M. Y. K tl KI1 ATKIf'k. rnlillftlmr. CCCIDESTAL MELANGE Catholic Priest Overpowered and Robbed by a Mexican. . ANOTHER CALIFORNIA RESERVATION. The Strait ol Fuca Reported to be Stocked With Drift Logs An Editor Acquitted ot libel ' Phoenix, A. T., has free-delivery postal system. The National Bank of Pocatello, Idaho, has beat authorised to do business. . Los Angeles' Connoil has voted to per mit the building ot a emelter inaide the city limita. ' The diamond field in Idaho an creat ing intense excitement at Nam pa and neighborhood. The fonr-masted barkentine Jane L. Stanford, the largest wooden sailing Tea sel ever bnilt in California, was succeas fnlly launched in Htunboldt Bay recent ly. ... . Turnkey French was attacked in the Idaho penitentiary at Boise ny Bamaei Hatton, a desperate convict, and in self defense French stabbed and killed Hat- ton. The Chamber of Commerce at Los An- BOMNtsS AND lbl'Sl !UL. The Arid Region of the United States Incandescent Lamps Rlculausly V Cliwp m iiweJeii. ... . St. Louis leads m alios distribution. Oysters cost 40 cents a quart in Den ver. .. , - " ' There are over 7,000 saloons in Chi cago. ' Agriculture employs 3,000,000 Italian women. Electricity is applied to the Slacking of boots. Paper aocks are made and worn in Germany. Baden has a 2,000-hone-power electric locomotive. , A sable muff of approved style costs aahighas $390. r - . . An enormous rice orop has jost been narvestea m liOuisiana. About 10,000 gross of pens are pro- unceu irom a ton oi steel. Fifty thousand Missouri mules are sold in St. Louis every year. Minneapolis is making 38.000 barrels ot Hour on an average a day. Great Britain has enough coal stored in her mines to last her 900 years. Rixteen women are eronlnved as ticket agents on the Brooklyn elevated road. According to statistics U.S03.000 bales of cotton were used by the world last year. Bkates which sold tor t6 and (8 a few years ago can now be bought for from $2 to $4. .. Bicycles are used by some of the Chi cago policemen in the discharge of offi cial fluty. . Hon than l.nOO.000 CaiAfians have migrated to the United Btatee since the year im. The product of American distilleries of all kinds last year amounted to 117,- I8e,n gallons. The old-time quill pen is still used in BETOXD THE ROCKIES. An Advance in Stocks Increases the Value of Gould Property. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. The New Nicaragua Canal Bill Increases the Opliffations of the Canal Company ttc. BOOMERS READY FOR A RUSH. Application fur an Injunction Restraining the Commissioners From Qnslng the Fair on Sundays. EAST AND SOUTH SOUTHERN " PACIFIC V ROUTE. Kw iMianlniinn hu vannMiiwt thm Uovernor to recommenu ion a prancfl f " v, .... of the 6taJeJnmy-besiaBdshed in ast city. Citiiens of Florence, Or., desire that that town shall be incorporated, and a i-hartar is now being prepared for sub mission to the people before the Legis lature meete. In the court-martial at Mare Island on the Mohican ease the testimony so far taken goes to show that there was some . friction among the officers at the time of the accident, and also that the Mo hican was inefficiently manned. Grangeville, Idaho, propows to make an active fight to secure the location oi the Btate Agricultural College at that point. The experiment station on Camas prairie is in excellent condition, and ex periments will be begun next spring, mainly with grasses at first. The big government dike at tinag Isl and in the Columbia river has been com pleted, and the gangs of workmen were taken to the mainland. The dike is 19,- iM feet in leniftb. and is placed in the river so as to mree the current into the old river channel and to keep the river frithin narrower bounds. Frequent - xtundinge at marked points show that : the channel, is steadily increasing in Tha Wolcntt reports that in the recol lection of sea-faring men on tne Coast there has never been so many drift logs in the Btrnit of Fuca as at the present pen is unknown. It is estimated that about 150.000 in candescent, lamps are burned in Sew Yoik every night. The linen manufactured yearly in