The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 27, 1891, Image 8

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    . r,,..
iLion Express.
....Villi, NMITIl
0. W. Cltl M
(. M 1 lTAliL
UliBHAL .,.
f LJvo. Jb,i.lvlon.
iCitv Council meets oil the itrat and third
ffnesrtav evemnjrs ot each month.
VN ORDINAKEK relating to citj elcc.
..xv' turns and tb-. citv orjpiomitioti, and
-. the miiiiuT:cf conducting elections
. within the ornoratc limits of the city
of U'hunon. -
This I iiii'i.Eorciii city or Lkbanon do
bEi-HOKl. TJiaJ ifci the purpose of llitt elections thos-iiv of Lebanon shall
he. ami the saiiiettterehy divided into, but
one ward and no iwire.
fcsc. 2. The aimou . lection of the officers
of soul citv ahull be iift'd on the first Momluv
f lAwoiber ot eacbyeor, and tin; poll
HU he opened at the.bour of mm o'clock
,1. and closed ot ilt. hour of sis o'clock
. J, . Provided, thai :tkie judacs ninv, for
purpose of nmxav votes, allow flic
" Jjgniaw oin mm! the hourof seven
evening of.sciil duv; and the
,llol Ijcehwed ifcom nine o'clock
-. .. until six o'clock P. M. of anul day ex-
:Jcr the sows of aue.-ipnr from taclve
If- until one ochjott P. it. of said
c, J. It shall be tli .aVv of the ltc-
;. jB'W' U r'W'c IKO fob Jfnoks for .well.
section, which shall he .delivered to the
r-jndues of "lection when tu aiC sworn la ns
such judgee. .
Sec. I .1; shall be the jduij fit the Mar
shal of suid,-,y to scethatthe u'sceselectetl
f a Vutiii; mux is properly iiujiished with
J thatcvorui,uev.Maryiortlieaceijiiiiodatlon
otthc jiiJscsaiid . clerks ol tho elKf lion.
htc. 5. fenfiu-au the annual auction is
not provided forty this ordinance, it shall
jf abhirascireunuHHiwsmll admit, jw con
I, ducted according Ui the laws of this state.
riKulatnip the elest,ins for state amUpuntv
Oiheei-s; Provided, that this ordinance .shall
,let tie so construed m to make tho Aus
, i.dian ballm system mfnreein theelectens
j.wd in said city m pursuance of this ordi
nance. i. ; 0. Lath voter moat be a qualified
!" U' ot the state of Oregon, jind al-o rouit
Java resided in tlie city three months next
rcduic the election.
kSi. J. Hereafter there shall to chosen
it the t'""" flection one Mavois one Re
corder one' """'M' ""d "e Ireasiircr, to
aiT.... . 'van Art one vear. and also four
Iu, jnc h-.
eopnci.meIli tose," W t!lc term of "e
mt each. Each officat, Vitag
privilics ofan elecU. lu" ,m,e
'"f I in the citv three inont c!rt PIce-
elcction. In addition " 'iu""-
Mhiia hciorc stated, to be eteKib-, "
t'C of couiicil-mun, a person nius. w4fe
,i-est'!nt ot the ward from which
jig the election.
council man re-,
iVcs fio.ti th wan f,m wiuci, ),e was
f.ivi sill full to attend the council for
' T'w regular consecutive meetings thereof
' 'thout first obtaining permission for such
ftcncf from the council, the otllce shall be
i. )cj'i4,v;tcant. and the conncil shall pro
(st'dwJi)l surii vacancv by appointment of
'.: ronie resident ot the city or ward, properly
I ijiiiilifU'il to riold such office.
lac 6 t the hrst regular meeting ol the
' -founcilm hovemlierofeach year, or at a
s" ial meeting thereafter, called (or that
purjuwe the council shall aioiiit three
Arsons from each ward m the city, whoare
id rot'-rs thereof, to act as judges of clec
jj! arfi ahull also attlifsnnietiiiieappoiut
o iM'rwm.s from each ward, to actas clerks
'ieli'Uon- who shall possess the some
tliiiMttiiiiMi as the judges, ,.
ic. 10. If snv iserson apiwwited hy the
W'll as judge of election shall fail to be
w at the place of voting at the tune
.-en the imlis shoiitd ) oiieiwd, thevoters
'Hiwrc present shall select judges, who shall
bt, v .ten of the city. who. when qualified,
iMrill conduct the election the same as It ap-
j minted bv the council: and.if any clerk of
Vderifon ahali fail to attend and serve at the
,"'j.( )' time, the judges of election may ai-
:tfir snotiier m Ins stead.
