The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 13, 1893, Image 1

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' l-asrl
NO. 47
tee year -
(If paid ill advance. M 50 per yuar.)
Three nxtnlli. ...........
tingle ooples......
m 00
. 1 Ml
. Ml
. 06
Secret Uocletles.
l.rTUNON 1.0IM1K. Xo. . I.o. O.F. Meets
tvrrr H.liirriar evening-at Odd Fellows Hall, at
Octop.m. a.a.KKES.N.0.
PKARLRKHRtf'A !(, NO. . VO. P - F .-
sets at 1 O O F Hall ilrnl aud third Wtullie
w evenlaitsof each umiKh.
Ubiku 1iiie. Ns. A. T. 4 A. M.-MoM
Saturday evcalni. m or before Uie full bioou In
each muula. M
r. M.MHJ.EH. Son.
iW Loixit. No. A A. O. V. W.-Mect sveij
ttlj evMiUitCi.A.B.n.iin M w
C A. Iah , Bee,
At miiib riwi Nn. 19. nrv ofOuaw
qo.ol-VT's.-Jleet l. A. 11.11.11, Lebanon,
Or., every Saturday wnliili. eipt the third
Sstardaviir each month, niiirlliil! the third F
dav instead. All biutsen, of the Kill of el
eram and lomrndesof tee u. A. K. are oordlally
United i mm wiui ""J?!. ..... ,i.i
IwfterM S Chamberlain,
Attorney- at - Law,
Attorney -at - Law,
flOllerttoM " prompt and careful aatentlori.
WW practice In all the courts of the Mte.
omci ot oocrtmev's bbjck.
Lebanon, Oregon.
St. Charles Hotel
' comer Halo ad Sherman Street.',
LEBANON, 0111400 K.
J. B, THOMPSON, Proprietor.
First-Glass ia all Apartments.
Special attention paid to Com
mercial men.
Board and Lodging, per $1 to
$2; per week .WUit
rjueoowior to B. L. HoClure.
Shaving Parlor.
In Hard New
kir at-Class Artists in attend-
ttnU. Hot and Void JSatM wim
Shower at all timet.
yVivb Patronage Solicited. Q
Your real name. iiiiikI awiiipsny
everv communication or l( ill cer
tainly ire to the "waste WkM." vie
fin not want your name fur piiriltcii
Hon, lull lis a guarantee nf mod Tilth.
KeHie r;;ilcwoll is bninlinxat Grand
pa f;um:iiilijrp,
J. S. OtMiveU rallril on rriciiil)' in Watcr-
Iihi mo dav lant tvork.
Mr. Brriwn had n fine ehrep 1a dio a few
rtiy.Kun. n:i.i now lian t nik imwe on hifl
tin 8uml.i3' tlie weatlier in fronty and
cidd witli brwiiip; air and brilit suniiine.
Monday morning Mr. J. 8. Caldwell re.
oetved a pieavant rail from olii-hnicfncndii,
Mr. and Mm. 1. 1). Ilrm. They are aim
vinlting fnends and relatives in Waterloo
Iiftbanou and tlie Hiirroundliiff country.
Born, to the wife of W. G. Brown, f wo
raUcs north of Waterloo, on Dec. 28. 1KI2,
a nrl of 9 lbs weight Motlier and
etiild dome; well.
A change of wheatlier Monday night
and now tlie jeentle rain te heard pattering
on the roof and window pane.
At last the neighborhood ha hecome ao
thorouglily anhamed of the neglected a(-
pearance of Ita cemetery that the men
turned out Montluy in maea, some 26 ar 30
ui nuinher and began repairing the ume.
We of this district are in need of a post
office and might have one Just as well as
not if some of the energetic persons of our
Burg would only start tlie bail rolling by
circulating a petition for it. The P. M's
position i not a coveted one, but there are
two or three who would accept it in order
to aet the mail nearer home without going
jurs. jenineiaiuweii and daughter are
spending a few weeks at the Gap.
Mr. L. Dhmniore and wile are spending
the winter with the lattcrs parents.
Uncle Jake Newman lias quite an acuui
lition to his family in tlie person of his
grandson Cornelius Kinder and his young
Messrs. Bellinger and Kinder killed a
fine fox on the mountain view ranche one
day this week.
