to
go once a week to a niotqoe just outside,
when the very striking ceremony known
a the Selamlick takes place. Once a
year, also, be jays a visit to StajnbouL
but the route there and returning is
never known in advance. Be is in con
stant fear of assassination. Some grand
duchess whom he received at his court,
on his complaining that his health was
indifferent, advised him to take more
exercise and change of air, and to drive
about the country. On her departure he
i reported to have said: "What harm
have I done that this woman should de
sire my death? Why does she advise me
to run into such dangers?" Nineteenth
Century. ,
A Wedding csk Deflaete.
"1 bad some wedding cake today un
der very distressing circumstances," said
postal clerk. "At the postoffice a pack
age had been received containing a heavy
Invoice of this style of fancy goods. It
was nearly six inches square and had
sixteen cents in postage stamps, but not
a sign of an address. There was no help
for it Tbe owner couldn't be found,
and rather than let tbe cake go to waste
It was distributed judiciously among a
few friends. Of course everybody was
sorry, but the state of things might have
been worse." Buffalo Express.
A New Sort of Snake Tarn.
A snake in armor has been discovered
;bja farmer near Aberdeen, 8. 1). Com
'.ug suddenly upon it. he struck it with
stona, and a metallic sound eame to
ear. He beat tbe reptile until it was
G found two-thirds of tbe snake's
as entuaed in a piece of yaspipe.
llie snuke purposely or aom
ruined tbe armor is not known.
How to G le ftlee.
Scientific investigators assert that
in beginning to sleep the senses do
not unitedly foil into slumber, but
drop off one after another. The
sight ceases in consequence of the
protection of the eyelids to receive
impressions first, while all the other
senses preserve their sensibility en
tire. Tbe sense of taste is the next
which loses its susceptibility to im
pression, and then the sense of smell
ing. The heating is next in order,
and last of all comes the sense of
touch. Furthermore, the senses are
brought to sleep with different de
grees of profoundness. The sense of
touch sleeps the most lightly and is
the most easily awakened; the next
easiest is the hearing, the next is
the sight and the taste and smelling
awake last
Another remarkable cirenmetance
deserves notice; certain muscles and
parts of the body begin to sleep be
fore others. Sleep commences at
the extremities, beginning with the
feet and legs and creeping toward
the center of nervous action. The
necessity of keeping the feet warm
and perfectly still as a preliminary
of sleep is well known. From these
explanations it will not appear sur
prising that there should be an im
perfect kind of mental action which
produces the phenomena of dream
ing. American Analyst
She Preferred the Earth.
If the girls were only as bright
when they grow np as in their chad
hood days what a race of brilliant
women there would be. One espe
cially cute youngster has a way of
saying some unusually clever things,
and great hopes for her future are
entertained by her family. She was
quite ill recently, and her mother
tried to impress upon her tbe de
lights of heaven, even being unor
thodox enough to suggest an un
limited number of tricycles in the
blessed abode, as one of these was
the desire of the small girl's heart
and the devoted mother thought to
make heaven more attractive by the
introduction of these rather mun
dane charms, yet the small invalid
did not seem to be enchanted at the
prospect of a speedy demise, even
with a tricycle as a reward of her
well doing.
At last her mother inquired why
she didn't want to be a lovely fluffy
angel with a tricycle whenever she
wished to ride out through the gold
en streets, and tbe practical small
maiden rather astonished the ex
pounder of heavenly joys by reply
ing, "Well, yon see, mamma, I'm
better acquainted here." Philadel
phia Times.
raid la Cold Cote.
All the employees of the elevated
railroads in this city receive their
pay in gold. The Manhattan rail
way pay envelopes are made np each
month in a Nassau street bank, and
about $00,000 in gold com is used.
It has been the custom of the elevated
railroad managers to pay wages in
gold coin for a long while. Mr. Jay
Uould is credited with having ex
pressed the opinion that gold was
preferable to paper money for this
purpose, because it was neater and
less likely to result in mistakes.
Sew York Times.
The Triamph of Art.