Br'- 11 Previous to the votes or ballots
"ing taken or received, the judges aud
.eka ot eWi lion shall severally take and
critic to an oath in the following form,
-t- "J do wileiiinly swear (or affirm, as
se mav !') that I will well and fauli
crfofni t he duties uf judge ot election,
rk Of election. aMlie case may be)
'. " ; ; to the law. to the best of my abll
' - J will faithfully endeavor to pre
s ", di'icit anil aliiise in cuiKiudilig
. ' '" i the iicat of my. ability, so help
c Jiw-nnter, or unv person
' ,iii.iui.i' oatns. shall swear
iffkcsi..! clHrii.i of eiK'lJon, and in
iM,.iliw.,.eof the Hecorder. or any
't!!l,'i!lf; ,1 n!,.(,itinM)(.'l's0ilSt-llOSI.'ll
t l ; l , , s I 111 HllpOW-
iii.-i.i,.,)! :.,, (), t tne judges
"i'liuii, ami ttte (icrsoil ad-tci-i
xtrfc will -hall eausc an entry
.eiiini-in w luuiie yud stlliscrllicd to
... 'ifiiii :.T-bH'd iu the poll laaika.
' .:iii. i-otiia-ilM.all i:!ect one lll-
.ini place ill each ward, at which place the
ewction shall lie held, and ton br's before
aiv regular election the Recorder shall fitvc
notice of such eleclion by printed poatersiin,
each ward, which notice shall dcuimtcitlic
phe" of holding the election, tlw time of
oponiitg and closing the polls, tlwntliaomto
lie elected and the names of the judges and
clerks, lie shall aWo at least fix days fie-.
fore such election, notify the judge ami
;cleik of their appointment as such.
Sfc'C. M. The judges of election hall mil-.
iniuisler the followiii(r oath to atyr jicraon
whiiK'Vote is challenged: "You do ul:
emuly swear (or allimi, as the east may bo)1
mtH on are a citizen of the United States,
or tbat you have declared your in6eu.tion do;
bwioaw such, above the age of twenty-one'
yenne that you have resided in tL state
for sut months, and in this city fur tlvro
lnontifn, and in Ibis ward for three .mouths
last past and preceding this election, ao'help
yon Uod." That if any irsou nAMM to
takeaMoh oath when tendered him bis vrrte
shall bo rejected hy the judges of election.
6g. i'lf The clerks shall keep a record in
the ia.. books of the names of the raters in
Ike-order in whieh they shall vote.
Bec. at'. On or before the second iIot ardor
any oitelectiun, returns of said election
hall uejuade to the Itecordor, and on the
fourth.iiiy after the returns ore in, the He-
corder surtll call to his assistance (he Majwr,
and ihfiv.tiball proceed to canvass the vote
Ai the nojtf regular meeting of the aenndl,
a written statement must be made to 4he
conncil, SipiK-d hy thecanvassers.giviugtlis
wlaaie nuittiisr of votes cast, the number
out for each person for any ohice, and the
liamea of tho' elected to each otllce.
Bm. 17. Aifr.-r the votes are tantnted the
ReeorderalwH issue certilicates of elortioii
to tut Jrso5, elected, which certllitntei
shall be priniarj evidence of the facts thrn
inconUined;,in the council shall be the
final jottee of..tb. rtunliMiom andeledimi
of its ovn iiieinbtrs, and in ca-cof a con
test betwnen twuot more jiewooa claiming
to be elected thorsw, must determine the
same hy a of the nieniliers of
the council.
Sac. 1H. Iti case of. contested election of
Mayor, Recorder, Marflfaal or Treasurer, the
same shall be drterminwi by the state laws
regulating coiitwted ciwions of county of
ficers. Sac, 19. In cast tworiw more jiersons
shall at any election receive an equal num
ber ami the highest numtioi of votes for the
same office, the Recorder li$i notify them
ot the tact at once and at tlie same time ad
vise them of the next refrular inavtingof the
council wiien the ease atill lie considered by
lot. And the Mayor and Recorder shall
(Certify to the city council the fact af there
Wing a tie vote, and at the tirst regular
meeting of the council thereafter the Jte
cordcr shall write the names of such candi
dates on separate pieces of paicr and jiut
tlicm In a hat or box, oral put into another
hat or Ihm the ame number of pieces of
paper. On one shall be written the name of
the office for which they are candidates.
and after the hats or boxes arc thoroughly
imgen by two couiicilmen separately, two
other couneilmen blindfolded, shall draw,
in tshe presence of the othercouncilmen.oue
a par from one hat or box and the other
-,'Kn th othc hat r box, and so on until
tW i 'tr is drawn on which the name of
t)( fflffice is written and the person wIiojc
"""" Hrawu ogaimt that, slum be de-
Unti(I tit ii.o .tfflno Jr. o,l.0i;n j.a IF
chiredc. '---" .
he had receive. nmJ"rly the TOt(a
t n. annual electio!!, ami the Jteeorder
shall issue a ccrtillcate accordingly.