General health in this neighborhood
is good. Mrs. Grant Liudley's health re
mains about the same as last week. She is
with her husband's parents. We hope ta
hear of her swedy recovery.
Willie Cuuiiuings is still at Spring Farm,
and asys lie isn't going to Albany any
more, butis always going to take care of
Grandpa and Grandma. Rax.
Council Proceedlnge.
Council met laat Friday in an ad
journed meeting.
Roll call. nd Mayor and all the
Couucllmea were preaent.
Minuu.ii of prevloua meeting read
and approved.
Jake Bilyeu not being present the
first night waa then aarorne in.
The following standing committee
of the city officers were Appointed by
the Mayor for the easulug year, and
ordered placed on filet
Committee on ordinances ( W
Cruaou, Q 11 Weatfull and .J C Bllyeu.
CouimiUee on ways and eanaJ C
llilyeu, U M Weatfail and Oo Cruaon.
(kuumiUee ou aeoouiita auil current
rxpeintea (j M Weatfull, Ed Kellen
iwrger aud i V Bllyeu.
ComtulUeeon etreeteaud public prop
erty Ed Kellenbeger,.G W Cruaou
and G M Westfall.
Couiuilttee on lioenwn Jeo. W.
Cruaou, J C Bileu and Ed Kellen
berger. Committee on uealtb and police
U MWeatfull. 0t WCnteonand
J C Bllyeu.
The bid of Geo Alexander for the
diy printing was laid on the table un
til tlie next regular meeting.
By uiuliou tlie marshal was ordered
to put in a cross M'alk ou Isabella
Tlie lulls of C. B. Montague And
Mr. Cuvypoft were laid on the table.
By BMtiijti the Council then adjourn
ed unlil ii Awuxt regular meeting.
Probata Court. )
In estate of Thos Alfoni, inventory filed.
real estate, $2497 27; personal property,
12272 50.
In guardianship of Lena A al,
Chas Pattimm, W A Sough, and K A Bam-
fonl were apKintel appraisers. Inventory
tiled ; real property 11K70; personal prorty
PUB te.
In estate of 1 no M Stanley, Inventory was
filed; real estate f 200.
In estate of It M McCullough, bond nled
in tlie sum of $10,000 and appraiser! up
poiured. In estate of John Grisliam, resrt of sale
if personal pmierty approved.
In estate of A P Nye, petition of Cnity
Nye allowed.
In estate of H K Schooling, sale of mil
property confirmed. .
In guardianship of Henry and Rosa
Mack, fifth account filed.
In estate of Henry Moss1, Margaret Moss
was appointed administratrix. Bonds Iftooo.
Bond filed and appraisers appointed.
In estate of John Bllyeu, will admitted to
probate and Haman nbelton appointed ex-
ecutcr. 'Bond approved; amount, $15 000.
In estate of Q B McKimsey, first account
filed. Petition to sell real property filed
and citation ordered issued.
In estate of Claud Shelton, citation to G
W Saudford ordered issoed.
In estate of SB Fennegan, first acconnt
Id estate of Sarah M While, citation on
petition to sell real estate ordered issued.
In estate of Wm Walter and Myrtle Mc
Bride, J A McBride was appointed guar
dian. In estate of A Petige, report of sale per
sonal property confirmed.
In estate of Arte in as Dodge, A A Kees,
Krank Moist and 8 M Garland were ap
pointed appraisers.
In estate of leypfaene Schooling a tomb
stone to cost not exceeding $120 was order
ed. In estate of H K Schoooling, a $120 tomb
stone was ordered.
In estate of Elisabeth Sherfy, final ac
count approved.
In estate of Henry Ingram, additional
inventory filed; real property, $1(180. Pe
tition for sale of real property filed, and
citation ordered issued.
Specimen Cases.
o IT f'llr..jf VQ.u PUDSal U7l.
was troubled with Neuralgia anil
Rheumatism, his rjtomaeh was dis
ordered, his Liver was affected to un
alarming degree, appetite fell away,
and be was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles of Electric
I Bitters cured him.