The triumph of art over nature is
illustrated in tbe fact that an artist
recently made a pointing of some
beech trees in an old pasture that he
sold for t2o0. The owner of the pas
ture parted company with bis prop
erty at about the same time for $150,
and be called it a good sale at that
Augusta (Ale.) Farmer.
Nerved by Anstntbe to the r la
menting tbe fatal Dr. c.
As to the question of the suicidal
tendencies of alwiiitliedrinktii!;, there
is a striking instance in one of Edgar j
Saltus' novuls "air. InoouTs Misad-1
venture." At least the musings and !
soliloquy during which suicide was j
detoruiined upon was accompanied
by a free muulgence tn the danger
ous beverage. Lennox Leigh is the
young man who takes his own life
as the only seemly end to a charge
of cheating at cards, of which he is
innocent but which he cannot re
fute. The charge is made by Mr vm
dietive enemy. Mr. Incoul. The viv
id portrayal of the condition o', mind
produced by the absinthe is remark
able., "On reaching his room,'- says
the author, "he put his purchases
(morphine ui tended for suicide) on a
table, poured out a glass of absinthe,
lighted a cigarette and threw him
self down on a lounge. For. awhile
his thoughts roamed among the epi
sodes of the day. but gradually they
drifted into less personal currents.
He began to think of the early
legions: of Charon, the god. renounc
ing his immortality; of the Hyper
borean, the fabled people, famous
for their fidelity, who voluntarily
threw themselves into the sea; of
Juno bringing death to Biton and
Cleobis as the highest recompense of
their piety; of Again edee and Tro
phonius praying Apollo for what
ever gift he deemed most advanta
geous, and in answer to the prayer
receiving eternal sleep He remem
bered how Plato had preached to the
happiest people in the world the
blessedness of ceaseless sleep: how
the Buddha, teaching that life was
but a right to suffer, had found for
the recalcitrant no greater menace
than that of an existence renewed
through kalpas of time.
He mixed himself another glass of
absinthe, holding the caraffe high in
the air, watching the thin stream of
water coalesce with the green drug
and turn with it into on opalescent
milk. The soliloquy was renewed:
After what has happened there is
nothing left. 1 might change my
name. I might go to Brazil or Aus
tralia, but with what object! 1
could not get away from myself.
And yet life is pleasant; ill spent as
mine has been, many times have I
found it grateful After all it is not
life that is short: it is youth. When
that goes, as mine seems to have
gone, outside of solitude there is lit
tle charm in anything, and what is
death but isolation the most perfect
and impenetrable that nature has
devised! And whether that isola
tion came to me tonight or decades
hence, what matters it)'
"He poured out more absinthe and
put the bottle down empty. Before
drinking he undid Die package which
he had bought from the chemist
First be took from it a box about
three inches long. It was a tiny syr
inge and with it two little instru
ments. One of these he adjusted in
the projecting tube and with his fin
gar felt carefully the point He
threw off his coat and rolled np his
sleeve. From the phial he filled the
syringe and with the point pricked
the bare arm and sent the liquid
spurting into the flesh. Three times
he did this. He reached for the ab
sinthe and left it untasted. The
lights turned pale and glowed less
vividly, as though veils were being
drawn between him and them. But
still the languor continued, sweeter
even, and more enveloping, till from
sweetness it was almost pain. The
room grew darker, the colors waned.
the lights behind the falling veils
sank thin, fading one by one; a
single spark lingered; it wavered a
moment and vanished into night"
Leigh bad ended his life by bis
own act in a condition to which
large quantities of absinthe contrib
uted. fit Louis Globe-Democrat
Kentucky Camp Meeting.
A writer claims that camp meet
ings originated in Kentucky in the
year vm at Gasper Kiver church.
in Logan county, and became estab
lished during the great Kentucky
revival early in the century. It is
claimed that both Presbyterians and
Methodists participated in the earlier
meetings, through the camp meeting
is now . looked upon as dis
tinctly a Methodist institutioa
The great revival is one of the
curious things in Kentucky bis
history, and its effects are still visi
ble in other tilings besides camp
meetings, granting these religious
open air gatherings to have had the
origin attributed to them. Some
thing of the spirit of the old camp
meetings yet survives in the "holi
ness meetings," but the camp meet
ing has in this time developed some
varities that have no kinship with
the godliness and religious fervor
that swejit the western country when
Kentucky was yet an infant common
wealth, Louisville Courier-Journal
A Sl'.'CIOE'S LAst
Preservatives fur ttranee.