England could be wrapped around the earth seven times, A single row of pearls as large as pess and perfectly round were sola recently in fans lor JUD.IWU. An apparatus that economically jde- livers grains of corn to poultry only as last as used is a late invention. Europe consumes upward of 124,000, 000 worth of gold and silver annually for plate, jewelry and ornaments. - The arid reeion of the United States comprises l,3UU,UJU square miles, or nearly one-third of the entire country. Incandescent lamps are ridiculously cheap in Bweden, the price of those with all voltages up to izo being about 20 cents. , . ., , Ten thousand pounds worth of pearls I were in three years' time during the last century taken bom mussels in the Tay near Perth. A single mahogany tree in Honduras was recently cnt into boards, which when sold in the European markets realised nearly (11.000. During the last six years 1,600 novels nave been puDiienea wmcn nave sno- Btrait oi rues as a ie pw.. . . . - ,h . k . , time. Tke high , treehets nave ewep . .... down the fallen logs oi agss ana sent them adrift to the sea. Logs that have been buried in the sand tor years along toe beach below Port Crescent have been wished up, and in some places great dame of logs are formed, rendering it danger ous tor navigation. The monster whale that came ashore at Elk Creek about a month ago is rap idly melting away over hot fires at Mr. Logan's ranch. A large force of men are rendering the blubber, which is in an excellent state of preservation, and the result wiU be nearly 100 barrels of ex cellent unrefined oil. The whalebone, which averaged three feet in length, wae taken out some time ago, and foots up a total weight of about 300 pounds. The skeleton, a soon as cleaned, will be set tip in front of the Logan house at Elk Creek. . .. Articles of incorporation of the North ern American Navigation Company were the other day at Ban JTrancisco ny a number of the prominent residents of that city. The corporation m lormeo i.h a capital stock of I3.000.0UO and i for the purpose of p'nrchssing or build ing vessels to carry on business as com mon carriers between Ban Francisco and Panama and then to make connection with the Panama Bailrosd Company's Una or other asencies that afiord com munication with New York and another Atlantic ports. The term ol the corpo ration is given as five years. On a charge of criminal libel at Fort land Geonre H. Moffett. editor of the TeUoram. has been acquitted. The al leged libel consisted in an article pub lished prior to the city election last J one, hMvinn a number ol persons with levy- ing assessment on gambling houses and J I U,e inmates of the houses of ill repute j to be used in carrying the election lor 7 the Republican ticket. Judge Bhattuck' instructed the jury that the levying of pi assessments to be used in a political (campaign was not a crime, and that, V therefore, no libel had been committed. The other night an individual called Vat the residence of Father O'Rielly, a j Catholic priest of Colton, Ban Bernar " idino county, Cal., and asked him to - hnrrv with him to the bedside of a dy- 'ng man beyond Colton. The priest bur- nwily made arrangements, and got into - w buinnr of the stranger. After they ' .passed Colton the stranger, who was ; mean, overpowered uie prieer, ' ' .him of his watch and money and i " him out in the middle of the .. V ng him to find his way back " . The robber was afterward at the libraries. The historical egg which Columbus made stand on its little end has been made the model of a pipe which has just been put on the market. The platinum beds of the Ural Mount ains are the only ones in the world in hich this metal is round in grains. Platinum is found in Braiil and in the Cordilleras in the hard seipentine rock but never in the lorm ol grains. Sew York is the richest municipal government with one exception in the world. Paris alone surpasses it in the amount of its revenues and in their pur chasing power. London has a divided authority and a doable system of gov ernment. The tobacco trust bar captured the Lorillards, The Supreme Court of