TERMS OF SUB iCKIPTlON. One. your . .,, ..,...ta oo (If paid In iidviuif ,vi iHiryi.ur.) Mi. mouth. ,, ( no Throe mounts .,.. r0 Biutle wiilt!N.... ,-,,.,,. ,,..,, 0t PROFESSIONAL. DR. C, E. DUCKET?, DENTIST, l.I!ANON,OUEOO?f. Office in ilmW)'Iioc Building. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, U'lUSHW, OKBQOK. J. K. WEJITIIERFORD, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALIiAKY, OREGON.'- W.R B1LYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. CEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney-at-Law AIM) KOTABY I'L'llMC, AUnuiy, Orcii. Will fmteliee in all tlie'Oourts nf tills Htiite. Outoe, Imul mount tivur bunk uf Orug-ou. A. F. 8T0WE, Attorney -at - Law, TITLES EXAMINED. Colh-i'llnnKflivnn mimtt and curt-fill attention. Will pnieticu in ull tne courts ul' llii' slate. OVPtOK lit HANSARD'S tlUKlR, I.K11ANON, OllEOON. .J.F.HYDE, Fotirj Pitlic and Collecting Agent, Jtwlleetqf the I'ohoc. Lebanon Precinat. Lebanon, Oregon. McGLURE'S Shaving Parlor, )'.lrMt 3oor North of Ht.ChurloM JiSutel. First-Class Artists in, attend anee. Sot and Cold JBmtlu with Shower at utt times. YllUK PaTUKNASB SoUtaTED. . S. H. Cowan ":. An Elegant -Display of MILLINERY of U Kinds, Hats trimmed in the LATEST STYLE, LA COMB. rain, still it ruins. The farmers took ad vantage oMhe fine wiwther last weufe, and most of tliem got their grain sowed. J. Hardin and J, K. Charlton wont to Al Imny the first of tfiy week. Jim "Milter has void his blacksmith shop to Mr. lifau'uni, who has moved in aud takeu poscsHion. Sir. Hooker nun his now residence almost completed. It is one of tlit finest houses in the MihurliH. Herbert Dwwninff lost a valuable horse lust week, it liaving not its Icr broken. TIhi Thanksgiving dinner at the school house was a grand success. The pujil ac quitted theniKolves very honorably and did credit to tlKsmaelves and teacher. There was aphiy-party at Billy Dowiiing's Thursday pvcmuk. Quit a iiuinbor of the young people attended. Some young mon came up ifn.nu 0, Itradley's (where they tried to have a dance) and attempted to brimk up'the party, hut they "got left" Kev. Norton hell services at the school house last Nuhliutli. Hunday before lust was Itev. J. K. Kirk iwtrick's day to preach at Lacomh, but he fulled to come. Maybe he thinks he preach ed enough in the summer to last all winter GonrffU ltradley in building a barber shop, lie will soon be ready to commence busi nerts. There was a social hop at Y'm. Buvage'B last Sat urday night. , C. A. Napian, HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS. You Should Seethe wonderful array of Holiday Goods at Julius Oradwohl's Bazaar, While in Albauy this week our at tention was attracted to the wonderful sUrck nf liiilidnv gixidswhich was found iii lJmJwlir Mantar. To try and de flcrHw what we saw in there would be beyond the question, for flue lamps Htigiiig or stand), bicycles, tricycles, velocipedes and toys of every descrip tion uud style. His shelves, counters Hnri every available space are filled Willi the choicest aud uioxt varied slock of Holiday goods ever seen in this val cy, -which consists of a beautiful as sortment of albums, plwsh goods, books aud rolled gold jewelry wuioli will do the same service as gold and coating one-tenth as much money, diamond cut jilns, rings, Bne umbrellas for holiday pres ents and novelties. His stock is now iu and holiday shoppers should Use uo time iu seeing his wonderful .array whloli Is not surpassed by any u the count-either in elegance or prices. One Dollar We.kiy. Buys. good Gold Watch by our Club System. Our 14-knrat gold-filled eases are warranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin or VVulUiaiu movement. Stew wind aud sot. Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to any $00 watch. To secure agents where wu have none, we sell one of the Huiitlng Case Watches for the Club price JiaUind send 0. O. U. by express with privilege of examination before pay lug fw same. Our ageut at Durham, N C, writes: "Our 'wul'.im have fi(mfBMid tlwy don'l know htm you (iim.iiirui.Hb such ivork tor Hit- uiou.