"1 was surprised to loniii- a few
days ago," mud one gentleman to a
companion, "that the grapes we eat
at dessert, especially the white varie
ties, may have been plucked from the
vines a month before. A few days
ago I went to a fruit store near my
home and asked for two pounds of
white grapes, incidentally remarking
that they were for my little boy, who
was sick.
' 'Why dont you take one of these
".-pound baskets!' asked the dealer.
They ore somewhat cheaper when
bought in such quantities, and be
sides I will put a preservative on the
grapes that while it will not impair
their appearance or taste and is not
in the least injurious to the stomach,
will keep them for two or three
weeks. Taste one of those grapes,'
and he pointed to a big basket of fine
fruit - -
"The grapes were sound and of
fine flavor. Those grapes you have
eaten,' he said, 'have been kept in
stock two months, and I can prob
ably keep them as much longer. I
do not know what the preservative
is composwl of. I got it from a big
firm of chemists down town, and
they guarantee there is nothing in
jurious in it 1 have never tried it
on any kind of fruit except grapes,
but I guess it would prove just as
efficacious on peaches or plums."1
New York Advertiser.
Charles ll's Ready Cash.
Lord Ailosbury thinks that just
before Charles died his affairs were
prosperous. "1 will have no more
parliaments," he said, "for, God be
praised, my affairs are in so gooj a
posture that 1 have no occasion to
oak for supplies. A king of England
that is not a slave to 500 kings is
great enough." "His heart was set
to live at ease, and that his subjects
might live under their own vine and
fig tree."' "I will hove by me 100,000
guineas in my strongbox," the long
used to say. and Lord Ailesbrtry
heard that "there was found there
at his death about 00, 000. "
Concerning this Burnet says: "He
left behind him about 90,000 guineas,
which he had gathered either out of
the privy puree or out of the money
which was sent him from France, or
by other methods, and which be had
kept so secretly that no person what
soever knew anything of it" Black
wood s Magazine. .
Men eud riane Flaring.
"1 can rememlier," said the old
musician as be fumbled sheets of
music "when to see a young man
who was not a professional musician
playing the piano or the violin was s
particularly interesting and unusual
spectacle. I mean of course in this
country. On the other side it was
not considered an effeminate accom
plishment, as it was in the United
States in the early years of this cen
tury, to jxhhohh on intimate and prac
tical acquaintance with some musical
instrument. The guitar was the only
instrument upon which a man could
play in those times without subject
ing himself to unpleasant criticism.
But bless my soul everybody plays
something nowadays I I have, of a
class of twenty two pupils, seven
young men who are really clever
piano players; and there are young
women who excel as amateur vio
linists. "Minneapolis Times.
Be (let One.
At one of - the tin type galleries tbe
other day a gentleman who was in wait
ing noticed a boy about 10 years old
hanging around the door, and he beck
oned him in and asked what was wanted.
"Could I get a picture herer whis
pered the lad.
"Why, yes."
"How mucUH it cost?"
"Only a quarter. YouU be next"
"But it isn't for me, sir; it's a picture
of my brother Jim.
"Oh. that won't make any difference.
Bring him in any time.
"I I can't sirl" gasped the boy.
'"Cause he's d-dead, sir; died tiis morn
Upon investigation the boy was found
to be possessed of only eleven cents, and
after ascertaining that his statements
were true, the gentleman paid the ex
pense of sending the artist np with his
camera and securing two full dozen tin
types of the pale faced dead lying in a
louse whore cold and hunger held places
almost as members of the family.
Many persons are afflicted with skin
eruptions, boils or ulcers. BanKbarrB's
Pills taken freely will In a short time ef
fect a complete cure of all such troubles,
Ulcers of long standing have been cured by
them. Carbuncles have been checked In
their incipiency by them. The worst fever
sores, nea sores, soa tne use nave neen
driven from tbe sksn bv them. Onlvhenui
in lime and a f-- of Bsiniixcta's Pila
win prevent manys SICKuess.