8ac.. Anvcai.diiii:"'"111
.... ... : In
a certdicatc ot election anil iiitcnoi..0
contest Ihc election of the candidate in
whose favor return of election has been
made, ahall, before thenext regular meeting
of the city council, file with the Hecorder a
notice of his intention to contest, addressed
to said council, stating therein-the points or
grounds on which he will contest the lame.
' Sac. 21. The city council shall then ap
point a committee of their own members
consisting of not less than two couiicilmen,
to take and examine testimony in regard to
said contest and repurt thereon at some reg
ular meeting thereafter; "Provided, that the
points on which the contest is made are
such that they deem it necessary to
take testimony; said committee shall give
five days notice to both parties of the time
and place where such hearing will be had,
and alter concluding the liearing of the ti
iroony thereon they shall report the result
0 the council with a brief review of the
testimony elicited, and the reasons of their.
decisions, and therefrom the content ahall
be finally decided by a vote of the council, i
unless they determine to re-examine the '
testimony themselves before -aw deciding,
which they may do by renewing the five
days notice to the parties interested?
8hj. K. The residence of any voter under
the provisions of this ordinance shall be
deemed to be where his family resides II be
has one, and in ease he has no family, where
he boards.
Sue. 23. Any crsoii who shall wilfully
vote at any city election illegally, not being
a legal voter in the city, or who shall vote
or attempt to vote more than once at any
city election, shall, on conviction thereof
before the Recorder's court, be fined notless
than fifty ilollars nor more than one hun
dred dollars, and in default of the payment
of such line he shall be committed to th
city jail not to exceed thirty days.
Bsc. 21. Judges and clerks of elect
for city officers shall be allowed a fee of twt
dollars per day for their services and after
each election the Kecorder shall make oul
an account and return it to the council, of
those who served as judges and clerks, and
their chums shall he audited aud allowed as
lOther claims against the city are allowed by
the council,-' .
Hhc.25. The terms of all offleenieliidlcnni-
nicuce on the llrstTuesdavof January,aftnr
the election, and terminate when their mic-
censors are respectively elected and duly
.qualified; and by such time thaoltieur must
qualify therefor, by takiiigatioathuuddlltug
i the same with the Recorder as hereliiidter
provided, or he shall be deemed to Ium'C tie-
elined and the olllcc'to 1 vacant. Thcterm
of oftice of any person appointed toiin oHlce,
shall begin on the day following such ap
poiutment and terminate when his amices.
sor is elected and qualified, and such officer
shall qualify on such day, by taking .and
lUiug such oath of otllce with the Recorder,
and giving such ofllciul undcrtakingas may
ilio.mpilred, or lie shaR lie deemed to have
declined, and the ofllce cousidered vnennt.
.-'Skc. 2fL Allofflcen, elected or apjiointed,
uinder this ordinance, bclore entering upon
Uiie duties of their olHcc, shall take, aub-
scribe and tile with the Hecordor the follow
iing.onth of oHlec, to-wit: "I, , do
solemnly swear (or atllrm as the case mav
be) that I will supHirt .the constitution of
the- nited States, and of tho State of Onv
gon,jind that 1 will to the beat of my aldU
ty,:ffeithfully perform the duties oftneaitnce
of-., of the city of Ilianott, during
my ediitinuoiice thertun, so help me fod."
If the ierwm afllrms, instead of the last
chtuisc-ithe following musl be taken, u-wit;
"And.tbis I promise under the paina .and
lciialtiea.of perjury,"
Skc.37. All laws of this shitu regniaiiiig
:and gnvetniiig geueml elections in this
tnU, aud proceedings and matters iuciiieiit
thereto, shall apply to and gnver.-t cityelec
.tions in of Udmuon exceptas other
.wise provided by this ordinance.
jWkc., 28. Al' ordinances and parts nfor
(uittiiicej in Cflfillict herewith are hereliy re-
Sm,'. 29. This ordinance shairiie in fill)
foriie and effect twin ami after its approval
by the Mayor.
Appwved this iaUidnyof Nov.. A. D Mil,
Sf. i. Miukb,
Attests Clao. W.'naci, t'ity Itccorder.
Iiisiiro yuur houae with Pi'tcmin &
Carpenter & Builder.
Alfkinds Repairing & Jobbing
Done on Shortest Notioe.
Shop on Main Street, Next Door io
Tailor Shop,
JjmdOffifeatOmjfonf'Hjr, Oregon, )
November .'J.lMtl.