-." Our Agaut at Heath Bprings, B. (J., writes: "Your wiUoltofl tako al nilit. Tho gyiitloniau who kuI tlie ilimt WAtt-li said tlitit lie uxauiiimU and (iriwil a.ttMveIt'r'H walnh.-s In L.ani!ftHU.'r, Unit weru nt laiUer.Uiatl youra, but tliu price vva 45." Our Ageut at Pennington, Tex., writes: "Am In rwielnt f Uio watli, aud am ileasod without uieoHiiro. Ad) wlio liuve huou U Hay 11 uiiiilU uo olioaii at $Ju." One good reliable Agent wanted for each pluee. Write for particulars, Empike Watch Co.e York. - 1 i" A Ticket given on tile piano villi every cash purchase at Klein Jtrus.' Boot & Shoe titore, Albany, Ore. Polite nttentinn mid good niensurv given ut Buhl & Pugli's. gettls Up.; All accounts remaining nu our books due uud unpaid on December 1st will be placed in the bunds of a collector alio collected at ouce. Making Men Good. A few weeks ago an article appeared in the editorial coluinnofllicExPHEsb inwliich this statement was made: "You cannot make men seller or moral by law." This utatemeiit was selected for a text, and affirmatively treated from one of the Leba--lion pulpits last Sunduy evening. The 20tlt chapter of Kx. was read for a lesson, and the law ou murder, on homicide, and the law of damage were all refld. We do not propose to take an "ipse dixit," nor an "exparte" statement, but to the law and to the prophets, "Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." In Gen. 2:16 we mid the law to Adam. Was lie made better? Let the wail of millions answer from the CHverns of despair. The law to Noah. Gen. 9:3, did he keep it? orwas he made moral or sober by it? Head the 24tk verse of this 9fh chanter: "And Noah awoke from his wine:"- dead drunk. In the lWth chapter of Ex. we have the mural law hi full, alsoiu De.:t. 5:6 the law iB repeated. This irfect law, (for it is perfect) demands entire obedi ence. Has any man kept it? IlidtheJews keep it? Let Ahab and . Jezebel, 400 prophets of Baal, answer. If tins is not complete, then let tJie sad wail of captive I Jews as they hang their harpsontlie willow j trees, in captivity, sing hack their mournful dirge of degeneracy. Will the reverend gentleman read the 3d chapter of Gal., luth and nth verses. "No man is justified by the law iu the sight of God; for as many as are of the works of the law are under the. curse." Then read James 2nd chapter and Will verse, "Fur wkosucver shall keep the whole law, aud yet olTend in one point, he is guilty of all." Now read Kom. 3d chap., and 20th verse, "Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight; fur by the law is the knowledge of iu." Now if we will read Eph. 2nd chap, and 15th verse we will nud how men are made sober, moral and better; "Having atiolisked in his iiesh the enmity, even the law of commandments, contained hi ordi nances, for to make in himself ul' twain one new man, so making peace; and that lie might reconcile both unto God m one body by the cross. "Whan to the law I fled It poured its curBes on my head." We et no better, not even sober, until we find Christ. Youetuieu to Christ and then you get them better, nd not till then; you get a mau converted and then he will stay sober and not tUl then, if once he has fallen. Yimi get men to accept Christ as their keep er of the law, then and not till then will the law makcthetu better; for "Christ is the end of the law to anyone that beJievetli,". ' Now if the reverend gentlema-n will read the entire 7th chapter of Hebrew he will find that if the law could reform men,, or man could have been made better by law, then there wwdd have beeu no Calvary no Cross and no' cleansing by UUe blood of Christ from all sin. We ImVe only examined the gentleman's theology, which is all full of mistakes and radical errors; but his mutilation of JJlack Btone was horrible; "conglomeration of dis jointed fragments" of trgreat author, li the gentleman will amend his theology, or answer, in the colums of the Express, our quotations