The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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    ' V .A
Or yew..........-. ..
(1 pull) In advance, n M per year.)
t Ki
Secret Socle lea.
XKBANOK iiorait, KO.O, i,o. o. F.-wii
am Saturday evening at XM Fellows Haft, at
v'etak p. n.
A. A- KKEK,X.l.
'Meet at 1.0, 0. r Hall aw and third Wrtuc
' Jsy evenlasi of each asunUi .
. K. .NlCKEB80N,K.ff.
BOIJJI 8A1 TMAfcsB ,6e'y
l.BK0 Lontti, f,m A. F. ft A. MMifjU.
wardaycveuiug, aaerforelhe sail moan In
aacb nottlh.
'S. E HAnucfc.'W. H,
F. M. MUXES, Bee.
BoorLotaic. Ma. M. A. 6, 0. . Mrets tvery
AiMrULT ivfiinvl A II UU
I. apam, M.W.
. A. Bsc
GWt Mnax :, So. lft. rnmof Orbmi
lorVKt.-llMt InG.A. K.UaU, lluiu,
Or., every NHtarrriay eventii(. eiroapl the third
aturdayofoatfommith, moetlir thf third Fri
day lastead. All brother of thesau of Vet
erans and oowtartrrof the G. A E. are cordially
hulled to mom wilt the Camp.
C.ll. JKHTMB I, Capt,
ACKJ Dill., Itraflfirl.
laaerford A Qunkrlaii,
"" w.r hurxu,
Attorney- at- Law,
A. P. 8TOWE.
Attorney -at- Law,
wttolleetavasflvun prampt aasl 'Oirerul anenUeo.
Will ycaeUec in all the eaoravof the state.
C Pko a-lWUrt-rl il
.kJL UllflllCti'l'lULrl
Oocaar Main and SlwrasaDrtltneta,
J. B, THOMPSON, Pupj.irietor.
M-Ctoin all Aptments.
Special (MeDtioH paid U4Jom
uterclal uien.
.'Board aud Xiodglng, per day, 11 to
tl(per weet o to o
Jfjucoeaaor toK. L. MuClure.)
Shaving Parlor.
la Jluuasurrf'n New
nrtt-CUms ArlUtt in, attend.
nce. Hot and Cold Baths with I
JShower at all timet.
Ywr Patronage Bolicited;
V. .
I name iiiumi accompany
! verv communication or It will i r-
utiniy gr. to tne "waaui hindu-l." We
(lO lint tVMlt. vmiP tiflinn t,.r ttfnliUf.a.
Hon, but as a guarantee or good faith.
Th Crook County Murder.
W pvlidicd jn werV's lgxfa, a iiliort
aecrmnlof a murder whicti oecinTed at A
daiwKi a relionlimw n WilVw Creek.
('HMkavmnty, Jule EdurOMds heiig killed by
Ellin f. heeler. -
Tt I'articulareolrtaiTrrrdstfhB preliminary-
B.nilnuli.i show the affair to have been
arxirrihle hulrrnrr. 'lire 'wltanoea fortlie
. accordini m the evidence published
ha Ochoco Ibwiew, KwifMiii tbnt a ahnrt
n5 alKrtherianoe Vwl ta-Jtan Wbeelerand
Baonil left tire rocan ncre ilic daneera
wia, ami ihw jfoini; a Miort iliHaiK from
tht house, Wareler aer l "tliat he waa
oiw-nipimi of Wttltw cnmU. ami wmiW claim
that title mlU twaie ont wrested it from
ran," wlmeiiiwii stated that
t-.he iroeat Kan a goal time a any to
lroveunKn; towuin such title," he at
on plana Irimwlf io a dflant attitnde.
7riietateii(iditaiihw which of the two
cjmhataniTii6k;thetnil blow. After tlw
htcomnraKni4aainhaj been in duratiua
, l"irt time. t!a rcaiiibataiila
i w pcer mrwwian ht.riverary to his hand.
