The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 11, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL V
acypMr..; ... 9200
(IV iNiiil In lulvmii'u, SI i4) iwrycHV,)
8tx niNiiht 1 Oil
Ttmi numilm ..,., ,...,..,..,..... fc
Huifjlt eiiples , , ,. (ft
Onto in l'oil OlSlro Hulldiug,J
0KEG05. '
Attorn-ey-at- Law
Km Ait v I'I'iiijc,
Altar y, Ong.ll.
Will prtrtto' til 1! Iliu rotirts or llri Hurt.
Oltico, frwlfl ruuio.ver Imuk uf Utopia.
Attorney -at - Law,
Cnlli'etlimn lei pronn" mill direful t(wfilli!.
Will linuillw Ui ull llli' courts ..I tin Mate.
omc IK itjd,Aiti)'H nuicK,
lotary Public and Collecting Agent,
Junlceof the I'lMco.iWwiuni I'nsllmit.
Lebanon Oregon.
Shaving ' Parlor,
Flrmt Door North el'
JHmt-C'kms Artists in attend
tanoe. Hot and Gold Baths with
Shower at all times,
'Your Patronage Somuited,
Mrs. S. H. Cowan,
.. Rn Elegant Bisplay
of MILLINERY of all
Kinds, - ,;
Hats trimmed in thei
finnw flfflw, Hiiowing. The flrnt !f .ow, nf
tin smowii Ml on hist Friday, U) tbc iptfi
nfrmencli. The lltlki Utf WW) ,,Jmnn
to see lite snow, but we expect tbey ill l.
pleasel more ere it is gone, j
lbv Nichols, (if KrmviiNEfr', viU vimiiib:
nt Mountain Home next.s.; Sj
;Mr. I,uwreiieo I'ipernutl brother, ofCrmw
fol'rfsvllle, passed tlllmmb. Mountain llonH
tMiiiDt Maturihiy.
ikii Hurrin, of Twiln.vk, in visiting Ja'-iw
4'tkii UiiH week.
1 tell you woerishfiMnok awful enjjif in
Chis vicinity, and tUisisnow trill hurry jw.o
jilc up ulmut jwttlug;ime uj, fir wiiuiit,
We thought Uto-rajuls were muddy ii tills
vicinity till an visited at LucumbuiidKirin-
ity, but wetiilnkitlw roudu ure justniie here
To (lit1 )jttjilei& this vieinity 1 wuuji1 say,
lot's lioveat'b.iaVjuus trueuud be Juujipy.
Tilt Oriptiut! New Orleans Cnele
Tom's Cabin t'u., with a band, wrcbes
tm, soenerj;, bloodhounds, .mule
quartette, aw! many other features,
will In- at the Bund Hull, Sutarday,
Dec. 19.
Peterson i Garland made aiiothtr
nice Hale fcHtiuy of the liuthvrford
property tn liuti'l Hurt for .(.
You Should free the wonderful ray
of Hollctav Goods at Julius
Gradtvohl's Bazaar,
Wliile in AiL-iuiy tliiu wwk our.atr
tentiun wim ttUintctud to the irotiiitHuI
NUioltflHiIiilw.g'H'dM which wtuuEukKid
In GrulwlH' il'iuuiar. To try ami
8cribtHf1iii weaw in there would U
beyond the tjucstlun, fur flue liujtw
(httiigiugorUiutl)., bioycitfB, trieylo,
veloeliKtdtundl;y8 of every dtaerij
tion uud stj'le. ,U shelves, couulf
mid every uvttiUltte apuoe ure flIJed
with the choicest and uiml varied ntwk
.of Holiday goods aver neeu in this val
ioy, whii'U eoiiHintH .of a beautiful as
nortmeut of uILjuuw, plwah goods,
books und rolled gold , jewelry
Vfiliieh wilt do tbe mmie service
tut gold und ctimUug one-tenth
us emieh money, diaivoitd out pl'i?
rltigif, flue unibrulhiH for holiday pres
ents &nd novelties. Hi& Mock is now
in and holiday shopper should lose no
Uttie iu seeing his wo.ndi'rl'ul array
whioh is not surpaHaed by any on the
coast cither in elegance or prja-s.
One Dollar Weekly,
Buys a good Gold Watch by our Club
8ysU;in. Our U-karut gold-tilled eases
are wurrantod for 20 years. Fine Elgin
or Walliham movement, Bteui wTucI
uud set. Lady's or Kent's sine. Equal
to any $50 watch. To secure agents
where we have none, we sell one of the
Hunting Case Watches for the Club
price and send C. O. I), by .express
with privilege of examination before
paying for same.