of Holy Writ, wo will then re view his little knowledge of Blacksume.and also show how little he knows of civil law, in Oregon', making men better, We want no "ipse dixit," but facts. Kespeetfully, J. iL KlKKPATAICK. I'KNNIiSSEK. As I urn thinking of leaving Tennes see iu a very short time I will try and say suuiethlug for Tennessee that will perhaps help to elevate me to a higher oflloc. We are sorry to inform you that Mr. P. L. Wallace has not beeu very well for the past week. Mr. Jack Fox will soon be through digging potatoes. Spicer 1b building up rapidly. I be lieve before March next 1 will be able to sell my property iu Potutoville for a large sum of money. Mr. Allen, of Lebanon, bus moved to Tennessee. We are much pleased wlili the iticrease to our little town. Mr. Charley MeKuight acted as su- I perlnti'udeiitos'er our Sunday school lust bunaay. A young mau was seen walking the streets of Spicier asking a real small gentleman If he had seen anything of a white Horse. "Not to-day" was the reply. Y. C. Gums. J, H. Stlne, Formerly Editor of the Lebanon Express, Killed. . From Albany Herald. McMinnville, Or., Nov. 30. J. H. Stlne, editor of the Whiteson Advance, was shot lat evening by N. C. Cook, a section boss on the narrow gauge rail road. Cook then shot himself twice. Both men were killed instantly. Stlne, Cook, and a German section baud bad been to Amity on foot, a dis tance of three miles from Whitessn. When about balf way back on their return, Si ine walked about ten feet in advance of the others, Cook quickly, without warning, drew a, Smith & Wesson pistol and fired at Stine, strik ing him in the buck of the neck and breaking the spinal column. Turning the pistol ou himself lie fired one shot inlo his breast, missing thehcartabnut two inches. He then placed the pistol to his temple and fired a second shot through his brain. The section hand, thinking his time had also come, started to run at the first shot and did not stop until he girt to Whiteson. A squad of men returned and found imtli men dead. No cause is known for the deed, ex-opt it was a sudden fit of mental aberration. Cook has been act ing singular for some days, and did not work Friday und Saturday. The section hand with them said that he had taken but two drinks of whisky during the day and showed no signs of intoxication. The men were good friends, and always on the best of terms. They were talking pleasantly at the time if. the shooting. They were both about 48 years of age aud veterans. Cook belonged to Company A, Thirty- fifth New Jersey Infantry of Trenton, and Stiue to Company D, Second Penn sylvania cavalry. Nothing Is kuovyn of Cook's family relations. He wag brought here by the coroner last ijight, and hundreds visited the remr.lns to day. He was a flue physical upecimeu. btine leaves a wife and one child. He was a good writer, au able country edi tor, and bad been connected with papers at Independence, Grant's Pass, St. Helen's, Lebanon, Brownsville and other points. He will be burled at In dependence, where he was married a bout six years ugo. Cook, the suicide, was a member nf Lincoln-Garfield ' post of Portland They have been notified of his death. His remains were sent to Portluud on the afternoon train. Mr. Kditob; v . -'' As we are just outside of the city limits we will not be entitled to help make the utyjatners. However we are deeply in terested in ail that pertains to the welfareof Lebanon, and consequently feel a deep in terest jn the election. The past year has been one of unexam pled prosperity to our young, but growing city; and to our mind and way of thinking, then is no one who lias contributed more to this prosperity than our present board of Mayor, councilmen and other citv otfieo. w i lieve all good citizens (not blinded by preju dice) will cheerfully say, "well done, good and faithful servants." Our e,,v riMU,.0 are in a most excellent condition, a wonder- lui amount of improvements have been made, and the interest of the tiuawn have been faithfully