I and fcieea. anil while Edmonds win) io that
J jKisture InWleramK him several times;
! so tetitinl oik or two witnesses. When
?!J Kdmanda riaiaimiflltia fret hostilities were
. renewed anM GdmoiKls tell to rise no more.
heeler Uieti avemtip to Kred Mohr and
taking him tytUtirnii said, "Vou are my
friend, ain't tout What shall 1 do with
tins aulfe! Jueft mn.",. uAir said "llv
jod.thr.iw it way!" flie slace jirovcd
! that Nw knife was totmd In a fence corner a
abort disttuos tram where the light ocenr
: red. Dr. Cesner, who examined tl de
ceased's wounds in an oflteUl capacity at
tlie coroner'a iiuniost, teslilled that he found
twenty knife wounds on the body of de
ceased, four of wliitli wci latal. He Jur
tber stated thai there were four wounds on
the deceased'a back, penetrating to the
backbone, his leJt-ehoulder was nearly aev
ered from bia body, one rib, directly over
uienean. waa aeverea, llie knife (ntsaiug
Into the heart, aawtber rib was also cirt in
twain, the knife passing through and terri
bly mutllaiiiiK Ue liver. These were the
most serious wounds, but there were many
; other minor ones.
In substance the defense was as followa:
When Wheeler am) Kdmondit l.-rr n,. nu..
where they had been dancing, and woen
i Wheeler saw that Kduionds was determined
"nniiiiui. nuenersaia "wait until to-
morrow, then I .Kill light you; I'm to
d"",k "ow;" .'"onds kept advancing
ueontuiumg to retreat, re-
peatealy telling Kdnionds not to slrike him
ne was kjo arm to nght him now. One
witnesa suted Ihat lidniotidB advanced up
00 Wheeler and struck the lirsl blow, while
several witneeaea ,ctated that Edmonds
seemed to be the antpeaaor during the entire
ifight. It was proven by one witness that
JSdmonds had eudaavered to borrow a pistol
tearly In the eveninaud that l.e slated he
i did not come there to dance, but to whip
.Wheeler, or words Io that ellect. No weap
an was found upon ur.nuout Kitmnnds hut
U common pocket knifi;, and that was in his
awcaei uuoieued.
Justice Klhutt held the defendant wiihom
bail to await the action oi the next irand
A'otioe is hereby gin that tlm
pbotograpliic parlueraiiip of CodaoH A
Ilileliu isUiiaday liisaolved by muluul
cuueent, and hereafter tlie buslneaa conducted by W. H. Kibellu,
W. H. Ribeun,
T. h. Doiwon.
Lebauou, Oregon, Jttn. a, W8.
Baptist CHUBca-J,reachii
Suudut'jtt 11 A. M. and 7:80 p. at . rjun-
aay eoicol at 10 a.m. young People's
meeting very Buuday at U: . u
Pmyer-uwetiug every Wednesday at
8 P. M. C. B. Lamar, J'antor.
C'hb of Christ meets Iu the
Ao,dny fc regular aervfces every
I.nnl'a Wuu l (II.. . .
aelock. guitduy school at 10 o'clock.
Ail are Invited to ataend.
Ot a cook hook ree at Pugh &
Willie Ponnlewcll. who has hren bfutrdinir
at W. H, Cummings for the paxt montbi
is working a few days for Mr. Saltmar,
near lbanan.
W. ti. ltmwn is plowing.
J. 8. Caldwell called oa l)r. V,,llnw
Waterloe Saturday. ;
Mrs. Brown having imnraml nO
the attending mirsa returned to het home
After several -jrecte of focw. diaaam.a!iU
diptkeria weather Uw gentle rain has come
Orval Ferguson 5 very ilL
Mrs. Bishop. ho lives just through and
aotab of the gap, is quite poorly, ncceeaitnt
iS the summoning of a physician oneway
last week. .
Doc South bad the nicest kind of a New
Year's gift-aM-lb. son. IrVelLold friend,
you now bate a brace of boys. Accept our
earticst comrratulationsj for prosperity,
plenty, and peace to always reign iu the
-sunny Soutti.
Mr. Brown of the Gap has a line lot of
early lambkins, whiah bid fair to make fine
sheep in tax near future.
Mrs. J. M. Caldwell unrt lliHi
Bright Eyes returned to tlieirhoBseWediiea-
oay, atteran absence of three weeks.
Jitnmie Gee is of the opinion that no one
out a oampson should tackle old man Cum
mings, to work along side of, as he (Cum
mings) win ui halt a doieu common work
ers, eld a he is.
Win. Popplcwell is back amin. anrt ivnrlr-
ing now for tlie owner of Spring Farm.
Married At tlie residence of the bride's
parents, at this nlace. on Jannarv ta m
James Fittwateraud Miss Mabel Gattj. Al-
ao, at the residence of -the -bride's parents,
Mr. and Mr, James Fituwater, Sr., on Jan.
19, Mr. Henry Sylvester and Miss Addie
Fitzwater. We extend our heartiest erm.