Mississippi bss decided that alcohol is not a beverage. New York health officers are preparing to receive the cholera again next sum mer. About 4,000 men are without employ ment and on the verge ol starvation in Toronto, Secretary Foster estimates a deficiency of 6fl,000 in the quarantine estimates for 18DS-4. Justices of ths United States Supreme Court bar cigarette-smoking from their apartments. The Iowa corn crop is reported to be far short of the usual average, caused by the wet weather. The Citv Council of Dubuque. Ia., has decided to buy the plant of the Dubuque W ater Company. General Bovnton asks the House Ap propriatione Committee lor $180,000 for the Chickainauga National Park work. For the fun of chasing tiarsa, the Mei- ican border bandit, the United Btares government has thus far paid 1200,000. A New York syndicate is trying to buy for $7,000,000 all the rolling-mill and heat furnaces in and about Youugstown, 0. The Hudson nver is to be dredged to uniform depth of twelve feet from Trov southward at an estimated expense of 2,tWO,000. " The recent advance in stocks has made the Gould property worth about 16, 006 000 more than it was an the day of Gould's death. The packing in Chicago since the opening of the winter season is 032,000 hogs, or 50 per cent, lees than the same time last year. Anioni the Missouri exhibits at Chi cago will be twenty-four varieties ol to baceo from the experimental farm of the State University. Another appropriation for the govern ment exhibit at the World's Fair of (201,000 is aeked. making the entire ap propriation tl.UTO.UJO. A supposed ehost at Flathush Hos pital, New York, turned out to he a live man who had been hustled off to the morgue as dead, but returned. There is trouble with the Welsh tin- workers at Elwood, Ind. They reluse to permit the company to operate patent machines with unskilled labor. Boomers are already assembling on the southern border of Kansas in antici pation of the opening to settlement ol 8 000,000 acres of land in Cherokee Strip. Telephones have been introduced at the government rifle ranges at Fort Sher idan, ill., as a means oi communication between the firingpointsandtnetargets Elmer Perrin of Long Branch, N. J., is reported to have vomited eight green peppers, each an Inch ap.d a half long, that had grown from seed in his stoni- ach. PERSONAL MENTION. Value of the Signature of Three Great American Generals in the Auto graph Market Edison. Oliver Wendell Holmes will be in vited to write the ode for the opening of the World's Fair. General R. E. Lee's signature is worth (10 in the autograph market, General McClellan'a (3 and General Sherman's (3. Mrs. Emmons Blaine has recently riven to the eity ol Augusta. Me.. 1 10,- K6 to found a library in honor of ber husband's memory. A costlv nine is that which the Shah of Persia smokes on state occasions, it is stated to be worth (320,000, and is set with rubies, diamonds and emeralds. Mrs. Sarah Kiple of Scranton, Pa., is I years old. and has smoked since she as 20. She has spent a thousand times as much in tobacco as in doctors bills. M. Legouve, the oldest member of the French Academy, is 85 years old. Pierre Loti. the vonnirest. ia 43. With the ex ception of ten all the academicians are 60 or over. Edison, the electrician, is satisfied with cracked wheat and cream for lunch, and dines as plainly ae if he was still poor operator who had to count every quarter ne expenueu. Miss Celeste Stauffer. to whom 8amnel J. Tdden was once engagedi and to whom he ldft 4400.0'JQ. is a resident of Chicago, still beautlm) and is reported to relused many oners. J. F. Lee. the American astronomer, who has been studying at Berlin for lour years with Prof. Forester, has been ap pointed to the chair of astronomy at the Chicago University. Premier Gladstone will be invited by the World's Fair authorities, they say, to cross the ocean in order that he may deliver the address at the formal open ing of the exposition on May 1. The Eastern railroads are getting ready for the Chicago Fair. Car builders are overrun with orders. One Eaetern firm is turning out seventy-five