guarded, and the rights man maintained, The charge that our citv oill,.or tlieinflueuceof the saloons, or that they connive at violations of the law, is an impu dent and unwarranted assertion. If Leba non has any better-men or more competent material for otticis, ,we have failed to nutn, their acquaintance We have the fl'ejifU respect for ministers aud a profound reflate for their callb but we ftu'l to see f. understand their nectiun witb Ije'gjvernwent of the their ujtwi ru,.I,, t. v .1, groat evil, the saluons a great c would gladly sec the safoo . but we think it wimid lid ofter erance and pro' wor Mr respect' . y - tb ' ,:, CRAHTRKC. There is so little going on in this part of . the "Moral hejitage" that it seems almost folly to try to get Items enough together fur a readable letter. - ; The "patter of the rain upon the rouf still continues at intervals, and a longer or harder "rainy spell" doea not seem to be re called to the memory of even the proverbial "oldest inhabitant." : Ail sorts of out-door work has ceased for the present. Fortunately the W rains have been warm and what grain h&u been sown before the rains is looking splendidly. Feed, too, has kept good, and stock of all kinds is doing well. The wild geese also are doing well, and are mure nu merous than we care to have them. , Thanksgiving passed off quietly with no other demonstration than a few family dir.- ner parties. , ' School has begun In Dist. Ko. 4 with Mr. Chase, late of Nebraska, as teacher. t The new church building is being ener getically pushed forward, and if nothing ur;"' foreseen transpires will be ready fur "jg,,' a short time. The burning of (he Seio rf.rSfiife js the -chief topic of conversalio.n no. There is not a family but what regrlTd iti-tb some ex tent, an individual los j. A good many farmers had their wliea' t for the year's Hmir in the mill when it bo Expressions ofy sympathy are heard onau sjles for Messrs. Coins & Gamble, i' i their misfortune. : Heal estate ha- lbwm cn(lgig hands here , , some lately. J Jr Vm Hart htt9 9oW j,;., t farm to a pr whose name we did not. J learn. Mr. g-ans,,,, has sold a one-thin' , interest ir ,t jlis arm (formcriy owned by the late Jar p,T Cratptrce) to a Mr. Harsburgh. s' W- '.dailies has sold sixty acres of his old honl 4 place to Joseph Poiudexter. G. C, on has sold two hundred and forty aeres- the Elliott farm to E. A. Moon, of Moon's - landing, California'. . We undersMndi the " "New Moon" will not be visible lnjre (or at yeartocome. Mrs. A. B. Morris, of Albany, visited tho family of J. P.C'rabtree, Sunday and Nun day. D. F. Crabtrce, of Lebanon, was down Friday to visit his brother, Uncle Johrny Crabtree, who Is very (eeble. I 8. W. Gaines and daughter Ida are up on a visit from Hubbard. ' John Callavan is very low of tyihold 't fever at ahe residence of Mr. John Bi'lj eu, f, Last week the Eureka meat market M ? was again closed on account of not gt t s ting sufficient support. : ? s Dr. Taylor, who was formerly located W here as a dentist, wus in town the first of the week on a visit. The Doctor has. r been In the Brining business of late, -and judging from the chunk nf -golii he carried with him we would judge old. jj he has been pretty successful, llit'y Mr. J. A. Beard, now of Portland, was in town Sunday. Mr. Chas, Miller returned home Tuesday from a short stay iu Portland. Mr. E. Caso and wife returned home, Monday from a visit tb Junction Cit. Pumps down to Albany prices' Black pipe 12j cts, At F, C. Ayer A Co. '6. Don't go to the, trouble to run altc 'un over the town for what you want, bjiff go direct to Buhl & Pugb and get w lit ued to you want iu the grocery line. Their visit iu stock Is large and well selected. For Ike next sixty days we will i fb spending tombstones and monuments for ..,. An.nnv cent less thau our regular prief 'uuu' t you need anything In our line, jr given by the ' "!' y E. W, Achisos i Church last' '" .;' ' ' r and proved ' wm visit)! , .,ut or uuy vs real eatf filially. I ;'- 'V -tin., 5 ; :'V; .''''