Council Proceedings.
Council rrft liurt 'riirrfc r
regular meeting, with the mayor aud
all the councilmen preaeiit.
Minutes of previous meeting were
C.U il anl n
.ww mtiyt njilflirrrAl,
The bids of Oeo. Alexauder and H.
Y. Kirkpatrlek, for the city Minting
were read, and by motion the Express
was awarded the city printing.
A motion was made to do away with
the services of a night watch, which
was carried.
By motion the marshal was allowed
W per month, besides all ef the fees.
BV motion AV.AAIItl.lMn...., tttUt..-
waa ordered to put in a side-walk in
.wit mi uib property.
Bv motion hill ,t r rt ti i...'.
ws allowed, aud an order drawn oil
tae treasurer lor tue same.
The Council than arltruti-iuul ,...n
. ...... J ".VA Ulllll
next regular meeting.
Mrs. 8. 0. Wallace.
This estimable wife and mother died
at her residence In this nuun wdr.
day aiornlug, after a brief illness. Mra.
waitace was the daughter of Rev, Win.
Wallace, and was born in Tenneaaea
April oth, 1858. She married a O.
Wallace in 1808 and moved to Miaanll
ri 111 1875, aud to Oregon iu 1888-wbere
lliey have since lived. She loavrw a
devoted husband and larise famllv of
young children to mourn her loss The
eytupalhy of the entire ommunlty
gitfw out to the bereaved famllv In th
loss of the wife and mother whose place
can never be filled. Mrs. Wallace was
a consistent christian woman. The
funeral was preached yesterday at the
Baptist church, and her
interred In he Masonic cemetery of
Hcwareyou fixed for letter-heads,
suitemenU and the like? Dou't follow
loeoia style or using unpriatted sta
Uonery. , We print everything at this
Ofilou Mild charirA a ruuuri-ii;ia
only. We claim to do as good work
tor as little moiwv aa anv nrllAA In H.
You will be surprised
That you were ever satisfied
With other brands 1
When yol have ouoe used ,
. Cleveland's baking powder. I
20, 183.
' The In'fram Case.
In the supreme wiurt Monday Iti the
murder ense of tins state df Ori-gou re
apiHlet vs. Prank 8. Ingram, appel
lant, appeal frtisn ,nn cr,,tyi t1(f
judgment rf 'the lower court waa uf-firim-d,
the ipi ii Ion being delivered by
Chief J ustice Ltird. This ends the case
ait.l will leave Ingram In the peniten
tiary for life The error presented was
as to the challenges of certain jurors
for nlltfled Mas. which were nvor-mlori
by the trial court. The facts disclose
inui lu mpanelllng the Jury at the
trial of the cause, the defendant hv hi-
counsel, challenged one Geo. Mc-
Jinrgue, toucniiig Dis qualifications to
act as a juror upon the ground that he
nau rormed an opinion as to the guilt
or Innocence of the defendant from
reading a newspaper account of his
urai trial, ana that such opinion was a
fixed one, but upon examination by
the court he stated that he should form
bis opinion from the evidence. If h
waa taken as a juryman, aud that he
nan no opinion that would nrT..r,t. hi.
judgment after hearing all the testi
mony. There was no error. The next
objection s to I he Introduction of the
papers In the contest over the will of
the fat her of the deceased, which shows
that the prisoner was disinherited,
while the deceased was amply provid
ed for. The object of this evidence was
to show the motive of the prisoner and
the relations existing between the par
ties. Dnder the circumstances the
court thinks there waa bo error and
that as a consequence the judgment
must be affirmed. 7
Rutherford B. Hayes la Dead.
A dispatch frota Fremont, nhln
dated Jan. 17th, says: "Ex-President
Hayes died at 11 o'clock to-night, but
the information of his death waa not
given out for some time later, as every
thing has been keDt exceedlnrslv m,ir
lathe vicinity of the Hayes mansloc.
The early report of his condition, that
tne ex-president waa Irnnrnvinrs niruii,
and renting easily, allayed all suspic
ious oi so sudden an announcement
as that by Webb Hayes, that his father
was aeaa."
The death of Ex-President Hayes
awes away the last but one ex-presl-deut,
Urover Cleveland being the only
one remalnlne. Mr. Have n a ri.
lant soldier, who refused to leave the
army to canvass for a seat In congress.