- Nollca if htrehy frfreli thrttUiefoliowiiiK-imtmril
Wfttlcrlm tiled imtfre of lit Intention to nmko.
tlnalproof ini(i,)ortofhlii claim, ant) that tuilil
proof will be mmle before the County Clerk of
Linn fondly. Oruguu, at Albany, Oregcu.un Janu
ary 4, w, viz:
Pre-emption J). 8. No. 707-1, for the N. W. of
See.4Tp. It. 2. K.
He HH;iiili' followinfrwltnfffwit to pmv his
crmthiiiiui rufiileiiW! njion unit etiltivatton of, wild
UikI, viz: Jiimwi W. KwIiik, tieiw L. Hale. Hhhi
uel tiarlHiiil ituiUiimw MulvohliJ, nil of lbuimn
K 0., Unn Co., (reim,
AntmrW. Ooilfruy whoflWd P. H. No. fM, will
take nniUti, anU know why utkl ntrj' shmilil itul
bd alltiwetl,
. 3. T. Al'I'BUPOJJ, '
LAitd OJUco at Oregon f'ity, Oregon, I
Oel. 20, mi, i
Notice 1b Iwreliy jrlvcn lhnt the loliowliiK-iwineci
nettiei Inih llled tmticuC lii" iiiiontiun W to&Q
liiml proof tn hhiwoC hi claim, taud that sfli'l
proof will lie nnwle before the ItenMer and Be
wiver of the t.'. H. Ijuid ufliee l iJreKou City, Or
agon, on I'eo. 12, m, via;
Pre-emption 0. 8. No. for IheflK
U, T U b. K 1 K, He ttamea the followiiiK wtt
neiWft lonrovt: lilHcofiliiiuoutrecldcncif nini anrl
cultivation of wifd Innd, viz; If. P. Cameron,
Arthur rVrrln, M. J. Cturott ainl J.l?. Crne, all
of La CamttK, Linn county, Oregon.
J. T. Al'lOTON,
The Yaquina Route.
T. E. Hogg, Raoalvar,
'','. ANI
Oregon DcvelopmentCo'sSteamshp Line
226 Miles ehorterl 20 Hours Less Tlmel
T lian by any other ilotite.
From Portlaud and all points In the Willamette
Valley to and from ban Kmneiseo, Cat.
TIME SClll'.miLE (Except Sundays.)
7:01 A .M I l.v Albany U.". I' .V
l,v iViinillis....H)Jl'i A M hv Corvalll" 1 :( 1' M
Ar Alliaay., A M 1 Ar Yaidna -tiiVlPM
0. C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallte.
The above tiains collneet at Ytmninft with the
Orexiui Development Onmpany'" Hue at Hleani
stiips liiilween Vunilinaanil Sim Fraiieisw,
8. 6. Willamette Valley
WI1.I. Mll-
rcow Tsqiifns !"' '' '"J PM-
f 'mia lUn 'Mihe Nov. I. . 13 aim lice. 2.
This company n'rr- tlw rlM chaime nail
lug dales without uotlee,
Tfli K. llliAll.
C C HOUtlK, lieuerol Maum(r.
U t ill'. Aasnl. Canalhs, Ur.
We carry a Full Line 'of SHELF HARDWARE
Tho Fluent Lint; of CARI'l'XS
Brouulit to
I have just received my Fall and Winter stock, which
is by far the largest ever brcught to the valley con
sitting of dry goods in all its branches, groceries, boots
and shoes, etc., viz:
Cttrpt'tH and Uiliulstory, !iiiiknt, Flnnnula, Dross Gmxln, Hluuvls,
Cloulo, I'luliirweiir, C'tiiTots, Wimlons, Cluiikinos, Wliiu- (iimdn, Linens'
Ciinglianm, I'riiitu, (llnvoB, Hiwiury, Huiitlkoroliievrit) and Trimming.
AIko a lurgo Btut'k of (iroiHtrii'tj mid u full lin of Umitfl and SIiiich.
Samuel E. Young.
H.R. HYDE, Proprietor.
A 1'1'l.L LI'EOF
We malfo a Riiociiilty of UNDERTAKING. ChIIh ans
wered night or day.
I have aLARdK STOCK of IUUCK, for saki at my
Yard, in the suburbs of 'Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable
Rales. All kind of niason'it woik done with neatness and
despatch. D.W. HARDEN.
v ;':-;: e. goa.n;s;:.';
: COME OHF; l-OMS IhV, l'tAMJCi' MILL' '.running in full oa
pacity.. U.SOEtn'AKIKH.f f. imaH.-.-. : :
MA'N t".T. , - - i u.a.JN, OR.
Lebanon, . " ,
Me a Call.
... . v..
if." r