Our agent ut Durham, N C, writes:
"Our Jewelers have eotifesscd they rton'l knew
liuw juu eiui luralwh stieli work fur the money,1'
Our Agent ut Heath springs, H. C.,
"Ytnir wiitehcs lake at piht:, Tlio gontloiinm
whottut the Ifwt wuicii Hniit tlitu lie exuiniiied
and priced a Jywoh'rV watch'-s In hiinnwUT, Unit
wo no heller than your, hut the hiiuu wu
Our Agunt at Pennington, Tex.,
"Am In receipt of the wnteh, and am pli'iwod
without nieiisni'e.- All who have wen It suy u
would be ohuapat HO."
One good reliable Agimt wanted for
each plaoe. Write for particulars.
Em ri KB Watoh Co., New York,
A Tiekct (riven on lite jiluno with
every $!). eiiHlt ptu'ehiiae ut Klein Unia.' iShne Kline, Alliuiiy, Ore. ;
l'nllto ntteiitlmt inn) good meiuiiii'e
(riven ut Uulil & Pitjtli'a.
settle, i; ,1.
All tuieotmtH ivinniiilnjr on our books
due und unpaid on Deeember will
be nliteed In the hands of a collector
arm eollueted ut once, i
StWi I
ihince I luHt wrofr- there have oen tv.o i
tiW-nuitH in ,liid(avnKC!'t coi-irU In the
htiTMt vuhv the plnitiliir was re. resented by
j-fctty. Df-vnipg, tJ'Balei!i,U!MUhedefeiKlant
"by Atty. G, W. BVriglit, of Albany, The
! defendant gaiiwd the ea!e, but we nniler-
Ktaud that tliey-i.jul six bits more 411 their
poHneKwon th(H'i;ilie r.ole lliey held ugaiiiHt
pluiutiil wilkni for utxl wonld hve been
throvii into t!.: vH bad it not bee for t lie
iron datl npmlne to the note requiring
thegiverofainotetopay attorney ft-oa for
eollection. &ieiiext eawe was one iieili
borpuhig tmer.tber for linrve t M'apf, the
work doncftsro comjany of which defend
fliitwuMOiift parttier. I'hiintiir should le
well antirtitt'd as defendant nay that lie
(plahitifOiaHjudgmeiitfortwo dy work
more Uihb toe claimed.
Hut thffltf Iwim been a new dejartue ftrmi
tiie imtaJ way of uettlement Oi jTfHJng
jiuiEi andwie mi'iilie oped man hav Jrl a
Hettletiwrt'iljrewitiRforUvo or three j"earn.
It finally ffluune to a fww lasl Friday, An
Ticiir aw can learn from ruiwor tlw mid
die apwHwan refused to ftt3 witlmit an
itemiwidl M l, so the young tuanwillea to bis
aid ft lirntrelaKS accountant uud weeded
to ranjwitthe ledger (usually willed uiciu
ory)and made out a bill hum than foot
long;; -after which they uh t oamiwre
hi Jin. Ttke iirnt item on the V, M.Vfoill was
122 lbs.! tiour got of the Y. M.'s fU'hertwo
or tlirwy.irs ago, hut the O. 3L ;tid lie
had paid Jfr.r the flour long agea, m a (Hspute
arose aidtthe 0. M. ordered tb-e Y- H. out
oi his lxvne with threats to mit liini with
the toeli's boot. 8ucii treatment eauied
theY,'M-lb use aomc vile ii1 liiftv after
which th). M, followed liira into tbt yard
whereafeto-. Bullivanic hlow jartsed; &niss
lng eaeli .(Mtier five or six feet, simng and
divittg alrh otiier like two youii djin
rooatern. Tiiey then cli!U'hedaiwliiiail;tIie
fur fly liteSAvo 'fhotnas eats, which i-esulhed
in the O. JL Idling flat of hU
soft timd. 3UiC exheneiii;ed referre wiiieli
t lie young w: luul taken with him wa
sw inging hie fc.vt and yelling "sie'eaj" all
the while. 1oy then Mearate,d of their
own free KmwSt Ul and accord, and each is
now fully oonvwieed that he is able to wal
lop the other om in good whape next time.