Uhakurbth's l'ft.i,a are nurelv veeetnble.
absolutely uanulusa, and safe 'to take at
any time.
When a nenon ,ns1d -n btmnelf as "one fn
a thousand " be uauiM4ij resarus tbe ouieis
okim rs.
Y't nflr lino rewnr t f r n' caw of rslarrh
UiatCH"iiet N-Pitrwl bv limit's Ctlarrh Ohio
j. i. en I-. hi i ii., rni,, i )(uo, o.
Wn the mubrHtfiii'd, havr- known F J. i he
nry inr tbr- Inn fliU'i-n y,-i,m. "ltd bHk'Ve nun
lr wily biiiioi-nbl" 1 U I'll!"!1 InuiKurltniis
slut &niitifitDv able to ml) out imy olilU iiitonn
Hindu by Umlr llrro. V.KST 'I HI AX, .
n no owe it mtMs, iwi 0,0.
WholHalf ' riiKKiitw, Ton-do, 0.
Hull's Cstarrh Cure I tsli-n Internislly a-Une
dlref-lly upon I lit hlnd noil rati mil surfHi-es lit
llie system. I'rfc 7ni u p -r bolliS. Sold by
alt urugslsts. Testimonial Ires.
it's all very Wpll." ssld the (rrsvp (Uuin'r.te
rk up, tiiilln my bulnMi It itln't iirsouosbie.'i
The disagreeable operation of forcing
iouids into the head and the use of excifc
big snuffs are heme superseded by Klv's
('renin Halm, a cure for catarrh nd oolds
in the head.
1 have been a great sufferer from catarrh
for ten vears ;-oould hardly breathe, home
nights i oould not sleep. I purchased Kly's
Cream Halm, and m using it freely; it is
working a oure surely. 1 have advised sev
ers! friends to use it, and with happy re
sults in every case. It is the medicine
shove nil others for catarrh, and It is worth
its weight in gold, 1 thank God 1 have
found a remedy I can use with safetv and
that does all that is claimed for it. It. W.
Bperrv, Harford, Conn.
Apply balm into each nostril. It Is
quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once.
Prise, SO oeuta at druggits' or by mail.
SS "Warren street, Jiew York.
Tar Bamra w wreak
zs rJeasK
Driving II
at the expense
oi me ooay.
While we drive s
the brain we
must build up '
the body. Ex
erase, pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep such are methods. When
loss of flesh, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, which not only
creates flesh of and in itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
Prmiwl by Sent Sieme. W T. lb drnytlliU.
S Swift's Specific S
3 A Tested Remedy g
S eisa.J sa.J S
WiWUti Oisal WaUU
5 reliable tan let CooUflaea O
Blood Poison, lnberiud Sere-
g fdla am) Skin Cancer. g
Set a tonic for delicate Women
ana Children It bei no equal, g
SBelQt rarely veretablt, Is harm- o
less in Its enacts. O
Si treatise on Blood and Skin Die- C
eases mailed raae on aniilloalkiB. w
C Jfc-HfrtrteM avu it. O
i Oraswa.ettants.Gs. O
will out Dry or Grwa
Bon ei, U nut, (irlntlo autl at L
Ctrcco Cut BONKS will
double the number of eKfti
will make tlieui morv for
tile will curry tbe beni
iwlolr through tho m-'lttoj
jKtriod aud put thnta In
court, tloti to lity whrn eggi
commitiid tr-ebttrtiaa price
and will dovelo, your
ctitclu fMUrf titan
oHwr food.
VtiA 9mm Bnnei and
1183 ('-reo0awu to kill
the lice, ani ym will malt
fifty pr cent more protv
Hend lor Catalogu aai
iroggi mmw rot, mim, ai
f9 Fim't HAtiiwly tor thlarrh h the
f 4 ft FMtm to 'm. nl (iM-mpw.
ybuad tty drufwut or inmii tqr mull, t j
3 Brain