ears per day. and nas orders ahead lor o.uuu cars, Kntnn ! to get ms for cooking, heat ing and power purposes lor (1 per 1.000 feet, while that lor illuminating pur poses is to have a caudle power of at least twenty-five, instead ol sixteen ae nnw. Zinc miners at Webb Ultv, wis., navs noticed lately that a shaft they were dig ging has been growing hotter. At a ri.nth of 1S feet the other day thy had to stop work, as names onrsi lurougu iuu the shaft." A nnw aeroent mound, the largest now known, has been discovered by Prof Pntnsm near Fort Ancient, O. It is 1,900 leet long aad about ten thick, and is con sidered one of the most remarkable of prehistoric works. An application for an injunction to re strain the World's Fair Oommiesioners Irom closing the lair on Mondays is to oe made before the courts at Uhicauo. The application is based on the assumption that the Jackson Park is public or inert hold hv the Park Commissioners in trnsi for the people, nd that they have n authority to deoar tne nuouc rom en trance to it any day in the year. Vnr soma time John Voorhis has been a teacher in the primary departm- n of the public school at Williamanurv. C d He was also an amateur dentist. When children were unruly he -xtracted their teeth ae a punishment, thr-a'ening them with greater punishment if they "hould tell their parent. He extracted ten teeth from one Italian boy, who told his parents. This was the direct eanse of the mob organising to lynch the roan. Voorhis got wind of their coming, and made his escape on horseback There is to he an organism! effort In the Houxe alter the h didays to bring anoiu some financial legislation, prob ably taking the shape of an attempt to repeal th Kherman law. The oppo nents ot free coinage believe- tins daily menacing of the mummies of the gov ernment is inevuablv leading to gigan- tiu limes, t in tne o bar nanu, uie friends of silver are not less active, aud expect to see a free-couiHge bill forging to the trout before manvdavsof the new year have passed. Btewart's amendment to the bill of Hill provides for a repeal of the Sherman act, and makes that measure practically a tree-coinage bill. Stewart thinks that when it comes to a vote it will pass. Representatives Hermann of Oregon and Wilton of Washington were greatly disappointed at the failure of the bill in Congress lor the increase of the lighl noue service in the United States, in which both Washingtonand Oregon were largely interested. In the bill was a provision lor twentv-five beacon lights and buoys on the Willamette river be tween Portland and Balem ; also lor a light and fog signal at the mouth of the Willamette, as well as lights for other pknces on the Oregon and Washington ciaete. There were other bills reported from the same committee which were sidetracked by the failure of this bill, among them being a bill allowing the Great Northern Railway Company to build a bridge across the Columbia river. Mr. Foster said recently that he thought it a grave mistake to assume that the Monetary Conference will prove to be a failure. The taking of a recess was ex pected by the administration when the American dulcpNletf" leu nesuingiou City. Rotbchild's proposition and his declaration that nalesssomething is done to insure the better nse of silver among the nations serious consequences would follow is in iteelt a bopeiui indication that the prominent bankers of the world feel the necessity of reaching an agree ment oi such a nature as will secure ap proximate uniformity the world over in dealing with the question. The Secre tary said that so lar as he was personally concerned all he expected of the prelim inary conference had been accomplished. The general leeling of the conference was even more favorable than he antic ipated. The new Nicaragua canal bill reported by Senator Sherman is drawn on sub stantially the same lines ss the bill re ported from the committee to the last Congress, including as It does the prop osition to guarantee the hoods of the company to the extent of (100 .000.000 to am in tne coustrucuoD oi uie cauai. The new bill, however, contains some