The patrons of Little Salt Luke school
;btve decided to Itf'.ve a Christinas tree for
d!ie amusenient otyhe pupils.
.4 woman passed (through this neiglihor-
hvyl recently, wujering a gum ioat and
ridjlng a horse with a nian'n saddle on. 8hc
had & foot in each stirrup, greatly to the
aimwf'inent of some trf the young Canadi
ans wfeo had never seen . female twwboy.
The i.iid did no damage in this vicinity.
Old Dun Tucker visited Tennessee last
ii'ruiuy night, and was the guest of Mr.
Jtiin Simons. A party was given in honor
of Mr. Tueker which was well attended by
the young people of Tennessee. Air. Tuck
er thinks he will make this his future home
John I'm hits deserted the ranks of bachelor-hood,
and joined in the holy bonds of
matrimony with Miss Lena Wallace. The
young couple left for Hugcne tain Friday
where they will remain for a short time.
We are glad to leant that they expeet to
make Tennessee their futui'c homo. There
ure more of our young men afflicted with
t he matrimonial fever, which is now thought
to be contagious. Mr. V, U. Guess lias
been quite low with it for some ttiuc and
from the reuding of the Kxtkess of last
tvcekVe think the disease lias settled in his
right hand but we hope for no serious re
sults. A young man of Tennessee tells us ' that
Lebanon has no charms for him. He should
not be discouraged forthere are as good fish
in the sea as were ever caught out.
A tmiteh hunt is talked of to take place
Ohristmus day, between Knox's butte and
0. l' Bigboe and family paid Tennessee a
visit last week and wore the guests of Geo.
C, Ross, t 'luyhorue and Mr. Tucker enjoy
eii a good talk over old times at the party
I'Yiiluy night. ' ,
Lonu Fellka.
.In making the rounds of the towiji
we notice in the drug etoru of N. V.
(Smith a large atuc.k qf holiday (roods,
und all who expeet to make selections
in his line should call and examine his
stock. : 1 V
It is cold weather at; present but of court e
we all know that.
Itcv.' Iioworfox, presidii g cider of the
Evangelical Clutch, was holding quarterly
c rcting at this place Saturday and Sunday.
One evening lost week as Willie and Uuth
Hamilton were returnii.g home from sehool
their horse became unmanagable, throw ing
luith children. Willie eeaiil with slight
bruises, but ltutlt was njtso fortunate, she
getting an arm broken.
Mr. Kumbougli anil family have moved
to Albany. Mr. Ilruoks will occupy the
house vacated by him.
liov. A.. Tunnison, of Liberty, attended
the meeting Saturday and Sunday.
Messrs. Fondexte and Sohle of Prineville
started across the mountains Thursday, bat
finding the snow on Seven-mile mountain
toodce to cros, were comjielled to turn
back. They left again Friday intending to
go by the w ay of Portland and the Dalles.
Miss Alice Jackson is home again.
lif-.v. Mulkey will preach in the Swc
nwuevnurca oaiuruay evening, suliday
mwiuugateJeved o'clock and at seven in
t bt evening.
- t UNO.
What Khali I I)oY
These aauuy days are dreadful, and
at) iiiyl-theue evenings are so long, and
liiesedava are so short, whauhall I H..
j We heard Hie above remark as it was
iiude by one lady to another lady of
iiebauoii, and the only reply was; "It
S real dreadful."
We felt eul aorry for tiiose ladies, or
nattier for tJieir laste. We thought of
tiieauauy rich gems of thought, the
fiirjet clieup literature to be had,
choice Bemioiie and ezoellent Suuday
Scliwd literattire that could be bud for
the asking, (jhirious opportunities for
tiie practice of vocal and instrumental
musicaiid cultivation of the flue arts.
With such grand opportunities for
tbe getting of knowledge, such facili
ties for the cultivation of mind and
heart, aud then droll out, "What shall
I do?" sounds so silly uud rediculous.
There are enough waste moments and
hours hi Lebanon to make Brand men
und women of our boys and girls.
.itougn ot siauglitered time by our
young men, uud women too. to acini.
uiulate fortunes, und acquire the means
ior comtortuble living. Enough men
stand around the saloons of Lebanon
and kill time enough each day, if prof,
ilubly employed to make a coiriforta
ble living, to say nothing of squander
ed money, violated life and morals.
Let us answer the caption us best tve
can for eur dear young people.
1st. - Let all who can, attend the W.