As a president he was generally re
spected, and upon the whule made a
good chief magistrate; but the shadow
of the doubt ef his title to the presiden
cy ever hung like a pall over bit ad
ministrationthe people believing
that Tllden was Justly entitled to the
place. Mr. Hayes' private and public
life was above reproach, he probably
having had nothing to do with the
theft of the office.
Edith M. Roland, the only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Roland and
wife died at her parents' home In East
Portland last Sat., Jan. 14, 1893. Her
remains were brought here on Mnnri.n
by her mother and brother who were
accompanied bv Menda and roftarliKu,
and burled in the Lebanon cemetery
on tuesauy. nev. jsccleston conduct
ed the funeral services at the n.l,l,.
of C. H. Ralston. She was 18 years
oia. turn!, was born at this place In
1875. Her parents moved from here
to Pnneville lu the year of 1880, where
they lived for about a year, aud then
moved to East Portland where they
now live. The famllv has a larira dr.
vie o friends at this olaiw with
the Expbess joins in sympathising
iiu tue oereavea.
Pay l'.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and set
tle at once as I am needing my money.
Ed Kkllknbmuieh,
Subscribe for the Express if you
want the news.
NO. 48
Christian Endeavor Convention.
The Linn County Convention of
Christian Endeavor met In the first
Presbyterian Church I 11 thin rdtv in
Friday afternoon, Jan, 13)
Ihere were about thirty delegates '
present, and a verv nlesuint a
profitable time was had. Delegates
were present from Alhanv
burg, Halsey and Lebanon.
Th meeting Fridav eveninrs u-mm.
pecially Interesting; the addresses, one
by Rev. Edward Eceleston, entitled
"Results," and one by Rev, H. L.
B ites, of Eugene, on "Service the true'
Ideal," were greatly enjoyed by all.
Saturday morniusr the fnllnri,i
eoun ,y officers were elected for the en
suing year: Pres., J. J. Charlton, Al
bany; Vice Pres.. A. R. Rnthorfr,
Harrisburg; Sec, J. B. Marks, Lebi
non; Treas., Miss Augusta Reiner
Albany. .
The program Baturdav. fnmnruin
consisted of some excellent
discussions. The delegates returned
t toeir nonies Saturday afternoon,
well satisfied with the
feeling belter equipped to carry on the
A nrnmliionl n ,
i -....v.. a,,u cujuyuuie leaturo
of the convention was a visit to thfe w
paper mill, after adjournment Friday
uight. This trip, despite the mud and
darkness, was highly enjoyed by those
who never visited the mill hefner.
The thanks of the convention are due
to jM r. Chase for courtesies extended n.
this trip.
As a whole this, the first ennai w mn.
ventlon was a decided sucemtd and 11a
Influence will be felt in Lebanon for
long to come.
The next convention will l hei,i j
sometime during the summer, the time
and place being not yet fixed upon. 4
Railroad Movements.
From Albany Herald.
Several weeks ago the Herald's dis-
patches contained the renort that tho
Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy road
would be built Into Oregon. A state
ment is now given that the line has
been surveyed and the route decided
upon from the southern line of the
Yellowstone National Park, aud will
be extended to Boise this year.
The counseling emrlueer of the Fdln.
burgh Natloual Bond Assurance Com
pany, who are heavy holders of Bur
lington securities, ' has been on this
coast since December 81. and haa heen
examining tlieroutes of projected Hues,
in which the Burlington la Interested
This gentleman has already examined
the route of the proposed extension in
Boise, on which he made a favorable
report, and the Edinburgh backers
have given notice of their accentanna
of the bonds of the road.
From Boise the Hue will be extended
In the most direct route to Oregou, and
wnen completed it will be the shortest
Hue to the Pacific coast, Whether oi
nut the Oregou Pacific will be used by
the Burllngtou deueuds udoii thu will.
lugness of iu owners to dispose of this
It Is said that negotiations are now
in progress between the Burlington
and the Astoria projectors for the pur
chuheofeue of the proposed lines to
A story Is going t ie rounds in Kn.
sus nailers ubuut a man whose wife had
gone visiting aud who would not listen
to tin appealB to come home before her
visit was out, He took a oodv of his
home paper and earefullv dinned nut
just one Item, then sent it to her. She
wrote aud asked him what the Item
was about that he had dinned out ami
ne reiuseo to tell her. It worked ad
mirably and In less than A Wftulr utiu 1
was at home to find out what had ha' '
pened that bur busbaud did not w.d .
her to know about. -,
Cleveland's cook booka antes "
Baker's, mot