additions, which increase tne obligations of the company as well as the security of the government. For instance, the real and personal property and the fran chises ot the company are inciuuea in the liabilities, it is provided that all stork heretolore subscribed lor or issued shall be called in and canceled ; all bonds untied redeemed and canceled, and all outstanding obligations satisfied before the act takes effect. The date is chanted to make the bonds iseue in January, 18Ua, and mature in Wo3 bnt they are also msde redeemal 1 at the pleasure of the United States after 1913. The section requiring tbecompanytoexecuteamorfc gage to the United States as security for the guarantee is amended ny me addi tion of a clause requiring the mortgage to contain a provision for s sinking fund lor the pavment ol the bonds at matu rity. If the company defaults in the navment of interest or other respects before the canal is put in operation, the right of lorecloenre shall at once attach in favor of the United States. Tie Kount Shasta Foute. ExprttM truitii leave FortUiid tUity: 7:00 p. t.v....i..i'rttiitifi.."..,,',..Ar. 7:KfX' 0:JB f. M,h.T,...,i...Allntiy Ar.l 4:S1 . 8:1ft a. .Ar...,...Hiui KrHimtuci. l,v. ?: p. M, ThttrHiov.- train ttti only at thti following KttelioiiH ii'irth ol ItiMtulmnf: UmnI I'ortitin i, or tjgmi t'ttv, WcHtfUiurn, Htlt'Ht. Allmtiy. TtuiKwn, slit'iM, Haliwy, HrfririliittM,Vm'ctiout:'t)r, Irvlug nil Eiifietie. k .. f IfWHlmrr ni-(Irtf)y: HIM sY, I K: r. , &:M r. ,tl,v, I'oi'tiHiid ...Hf,i 4 HI) f . . I,v... Alhmiy ..Ar.llii:Hu f, ,iAr lioNoininr M-.j 7am a. Albany linml---1itlly (ffioaia MiiiiiUy ), 6:1X1 r. H. .'..rtittiirt... 9:1)0 r. m Ar. Albany .Ar. 10: a. h. l,v. ft:; a. M. Iwl iinnpiiE)rtriiiio--tliiMy (fHPgpl Hnmly), 1:'J0 P. . l.v.., 2:0U f. .,Ar. h Hi a. M l.v... 9:1 a. K. Ar... ...Alliatiy ..U'llNUIHI... ..ASbnity ..Illinium.. ...r. UU1 a.m. ...I.v. ::I0a.k. ,..Ar.l 1:1 r. m. Pullman Buffet 81ar TOintlKl HLKKI'ING CAKR For I'Wrnim-.diiMnn ol SECOND OLAHB Msjd Ktint suiewltud Ui KXt'KKHH TRAINS. wkst hide iuvih10n. Bktwkkk Portland anu Cokvalmi. Mull train - dally (eximjit Honday): . a. u-v "..roruaim Ar. 1 A. 12:10 p. M. I Ar.... l!rvalUa." . H. At AlhsUiv and Cttrvalili (imnwurt wltti of OrtMfou i'amflo railroad. Extirffwi train rtallv 'pxchmU Rundarl: I'lirtlninl , . M'-Mhuivih.-.. Ar. , B:'JU a. .n- Tbrougb Tickets to ill Points East and South. Vnv tifkttU and fnll Information iwrardlnr rmtm, ma,, etc., nail on comiimiy n wft-iit at Lb uoii. Or. R. KOfcHLKR. Manager . K, V. KOWBKH. AM. U P. rM. A Kttllt- G. I. COTTON, -DKALKIl Iti- GROCERIES Provisions. Tobacco, Cigars, Smokers' tides, Etc. Ar- ftliBftllY v FUHHITUHE v GO. Foreign and Domestic fruits and Confectionery. Queenswire mil Glassware, Lamps ind Limn FUture!. MAIM ST., LEBANON, OR. H. R. Hyde, Proprietor. A FULL LINE OF- Furniture -OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION AND ALL KINDS OF ' Cetrpets! Cstrpets! We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING. Calls answered night or day. . Baltimore biock, Aioany, ur. W f BEAD rreslilimt. OEO.F SIMPSON, VlM-rretldont. J. 0. WUITSMAN, SmiroUnr i. U- COWAN, Treatarer. K. A. M11.NEK, , Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company OF ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK 8600,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. llon.B.8 STRAHAN. 'h ef Jitatlee of Snptsnc Coort. Hon. . W.OimiCK. Banker. II a.. K. WKATHKKHliKU, Attonnj-t-Lir. J O. WUllUMAK, Esq.. CaiillalM, Wlliametis miwy ijiiiu uumpaur. Hbn. J. 1 COWAN, PriitiHlont Man Oounty Rational Bauk. M. HTRF.N BKUU. Kq., Meroliaul V. f. KKAll. KKfi., Merchant. 1).B MONTKITll. Vavltalmt. I . P. BIMI'SON, Khi.. i:,illl.t. No two thirls. Diree-kmrtrii, tlilrtr or .Ixty-day olauw In Uie Farmer.' ami MureliatiU' FABK ril ol.. Thf Fafiner' and MorehviM' liiHuranne Oomimoy liavi the lull amonut ol low up t t amount iruiureO. The .ulanrtberi to thenapltal nluvk noail.u ol larmere.mi'nthal)!.. haokera, t'apliall.i-, altomeya, pbyalutaiu auil loaoaauioa, Uie lamtwl amount held bralagle lodlvlduals sslaatsiMB. . ( 4 J v,,....