I Edward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, III.,
I had a running sore on his leg of el'lit
years' standing. Used three bottles of
I Electric Bitten and seven boxes of
Buckletvs Arnica Balve, and his
leg is sound and well. John Speaker,
Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores
on his leg, doctors said he was incura
ble. One bottle Electric. Bitters and
one box Bueklen's Arnica Balve cured
him entirely. Bold by M. A. Miller.
A Little CirPs Experience In A
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Band Beach, Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years old. Last
April sue was taken down with Mea
sles, followed with a dreadful Cough
aud turning into a fever. Doctors at
borne aud at Detroit treated her, but
In vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she wan a mere "handful of bones'1.
Then she tried Dr. Klng'x New Dis
covery and after the use of two and a
half liottles, was completely' cured.
They say Dr. King's New Discovery
is wort its weight in gold, yet you
can get a trial bottie free at Miller's
urug store.
Notlee is hereby given that the
photographic partnership of Dodsen A
Ribelio Is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, and hereafter the business
will be conducted by W. H. Ribellu.
W. H. Ribelin,
T. L. Dodson.
Lebanon, Oregon, Jan. 3, 181)3.
Fob Rent. 20 acres of garden laud
near town for particulars call on.
B. M. Garland.
To be luvaatlsatad.
Reports have been rife for severul
days, both in print and in the chan
nels of personal gossip, to the effect
that crimes have been committed upon
the female inmates of the Insane as
ylum, among both the patients and
the attendants. If there is truth in
what;is said it would hardly be more
than poetic justice that there should
be organized hanging done as an atone
ment for tlie organized atrocities that
have been perpetrated. Regarding this
the Statesman, after having hitherto
scoffed the reports with vehement, d.
uials, now says that the state board of
charities aud correction's has taken
cognizance of scandalous, rumor about
the management of ;ne insane asylum,
aud its asylum Committee has set a
day for a formal investigation. This
committee is composed of Dr W E
Carll, of Oregon City, Dr WE Riuc
hart, Of The Dalles, and J B White, of
Salem. The committee will meet at
the asylum, Tuesday, Jan. 10, to take
testimony and give public notice to all
who have complaints to make or who
know anything prejudicial to the man
agement of the institution to appear at
that time. Herald.
The records show that marriage
ceremonies were performed in Linn
county in 1892 by the following per-
ou; Rev C C Sperry, Vl Rev E R
Pichard, 10; Juetice L M Curl, 9; Revs
C R Lamar and T J Abbett aud Jus
tice Geo Humphrey, each 7; Rev 8 G
Irvine and Justice N M Newport, each
6; Revs 8 E Meminger and C G Har
mon, W H Wiltse, ,C W HIU and
Judge Duncan, each 0; Rev Silas Will
iams, T P Boyd, each 4; Revs David
Wolfe, J J? Stewart, CN Plowman W
A Trow, Judge Blackburn and Justice
Henry Lyons, each 3; RevsJas Pearl
C A Hooley, T A Yost, I Carlton, I N
Muikey, I B Fisher, H P Satchwell,
Louis Metayer, H Oberg, Justice Al
bert Savage and J C Simpson, each 2;
iievs o v Ixmgbottom, W L Black
well, J F Anderson, H B Elworthy,
U V McFarland, 8 J Travis, E C Jack-
sou.. 8 B Cole, A C Fairchild, T H
Small W R Williams, Daniel Bridges
W W Crabtree, Badger, J K Kemp-
er, if Fransworth, Jas McAllister,
M M Basher, W H Hollaln, H Burres,
E N Condlt, K E Scofleld, T J Wilson,
EJ Thompson, Alfred Brunk, WW
Duncan, C P Rich, Jas Vanderpool, 8
Lee, T P Goodman, J R Glard, H L
Bates, J H Sperry, Edward Eccleston,
and justices Dunn, Elson, Ireland and
Gleaeou, each 1.
With few exceptions th reports of
the road supervisors of Linn county
presented to the county court show
that good and efficient road work has
been done. Among the few excep
tions is the report from district No. 43,
lu tne southern part of the county,
which sbowB out of 103 days' work due
only four days' work has actually
been dene. The supervisor, who was
down for two and a half dayi work
had returned himself delinquent one
andahalfjdaye. The board debated
for some time whether tbey would
accept the report or In Impose a fine
upon the supervisor. They finally
decided to continue the matter. One
or two other districts were remiss In
the road work, but generally good
work has been done. Herald.