0. T. TJ. reading rooms, read, studv
aud enjoy good company. Let some
oneswte. scttoolof practical culture
for tiie development of noble manhood
and the man who (jets this up will do
gaod aud make money. Let some one
start a night school iu bookkeeping, or
U you prefer, a general commercial
college. The uiau who would net un a
o r
school of this kind would confer a
great and lasting good, and pave the
way to usefulness for many un Idle
Let us have a class in voice culture,
no place on the coast needs this more
Jlian Lebanon; and nothing adds more
tothepleusureof refined society. Or.
organise s leading club or private lyce-
Let all good men aud women upen
wide their hearts, stretch forth their
anus ami help draw one young man
away from the saloons, and lift them
up to & higher and better life than
laying around saloons rainy days and
long evenings. ,
Tim Tii'PS.
The Exfitiiss office has keen doing a
good lot of job work for the past week
or so. We guarantee satisfaction.
Buhl & Pugh have settled
business iu earn"'' '
oouumuid their
The City Election. ,
The city election resulted In th'.
success of the Farmer's Alliance ticit-"
et, with a large majority. The new
officers will take charac of the City's
affairs the first Tuesday iu Jun'iuiry
Ih92. There were 170 votiS poled.
The following Is the way the vote t;od:
Farmer's Alliance Ttt.tet.
Mayor, L. Foley 107; (Jounciluien, Jo. ,
Elkids US, S. P. Bach MM, W. 1!. Don
am 110, J. O. Boyle 110. Itecinlerl.
W. Rice iOS, Treasurer J. A- .Uula-rls ' :
112, Marshal A. G. Williams 10.
Prohibition Ticket. : .. .
Mayor E. E. Montague 60, Couneilmen
R. C. Miller 65, J. Courtney bJ, A. :
J. Adams 04, E. It. Barker 60, Record-,,
er L. Gilbert 66, Marshal Z. T. liryant
64, Treasurer 0. A. Elsou 02- :
, Orego:4 on Wheels,' -
St. Paul GloW makes tile Mowing ,
mention of tho car, Orego t on wine's, ;
on its arrival in that city: !
Yesterday afternoon and evening the
elegant ear from Oregon wan thronged '
with visitors, every oneof whom spoke-" v
in highest terms of tbe exhibit. Mam- '
moth vegatables and fruit, a fir plunk
forty -seven Inches wide, Hilda uiagnif
I iant cabinet of of minerals are among
I the attractions. This afternoon from
twelve to four und this evenim? from
seven until ten will be the lust chance
for the citizens to visit the car,, us t '"
goes to Mineapolis to-morrow morning
and will exhibit there Friday and
Saturday. Major Weed and bf
slstants, Messrs. Johnson anil Weider
are very cordial and are having a kind
welcome for visitors. Origin on
Wheels, issent out by the Oregon state
board of immigration, and k imi t.- - -
vate enterprise nor a real estate boom- -
mgsciieme. itis a free exhibit. f th.t . ,
state, . '
We want every mother to know that
croup can he prevented. True crour.
never appears without a warning. Tl
first sympton is hoarseness!
child appears to have taken,.
cold may have accompanied the h
ness from the start. After that , L
euliar rough congh isdeveloped, which '
is rotiowed by the croun. Thn tim,. t
act is when the child first twcoinuB-
hoarse: a few doses of riinmUVininio ,
Cough Remedy will movent thenllunlr.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
lie aiseuse may be prevented by ltsi'itg
this remedy as directed. It has never
been known to fail. 60 cent and f 1
bottles for sale by M, A. Miller, the
druggist. ..."
Persons arriving from La Grande
state that the authorities of that place,
backed by a strong public sentiment In
view of the recent outrages cnuimittul
there and the recent disappcunanne of
two well known citizens of that place,
have given 'orders and are .enforcing ;
them strietlv. renulrinir all irnmhlers. - ( s
tinhorn hoboes, und rounders general-
ly, to leave the town. The gambling
houses have oeen closed and a peiiprnl
reformation has set in. Baker City
Ii, accordance with the custom in
Massachusetts two life prisoners were
pardoned on thanksgiving day. .There
was un exciting scene iu the peniteu-
tlary this year when theenvelopes were ,.'
opened and the names read out of two
men who had been in the prison betw
een eleven and twelve years. Both
had been convicted of murder under
extenuating circumstances. They &!'
licen model prisoners uno. their T
had beeu reconi mended by " w''
llcitils connected with
Their fellow - "