A Kentucky man recently got a
prize for giving tlie following defi
nition of a gentleman: "A man
of refinement and culture whose
aims are noble, whose truth is con
stant, and net only constant in its
, out elevated in its degree
whose want of meaness makes
hira simple, and who can look the
whole world in the face with
large ranuly sympathy for the greet
ana tne small.
iBorn, to the wife, of 8. O .;;WaJlai,
Jau. 10, a sou.
J. C. Bilyeu returned yesterday from,
a visit to Jefferson.
Abe Leady from near Athena wag,
visiting in Lebanon tbis week.
0. Coons and family left yesterday
for their old home in JJebraska,
Mr E.E. Montagu, of AiUy wM
iu Lebanon one day tb't week.
on Jan 8, a mDt y,eighing 4 lbgf
Mother and 'naby both doing well.
Anuraber of the little folks of Leb
nO spent a very pleasant evening at
uie residence of Mr. Craudall.
Mr. Weeks, one of the proprietors of
the Champiou mill, and family left
Wednesday for Michigan where he goes
ou account of bis wifes' health.
The Church of Christ meets In the
Academy lor regular services every
Lord's Day in the morniug at 11
o'clock. Suuday school at 10 o'clock.
All are invited to attend. '
Hon. M. A. Miller has Introduced
the following bills: For a fish-way at
Oregon City, to extend theincorpor
tion of Lebanon and for an appropri
ation at Bodaville springs.
Fred Carothers, who has been at
tending the Btate Normal school at
Monmouth, was in town for several
days this week visiting bis sister, Miss
E. Carothers. it
A surprise party was given Mr.
J. D. Moore at the St. Charles hotel
Tuesday evening. A large number
of young people were present and en
joyed a pleasant evening. Mr. Moore
basmade many friends while here.
He left on Wednesday evening for
On Saturday last, while Mr. E. Os
borne was gumnlng 'out a saw at the
Lebanon Machine shop, the emor
wheel burst In several place, otto
piece striking him in the face making
a cut from the top of his bead to his V
chin. Another piece striking his
right arm above the wrist, breaking
both bones. Drs. Foley and Booth
were culled and dressed the woundB.
Mr. Osborne is improving gradually. '
The Oregon Pacific railroad Is to be
sold again on the 16th. It is rumored I
that th' road will be purchased by 8. t
Case, a millionaire hotel man of New-
port who will extend the line from
Yaquina to that city. The men who
are employed on tbe road bave not '
been paid for the last ten months, but
a great deal of work has been done on
the line In tlie way of putting in new
ties, ballasting, etc., and In repairing
the bulk-beada at Yaquina Oregon
Ian. ' .-
One day last week two little girts of H
Mr. Leach, who lives near Crawford- j .
ville, were out riding on a horse when
some distance from the houaea oouger
screamed near them soaring tb horse
which jumped and threw both of the
girls off, breaking tbe leg ot Edith,
theyougest girl and tbe oldest took
her sister and carried her as far as
she oould aud then run for help. Dr.
Booth of this place waa called and set
the broken bones, and at last accounts
the little girl was doing well.
At a dance at Willow Creek school
house on the 6th inst., says the Oihoco
Review occurred one of the bloodiest
tragedies that has ever been enacted in
Crook county. About 10:30 'clock,
while the dancers wi re enjoying them 1 x
selves in the hall, a fight took plau
outside between Heck Wheeler annV
J ula Edmund, In which Edmund wUia
killed, stabbed through the heart, wltu
wheeler severely stabbed In a nutnO of
ol places. Only a few persons saw the
fight, and they would not give the de
tails. Edmund was postmaster at
Grlzzley postoftioe. He leaves a wife
and one child. Wheeler 1b a farmer on4
Willow ereek aud ha 110 family, A" '
grudge has existed between the par'jr;
for some time. Ceronor KlzerA
about daylight for the mxmZ ' r.
tragedy. .